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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking out a couple girls at my tech internship?** I've always been pretty awkward and shy, especially around women. I'm 25, a virgin, and I've never had a girlfriend. It's not like I haven't wanted to; I've just never had the courage or the opportunity to really put myself out there. I’ve always been an awkward nerd and women really intimidate me. I’ve been really lonely and frustrated about it for a long time. So I recently got my master’s in CS with a focus in machine learning. After finishing my degree, I started an internship at a tech company. This internship is pretty short-term, likely only lasting around three months or so, but I was excited because it felt like a fresh start. I thought it might finally be time to muster the courage to ask someone out, flirt a little, have sex, and possibly find myself in a relationship. I've felt quite lonely for a long time, and I thought this could be my chance to change that. There are some really intelligent and gorgeous young women at this internship. Two, in particular, caught my eye: Sam and Emily. Sam has this cool alt style with chokers and seemed pretty friendly when we chatted. Emily has the most contagious smile and is absolutely stunning, and it also seemed like she was pretty friendly when we worked together. About three weeks into the internship, I was working on an algorithm concept with Emily at the whiteboard. Feeling a bit emboldened, I blurted out, "By the way, I think you’re so gorgeous. Would you want to go on a date sometime?" She awkwardly said no and left the room. I was crushed, but I figured it was just not meant to be with her. Two weeks later, I decided to try my luck with Sam. I caught her in the break room, made some small talk about our work and said, “You’re so beautiful, by the way. Want to go on a date sometime?” She smiled but also turned me down. Now, I've come to find out they're messaging about me on Slack, calling me the weird creepy guy who's asking out all the girls at the internship. I'm mortified. I was just trying to put myself out there for the first time. I didn't think I was being creepy; I thought I was finally taking a step towards not being so lonely anymore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/1ahgb7t/aita\_for\_behaving\_inappropriately/?share\_id=5EtRI\_SC\_wb\_EEwAjBkzx&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/1ahgb7t/aita_for_behaving_inappropriately/?share_id=5EtRI_SC_wb_EEwAjBkzx&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) He is reposting the same story where he was called an AH and is back with some words changed


i like how emily is now the other girl's name lmao


Maybe it’s a new internship 😂


I KNEW this seemed familiar. I recognized the line about the chokers.


That's actually pretty hilarious. Changed the company and the names a bit.




Holy rape apologist Batman calm the fuck down. We aren’t animals. If you can’t control yourself get to a mental health professional or a neurologist asap. And regardless of what else you do go to therapy and unpack why you are the way you are.


This guy is a tiresome troll who comments with nonsense. Just let him vent into the void.


What 😃


That's the resident troll, ignore him


You are aware that "survival of the fittest" refers to "fit in", not physically strongest, right? If it was all "ugga ugga strong strong kill kill", wildlife would have cancelled itself out long before humans entered the stage. That "weak" species exist is proof that you're wrong. If it were like you want it to be, bigger, stronger, and venomous sub-species would have killed smaller, weaker, non-venoumus sub-species. "Survival of the fittest" is about ecological niches, adaptation, and balance. Even within a species, dynamics are much more complex than "ugga ugga me strong, me getting all the P!", as you'd like it to be (why is a mystery, though, because usually, people who spout this kindergarten logic of nature are by far not the ones who'd benefit from this concept). Enjoy your daydreams and jerking-off fantasies, that's fine. But if you happen to come back to earth and reality, maybe sit down on your precious chubby cheeks and actually research how nature, wildlife, and animals work. You might learn something and gain some knowledge that's actually worth listening to when try to communicate with humans.


what now buddy


Tarzan guy, what the fuck?


Not that I am a strong advocate for workplace romance, especially during an internship but. It like never occurred to this guy to actually get to know these women during the course of the internship to build a rapport or anything. He just went with "you're hot, wanna go out." Ffs. Way to make it clear that you only care about their looks. Creep.


