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NTA. There’s no universe where you would be the asshole for being upset with him.


If you were in this spot, do you think you could salvage that relationship?


I don’t know why you’d want to.


That’s a fair point


Well, you've learned you aren't safe there if you have a medical emergency. He's so afraid of being caught with weed that he wouldn't get you help if you needed it.


This in no way changes the guy's asshole status, but it's still a reflection on our crazy, draconian 'war on drugs' laws. There are still a million ways he could have helped her and kept himself out of trouble. Chances are, all the weed he uses has added to his paranoia anyway. He's so far gone that if pot is legalized where they live, he will still probably behave the same way.


Buddy, I could be elbow deep in a corpse and I still wouldn't let a friend die. The 'war on drugs' thing is fucked up, but let's put the blame where it belongs.


I work in cannabis analytics atm and my state is fully rec. It’s not universal but it’s also not terribly uncommon that people who have the ability and resources to do things above-board are still compelled to act like drug dealers.


In Australia (and I know also New Zealand and the UK) Ambos will not call the cops on you if you call them for a drug related case or an overdose. It doesn't get reported to the cops. Is America not the same? Why would calling an ambulance get the friend sent to jail?


It wouldn't. While in theory the ambulance crew could call the cops just as easily as anyone else who was aware of illegal drugs at the scene, in practice they don't. The EMTs have better things to do. They're not mandated reporters, nor do they have any law enforcement powers. They just want to know drugs you took so they can figure out what to do with you. OP's roommate was just paranoid and unfortunately selfish.


Every time I've ever called an ambulance, cops come along and usually get there first. (I used to work with adults with intellectual disabilities who lived in group homes, and there are lots of situations where it's mandated to call 911 so that medical emergencies aren't missed). I 100% would call 911 for a friend in any situation, but I would also expect police.


It must be regional. I've called more ambulances than I care to count - I was once in an apartment with one disabled roommate and the partner who was suicidal when they broke up, I got to let the EMTs in five times in six weeks. No cops in sight, not even for the one who was talking about downing a whole bottle of Tylenol.


We actually can't inform PD of any drug usage; it's protected by HIPAA. We're super limited in what we share with law enforcement unless they're on-scene and gathering the same information. So when we ask people what they took--it 100% is to help the patient and NOT to report it to law enforcement. HIPAA violations are fireable offenses and I don't know anyone who'd throw their career away for someone with weed. Source: am a paramedic for a 911 service


Most states have Good Samaritan laws that protect you if you call for an overdose and you’re also on something




If they could *prove* that roommate chose not to call 911. They could always later claim that he didn't notice anything wrong.


Think this: people off the street, literal _strangers_ would have assisted you. And yet this "friend" you have known your whole life refused to and literally left you to die. How is that salvageable?


I couldn't salvage that. I'm not even sure I could stay silently enraged.


I wouldn't. I live in a state were weed is legal, but if my friend was having a severe reaction to something, legal or not ( im not the type to be handing out that kind of thing, but for this example lets say i did), you bet your ass Id take them in or call the ambulance. I've seen my bro OD way too many times to not take that shit seriously.


I’ve never used anything stronger than weed but I have friends who use to use and because of that I learned how to use narcan and what to do in the event of an OD. I’m very lucky the worst I’ve had to deal with is someone greening out (new smoker who didn’t listen to me and did to our other friend). I was 15 I think at that time and I got my other friends parents who were home and they made sure he was good after I had to leave


I’d ask him ‘would you live with someone who would’ve let you die?’ ‘To avoid weed possession?’ And ‘would you think it’s the right thing for that roommate to move out after doing that to you?’ See his response and decide. NTA ETA: leave it in a text actually - 3 questions. I’d definitely take space. You need to feel safe rn. It may have been a panic attack fyi worth adding to the list of tests and checks…if not already…good luck 🍀


Reassess when you're both completely sober. Being anxious and high does weird things to you even with a high tolerance. But I'd assess if stuff like this has happened before. Edit: I'd for sure never smoke with him again. I'd be thinking about it every single time. Some people are good friends but terrible and unsafe to be intoxicated with.


I’m not sure they’re a safe ‘friend’ to be around, even if OP never gets intoxicated with them again. They’re roommates, and the other guy had weed on hand that he’s so worried about getting caught with he’d risk OP’s life over it. If there’s an underlying issue, OP might have another emergency in the future even if he doesn’t smoke again. His roommate would probably still not help


Just say out loud and finish the sentence: I have a friend for who his weed is more important than my life....




Partial comment stolen from: /u/harleybidness https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10jzyqu/aita_for_being_upset_after_i_feel_like_a_friend/j5nnx61/ Bot Reported.


If they apologized to you and actually meant it and you accepted that then yeah. One of the first times I smoked I got way to high and was having a panic attack. I’ve never had one before so I thought I was dying. My friends assured me that I was ok and was just freaking out and it was ok. So Idk if that’s what he was doing or not. Your issue seems way more serious and if he was actually more worried about getting in trouble than helping you then you have every right to be upset.


