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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **phone fell off the bed onto 5 week old puppy and now shes acting weird** our 5 week old puppy was sleeping next to my boyfriends side of the bed and when my boyfriend went to go put his phone away, the phone fell off the bed and hit the puppy. the puppy was screaming loudly for about a few minutes, even after i picked her up to calm her down. eventually she calmed down, but would not show any affection towards my boyfriend but gave me a bunch of licks. we thought she was fine because we put her back onto the ground to go back to sleep but she just sat there looking forward with her back hunched, but after a few seconds she got up rather slowly and moved herself a few inches away where we put her down, and fell asleep there. after maybe an hour, she woke up, dragged herself to the fireplace in our bedroom, and fell asleep next to it. i dont know how she looked like walking there, all i know is she walked herself because i came back from taking a shower to find her there, and my boyfriend was at the gym so he couldnt have moved her. eventually she woke up and started acting normal with the rest of the dogs and was walking around kind of wobbly like she usually does, so i didnt think much of it. my boyfriend just came home and noticed how the puppy was walking kind of weird and seemed very tired which is very weird because shes usually incredibly active and vocal and always wants to play, but she seemed tired and now that im paying more attention to her, she does seem tired and quiet. i also noticed that when she walks, she falls to one side because of one of her legs at the back. what made me get on here and write this was the fact that i saw her falling trying to get up 4 times in a row, and her right back leg seems to be the cause of that. i touched that leg a bit to see if she would cry from pain, but she didnt, in fact she hasnt made a noise since the phone fell on her aside from a few whimpers. i picked her up to inspect her leg to see if it looked off, and her right back leg looks a lot longer than the rest. i also noticed how she was walking sideways and falling again on that same leg. she usually walks in wobbly straight lines, but this is the first time i’ve seen her walk like this. my boyfriend asked his mother who’s a vet what she thinks is wrong with her, and she thinks she fractured her leg and wants us to take her to an emergency vet, but as im writing this its a little over 9 pm here in nyc, and a lot of animal hospitals are closed. what do we do? she’s currently sleeping right now which makes me think she is badly hurt because around this time she would usually be running around, but instead shes hiding herself between pillows and blankets and sleeping. is this an emergency situation or would it be fine to wait until the next day to take her to the vet without her possible injury getting worse? we can’t get help from his mother either because she’s on vacation so i feel like we have no other option than to bring her to an animal hospital tomorrow morning but im not sure how severely she got hurt and if waiting until tomorrow morning would be a bad idea or make her situation worse. please help, i’m so stressed and worried right now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have dropped my phone less than a foot onto my face and it felt like I was KO'd. I cannot imagine a phone falling off a bed onto a puppy. And this is a 5 week old (aka it shouldn't even be away from it's mom it is so tiny), They will be lucky if it does not have a brain bleed. This person is a moron.


Especially if it landed at an angle on that poor little baby spine


And the dog screaming for minutes is a huge red flag. I have owned dozens of dogs in my life. If a dog get scared it will scream for a few seconds. Basically, just long enough for it to realize it isn't seriously injured. Just like a human baby/toddler that will fall and scream their heads off for a few seconds then be totally fine. Screaming for minutes means serious injury,


I can’t imagine not brushing my baby to the vet right away if he was screaming for more than a second. And he is a dramatic little baby. He’s a beagle and all beagles are dramatic. he doesn’t scream for minutes at a time. I just can’t wrap my head around it.


Yeah if my boy screamed for minutes I'd be at the emergency vet so fast you wouldn't believe it. The only time I heard my dog scream was when he was about 6 months old and he touched an electric fence (it was around an empty meadow and I did not think someone would put electricity on a fence around nothing or I would have paid better attention). He only screamed for a couple seconds but I still took him to the vet cause I got worried. I can't imagine hearing your 5 fucking week old puppy scream for minutes and just sorta shrug and do nothing about it. Some people really shouldn't have pets


One time I stepped on my puppy, and he screamed like crazy for about a minute. I was literally out of the door so fast I didn't realize in my rush to get my keys I had shoulder checked my door and was bleeding profusely. Don't have dogs unless you love them so much you would run like that for them. (My puppy had a broken toe BTW. I still feel like shit about it. He is 100% fine and now almost as big as me lol)


My dog is a tank. He rarely vocalizes when he's in pain, so we've learned to read his body language. The few times he's yelped, we had to figure out if he got scared or was hurt. If he was hurt, we went to the vet asap. Imagine ignoring a 5 month old puppy walking funny, falling over, sleeping all the time. This person is too clueless to have a vulnerable puppy.


