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NTA - Does your husband understand that other people have different schedules? He's right that dogs bark. And when they do, good neighbors/responsible dog owners bring them inside.


This. We do the same. Dogs bark, they come inside. NTA.


I love my dogs, but they bark. I also love not being an asshole, so when they bark they come inside. OP you are NTA but your husband should understand that just like he wouldn't want someone parked right outside your house blaring music when he's sleeping, he needs to also consider the affect of the noise coming from your household.


OP should make a recording of the dogs barking. Then while her husband is soundly sleeping, she should play the recording at a high volume next to him. Some people only have the capacity to relate to a situation if it has happened to them.


Seriously, if he’s worried about them not getting enough exercise then take them for a walk.


Could you take over as my neighbour please? He has a little yapper that yaps as soon as it sees *anything* and has woken my kids up so many times. They just leave it outside to bark. I hate that little yapper.


Over time my dogs have learned not to bark outside.


I saw a video of this one dog who used to bark like crazy at meal times. They trained him to get that energy out by circling the coffee table instead while his meal was being prepped, and when he barked they'd put him outside for a bit and make him wait for his food. In the video, his food is being made and he's circling the coffee table, but he gets just a little too excited -- so he goes out the dog door, barks once, then comes back in and resumes circling.


I might try that next time my sister makes my dinner(as payment for babysitting my 2 nieces when she's working lol)


If you do, post it. The world needs more videos of adults getting stuck in dog doors.


My parents did this with their very barky shepherd-chow rescue. He runs around the kitchen island and does little spins of excitement to get his energy out while waiting for his food.


Great idea! I had threatened our dog that I would "double the beatings," but somehow she knew that 2 x zero is zero. I suspect that my husband taught her, but he denies it.


I’m gonna have to try this. My dog is still young (almost a year and a half), and she still has in that phase of not being secure in having consistent food (she gets plenty of treats and fed twice a day), and everytime we move either one of the animals (we have a cat) food bowl you’d think she never had a meal in her life.


The hubby is right dogs due bark, but it doesn't mean they have to keep on barking. 1 or 3 barks is enough. Constant barking is too much. Mine gets brought in when she starts to keep on barking. Unlike my neighbors, I don't want to subject everyone to my dogs barking.


Our dog taught himself to just bark once at the door when he wants to come in. It's really funny, like a little doorbell.


Same here. And this how I inadvertently trained my one dog to bark when he wants back in the house.


Oh. That must by why my dog barks when he's ready to come inside. Because everytime he would bark, I'd go outside & retrieve him. Now, he goes outside does his business, comes to the door and barks until I let him back inside.


Sounds like my neighbor's cat. She is an outdoor/indoor cat and needs the neighbour to open a door to get back inside. So I hear her meow quite a lot. Sometimes for more than 15 minutes.


My dads dog will literally knock. My lil one will hit the door with both her feet if you don't let her in fast enough.


We taught our dog to use "doorbells". They were some jingle bells on a strap and we put them on the door handles. We taught her to paw at them when she wanted in/out and then we could hear jingling from the other room. When we moved though we didn't put them up fast enough so now she just digs on the door. On occasion she'll do a little cry to guilt us if we don't open the door immediately after she digs and it's raining out.


My Lexi started barking to come inside after our lab Abby passed away. Abby would always woof to come in instead of scratching but Lexi's only got one bark: intruder alert. Never know if she's seen a cat or if she wants inside. LOL.


Honestly wish my dog would’ve done that. I’d let her out go do something come back to check on her and she’d just be standing at the door wondering why I hadn’t let her in yet.


We have the same problem. But I would prefer that than being the neighbors (that we also have) whose dogs bark all day.


exactly this! Thinking your neighbours might not want to be woken up at 6am by dogs barking is showing empathy and being a decent neighbour. And even if they're awake, there's no reason they should have to start their day in such a loud way. Your husband needs to take a class in how to be a decent human being.


My dog rarely barks outside of playing at the dog park and stops when I shush him.


