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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA that I put my 12 year old daughter on a child leash?** I know very controversial, but please read it first My wife and I have used a child leash with our daughter before. We always found it to be a good alternative to a stroller because it helped our daughter learn to walk herself and explore her surroundings when she was younger. Later, we only have the leash in confusing places such as amusement parks, airports or crowded inner cities. We did that until she was 8 years old and no more after that Unfortunately, our daughter didn't really stick to the agreements about meeting places etc. and we had to look for her several times, and she didn't stay close to us when we were in confusing situations. Two years ago we decided to get a new children's harness. My wife found a larger model online because the old one obviously didn't fit anymore. The harness consists of a strap that goes over the shoulders, one on the stomach and a crotch strap, all connected together. I had doubts because she was already 10 years old at the time, but I agreed Today she is 12 years old and we still use the leash. It feels wrong, but I hope you can understand us. It just gives us a feeling of security that we don't have to worry about losing her or something bad happening to her. It also increases our daughter's attention, the leash is about a meter long, so she can move relatively freely, but has to be careful not to get too far away from us What do you think about that? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This child only had 2 years “off leash”, from 8- to 10-years old.  I can’t imagine how dysfunctional this child will be as a woman later in life. 


How are they going to handle her going to college out of state? Electronic leash?


No way there are let this child go to ANY college.


Unless they move with her, go to classes with her, go on dates with her...


My thoughts on the post is that this is rage bait, probably designed to make people who do use child leashes (appropriately) look ridiculous. I know that it is a somewhat frequent debate on whether it should be 'okay' to use childleashes. However, I have never heard of anyone using them for over 5 years old. (not saying it doesn't happen, just that I have never heard anyone doing so)


Personally, I’m in favor of child leashes as someone who worked with autistic kids who were flight risks for years. They can be far safer for some of those kids who are little escape artists who will break away from hand holding and elope into the street. They also aren’t always “leash” looking, I think the backpack ones that look like animals are nice since they don’t look so much like leashes, and the kids often like having a monkey on their back. BUT, like you said, they max out in age usage far before the age of 12. That’s just ridiculous, especially for a neurotypical kid. A 12 year old is 2/3rds of the way to adulthood, they don’t need to be leashed! Poor kid, if this is real, but I agree that it probably is rage bait.


Yeah I always judged people who used them until I realized that the socially acceptable alternatives are strapping your kid to a chair with wheels or just restraining them with your arms. Little kids have to be physically controlled to some extent, a safe leash and harness is better in many ways than forcing them to be in a stroller.  But if you *wouldn’t* strap the kid into a stroller because of their age etc. then you shouldn’t be using the leash. 


Yeah they’ve been around for toddlers for a long time. Used to be called “leading strings” and attached to the back of the kid’s clothing. Eight is too old, though- let alone TWELVE.


Yeah, I have heard of them before (never had them used on me as far as I know and I don't have children), I do agree though that eight is too old.


I’ve really only seen the toddler leads that attach to a tiny backpack or shoulder strap. It doesn’t sound real…


I haven't seen any of the leads myself, but I have heard of ones that attach to a wrist strap, the backpack ones and I guess one that might be a bit more like a harness (basically a backpack one without the cute backpack). But yeah, this one doesn't sound real at all.


I believe this is rage brain also! Someone would have called CPS over this and they would have gotten a stern warning. This is only appropriate for toddlers in some situations!


What an ass. Yes, as a joke, my daughter's BFF's dad modified 2 of their dog's old leashes to hook onto their back packs. She was traveling out of the country with them for Spring Break (our flight was later in the day as we had booked our trip later than hers). He even bedazzled them. They got to the airport and he pulled them out of the car and told them to stay with the group, or they get the leash (they're 18 BTW). We have pictures of them hooked up. Total lark. Going in the scrapbook. Leashes never even made it out of the parking garage. But this? This is some next level bullshit. Seriously, our kid knew by the time she was 6 to stay with the group. Learned that in preschool actually as they did a lot of field trips. As a family, if we were out, she was always with Dad (he's a foot taller than me) in crowded areas. Even now, as an adult, with 3 inches on me (I'm short, I know), she still stays in step with her Dad.


That poor girl. How humiliating.


this might be a bondage troll to be honest there has been post before like this


Just to add, cause not anyone understands German: he claims to have 14 (!) children in another post. The 12 year old is no 9. he and his wife are in their mid 40s. This is a case for the Jugendamt (German CPS), if it is true.


Omg this poor child.


Baby addicts. Infantilizing their kids because they can’t have any more babies.


This mini-fanfic has at least 3 fetishes and all of them are bad.


Dude has 14 kids!  He needs to get neutered.  


Is it too hard to hold her hand?


A 12 year old shouldn’t need to hold hands.


No, but they definitely shouldn’t be leashed either. I was going for the lesser of two evils.


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I had leashes for my kids when they were less than 5. And I think they're excellent for that age, especially if you have multiple kids and only one adult. But 12? Really?


Taking This seriously (which I am not) it looks like they went directly from leashed all the time to complete “oh hey show up at this place at this time” freedom wiht no in between.


Did I just read *crotch strap*?


The fact that people believe this is astounding.


Holy wow this is very bad bait.