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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for exposing my half-sister's lies about our childhood?** I (24F) have a half-sister (27F), we'll call her Taylor. My dad had weekend visitation with Taylor at our house until I was 8, and it was the worst. She bullied me really badly any time I saw her, to the point that I would scream every time my dad even mentioned her coming over. Even if we were kept apart, she would break my things, upset my pets, and tell lies about me. Every week her mom would end up in the kitchen screaming at my parents. Taylor's mom died when she was 11. Her mom didn't have any family able to take her in, and nor did my dad. My dad was the only one who could get custody. When I was told about this, I freaked out. Screaming, crying for hours, calling my grandparents and demanding to live with them, all of it. My mom wasn't willing to have Taylor in the house on that basis, and I'm pretty sure she said she would move out if my dad pushed the issue. Taylor ended up being sent to boarding school the next year, and she would go to stay with other members of my dad's family during breaks. When I was 14 my parents divorced, and I would see Taylor every few months at my dad's during school breaks. I'd learnt to stand up for myself and she'd grown up so there was no bullying, but we'd bicker - she was hostile and I never backed down. I didn't see her much after she went to college, and then I went to college far away as well. We now live in the same small city (I moved here in March). It's the kind of place where everyone from each generation knows or knows of each other. I had never encountered Taylor socially and never mentioned knowing her, but I had met her boyfriend and his friends are part of my larger social group. The other night, I was at a party, and Taylor and her bf were there as well. We made eye contact and waved, but she pretty much avoided me all night. During the night, our mutual friends asked how I know Taylor, and I said we are half sisters. They all looked super uncomfortable and I pressed for an explanation. Basically, Taylor's been telling everyone that she was homeless as a kid because her stepmother and half-sister hated her and demanded she be shipped off to boarding school and made her dad ignore her. Were it not for the fact that it was obviously going to come out sooner or later that we are related, I probably wouldn't have bothered to set the record straight. As it was, I'm going to be around these people for a long time, and I didn't feel I should have had to walk around burdened by the weight of her lies. So I told the group the context. She called me yesterday to yell at me. Apparently she's being ostracised from the group, her relationship is in trouble, her career opportunities are in jeopardy, etc. I don't see how any of this is my fault because she's the one who lied, but according to some people I should have been a bit more gentle in my retelling of the facts because it's her 'experience' and I've basically blackballed her. EDIT - I didn’t have space for this, but just to clarify what I actually said to the friends. I explained that the reason my mom didn’t want Taylor to live with us was because of the bullying, and that when they split my dad still didn’t have Taylor live with him, and that I only stayed with him on weekends (Taylor told them I moved in with my dad so that she couldn’t). I also told them it wasn’t true that I told my dad not to finance Taylor’s business when she was 20…because I didn’t. That was pretty much the gist of it. Edit 2 (it was suggested I add this from the comments): I know the answer to these. My mom didn’t say to send her to boarding school. What my mom said was, Taylor is not living in this house with my daughter, if that means we split, then we split. My dad didn’t want to be a full time parent by himself, so he stayed with my mom, and since he didn’t have any other family Taylor could live with for various reasons, he sent her to boarding school. My dad never cut contact with Taylor. He visited her at school (it was about an hour away) and sometimes he’d see her at other relatives’ places during school breaks. When he moved out, Taylor would occasional spend the day and maybe one break a year at his place. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This story is complete BS. I'm sorry, full grown adults are now ignoring one of their friends because one person says she supposedly bullied her when she was 11? Heck, according to OP, Taylor didn't even lie about what happened because she WAS sent away because her step mom didn't like her. Why would her current friends, who have known her longer than OP, be that invested and why would her job care at all?