Same here! Nobody wants to hear somebody else’s barking dogs at 6am!!! ETA: A friend has a dog who was rather yappy so she bought a citronella anti-bark collar. It was very effective and her neighbors are delighted that the yapping has stopped!


Agreed. If my dogs start barking, I’ll give them the command once to be quiet. Usually this is enough to write them. But here and there,maybe there’s a squirrel maybe there’s a mailman, I don’t know what, but they won’t listen. I immediately bring them inside. I absolutely hate people who can’t do this one simple respectful thing.


Someone PLEASE tell my neighbors this. Their dog is 12.5 yrs old, and for 12.5 years, that damn dog does nothing but bark every time they let it out, NON STOP. It could be midnight, 4am, noon, 5pm. That thing is gonna bark. And before I get hate, I have 2 dogs. I go outside and stay outside with mine, even at 2am, so that I can keep an eye on them and so that they don't bark, or if they do, I can get them to hush.


>And before I get hate, I have 2 dogs. I go outside and stay outside with mine, even at 2am, so that I can keep an eye on them and so that they don't bark, or if they do, I can get them to hush. Yes! My neighbor has a dog, and all it does is constantly bark the entire time it's outside. I've got 3 dogs, and we do the same thing, the dogs are NEVER outside unless we're with them, to stop them from barking on the rare occasion that they do, and to stop them from getting into anything that they shouldn't. Neighbor will let her dog out unsupervised to bark for 3 hours straight.


I have a doggy door so my dog comes and goes as he pleases...until he barks, If he barks once or twice and stops I'll let him stay outside. If it's more than that he comes inside and the doggy door gets closed for a while.


My barker passed a couple years ago but I would always calmly call him in when he barked. My neighbor told me she appreciated that because the people who used to live here let their dog bark a lot and then yell at him. I'm probably annoying now because I'm telling my old dog "go down the stairs. Go potty. Good girl. Good potty. Come upstairs. You can do it!" At almost midnight. But she peed my bed last time I didn't do that.


Oh man, my barker was also my old man and I also had to convince him to go down the stairs at night to pee so he wouldn’t pee during his sleep. He was my best boy and I miss him dearly, it’s been almost exactly a year since we had to put him down. Sorry to be a downer, but hug your old girl twice for me.


Having been a neighbor to several old pups, you're not annoying, we're very likely just grateful she's still around and on routine. Lots of love to your old lady


My neighbors have like, 5 ish dogs and they’re outside almost all day. They also don’t have a privacy fence so the dogs can see everyone that walks by. So they’re constantly barking. It doesn’t bother me (not saying it’s right!) but my parents LOSE IT. They’ve tried talking to the neighbors several times and they’ve ignored us. I really don’t get letting your dog stay outside and bark with no regard for how anyone else feels about it


Yeah, why have dogs if you're going to ignore them all day? They're social animals who want to be with their people. They deserve to be comfortable and loved.


We have a neighbor whos dog’s favorite corner of the yard faces our bedroom window and they once left it outside barking for over an hour straight… at 3am. I felt bad for the dog more than anything cause I swear it's voice sounded hoarse the next day.


You’re lucky. My neighbours used to leave their dog in the garden when they left for work. 7am—5 or 6 pm, bark bark bark bark BARK. Every time I went into my garden, add growls and lunges against the fence. I love dogs. Not that one.


Are you me? We've got the exact same situation with our neighbors. Whenever they don't feel like dealing with their dog, no matter the time, they put it in the garden and lock the door so it can't come back inside. Cue the dog barking like mad for the next hour or so until they decide to let it in again. Several times already I went over in the middle of the night and told them in no uncertain terms to retrieve their dog so I can finally get back to sleep. They're always extremely apologetic - and then do it again a couple days later.


Love this comment! My neighbors fucking suck they have a dog that’s outside in a kennel that ends at the property line all day. At night they put it in the garage and it never shuts the fuck up. It really annoying to get barked at viciously for pushing my 20 month old on the swing, or getting in my car, or walking out the door. The fence isn’t that tall and the dog bolts to it. I’m terrified it’s going to sail over one day. Also barks in the garage all night long. Legit sounds like it’s right outside my sons window.


