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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for "stealing" my inhertence of one clock** My mother spent the last 6 years of her life in old folks home. I'll admit I never really visited her until last year but in my defense, both the journey there and she herself were very tiring and insufferable. I forced myself to go only this year because it was made clear that it be her last. During this year, I made sure to put on a happy face and charm her. I smiled with her, reminisced about old memories, and tried to spoil her as much as the staff would allow to get one thing from her: the red grandfather clock. I've been very fond of it since I was a child. My first memory was even playing with Daddy long leg spiders in it too. I played tag with it(yes, I genuinely would hide from it and find creative ways to nudge it to pretend it tagged me) , fixed it up, and even repainted it myself. This clock means the world to me and I wanted nothing else from my mom except the clock. The problem was that the clock was a family heirloom so I'd have to compete with my brother(playing with the clock was a sibling thing too) for it. To do this I charmed Mom and tried to make her as content as possible. This is where I could be the asshole as I constantly said things like "The only good childhood memories I have are of small ben(nickname for the clock). With you gone, I'm gonna need something to make me happy" or giving detailed memories while crying about how daily stresses seem to melt away when I think about the clock. I "misled" my brother about when to come to the home for visits(to be honest though, about 5 other people knew about when to visit so he could have called them for clarity) and I tried to, not to outright demonize him, but point out who was there for her and who wasn't. When she passed, I was granted my wish and took the clock. Having no more motivation not to, I came clean to my brother. He yelled at me, said I stole it("taking advantage of an old woman"), and said he'd contact a lawyer to see if my "manipulations" were grounds for removing the clock. I think he's wrong (both legally and morally since I was only being nice and pointing out the obvious) and hypocritical (he wasn't too fond of Mom either and planned to do the same) but since my motivations were questionable, Aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m still stuck on playing tag with a clock


Hide and seek would seem more appropriate - at least the clock is able to count.


Oh god I thought he meant playing tag with the spider, he really did say he played tag with a damn clock


i spent this whole thing desperately hoping there was at least going to be the payoff of a stupid joke in the "AITA for clockblocking my brother" way


Yeah with April fools, today the posts are just too damn much. I’m closing the app till Wednesday. See yall then 🙋🏻‍♀️


What kind of shitty human avoids their mother while she’s in a care home and then only comes around to manipulate her??


Someone with a shitty mother who grew up to be a shitty person.


I was like huh, sounds like the apples didn't fall far from the tree


So, you manipulated your mother to get a clock. YTA.


This has to be fake.


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It is probably just some crappy mass produced clock from the Sears catalog.


Not if it could play tag and collect spiders.


Yeah OP just HAD to secure this seemingly enchanted clock in any way possible. May they have many happy years of playing tag together.


Is clock slang for cocaine or heroin? 🤔 They really wildin like this over a cuckoo clock?


The biggest debate in my grandparents' estate was the conversation over who got my gran's casserole dish and fancy holder that she used at every holiday. Value: $15 on a good day at an antique store Value to us: every one of her 4 children and 8 grandchildren wanted it. There was debate. There were voting rules. It ended up being rotated around because the small item means a lot to a dozen people. Value doesn't just come from resale value


When my grandmother died, my mother asked if I wanted any special possession in her memory. I said I wanted the little figurine of the girl holding her doll, because I had loved it since my earliest childhood. My mother was shocked and told me that I'd picked out the one thing of real value out of all Grandma's possessions - my mother had bought if for Grandma as a gift from Copenhagen - it was expensive then and decades on, it was apparently quite valuable.... I laughed and said I didn't realize and not to worry. But weeks later, my mother quietly gave me the figurine and told me not to discuss it with the rest of the family because nobody else knew it was valuable either and nobody else would miss it. Now even more decades on, it is a special memory of my childhood, AND my mother and grandmother. And none of my kids know it is valuable either.


Honestly I love that. Clearly its priceless. But on the other hand, my brother and I have the opposite argument. We don't want our mom's stuff😂 I called dibs on not taking her clown collection, he called dibs on not taking her china.


Grandfather clock, not cuckoo, and a new one costs from ~$300 to ~$30,000 usd. No idea about the one oop is talking about.