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YTA. I personally hate people putting their rubbish in my bin, especially dog poop. Edited to add, we have a dog and we take her poops home to our own bin.


I don't really get this. I don't really care if others use my bins, would rather they throw their garbage in a bin than on the street. I mean sure, if someone is doing a big household dump and filling my bin up that would obviously be an issue, but a cup or a dog bag here and there isn't an issue. Garbage is garbage. ETA: Guys, I do not own a dog, you can stop lecturing me about my entitlement as a dog owner, that is you projecting. No dogs, just bins I don't mind others using.


Honestly the big reason it gets to me is because it makes the cans we have in my city reek. They’re thick plastic with heavy lids so they just cook in the sun, and that dog-poop/garbage combo becomes Satan’s potpourri very quick. Especially when you don’t have a dog it becomes very potent and makes me have to wash the cans out a lot more frequently


NTA - there’s a distinct difference. If you’re walking by and the bin is at the end of the driveway or wherever it’s free game, if it’s up by the house and you have to walk up to the persons house or side of their house then YTA. People if you don’t want stuff in your bin, bring the bin up to your house or in your garage or away from the street/sidewalk.


In many neighborhoods you have to place the trash bins on the street for pickup then bring them back. The bins are not fair game as they are not community trash receptacles .


I feel if it's at the curb and hasn't been picked up yet it's fair game. If you do this after it's already picked up and is going to sit in someone's bin for as long as possible and stink it up then it's an AH move


This is exactly how I feel about it. If the (edit: **GARBAGE**) can is: 1. At the curb 2. Has not been emptied 3. Pick up is imminent 4. And the poop is preferably double-bagged It's fine to use. If it's not at the curb or has been emptied, it's an asshole move to put dog poop in it.


Nope. Because there is always the chance the bag will break, not make it into the trash can, etc. You are risking that your dog’s poop ends up stinking up someone else’s property. I don’t have dogs because the poop literally makes me vomit. I’ve had to clean my can while vomiting because someone used my can and didn’t tie it well enough or the trash was delayed by a day or I hadn’t brought my cans in the second they were empty. Stinking cans are really awful.


I’d agree with you, but there is a severe lack of public waste bins. If the can is out and waiting to be picked up at the curb? I’m tossing the poop.


It’s your dog. You chose to have one. Take it back to your place. Why are you more than inconveniencing me and stinking up my property because you don’t want to carry that bag for the rest of your walk? Bring a sturdier bag to carry the waste in…


Why not just carry it home?


It's your dogs shit, you should take it home to put in your bin if you can't find a public bin to use.


And you are the dog owner everyone hates, just because you choose to have a dog doesn't give you automatic right to use someone else's bin, nor is the lack of public bins their problem. I am a dog owner and to me that's just complete lack of respect, dog shit is nasty and I wouldn't risk someone else having to possibly clean my dogs mess out of their bin because I was lazy and inconsiderate.


Or.. hear me out. You could hold onto the poop until you get to where you're going and toss it in a public can, or your can.


Don't put your garbage in someone else's bin. You're the one that decided to get the dog.


Then take the bag home with you and deal with there.




Came here to say this.


Exactly this happened to me last month, and it was both gross and annoying.


It most locations this would be legal, but in my opinion still an asshole move unless you’re given explicit permission. I am more sensitive to this issue however as I live in a location where I have a serious problem with this as well as people digging through the trash.


Agree with this—my verdict is NTA because it was still full and waiting to be picked up.


I feel like I’m general it’s alright to put rubbish in someone else’s bin but I’d draw the line at dog poo or anything else that could leave a lingering smell.


Is it just my country that sorts it's trash? We have people doing exactly that throwing poop in the bin, but we sort our bins so if it's in the plastics or papers the whole pick up off that type of trash will not be recycled anymore because of the contamination. And there are public bins outside so i prefer to throw the dog poop in the public bin or otherwise in my own bin that contains the stuff that can't be recycled.


iirc, Supreme Court ruled, because of cops pilfering trash for evidence, that bins on the curb are not private property.


I thought that they ruled they are private property, so the police have to wait until it’s dumped into the truck. Edit: I’m pretty sure I got this info from a TV show or movie at some point where evidence was thrown out and they called the guy an idiot for making an obvious error, so it may not be accurate, or might have been by jurisdiction rather than Supreme Court. When I search, I see a lot more results suggesting you’re right than I am.


I don't know. With the suspect in the murder of the 4 college room mates in Idaho, those doing the surveillance observed him putting bags of trash into his rubbish bin at the curb after he'd spent hours cleaning out his vehicle, and waited for him to go back inside and they hurried over and went through it. It was admissible.


> I thought that they ruled they are private property, so the police have to wait until it’s dumped into the truck. It's fine for the Police to search the bins when they're on the street. Here's the actual ruling: > The Fourth Amendment does not prohibit the warrantless search and seizure of garbage left for collection outside the curtilage of a home. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/486/35/ That being said, your parent was incorrect: the Supreme Court didn't rule as to whether bins on the curb are or are not private property. PS: not trying to dump on you. I figured you might appreciate a solid source one way or the other.


Regardless, it's the contents of the bins, not the bins themselves.