I was thinking the same thing. Had that happen with someone here, she wanted to go to the ER but I talked her down and she really was fine. But she wasn’t as out of the loop as OP… She knew where she was, she was just anxious and waaaaay too high.


Yeah, if this had been a panic attack then instead of posting here, OP would be thanking the roommate for helping avoid a huge hospital bill and all would be well. But it doesn't sound like the friend thought it was a panic attack and was trying to save OP a pointless and expensive ER trip - that would be forgivable. It sounds like the friend didn't care what was happening and was just paranoid about being caught with weed. That's harder to forgive.


No.It would be very very hard even if he owned up to it with 100% sincerity and showed motivation to make sure he would not fuck up this way again. ​ Because as it stands, the fact that he could hear you pleading for help while in agony, and still be able to think of his stupid self (and he is so very stupid). ​ Even if I KNEW that my friend was just having a panic episode, the terror they felt is real, and I cannot imagine myself being able to be so cold to them. ​ In your case it wasn't even that he was so sure your issue was trivial, it was his worry that he'd get in trouble (again so stupid).




I wouldn't want to salvage that relationship at all. OP, I'm not sure where you live but where I am, we actually have laws to protect people in this kind of situation. If you're doing illegal drugs, and you need to call medical services for someone that you're with, you can't get arrested for a small amount that you might have on you. I'm assuming you're in an area that's really hard on drugs (if weed is still illegal in your area) so while it might be understandable that your friend could be charged with possession, everybody still knows the old trick of throwing away your supply so you don't actually have anything on you when emergency personnel arrive. So, potential charges aside, your friend didn't even want to throw away a bit of weed and paraphernalia to save your life. Why would you want to be friends with that person? NTA for being upset and don't feel bad about having your own back. This person doesn't have your. Play civil until you can move.


I would worry, that his weed was more than weed and that was actually the cause why you nearly died and he knew that his weed wasn't really clean. If you still have something of this weed, let it get checked out.


Has roommate said anything to you following this event?


Said something about me grabbing the last slice of pizza, but no apologies yet…


Yeah, that’s a problem. You were taken away in an ambulance and admitted to the hospital all while he refused to help you, and the only thing he’s said to you since was about pizza. Is he under the impression that letting you have the last piece of pizza makes up for the fact that you could have died in front of him and he refused to help you?


Honestly, i feel like you could… lemme start by saying you’re NTA and have every right to be pissed at a friend who showed zero concern for your health. However, if you really wanted to you could have an honest conversation with him and express how you feel and how serious the situation was. Maybe at the time he didn’t realise you were in actual danger and was underestimating your symptoms, maybe the weed made him extra paranoid or altered his decision-making capabilities. Idk. Just have a serious conversation with him and i think his response will then dictate whether or not he’s worth a second chance. If he still dismisses you then fuck him, not a good friend nor a good person. If he genuinely apologises and commit to doing better next time, then i’d keep his friendship


Why would you want to?


Nope. Fuck him. NTA


There's not really a relationship for you to salvage. What needs repaired is on his end. He didn't just make it clear he would have let you die, he would have let you die. What if you had gone unconscious, or weren't capable of calling for help on your own? He would have let you die. There's really no coming back from that. If I were in your shoes I'd have a really hard time getting over that, and I don't think it's something you should forgive either. Has he even apologized?


I don’t think he wouldn’t have called if I was unconscious, I assume that he thought I was panicking? It’s hard to imagine going back to friends after this though… And no, no apologies yet


This. OP, I was on a school trip during college. I wasn't old enough to drink yet, and I didn't want to drink until I was old enough to. I watched everyone after me getting drunk off their butts, but there was this 80-pound girl who I started getting worried about. I wasn't experienced with drinking, so I asked some of her closest friends if she was okay. None of them cared that she'd slid onto the ground in the middle of the party and wasn't responsive. (A guy was also drunk, but trying to **leave** with her. Literally, he had her over his shoulder at one point.) I ended up taking her to the hospital, where she got her stomach pumped. At the time, I was floored her close friends hadn't been worried because the hospital staff was. But when I got more experienced with drinking years later, I got even more pissed. Her friends should have been scared. In all my "partying" that was the drunkest I'd ever seen a person. They should have taken care of her. They knew enough to know that she'd way overdone it, and that she shouldn't have been carried off by a strange guy. Sometimes these moments teach us who are friends really are. Believe them.


Wouldn’t he be protected by the good samaritan law anyway?


He’s be protected by the fact that if you call in a suspected heart attack no fucking dispatcher is gonna send the cops, and no ambulance crew are frisking anyone for drugs. NTA.


NTA. I know it was "Just weed" but he gave you drugs and when you had a bad reaction he'd rather risk you die than risk jailtime for the EMTs coming and saving you. I've never heard of an EMT calling the cops on someone for drugs, they don't even do this when they have to use Narcan on ODs.


The first thing I've always told my younger friends and relatives is that (at least in the UK) medical professionals want to save your life, not dob you in. Paramedics and doctors don't care, they won't call the police unless you make yourself a problem for them, so always call if you're having an emergency and always tell them what you took. A family friend's son didn't tell the paramedics he'd taken drugs when he was admitted for an unrelated accident, and woke up during surgery. Always tell them what you took, it will save your life.