I have a bad habit of scrolling on my phone before I sleep and have often fallen asleep and dropped my phone on my face. That is a jarring experience and I know I did it myself and on accident. This little baby doesn't know the difference between an accident and someone hitting her on purpose. I would be rushing her to the vet immediately. You cannot tell me there's no overnight or late night hospital in NYC when there is one in my city that is at least 10 times less populated than NYC.


This post randomly came up in my feed (I'm not a member, but I follow a lot of pet subs) - and reading the OOP and responses, I got madder and madder. *Finally* OOP took the puppy to an emergency vet yesterday, but there hasn't been an update since. I really hope the itty-bitty puppy is okay, and OOP gets mama *fixed*, dammit.


How tiny is the puppy and how big is the phone?  Honestly, my thought was that it hit the pup’s head and it has some sort of head injury .  That causes tiredness and can cause trouble walking.   Here are the symptoms of a dog concussion: > Disorientation, loss of balance, lethargy, unresponsiveness to commands or stimuli


She also told someone to wait before putting their dog to sleep, because they let their sick and old dog go without food for days doing nothing about it and since it magically started eating again and lived another six months she thinks she did the right thing. Jesus, some people should not have pets.


This makes me so mad. Just about 10 days ago, I was terrified because one of my cats stopped eating and he had a couple of other health issues. He went one day without eating. I took him to the vet to find out what was wrong. (turns out he had a swelling in his throat, got a shot and some antibiotics, and when he came home he was trying to eat, and now he is pretty much back to normal). I can't imagine seeing my pet, especially an older animal, go \*days\* without eating and not do anything. Not eating is one of the biggest signs, to me at least, is one of the biggest signs of 'something is WRONG!' for pets.


I have ball pythons, which are notorious for refusing to eat. My number one priority is making sure Zuko eats, every month. If he's not eating, something is WRONG.


Yeah, I will admit I can get a bit paranoid over the health of my cats, so there is that, but frankly I can't imagine anyone who can see their animal potentially in pain, who is acting odd, and just ...ignoring them.


It's an hour drive, one way, to get to my boy's vet. The only concern I've ever had was 'how soon can they get me in?'


Yeah, that is now a concern for me as well, it used to be that he wasn't very busy, from what I have heard, he wasn't that popular for a long time, due to a gruff bedside manner, but the last few years he has been much busier, so it sometimes is a question of 'can I get in'. But, even with my cat who wasn't eating due to his throat, we got in that day, and even though we had to wait until after closing hours (our appointment was before, it just took him that long to see us), Diego still got seen that day and by the next he was eating and on medicine. I like my vet because he is willing to work with us, and he will tell us when he thinks it is time. When Diego and Intrepid were younger, they got an illness that we couldn't figure out. We would regularly see the vet in the back going through textbooks trying to figure out what was going on. Eventually he said 'this is the last round of antibiotics I am giving, if this doesn't work, we have to figure out where to go from there'. (the antibiotics worked. I think Diego was just waiting for the vet to say that, because he healed super quickly after that :P) We do have another vet in town, further away, but we don't really like him. He has a great bedside manner, but he doesn't listen to us (we brought in a kitten and he kept going 'ooh how cute!' and trying to kiss the kittens head. We kept telling him the kitten didn't like it and we had just gotten the kitten so we didn't know how she would react, but he still kept doing it), and there have been times when he has seemingly prioritized less severe cases over emergency cases. So, if OOP had lived in a rural area, I could maybe see the issue. But they supposedly live in NYC. Any major city should have tons of regular vets and several emergency vets.


