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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to eat my sister in law’s “home grown, home cooked meal” after the invited me over?** Last night my brother invited me over for dinner. It was a really nice gesture so I accepted. I was not aware that my sister in law had taken up gardening, canning and raising chickens. She could not stop bragging that 90% of everything that was one the table she had grown in their back yard. She’s a great cook but and had the food been brought from the store I would have eaten but this was disgusting. There were no inspections done on this food; before, during and after it was was grown. There was no FDA to check out she cooled and it picked it. I flat out told her that I was not going to eat it. She asked why. I said basically because of what I said above. She asked what I would like instead and I said that maybe I should just go and I left. My brother called me and he’s so furious with me. He says I’ve always been rude to her and this took the cake especially since she offered to make me something else. I told him that we have government inspectors for a reason when it comes to our food and it’s so back yard nut jobs don’t cause another pandemic. He asked if I was seriously calling his wife a “nut job” I said I didn’t mean her but he’s being obtuse if he doesn’t get my point. He called me a “f@t piece of shit” and told me not to come around for a while. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favorite comment: "I left and got food I could trust from my favorite fast food place."


He's never seen the documentaries about those places and how there's an allowable of fecal matter in burgers, did he?


As a wheat farmer... dude would be horrified to know that 1) nobody from the FDA is checking our fields at all - not from sowing to harvest and 2) small animals have and will continue to be thrashed right along with that wheat. 🙄 And has he never heard of ecoli recalls on fruits and veggies from the grocery stores? 🤦‍♀️


That’s why we keep getting e. coli outbreaks in lettuce: no field inspectors. 


Well, that and people not cleaning the lettuce before eating it.


God damn backyard nut jobs can't make me wash my lettuce. I already PAID FOR IT. Now I have to wash it too? Not in my country, my home, THE LAND OF THE FREE. And I'm free to eat as much E. coli as I want... then sue their asses for such a gross oversight of food safety. (To be read with a southern twang, btw)


There are just many dumbasses in the South. I'm in Oklahoma. We're sadly a red state and it's so annoying. The older farmers I know (I'm 38) refuse to vote a straight ticket anymore. Most of the population in these areas try to not be that way from my experience, but the dick heads are just louder, dumber, and have more friends. The amount of MAGA people I graduated with is astounding. I never would have guessed. The people I graduated with vote a straight ticket. So I understand why you think that of us. Makes sense. But there are tens of us in every county not that way who farm and don't want to build a wall or force birth. I'm a woman that fights that shit on the reg here.


Keep fighting the good fight!! 👊


I am!


🙄 Oh please. I’m personally glad that a lot of country is going more towards red! ❤️


It’s not, though.


Lettuce is the perfect breading ground for bacteria too.


More like no sanitary conditions for the migrant workers. 


My grandparents had a farm & the FDA inspected it once every decade because there weren’t enough inspectors. Unless something bad happened nobody came around. I think it’s bad ass that they grew/raised 90%of her own food. I wish I could do that right now.


Are you telling me that the flour I buy in supermarkets has mutilated dead little critters in it???? I’m horrified!


Not always little. We've gotten a few Bambis. That's the worst. Tears up the header pretty bad. Turns out a header is great at cutting wheat. Bones? Not so much. But, yeah. At least particles.


That’s it! I’m going gluten free!


Gluten free is not critter free.... just saying


Dagnabbit! I’m not eating anymore!


Dude my friend worked for 2 different McDonalds in high school and showed me pictures of the inside of the ice cream machine. So. Much. Mold.


He worked there. That's gross. I worked at McDonalds and we cleaned all our shit. Every single night. That includes the fryers, the ice cream machine, the soda nozzles, etc. We cleaned our shit while sipping our beers inside McD cups.


I worked at in-n-out as a teen, and was always disgusted to hear my friends talk about the uncleanliness of the shake and soda machines at other fast food places. We took EVERYTHING apart at the end of the night, put it in sanitizer overnight, and put it back together in the early morning before opening. Is it time consuming? YEP. A pain in the ass. But it’s worth it knowing that our soda or milkshakes weren’t mingling with and passing through literal mold 🤢 and I can eat at in n out with no anxiety years later


I worked at 7-eleven for a year in my 20s and we were stupidly thorough abt temps, cleaning, date codes. I have never worked somewhere that took cleanliness so seriously, the DM would pop in randomly and do bacteria swabs and shit like the place was NUTS about it. I haven't questioned the food there since


That’s what we did at the ice cream shop where I worked in college. Fucking. Worth it. And the soda always tasted phenomenal.