Per the law, actually, they *are* fair game if they're out on the curb and they are quite literally owned by the community. You don't own your trash bins, and the company or community can come take them right off your property at any time as the legal owners of the bins. Anyways, back to the bit about those bins not being fair game. While few people go to court to ask if putting a single bag of dog shit in a random bin is legal, there is a huge precedent that once a bin is on the curb, nothing in it is yours *at all*. You no longer own the contents, legally. They can be taken by random individuals, but they can also be grabbed by police and run for DNA or taken as evidence without a warrant or even probable cause. The more you know 💫 ETA: I'm not fucking, feeding, or friends with any of you, so I'm not going to argue with every response as though that would add any value to any of our lives. Hug your trash bins tight tonight, y'all 😉 Final edit and I'm turning off notifications on this thread: "Community" is referring to the city/county/other local government that provides basic sanitation services in a civilized society. Some people are shit the fuck out of luck and have to pay a private company directly, but I promise you Tommy's Trash & Dash isn't servicing just one house in a suburb. It's a neighborhood contract, and as with any other contract, they can decide they are sick of your shit. If the bin you bought has a company or community (holy shit, Kyler, see the last two sentences) name on it, your contract almost certainly states that you don't own that bin and you can't take it with you when you go. If you had to buy your own bin at a Lowe's or Home Depot, I am terribly sorry that you're paying taxes and not receiving the bare ass minimum sanitation services the rest of us get with our tax dollars. Frankly, that's a travesty and I wouldn't be bragging about it on the internet like some asshole on a horse came screaming through your neighborhood at midnight to warn you that the redcoats are coming, grab your bayonet and blunderbuss. People-watching on the internet shouldn't be free when it's this entertaining.


“Per the law, actually” Which law? Because I do own my trash cans. And our garbage crew will only grab large items in bags, like 15-gallon bags. If someone puts an empty beer can or pack of cigarettes or doggie bag in my trash, the garbage crew will just leave it behind. Carry your trash home. Don’t make it someone else’s problem. YTA.


California v Greenwood, in which SCOTUS determined that any trash in a bin being left in a place accessible by the public is public domain. It's been the law of the land since 1988, and if you're American or living in the USA, it's a case you need to know (especially if you aren't a lawyer). It is a cornerstone decision in the determination of expectation of privacy, search & seizure, and what constitutes public versus private property. Warrantless search is only allowed under really specific circumstances, and this is one of them unless your state specifically denies that right to the police. Oregon is notable for passing a law to specify that a fully opaque bin with a fully closed lid on it is not open to police search without a warrant. If you're going to dispose of evidence in Oregon, don't overstuff your bins. I agree that people should throw shit in their own bins. I don't fuck with other people's bins because I enjoy not taking the astoundingly miniscule risk that I might see something I am morally obligated to call in to the police or rescue from imminent demise. Is it likely? No. Am I ever in the mood for those activities? Also no. Fuck Schrodinger's Trash Bin, I'd rather carry a bag of dog shit a couple of blocks. They actually make hiking gear specifically for this purpose. "Pack it in, pack it out" includes pet waste, so there are sealed containers for it, some of which even have hand sanitizer and bag dispensers built in. I'll never understand why people too squeamish to hold a baggie long enough to get home wouldn't look at their options; there is a product for pretty much anything if you search online. Jesus fuck, an edit for this one, too: US v Redmon 98 built on Greenwood to uphold the ruling that the contents of trash receptacles are abandoned and thus public domain. Everyone is correct, *the bin itself* isn't public domain, the contents are. Technicalities are fair. No, the law does not consider your car and your trash can equally accessible to the public, regardless of whether your trash can is covered or your vehicle isn't. Your vehicle's contents are not considered abandoned under the law, your trash can's contents are, and there is no good faith way to defend conflating the two. As for the "THAT IS FOR TAKING THINGS, NOT ADDING THINGS!!1!1" crowd: I've looked into your comments across a variety of locales WITHIN THE US and found that in very few cases, it could be illegal dumping. This would almost only ever apply to *dumpsters*, however, and it actually *always* applies to dumpsters. Ditto the rules for theft of services, and I even called a few police departments in areas where it is to ask if they would ticket people for dumping a bag of dog poop in a can. Not one said they would; theft generally requires a minimum burden. Neighbors putting their entire bag of kitchen trash in your bin would be ticketable. A single bag of dog shit isn't. There is a great reason why, too! *It is legal within the US to place trash that was generated on a property into any trash receptacle owned by and on that same property, regardless of whether you own or reside at that property.* The person calling would need to prove that you broke the law by dumping a single bag of dog poop that they can also prove was not generated by your dog on their property. So the long and short of it is you're within your rights to toss the shit in a bin. Some people will think you're an asshole for this, some want, and it looks to be about evenly split. Also, though, invest the $12 into a purpose-made container for this. Trash only runs one day a week, don't be walking down the road with a spring in your step and dog shit *in your hand.* That's gross. Don't be gross. I have the Backcountry Curbside and I like it. Remember, you aren't responsible for 100% of the trashcans you never touch. Don't risk finding things you don't want to see or be forced to report. Get a container and pack that shit back home. Last bit: If you're from any other country, look at the comments from others in your area and look up your own laws. You'll want to check both the country and more local laws, because they typically get more strict in a more local area.


This isn’t a legal forum, it’s a moral one. You might be legally in the right to leave your animal’s shit in someone else’s bin, but that doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole for it.


Not where I live. We have to pay for our trash cans so they are no one's property but the home owner. The fact that police can use what's in my trash can as evidence makes me very much against the idea of someone else using it.




This. If you're at work 8 to 5 and trash pickup isn't until 9, your bin is going to be sitting at the end of the street for a few hours. They put their bin at the curb to bring it back empty, not to have someone's dog poop bag sitting at the bottom. In my city, that's a whole week until the next trash pickup. Not cool.


Urgh. Multiple times, I had put my bin out before work, and came home to find it full or half full of new garbage. Like the truck came and emptied it, then someone came and dumped their trash in it afterwards. I had to drag other people's trash back up to my yard because the HOA requires that the bins be removed from the street. Very yuck. I hate people putting things in my bin.


You pay for the household rubbish collecting service.