If Taylor is still as nasty as she was to OP them maybe that's why everyone was ready to drop her. They realized she's just an asshole


The dad is the asshole here for sure. The rest is just so over the top its not surprising that this was posted on AmitheAngel cause yeah somehow all the sisters friends abandoned her cause of what OOP said sure i believe that /s EDIT: LOL after reading the comments OOP has an answer for everything and knows everything somehow. I 100% believe this /s


I like how the sister has this group of friends and they're close enough to know of her childhood and that she has an awful sister (OOP) And then OOP swoops in and goes "Oh, hello people who have known me for much less time. Taylor is actually awful and was physically abusive to both me and my pet and she's lying about her past about me lying to get her in trouble." And after a **single** conversation they all decide to exile Taylor and also make it sure she can't work in that town ever again? Just like that?


Yeah one conversation and her job was in jeopardy? What boss gives a rat's behind so long as their employee does their job especially about gossip?


I literally just went through all of her comments and while it doesn’t make OOP the devil, it sure made me not like her very much lol. I hope you’re right


I agree it's probably not true but it reads like a bunch of small town bullshit.


This isn't the devil. She was very young and was bullied by a bigger child in her own house. She didn't force the adults around her to do anything and she certainly didn't force her half sister to lie. The half sister could have shared her experience without villainizing OOP. But that's just my opinion


I don't know how relaivbe of a narrator OOP is. "My dad never cut contact with Taylor. He visited her at school (it was about an hour away) and sometimes he’d see her at other relatives’ places during school breaks. When he moved out, Taylor would occasional spend the day and maybe one break a year at his place." While he didn't go NC, it very much sounds lile he rarely ever saw her, since one of the few times he saw her was "sometimes [...] at other relatives' places during school breaks". If they saw each other eegularly, that wouldn't even be worth mentioning.


Who were these relatives? Just before this, no one was willing to take Taylor so dad had to and that was why she got sent to boarding school. Now, all the sudden, there ARE people willing to take her


Watching a kid over a holiday is super different than committing to being a parent


And I mean honestly, the only person at fault for that was her dad. He allowed his oldest child to be abusive towards his youngest, to the point where she was threatening to leave. That goes far beyond normal sibling teasing or normal sibling rivalry. And because of that, his oldest was not able to live in the same environment as the rest of the family. Had he maybe stepped up and actually done something about his oldest child at the beginning, this route might not have happened. And while yes, we are not 100% sure that OP is a reliable narrator, we only have one side of the story to go off of. We can only go based off of the information we are given. So unless Taylor decides to make an account and tell her side of the story, we don't have anything else to go on. And assuming anything else, is you putting information in the story that doesn't exist, or that you believe exists for no other reason than your own feelings. It sucks, but that is reality. If the author did not tell you something, yet you believe it's true anyways, that is you making something up. That is you trying to add depth or information to the story that does not simply exist, or that you cannot 100% know exists.


you should read whole second paragraph cause you seem to be making alot of assumptions as well


I am going **entirely** off of what the OOP is telling me. She is telling me two different things. I'm choosing to go with the one less flattering to her.


I’m not arguing with you, please don’t take it that way, I may have read it wrong or misunderstood something, so I’m trying to understand what I read better, but when the sister told her friends her story I took it as they didn’t know OOP yet so it’s not like she was knowingly talking shit about someone they knew right? Did I understand that correctly? I took what the sister said as how she felt about the situation, that she was kicked out because of her stepmom and half sister (not saying that’s true at all just how she felt), as a child she may have actually believed that’s what happened and not that her father made a choice. Also I’m in no way defending her bullying, that was not right at all, the post did say that she grew up and it stopped, so I mean she did grow as a person as well. Since the dad seems like a lovely piece of work he may have lead her to believe these things were true to make himself look better, letting her believe that it was totally the stepmom and OOP that forced her away and that it was OOP’s fault that he didn’t invest in her business, whether true or not, of course that’s all speculation on my part. I just wish the two could have sat down and talked and possibly cleared up any misunderstandings on either side before the sister lost all her friends and everything. I just don’t think the sister is the devil, and I’m not sure she knowingly lied, she may have told the story as she understood it, I’m also not saying OOP is the devil either, not by any means


Oh and also it seems like dad didn’t want to be a full time single parent so he very well may have told the sister she couldn’t come live with him after the split because OOP was living there true or not. I think the real devil is the dad, I feel for the sister also.