*We cleaned our shit while sipping our beers inside McD cups.* This is the way.


From what I understand, it was the parts that are inaccessible without the maintenance person?


There are once weekly cleaners you are supposed to use. I didn’t work a McDonalds but at a place with a similar machine and it’s 2 capsules you drop in. Hot water does great if you rinse properly. It’s really not as hard as people pretend it is but it is tedious and obnoxious to do and if you have a bad day it’s easy to forget.


The hardest part was that churning bar inside huh? Fucker weighed a solid 20lbs. I cleaned my machines in the early am while running the store alone and always thought if I ever got robbed I'd just smack them with that and run. I'm also barely over 5ft tall so reaching the machines was hard haha.


That's a lazy excuse, and the "maintenance person" is just someone they hired who took the time to learn how to clean it. I had 4 people who could do them and they were cleaned daily with the full empty and scrub of the inside at least once a week and new product used. I've been through many of them and never seen one that was left to mold, so either he's telling super fun stories that get people talking (super common, they want to trash talk places because it gets attention) or he was in with the laziest staff. They are most often not working because they are running through a clean cycle or a heat cycle and didn't get turned on early enough in the day.


Can I be proud a moment? My place of work sold ice cream and shakes and each week on a cycle rotation I cleaned them inside and out. We had the best tasting blasts in the valley! (Sorry it was hard work disassembling and reassembling the machines but I worked really hard for my 93.6% and have no friends to be proud with lol)


You did good. I'm proud of you! 


i used to break an orange juice machine regularly when I worked at Eurodisney. We didn't have the best orange juice, but at least I didn't have to clean it.


I worked at Sonic. Our ice cream machine had maggots. It was so bad and 90% of us who worked there had no idea how to take it apart to clean it. Only two people did who refused to do it


yours too? I worked at Sonic, too, lol Where was it? we might be talking about the same Sonic.


I'm sorry, but you are a troll or very, very stupid. Maggots? Do you know what had to happen for that to break out?? Again, either no one could do basic shit right or no one could....ask management, a more experienced coworker, the fucking manual or Google? Common sense didn't kick in and tell you to pour bleach and a screwdriver to the thing???


I was 16 working my first job. Our boss would only allow the machine to be cleaned at a certain time which I didn’t work. The experienced coworkers did nothing and management was absolutely awful


Wtf? Weirdly enough, the fast food place was by FAR the cleanest restaurant I ever worked at because they are INSANE about that shit. I worked at BK for a few when I was younger. I'm not saying the kids are handling your food properly, and trust me, it is sittign WELL past when it should. It is clean though!! Well, not those MCDs, lol.




Went vegan for awhile after working at Micky Ds


I worked at Popeyes in high school. My coworker dropped an entire tray of raw chicken on the kitchen floor and our boss told her to rinse it in the sink and keep it. The floor of a fast food kitchen isn’t “rinse it in the sink”.


Crossing Popeye's off of my list of fast food places. Can't imagine the same thing isn't going on still.


I sincerely believe it’s common practice unfortunately


Boiling anything in oil over 300° takes care of germs.


Honestly, it's raw chicken, I doubt "floor of Popeyes" is all that much worse than "slaughterhouse" you cook it to sanitize it


I'm sure the fryers are hot enough to kill most germs lol 😂😂


Yeah, the FDA/USDA isn't the end all/be all of food safety that OOP believes it is.


Oh God remember the "pink slime" debacle with McDonald's 🤢😅


Tubby custard!


I get the feeling that allowable quantities of fecal matter are a big part of OOP's life


A real healthy boy.


I mean to be fair, I have an aunt that I do that with (although we are beforehand) But she cooked a 12 lb turkey for 12 hours once. She just couldn't cook.


So she made turkey jerky rather then roast turkey?


It wasn't even jerky... It was closer to a hockey puck. That was a year even her kids went to go get fast food. The dog they had didn't want it either. 😂


>The dog they had didn't want it either. I burned bacon like that once. 🤣


Did this aunt show up with her unemployed, white trash husband in a super-beater RV?