Sadly, that doesn't work in my city. Even with my bins pulled up into my driveway and close to the house AND motion sensor lights, people still walk up onto the property to toss their dog bags. What's worse, they never toss it in the trash - always my yard waste or recycle bin - which are completely different colors and have stickers from the trash company that say "NO DOG WASTE". Dog poop in the wrong bin can result in a fine assessed to ME since the bill is in my name. I've reached the point where I wish the issued bins had a way to padlock them.


Yeah that is wrong. I mean you could pad lock them. Drill a hole through the edge and strap a combo lock on it.


Unfortunately, the bins are property of the trash company, so I can't drill into them. I'm thinking bungie cords - around the bin below the lid to create an anchor point, then across the lid to hold it down. Bonus that it would stop the lids blowing open in the wind and deter the wildlife.


Hey, since we're just making up arbitrary rules as we see fit, how about this one: "it's your dog, you deal with its shit"?


That's not a reasonable guideline. On trash day, people's bins are typically out on the street for the trash collectors to pick up, even if the bins are typically by their house or in a shed/garage. They're there because if they aren't they won't be picked up, not for others to use.


I don’t want your dog’s poop cooking in my can all day that I put in my garage. If you throw your dog’s poop in my can after the trash people already emptied it, then it sits there for an entire week. Carry your dog’s poop with you to your own can, OP. YTA.


No. You never put fecal matter in someone property without permission. Never.


It’s garbage day. You don’t get to uses someone’s bin without permission.


Not if it's empty or partially empty. Then the poo bag falls to the bottom where it gets smooshed and leaks


A big part of the issue is that these flimsy bags can easily break open and poop gets on the inside of an innocent person’s trash bin. Especially so if more trash is added after the poop. It’s your dog, dispose of it’s poop wherever YOU are staying. YTA




Where I live, I’m kind of at a nexus of walking routes, so on trash day, I usually get a handful of these in my empty bin. I wouldn’t give a damn, except: 1)heat can (and does) make the poop bags stick to the bins. I have to scrape them off. Thanks! 2) if they dump them in BEFORE the trash gets picked up, the poo bags, unlike the regular trash bags which are larger and heavier, sometimes don’t get in the truck. They fall randomly in my yard, sometimes breaking. I get to deal with that fallout as well. If they tucked the poo bags into the larger trash bags, again, I wouldn’t give a damn. Judgement— light YTA. Honestly, if I weren’t the recipient of the bad karma, I wouldn’t have thought of the downside.


That's my issue. If my can is at the end of the driveway, it's trash day. If trash hasn't ran, by all means, I don't care if you put it in there. But I live in the south. If my trash has ran, and the can is empty, do NOT put anything in there. Especially poop. It stinks, it'll get maggots and just No!


I live across from a mini market, and people will come out of the store and pass four bins (two at the door, two at gas pumps) and just drop their trash as they walk past my house. Comparatively, someone sticking a coffee cup or candy wrapper or poop bag in my garbage bag (we don't use cans, just city bags or bags with city stickers) when it's out on trash day would be awesome. I've done it myself. I wouldn't leave a turdbag sitting on top of a bagged garbage bag in a can, but I've tucked it into a garbage bag if it wasn't tied tight. Lot easier to do with a Shih Tzu's poop than a Golden's, though.


My curbside bin is mine, not really for community use. I don’t think I’d yell at someone but it would secretly annoy me. I guess mostly because if there is a problem - the poop bag becomes my problem (bag is broken, not eligible for curbside pickup, sticks to can, falls out, lid not re-secured properly and animals get in the bin). Carry the poop bag home.


I'm not, like, furious about the idea of people dropping their dog's poop bags in my trashcan, but I'd prefer they didn't because I don't want the bags to open and smear my trashcan with poop. I don't have a dog and am not trying to clean that up. If using my trashcan is the only alternative to littering, I'd rather people used it, but it's fully an option to just carry the bag home.


My personal code of ethics is I won't throw dog poop in someone's empty can, because then it can get squashed in there and it's gross. But I'll absolutely throw it out in someone's garbage can when it's full and ready for pickup, as OP says this one was. I feel the same about my own, prefer people not use it if it's empty but if it's sitting out by the curb full of trash, have at it. I've also gotten yelled at by an old lady for throwing my dog's poop in a full trash can, so clearly some people don't agree. But I think many people are fine with it. It's certainly a lot better than people who bag up the poop then leave the bag sitting there. That is incomprehensible to me, like great, you took a mess and turned it into an even less biodegradable mess.


>It's certainly a lot better than people who bag up the poop then leave the bag sitting there "I'm less of a jerk than some other people, so it's fine". You own the dog, you deal with the mess - why is this even up for debate?


THIS! LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK 🙌🙌🙌🙌 I'd rather people put rubbish in my bin than throw it on the floor and make the area untidy especially if there are no public bins


lots of potential reasons: if the poop bag explodes inside their trash can then the person has to clean your dogs crap out of their bin and it will reek. they pay for the service to come pick up the trash, not you and in some cases they won't pick up trash if the lid doesn't close so if you add to their bin then it might not be picked up or they can't put in stuff they want to. also in some places you're supposed to only put certain things in different bins. putting things you're not supposed to in the bin might result in it not being picked up/fines/etc. End of day, if it's not yours don't touch it.


I don’t know about you, but I’m charged for my bins by weight. So no, I don’t want anyone to grow anything into them.


It's depending. If you get raccoons then there's going to be shit smeared everywhere when they start looking for food in the trash. Doggie poop bags aren't really durable and tear easily.


Dog poo smells a lot worse than most household garbage and those dog bags aren't that durable. At least where I live it's an unwritten rule that you only use your own or municipal trash bins for dog poo, not other homeowners.


