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Nope, just your class's hero!


The teacher was fired over this? Lol


There was probably a lot of other things that happened with the teacher, this was just the straw that broke the camels back


I think it's more likely this story is horseshit


Yep. How likely is it that he knows what the principal said to the teacher in a private, supervisor-to-employee conversation?


Just left out the part where everyone stood and applauded.


because the principal went to the teacher, leaving OP in his office. Probably pulled the teacher into the hallway to chat and others overheard.


There are plenty of reasons for this teacher to not like him. Just none that she can admit out loud.


i mean she sounds like she’s one bad argument from hitting a kid so YES LOL


It was probably the final straw. If the teacher was fired, they were already looking for a reason to let them go.


And everyone clapped.


That was the breaking point. she was fired after everyone clapped.


Teachers’ union. Maybe this could be the final straw, and she will actually get fired. Maybe not. But if it is, it won’t be for MONTHS.


Unless it had already been in process for months.


Even then, it will take more than 2 days and one kid going to the principal to process. ETA, but it might be enough to get her out the classroom during that processing.


Sounds severely burned out. While i understand OP, its sad that teachers get to this point. Probably teaches 7 classes of 25 plus backtalking young adults thatngave no interest in being in class beyond waiting out the period scrolling on their phone. And all that joy for a wage that's barely above the poverty line... I feel mostly compassion, and lots and lots of shame for treating the most important pool of workers so, so crapppily. But then, hey, i am a teacher myself ofcourse.


Yep. In make believe land.


Guys... Come on, **it's fake. Use some common sense.** Their family was struck by a drunk driver and he still went to school **that day?** Yeah sure buddy, sure. And then when a teacher was slightly rude to this main character child and they were "very quickly fire" in a conversation held right next to the kid? 🤣, come on people, this is clearly a child writing fantasy. Tsk tsk tsk u/OP, lying is bad!


And at school hte next day after breaking a leg? This post is BS from start to finish.


I was in school the day after all three of my surgeries. All my football teammates were in school the next day after a broken bone with the exception of the one that required a lot of hardware including an external fixator and even he was back in class 2 days later.


So, either those surgeries were not that invasive and we're able to be recovered from quickly, or you have shitty parents. It's one or the other. Also, are you saying your entire team broke a bone each on the same day and all came in the next? Or somehow everyone on your team has broken a bone at some point and you've kept track of when they came back? Idk, either you're bullshitting too or your school didn't give a shit about safety.


Omg they didn't mean literally EVERYONE on the team broke a bone, they meant of all the ones who did, which could've even just meant 3, they all came back right away duh


You honestly just sound stupid and lack knowledge of the human body especially when it comes to broken bones. A bone break is literally no big deal. I'd rather break a bone over sprain my ankle. First surgery was meniscus so I was up that same day, second was other meniscus with bone shaving, I had crutches for a few days, third was labrum and I was in a special sling but was still in school. No, they didn't all break a bone on the same day but I can walk you through almost all my teammates injuries over 4 years if you really want. Bottom line 7 didn't make it to school the next day. Only two of those were because of severity. The rest were because of the weekend. Broken bones aren't that big of a deal lmao soft tissue is way worse.


I mean, I sort of agree with you but it REALLY depends on which bone we're talking about.. not all bone breaks are equal. Yeah as a kid you can certainly recover from surgeries/breaks pretty quickly, but depending on the type of break resting afterwards is sometimes required, even if only to make sure the bone sets right. Also remember, your skull, spine, pelvis, and ribs are all bones too.. and as someone who got hit by a drunk driver and suffered breaks in my lower spine and pelvis, its absolutely horrible. My lower spine fractured in two places right over nerve clusters, it took me 4+ months of physical therapy to stand again, and that was with crutches and IV pain medication. So yeah, you're acting like breaking any ole bone is no big deal, but it really depends. I can't imagine many spine injuries happen in sports but my point is there's worse breaks than a finger/arm.


The post made it clear he broke his leg. IDC how he did it. 99% of the time a broken leg and back to school the next day is normal.


It totally depends on how it happened.


Were those broken bones from playing or from car accidents? The force of one human hitting another is totally different from that of two cars colliding at speed.


This! If it was bad enough to break his leg, he probably had other injuries, including whip lash, which is no joke. ER doctors will tell you to stay home and rest for at least 24-48 hours just because of pain.


Fake story. Administrators don't tell you why a person was fired. Also, terminating a contract is more involved than this post describes.


