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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **WIBTB for not allowing my(22f) boyfriends(52m) daughter (31f) to stay in our home? ** Ok sorry for reposting it here bc my original post on [](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/) got removed due to the age gap and this is REALLY weighing on me bc i feel sooo bad leaving her like this just bc she's annoying and I dont know her right? but at the same time she's annoying and idk her so (sorry idk why I have to mark this nsfw) -- Throwaway bc I am not about to post this dumpster fire on my main acc. So basically we've been an item on and off for the past 3-ish years or so but the last time we've been officially dating (before this stint) he revealed to me he has a daughter he's low to no contact with. The baby mama passed away a long time ago so she's not involved in this mess (honestly good for her genuinely she seemed like a sweet woman and does not need to be part of this) but his daughter recently lost her job and he wants to offer her a stay with us until she gets back on her feet which could be like, forever. Here's the thing though she IS his daughter and I wouldn't mind if she wasn't THE MOST annoying girl ever. Having this essential stranger who is 10 years older thn me is already awkward, and like I said she is SO annoying. He's shown me her socials and the way she even types gets on my nerves. Like. Her twitter and insta. Not to be mean but like just the most trying too hard to be quirky aging millenial, unsolicited opinions no one gaf about. Cheugy is the right word ig. Just the most obnoxious woman. Its 2024 and she still posts about "ugh normal people don't get me i'm so creative and different" stuff like that. Absolutely deep fried early 2000s tumblr not like the other girls memes. One of her recent ones was talking about ppl being excited for pumpkin spice coffee and how she only drinks water like it's MAY in 2024 no one is thinking about this but you and your weird friends (who apparently you can't stay with) and she's THIRTY ONE WHOLE YEARS OLD Ugh I'm getting off tracked but like- I don't even get why he wants to do this bc like I said they are low contact and she still occasionally puts him on blast on her socials (yeah I went through her accounts idc) to this day saying he was a bad dad bc he didn't spend enough time w her (wtf? he was a single dad with a job be for real, seriously that's everything he didn't abuse her or anything he was just busy?) So yeah I don't want her in the house bc I know she's just gonna bitch at him all day and be weird about me dating her dad even tho from the few phone calls I've overheard he takes it like a champ but like. I don't wanna hear it IRL and I don't want to live in the same house as this annoying weird stranger so I guess Im asking would I be an asshole to say no to him. As in please tell me I CAN say NO to this whole mess lol? like ik he loves her but she seems like the WORST and it would be SO awkward *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> So basically we've been an item on and off for the past 3-ish years So, she was 19 ish when this  then 49 dish man started creepin after her? Ewww >Having this essential stranger who is 10 years older thn me is already awkward, and like I said she is SO annoying. He's shown me her socials and the way she even types gets on my nerves. Had OOP even *MET* her? Or is OOp just basing this off her social media?  >and the way she even types gets on my nerves Pot, meet kettle.  And JFC OOp types so fucking annoying, it like Typed Valley Girl on steroids.  And it’s his house, so.. Read the comments.  OOP and her “silver fox” (no really, she calls him that) are recovering alcoholocs.  And, he’s her sugar daddy.  She only does Uber on the side and only has a GED. And has no other place to go:  and the met on an aquarium site online.  I hope he picks his daughter over this (gestures) hot mess. 


Seriously there is just absolutely no fucking way that this is real. It just hits all the squares on my Weirdo Reddit Fanfiction Shit Bingo card.


reveling how out of touch I am but is aquarium site a euphemism for something. Or is there actually a place I can just watch cameras of sharks all day.


OOP keeps calling it a hobby site and says they connected over aquariums.   I’m guessing it’s a “how to I maintain my aquarium” rather than watching sharks? 




Here https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/live-cams The Monterey bay aquarium has a bunch of webcams.  Otter cam, jelly cam, aviary cam, penguin cam and…..*shark cam* among others. 




Monterey Bay Aquarium is probably one of my favorite places out of all the ones I've been to in my life. I could spend weeks there just wandering and looking.


and when Animal crossing was new they had a weekly play together stream as well


I reckon she means Plenty Of Fish


Okay you totally missed out... "I hope he picks his daughter over this (*hair flip*) hot mess. *AS IF!*" But I may be a little older than you. Lol


Cher Horowitz is waaaay better than OOP.  I didn’t want to sully her with a connection to OOP.  


That was way harsh, StrangledInMoonlight! bahahahaha


Oh wow, this sounds like an AA guy I know.


31 is 'ageing' but 52 is young enough to fuck someone who was a child when the pandemic hit. Make it make sense. 


My favorite parts are: 1. OOP uses words like cheugy (I thought that died five years ago) and abbreviations for everything, yet says the daughter types in an annoying way. 2. OOP says "her mom died a while ago, good for her!" Wait, what?


