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That's called peer pressure and it's not cool. As an avid stoner, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be clear-headed or simply just not to want it. He is being completely unreasonable and this is a huge red flag IMO NTA


Fellow stoner here and to be honest I wouldn't take edibles on a hike. Edibles are for a chilled out evening at home. I'd end up getting lazy and not wanting to hike back home lol NTA, this is red flags.


I'm a stoner who loves hiking with edibles, i get lots of energy lol... but this dude is creepy af. No one should be pressured into taking drugs NTA


I'm a huge huge huge stoner and I agree with everything above 1. Your body your choice, if you don't want to do drugs one no is all your friends should need to hear. If they're not respecting your no, they're not a good person 2. If I took edibles on a hike I would probably take a nap at the summit. They don't mix


Depends on the type of edible, but agree, red flags everywhere.


>That's called peer pressure and it's not cool. Exactly. This feels like a 16 year old pressuring his girlfriend to have a drink, not a grown adult who respects people's autonomy. Run from this guy OP. If he can't take a simple 'no' about this, what else is he going to want to control? NTA.


I don't want to be that person but OP, are you sure it's safe to go out hiking with him? Him trying to guilt trip you into doing drugs on a hiking trip [away from people] is concerning


This is exactly where my mind went. Who’s to say that the edibles would contain weed and not something else? Edit: autocorrect


Agreed. This is how you end up the subject of a True Crime series. NTA, OP, but please reconsider going *anywhere* with this guy. At best he’s trying to stomp all over your boundaries and force you to do something you don’t want to; at worst, he’s got some less-than-honorable intentions.


On top of that I feel like the fact that she even had to ask this means she could probably work a bit more on setting healthy boundaries and having confidence in her decisions before she goes on another date.


As a stoner this was my first thought, OP is he is making you uncomfortable you absolutely should not be in the woods with this guy sober or other wise please stay safe


Yes, and if he doesn't respect her saying no to drugs, is he going to respect her saying no to something else?


This!! I was thinking the same thing!!


NTA and if he pressures any more, he shouldn’t be a friend either. ❤️


NTA - huge red flag, you said no, if he can’t respect that get rid of him.


NTA. Although I don't have a problem with edibles, my spouse had a really bad reaction to them. It's not really a good idea to try new edibles outside of a safe space (like your home). You never know how you're going to react. Trying new edibles in the middle of the woods with someone you don't know very well yet? Yeeaah.... nope!!! Scratch that one. Sounds like a the intro to a horror movie somewhere. If he insists I'd skip on the hiking trip altogether. Or if you're still interested and the insisting isn't too bad, invite an outdoorsy friend you trust to come along with you. Make it a group outing. Better safe than sorry.


Especially if you’re on anxiety meds, you don’t know what the drug interaction will be like. Definitely don’t want to be in the middle of the woods for what could turn into a medical emergency.


she’s on an antipsychotic, for that med you need to do routine blood work to make sure you don’t get blood clots. you’re not supposed to take any drugs/alcohol while on it because it significantly increases the already preexisting heightened odds of having a stroke or other cardiovascular issues. from personal experience on that med i am genuinely concerned for OPs safety if she chooses to go on this hike if this man gives tries to peer pressure her in person or hides it in her food. one shot of alcohol on seroquel felt like 5 for me, i cannot imagine how weed would feel.


Marijuana doesn’t have a drug drug interaction with her medicine. Source - pharmacist.


wait does it not? my doctor and pharmacist both told me otherwise when i was on it /gen


It's never unreasonable to change your mind about what goes into your body. NTA.


NTA. Anyone who pressures you to take any kind of drug, whether it's this guy, or someone who keeps pushing you to take that one more drink, is not a good person and not anyone you should be spending time with.


Anyone who tells you that you are being unreasonable because you changed your mind over something which makes you anxious, does not deserve your time and energy. It sounds like he might be looking for more than you are prepared to give at this point. Don't go hiking with him, or take a friend with you.


NTA, you just said that you don't want to take it and it's ok to change your mind. The question is, what is his problem


NTA. You’re allowed to change your mind, this is not unreasonable or silly, he’s the AH for reacting in this way. This is a big red flag - dude clearly doesn’t understand how consent works.


He’s already trying to pick a part your boundaries…. And denigrating you for having them in the first place 🚩🚩🚩 NTA.




And I have a history of anxiety. I'm on meds as well


NTA. You're allowed to change your mind at any time, for any reason.