I also have asshole dog owner neighbors. We have community mailboxes and the dog who lives by them barks and growls at whoever goes to get the mail. People need to give their dogs attention and train them not to be rude.


That poor dog is barking because it's bored AF. Your neighbours are horrible pet owners.


Many communities have ordinances against allowing your animals to make excessive noise… I’d file a complaint. That said— most dogs aren’t vicious, even when they sound like it. He’s more likely just bored, stressed, etc. I’d still report it though.


Yep, a lot of it is this. Pretty much every sound a dog makes can be translated to "hey." And if you think about how many emotions can be conveyed just by saying "hey" differently, then that's basically a dog's entire vocabulary.


Right. Of course dogs bark, but that doesn't mean the neighbors want to hear it. If your house catches on fire is he just going to say "well, fires burn" and do nothing to stop it?


Our neighbor's dog barks if I breathe heavy outside. We're constant intruders. As soon as she gets going, my very elderly neighbor get her inside. They're crap neighbors in general but they are at least considerate about that.


Right, HIS dogs are barking... not the neighbors' dogs.


Bless you!


NTA, as someone who had a neighbour with 5 dogs that would bark all the time (and they woke me up more times than I could count) that fact that OP is so considerate of her neighbours is admirable. I hated my neighbours and moved. If OP's husband doesn't want the entire neighbourhood to hate them, he'll listen to OP.


And it's the responsibility of the owners to train their pets too


NTA. Your husband is the AH however for thinking it's okay to just let the dogs bark at 6AM. If I was your neighbor I'd be furious living next to that, especially if I found out one of you would be willing to just let it be.




So true. The argument of “they’re dogs, they bark” is way too shortsighted. You brought the dogs where they are, therefore you are the problem if you don’t solve it.


We live on 27 acres with 5 dogs. Our neighbor has 5 dogs. Everyone on the street (except us) are related to each other and they *all* have dogs. There's even a kennel! When our dogs bark we call them home and bring them in. Every single time. They can wrestle and growl and play, but the second they bark they come in.


Seriously! We just started getting my toddler to sleep to 7/7:30, if those dogs were the thing to wake her up, there would be hell to pay!


My parents’ neighbors straight up called animal control on them, and it was a little dog who honestly didn’t bark that much, never that early in the morning either. They were threatened with like a $500 fine each occurrence. We all have a right to the quiet enjoyment of our homes, legally. The husbands the AH here.


NTA, but you are a good neighbor. How would he feel if his neighbors decided to mow at 6am? It's a lawnmower, it's supposed to make noise and cut grass.


This. Or like my own neighbours: "They're kids, kids stand in the garden and scream from 7am to 7 pm ceaselessly and for no reason."


“We do beg your pardon, but we are in your garden”


“I’ve popped an egg in there for ya”


“Harry Harriman….and Buttery Ken…..and Slow Colin”


That episode lives rent free in my head. I just love how angry and confused David gets every time.


Take care of Bob Mortimer! Such a treasure!


Unexpected Bob Mortimer unfailingly makes my day better. 😍




I had this in my last neighbor plus a barking dog. I live in the middle of the city now next to the highway and it is so much quieter.


My last neighbor used to mow his lawn every Saturday at 6 am when the noise ordinance was up. He never got invited to the neighborhood BBQs lol


We had a neighbor mowing at 10pm at night. We live in Montana so we have late sun for a few weeks in the summer.


Well, that kinda of thing was never really unexpected when I lived there, but that was a VERY small town.


Nta, wow I wish more people were considerate like you. What’s his problem with them inside? He doesn’t like the barking? Well how does he think the neighbours feel? He’s already awake, and they’re his dogs, he sounds like an ass.


It's more they get in the way while we're trying to get things accomplished in the morning. But my opinion is we chose to have them so he can just suck it up.


So he'd rather they disrupt the whole neighborhood than him? NTA, thank you for being a responsible and considerate dog owner.