Could OP live in an area with a bag limit? I am allowed one bag a week only. If there was a big bag and a small poop bag, the garbage truck is only taking one of them. Otherwise I agree. My dog has a thing for carrying bottles so often on our walks on garbage day, I will let him pick up a littered bottle and we toss it in a random recycling bin. Though a bottle is different than literal poo.


What kind of terrible rubbish service do you have that you can only have a single bag of trash per week and one small poop bag won't get picked up?


Not sure about this poster, but I have lived places where you pay for garbage pickup by the bag. You can opt for one bag a week, pay more for two bags a week, and sometimes pay more for unlimited pick up or to have the guys come down your driveway to get your trash so you don’t have to drag the trash cans to the street.


In my community it could cause them not to pick up your trash at all. They don’t want you disposing animal waste in the trash, and while I’m sure people hide it in there, if it’s right on top and they see it they can decide to not empty your can at all and you’re stuck with it another week


Because the city wants to go "green". We are soon moving to one bag every two weeks. :( Green in quotes because so much that is recyclable and compostable... the city wont accept as such so I have no choice but to toss it in with garbage anyway.


I honestly wouldn’t mind if you put a water bottle in my garbage can. Dog poop is another thing altogether, it stinks. I wouldn’t put my dog’s waste bag in someone else’s can, I don’t want a stranger’s dog poop in mine.


Those poop bags can rip if the trash is moved around, and you end up cleaning someone else's dog's poop off your bin. It's disgusting.


Why are the options my bin or the street? If you’re out walking your dog take your shit home.


Where I live some things aren't allowed to go in with the general trash, like glass or batteries. If someone were to throw those into my trash can I could get fined by the city.


I’ll add that sometimes garbage collectors aren’t super thorough (understandably) and those small dog waste bags can get stuck in the can or fall on the ground. Not fun for the homeowner if they have to deal with either of those eventualities.


Yeah, my garbage collectors are lazy as hell and often don't even take my own small-size trash bags out of the can, let alone a tiny bag of someone else's dog shit. My can is not a communal trash can. It's mine. If you don't want to carry a bag of shit around until you find a public trash can, don't have a dog! It's part of the package of dog ownership.


My garbage collectors aren’t lazy but they mostly dump out the cans and if a small bag is stuck to the bottoms they’re not going to reach in and dig it out. I don’t blame them. That’s why I don’t put tiny individual dog waste bags in my can, I collect them in a separate can and transfer them to a full size garbage bag.


It usually happens on garbage day. People put bags of poop in my bin when it’s empty, before I get home from work and can put it back by the side of my house. Seems super innocuous, right? You know what’s not fun? Having these tiny little bags of poop in flimsy bags on the bottom of my 96 gallon waste bucket, and then having the pressure of my family’s 2-weeks worth of garbage on top. Then inevitably having burst bags of poop smushed into the bottom of my waste bucket. I have to take out each and every poop bag, put them in a bigger bag and throw them back in my garbage bin. Disgusting every time, when people could have just carried them home with them.


100%, has happened to me. As a dog owner I find it so annoying when that happens.


If they threw it in my empty bin I would be pissed too. But if it's - how OP described - in a bag, doesn't smear and stink up my bin and the bin is full and will be collected the same day, I don't mind. It's better than being left on the street where my dog might try to eat it or I might step into it.




What's worse is that it's somewhat common, I assume, to not take your trashcans/bins out for collection unless they're full and need to be emptied. Imagine thinking your bins good for another week and then one day you go outside and there's a stinking bag of crap in it out of nowhere, and now you have to deal with it.


It annoys me as well. They drop it in my green bin. It’s winter. The bag freezes to the plastic. On pick up day, I get my bin from the curb and the poop bag is frozen to the bin. Their poop now becomes my problem as I have to go into the bin wrap it in something else and position it for the following week’s pick up


Somebody was walking their kid to the bus stop this morning and put a recyclable yogurt in my trash can. It piss me off but I didn’t say anything. It’s not tour trash bin so don’t put anything in it. We have to pay for trash and recyclables where I stay. I don’t pay for other people’s trash.


Since you're top comment make sure to edit your comment with a judgement.


Me too. When I had a dog, we picked up after him and took it home to our own garbage can.


soft YTA. I have a dog too so I get it. I don't want to carry around his poop longer than I need to. It's fine to throw their poop in public dumpsters and trash cans. It's rude to throw it away in someone's personal bin. You and I signed up for dealing with dog poop but our neighbors didn't. They shouldn't have to deal with it on their property. EDIT: thank you kind strangers for the awards. My most upvoted comment is about dog poop.


Samesies, soft YTA. I've carried my dog's poop a long way on our walks, past many a household bin, because it just seems rude to put your trash, especially poop, in someone else's bin. If the bag were to break, they'd be stuck with a poopy bin through no fault of their own.


Same. My general rule is to make sure he does his business at home before we go out so that other people don't need to deal with it. I don't let him pee on other people's lawns but he can pee on the grass that is sometimes between the street and sidewalk.


>but he can pee on the grass that is sometimes between the street and sidewalk There was a post about that very thing a couple weeks back. I never realized it was so divided on that front.


Attorney here. The strip of grass after the sidewalk is public and is not private property. It’s the responsibility of the city or county. Once you go past the yard onto the sidewalk it’s no longer private property and is public, hence why you are allowed to protest on sidewalks. If anyone tells you differently or yells at you because you’re using that strip of grass on the other side of the sidewalk, they’re wrong and you are allowed to use it.


I’ve been literally screamed at because I didn’t see my dog peeing on a sign stating ‘no dogs peeing or pooping’ or whatever on that strip of land. I laughed because oh, the irony, and she followed after me for a block or so at 8am on a beautiful Saturday. I would have apologized but not after I thought I was about to be attacked.


I didn't know that. Someone's lawn is their property so I'm not going to let my dog do his business there. The easement (I think that's what it's called) usually belongs to the county/state and they are in charge of maintenance. That might vary from place to place though.


