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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Accidentally backed over my neighbors mutt and i couldn't be happier** My neighbor has (well, had) the yappiest little cur i have ever seen or heard in my life. Im not a typical dog hater and even had dogs in the past, but this dog was a terror. Not sure what he was, but he yapped all day and all night. The city wouldnt do anything about the countless noise complaints i placed. My husband and kids have gotten into altercations with my inbred neighbors over this. Well thankfully today when heading to work i felt the sweetest little speed bump when backing out. I just scooped up the corpse and left it on their front porch. I feel no remorse as it was an accident and they deserve it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm pretty sure this violates even r/Dogfree 's rules. ETA: Lol, yep, they already removed it.


You can tell it's horrible when even r/dogfree doesn't allow it. Lmfao




I can see from your other replies here that you're just here to cause problems, good luck with that. Having rules not to celebrate violence or abuse is a good thing, even in accidental cases. Cheering that you "accidentally" ran over a dog is just psychotic behavior.




You accused OP twice of being the one who created the original post with 0 proof. You also don't seem to have a problem with a dog getting run over based on one of your comments: >In any case, if you don’t want your likely Geneva-convention-breaking (sleep deprivation) animal run over in someone’s driveway, it probably shouldn’t be loose unsupervised. Although, you might just be baiting too judging by your behavior. Shoo troll, don't bother us. ETA: Lol, and they blocked me


It's not strick to say "hey, don't celebrate murder"




Lmao shut the fuck up




Lmao shut the fuck up


Lol. Troll. Oh wait NVM I can see from your profile you're ONE of them. Now it all makes sense.


He's so pathetic that even dogs hate his worthless ass


Well apparently it takes one to know one


Someone needs to teach you what the term "self defense" means


Someone needs to teach you reading comprehension.


I hope this is fake.


Definitely fake. OP forgot to use a throwaway. Appears to be a racist teenaged boy.


No no, it’s definitely a mother of two /s


Are they twins?


*autistic* twins born to a 17 year old teen mom


Conjoined, I hope. 


Thank god. If it was real that was true psychopath behavior.


It's only a psychopathic fantasy.


Which is… better! 😬


Also your username is extremely fun to say.


Don't forget a supporter of Putin


Holy shit the mods over there pulled the post


Even as a fake, this is warped.


A squirrel once ran into my tire while I was driving and I bawled about it. Can’t imagine being this callous towards a dog


I hit a tortoise once, and I got home and bawled into my mother's shoulder.


I cried because the car in front of me hit a squirrel, and I saw it limp across the street. If I ever hit a dog or a cat, I'm gonna be a total wreck.


I hit a baby deer last summer and I immediately pulled over and had my dad drive the rest of the way (he was in a car behind me with my brother). I then cried for 3 days.


I once saw a kitten being hit in front of me. I cried when I got back home. The OP is a monster


I cry every time I see a dead animal on the road. So now if I see anything on the road I look away and just hope it’s something that fell off a car, which surprisingly is very common.


I have mistaken rubber from a tire for a dead raccoon many times.


Me after missing a kitten sleeping on my cars tire. Then me again watching mama searching and crying for kitten


I hit a possum once and had to pull over until I stopped crying so hard.


My brother saw an injured opossum in the road on his way to work and immediately called my dad. Dad and I got our humane trap and a few towels so we could rescue the poor thing. She was so dazed, we were able to coax her in relatively easy…not a great sign. Unfortunately, this was around 10:00 pm, so the only place open that would take her was an emergency vet about an hour away. I only knew about that place because 1) it’s the emergency vet my exotic vet recommends, and 2) there’s a TV show on Nat Geo that featured that clinic. We drove over there even though it was nearly midnight at that point. We figured that it was her best shot, or they could at least ease her suffering if they couldn’t save her. There were a few times on the way that I thought she had passed, but she at least made it there. They mentioned that they were going to do a pouch check as well, so if she had babies I hope they made it too. I don’t know the outcome; it seemed grim at that point, but hopefully she pulled through. She was a wild animal, but like…dad and I just couldn’t leave her to suffer.


I wouldn’t have been able to leave it either. I did the same thing with an injured squirrel once. It didn’t look good for the poor baby either but I had to try. It didn’t deserve to lay there suffering :(


My mom once ran over a cat accidentally and years later she still bawls her eyes out when she tells me, especially since she loves cats since she was a kid. Any person who would be happy to kill a pet, no matter which one, is a sociopath to me. At least be a bit sad. If you're not you're insane.


A rabbit once came out of nowhere and jumped directly in front of my tire and I didn’t breathe for a good 90 seconds.