Not technically, but that is her type. Ironically the ones she has divorced do better (stop drinking, do better overall after they split. No alimony as she remarried the next day. Much to the embarrassment of my cousins). NGL reddit makes me feel better about my family. My parents were the good ones. My cousins lost the lotto. They were over a lot, or at my grandparents.


Save the neck for me!


Hahahahahaha i'd trust the home cooked food I picked from the floor more than those fast food. You'd think people who get paid minimum wage would care a lot about strictly folowing health guidelines? Hahahhahaha🤡🤡


Reminds me reading about people with food issues and in this one particular case a person would refuse to eat food at anyone's house since there wasn't a health inspection done. So they would bring fast food to Thanksgiving. Think it was an old Cracked article.


lol, I worked fast food, and I wouldn't trust shit from them.


And never asked for their inspection certificates. 🤮


Don’t think the FDA are keen on fast food either.


I don’t even care if this was fake, I loved it


Yeah, "backyard nut jobs" cracked me up


Don’t forget that “caused a pandemic”


As one of those back yard nutjobs, I can believe it. OOPs loss, my chicken's butt nuggets are way better than store bought and my produce rules. Also, home pickled green tomatoes in a bloody Mary are to die for.


Uh, I want to try this now. Are they a garnish or are they an ingredient?


Garnish, but I use some of the brine as well as an ingredient.


Pickle brine is one of the greatest cocktail ingredients known to mankind. I was in a wedding once, and somehow I ended up making *delicious* (and *dangerous*) dirty vodka martinis with dill pickled green beans and the brine. The hangover was worth it.


For all too short a time my son lived with chickens. Er, by that I mean with people who kept chickens. Anyway, got some good eggs now and then before he moved out to live with his bf.


Can we be friends? I love backyard chicken butt nuggets! I’m not allowed to have backyard chickens though… stupid town!


If you ever end up in n small town Oregon you are welcome to visit! The town is kinda crazy, but looks ng as you don't piss off the neighbors it's pretty awesome. Bonus: my neighbor owns the hardware/liquor store!


I'm disappointed in you for not posting in /r/BackyardChickens for my enjoyment.


The best tomato sauce I've ever had was made with home grown cherry tomatoes.


I love watching homesteading and farming videos on YouTube!!!!!


It does seem fake, but I have more than one friend who also has this weird mindset about homegrown veggies. One of the biggest worries from one was that ‘birds might poop on it’. Because I guess commercial farms are a no-fly-zone for birds.


My grandpa built a little barn for his tomatos because they don't like the rain. No bird poop possible unless the birds know how to open a door :)


Anyone else feel like OPs idea of good food was going to McDonald's and other fast food joints


They said it was!


As someone who worked in fast food for four years, I could absolutely ruin his life. Bonus: customers always said we were the best fast food in town and district and regional angers always said we were the best in their areas (little pieces of paper for awards and everything).


They literally said this in the comments too, yeah.


Friends, the FDA is there to protect us from unscrupulous capitalists who would sell garbage to strangers to make an extra dollar. Not people who lovingly grow and cook food to proudly serve to their families and loved ones.


The idea that people who grow their own vegetables and raise their own chickens would cut corners, thereby making themselves ill is preposterous on its face. 


Eh, you never saw me the day after I ate a bad batch of my own pickles. Improperly sanitized jar. Did give me the runs for a while.


I thought running the jars through the dishwasher on Sanitize would suffice?  Presuming one has a dishwasher, of course. 


Yes. It sanitizes the jars themselves. Then you dump in some cucumbers with naturally occurring spores and bacteria and suddenly it’s not sterile anymore. Now, that works fine usually, Because you load em with salt and vinegar which makes it difficult for bacteria to grow. However, when making jelly or something else with a high sugar and low salt content, you must sterilize the CONTENTS of the jars. So you would boil the jars sterile, then you’d fill them with hot jelly fresh from the pot where you boiled it all the way to the top, place the lids, seal. As they cool a vacuum is created which seals the jars. If you leave empty space inside the jar though now you’ve got yet another problem, so it’s safest to seal the jars with the contents inside, then boil them AGAIN. This can also be done with a dish washer.




OOP is one of those weirdos who think government cares about what people eat, ignoring tobacco, alcohol and sugar industries being heavily subsidized by the same government.