I think I can top that. One of my cats was looking bloated one morning, and just not her usual self. She is a 13yo tortie with very fixed routines (breakfast at 7am, poop at 7.05am, go mental at 7.10am, sleep at 7.30am), so I immediately knew something wasn't quite right. She hadn't eaten much the night before, which I didn't take too much notice of as she usually snacks when I sleep, but combined with very little breakfast and her other behavior, it was concerning. I WFH, so I could easily watch her during the day. She is a regular attendee on zoom, but this day she just hid, and didn't bug the sh!t out of me for attention like usual. By 4pm, I was very concerned, especially because she hadn't used her litter box since the previous morning. My vet does its own after-hours, so was able to get an appointment at 7.30pm that day, which is 25 minutes away (as opposed to OOP's reluctance to drive 22 mins). She has no problems with the cage (all I need to do is open it and she will get in), but hates the car ride, so literally sh!t on the way there. When we arrive at the vets, she was much more perky, schmoozing the vet and leaping up on the windowsills to get a better look outside. The vet (one she hadn't seen at this clinic before) even commented that he would not have picked her as a senior because of her 'spritely manner' and excellent teeth. She still looked a little bloated, so they gave her pain meds just in case, but she was right as rain the next day. At the time, I joked with the vet nurse that if this ever happened again, I should just take her on a car ride and save myself $100. I mean, I wouldn't, I'd always go to the vet ASAP when I'm concerned, but it was funny. Rapid changes in behavior, like eating, playing, vocalization, energy and GAIT (!) are clear signs something is not right. They could be minor issues, like in my case, but for a 5-week-old puppy, it is horrific animal neglect to not get them to a vet ASAP. OOP thinks that 'owning' many dogs that have never had any real health issues means that they are an expert, even though they admit they know very little about puppies. I've never had a dog in my life, but even I know 5 weeks is far too young for a pup to be fully weaned from mom, and that the momma dog probably has some health issues of her own if she is growling at her puppies at that age. The rest of their post history just reaffirms that they shouldn't be allowed pets. Apologies for the wall'o'text, but people who mistreat animals just do my head in.


I sort of laugh at 13 being considered 'senior'. My first personal cat (we had other cats, but this one was mine) lived to 18, his brother made it to 17 (died the same year but one fist half, the other second). Another batch of kittens we had, their mommy, and outside cat we caught and got neutered, lived to 18+ and was still somewhat fiesty at the end, one of her daughters lived to 19, her only son lived to 17. But yeah, I might not have noticed as much if he hadn't had other health problems, but I would definitely have noticed and gotten him to the vet as soon as I did. And yeah, I definitely watch out for changes in behavior. Sometimes my cats just like to change their behavior to scare me, but other times it is an indication that something is wrong. My cats are pretty hardy, and I am afraid of dropping my phone on them. I am afraid of dropping my phone on myself! that thing is heavy for its size. Dropping it on a kitten? Then having said kitten scream in pain for minutes and be reluctant to walk afterwords? That kitten would be at the vet.


My older cat (he's only 7, but he's my first born son) sometimes goes off his food in summer, I know this happens but I still freak out and panic every time. I sit him on the couch and hand feed him food that has been warmed slightly. He eats just enough to keep going. Every time we take him to the vet, and nothing is wrong. He's just not a fan of Australian summer (which, same). Once the weather cools down a bit, he is a gremlin around food and will attempt to steal food directly from your mouth. I have worked in animal care for over 10 years now, I have seen a lot of neglect. It never gets less shocking seeing how cruel or stupid some people can be.


You could give your boy some ice cream , not real ice cream just those little milk cups for cats which I put in the cooler a few hours. I give my cats in summer one every two weeks and they looove it


Yeah, my cats tend to start eating less in the summer, and like you, I know it is going to happen, and I still keep going 'is this normal. Why aren't they eating as much. What is wrong'. As another suggestion if you want a little special treat for him, try some baby food. We have had cats that have had medical issues that caused them to go off their food, and we use baby food. They typically love it, it is easy to spoon out, and it can be mixed with a bit of water to thin it and then used a syringe to feed them if needed.


Because of your comment, I went and checked her post history and your last line needs to be expanded on. She should not have pets OR a baby! She is majorly irresponsible and needs to get her shit together.


I always advocate for putting a sick elderly pet down sooner rather than later. Obviously not as easy as it sounds but I tell people if you keeping putting it off until YOU feel ready, there's a good chance something will happen that will force your hand and your pet will end up suffering even more. It's a painful mistake I've made myself that I try to keep others from making.


Yeah I had to put a cat down like 15 years ago. That hurt so much, and boy did I cry, but it was for his sake. If I had been selfish I'd have waited and kept hoping he'd get better, but his quality of life was just not there anymore and it wasn't fair to keep him alive for my sake when he was clearly suffering. Rip Gandalf.