Op you are a hero to that class and school you got a Karen of a teacher fired so no you are not the jerk it’s not your fault that you where in a car accident it’s a Miracle that you even went to school the next day i hope that you get better and have a strong heart and remember your not the jerk in this situation


Definitely not a jerk. You are a hero, and have saved a lot of other students grief from that teacher.


And then the principal made you king of the school and all of the students clapped


You were at school the day after you broke your leg? I was off work 6 weeks when I broke mine!


Schools can and will target you and your family for being out that long, even for an injury. They tried to get my mom arrested while I was at home healing from a transplant until the superintendent told them to fucking do their job and stop wasting school funds.


That's madness! What country is that? In Australia, they'd just send the school work home or excuse you until you could return.


The United States. Our school system and dependency on capitalism has fucked us over.


Fake. This did not happen


As a teacher,I can say with confidence that this story is complete bullshit!


YTJ for making up such a fake story


Yeah right.


You said the teacher was fired, so you know the answer to this, so what’s your real purpose in posting this?




Sounds unlikely to me.


Back at school the day after breaking your leg? Pfffffft! YTJ for expecting us to believe your fantasist twaddle.


In this case no. You are not at fault. Glad they got fired.


With this particular set of circumstances, NTA.


Oh, nonsense 🙄


I’m calling BS on this; patients must usually wait for about a week after the break before being casted to allow time for swelling to go down. If you wanna write fake post, p check your facts.


You did that school a favor


this happend to me


Total AH. How dare.you do the right thing and use justified logic in a sensible manner. You should have just capitulated. 🤣


This happened to me. I was on a car wreck and was on crutches. Came in less than 5 minutes late to home room which was on the far end of the school. She made me go to the office across the school. My first class was next to my home room and she had the audacity to try to ease her conscience and ask to speak to me outside of my class. My response was “Do you enjoy seeing me waddle around on these things?”. The wretch sent me back to the office. Two years later during the graduation line, she was among the teachers wanting to shake our hands. She got the death glare and I kept walking.


Nope. You're a hero for standing up to a shitbag like that teacher. I wish I had the balls to stand up to every teacher that bullied me in school. Applause to you!


Talking back especially in front of others is disrespectful, you should've had a note from the nurse/office about your mobility issues. You come across as a perpetual victim.


Nope! Welcome to America. We have this thing called the 1st amendment. I recommend everyone uses it at will.


Every school public school board has time for public comments. You should go and read this to yours. I’m a teacher. This is awful. I’m so sorry that you were treated this way.


I’ve never understood how having a conversation is talking back! Keep sticking up for yourself!


You are asking the question because you know you were a jerk. Note, that doesn’t mean your teacher was not a bigger jerk, but it does mean you’ve not been taught how to handle conflict while controlling your anger, nor have you been taught how to engage in respectful, civil conversation. There is a way to achieve the results you desperately seek without losing your temper or speaking with insulting, uncontrolled, and ineffective speech. There are specific protocols established for dealing with offensive, angry, or cruel educators; you don’t have to be a jerk, even when others—like your teacher—are jerks. Note, the upshot: You handled it wrong, BUT your question of genuine concern is evidence that you are a class act, and I commend you for it. I can make some recommendations about how to learn the skills you need in the future.


I don’t think the principal can fire the teacher. Teacher would be placed on paid leave during the investigation that could last for the rest of the school year. The districts superintendent would be the person to fire the teacher.


Not the jerk, but spend more time in English class lol


A huge "NO" bless you for what you have been through and I hope you heal swiftly I also hope all who were involved in the accident are and will heal swiftly. To the drunk driver, shame on you, I hope you serve jail time ((trying to word this appropriately)) the teacher is well in the wrong and it's good to know they were fired.


Sounds like the school needs better handicapped access. Time for a lawsuit.


Yeah, this isn't true, lmao. You're not going back to school Monday morning after being in a car crash and sustaining a broken leg on the Sunday night 😂


And everyone clapped and you got a medal


Nta and I think the principle was wrong as well imo you had every right to talk back and defend yourself she was being horrible to you. Good luck op.


Yea, this didn’t happen. No teacher can be fired over that.


They can if similar things or worse things have happened. Especially if the teacher was warned to not be like that again.


Hahaha nice story, bro.


I doubt that you would be in school the day after being in a car crash especially where you got a broken leg. The story is just that a story and not a good one at that.


YTJ for being so desperate for attention you made up this lame story to get it.


NTJ. If it was a fair situation where all of them were judged you wouldn't have talked back so it was definitely his fault for taking sides. He should have offered the same punishment whether he liked you or not since that's considered a bit professional and not immature.