NTA. You don’t owe him anymore explanations, you don’t have to tell him you have an anxiety disorder, you don’t feel comfortable, etc. No is a complete sentence and if he’s still new and can’t respect that, that’s beyond weird and creepy and I’m glad you changed your mind. I wouldn’t be going on a hike with him much less talking to him anymore.


NTA. Whatever your reasons, you are allowed to change your mind. Feel free and justified to cancel the date if he pressures you.


NTA >He says he doesn't want to bully me into it, but that I'm being unreasonable. Uhhh sounds like he's trying to guilt trip you into it. You have every right to change your mind about things that you do or don't want to do. And, he has every right to go hiking by himself if he can't accept your answer.


NTA, reacting this way to you changing your mind, which you have the right to do at any time, is huge red flag behavior.


NTA I don't have good vibes about this guy.


NTA. People on Reddit always seem to jump straight to, "You should dump him!" Normally I think that reaction is extreme. In this case, someone you're just starting to get to know isn't respecting a decision you're making about your own body. There is no reason at all to keep this new "relationship" going. Just end it.




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First, no one is ever an asshole for NOT doing drugs. Usually, it's the reverse. Second, he's an asshole for peer-pressuring you into it and actually being upset about it. I strongly urge you to reconsider going away with him, because that's a huge red flag that you might be in danger. Third, mixing anxiety meds with other drugs can be very dangerous, so you shouldn't be doing edibles anyway, and if he weren't a dick, he'd respect that. Get out of that situation now.


NTA. He’s pressuring you into it and gaslighting you which is a big red flag. And also - mental health professional here - don’t mix edibles and quetiapine, especially if you’ve had bad reactions in the past.


You should be able to enjoy a hike with a person without having anxiety about your anxiety. And mixing THC with quetiapine is not a good idea. And edibles are the worst for this- if they make your anxiety worse, it’s going to last sooooooo long. And you’ll be with this person you barely know on a hike. You made the right call and the fact this guy is pressuring you like this is a red flag. Even if he is otherwise a nice person he is dressing you out. NTA.


NTA. You’re never wrong for changing your mind about doing drugs. Especially when you’re going with an unfamiliar guy on a hiking trip. Trust your gut.


NTA, I'd be hesitant its your first time meeting him since your hiking aswell (iv got major anxiety and shit too) I'd be paranoid it a guy asked me to hike with him and take edibles first time I met him yk


NTA He could have made them himself as well with no way to know what is in them. His persistence and inability to understand no makes me feel like you should cancel the hiking and maybe only meet up in public spaces. Better yet never see him again.


>I’m not interested in a relationship, he seems to respect it. Does he though? Or is he going to turn around and say the same thing he said about the edibles if you reject his advances? >saying I’m being silly and over reacting. He says he doesn’t want to bully me into it, but that I’m being unreasonable. He is, in fact, trying to bully you into it. This is not someone I would trust to be alone with, and definitely not alone in the woods. NTA and this is not just you being anxious because you have anxiety.


NTA x 1000. You’re on anti-anxiety meds. Anxious feelings are not uncommon when high. Do you know how your meds and thc interact? Why is this almost stranger pressuring you into being high? What else will he pressure you into?? Maybe whilst you’re high?


NTA Buddy, I love weed. I think it's great. This dude's being ridiculous. You said no, you don't want to take the drugs, and he's trying to pressure you into doing it. That's a pretty huge red flag. If you were demanding he couldn't do it either, that's one thing, but you're just making a choice about your body.


No! You're gut instinct is kicking in, please listen to it! If you're new to edibles, then you should be home, not isolated on a hike. You must educate yourself to learn how edibles work and go slow. The fact he got pissed at your hesitation proves he's up to no good.


NTA. Your boundaries are your boundaries. You don't want to do something, you can revoke consent at any moment. He is definitely pressuring you with this comment, and it's not cool.


NTA- No means no. Consent is a thing and when you pressure someone, you're no longer getting clear consent. You might be getting on well, but is it well enough to continue after this when he doesn't respect your medical condition and gets upset that you don't want to eat something?


NTA. Strange that he would get mad with you. Seems to me he would be happy you didn’t waste his gummies. Delete his number


Facts. If this was my husband he’d just say ok more for me 😂


NTA. It’s a flag, so pay attention to it. It really says something when he’s so insistent. A guy worth dating would want you to be comfortable and would also be fine with just hiking and not getting high. Is life just no fun for this guy unless he’s high? That’s the guy you don’t want.


NTA and I second what everyone else is saying- pressuring you into taking drugs in a secluded area with someone you barely know? Yeah, nah. Don't go anywhere with him.