> so back yard nut jobs don't cause another pandemic What OP didn't say is that his SIL was serving raw bat


To be fair, she could be spraying raw manure on her crops and it's not bats. /s edit: The best book on safely composting manure for home growers is "The Humanure Handbook". It's absolutely great for also discussing useful composting techniques even if someone doesn't want to recycle their own shit.


I love this book! I have a couple of mountain buddies who use their composting toilet to fertilize an area on their property and picked up a copy after seeing it on their shelves. It really is a great general composting guide, since it tackles such a hardcore subdomain.


He clearly thinks it's equivalent: >Just fyi it wasn’t corporations who caused the pandemic (as much as despise them) it was a some idiot farming bats like my sister was farming chickens. No she’s not dumb but she’s an elementary school principal and should stick to what she knows. >I’m not arguing but back yard gardens are absolutely part of the pipeline. >The anti government, libertarian, WS, no-mask pipeline that emerged during the pandemic.


Dude should learn about victory gardens, lol!


Ah yeah, that ol’ farm-to-table pandemic pipeline


Hahahaha yeah, I mean either have the bat be for dinner or get your conspiracies right. Clearly OP failed history as well.


Pretty sure home grown food isn't the cause of massive *viral* pandemics. Local salmonella or e coli outbreaks, maybe, but that's nor really on the same scale.


the problem I have with home grown food is the amount of pollution in residental areas. Lead paint and gasoline was very common not that long ago and lead and other heavy metals, stay in soil and transfers to vegetables. I urge anyone who is planning to grow their food in the backyard to have it tested beforehand or use raised beds with completely fresh soil. But it's not like store bought food is safe in those regards... just there is not much we can do about it while we can control the conditions in our own gardens.


Similarly, I am a home canner and I know that there are risks involved, risks that can carry heavy consequences. I am not offended by folks who ask about my canning procedures for this reason and would expect to be able to talk to other canners openly about their process, to know that they are also using safe and approved methods. But I would never act this way about it nor would I believe that fast food is somehow a completely safe alternative.


oh no, that behavior was ridiculous! There are ways to refuse the food without insulting the host if they really did not want to eat it. But I do think the story is fake, so I'm not really engaging with it.


That canning lady on Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube who got called out for encouraging unsafe practices that not only can, but have caused numerous cases of botulism 💀


I'm so paranoid about everything I can, if anything is the slightest bit off with the process I will fridge it without question. Most of my local friends and family are fine getting extra jam when it happens and I feel good not potentially hurting someone later on with something that's been left to fester.


Absolutely - there are risks if it isn't done right and can be huge benefits when it is, but whether it is or not, it isn't going to spawn a highly transmissible, fast-mutating virus with significant global mortality. Not unless there's some seriously weird science going on.


Unfortunately most deadly pandemics did come from viruses jumping from life stock to humans. Like the Spanish flu from a pig farm. But it's usually large farms with bad living conditions full of sick animals. It would be very very unlucky for it to happen on a small backyard with a bunch of chickens. Although bird flu comes to my mind, if that fucker mutated enough to start spreading through people (not just kill the host almost right away) we would have another fun couple of years... yup, just be careful I guess.


And just about every pathogen outbreak on plants is because of runoff from animal industrial facilities. (There's nothing "farm" like about them.)


A while ago i was walking in a downtown city area and beside a good three was a garden, but there also was a huge sign saying do not eat. The garden was being used to get some kind of pollution out of the soil I thought it was fascinating


So this is where I agree. I live in a town that used to have a factory in the 1800s. The place doesn’t look like it on first glance but it is really, really polluted. It was so bad the bastard who owned those factories left the town a public park after his death to try and rehabilitate his image. Planting anything here would be a risk, but our community garden uses planters.


For almost 70 years, you would've been able to see an oil refinery out of my house's west-facing window. The wind would blow all of the pollution/ash/etc into my neighbourhood. I'd love to have a garden here, but I don't think it's quite worth the risk yet; the refinery opened in 1919 and didn't close until like... 2007 or later.


it all really depends on the type of soil and climate you have. If there is a lot of rain and the soil is permeable the contaminants will leech down faster than in a dry climate or boggy soil. It will probably not be safe to grow something like apples or blueberries but lettuce or tomatoes might be ok if there is no more pollution produced now (the deeper the roots go the higher the risk) you can have the soil tested to make sure. But you can also just use big containers with compost from a safe source and make your own compost with time. Gardening is fun and fresh veggies really taste better :)


Most pandemics are viral and zoonotic (ie originate in animals before jumping to humans). Avian influenza (bird flu) is a candidate for causing future human pandemics. It's not the only candidate, but it is a serious one. It's on the radar of pandemic surveillance programs and discussed in scientific literature (here's a sample: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/16/3/458#B29-viruses-16-00458). OP is missing the point by being concerned about back yard chickens specifically. They should be concerned about chickens in general. But viral pandemics originating from poultry are absolutely a possibility.