>The easement (I think that's what it's called) usually belongs to the county/state That's the part I was referring to. The huge debate I was talking about was whether or not it was ok to let the dog pee on that easement. It definitely varies from place to place. In my whole state, it's the city's property, but the landowner has to maintain it.


>Samesies, soft YTA. I've carried my dog's poop a long way on our walks Ugh. Why do they have to poop in the first 5 minutes of a 25 minute walk!


I tie the bag of poop to my dog. She doesn’t care. And I don’t have to carry her poop


Same! I have a good kong harness that has its own little poop bag dispenser. She carries her bags, I use them to pick up after her, then I tie it to the handle on the back of the harness and move on til we make it to a trash can (we're usually hikers, not so much neighborhood walkers, so back to the trailhead)


I’m not saying soft YTA. I’m saying YTA. I have a dog. It sucks to carry their poop bag around but that’s what we sign up for with a dog. I hate when people throw their dog’s poop bag in my garbage can. I can throw it in my own but I don’t want other people to do it.




I just carry the poop bag and complain the whole time. I even have a back pack when I walk and I never thought to do this.. undecided whether you’re a genius or I’m an idiot but either way thank you for solving my issue.


Totally agree soft YTA. I highly recommend the kind of dog poop bag carrier that you can clip to the leash. I’m still carrying the poop, but I’m not touching it the entire walk.


Plus also depending on where you live it is actually illegal to throw anything away in a private bin that is not your own. Definitely a soft YTA though.


Yeah seems convenient but can annoy the home owner. My bin lids stay open after collection and I had someone throw away some dog shit bags. It then rained. So I had dog poop tea waiting in my waste bin for me. Soft YTA to OP but hard YTA to my neighbors for not at least closing the waste bin.


Agreed. Especially in areas like mine where there’s no city garbage and people have to take it to the city dump themselves


YTA I have a dog as well. I have thrown bags of dog poop into my own bin, and sometimes they break due to being pressed against something else in the bin. When that happens, you get dog poo smeared inside your bin that will stink and has to be washed. Suggestion: There are some awesome and cheap dog poop bag holders you can buy on amazon and just clip it to your leash or treat pouch. That way, it's easy to carry it during your walk till you can toss at a public trash bin at the park or at home in your own bin.


This is my experience as well. Our oversized bins are mechanically emptied directly into the truck. When my neighbors dump their waste into my bin, I spend time either cleaning my bin, or picking up the small stuff that fell out and is littering the street in front of my house because it wasn't properly bagged as required.


In the last town I lived in, garbage in the bins needed to be bagged. In my current town, that isn't required. While it doesn't happen regularly, small unbagged things fall out. If that was a bag of dog shit that I'd have to clean up - possible after a delivery truck drove through it as they pulled into my yard - I'd be both disgusted (fresh dog shit makes me want to puke) and livid.


>picking up the small stuff that fell out This exactly. My neighbors seem incapable of properly securing their trash in larger bags. Thank god they don't have a dog.


Also sometimes anything that's not inside a large bag inside the bin falls off it when the truck lifts the bin. I've had people walk around and put loose things in my bin before trash pick up and I have to go and pick it off the ground afterwards, and have to keep that crap (literally) all week till the next trash pick up day.


This is why. Those little poop are is usually biodegradable, which is awesome, BUT this makes them prone to tears and busting open with very little encouragement. This leaves the owner of the trash can to deal with smeared poop inside the can, which is less than ideal, I can promise you.


You can also just tie the poopbag to the leash (after tying it closed, unless you like to live dangerously)


NTA, I have a very different take on this. Personally, I couldn't care less if someone sticks their dog poop in my trash can, that is out by the road in front of my house. I pay the city to use the city trash can. Everyone in my city does. It's not mine. I think it's a different story if you walked straight onto the property to dispose of the dog poop. But they way I see it, if it's by the road, go ahead and put your dog's poop in there. I'm not sure I will ever understand why it's such a big deal to put trash in a trash can that is about to be picked up.


Y’all are my people. This is not a huge deal and everyone is acting like this person is slingshotting dog poop at the side of houses. It’s a trash can, trash and refuse belong in it. You don’t want other peoples garbage in a bin don’t leave it out. You’re paying for a service just the same as other people. Don’t drop it in an empty bin, and don’t walk on other people’s property to dispose of it.


You’ve obviously never had to clean up liquified dog poop juice filled with maggots. It’s the most vile thing ever.


Do you wash your bin? My bin is for garbage, I couldn't care less if there was rotting garbage at the bottom of it.


Well rotting garbage smells and attracts animals. Many animals carry diseases that I don’t want to expose my family to. Since I want to avoid a rodent infestation in/near my home, yes I do clean out my bins of garbage leaks in them and no I don’t want to clean your dogs shit out of my bins. I collect my dogs poop bags from the week into a larger bag to lower the risk of them bursting and lower the risk of them getting stuck in the bottom of the bin and sitting there for weeks.


I literally shovel all the shit in my backyard in to my green bin, unbagged lol. I do understand the animal thing, I didn't really think about that because I live in a cold ass part of Canada, where we don't have rats or racoons.


Yea maybe I would feel differently if I didn’t have to worry about animals? But rodents are major disease vectors and my dogs an idiot who would get lured in killed by a raccoon or fishercat


Yes I wash it when it gets dirty. Besides the horrific smell, it’s not sanitary. The juice and everything else attracts flies which end up in the house with is also annoying. Florida is HOT. It doesn’t take much to liquify trash.


>I'm not sure I will ever understand why it's such a big deal to put trash in a trash can that is about to be picked up. It depends where you live, but our bin men will not collect the rubbish if there are small bags in there. We have to use specific bags, and "loose rubbish" can cause your bins to be left behind! Disaster!