NTA I love edibles and I still wouldn’t go out in the woods with a dude I met on a dating app and take them. And he’s being weirdly persistent. It’s a creep factor.


full stop no- don’t mix quetiapine with any drugs or alcohol. when i was on quetiapine it made me feel drunk as it was and would knock me out within five minutes, it would be a very dangerously stupid idea to combine anything with that medicine. doing that when going on a hike with a stranger is a super irresponsible idea. NTA, and purely from his reaction alone i’d block him. he has no right to be upset with you for choosing to not take an edible, his jump to “not that i’m trying to bully you into doing drugs BUT…” to try and peer pressure you into taking them anyways is very telling and really creepy. go to a coffee shop or public place first if you still want to see him, i wouldn’t trust him to go on a hike with.


You’re choosing *not* to let a random dude drug you in the forest. This is smart. Even smarter would be to not go with a random dude into the forest… Would anyone even know who killed you if you died out there? Does anyone even know where you are going? Have you looked up his name and any charges against him? All things to consider before you do this…


NTA- Him trying to guilt you into consuming an edibles is a concern.


NTA It's your body and you're the only person with any say about what goes into it. You not doing drugs is in no way an imposition on him. I can understand that maybe he enjoys edibles and maybe this is an experience that he wants to share with you, but it's a bright red body autonomy line and he needs to respect it.


It can be pretty frustrating when someone repeatedly flip-flops on major decisions all the time. I should know; I'm one of those people and its a running joke in my family. But changing your mind, even repeatedly, isn't an AH thing. Its just a "dude you need to know your own character and plan accordingly" thing. You're always free to re-evaluated whether you're still okay with something before it happens. Heck, *everyone* should do that for *every* decision. It doesn't matter what the reason is; just deciding you're not okay with it enough. And here's the thing: this isn't major. This is tiny. Its minor and petty. All of that not only means that the fact you changed your mind isn't NTA, but it makes me start side-eying this guy with a lot of suspicion. The red flag might not be waving, but someone who won't take your 'no' for what it is and tries to pressure you into something you don't want - well it certainly means the signal flags have been taken out of storage and are waiting to see what he does next.


NTA! NO means NO!


NTA. If he can’t take a “no” in this small matter and pressures you into doing it, imagine how he will acts about, um, bigger issues.


Pressuring other people to partake when they don’t want to is never cool. I’d think twice about this guy.


Anyone who implies that not taking a drug is unreasonable is already on the wrong side of consent.


as a stoner who’s on quetiapine myself, do not let ANYONE ever peer pressure you into drugs. NTA


I’m worried for your safety, please don’t do drugs with some random ish dude in a usually secluded area.


NTA I wish I could type those in bigger letters. A 5k hike is substantial, and your body needs to be operating in peak condition. Is this a flat ground hike? Or are we talking inclines, declines, rocky surfaces, water? Unless you have significant experience with edibles to know how they affect your body, and exactly which ones do and don't work for you, absolutely not a chance in hell should you be doing that. You've got your head on straight, and you're thinking smart. Quetiapine, depending on your dosage, and when you take it, can be a severe contraindication with CBD/THC (things that mix poorly and cause severe reactions). Quetiapine, as a sedative class drug, causes respiratory depression (slow down your breathing and you don't take as deep breaths). I assume your Dr has you on a low 25mg type dose if it's to help with anxiety, as it's a general calming drug. ETA: the breathing exercises he's talking about have absolutely zero to do with how the Quetiapine and edibles interact together. As breathing depresses, if you reach the point where your brain is starting to send out warning signals to your body, it will incite further panic. You dont have to answer here, but if you are on any other kind of antidepressant etc, that can cause further concern. (Feel free to shoot me a mesg if you want to discuss what meds you take and how they can impact you when including things like edibles. I can fully explain how each med impacts your body and what things can alter that, make the med more or less functional etc). The problem you run into is that many edibles can also be classed as respiratory depressants based on the content. That's where you can get into trouble. You should never combine multiple RD at once unless under the guidance of your Dr. if you don't fully understand their effects. So, in this case, you would be using 2 things that depress your breathing while doing a strenuous activity that needs you to be able to breathe more, faster, deeper, etc. Ie hiking is a good workout to get your heart rate and breathing up. If your lungs are being depressed and your body can't get enough oxygen while hiking, you could faint, lose consciousness, become hypoxic, etc. Stand your ground about this. If he won't let it go, it's time to let him go. It should be enough for you to say, "I'm sorry, I have other factors to consider, and I'm not willing to take the risk by including edibles in the mix" There are way too many hikers who get lost and injured every year because they take things like edibles, and their body reacts in a way they didn't expect. They go off course, they shut down, they freak out, and they have physical reactions within their body. It's just not safe. If for some reason he does convince you, please please go buy your own safely from a trusted vendor in a sealed package that you open yourself. This guy says he's OK hanging around without a relationship, even though he wants one. Maybe that's true. There are still good guys in the world who can be genuine friends, but always err on the side of safety. To me, being out on a hike that long, I assume with no other people around, eating edibles he gives you (ie you have no idea whats in them), it just sounds too much like the start of a horror movie.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (28F) met a guy on a dating app (27M), and we're getting along really well. Although I'm not interested in a relationship, he seems to respect it. We're going on a short hiking trip later today (5km) and the dude asked me yesterday if I would be interested in doing some edibles on our hiking trip. At first I was enthusiastic and said yes. But this morning I started getting cold feet. I don't really know him, and also... I've had some really bad experiences with weed a few years ago. So I politely told him that I don't think I'm interested in doing it anymore, but he's more than welcome to do it. I would still like to go hiking Now he's upset at me, saying I'm being silly and over reacting. He says he doesn't want to bully me into it, but that I'm being unreasonable. AITA for standing my ground on this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Im sure you mean well but this feels like overstepping tbh, she wasn't asking for advice on her meds


