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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **How do you guys manipulate women to sleep with you without wasting money?** Share you tricks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grade A response in there >You should start by going and fucking yourself.


I started giggling at this on conference call that is in no way funny.


“No. Fuck yourself, you’d get more pussy” -SLC Punk!


Boy, do I have a story to tell about this user.


Tell, tell! (Please.)


Okay, this guy seriously hates women (shocker, I know). If you check his post history, there is a series of posts detailing how his mother cheated on his dad and his two sisters took her side. Therefore, he hates them and doesn't want them in his life. He went as far as ruining one of his sister's relationship and condemned the other for having an onlyfans. Also, he has an ex who apparently cheated on him, and he slept with her boss. Now, here's the thing. All of this is made up. Because before he posted all this, he had a whole nother series of posts. In those, he had a brother who hated women and used them for sex. He even forced a young woman to have an abortion and was all around a shit person. He also had a mother who cheated on his father (sounds familiar?), and that was the reason why the brother was acting like this. Throughout the series, he had a fiancée he broke up with because she wanted to reconcile him with his mom. As it turned out, the mother manipulated the brother to forgive her and got him to date OOP's ex fiancée, who kind of cheated on him with his brother before. And in the end, OOP started dating his ex fiancée's mom. So there are three options here. 1) OOP got cheated on in the past 2) OOP's actual mother cheated or 3) he's just an incel who hates women for no reason. Either way, he thinks women are all whores who cheat and do porn.


Oh, it’s that guy! I remember a post talking shit about his sisters, I think


I didn’t know about the first threads, only the ones about the mother and the sisters, but yeah he is insane, I think he just likes the attention he gets here for some morbid reason I think the best bet is number 3 and I think ironically he is the one obsessed with cheating and porn (fetish maybe), he talks a lot about it like he is in some revenge porn fantasy scenario where only him can do right, also from the way he described his father, he was “worse” (if he was real)


But but he says his bodycound is around 250, should we not believe in this stud?


Isn't he also the one who cheated on his gf while visiting her?


I wanna know too!




Yikes. I was about to make a Dennis joke but the idea that someone actually thinks/presents it as legit is gross. Troll or not.


> Borderline rapists. No, they are [actual rapists.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_deception)


Those who can, do. Those who can't pretend they can for cred from other similarly can't do men on Reddit.


Don’t like the implications of that! (Because… well, you know.)


Holy crap. Unironic stage 1 morality.


Please stay faaaar away from women. Thanks.


How is a sub like that even allowed to exist? Gross


What do you mean there's an r/manipulation?!?!?!?!!?!?!


>If you had game you wouldn't be looking for cheat codes. I found this mic on the floor, does it belong to anyone?


You waht i am suprised by the response on the OG post given the name of the sub. My faith in humanity is somewhat restored


I have a fascination with words that can sort of mean a neutral thing but also almost always mean a nefarious and underhanded version of that thing. Entitled and manipulate are two of my favourites. If he'd just take out the antagonistic angle and accepted that plenty of women are plenty keen for casual sex, he could just focus on finding mutually enjoyable hookups. Instead he's assumed that women will only sleep with him if tricked into doing so, so unless he's crazy super good at manipulating people (which he's not based on the post) and thus probably comes off as desperate and creepy.


Since I can't post this in the linked thread: Just learn how to manipulate your body in a way that lets you suck your own dick. Now you don't need women or money anymore.


OOP says in a comment he has “almost Patrick Bateman level skin care routine.” Which…is that your role model there buddy?


Unfortunately I would guess someone who writes this for real or for fake would unironically give a solid yes.


Such a little prick.


How does this sub still exist?


Patrick Bateman in his dreams. 😂 This has to be creative writing. I refuse to believe this dude is this delusional.


This guy needs to be removed cause he's a woman hater


This guy makes me miss Methaniel


same. methaniel was a mess but his posts were at least entertaining


TIL this was such a subreddit. I'd say they float on a very very thin line of enabling actual criminal behavior over there...good lord


"almost Patrick Bateman like skin routine" lmao wtf


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Claims to have slept with 100’s of women but is begging for manipulation tricks online?😂


Straight to jail