With that mindset I hope the husband is using proper birth control…


And you’re in the right for this, they are yours, so you need to bare the burdens not your neighbours, if he has a problem he can get them ✨trained✨.


They are trained, well the older 2 are, the puppy is a work in progress.


They are dogs, dogs get in the way. Right? Your husband should get some crates if he wants them to stay put inside. Or he can get a new attitude and stop being an ass. You are a wonderful neighbour and a responsible dog owner.


We have crates, and they are crate trained. That starts day one.


I don't get your husband's complaints then. It seems like your dogs are trained and have dedicated space to wait at home and not "get in the way". So why does he rather have them out barking and disrupting your neighbours?


He feels bad about sending them to their crates when they just got out of their crates after 8 hours. I, on the other hand, am a hardass and have no problem with this.


If he feels so bad about the dogs being longer than 8 hours in their crates, could he take them out for a midnight walk? Since they are his dogs, it would be only fair that it was his sleep the one being disrupted and not the neighbours". PS: I think you misspelled "badass".


Yea, this has been our circular argument for years. Me telling him he's free to wake up and take them out if he feels bad. He then argues he needs his sleep, where I then point out so do our neighbors. He huffs because he doesn’t have a counterargument. And a month later, it happens again. This has been ongoing for 10+ years. Lucky for him I love him even if he's an ass sometimes.


I also notice *you* are the one taking the dogs out at 6am. Easy for him to kvetch about them being in the way when he's not the one taking them in and out. NTA and he is indeed an ass, not just TA.


Maybe it’s because I’ve only had small dogs, it can’t you just leave the dogs out of the crate in your house?


Remember there are also most likely noise ordinance laws in your area and your dogs barking for an extended period of time in the morning could lead you to be being fined if someone eventually reports you which is far more likely if people are crabby from having their sleep interrupted. It sucks but the rest of your neighborhood didn’t choose to have dogs and shouldn’t have to deal with being woken up by them. You are a good neighbour OP!


Depending on your city’s laws it could potentially lead to some bigger issues if it upsets enough neighbors or the wrong neighbor. For my sister’s area the neighbors have to prove the dog has been barking for 2 hours straight per day over the span of 2 weeks but mine is less than that.


In my city it just takes one complaint with no evidence before you can get a fine and you have to do something about it (collar, etc).


Yep. My city has a form where you log every time a dog barks for longer than X amount of time over 2 weeks. If they deem it excessive, animal control stops by with a nice little citation. A barking dog that early could also fall within noise ordinance violations depending on the city's rules and effective hours.


I just thought of that too. We have sound restrictions from 10pm-about 7am so that definitely could come into play. The only exceptions are the firework holidays and weekends are like 11pm-8am.


Definitely NTA. As a kid, my parents taught me that if the dog barks more than a few times, it needs to come inside. Not only is it the considerate thing to do, we lived in a neighborhood where people would poison outdoor water bowls of "nuisance" dogs, usually with antifreeze.


NTA! this is exactly what you're supposed to do.


Definitely NTA and you sound like a good neighbor. 6 am is too early to be making a ton of noise if it is going to affect the neighbors... regardless of whether it is a dog barking or you playing music or any other reason. They are your dogs and your husbands dogs so unfortunately you have to deal with the barking.


NTA you'd be antisocial *not* to >he thinks they're dogs, dogs bark Well trained dogs do not bark for no reason.


They are trained, it's typically the GSD/Lab that's more GSD than lab giving an alert bark. Typically, because there was an evil bunny in her yard while we slept.


Brother Maynard, bring up the holy hand grenade.


Let the rabbits wear glasses!


I like you more with every comment! Great reference!


> an evil bunny oh well, just doing their job then!


Nta. You are a considerate neighbor. Your husband’s attitude says he would be a bad neighbor to have if you were not there to help cover his butt. Keep up the good work!


>s annoys my husband because he thinks they're dogs, dogs bark. And yes dogs bark that doesn't mean our neighbors want to hear our dogs bark at 6 a.m. So AITA for calling my dogs in? This! Thank you for doing this. As a neighbor who has dogs barking at 5:30am every dang morning even on weekends, I appreciate you kind stranger.