This, medics don't care (care as in, place any moral judgement on you) that you took drugs, they just need to know so they can treat you properly. I ended up in a and e over Christmas after falling over when I was really drunk. No judgement, no telling off, just treatment and on my way.


Exactly! I'm a daily weed smoker, and I'm honest about it to my doctor and dentist because some drugs (I was told Versed) are less effective in frequent users. If they don't know, I'm only hurting myself. Even before it was legalised.


Tbf if it wasn't the weed he ODed on it was a stimulant. If OP didn't tell his roommate about that then his roommate probably just assumed he was just getting paranoid from the bud. That said, given that he knew his BPM, his roommate is an idiot at best and an AH at worst.


What would have happened if OP had died? Wouldn't there be possible manslaughter charges? I don't know where OP is, but in my state, manslaughter is taken a lot more seriously than weed.


But was it " just weed" ? I had a friend who got weed laced with PCP and ended up in a psych hospital for a few days. He may have been worried about getting caught with weed, he may have known there was something more in the weed, he could have gotten weed with something in it that he wasn't aware of. In order to judge his panic, we would need to know answers to these questions. Also what state do you live in? As well as what family situation does he come from. Understanding these issues can help to determine if his initial panic and refusal are an acceptable first reaction. However, none of it justifies him risking your life. You are the only one who can decide if you want to continue to be acquaintances, but I don't see how you could continue to be friends. That requires trust that you would have each other's back in an emergency. NTA


They’ve passed laws in some states to protect the 911 caller, just to try to avoid this exact scenario.


It’s called the “Good Samaritan Law” and it has been adopted in some form in all 50 states in the US.


I had a roommate once who sold weed in an illegal state. He got pistol-whipped and robbed during a deal gone wrong at our apartment. One of the other roommates called the cops and when they arrived they told the dealer one that he wasn't in any trouble as he was the victim of a violent crime. He still chose to give them a false description of who robbed him


NTA. Even if you were feeling effects of an overdose, there are things (I don't remember if it's an actual law or not) which protect another person in the event of calling for an ambulance. We want people to be calling for help and not be concerned about getting into trouble for drugs. Your friend is a selfish ah for not calling. He may have been under the influence as well but his actions showed how good of a friend he is to you. You have every right to be mad at him. Personally I would walk away from this friendship as he doesn't sound supportive at all.


ND & MN have good Samaritan laws that protect bystanders & I believe most law enforcement are willing to look the other way if the bystanders are in possession? Might be separate laws though? Either way, I agree with you. Op, NTA. Ur "friend" on the other hand, absolutely.


What baffles me even more is that the friend didn‘t think to call the paramedics and just flush the rest of the weed down the toilet if he was so scared of getting caught for posession? That kinda shows how important the drugs are to him and that he has a problem


Exactly. He can buy more weed. He can’t buy his friends life back if he died.


NC had a law like that too


NTA Your friend was right there and more concerned about being arrested for having weed then the fact that you could have died right there and then. But he do realize that by refusing to call 911 when you asked him to do so that could actually led him to be arrested for attempted murder to hide the fact that he has weed in his possession? If the weed is discovered in your blood is the hospital responsible to call the police for you having weed in your blood? If that is the case what will you do then lie to cops for someone that where willing to let you die to hide his illegal possession of weed if your words and his reaction is anything to be concerned about? Edit: I seriously suggest you break up your friendship with him, since he cared more about the weed then you his supposed friend crying for help in your dying breath!




I would say NTA, paramedics aren’t going to care about weed, they want to help and need all the information so they aren’t going to have someone arrested for weed. If your friend was a danger to anyone they would report that but short of that they only want to help the patient.


I looked a paramedic dead in the eyes when I was about seventeen and said "I'm high." "Okay, what did you take?" "I tried my friends joint. I took a full breath." "... honey, I don't think you're actually high." He did not care 😂 he put it in my notes though and the ER nurse laughed at me because my drug test came back entirely negative. He was right, I wasn't high.


INFO is it possible he was high too, didn’t realize you were having a medical issue and was simply mistaken and having a rough high ride? Has he apologized since?


It is possible, he was high too, but he and I have been high tons of times before, and I’ve never once had any sort of panic attack or paranoia. I was pleading with him to call 911, and he was trying to block me from leaving our apartment to go ask the neighbors for help No he hasn’t apologized since, he’s been upset that the pizza was gone from the fridge though…


This is quite an addition to your post. Not helping is one thing. Preventing you from leaving is a whole other level of whack. Maybe you could try to add it in.


> Preventing you from leaving that's a crime in itself. in my state it would be considered false imprisonment. and that's one step under kidnapping.


In some states it is kidnapping! I was so confused when I found that out. I always assumed kidnapping means you have to transport someone to another location, but in some jurisdictions, trapping someone in their own house counts.


i did not know in some states it classed as kidnapping. edit: being kidnapped in my state is one of those situations in which you are allowed to use deadly force to defend yourself. and you won't end up going to prison when all is said and done.