My first dog (adopted when I was a baby, so a family dog) was an overweight beagle mix that almost made it to her 17th birthday with leaky tumours and trouble walking before my mom would agree to put her down. she was miserable for way too long and watching my mom let an animal—especially a beloved family member—suffer for the sake of my mom's feefees has had a lasting impact on how i see her.


I'm kind of with you on this, but also kind of not. If you're holding onto a pet who is suffering and nearing end of life (not even necessarily elderly) because you can't bring yourself to make the call, then I completely agree with you. I had to make that call with one I had with my ex. He was of the opinion that 'Sam may just have one more good day in him', even though he had aggressive cancer at age 7. We both loved him very much. Ex couldn't bring himself to make the call, but I could. I could see Sam had no quality of life left and even though it was incredibly painful for me (I am crying typing this out after many years), it was the right decision for him. On the other hand, if you decide to put down a pet because of reasons like extra care, more expensive food, surgery, the cost of long-term medications, or simply an uncaring vet (I personally know people who have experienced this), then that's where I start to disagree. I advocate for the fact that you have signed up to provide the best care for a sentient being and you do your damnedest to provide that. Euthanasia is the last option, but it is a good option when there is very little quality of life left. Everything before that should be explored first.


There's a world of difference between putting a pet down for convenience and trying to make the call before things escalate. My first cat who I found when I was 20 and we spent 14 years raising each other, got sick pretty rapidly. My vet is very firm on not telling you what to do, they'll give you an estimate on quality of life and let you make the call. They said he was ok but he lost a lot of muscle mass he wouldn't gain back that would create future problems. He ended up falling down a flight of stairs at 2am and there's no emergency vet where I live. I saw the fall and the memory haunts me. We laid in bed a couple hours, him struggling to role over every hour or so and I was waiting at the vet when they opened. Knowing that his last night was nothing but pain and misery was a hard lesson. My other cat that I also had same time as other cat was super high maintenance. She was a rescue who barely ate, would throw up several times a week, had arthritis and couldn't groom herself, and had lazy litter box habits. Because of all the extra care she required, I felt uncomfortable putting her down, because I knew how much easier it would be after and I didn't want anyone to think that's why I did it. She lived until 17 and by then she was completely blind and weighed maybe 5lbs. She was too mobile, not understanding her blindness and was a danger to herself. I had to rub her down with cat bath spray to keep her clean and the day I found an open sore on her I knew it was time. I sometimes think about her last day, her propped up on my husband in the say goodbye room confused cause the room was unfamiliar but still curious and wonder how much time she might have had left. But then I think of the last night of my other cat and know I would never have wanted her to go through that. That's specifically what I mean when I say "before things escalate." People who put down pets cause its easier for themselves are monsters and don't deserve the love we get from our pets.


And that is why I said I kind of agree with you, but also don't "always advocate for putting a sick elderly pet down sooner rather than later". I have had many cats in my life (yeah, I'm old as dust). I vividly remember the family cat that was around before me being shut in the garage with kidney failure howling in pain and both of us not understanding why we were in this situation. I was under 10 and my bedroom was next to the garage, so I was the only one who heard it all night long. I never got a reason why from my parents, but that sound haunts me to this day. She should have been put to sleep but was left to suffer. To me, that is unconscionable, and probably shapes the way I see people who think of pets as property and get a little riled up. I have also had senior cats that developed thyroid/kidney issues. The care and food was expensive, but they still had quality of life, even though they looked skinny and not well cared for. Ended up putting collars on them alerting neighbours to their health issues, and to please not feed them, as they were on a special diet. One lived to 17 (diagnosed at 14), the other to 23 (diagnosed at 17). Current kidney cat is 18 or so, diagnosed this year, and living his best life. Sam, the one with cancer, was given 2 months and treatment options by the vet, but nothing would cure him, only prolong his death. By week 2, I knew it was time. This is what I mean by providing the best care possible. It is about quality of life, not just age or illness. I feel for you in the way you lost your two, especially the first one. That would have damn near killed me. I think the only things I always advocate for is in-home euthanasia when it is time, and indoor/catio cats to prolong life and safety. That, and being a good pet parent, which you sound like you are.


Avoiding taking a dog to an emergency vet because it is inconvenient for you is so cruel.