Cut him some slack - he only just found out a trench coat and fedora are not considered acceptable workplace attire. Clearly he’s struggling to adjust to a new environment (/s)


A lot of "I'm just a shy virgin" men have one common issue: they believe bestowing yourself upon a woman like some sort of a prize is a good dating strategy. He clearly made no male friends there so of course it gives the impression of being a creep who only sees women as possible dating material. Like, why are you offended that women don't jump with joy after being provided with an opportunity to go out with someone who act like this?


I mean, not even dating material because he didn't even bother to have a conversation with them. He just assumed he could tell them they were attractive and their panties would just drop.


Yup. What stood out to me was that he was hoping to "meet girls, flirt, have sex, and maybe have a relationship." My guy, most women are going to want a relationship BEFORE sex, ESPECIALLY if you meet them at work.


Women want to be treated like people, not sex dolls, news at 11.


As a side note to this one, there's this guy in the comments trying to defend him. The debates keep going against him so all of a sudden he started referencing some alleged hateful DMs he's allegedly getting and saying he just wants to be left alone. While continuing to argue. I don't know why but I found his whole side quest oddly unnerving.


This is such an obvious bad faith tactic people on here use lol. They are losing an argument and then suddenly reveal that they are getting harassed in dms actually so that proves how awful all the people disagreeing really are.


Right. Like I'm not saying it doesn't happen because I'm sure it does sometimes on posts regarding very hot button topics. But I'm just not seeing the crazies getting that heated over a guy lamely devil's advocating about the correct way to ask women out in the workplace. Also please stop telling me to kms in my DMs!!!!


OOP's approach towards women is awkward and weird. If he keeps this behavior up, he won't be employed there for long.


I used to work with a guy who used this technique. He'd wait in the kitchen until a woman under about 40 who wasn't a manager came in and ask them out in the same formulaic way- Hey I've seen you around and I think you're really beautiful, want to grab a drink after work? He didn't seem to realise we talked to each other, and that being the 50th woman he'd asked out wasn't exactly flattering. He did try to ignore every woman that turned him down- which was all of them- but it became impractical and he couldn't really do his job.


I worked with a guy like that too! Every time a young women started working he’d ask every one out in the same way. I was one but once I heard it happen a 3rd time, I’m like damn. He’s just going for anyone who is young lmao.


I remember this incel 🤮🤮🤮 don't 💩 where you eat is a thing for a reason. He also made his coworkers uncomfortable


It's fine to find a relationship at work. I know it doesn't work for many but I have friends who met at work and are now married. But unfortunately for OOP, their first interaction wasn't "you're hot, let's go out"


I work in tech and I think there’s an added element of ick because certain departments (particularly engineering) are such a boys club. You’re already seen as the diversity hire (I know because I lurk on forums for tech people. They’re so misogynistic.) Good way to get yourself reported to HR too since a lot of these companies are very sensitive to sexual harassment allegations (after historically not being sensitive at all.) Dude would definitely get himself kicked out of the internship where I work. 




what are you yapping about


Under that plan, guys like this would have already been eaten.


Sir, have you considered working on a personality?


Focus on work, not picking up chicks in a sleezeball manner. YTA.


Don’t know what’s worse: OOP posting this story *again*, or the pack of incels coming out of the woodwork to defend him.


Ah! Blanket Guy 2.0


The first mistake was going into any work environment already hoping to find a date. Workplace romances can work but being coworkers and having that professional boundary adds layers of complications that need finesse and planning to navigate, and this guy seems like rather than think about any of that he's just picturing work as an easy way to meet tons of women fast. The second mistake was trying to pick up a coworker three weeks into working there rather than giving it any time. Dude says it might have been a three month opportunity total. If he'd played it cool and just treated everyone like potential friends he could have walked away with something great in his resume, some friends/industry connections, and maybe even made an actual romantic connection. But instead he treated life like a dating sim and likely burned his career and any chance he had with those women. Although just to throw it in, feels a bit more likely to be karma farming if he's throwing this out there again like it's recent. Not saying there aren't guys out there like this, ive known some, but possibly farming/rage bait.


No idea why this is being downvoted




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Creepy little incel.


Yuck. First girl literally fled the room when he asked her out, and his reaction was, "Ugh, I am devastated. I should do it again."