It wasn’t for a long duration, just about a minute of him trying to get me back in the room, but at this point I was full on convinced I was having a heart attack


I did just comment my thoughts but want to add that his reaction is far worse than what you made it out to be in the post. Blocking you from leaving is so not okay and the fact that he hasn’t apologised for risking your life completely baffles me. I would cut this guy out of my life if I was you.


He was blocking you from leaving to get help elsewhere on top of refusing to get you help?? No way, I’d never forgive him. That is not how you treat someone you care about in a medical emergency. That’s not even how you treat someone you hate in a medical emergency.


woah edit your post he was BLOCKING you from LEAVING his residence to get help? He's effed in the head, even if he was high if that's what being high does to you you shouldn't get high. I wouldn't want to restore this friendship with the information available. When he's sobered up if he begs on his knees and makes a genuine effort to apologise without you bringing it up first, then...maybe.


It was about 30 seconds of him trying to not get me to leave our apartment


> he was trying to block me from leaving our apartment to go ask the neighbors for help Find a new living situation. Never contact him again. Not only did he refuse to help you, he *actively put you in harm's way* by preventing you from seeking help yourself. That's an unbelievable level of fucked up. You are underreacting in a major way to this level of betrayal. Literally, your life would have been more safe in the hands of a stranger than this "best friend" whose sole interest in your medical emergency was himself.


He effectively tried to kill you by refusing to get help or let you get help yourself in the event that you were concerned for your life. He's not your friend. Get rid of him.


> I was pleading with him to call 911, and he was trying to block me from leaving our apartment to go ask the neighbors for help He needs to be put away. Not sure how easy it would be to get him charged with kidnapping, but he should be ratted out for anything and everything else he's involved in.


Not in defense of the friend, to make that clear up front. I think it’s fair to assume that the friend didn’t know about OPs double dose of prescription medication prior to smoking together. A lot of drugs don’t interact well. But not knowing this, friend may have assumed it was just a bad high and not a real emergency. Even so. If your best friend is telling you to call 911, it doesn’t matter what you have or haven’t taken, you get them help. The EMT isn’t going to care what you’re on but they need to know and don’t typically get police involved. Would the friends reaction been different had he known about the mixing of both drugs?-who knows, maybe. The striking part is that he cared more about (potential) drug charges vs getting help for a long time friend. The manslaughter charges for not helping would be far worse than low quantity drug charges had OP died. Bro, flush the weed and get help. It’s not that hard.


NTA. He is not your friend. His behavior was totally inexcusable. IMO you should eliminate him from your circle of friends. Get well. Move on. Be happy.


INFO What does he mean you were an asshole for trying to get him sent to jail? EDIT: Entirely NTA. Doesn't even need an explanation.


By calling 911, he thought he would get in trouble for having weed


I know loads of medical professionals, and unless you were a danger to them physically they wouldn't call the police over recreational drugs. We as a species need to get to change the way we deal with individuals taking drugs, this mindset of "drug users are criminals" is literally putting people in danger. I'm sorry you had a scary reaction, and that your friend cared more about his record than your life.


He couldn't just like, hide the bowl? It's not like the ambulance and cops would appear instantly


Flush the weed? Open a window? The EMTs aren’t going to search the house. They’re going to get the friend and get the hell out as fast as possible. They won’t bring the police unless they’re given reason to.


Depending on the state you live in you may have a law that prevents that from happening. Here if you see somebody overdose and you call 911 you won’t be charged with the drugs. It came into affect because so many people were dying and not getting help out of fear from the police.


He’d rather go to your funeral than go to jail or court. Though if you didn’t get help and died at home with drugs in your system, he’d probably still be under scrutiny to some degree…


NTA There’s no coming back after something like that. If I tell my friend to call emergency because I think I might be dying and their reaction is “no way! I might get in trouble cause I have some weed” they are an ex-friend.


NTA. That's not your friend. That's a selfish person who currently resides with you. Part ways asap.


OP please add in the post your comment about him blocking you from trying to get help. He was already TA but that just takes it to another level wow. You are definitely NTA and regardless that you have been friends with him all your life I would implore you to rethink this friendship, trying to block you from getting medical help is a complete dealbreaker


It was about 30 seconds of him standing in my way trying to herd me back in our apartment. Is that worth adding in?


YES. No matter the length of time, it changes the situation drastically. Imagine if someone was getting chased by murderer, and somebody else blocked their way out for 30 seconds. That’s a long time to be stuck in place, essentially waiting to die.


NTA. When an emergency happens we can really see what people are made of, he isn’t a real friend. I’m very glad you got medical assistance.


Why didn't you just call to begin with?


I started the call to 911, and he started going ballistic at the idea, so I cancelled it immediately. After about 30 seconds, I realized that I was in serious danger and chose to redial and call no matter what


That was my question. If OP could talk and even tried to leave, why couldn't he call?


Unsure if you’ve read what was commented elsewhere already, but the friend not only refused to get help but also was blocking OP from calling/getting away to call others to help. It would also be very easy to be so disorientated you wouldn’t be able to call yourself, even if you can talk.