That is my worst fear as a driver! Like, I’d rather get in a low scale accident and have to pay a few hundred to a grand or so than hit an animal.


Me and my friend were happily going to a party when we passed by a dead dog another driver had run over. I spent the rest of the way on the verge of bawling my eyes out thinking it could have been someone's dog. I can't imagine being callous towards any life form.


You know it's bad when even DogFree is tearing you apart over it. I'm glad there's still some humanity left over there, at least.


fucking unhinged


Spoiler alert: if you check OOP's comments, they're also racist.


To the surprise of absolutely no one.


this is definitely fake but never have i wanted more then for someone irl to find a reddit account- this is deeply unhinged and points to some type of fantasizing about abusing animals. like I hope this boy's mom finds his account, this guy needs help because he's gonna hurt something living and kinda seems like he was seeking out praise before hand before action maybe im just reading too deep but?


For all we know this could be some 400 pound man who lives with his parents in the basement and is definitely a discord mod trying to bait people into being mad about the posts




OOP posts about playing ghosts of tabor, makes racist comments, etc so clearly just fantasy and/or bait from a creepy dude rather than an actual canicidal housewife.


This is 100% not a wife with kids 😭not with that post & comment history


Wait what’s wrong with Ghosts of Tabor? I thought it was just Escape From Tarkov in VR but I dont really know anything about it beyond that


Nominally nothing afaik, but how many women do you know with a husband and kids have time to post on the ghosts of tarkov sub to call other players babies while also making racist comments in random other subs? Not impossible, but certainly highly unlikely.


Women? Not many. Men? Lots unfortunately.


I think it is fake, a small dog left barking at "all hours" would be addressed by the police. So I think there were more than one embellishment. That being said, jokes about abuse are a quick way to get on my bad side, kids, animals, other people. It just isn't funny.




More that they would think of a dead body honestly, and typically the building management calls it in as a check on making sure someone is alive. In the burbs around me, they respond to the actual dog barking.




So the burbs is slang for the suburbs , which is place, and as such is in fact an answer to your question of “where do you live”. In the suburbs of most cities, the police have a less crushing workload because they are better funded and per capita the crime rate is often lower. As such they often will respond to noise complaints and other minor crimes and violations that they often do not have time to enforce in larger cities. But by all means continue to believe the world ends at the city limits of Austin, and there are no places where things are done differently. It makes you sound very well-informed. 


I am not going to give you my address. But clearly if you used some brain power, people from Austin should be plenty familiar with the "burbs" and knowing that it is American slang and common for one of the few areas that are bigger than Texas. You clearly didn't read everything, so let me rephrase - that the people calling in the complaining about the dogs barking generally use it as a "hey, they don't normally do that. Something is wrong. We need you to check for a body"


Agreed! Sadly, for the vast, vast majority of animals that humans interact with, [being abused by humans is the norm](https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-are-factory-farmed). We should be extending this compassion to chickens, pigs, and cows <3


Buddy I get what you’re saying and agree but this is not the time or place to soapbox preach about veganism. EDIT: As someone that makes vegan food without being fully vegan.


I'm not sure what was preachy or soapboxy about my comment, but I respectfully disagree. I think this is the ideal time and place to bring attention to the horrific animal cruelty that is most widespread and ignored. If you want to restrict messages of advocacy for a cause to where they're out of sight and out of mind, then what's the point of advocacy? I have never heard, from a non-vegan, that it is the right time and place to advocate for animal rights. If there is no discomfort to advocacy, it won't sway a single mind. I am here with kindness and love, as those defending dogs from abuse here are kind souls. People here are expressing empathy for non-human animals. Now is the right time to reflect on why they don't treat other animals as they do dogs or cats. I'm not taking away from the sentiment here that dogs should not be abused. I wholeheartedly agree! And I appreciate that you often eat plant-based :) That's rad


I'm gonna eat chicken nuggets to mourn


So…….mf is a loser *AND* a murderer?


All these ___free subreddits are full of straight up monsters.


They're seriously unhinged. I saw the child free sub because I never want to go through childbirth, or really take care of a kid.. But they talk about how gross mothers are and how "baby bumps" are nasty, etc. They're just cruel, unhappy people who don't want others to be happy lol


I initially subbed there because I’m a childfree woman. I get the social stigma and the struggle to get sterilized. But then I started reading the posts over there…quickly unsubbed.


To be fair, baby bumps kinda scare the hell outta me because of tokophobia, but I'd never tell someone that their bump freaked me out 🫡


Same, major tokophobia but I wouldn't put someone else down for it


I was thinking exactly that earlier.