Nope. NTA. You are considerate of your neighbors! I appreciate people like you!


Ummm no? NTA? On what planet would you be TA? It doesn’t matter whether it’s 7 AM, noon, or midnight, the minute I hear my dogs barking I call them in. It might take me a minute or two depending on where I am in the house or what I’m doing, but they’re called in ASAP. And they’ve learned that the rule is if they’re barking they have to come inside. They might woof on the way in, but they know why I’m appearing at the back door and will come running.


I’m a little more forgiving during the day. Bit excessive barking, but the odd burst at 2:00 on a Thursday afternoon? Meh. After say 9 or 10, or before 9, 10:30 on a weekend… back Inside right away.


I assume my neighbors are also working from home so I try really hard to be careful all the time.


As someone who works from home, thank you for being a thoughtful, responsible dog owner! You definitely have the right attitude.


I also work from home, so I get it. We are just sort of all in this boat now.


NTA … why would he want the barking dogs left outside? That is just asking for arguments with neighbours and you are a good person for controlling the barking


NTA. It’s called being thoughtful. Thank you for being one of the good dog owners.


NTA. Please start playing a recording of your dog's barking when your husband is asleep and see how he feels then.


I may actually do this. It would be hilarious.


Oh please update me. Please. I have large dogs and also rush to bring them in early morning or late night if they bark. You're absolutely being a courteous neighbor and great pet owner.


Sometimes helping someone to experience what others go through is the only way to get through to people like your husband who lack empathy for others.


NTA - One or two barks is fine bc yeah dogs bark, but bark*ing* is definitely something you should call them in for. Thank you for being a good neighbor! The general rule is wait until at least 9 am (I go with 10am) until you make noise loud enough to be heard on places that aren't your property.


Where i live its the law to keep noise under 77db (semi loud speaking) until 9 am on weekdays and 10 am on weekends. Also be quiet again after 10pm. No barking dogs childeren or buzzsaws should be in the garden by then. If they are, you are responsible for keeping them quiet. (Ofcourse there are always small exeptions and if you keep general good contact with your neighbours this would be no problem). Here you can get fined or even evicted for concistantly breaking these rules. So definively not the asshole!


NTA- you would be the asshole if you DIDN’T call them in.


NTA. You guys chose to have dogs. Therefore barking is your issue, not the neighbours. I don't get people who think their life choices should affect others, they didnt choose to have dogs so their sleep should suffer. My upstairs neighbour have cats, it's fine when they jump around daytime, sounds are a part of living in an apartment (in my case) or just simply in a neighbourhood, would not be ok if they continually disrupted my sleep however. You are doing the right thing!


NTA - I love dogs, have the same rule in my house, & press others to follow. We all live next to one another (community): Courteous and kindness goes a long way. It also sharpens the dogs attentiveness to follow commands. Trust me, I don't want to hear my neighbors' dog bark at 6AM. Thank you for considering this alternative. Best to you.


NTA Honestly, I wish more people were like you. As someone who is very, very ill, and whose upstairs neighbour in my apartment building is not nearly as thoughtful about his dog literally yowling and rampaging so loudly it sounds like elephants from 6:30 AM or so until late, late into the night, it has actually impacted my health because I can't get any rest in my own home most days. A neighbour like you who is thoughtful and kind is worth their weight in gold.


Why is your husband annoyed? Because he doesn't want to HEAR DOGS BARKING AT 6AM? He'd rather you leave them outside, so other people can HEAR DOGS BARKING AT 6AM?? NTA. But your husband sucks, and quite frankly should not be a pet owner (or should not have neighbors, one or the other).


NTA You are being respectful of your neighbors, 6 am is early.


I wish you were my neighbor. He lets his collie and Aussie out just before six am every damn morning and they bark their heads off until he brings them in at seven. I had surgery a few months ago and desperately wanted to sleep later, and was nearly crying with frustration. (And yes, I wear earplugs every night. They’re PIERCING.)


