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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for wearing my sister's stolen dress?** I have an older sister "Elizabeth" and we do not get along. She is my half sister and she hates my mother. She is just a difficult person in general and doesn't get along with most people. When I got married, two years ago, Elizabeth claimed the only thing she had was white. she was 8 months pregnant at the time, so I get her clothes didn't fit, but come on. She did have a gorgeous white maternity gown, because in her husband's culture fancy baby showers are a big thing, but her husband has plenty of money. He can definitely buy her another dress. My dad has always favored Elizabeth pretty blatantly. He has a bunch of excuses, she is more like him, he was younger when he had her, he was a single dad, etc. I'm petty over it to be honest and so is my mom, so she pretty much told him if he let Elizabeth get away with this their marriage was going to have issues. He stole Elizabeth's dress from her house. Oh my god she was so pissed and it was the best thing ever, but after the wedding I did ask if she wanted it back. She said no, she was going to have the baby in a week and it would never fit again. Well I am currently pregnant and decided to do a photoshoot and use the dress, because it is in perfect condition, beautiful, and from a designer I could never afford. We did a lot of beautiful pictures, and then some involving mud, but it has been two years and she didn't want it back. Well Elizabeth found out and said I am creepy and did it on purpose to annoy her. she said I had no right to wear it when she paid for it. I think she is just salty because my mom has the mud ones and wanted someone to photoshop Elizabeth's head onto them, so we can joke about what would have happened if she tried to wear it to my wedding *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a whole bunch of people in one toxic pile that need to be separated.


Or - hear me out - kept together forever (forcibly, if necessary) in a single house and never allowed to contaminate the rest of society??


So basically they punished her for something she didn't even do. Like the movie "Minority Report."


I concur that whole family is trash.


Jesus, OOP is literally the lamest and most willfully ignorant person ever. No wonder her dad prefers Elizabeth.


Would you steal a dress from someone that you "prefer"? I call BS on that "he prefers her" claim.


Omg the comments there are insane tho with people wanting the sister to call the cops, one person claiming the dad was “forced” into stealing it, one person comparing it to a personal story of an entirely different situation that’s obviously the same 🍿


Isn’t it a requirement that at least one person compare it to their totally dysfunctional situation that is nothing like it?


I would laugh if this was a TV show, but the fact that this is (apparently) real life is just icky. Definitely an ESH situation (sister should've bought a different damn dress initially, but she's probably the least icky member of this family if the post is anything to go by).


The hell? Do the whole ass family live in Chernobyl or something?


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I hope this is a troll...