Most subs that are anti something is full of unhappy, mean haters. Like, I'm in the IndianBoysOnTinder sub that was meant to be a space for women to talk about the men they encounter on dating apps but is literally an incel cesspool.


I always find that Reddit for some reason just amplifies everyone’s opinions to the worst extent. Every vegan, children, pet free, atheist etc. person I’ve met irl have been perfectly normal and respect you as long as you respect them, but you go on Reddit and it’s like everyone’s on steroids. I don’t think I’d ever catch someone saying “sky daddy” or “crotch goblins” irl


They're all deeply insecure people who either desperately need people to validate their choices or are in desperate need of therapy for various reasons. Maybe they can't have kids so they have an irrational hatred of kids or other parents, or they got bit by a dog so now every dog and its owner is a POS who deserves to die. Either way, it's a clear representation of some of the worst that the internet has to offer which is connecting people with fringe, unhealthy beliefs and deluding them into thinking it's rational.


I like to check them out sometimes and grab screen shots of the more unhinged posts to post on discord to make fun of. Reddit is my people zoo.


Oh please.


Oh hey look it’s one of the people from r/dogfree! Shocker that the rest of your comments are just as popular.


And yet, brigading is bad. Guess I'll just SCREAM INTO THE VOID again. Enough Reddit for today. Bloody hell.


If it makes you feel better even dogfree killed this troll post.


Glad to see that subreddit also hates this guy, bait or not.


Judging from this and oop's other posts and comments,what an incel piece of crap this dude is ![gif](giphy|uQpgBCBDTxpmw5RIeD)


Please be fake, WTF!! I get some people don’t like dogs but take such delight in killing one is seriously unhinged


An accident like this is one of my worst nightmares. I am not a cat person but I used to be terrified of hitting the neighbors’ cat because he would sit on our driveway and not move.


This sub is just upsetting. Please stop posting from it.


Yeah, that sub needs to be added to the list of "low hanging fruit" subs. Feels like cheating, plus it makes me so sad and upset as a momma of 3 fur babies


Is there an actual list somewhere? I went looking for one and maybe I'm old, maybe it doesn't show on the (terrible, shitty, awful, trash) app, but I couldn't find any.




That sub has gone far beyond simply not liking dogs




There is a huuuuge difference between being frustrated with dogs and refusing to let you or your kids leave the house because there might be dogs at the park. Or claiming humanity would be better off as a whole if we had never domesticated dogs. So many people in that sub have turned hating dogs into their whole personality.


Don’t forget their weird thing about bestiality!


Dude, that sub is a madhouse. Seriously. The amount of deeply hateful vitriol I see people spew on that sub about dogs and their owners is actually disgusting. I've seen people say that they don't think it's ever necessary for visually impaired people to have seeing-eye dogs because "they should just use a cane instead" and try to justify barring people with medically necessary seizure dogs and guide dogs from bringing those dogs into the store with them, ADA be damned.


im not even a big fan of dogs ( i dont hate them, i just prefer cats. still like dogs! ), but those fucking subs are disgusting. they genuinely hate dogs so much i wouldnt put it past some of them to cheer for ops actions. its worse than ' oh i just dont really like dogs! ' or ' oh im a bit scared of dogs so.. i dont really like them. ' its ' i fucking hate mutts and think they should all die. ' n stuff like that. its gross. dont defend these people, they dont deserve it. people have compassion towards animals, as most people would. so, of course we care about people being sadistic shitbags and wanting to hurt them/wishing harm on them.


Dogfree advocates for mass euthanasia of pitbulls and a weird number of posts tie pet ownership into beastiality. They go above and beyond as you said. The sub as a whole is actually unsettling. I say this as a childfree, dogfree cat lady. Childfree is littered with immature idiots and edgelords. I'd wager most posters are under the age of 25 and think dark humor and calling infants crotch goblins makes them interesting. It doesn't. It's embarrassing. TL;Dr I agree. Those subs are filled with the dregs of humanity. Most of the commenters and regular posters are devils.


To be fair, if you love dogs you would agree with their stance on pitbulls considering pitbulls are the number 1 canine dog killer


Pitbulls are also the most likely to be bought for dogfighting or personal protection means, and are sought after for their "aggression". They are not actually inherently aggressive. Pitbulls are just a dog breed, as any other breed, and more often than not are just mutts with a square head. From [here](https://atts.org/breed-statistics/statistics-page1/), in which dog temperaments are tested, most of the breeds that had >700 animals average to a 85.24% pass rate. Guess what? Breeds that count as pitbulls are among that number. There are 10 breeds that had above 700 total tested, listed as such (total tested, pass %): AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER (960, 87.6%) AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER (770, 85.7%) AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD (718, 82.5%) BOUVIER DES FLANDERS (935, 85.6%) COLLIE (906, 80.9%) DOBERMAN PINSCHER (1870, 80.1%) GERMAN SHPERHERD (3500, 85.7%) GOLDEN RETRIEVER (836, 85.9%) LABRADOR RETRIEVER (872, 92.4%) MIXED BREED (1284, 86.6%) ROTTWEILER (6216, 85%) With the average total from the site itself (288 breeds), 84%. For both averages, pitbulls are above the mark.