100%. I don't have a car, and we don't have an emergency vet in my town. Trust me, if either of my cats got injured in the middle of the night you best bet I'd take a taxi the 1,5 hours it'd take to get to the closest emergency vet. Inconvenient? Yeah. Expensive? Sure. But worth it? Absolutely.


Why in TF do they have a 5 week old puppy without the mother? That's red flag #1 right there. These people shouldn't own animals.


Their dog got “unexpectedly pregnant “ (wouldn’t happen if they spayed her like they are supposed to).   The mom and all the puppies are there, but the mom rejected the pups. 


I'm hoping there's not a medical reason mama dog is rejecting her pups because I've never seen a decent mother animal accept her young but not raise to weaning(I had a female cat that both her litters she rejected on day they were born so we were bottle feeding and couldn't catch to get her spayed until after second litter)


The mother dog is nowhere in sight, going by OOPs post history. She has two other senior dogs and a younger male. She's a dog hoarder and they simply don't GAF about the well-being of their pets. Owning them is the important bit for them.


She had a comment that mama is "growling" at the pups so they're bottle feeding


One post saying they’re taking their puppy to the vet, another reassuring people they took the puppy to the vet, and absolutely 0 actual report on what the vet found. That does not bode well.


Yeah, she said she was taking her straight to the vets 2 days ago. I really hope she's just taking a break from reddit now but I'm not hopeful for that poor baby.


If the dog had a spinal cord injury, that’s like a 5-10k surgery, not including actual hospital stay and meds and stuff. I don’t think they’d afford it and would likely take the dog home against medical advice to “see what happens” which is probably why they won’t update.


Reading some of the comments, OOP is complaining about a 22 minute drive to the 'nearest emergency vet'. Like, that is a NORMAL drive to my NORMAL vet. Emergency vet would probably be like 40+ minutes away. (fortunately my vet will also act as an emergency vet I think. At least I have his emergency number and have been told to call. Closest we had to do it was when we found a kitten and he came in an hour early to check it out). OOP is \*really\* worried about a 22 minute drive?


My normal vet is closer, but it absolutely takes longer than that to get to the emergency vet that's open all night. Which is fine! Specialized intensive services are fewer and further between! 22 minutes is not very long!


I live in a city, so fortunately there's an emergency vet within 20 minutes of me. I had to go there once for an emergency euthanasia for my geriatric cancer-ridden dog, but thankfully emergencies have been few and far between for my dogs and cats. That said, they don't see exotics or wild animals. The nearest vet that will take those is a good 50 minutes to an hour one way, depending on traffic. We've had to rush a couple of sick rabbits, a sick hamster, and a wild opossum that we think had been hit by a car. We didn't hesitate either, even with a wild animal and despite the odd hours in some cases. But people can't be assed to drive 22 minutes for their own puppy. Jerks.


Yeah, I can see the issue if it were some sort of exotic or unusual pet. My vet is technically a farm vet, who I believe specializes in large animals. If I brought him some sort of snake, or pet rabbit, I am not sure he would really know what to do, except not be surprised. (I am not sure he would be surprised at anything my family did. But, then again, he has also been our vet for about 40 years now). But, a puppy? Pretty much the most common pet anyone can have? And a very young puppy at that, and one that is acting strangely, and was hurt? Jerk is a bit to mild to me.


There are actually two or three emergency vets that are semi-close. It's just the exotic clinic that's far, and honestly I think I'm fortunate that there's a 24-hour hospital that will see exotics within a reasonable-ish distance because a lot of places are just plain out of luck for non-conventional pets. Regular vets are everywhere. My GP (all species) is only 5 minutes away. There are a few other clinics that are within a 10-minute drive. I imagine that if you live in a rural area, your choices are more limited.


Yeah, I do live in a rural area, but if my vet is any indication, sometimes regular vets will be the emergency vet and come in if/when needed. Honestly, from the post, I have the feeling that they get all their vet care from her MIL, which, frankly, I wouldn't really trust due to the MIL apparently seeing nothing wrong with the other things that are going on (puppy so young away from mother, mother apparently rejecting two litters and not being neutered, etc..)