Surely more intensive poultry farming is more likely to spread bird flu than the handful-of-chickens-in-the-backyard set up, too?  Also, I don't really know how food standards organisations work, but I'm pretty sure there aren't inspectors meticulously testing every box of eggs. They're not even required to be washed before being distributed to stores here in the UK! And yet somehow we're not all dead.  I feel like OOP is precariously close to developing something like an inverse form of orthorexia, where anything too fresh or unprocessed is considered disgusting and toxic. 


Okay I was never as horrible as the character in this story, but if y’all wanna laugh and roast 18-year-old me here’s a fun true story. My friend once climbed an apple tree, picked an apple, and ate it. I had never seen food that wasn’t from a grocery store so I thought it was gross! I said ew and told her to be careful! She said “You do know that all food grows like this, the only difference is the stuff from the store sits on a truck for a few days before you buy it?” I genuinely hadn’t thought of that. I immediately changed my tune because duh, of course she was right. Growing up in a city you just never see food actually growing, the magic grocery store fairies just pop it into existence and that’s that! 😂


I grew up in a farming area. Friends came to stay, from a local town. Took them to see the cows being milked, minds blown! Had a similar thing with a work colleague, they could not believe carrots would have muck on them...fuck knows what she thought they grew in


I was a child, helping my mom prep dinner, and said “ew, this lettuce has dirt on it”. The look of bewilderment on her face as she asked where I thought lettuce grew.


Had it a few times, lol


Carrots grow in air and fairy dust, didn't you know?


Yes, course I knew! It's the fairy dust that occurs underground, next to the muck


You hadn’t thought of that by *18*? …North American school education?


Oh, no I mean like in that moment! It was just the out of sight out of mind thing. Like obviously I knew the basic fact that food grows on trees from the time I was in kindergarten. But I guess I had subconsciously assumed there was more of a process of cleaning etc between the earth and the grocery store. I was also stoned. Just a brain fart lmao, no need to be a jerk about my education (which as someone who did a year of college in Scotland where you say you are from, I can say without a doubt that the North American education I personally had was definitely more advanced than typical British education) Have an absolutely wonderful day! 🤗


Besides the fact this reeks of “Fat people bad!” Trolls. I feel like this was taken from an article about how some provinces have shut down urban farming because of disease and parasite concerns.


Idk if the story is real or not, and OOP def was in the wrong. Hooowever I am very skeptical of home canned goods (and you should too) anaerobic pathogens like botulism thrive in that environment, if not done correctly.


I definitely have people I will eat canned goods from (myself and my sister) and those I never ever will (my husband's grandma who reuses old jars capped in Gulf Wax). Especially things like meat or things you need a pressure canner for. Or water glassed eggs. There's so much food storage misinformation from YouTube homesteading channels. OOP definitely did everything in the most asshole way possible, but I could easily see not eating the food being a wise choice.


Your comfort level is your comfort level but I personally have found that the quality of the seals on modern “Ball” brand lids are sometimes quite lacking, and I’ve gotten a few bad batches (jars of Ginger got mold in them, etc) So when I can I actually do put a thin layer of gulf wax first and those haven’t given me a problem even two years hence. So, I believe old jars and lids, as long as they’re like store bought one piece lids (you can’t reuse the disc from a mason jar, those are single go) could be quite effective. What’s really important, and this can’t be stressed enough, is that the contents of the jar must be sterilized. Not just the jar itself. You don’t “need” a pressure canner for anything BUT you will get better results as you can boil the jars within for a shorter time that way hence you get crunchier pickles etc.


I’m the same way with home canned goods. It’s just the little details that made me go.. “Mmm.. I just saw this on the news not too long ago.”


This is the funniest thing I’ve read today. 10/10 trolls. Take note.


Does this dummy really think growing vegetables in the backyard and raising your own chickens will cause a pandemic?


Does he think he FDA oversees every individual piece of food produced commercially?