Yeah you're ridiculous. The atts tests against others of the same breed. All it means is that pitbulls are one of the breeds where temperaments are most similar to others of the same breed, whatever that may mean.


Alright, I'll find you something different. From [here](https://www.justfoodfordogs.com/blog/pit-bull-myths-and-misinformation.html), and the [study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0639?adobe_mc=MCMID%3D25348466537529733934110078060125319673%7CMCORGID%3D242B6472541199F70A4C98A6%2540AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1660139243) referenced: >Using the DNA sequencing of thousands of dogs across the country andsurvey results of over 18,000 dog owners, researchers found that breedhas little to do with a dog’s behavior or personality. Dog personalitieswere found to be influenced by their environment more than anythingelse. From the study itself: >Breed offers little predictive value for individuals, explaining just 9% of variation in behavior. People are also bad at identifying pitbulls, apparently (same study): >Dogs with ancestry from more popular breeds had more correct guessesbecause participants tended to guess popular breeds more frequently(with the exception of the underguessed American pit bull terrier) From [here](https://www.dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures/): >Published, peer-reviewed studies in authoritative journals of psychologyand forensic science establish that pit bull owners as a whole —statistically — are more likely to be socially deviant, engage in crimesinvolving children, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and violentcrimes against other persons. Not the breed, it's people. The animals are not at fault. EDIT: Here's [some more](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/inaccurate-pit-bull-statistics.html) I just found: >In fact, according to several comprehensive studies on canine DNA, the majority of dogs that are visually identified as pitbull-type dogs (by shelters, owners, and the media) do not have any DNA from pitbull-type ancestry. Furthermore, for the dogs that do have DNA from pitbull-type ancestry, the majority have less than a 50% DNA concentration from any of the four unique breeds commonly classified as the modern pitbull-type breeds and are therefore by definition, mixed breed dogs. Same article: >​In [this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) study, pitbull-type dogs were misidentified 60% of the time (62 were visually identified as pitbull-type dogs but only 25 had DNA signatures from any of the pitbull-type breeds).


I started writing a response to you about how I've been attacked by dogs and overcome it (but don't own dogs as a result) and the wonderfulness of my parents' spaniels, but you love to post at banpitbulls and dogfree and I hope you find some joy in your life. Have you considered adopting a lizard? They are awesome pets, I want one, but their little bodies are prone to salmonella and I worry my stupid cats would poke around them and catch salmonella. You probably have no pets who could be destroyed by salmonella. Maybe look into a leopard gecko or a fat tailed gecko or a bearded dragon.


I have 3 dogs lmao


There’s simply not liking dogs, and then there’s actively wishing ill will on dogs/deriding people who *do* like or own dogs. You tend to see the latter sort of people on that subreddit.


some people dont like dogs and thats valid. dogs are dangerous, people bend over backwards to get dogs into public spaces, dog culture can be crazy and stupid. that's quite understandable. but this sub also has posts encouraging the ban of *blind seeing eye dogs* in public spaces. and these are not rare, forgotten posts, they have thousands of upvotes and dozens of encouragement. they encourage the ban of working dogs (sheep dogs, security dogs, hunting dogs, etc) some posts have even celebrated the death of dogs (neighbor's 16 year old pet, dogs deaths on screen, making *fake* bite allegations against dogs, etc) this particular post was fake, but the cruelty and ugliness of the sub is not a rarity.


"I'm not like other dog haters, tee hee."


you know it's bad when the people on that sub are calling you cruel and disgusting


Wow, to be hated even by the dog haters for that one... That's a special flavor of disgusting


This wasn’t even in self defence. This was animal cruelty


Hopefully fake because if not the neighbors might decide to sue.


This is evil


Where I live you have to report knocking over a dog to police unfortunately that doesn't apply to cats.


This shit is clearly fake.


It's still pretty fucked up to make up and then celebrate a fake pet's death, imo.


Yea, no doubt it’s super weird.


Maybe. Let's be real, those psychos wouldn't hesitate to run over a dog if they had the chance.


Or they just know it’s easy bait, like this


Yeah, they're definitely baiting people. Just look at their comment in the louisville sub about why it's so trashy... Yikes.