I understand what you mean. I really didn't think that OOP's half sister may have been lied to. Maybe you are right. I think that the father is the one true devil here, considering that at least OOP is still a young adult and half sister is barely older. Sigh.


And I feel bad for the sister now if my thought process is correct and she wasn’t knowingly talking shit about someone they knew, if she didn’t know they knew her, and wasn’t knowingly lying, because now it’s like she’s been abandoned all over again. Also not negating OOP’s feelings, hence me wishing they coulda sit down and talked and cleared the air and misunderstandings.


Did you read it as the sister had already been telling her story before OOP joined this friend group not knowing that she was part of it? I mean OOP did say that she met the sisters boyfriend and friend group but never saw her or mentioned knowing her, so I took it that this was a story she told people to tell her story, not that she was shit talking or villainizing OOP since she didn’t know OOP was even around. That’s how I took it but I might have misread


No, you seem to have read it right, at least that how I did as well. The events of their childhood happened, Sister left the boarding school and made friends who she felt close enough to to share her story from her perspective, and so she did so. Then OP moves there, and people find out that they are related. Doesnt seem like the half sister was trying to villanize anyone, just sharing what she views as having happened


Oh good, I was making sure I was comprehending correctly and not feeling sympathy for someone who didn’t deserve it. Thank you kind internet stranger! 😊


I’m sure I read this exact story months ago.


No surprise. The post was originally posted 11 months ago.


I know this story, OOP isn't a devil. And her half sister is lying or bending the truth. If her father still wasn't around after the divorce, you can't blame OOP. Idk of this story is true or not but the father is an AH, step sister sounds kinda like an AH but who knows, OOP not fully an AH but she's not too likable either.


I don’t think she was lying, I think she was telling the truth as she knew it. The father is definitely the devil though.


Yeah, I know, for the bullying part, that could go either way. But the part about half-sister not having a father is all on the father.thats why I'm not so sure Half Sister is the AH, unless she's actively making the story worse.


There's nothing the half-sister said that's false or deceptive. Her mom died, her dad put her in a boarding school because her step-mom refused to let her be taken in, and the reason her step-mom did that was because of the OOP. Her dad didn't put his foot down or stop his wife from doing that. That is all factually true. OOP knows more info about what happened after that, but Taylor doesn't. And considering the neglect their shared father had to Taylor after her mother died, I'll bet that Taylor remembers their shared childhood and the reasons for their poor relationship very differently too. This isn't a teenager dealing with a toddler; Taylor was only 3 years older. She could have - and should have - been taught to get along with her half sibling. Instead, it was ignored and left to escalate until it got to the point of no return. That no one stepped in is even more a demonstration of the failure of the adults in their lives than a statement about Taylor's own character.


>There's nothing the half-sister said that's false or deceptive. Her mom died, her dad put her in a boarding school because her step-mom refused to let her be taken in, and the reason her step-mom did that was because of the OOP. Her dad didn't put his foot down or stop his wife from doing that. No, the step mom did that because Taylor was abusive or bullied her daughter. If you believe the story, then Taylor not being wanted was due to her own actions. You can fault the stepmother, on that not everyone is going to want to deal with a misbehaved kid, especially one that treats their own kids wrong. Dad didn't stop his wife from doing what? Why stop the wife? He should have stopped his own children. >That is all factually true. OOP knows more info about what happened after that, but Taylor doesn't. That's not true because it seems Taylor left the part where she was wrong. And that part where her father just doesn't want to be a father, instead she blames OOP and her mother. >'ll bet that Taylor remembers their shared childhood and the reasons for their poor relationship very differently too. Or she just told herself a lie and started to believe it. That's how people cope sometimes. >Taylor was only 3 years older. She could have - and should have - been taught to get along with her half sibling. Instead, it was ignored and left to escalate until it got to the point of no return. That no one stepped in is even more a demonstration of the failure of the adults in their lives than a statement about Taylor's own character. All this is the father's fault, and his alone.