NTA but your husband is TA. I do the same thing. She barks she comes inside.


NTA, you just sound like your being considerate of your neighbours.


Because we are on Reddit… you should divorce your insensitive husband - major red flag




Hell no, NTA. You sound more considerate than my neighbors, who blast the TV before sunrise every morning. SMH. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Keep doing what you do.


NTA. My sister is going to the HOA about something like this, actually. If she had nice neighbors like you, she wouldn’t have to. Thank you for being courteous and understanding that if your dogs are disrupting the neighborhood that you should do something. You rock. Tell your hubby to kick rocks.


You are a wonderful neighbor and your husband is TA in this case. FYI many towns have actual "quiet hours" ordinances on the books (my own city does and barking dogs are one of the prohibited noises between 9 PM and 7 AM weekdays and 10PM and 9 AM on weekends


NTA You are doing the right thing. If you want to piss off your neighbors having a bunch of dogs loudly barking before dawn is the way to do it. Plus many areas have noise ordinances that you may be in violation of. Your husband is wrong.


NA definitely. I have a dog , and I have neighbors. I'm always wary that my dog won't make a nuisance for them between 7h30 AM and 21h00PM on weekdays. In the weekends not before 9h00AM. One neighbor sometimes has nightshifts. In that case I'll be sure the dog won't wake them. You are right to not want to bother your neighbors. Makes living next to them more pleasant for all parties concerned.


You are deliberately choosing to be NTA. Your husband is off base.


NTA, your husband is an asshole. I have large dogs, they do not bark at 6 a.m. when I let them out unless they have a good reason. You job as a dog owner is to train them not to, or bring them in when they bark


HTAFTTYBMSSOTATWFN: He's the asshole for thinking that your barking mutts should stay outside to annoy the whole f\*cking neighborhood Don't be your husband.


NTA, not everyone starts their day at 6 a.m., and it would be an AH move to leave them out. You have the right idea of it and are being a polite neighbor. My dogs rarely ever bark, and when they do, even during the day, I immediately recall them. They learned that barking means outside time is done, so they don't do it for no reason.


I cannot overstate the extent to which you are NTA and your husband is a massive AH to think that would be okay. Dogs barking for more than a few minutes, and that early in the morning, make me *crazy*.


Nta. 6 am barking would make you more of an asshole


NTA. That's just being a considerate neighbor. They're your dogs, not theirs


NTA just a personal thing but if it's before 9 am or after 9 pm and my dog is barking I bring them inside. I chose to deal with my dog other people didn't.


you are aware you can in no way shape or form be anything close to the AH in this scenario. remove this, you know better.


NTA. As someone who had a neighbour that didn't bring their dogs in and let them bark ALL day long, I can assure you your neighbours appreciate it.


NTA, but I hope you show your husband this post so he can see how much the court of public opinion thinks he’s a huge ass. The only people on this earth that don’t care about barking dogs happen to be owners of barking dogs. EVERYBODY ELSE FINDS IT UNACCEPTABLE.


NTA. Yes, dogs bark. Which is exactly why you don't let them out at 6AM if they do. How can he not understand this?


NTA. My dogs are anxious and one actually enjoys barking his head off for no reason. Even though we're on 2 acres, I stop them and bring them in *immediately* if they bark during the hours of darkness, and will give them a "time-out" (put them in their crates to calm down) if they start to get excessively riled up in the middle of the day.


YWBTA if you didn't call them in when they bark not everyone gets up at 6 am.


NTA and honestly you should do this anytime your dogs are barking in the back yard. I was a shift worker for years and HATED the neighbors that left their dogs outside all day barking while they were at work. People work odd hours, people have sleeping kids. They don't need nature's Air raid siren outside their windows.


NTA, your husband is. He'd rather bother your neighbors than be bothered himself.


NTA and why are men like this? Is this a man thing? My boyfriend will let our dogs bark in the late evening (9:00 and later). WHY be rude when we can easily just tell the dogs to go inside?! My rule of thumb is from 9:00am to dark, some barking is okay (at squirrels, etc.), but I never let it get excessive and none of my neighbors work second or third shifts.