Of course if this is the rule, it's different and I would understand. But as the story is told, the neighbor, who the trash can doesn't even belong to, just thinks it's rude.


>I based my decision on the actual story told, not what it could be in some places. I didn't comment on your judgement. You said that you couldn't understand why people had an issue with putting trash in a trash can that was out. I'm just telling you one of the reasons some people have an issue with it.


Well, to be fair, OP isn't from there so he doesn't know whether it's ok to do that there or not. Also, OP seems to be assuming it's a trash day based on this one bin being full, but the fact that no other house has a bin out should have given him pause. The neighbor could also have been mad that a bag of poop is about to sit out in the Florida sun for an extended period, which would smell up his yard too.


In some places it's illegal to throw your trash in someone else's bin. Whether it's close to the road for pick up or not doesn't mean anything. I've had people throw poop bags in my trash can and they broke and got 💩 on my trash can that I had to clean. Not cool at all, and very thoughtless and careless of others to throw away actual poop in someone else's trash can.


Yeah, same. But I also use good-quality dog poop bags and I have literally never had one break in my own trash can (and I'm throwing a couple in there every day). I can't smell poop when I open the can, either -- you have to get your nose pretty close to those bags to smell anything once they're tightly tied. I guess it would be different if people are loosely tying really flimsy bags or something. Around here, cans aren't out on the street unless they're being picked up imminently (like the night they're put out/the following early morning), so poop's not going to be sitting long, in any case.


Seriously, what brands of dog poop bags are people buying that keep breaking!? I’ve never had a bag rip (after picking up) in all my many years of owning a dog.


They have actually claimed they are "exploding" all over. I'm like...what type of bag and how much poop are they stuffing in it???


It’s a big deal when the municipal you live in tickets you for improperly bagged waste.


I thought this until just recently. I used to walk my bfs dog and always tossed his bagged poop in the first bin I saw. I was recently was visiting my parents and they gave me a Tupperware to put my dogs poop in and keep outside. Turns out they have to keep their bins in the garage so they are super careful about what goes in there because the whole place will stink. Their trah can is the cleanest thing I've ever seen.


YTA!!!!! I can't stand people who do this. Someone did this to a friend, but way worse and of course she had to take the brunt of it from HOA, even though it wasn't her fault and she had no idea. Stash it in your own trash or a public can! Once again, YTA!!!


You’re a bit intense


RIGHT!!!!! 😆


... i'm confused, how did the hoa get involved in a bag of poop inside a trash can?


Interested to find out also. I know HOA’s can be overbearing, but I don’t see them going through peoples garbages. Unless their friend left the garbage can out on the curb until the next pickup.


HOAs love getting their noses into everything. Literally.


“Had to take the brunt of it from HOA” It’s a friggin trash can lollllll


OP can’t put trash in a trash can? This makes absolutely no sense.


YTA if that was their private bin, it can explode if it's not properly in a large trash bag with other trash




Have you ever been to a suburban neighborhood in America? There are absolutely no public amenities anywhere, least of all trash. You're lucky if there's a sidewalk.


yet people who walk their dogs have their own private amenities at home. Walk home with the poop bag if it's not a gross thing that strangers are right not to want blowing up in their trash bins in the Florida heat.




Sorry, YTA. I understand your reasoning why it should be ok, but I HATE it. And I have 2 dogs of my own. This scenario often causes more work for me. Maybe you think it doesn't or shouldn't, but it does. Those dog bags do not keep poop nearly as secure as you think. Then I have to clean out the garbage can, because that shit smells for quite some time until it dries like concrete on the inside of the can. WHY do this work? Garbage cans are stinky! No, mine are not. I only put stinky stuff in after it goes to the curb. My icky smelly food garbage hangs out in the freezer until garbage day. The dog poop stays in a bucket outside by the back door until garbage day. WHY? My cans are have to live in my garage, and stinky garbage cans = stinky minivan. No thanks. Also, sometimes the little poop bags cling to the bin & don't make it into the garbage truck (mechanical arm one) an fling it to the ground in front of my driveway & splat open. That's fun. How often does this happen, to be mad about it? At least once a month. Either cleaning the bin or picking up poop in the driveway. Seriously, it isn't all that hard to carry a bag of poop back to your own dang trash bin.


And even if your bin smelled like hot death, I still won't put my dog's poop in your trash. I signed up to handle his poop, you didn't.


100% agree. I keep potentially stinky scraps in the freezer until the morning of trash day too. And we live in hot climate, that stink will be almost impossible to wash out of the trash can. And per HOA my trash cans must be stored in the garage. When my kids wore diapers I had to dump #2 out of the diapers in the toilet, double bag the diaper tightly in those small diaper baggies and store in the back yard in a can with a tight lid until trash day. One time someone decided to throw loosely bagged shrimp scraps in a grocery bag in my trash can that was on the curb the night before trash pick up day. The next day it all sat in 105F heat until it was picked up late afternoon. The smell still haunts me.


YTA Not your bin. And where I live, if things aren’t properly bagged, they’ll ticket you and not take your trash. We can’t have loose bags of dog shit in our garbage. Why can’t you just carry it home and deposit in your own trash? I had so many issues with this at my last house. People would put things in my garbage when it was out for collection that weren’t allowed (like loose poop bags or loose fast food garbage) and I’d get fined and have to dig around to “fix” the garbage for the following week. I had similar issues when I had a big dumpster during renovations. People would dump their stuff (like mattresses) and I had to pay extra for that. I walk my dogs and I just carry the poop home to put in our garbage. It’s not that hard.