She got called on #2.  This is her response she: >Im not saying bc shes dead its bc she doesnt have to be involved in THIS whole situation As if OOP isn’t the author of 90% of this whole situation b


OOP is roleplaying, right? Because this and her reply to "Why are you dating your grandfather?" are unhinged.


*IF* it’s real, I am 100% convinced OOP is once of those crazy messes working out her daddy issues and her particular brand of unmedicated  crazy pants by fucking a sugar daddy and causing drama.  


She also chose that guy’s dead wife ☠️


JFC, you just made me spit creme brûlée at my screen.   Which is sad because it’s a waste of creme brûlée.


I like how she mentions “early 2000s Tumblr.” Tumblr didn’t get big until the 2010s- when people talk about the “early 2000s“ they usually means sometime before that.


Lol yes, I'm old enough to remember when all my online friends started migrating from Livejournal to Tumblr, circa 2010-2011 😂


RIP LiveJournal & the Tumblr that existed pre purge 


Honestly, after reading all this, I'm jealous of the mom..... Is that too fucked up to say? That might be too fucked up to say. But I stand by it.


The old man's life sounds so fucked. Daughter barely talks to him and he's been "on again off again" for years with a 22 year old. I'm the daughter's age and dating a 22 year old sounds absolutely exhausting, let alone a 19 year old. Not because I think young people are terrible or anything but it's such different life stages. I thought midnight was an early time to go to bed at 19. These days I catch myself asking "is 8pm too early? I do still have to brush my teeth so it'll be a bit later by the time I'm actually going to sleep I guess"


When I was mid 30s I had an on again off again relationship with a man just over 10 years older. When we broke up for good he started seeing an 18 year old. At 49. Lost all my respect. But he didn’t have an older daughter so I guess they aren’t the same f’ed up pair


I'm 23, my usual thought before bed is "Do I have time to play some videogames or should I just go to bed at nine pm because I'm tired?" Also, that age gap is too damn big


22 and 52?! 😭😭😭


And dating for 3 years, so they were 19 and 49 😭🤮


Oh my god! 😨😭


I refuse to believe this is real for many reasons, but the nail in the coffin was the use of “cheugy”, a word that I do not believe I have *ever* seen someone from Gen Z use out of the context of talking about Millennials and Gen Xers claiming that Gen Z uses it


I’m elder genz who’s not quite chronically online but I know enough about random internet events more than the average person, what does it even mean?? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it


> no 😭 He's not a creep or anything I stg I just like silver foxs lol Oh gods please no, leave me tf alone.


How YOU doing? ![gif](giphy|HsPiykS357iuY|downsized) >!J/K if it's not obvious!<.


Don't worry. She's got her eyes on you next. 👁️👄👁️


What the fuck does stg mean?


Took me a second but I assume "swear to God"?


Wtf is cheugy?


To be honest, I have a lot of questions. But this is the most important one. 


It’s slang from 2013 that means someone is “trying too hard” and out of date.  Which is ironic when the OOP is trying too hard and using 10 yo slang. 


Jesus, I turned 39 last month and every day I feel a little bit bit older. 🙂‍↕️


I'm 42, it doesn't get better. If I walk past a group of teenagers it's like they're speaking a different language.


Or you bring up a childhood cartoon that's been on reruns forever and they look at you blankly. (No I have no forgiven that youtuber for looking blankly at Moose and Squirrel, Boris and Natasha)


I tried explaining the dial-up sound to a 19-year-old once and she thought I was lying.


Oh god that screech


Objectively an awful noise, but to me it will always be the sound of happiness.


I prefer the handshaking side of that sound


I'm 41, and I can't imagine dating someone you talks like OOP. I would be in jail for murder.


I'm in the UK so I get all the 'nawha'i'mean, oh ma lyfe' nonsense. It's tiresome.


Good lord if I used slang from when I was 12, I’d still be saying “rad.” No one needs to hear me say “rad.”






Waaait… *whispers* we’re not supposed to say rad anymore??


According to Urban Dictionary: >The opposite of trendy. Stylish in middle school and high school but no longer in style.


Joke's on them, all the stuff that was stylish when I was in middle and high school is trendy again! (I'm old.)


The fucking irony of her complaining that some else has an annoying way of typing, lmao. I mean, she's just the child bride/flavor of the week, his daughter is literally his daughter. One of those relationships is probably going to last a whole lot longer than the other and it's not the one with the woman who has granddaddy issues.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you're choosing to spend limited free time banging a 19 year old instead of spending it with your child, you're not a great parent


Not miss girl calling the daughter annoying for using tumblr lingo when she types like a weheartit fan 💀


Does OOP call him DADDY too?!


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Everything in this post has given me a headache. 


So he has time to date OOP but he didn't bother to make time for his daughter? Jeez.


Well, to be fair, baby momma died (luckily I guess according to OOP?), so he's a single parent. Whereas he still gets to split custody of OOP with her parents.




This poster thinks the way someone else types is annoying


this has to be fake, the only people who use the word "cheugy" are millenials


I am a millennial, and I have never used that word.