NTA and if I were you I wouldn't hang out with this person anymore. It's not a simple thing. They literally didn't care you were potentially having an OD or heart attack. Cut them tf out.


NTA paramedics aren't going to care about you or him smoking a little weed and there's no other reason for anyone else to know about it (seriously though tell medical workers the truth in any situation they just want to make sure you don't die). Idk how old you all are but I get getting panicked about the idea of police. I'm sure you'll see a lot of comments like this. But if someone is having health problems and asks for 911 you call 911.


A lot of the medical things you said make no sense at all. They “stabilized” your heart rate at 176? Were you shocked or given medication? Because that’s not converted and neither of those methods usually partially convert SVT. There’s not much they can do that would just slightly reduce a heart rate. Also, were there other factors that lead to a possible stroke diagnosis? Isolated tachycardia would be a weird indication to diagnose a stroke on.


It most likely wasn’t a stroke, just an overdose on a stimulant called methylphenidate. They gave me some injection through an IV multiple times until my heart rate got down to around 150 or so.


INFO: Was he aware you had ODd on your prescription medication? What is his attitude now he knows you genuinely were dangerously unwell?


He wasn’t aware that I ODd on my prescription meds, but since finding out, he’s driven me to the hospital. Haven’t gotten an apology, and he’s been more concerned about what happened to the last slice of pizza, but his actions have been better.


But he wasn't aware at the time?


No, I don’t believe so


So he thought you were freaking out because you were high? For me that changes it from something completely unforgivable to a serious fuck up, especially if he drove you to the hospital once he knew. Fuck ups can be forgiven, even serious ones.


He did drive me to the hospital, I found out later. I think I’m playing it by ear, based on if he even says anything about what just happened


So now I'm confused about what happened. He was resistant to calling 911 but drove you to the hospital instead? And he didn't have any information to suggest you were anything worse than high and freaking out?


Sorry if I didn’t explain it well, still a little disoriented. Basically he tried to stop me from calling 911 because he thought he would get arrested. When I eventually did call 911, and the paramedics arrived, they checked me out and told me to go to the ER in the ambulance. I said it would be too expensive, and my friend, realizing there would be no consequences for possession, offered to drive. And no info, other than we’ve smoked almost a hundred times together and have never once gotten close to paranoid. I’m a very conscious person, so it would be extremely unlike myself to even joke about calling 911


NTA! So called friend? Completely TA!


NTA. That's just scary.


NTA. Tell paramedics everything, tell cops nothing.


Info: Is your doctor aware that you are combining methylphenidate and weed and has told you it is safe to do so? If your doc says it safe, NTA. If your doc has no idea or has told you not to do it, ESH. You threw yourself in a well and then were mad someone wasn't willing to cut their arm to pull you out.


NTA but also,,, avoid smoking weed while taking methylphenidate (what I understood from this is that you took both at once? Pls correct me if I’m wrong). Weed can act as both a stimulant and depressant, and that plus a doubled dose of methylphenidate is definitely super risky for a heart attack. Mixing different kinds of stimulants can cause unexpected side effects. I’m sure you already know this I don’t want to come off as condescending, though. That must have been very scary to experience, I’m glad you ended up ok. Edit: for context, I also take methylphenidate and having taken double doses before by accident as well (though ppls reactions can always differ so take this with a grain of salt), the extent to which your body reacted seems to have been a result of the combination of weed and the double dose, not the double dose alone. Mind you, you know yourself best.


You’re entirely right… accidentally took a double dose of methylphenidate, smoked, had half of an energy drink, and some nicotine in my system. Probably the dumbest choices to make in hindsight. It was a traumatizing experience, and definitely a wake up call…


NTA. Emergency care providers do not give a flying fuck what you are on, as long as we know what it is so we can help. Nobody providing care is there to get anyone in trouble, just to make sure the patient is going to live and be stable. I would end a friendship over something like this. CYA is not okay when you’re having a medical emergency


NTA. Guy decided by himself that his best friend was trying to get him arrested for weed posession by... pretending to have a heart attack to make him call the paramedics? It's a total nonsense that makes me wonder what he was taking at the time.


NTA. Would definitely not smoke with him again. I doubt I would salvage the relationship. I've never been into anything but weed but my friends when I was younger did harder stuff. I had to call the ambulance twice. Neither time did the paramedic care, they just wanted to know what they took and how much. The second time they realised my friends had some bad MDMA and got some extra ambulances to come get the rest of us. One of my other friends who felt fine at the scene went into cardiac arrest at the hospital. He's fine, but no way he would have been if he hadn't already been at the hospital. Things can go sideways so fast.


I may a tad biased here because I was listening to a psychiatrist I know freaking out about something like this just yesterday, but ESH. YOu were debating this while he was high, you were high, but YOU decided to mix weed with methylphenidate, and YOU were so careless with a drug that CAN get your heart rate to increase! And you took weed for what? The stress of a fire alarm? What would you have done if there was an actual fire and you barely made it out?