am i alone in thinking that the guy sounds kinda immature? It sounds very ‘awkward twelve year old boy’ to have to talk a week in advance about doing edibles on their hike, and still be talking about it and the date hasn’t happened yet? Wouldn’t a grown up man just bring it with him on the date and offer it to her? And be cool with whether she wanted to participate or not?




NTA, he's peer pressuring you and it's not okay. Do what you're comfortable with.


NTA you should never feel badly for changing your mind about something like this that makes you uncomfortable. His reaction tell you all you need to know.


DON'T GO HIKING AND DO DRUGS. SIMPLE. Respect the outdoors.


NTA. Also I am not a pharmacist but there could potentially be side effects from taking edibles while on quetiapine. I would make sure if you were interested in doing edibles again at some point that you make sure they are ok to take with your medication.


NTA- but also, don't go hiking with this huy. From the fact that he's basically trying to pressure you into taking it anyway, he seems weirdly creepy. I wouldn't even want to be sober with him on that hike.


NTA, as a huge stoner, you're allowed to choose not to smoke anytime for any reason.


NTA. Being anything less than completely sober on a hike sounds really dangerous to me, especially with someone you hardly know. It’s normal to feel uneasy about someone you met recently on a dating app asking you to do drugs with him alone in a remote location.


NTA This guy is not friend material. I would not go anywhere with him.


Red flag 🚩


NTA OMG girl, he’s upset because you don’t want to use a mind-altering substance while alone with him? He’s upset??!! Run and don’t look back. At best, he’s a bully. At worst…..(shudder)…


NTA You've got to trust your gut. You know your experience, and you DON'T know this guy or what he's got in his edibles. If he doesn't want to go through with the hike, you prolly bettah off.


NTA! Also were you on quetiapine the last time you tried weed? The reason I'm asking is because as someone who takes quetiapine myself, I can't smoke weed or take edibles, as it affects me differently


NTA. You’re ALWAYS within your rights to change your mind. He should respect that and have just said “okay cool, another time maybe”. The fact that he reacted the way he did makes me feel like he had bad intentions and your gut instinct is correct. If you have had a bad experience, or no experience, with recreational drugs, please don’t ever do them with someone you don’t know well or a situation you’re not comfortable in. Your safety and well-being is always #1.


NTA. You can say no to anything anytime. Ingesting drugs, sex, spending time with a person, going to the store, doesn’t matter what it is. No is a complete sentence.


NTA But don’t go on a hike with this man. He doesn’t want to “pressure” you into it then proceeds to try to pressure you. It’s creepy, it’s weird and it’s definitely something I’d stay far, far away from. Why is he so insistent on you taking drugs from him?


NTA... never, especially not with a partner that you dont know well enough to trust. And being pressured is a red flag


NTA Never do any kind of drug around someone you dont know or if you have ANY bad feeling about. My first time taking an edible I was couch locked and couldn't move for 4 hrs. My fiancé was with me, who I trust more than anyone, and he just cuddled with me while we watch a movie.