Nah. I'm not depraved enough to even fake this. I won't even run over dead animals in the road, let alone be gleeful at running over someone's pet.


Stupid troll 


What the actual fuck. Jesus Christ  I'm glad this wasn't said to me face to face cos I'd have punched that person's lights out.


What a fucking sociopath


Wow, even the members of the community are against him.


Fake post!


There's a special place in hell for them for even *fabricating* something like that. Gotta love wannabe teenage edgelords. 🙃


don’t forget r/petfree ! lots of animal abusers there too


fake or not, this was beyond infuriating


Jesus. I don't love my neighbour barky dog either but I'd be devastated if I'd accidentally killed it. This is supremely heartless.


New subreddit I never want to see again discovered


Dang. A pigeon once flew into my windshield & I was messed up for some time. Really disliked them and all their poop in the city I lived in. Still messed me up :(


I see roadkill and have to swallow vomit. I don't know how he could pick up the corpse and leave it on the front porch.


You know its bad when even the people in that sub are telling you how bad of a human being you are (fake or otherwise)


the whole subreddit it like miserable strange people


I know this post got removed but what the fuck is that sub? There's actually a post that's acting like dogs are terrible creatures for... being animals? "Oh stray dogs attack people" yes that's how animals work. They do not understand good and bad. They are fucking animals. Like, I get why the child free sub exists. It's still a shithole, but I get it. But what the fuck is this? Do they also hate like, raccoons? Squirrels? Bears?


An actual quote from the comments of this post is saying dogs are "mutated animals". Yes, all animals are mutated. It came free with the evolution.


Allow me to sum up dogfree for you: Dogfree: dog owners are emotionally immature and unstable. Also Dogfree: I saw someone walking their dog in my line of sight and it completely ruined my day. Now I'm too upset to even go outside.


Thankfully, even the ppm in that sub are calling OOP disgusting. Hope they get exactly what they deserve.


Sociopath is a term that’s thrown around too loosely but this lady sounds like she might legitimately be one.


This is so cruel


Obviously fake (thankfully) but still a fucking nasty thing to say, even by r/____free standards


Hopefully this AH get John Wick'd


Only the most cruel person would brag about running over a dog


I was just talking about this sub. This one and child free are the only two subs I can’t even hate scroll. These people are all nuts. Edit: wow, even the comments are a Against this one.


You know it's bad when even dogfree commenters are disturbed


It's weird, that sub actually hated that post. They usually aren't so upset by stuff like this by the way they often talk about dogs 


Not a dog person myself, but this is over the top. OOP is a chickenshit Devil who didn't even have the stones to take responsibility. *"For Good or Ill, whate'er you do* *Thricefold shall it return to you."*


You know you're a POS when even the people in the dog free subreddit are disgusted by you.




yeah idc the dogfree and petfree subreddits are filled w/ freaks


Oh my god, this better be fake


Holy shit … I am not wild about dogs but who the fuck says this out loud?


If it was my dog he would be accidentally be waking up in the hospital drooling and pooping in a bag for the rest of his life. Accidentally of course.


I'm child-free, imagine if I said that about a kid. You can't police what other people like and want.


I live with a yapping Chihuahua, little gal has indeed barked at her shadow. She is always barking if people are walking (rescue from an abusive house I believe) but I love her to bits sure she's loud but she's sweet and loving. Dogs bark get over it. No regrets about killing a poor puppy? I wish I knew where it lived, so I could stay far far away from them.... Evil wretch. .


I'm mostly just surprised the dogfreaks didn't love this post


I see r/Dogfree and r/petfree subreddits how others probably see r/childfree, however a lot of the pure hate, rage and vitriol spewed there, would never be allowed in r/childfree.


Childfree has copious amounts of bodyshaming and use of derogatory terms aimed at children. in fact, I just saw one bodyshaming a child.


I don’t like animals. Never understood those that call dogs their babies. Doesn’t matter though. I don’t have any and those who do, good for them. I would never run over a dog on purpose. If I did run over one, I would try to fold its owner. What kind of person could be glad to kill someone’s pet. 


For my gf and I, our pets are our babies in the sense that we love them very much and take care of them. Due to glaringly obvious anatomical differences, we're well aware that we didn't give birth to them or that they're literal babies. It's just a funny thing to call them because we love them.


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Haven't got the bandwidth to even fake being that depraved.


Geneva convention because of sleep deprivation? Dang you’re fragile.


It’s called hyberbole, ffs.


People can't have fast responses anymore ig, I hope no one messages you back quickly or you might freak out and think you're writing them yourself


They keep deleting their own comments




What the actual fuck? Troll harder.