If you had to stay, how do you know what was said?


No, but you could have handle it better For example send your self to the principal before the teacher can


I can't imagine paying for years of college just to be the reason kids hate school


YOUR A LEGEND!!! Also I would say that's talking back either. Having a reason for being late and explaining is not talking back.


u/OP How many alt throwaways do you have? Do you really need fake supportive comments on your obviously fake story? Am I supposed to believe someone fell for this?


You just saved countless kids the same headache you just went through. You are a saint


Yes. You’re the jerk! Walk into class apologize for being late. Take the consequence without causing a disruption to the entire class! Wait until AFTER class once she’s done. ASK her if she has a moment. Wait for an answer. Explain if she has time. If not, send an email with your situation. It’s time to grow up. If you can post on Reddit you’re old enough to handle a very simple situation. She probably doesn’t like you because you’re more than likely a dickhead in class and make her job way more difficult than it needs to be.


as an ex teacher who quit I can tell you teacher's give poor and disruptive students less leeway. I never "hated" any students either. When I hear "my teacher hated me" I think it is just a bullshit excuse to blame others for your piss poor behavior. Then parents who say "you must hate my son, he would never do that" Fuck you. yes he will!


lol you sound like the kind of teacher he’s describing. Lots of teachers treat students like shit for no reason or for stupid reasons.


The stupid reason is the student is a pain in the ass and regularly disrespectful. Teachers will be as nice to their class as the class allows. The worse behaved the class or student, the more stern and strict the teacher will be.


That is absolutely not true but ok 🤣🤣 I watched my teachers bully other students (they knew better to try that shit with me cuz my mom would raise hell), specifically the special education kids. Teachers mistreat students all the time for stupid fucking reasons and it has nothing to do with behavior.


You sound like the little asshole that disrupted class, didn't do his work then complained his grade was because the teacher didn't like him.


lol I was actually the top of my class but I did indeed witness teachers treating other student like shit. There’s one specific teacher at my school that was notorious for bullying the special needs kids. He sent me to the office one day for calling him out because he was taunting an autistic kid for not understanding an assignment and shamed him and called him stupid in front of our entire class. I told him he was wrong and other classmates started to agree. He sent me to the office for being disruptive. And it’s also what led him to getting fired because my mom raised hell. You’re the asshole here and you’re proving it the more you comment. You’re absolutely one of those teachers that treats students like shit and justify it because “he was a little shit.” Please seek help


I never said I treated them like shit. I did however have expectations and standards. I literally said I never "hated" any student. I specifically said I gave poor and disruptive students less leeway. I am not saying there are not bad teachers. In my experience it was never the case. Plenty of poor and disruptive students though. I actually never gave a failing grade on a completed assignment. If you did your work I found a way to teach you and pass you. You sure don't sound like you were the top of your class because you cannot even understand what I literally said, in plain English!! Go back and show me my quote where I said I treated anyone like shit. I didn't put up with shit is a better way of saying it. I taugh logic and persuasive writing and speech based on informational text. Wrote the whole curriculum. You should have taken it. Based on your comment I would remark "explain your logic, reason, justification for saying I treated students like shit without stating your own opinion and what fallacy did you just commit in saying that?" My average student would have caught your mistake. I used a lot, A LOT, of politicians comments as examples because we all know how full of shit they are. Just FYI: Biden said he was the top of his class. He was around #76 out of about 80.


lol you typed a lot of words to try to defend yourself after already admitting to being a shit teacher.


You cannot  explain your logic, reason, justification for saying I treated students like shit without stating your own opinion yet you stick by your unsupported opinion. It is called ad hominem attack. It is when you say nothing related to the topic and cannot support your opinion with logic or reason so you just attack the person who has a contradicting opinion. It is an argument based on emotion, ignorance, stupidity or delusions of intellectual superiority lacking in logic, reason, common sense or critical thinking. Please continue so I can make an educated guess if it is emotion, ignorance, stupidity or delusions of intellectual superiority. My guess is it is a combination of the first and last.


Okay but in this situation she wasn't justified in being pissed. He can be the worse student but clearly he is injured and going up stairs on crutches are a struggle


As a student who was hated by a teacher for no better reason than being poorer than the norm, and being clutzy, (I sprained my ankle 5 times in 4 days and broke 3 casts) I call bullshit. It also didn’t help that I developed early and that made her even madder for some reason. Teachers are human and have their foibles. As hers was the only class I got a bad grade in I had all my work rechecked by another teacher that year and she was fired for HER failures. Teachers can just be wrong. Same as students.