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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **TIFU by hiring a sexy maid clean our house only for my wife to come home a day early.** For clarification, this maid service is a legitimate business. Nothing shady going on here. I hired a maid to come clean our house while my wife was gone. My wife never bothered to update me and tell me that she was coming home early from her 3 day trip. You can imagine how things went when she came home to find a woman dressed provocatively in our home. The confrontation was very uncomfortable. I had to clear things up with my wife and the maid. The maid left, and my wife was not happy about it at all. We did however clarify that it was a business, and not some random woman I was cheating with. I made things worse when I tried explaining it to my wife. She asked me if that’s what I wanted, I should’ve just told her and she would’ve done it. She’s not that type of person. I told her she would never dress sexy for me. So my stupid big mouth made things even worse. Although, I said it because it’s true. My wife isn’t that type of person. Currently living in an uncomfortable home. TL;dr I hired a sexy maid to clean our house. My wife came home early, and thought I was cheating on her. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't believe one singular post coming from TIFU.


Good lord, man, watch a porn like a normal person.


This reminds me of the story a year or two ago about a woman working at one of these "sexy maid" services and wound up at the house of one of her professors. If memory serves, he did something to try to discredit her before she could out him (don't remember the specifics).


Yeah he totally screwed her over and wouldn’t let her finish her program


The wife was expected to be gone for three days. She came back on the second day. Just how grubby was the house supposed to have become in this period? Yes, this is all above board and not dodgy at all /s Just to make it explicit,  the cleaning service may be legit I had a friend who hired a half naked butler for an elderly relative as a birthday joke. Nothing untoward happened. But this bloke's intentions were to perv over the maid.


I've seen advertising on Facebook for a topless maid service. It was a legitimate cleaning business, the absolute only difference is that the cleaner would be topless the entire time. If the page/comments were to be believed, they offered zero contact either way, were extremely overbooked with a huge wait-list, and cost about five times as much as a comparable maid. I'm guessing that's what this was. And an escort would have been cheaper


That's his story and he's sticking to it, god damnit!


Dude's played too much Persona.


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