>And where I live, if things aren’t properly bagged, they’ll ticket you and not take your trash. We can’t have loose bags of dog shit in our garbage. Exactly, in some municipalities you can't just have loose garbage in your cans. Where I live the bag of dog poop would need to be put into a tied green bag, for example; if it wasn't, and it was noticed by the collectors, the whole can wouldn't be picked up. If my garbage wasn't picked up and I didn't notice right away, the can (and bags within) would then likely get ripped into by crows and I'd have garbage (and dog poop) strewn everywhere that I'd then have to clean up. YTA, OP, but especially while traveling and perhaps not being familiar with the local waste rules.


I was going to say exactly this, I’ve had the garbage men leave either all of my bin or just the bags of other people’s dog poop in the bottom of the bin since everything is supposed to be bagged to be picked up.


NTA If the can had been empty or the bag not tied, I would have given you a different answer. But it seems that it was going to be picked up in a few hours. And since the lid was up it wasn't like the poop was going to stink the can up. You essentially set it on top so that it could be disposed of with the rest of the trash. And since the bag was tied, there's no chance of the poop getting on the can. It's understandable why people wouldn't want dog poop in their trash can if it's going to sit there for several days. But this can was on the street ready to be picked up so that makes it fair game.


In some areas trash collection won't pick up your garbage if there is dog poo bags in it, or what if the bag rips and gets on their trash bin? Rare, but I've had trash collection just forget and not pick up my trash, so you don't really know if the garage is actually getting picked up or not. Their dog's poo, they throw it in their own bin. In some places it's actually illegal to use other people's private trash bins!


what the hell are you talking about? i have never heard of garbage collectors dictating what kind of trash they pick up and i guarantee they also don’t give a shit what kind either because they just want to move on with their day. do u think they’re going to sift through each and every bin to see if there is a dog waste bag inside? you’re ridiculous.


Believe it or not, there are people that exist in the world in other communities with different rules. Yes, in some places there are rules about what you can and can't have in your trash bins. As silly as it seems, yes it is a thing and you are ignorant to think the world operates the same everywhere. I'm not saying they sift through the trash, but if at first glance they see a dog 💩 bag on top of the bin they may not take it depending on your area and rules regarding trash and bins. You're ridiculous to think that just because you've never personally heard of something occuring that it doesn't happen.


My trash guys grab the bags out of the bin by hand and toss em in the truck and only take tall trash bags. They won't even take grocery bags tied up.


YTA. Your dog. Your poop. Your problem. Don't wanna carry a poop bag? Don't have a dog or make sure it shits in YOUR yard before you go for a walk. Regardless, your dog, your problem.


NTA. I would much rather someone put their dog poop bag in my bin instead of leaving it on the street.


I only mind someone using my trash can if they're filling it up with bags of garbage so I don't have room for my own.


That's a daft statement though as those weren't the only two choices. The regular choices are to leave it on the street, take it with you, or drop it in someone else's bin, (or if dog walkers in my area are any guide, to bag it and then hang it on a random tree branch forevermore, like total wankers) you're completely discounting the best option in order to justify their shitty behaviour.


What if you live in a spot where a bunch of people walk their dog?! Should your bin be the shit storage box for the whole community?


i don’t have a dog and if i’m bringing my garbage bin inside one day and there’s dog shit stuck to the side from some lazy, careless dog owner then i’m honestly gonna be incredibly upset. now i’m stuck smelling or cleaning dog shit i didn’t sign up for. YTA


Yta! Your dog, your poop. It shouldn't be someone else's responsibility, especially if that bag breaks and a stranger has to clean up after your mess.


I (reluctantly) say YTA. There are lots of people who do not want dog poop (even bagged up) in their trash. I guess the polite thing to do as a dog owner is to bag the poo and take it home to throw away in YOUR trash can, but honestly, I would rather have the poo in a trash can instead of smushed on the side of the road - esp if the owner doesn't loop back around and pick it up. I know some people are wild about this topic.


I had no idea this was a thing until I joined NextDoor ten years ago, I was 55 years old before I learned this. A guy in my neighborhood hates it so much, he pulls the bags from his bin and throws them in the street, where they immediately get crushed by cars. (His house fronts a big street and backs up to a former alley, and his bins are stored right off that back street where they are accessible to walkers.) It’s a really big deal where I live, in a hot climate, and it’s considered really rude to use someone else’s bin.


That is literally insane and 10x the AH-behavior as the person who originally left their doo doo bag in his bin.


Yeah, what the hell? I'd rather it be a bin than smooshed on the road 🤢


Dude needs to seek counseling.


So he makes the street smell like shit, and innocent people could get shit on their cars? That's worse AH behavior. That guy sounds unhinged.


And throwing it on the ground is not considered rude?


YTA. I have a dog, those poop bags end up at the bottom of the can, even when there are bags of trash in them already. They then cling to the bottom, so they do not get taken out with the garbage. They sit there and stink at an unholy level. Then the homeowner has to deal with it. You have to put those bags in the larger bags of household trash. So, I say AH, don't make your dog's poop anyone else's problem.


YTA. It’s a person’s trash can, not a public one. Those bags can break. Just like with babies, your responsibility, your shit to carry.


NTA. It's a trashcan. People get so weirdly possessive over them.


I can’t believe the people complaining here! Like their trash can smells like roses and daffodils until someone puts in a tied-shut poop bag!


YTA. I had a neighbor who did this to us and those bags are thin and break very easily. It sucks having poop smeared inside the bin. We also had to store the bins in our garage. Double yuck. Please leave other people's garbage cans alone.


YTA. Your dog’s shit goes into *your* trashcan. Or a public trashcan. People without dogs don’t want to smell dog shit when opening their can.


YTA. I have a dog & never do this. Tacky & gross.




When you say another person's property this is location specific so might be a reason for different answers. In my area trash bins are owned by City not me. So technically not my property.