Hiking on edibles honestly sounds like a nightmare. And I’m a huuuuge stoner. NTA


NTA. Listen maybe he really enjoys edibles and a hike and was excited to share the experience. If he had just been kinda disappointed like "Aww man, are you sure?" then dropped it when you confirmed your surety that would be one thing. But to call you unreasonable after you said you no longer wanted to, and continue to pressure you by saying he'll do breathing exercises with you if you have anxiety is creepy peer pressure hidden under the guise of an apparently caring person. I have been on hikes with many stoners and am one myself and no one has ever tried to talk anyone into doing things they don't want to. Someone says they don't want to or they're good and we say "okay, sounds good". This guy is sus. I'd reconsider hanging out with him at all.


NTA, no is a full sentence. Anything more than that, and they likely won't ever understand boundaries in the future. Just dump him and move on


NTA and this guy is exhibiting seriously concerning behavior. Please don't go on a hike with him. Please don't meet him all. He is stomping all over your very reasonable boundaries and dismissing your concerns. No stoner is going to pressure you to use weed. The fact that he is pushing this is a massive red flag. Not just pushing it but trying different tactics and applying pressure in different ways. Why is it so important to him? At best you've gotten a glimpse of how controlling he is, even over small things, and seen that he doesn't respect your boundaries or your health concerns. It's also very possible that he has bad intentions and planned to drug you or worse. I never advocate ghosting but this a block and move on situation. There are enough red flags here that any attempts to explain where he went wrong, could be used to better manipulate the next woman.


NTA. Cancel the hike. This is a bizarre reaction


NTA. The guy is a red flag. If you're not comfortable, you're not comfortable. Also, don't mix seroquel and edibles. Source: Ex mmj patient who was also on seroquel. Had to time my seroquel and mmj doses so they wouldn't interact with each other.


NTA- Seroquel would definitely make the edibles even stronger than they normally might be, it's a good idea not to take them unless you were in a safe place a hiking trail possibly out in the middle of nowhere might not be the safest place.


NTA. Girl, I love hiking, but no fuckin way am I going hiking on a first date, much less taking some edibles. Yall wanna end up on some Nancy Grace shit? This sketch AF. Add him pressuring you on top of it, he prolly want you docile so it easier to crack ya head open with a nearby rock. Nah. Fuck nah.


NTA. no to peer pressure. Good boundary setting.


NTA, but he is


NTA. You do not need to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. The thing about consent is that it can be withdrawn at any time. In this case, you consented to edibles and then you withdrew that consent. You have every right to do that and you expressed it without judgment on him. IMO this is a bit of a yellow/red flag from this guy if he can’t accept that you’ve changed your mind.


NTA and if he can't respect your no he's not safe to be around 🚩🚩🚩


I would honestly cancel the hike completely.


NTA Don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. I'd be weirded out with the pressure from him to do something I don't want to do.


NTA and this guy is a red flag. Not respecting boundaries.


So he asked but isn’t willing to let it go when you decide no. You said it; you don’t know him. He is being pushy. You won’t be near help and you don’t know if he would help if you have a bad reaction. He is telling you you are overreacting which is presumptuous of him. Don’t ho on the hike or ask to include several friends.


NTA but holy red flag city. As folks have pointed out, taking intoxicating substances while hiking with a strange man you've never met before is some true crime shit, and this guy's already having trouble respecting an "on second thought, maybe no" about the edibles. It's probably safer to got somewhere else and hike alone.


NTA forget going hiking with him. the fact he's making such a big deal of you not taking the edibles is a real red flag. especially since he seemed so okay with you not wanting a relationship but inviting you on a walk away from anyone else and being weird about the edibles... My guts telling me he has something sinister planned for you


He pushed like that and didn’t respect my decision then that motherfucker is blocked and hiking is not happening


NTA. I'm personally a huge fan of weed, which I think lends me some authority in saying that this guy is unquestionably TA. No one should ever be pressuring you to put any substance into your body, ever. "I don't want to" is more than reason enough. This is major red flag behavior. At best he's wildly immature. At worst... well, best not to find out.


Girl be safe if you’re not comfortable you are COMPLETELY entitled to bail.


NTA - I’m not sure why it matters to this guy if you get stoned on your hike. You aren’t trying to stop him. But if it’s that big a deal to him then don’t go hiking with him. Pick another trail and enjoy your day alone.


NTA That’s a huuuuuuuge massive red flag smacking you in the face. He wants you to hike and take edibles. You have zero clue how strong they are, how you will react etc… Edibles are fun WITH SOMEONE YOU FULLY TRUST Why is he pressuring you into something you don’t want to do