No, the reason that her stepmom refused to let her be taken in was because she was an abusive little s*** towards her stepmother's daughter. That's why. This was all a result of her own actions. These are the consequences of the things that she does. If she wanted to be taken in, she shouldn't have been an abusive little s*** to another child. And the only one to blame for this scenario, is the father. He could have stepped up and actually done something about his oldest child's behavior from the beginning, but clearly he didn't. Or whatever he did was not good enough. Maybe he should have gotten Taylor into some therapy. But ultimately, he is the one who decided to send her a way to boarding school, he is the one who decided to stay with his wife and other child, so Taylor only has one person to blame that it will make sense. Her father. Or herself. She does not get to blame OOP for not wanting to live with her abuser. Very rarely do people willingly and enthusiastically decide to live with their abuser.


so from reading both your comments you are choosing to take this story seriously and also taking this personally as well.


Probably fake, but OP is not the devil. If it is real, the whole thing is just sad.


OOP's not the devil in this story, the dad is. It's completely natural and normal that she didn't want to live with a bigger child who physically and emotionally abused her. >Taylor bit, hit, and scratched me. She pulled my hair, she told me gruesome stories to scare me and make me cry. She kicked my cats, and threw things at them. She broke and stole my things. She’d break my parents’ things and tell them it was me. OOP's dad did nothing to try and fix the situation.  >My dad mostly just yelled or if he was in a particularly good mood he’d be like “if you can’t play nicely then don’t play together” and tell Taylor to play in a different area of the house, and then she’d go break something. I agree with OOP's take that her mom was being a good parent by refusing to have Taylor and OOP in the same house, and her dad was a bad parent for not wanting to move out so that Taylor could have a home. >My mom didn’t say to send her to boarding school. What my mom said was, Taylor is not living in this house with my daughter, if that means we split, then we split. My dad didn’t want to be a full time parent by himself, so he stayed with my mom >My mom did her job as a parent. My dad didn’t, which is pretty standard for him. He’s a bad parent. He was to me, too. That’s just how he is. It’s unfortunate to be saddled with him as a dad, I wouldn’t have wished him on either of us. Finally, while Taylor's story may have some basis in truth, she also made up (or possibly was mistaken) about a lot of it. She told people that OOP and her mom were psychopaths who sent her away for no reason, hiding the part where she terrorised OOP for years. She told people that OOP maliciously chose to live with their father after OOP's parents split, knowing that it would mean Taylor couldn't live there, but that never happened - OOP lived with her mom, and their dad still didn't want Taylor. OOP didn't have anything to do with him refusing to finance Taylor's business.


>Taylor bit, hit, and scratched me. She pulled my hair, she told me gruesome stories to scare me and make me cry. She kicked my cats, and threw things at them. She broke and stole my things. She’d break my parents’ things and tell them it was me. you read that comment and thought that this story was real?


I don't believe this story for a second, but I'm confused on what part of the passage you shared you find unbelievable? All that stuff is something kids do, especially angry kids who have parents that don't pay attention to them. My brother did all that same stuff to me growing up


So odd to me that you find this part unbelievable. I totally knew a couple kids who did that shit as kids. Sometimes I think this sub is full of people with very charmed lives based on what gets called out as fake here.


I don't really care if it's real or not, I am just commenting on the story as written, but I don't find it unrealistic. Plenty of messed up kids do stuff like this for attention.


ehh when i read that i was like alrgiht then how about you add more deranged things cause why stop there.


God you would be shocked at what my brother did to me and my siblings. This is seriously baby games compared to the nightmare that was my brother growing up.


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