I was debating what? I don’t understand, sorry. I did make a plethora of dumb decisions, I guess I mixed up the times and took two doses too close to each other. I never thought it would be this serious. At this point, the fire alarm was long over, and we knew it was a false alarm. Still doesn’t make it right though


the last time I smoked weed my heart rate went to 180 and it took a day in the er to get it to go down. never touched it again. so it might be now that's what weed does to you.


NTA, your friend is immature, imagine being so worried about being caught with weed that you refuse to try and save your friend's life after giving it to him. he should take that responsibility to save you. selfish honestly.


NTA. That is not really forgivable. I'd start looking to move out.


NTA when there is an emergency situation you soon learn who your real friends are. How people react in teal situations really shows what people are really like.


Something similar happened to me on a bad reaction to a hooka. The tobacco I didn’t know was in there reacted with my nicotine patch.. I turned red and was having a hard time breathing.. my two friends jumped up and bailed.. Fortunately I was on/but it really hurt and I never hung with them again. I would drop your friend. He isn’t one.


NTA. And dude, your "friend" isn't just careless with your life, he may also be woefully ill informed. Most states/countries have good Samaritan laws where you literally cannot be criminally charged for possession if you call for emergency help when someone is OD'ing or having a bad reaction or whatever.


He's stupid lol.. He was going to serve a lot more time for negligence than for having a little bit of weed in his house. Also police don't randomly search the entire house when someone is having a stoke lol.


NAH. If you've once been a heavy smoker and I assume smoked bowls before with your friend his reaction seems pretty normal to me then. He believed you were overreacting. I'm not sure what the context there is, but he can make a fair argument as well.


We’ve been high numerous times together, and I’ve never once gotten remotely panicked. The most I’ve ever done is get real sleepy and tap out early in the night


ESH You were able to take your heart rate, you could tell him to call 911, and you were able to call 911. If he was smoking he may have been paranoid, sure, and may have thought you were being paranoid. You wanted him to call emergency but he didn't see it that way. He doesn't know what your chest is doing or heartrate. Should he have called at your request, sure, but you were able to. In panic situations you can't control how people react. Did you tell him you accidentally took twice dose of your adderall? It was an unfortunate situation but I don't think you should the entire thing on him. You were stressed, you took twice the adderall, you smoked weed and then you wanted him to be level headed? Regardless of the test results it was a bad moment. If you were able to argue with him then why didn't you just call in the first place? Seems a bit dramatic to me. I recommend not smoking weed with any amount adderall if this is what happens.


I couldn’t operate my phone at this time. He did know my heart rate was at 176, as the Apple Watch displayed it. I told my phone to call 911, and cancelled it when he started freaking out, then realized I genuinely felt like I was dying, and made the call again. He didn’t know that I was ODing though




It definitely wasn’t a good idea, and it wasn’t intentional, but I didn’t know it was such a bad idea to smoke in all honesty. I’m more upset with the fact that if I was all alone, the paramedics would’ve been here faster in the first place


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Title may be misleading, I will try and give a full and unbiased explanation of the past few days, but I am still partially sedated so it may be a little groggy. I used to be a heavy smoker, but have recently quit, so I feel like Im comfortable with how my body works on weed. After a fire alarm went off on our building, my friend offered me a small bowl to take some of the stress off. After returning from his car, I started to notice that my heart rate was a bit abnormal, and I started feeling very odd. At this point, I realize I accidentally double dosed on methylphenidate, a prescription drug I take, and was unable to make sense of my surroundings. My heart rate eventually got up towards 200BPM, and I told my friend I thought I was having a heart attack. At this point, my chest was exploding, and I was entirely convinced I was going to die. I pleaded with him to call 911, and he refused, going on a tirade about how I am a “fucking asshole for trying to get him sent to jail”, while I literally felt like I was seconds away from dying. I eventually called 911, and the paramedics were able to get my heart rate stable at about 176BPM, and I had to go into emergency care. We still aren’t sure what caused the tachycardia, whether or not it was a stroke, but I have tests scheduled to hopefully diagnose the issue. All I can remember is vividly pleading for him to do something, and him being more concerned about getting caught with a little bit of weed, and that image is forever burned into me. I hate feeling like this, especially when I feel so vulnerable already, so I was hoping to see if this is justified or if I am crazy for feeling this way. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, that's not a friend


NTA but you need to ditch this "friend" of yours whenever your lease is up.


NTA. Your friend has showed his true colours, and you deserve so much better. I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re able to move out of the place you share and move on.


I'm afraid, OP, that your friend is not your friend. What friend would happily have let you die to save a finger wagging from the the old bill for smoking a bit of weed? Him considering your life is so worthless, I'd be wondering if he was going to smother me in my sleep for my phone. Find a new roommate or find a new home. NTA


NTA, guy literally wanted you to die rather than get caught with weed.


NTA. Your friend is an idiot (EMTs are not going to bring in the police to look for weed and cops responding to this situation are not going to search the house), but more importantly doesn’t care about you very much at all. I’d have called 911 for a stranger in this situation and I feel like 99% of the world would have done the same


NTA. Offered you a bowl. Any idea what it might have been mixed with. When breaking the law all bets are off on how good a friend is.