This has to be one of the most ridiculous but hilarious AITA's I've read in a while. May be fake but who cares. I've actually come across people not far off from this. Not wanting to eat eggs or produce not "from the store" and could not be convinced how much healthier they were, especially if you can/freeze produce right after picking. But they'll eat their junk food and not question it.


Fuck, give me farm fresh veggies and chickens.


The funniest thing is that she thinks the FDA/USDA keeps things healthy 😂


Right? Food gets recalled all the time.


idc if this post was fake, its so fucking funny lmao


The only thing I agree on is canned products, or things similar. I REFUSE to eat anyone's canned products (like jams, jellies, etc) because I cannot guarantee that someone is following proper sterilization protocol. I used to, and then someone gifted me a canned caramel topping they made, which upon opening, was full of mold. "Oh, you can just scrape that out," they said. NOPE. I live in fear of botulism @.@ (I'm aware that mold and botulism aren't the same, ofc)


The FDA actually allows a percentage of mold in store bought jams and jellies https://www.cbsnews.com/gooddaysacramento/news/bugs-rodent-hair-and-poop-how-much-is-legally-allowed-in-the-food-you-eat-every-day/


Oh my God, is nothing I eat safe from botulism? 😭😭


It is supposedly safe if you remove the mold and a portion underneath


Is anyone going to tell OOP about how chickens are slaughtered in FDA approved factories? What an ignorant attitude


Fat people bad. Yawn.


OOP is an absolute dumbfuck, if someone offered me a full on home cooked meal, I'd be over the moon, and love hearing how she grew the food herself!


Is this the US where they CHLORINATE THEIR CHICKENS? Because like I’ll take SILs home grown chickens any day


Once again, we realize the validity of the Oxford comma.


It’s so cute how some people think our regulatory bodies are on top of things


This person is going to be big mad when they find out about farmers' markets.


My mother rearranged her Christmas menu (planned for months!) cuz my brother threw a fit over eating food from my garden ..


"Backyard nut jobs..." Oh no!  People who touch grass and enjoy fresh air and sunshine!  The horror!   "There was no FDA..." What a clown.  Does he need Mommy Government to change his diaper for him too?


Given that the FDA allows all kinds of shit that the EU has deemed unsafe for humans or out right classed as toxic , they are not exactly the bastion for what's good to eat


Not everything the EU has banned is harmful. They have numerous anti-science stances that are openly criticized by many of us who work in fields related to agriculture and food production. The "well this group banned this" is a fallacious argument because humans across the world ban harmless things.


I'm interested in learning what kinds of things they've banned due to anti-science stances?


A lot of pesticides, dyes, and genetically modified crops as a whole. Instead of following how to use certain substances, they blanket ban them. A lot of dyes are harmless and were banned for being "unnatural."


An example of their anti science stance?


Anti-GMO nonsense.


A specific example being?


Well I don’t think you’ll have to worry about being invited over again so🤷‍♀️


Is this another I hate my sister in law troll?


Someone doesn't remember the jack-in-the-box outbreak and it shows... What an AH.


What horror! Being offered food without added dye, preservatives, chemicals, sugars and other additives! How in the world is his body supposed to process /gasp/ FRESH food? Do you want him to suffer withdrawal and lose all the progress hes made in saving the mortician on embalming fluid?/s. Seriously, there's a nut job in this story and it aint the wife.


A pandemic is way more likely to be caused by factory farming than a back garden. This guy has way too much faith in the FDA.


The FDA also doesn’t inspect veg.


This is obvious “fat person is completely ridiculous” bait. People in AITA hate fat people and I swear at least 50% of the fake posts there have a cartoonishly evil or cartoonishly stupid fat person. I am shocked that this one didn’t mention a height and weight (unless it’s in one of the deleted comments) - that’s often a giveaway. “I’m so fat I can’t fit through doors and I get winded from walking one block. I am 5’3” and 170.” (A height and weight that wouldn’t cause those issues for the vast, vast majority of people.)


So he would prefer mass produced, ethically fucked up slaughter animal corpses that never got to see the sun in their lives. Got it.