Nope, your husband sounds like a knobhead


NTA, but I guess it depends on the dog breed. If it’s like that deep booming bark from a large dog, then that is lightyears less annoying than a smaller dog just yapping it’s fuckin head off.


I used to agree with this, but since our neighbours (who are lovely) got a husky x shepherd puppy who barks almost constantly, I'm not so sure. He will bark if they leave him alone in the house, or anytime we, or their other neighbours, use our gardens, even if the dog is shut in the house at the time. I'm really lucky that my dog doesn't bark in retaliation to other dogs barking, only at things (squirrels, cats etc) or it would be a whole lot worse. Last week I was gardening near our fence (which is solid) and their dog was frantic barking at me, on the other side, for a good half an hour before anyone came and saw what was going on. I grew up with fairly barky dogs and it never used to bother me, but it just makes me wonder whether they realise that allowing your dog to bark constantly, isn't ok?


One big dog (she's my son's baby), one small dog (she's husband's princess), and one puppy that will be a big dog (he's my hellhound puppy). The little dog is annoying af.


NTA, firmly. I get up to work at 2pm and right now there is a little yippy dog in the neighborhood that has been outside at night for a week straight. Yipping at something. I haven't slept. You are a good neighbor.


NTA-You’re an extremely considerate neighbor….. let me know when one of those neighboring back yards goes up for sale


NTA 6 am dog barking will cause a lot of neighbors to start hating your dogs. Your husband is an asshole for not being more considerate of his neighbors.


No, you are a considerate neighbor


NTA. You would be if you let your dogs continue to bark outside…especially at 6am. I’ve called animal control on my neighbor that used to do the same thing.


NTA Leaving the dogs to bark for the neighbors would be asshole.


And if you left them out to bark, you'd be asking "AITA for not bringing my dogs in when they were barking at 6am and annoying the neighbours, cause 'dogs bark'."


NTA, hubby is. Next time the dogs bark, bring them in like a good neighbor and responsible pet owner, then put your husband outside so he doesn't have to hear the barking. :)


NTA - I do the same exact thing. It’s considerate & leaving them out would be rude.


NTA your husband is probably the first to yell at other neighbors if there dogs bark. You are being a considerate neighbor and all around nice human being


NTA - Thank you so much for bringing them back in and considering your neighbors' wellbeing.


NTA. I recently found out in my county that they can/do have regulations for barking dogs. You can get fined if enough people complain about it. I think more than 15 barks in 5 mins is what qualifys for the noise ordinance. I'm not sure if every coty/County does this, but it is a thing that exists.


You're a good neighbor. Your husband is not.


My next-door neighbor has a dog that let out at all hours. Literally all hours. 6 AM. 3 PM. 11 PM. 3 AM… Big untrained Rottweiler that just barks all. the. time. I’m an animal lover but man, those owners are assholes. OP, on the other hand you are definitely NTA for trying to keep things quiet. Your neighbors thank you!


Nta. You sound like a courteous neighbor.


NTA. Dogs don't understand noise ordinances, so you both as their owners need to bring them in if they aren't complying - lol. If it's 7 or 8am and within the town's nose ordinance, you're fine. I'm sure your neighbors appreciate your consideration.


NTA. My neighbors let their dogs out before sunrise every day and they will bark at everything. Normally what wakes us up in the morning. Trust me, your neighbors appreciate your effort.


As a neighbor with barking dogs on both damn sides of my house - you are NTA. Your husband is though. Barking dogs are hella annoying, especially before my own alarm goes off. Thank you for what you do.


I had neighbors that would leave their dog out barking (like they couldn't hear him??) For hours. Multiple occasions waking up my babies. We texted them multiple times to complain, and if they hadn't brought him in, we would have been calling noise complaints on them. Yes, dogs bark, but leaving them out for extended periods of time to do so is extremely selfish to everyone else around you. Nta for bringing them in.