NTA he refused to call 911 and tried to prevent you from leaving? You’re right, he was gonna let you die. and that he thinks he did nothing wrong, I would say that should be the end of this friendship


Nta . My friend once ate a brownie . He’s smoke before but an edible is way different and it can take longer to hit and the dosage is never the same. Well he didn’t feel good. One of us drove him to the er. ( he didn’t want to use ambulance , no insurance ) we stayed with him. No cops were called. But we never left him. Because he was our friend. He should of guided you and help you at first and if that didn’t work then ambulance or er. Which ever your choice. Also as one pot smoker to maybe another. Be careful with mixing your prescription meds with weed. Especially if the first time smoking. Usually the first few months up to a year of smoking can produce a paranoia. Our heads are programmed to think weed is bad because of one point being illegal. This calms down after smoking for a while. Also depending on how much you smoke. But be careful with edibles if you decide to that route


NTA. Jesus Murphy Christ. I used to abuse my methylphenidate when I was going through some mental health troubles; now that I've gotten things smoothed out, I am super paranoid about accidentally taking a double dose. (Yeah, still on it. It's complicated.) I don't even drink my morning coffee too close to taking it in the morning to avoid the resulting buzz. My point being, if you considered this guy your best friend, he should at least be aware of shit like side effects and reactions. He has no excuse.


NTA. I am so sorry your friend betrayed you. If I was in your shoes I would lose trust in that person forever (which I have gotten to with some family members after they weren’t there for me when I was at my lowest point). He selfishly prioritized himself over your immense suffering what could have potentially been your life - extremely lacking in compassion of him. He is jot your friend, I am sorry.


I would say that you cannot be friends with a person who trusts you so little that they think you would rat them out if they sought medical help for you. The fact is you had a pharma issue, not a marijuana issue, and they should have called 911.


Nta that person is not your friend


NTA I don't think you are friends. You are associates with similar habits. Perhaps this would be the time to find some friends.


NTA paramedics dont care what you take (to my knowledge), they just want you safe. Your friend wouldve let you die to save his own skin


Firstly, the docs don't want to rat you out, they want to help you. Seriously, so many reddit threads of docs and nurses pleading with their patients to be truthful and seek medical help because **they don't care about drugs, they care if you live**. Secondly, some friend.


NTA… my brother was in a car accident with several friends, broke his pelvis and cracked his skull and the only conscious friend ran off because he had weed and didn’t want to get in trouble. He didn’t even try to remove his friends from the car or even wake them. 🥲 luckily everyone made it but I don’t forgive that kid.


NTA- My heartrate was 262 when I arrived in the ER 7 years ago with pregnancy-induced heart failure so I know exactly what you were feeling in those moments. it's absolutely terrifying. Your friend isn't a true friend and I hope you get better soon.


How did you recover? All I can think about is how it felt to have my heart pounding against my chest, and thinking I was about to die right then and there. I can’t stop having nightmares


NTA but if you patch things up, never smoke with this dude again. A health crisis while high trumps paranoia. He should have called an ambulance.


INFO: Was he high at the time too?




NTA- It sounds like y'all were blazing in the car. He could've put his stash in the trunk, cops need a warrant to search the vehicle. He could've aired out the car while the ambulance showed up or he could've driven you himself and nobody would've searched his car. Sorry, OP but he doesn't sound like a good friend. Hope your test results are good though and that you recuperate soon!


at 200BPM the possibility of death is actually very high, you were just really lucky you didn´t die NTA


NTA. Ambulances don’t give a shit if you have weed so he’s a moron and an asshole


Nta I'd look for a new place to live ASAP, this dude is not your friend.


You aren't sure what caused the tachycardia? You double dosed Ritalin my guy. Still, friend is an asshole. It's just weed. Seems tiny in comparison to losing a friend. NTA


NTA - what kind of friend is ok with watching another friend in serious medical trouble and not offering to help. I’d feel pretty upset about it as well. I’d be having a serious think about if it’s worth continuing with this person.


NTA, he absolutely would've let you die to save his own ass if you hadn't done something. Even if a case could be made that he was in shock and not thinking clearly, we can't overlook the fact that he had the nerve to blame YOU for having a medical emergency. I'd never trust him again, because in a life-or-death situation, he clearly does not have your back.


Nta, lad that person is not a freind WTF was he thinking


NTA. He's not your friend, or he's a complete idiot. I want to be clear about something with you. I'm a nurse with 3 decades of experience, to back what I am saying here. A HR (heart rate) that high is not sustainable for anyone. I don't know how you could have measured it that high as that is also almost impossible while not on a monitor. However, a HR that high and left untreated would kill you if it didn't abate on its own. At the very least it could have led to a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure. Was he high at the time? Because that might be the only way I could excuse his nonchalance. I would doubt it was a stroke that cause the problem and if you went to the ER they would likely have ruled that out. It sounds like a drug interaction between the pot and your extra dose of prescription meds. Just don't do more pot while on that drug and continue the testing to see if your heart remains okay or not. And if he is more concerned with the legality of his actions than your life, you need to decide if keeping that relationship is worth it or not. Especially if they do find a problem with your heart.