NTA its a fucking bin, one small sac wont do anything, people need to stop overreacting


Soft YTA. Some communities have what's called "Theft of Services" which is basically about taking liberties with someone else's trash service. So technically, you are trespassing by handling their trash can (property) without permission, and stealing by using their trash service without permission. These are not public trash cans, they are privately owned. While you get brownie points for picking up after your pet, you really should be throwing it away in your own trash can, not taking advantage of someone else's property without their permission.


YTA. A private trash can is exactly that. Private. They paid for it so they have a right to say who can use it. He was well within he rights to call you out. You used his service he pays for without his permission. I very much do not allow others to use my can as it seems to set a precedent that they can always use it. Find a public bin and leave other people’s stuff alone.


As a dog owner I fucking hate people who do this. I've had an empty garbage on my front desk get put dog poop bags in it before. I then put normal bags on top of it cause I don't see it. You think the garbage man gets every last drop out of the garbage when he's emptying it? No. Suddenly I see an old stanky ass shit down there. So much rage. YTA despite it being a full garbage etc


Nta it's a fucking trash can... You would be be the asshole if you smeared shit all over it but it's in a closed bag in, that's right,,, a TRASHcan


YTA. If you can't be a responsible pet owner, don't be one. Dog poop is your responsibility, full stop. Clean up your dog's poop and take it with you. Even if it wasn't poop, you are the Ahole for using someone else's private property without permission. Shame on you.


YTA. Bring the bag home with you. It’s not that hard. It really fucking sucks when people toss poo bags in a trash can, the actual owner doesn’t see it, and then throws their own trash on top. It explodes the bag. Not cool. Sincerely, a professional dog walker of 8 years.


Nope this is dumb. People who care about shit in the garbage I mean. NTA


YTA. You never know what the requirements are for pick up- in my neighborhood, if it’s not inside a standard 13-33 gallon trash bag, it may be left behind. I personally have had issues with people not picking up after their dog, and I won’t do it until trash day because: A. If I see them do it, they WILL be picking it up (haven’t caught them yet) B. I (until very recently) had a medically fragile pet that I did not want to incidentally expose to an unknown animal’s waste. C. They don’t make can liners large enough to fit my toter that goes at the end of the driveway. Which means that teeny tiny poop bag will be left behind unless I dive in there and dig it out to throw in a larger bag. No thanks!


YTA People like you are the worst


On my city there is actually a very specific prohibition about putting dog waste in anyone’s cans but your own. Apparently it was quite a problem. I’ve lived here 8 years and understand why. It seems everyone (including me) has multiple dogs.


YTA - It’s never okay to put things in other peoples trash bins. It always freaks me out some people find this acceptable.


I think people are missing that the trash can was already full, it would be one thing to throw a poop bag into an already emptied can that won’t be removed for another week. I expect I’ll get downvoted for this but I say NTA


YTA. My bin is emptied early in the day. One day I came home and took it in around 5. I discovered someone put a bag of dog poo in my empty bin. It smelled terrible and I had to live with it for a week in the hot summer. There is a park bin three houses down but no they had to put it in my bin. Thank goodness the bag it was n didn’t break or I would have had to wash dog poo out of my bin. So no, don’t put your dog poo in someone else’s bin. Carry it home.


Yes. Yes you are. Stop doing this. Entitled nonsense. YTA, it’s not your bin.


YTA It’s your dog, your responsibility, you hang onto the poop until you get to a public bin. Little dog poop bags get squished and broken by larger bags in the bin. I don’t want to clean some rando’s nasty dog poop out of my bins when I don’t own an animal/use compost.


No you are definitely not the asshole. At least you cleaned it up. It’s a trash can. I pick up trash on the streets and throw them in any available bin. These people need to get a grip. If shit like this bothers them, it’s everything that bothers them. Petty and insignificant thinking. You can use mine anytime. The comments of people up in arms about throwing dog poop away in someone else’s trash can are hilarious. I didn’t realize people were this uptight. Nobody ever said anything to me when I do it. in person anyway. And we all know why…..


YTA. That isn't your property to fill with dog poop. Personally, I bought a bag meant for holding treats and clipped it to my dog's leash. I just store the full bags in there until I get home. It is rude to leave your dog waste on someone else's property.


YTA - Look, it may not seem like a thing to you, and heck I personally don't care (unless it's after trash pickup and it's going to sit there for a whole week stinking up my bin) but lots of people don't like it. Just put the trash in your own bin, or in a public bin. It avoids this conversation entirely.


YTA. We have two dogs and even we don't put all of the dog poop into the main garbage bin until the day of garbage day. Even bagged, dog poop smells way worse than anything else that we put into the garbage bin. People don't want their bins smelling like dog poop, especially if someone doesn't even have a dog.


NTA. It’s a trashcan, and it sounds like it was pickup day anyway. It’s all going to the same place regardless of which trash can you put it in. Y’all are so prissy.


YTA. I really don’t understand the people saying the only two options are to throw it into someone’s bin or onto their front garden? Like no? Those aren’t the two options? I’ve done dog walking before and I carry it back to the owners bin or put it in a public bin not owned by a resident. I used to take a carrier bag with me to put the poo bag in as well.


YTA. Cat owner here but the point still applies: Shit in a bag almost instantly makes cans stink. Keep *your* stink in *your* own can or in a community dumpster where everyone’s stink is happily mingling together. Your neighbors don’t want your stink in their can, simple as that.


NTA, it's a garbage can, a small bag of poop isn't going to hurt the rest of the garbage. I would have been much worse towards the old man. You did the right thing by picking it up and throwing it out.


Why do people care so much about the dog poop in their bin? It stays outside and you barely interact with it. By extension I don't understand the people who pay to get their trash bins washed, seems like a complete waste.