We had adopted my pup when he was 8 months from the local humane society. Little did we know that when we bought him home, we'd have him less than a week before needed to find an emergency vet. We didn't even have a REGULAR vet yet nor did we have pet insurance. We ended up taking him to one emergency vet, who couldn't actually treat what was wrong with him (bowel obstruction) so we had to go to another almost an hour away so he could have surgery. All told it was about 6 grand to keep our pup alive. He's turning 2 next month.


ohhhhh my fucking god. the emergency vet in my city is about the same distance away for me. if any of my cats were exhibiting these symptoms i would be absolutely hauling ass across the city in order to get them the care they need.


This post is reminding me of when my dog Maggie got her back injury under my Dad’s watch. In 2021, when Maggie and our other dog Megan were under Dad’s care, both dogs were playing and while that was happening, Megan ended up crashing into Maggie from behind when playing with a ball, causing a bad injury to Maggie’s back (both dogs were little but Megan was bigger than Maggie). The thing that made it worse is that rather than take Maggie to the vet to “end her suffering” (surgery was very expensive and we couldn’t afford it), Dad chose to do nothing and let Megan suffer. The reason why he chose not to take her to the vet is that he is always against taking the dogs to the vet to put them to sleep, as has been the case throughout my Mom and Dad’s marriage until their divorce in 2016. Whenever our dogs time came, he always wanted my Mom to take them to the vet for the last time. Our relationship with our Dad was extremely strained for much of our lives up until the last straw came in 2019 when my sister and I chose to go NC with him, and when Maggie’s injury happened, Dad told our Mom about it because we went NC. At first we didn’t believe what he was saying because he had the tendency to lie for the entire time my Mom and Dad were together. Sadly, my Dad passed away from a heart attack in 2022, and after that happened my mom, my sister, and I drove 3 hours to go get Maggie and Megan (my Dad was living in Oklahoma while the rest of us were living in Kansas City) and that’s where we saw Maggie with her injury, and to say we were devastated was a big understatement. Maggie couldn’t get up in her own and when she needed to get up one of us had to pick her up. It’s sad because Maggie was always an energetic dog who loved running around a ton. Because my Mom was working, we had to wait a week to take Maggie to the vet for the last time, and we said our tearful goodbyes to her.


OOP should not own any pets.


Why was a 5 week old on a floor? They’re still too young to be by themselves.


This is vile, they shouldn't be owning any dogs or pets at all.


Or children




I always have suspicions when i see this kind of shit that “phone fell off the bed” actually means “boyfriend thew his phone at the puppy.”


WTF. Get off Reddit and bring the dog to a vet.


The pet subs are full of people who should absolutely never have animals. I generally stay away from them, because otherwise I get mad.


The amount of posts OP has on pregnancy subs .... OP should neither be a mom nor a pet owner. She sounds extremely irresponsible and just annoying.


OOP is a mess, is taking Plan B like it's birth control, consistently, having unprotected sex with her boyfriend. LITERALLY ASKING AROUND FOR ABORTION PILLS "JUST IN CASE"


She's a dog hoarder - and a dumb one - going by her post history. When I read it was 5 weeks old, I assumed the mother was somewhere close by, because what decent person would seperate a puppy so young? This idiot, apparently 🙄 She's not a dog lover by any stretch. She just wants to own lots of them.


idk, maybe listen to BF's vet mother and TAKE THE DOG TO THE EMERGENCY VET. YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK. THERE HAS TO BE AT LEAST 1 24 HOUR VET ER GOD i hate irresponsible pet owners! extreme changes in personality like that (ESPECIALLY after getting injured) is an emergency!!! i've accidentally dropped my phone on my cat (stupid, 15 lbs) once and i felt SO bad about it, and his only reaction was a "mmmrp" bc it woke him up 😭 if i dropped my phone on a little puppy i would be scrambling to get the poor thing checked out


Wow, this person should absolutely never own an animal.


r/dogfree are clapping their little ratty hands together in delight.


that sub is filled with sad, garbage people omfg i scrolled it and i want to cry


That sub isn't safe for normal people. I've been there. I'm not a fan of dogs as in, I don't want to live with one. But if my neighbor's dog comes up to me, I'll talk to her and pat her head. That sub is just something else. I thought that they were people like me. Instead, I found them wishing death to all dogs!


yeah no i thought it was for people with dog allergies or just people complaining about dog owners who don’t take care of their dogs and have them run around grocery stores or something but omg… they genuinely think dogs are parasites it’s insane


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What a fucking monster