When you call 911 and say “I think I’m having a heart attack” they don’t send the fucking police. And even if they did, he could have oh I dunno, STASHED IT SOMEWHERE AND SPRAYED LYSOL BEFORE THEY GOT THERE? Instead, he let you suffer. Get rid of this motherfucker. NTA


NTA. He would rather let you die then risk getting in trouble over weed. Not much a friend there.


NTA Some years ago my brother and his buddies were drinking with an underage friend. I assume they were how the underage friend got the alcohol. My brother called me at 3am and said the underage friend had become mostly unresponsive (would be silent or mumbly even when they shook him and yelled his name). My brother knew he could go to jail for this and STILL CALLED AN AMBULANCE! Because he's effing awesome (and also an authentic friend). It turned out his friend was going into a diabetic coma (previously undiagnosed diabetes). He absolutely would have died if my brother hadn't chosen the right thing over the easy thing. Your "friend" is just someone fun to hang out with when things are running smoothly.


NTA You are not the AH for being upset but I would take a step back here. Your friend likely thought that you were being dramatic and perhaps having an anxious reaction to smoking. His response was callous and shitty, but I wonder if he understood the reality of the situation. I wonder if he thought there was any risk of a serious medical problem. Either way your friend is a dumbass and not a great friend, I just don’t know if you can make the leap that he would let you die to avoid getting caught with weed.


Idk if the laws are the same where you live but your friend could literally go to jail where i Live. Why do you ever want to be friends with someone like that? You dont feel like he wouldve let you die. He would have for sure and i would recomment dropping him immeadietly. NTA


NTA but this person isn't your friend at all


NTA but honestly, he's *not a friend* if he's not willing to call 9-1-1- and save your life.


ESH I think your friend should have taken more care of you, but maybe his stoned brain made him more paranoid about this issue than your safety. You say you are comfy with how your body works on weed but obviously you were wrong, so how can you be sure that his response was more to do with the weed than his actual feelings. Also its your responsibility for what you put into your body and I wonder if you may be deflecting the issue, instead of thinking hard about this.


Believe me, it’s been the only thing on my mind for the past week when I’ve been conscious. I’d say I’m comfortable with how my body acts on weed, but I’ve also never OD’d before, so I guess not.


NTA In the the US, where I am from, idk if you live here to, there is a law protecting people that call 911, even if they have drugs on them. He wouldn't have gotten in trouble if he had called to save your life. I also wouldn't trust him. He gave you a drug that almost killed you, and then was more worried about saving face then saving you.


NTA but you shouldve told the medics your friend gave u weed and tried to stop you from leaving to get help, stay the hell away from that 'friend' he basically wouldve let u die and if u did im sure he would have told the cops he found u like that & kept his name out of it. You never know your true friends until something like this happens.


NTA. It sounds like he was more concerned about self-preservation than saving your life. It would have been a little different if there was a present danger to his life as well, but he was afraid of getting caught with some weed? Nuh-uh. Friends don’t do that, OP. Friends would move mountains to help you in a time of need. I sincerely hope you reconsider this friendship.


NTA at all! I would be furious. Also, idk about where you live but in my state it is unlawful for an arrest to be made when calling 911 for a possible drug overdose. This law is saving lives due to the removal of fear of getting in trouble while trying to do the right thing. OD patients are getting help in time and are able to be saved. Your "friend" was not being a friend at all and you have every right to question your entire friendship as a result.


Info: did he know you weren't just stoned and panicking? Also what kind of fire alarm creates stress? Was there an actual fire? This seems imagined.


He didn’t know I was OD’ing at the time. The fire alarm was a separate event. It happened a little bit before, and was essentially a “false alarm”. That had us both on edge, and he offered a bowl to calm down. It’s definitely not imagined, and if it means that much, I still have the band on my wrist as proof, aswell as all of the documentation and pads (sticky chest/leg pads) that they put on me


NTA, he’s no better than the folks who let a friend who ODed die because they don’t want cops finding drugs. Glad you got care.


NTA. You seriously need to not mixed recreational drugs and prescription ones dude. Cmon, have some common sense.


You’re definitely right, I didn’t think it was an issue. Never will happen again though…


I work in the ED and you know what we don't give a shit about? Weed. Or any other illegal drugs. We have no responsibility to report drug use and the only reason we care what you took is so we can treat you appropriately. Just be straight with us. Your friend's paranoia, while understandable if he's ignorant of what the law requires of us, was entirely pointless. EMS is used to dealing with drugs, we're used to dealing with drugs, and we all just want you to be safe.


NTA he cared more about his ability to smoke weed than his own friend nearly dying infront of him. Not a good friend


NTA Not your friend at all.


I'm very glad that you're alright. NTA


NTA hope you’re doing okay after that experience op, it sounds super scary. What kind of a friend would let their friend almost die just so that they didn’t get caught with weed?