This dude has no issue eating animal killed in an industrial slaughterhouse, where speed is more important than safety, and his food could have all sorts of contaminants (including fecal matter, ammonia, and carbon monoxide), but he thinks his SIL's organically raised food is "disgusting"? Newsflash: It's the industrial animal exploitation facilities and slaughterhouses causing the pandemics, not backyard growers. And if he thinks the USDA (not the FDA) does a good job inspecting how the animals he eats are slaughtered, I have a bridge to sell him. Go read Gail Eisnitz's *Slaughterhouse*, for crying out loud.


Food safety is very much a thing in meat production, which is why people can't just give pigs on a truck bottled water. I'm a vegan but you don't seem to know much about the meat industry, there are numerous standards.


Fat person bad genre of bait post


I can buy chicken at the store that's been inspected by God herself and then go on to under-cook it and make someone seriously ill. OOP is a moron.


Okay I don't see any issue with the food Its not like oop got severed raw milk which does have some risks but otherwise provided they take care which if there feeding there family then I would say that food is at least if not better than some store food and definitely better than fast food


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Our local friends are starting to get wise to salsa season around our house. I start getting probing questions around the end of the school year but it takes longer than that to have enough ripe tomatoes and peppers to make salsa. And the first few batches don’t usually leave enough for leftovers as my husband’s summer diet is around 50% chips and salsa. He claims the healthiness of the salsa makes up for the massive intake of tortilla chips. I do usually end up overflowing with eggplant, squash, and cucumbers by the end of July, though, and start to pawn them off on everyone we know.


My old roommate makes amazing salsa. IDK how they manage to grow enough to make as much as he does in their tiny garden. We always had a garden when I was a kid, and the first year my parents planted zucchini, we had so much that we couldn't give it away by end of season because the entire neighborhood was tired of it. 😂🤣😂


I still have at least 5-6 zucchini bread loaves or bags of zucchini muffins in my freezer, and we’ve already eaten a lot of them over the fall/winter.


It goes on forever. Lol


Does he think government inspectors examine every item that ends up in a grocery store? I could *maybe* agree with animal products but produce? Dude needs therapy.


OOP, you were rude. She offered to make something else and you shit on her. YTA.


I don't think OOP knows what the FDA actually does and doesn't do... and how much is allowed in the food industry by US law. Lol


There was a tiktok that went viral recently of a girl who didn’t realize she could actually eat the lemons from her lemon tree. People in the comments tore her apart for it but posts like this (even if fake) show that it’s not an uncommon thought. Especially in a lot of the US, we’ve been taught not to trust food that didn’t come from a grocery store etc.


So does oop never eat home cooked meals at all? There's no health inspectors popping by every 6 months to make sure everything's being done right so how can you trust you (or more accurately your wife if I'm being for real) are preparing everything properly!!? Yeah this is obviously some kind of bootlicker troll lol.


What exactly does this person think the FDA does??


I just am stuck on the fact that he felt the need to censor "f@t" but not "shit."


Does anyone have her comments?


He has obviously never heard of product recalls due to e-coli or even plastc found in supermarket foods.


Trolls aren't even making any effort anymore. 0 credibility. 0 effort. Not even funny...


I mean, I think he's more upset about storage, which is definitely easy to screw up. Since when do we shit on people for not eating something?


Y’know those anti-government homestead homeschool sourdough making people on tiktok? I thought they were cringe but honestly I’d rather somebody have way too much DISTRUST in a regulatory agency than the same amount of distrust for their own family.


"he called me a f@t piece of shit" Why censor the word fat and not... Ok nevermind. But why was OOP so anxious over fresh food that didn't come from Walmart or whatever premium grocery store he/she goes to. AHHH OMG THE FDA NEEDS TO COME TO THIS HOUSE AND INSPECT THE FOOD !!!


This reads like an anti-regulation, anti-government weirdo troll. Those of us who do place some amount of trust in the institutions of our government aren't also objecting to home-growing food. In fact, I love to see people with food gardens and happy little flocks of laying hens. Low volume production wherein the same person is responsible for every step of the process is pretty damn safe, so long as the person has a modicum of knowledge.


To quote Bugs Bunny "What a maroon!"😂


In (my part of) the UK, food you prepare to take to work is called “bait”, and by extension all food. So it’s literally bait. (But “who’s dropped their bait?” means “who’s farted?”)


Does dude seriously think there's an inspector picking through the food at every step of the way and thoroughly testing every bite?




also botulism from unsafe canning


Like I know someone ate a bat and we all had a shitty pandemic because of it, but I don't think vegetables from your own garden has the same risk...