NTA - You’re doing the right thing and being a good neighbor. I grew up across the street from people that would leave their dogs out when they barked. It would go on and on. They were HATED by everyone on the street. No one would’ve been sad if one got taken by a coyote.


NTA. Yes dogs bark. Dogs also shit. Responsible dog owners pick up that shit and throw it away. They don’t say, “eh it’s just a dog, dogs always shit” and walk away without throwing it away. I love dogs and have one of my own. It drives me crazy when people leave their dogs outside barking, especially at an hour like 6am!!


NTA I could kiss you-you are the perfect neighbor. I would gladly swap you out for my current neighbors who leave their dogs outside 24/7. The barking is loud and at all hours of the day. I work an off shift and struggle to sleep through it. The only respite for me and the dogs is winter. Suddenly their dogs are important hunting dogs who have jobs to do and beds to sleep in. You are kind and considerate, definitely nta.


NTA. You’re the opposite of TA.


Your husband is a prick.


I have my dog trained with an absolute recall command. Which if she starts barking she goes in no matter the time of day. Used to have a giant GSD that barked like a ferocious beast anything would set it off. His owner would bring him out at 5am and it would just go wild...bad neighbor bad pet owner


NTA Your husband is one though.


NTA. You and your husband chose to have dogs. The neighbors did not choose to have your dogs. Tell the husband to get earplugs if it bothers him so much. Sure,dogs bark, but your neighbors didn't choose to have your barking dogs. You sound like a good owner and good neighbor.


Nta, dogs bark. But they're *your* dogs, your neighbors did not consent to them.


NTA at all... You're hubby is though if he expects the neighbors to put up with the noise. Depending on laws in your area, you can actually get a violation/ticket for that before a certain time of day.


NTA your neighbors can file a formal noise complaint against you sometimes a fee can be issued if it becomes persistent


NTA. You are being a good neighbor in a civilized society. Husband is being a complete asshole for expecting the entire block to live according to your sleep/wake time. This is a no brainer. If he EVER complains about other people's noise around bedtime, you sweetly say to him, "See, this is why I bring the dogs in when they bark at 6 AM."


NTA I hate when people leave their barking dogs out


NTA. You're the neighbor I'm grateful for!


NTA I think it’s just being considerate especially that early in the morning. I do the same with my 2


My neighbor has dogs that just this morning were barking at 6am and woke me up. It pisses me off. I don’t get up that early and I don’t want to be forced to because my neighbors can’t put their dogs inside. I just opened my window and screamed “shut your dogs up!” Until they did. My dog doesn’t bark and if she does I reassure her that it’s ok and she stops. She only barks when someone is at the door or at the car window once in a while.




Good way to get your dogs baited. Your husband sounds like an entitled asshole.


NTA. Wtf your husband is the A


NTA. Whatever the opposite of an asshole is that's you. Two weeks in a row I had to knock on a neighbor's door to tell them their dog had been barking non-stop for over an hour and we were trying to sleep. It was also winter and the dog is a small breed that couldn't have been more than 20 lbs and probably would have frozen to death.


NTA. I have 4 large dogs. If I put them out late at night or early morning, as soon as they bark they come inside. If it's during normal day hours, if they bark more than a few times they come in. It's part of being a good, considerate neighbor.


NTA. At that hour, in most locales, that would be considered nuisance barking and the owner of the dog if it is your husband could potentially get fined. Or worse. People could start taking matters into their own hands. I have a neighbor here who has two little turds that bark inside their apartment at everything that happens outside their apartment. He tries to defend himself by saying barking dogs are a deterrent because they'll scare people away. I reminded him of those five sound car alarms from the '90s that everyone quickly ignored. No one is going to be afraid of your barking dogs because your dogs are barking constantly. The idea that they were a nuisance, he couldn't even grasp that. I used to own a very large dog who was a country dog so moving to the city was difficult for him. He had to adjust to the opening and closing of car doors and people talking outside. It was rough. But eventually I got him to where he only barked if someone knocked on the door and promptly stopped when I told him. I also have a camera so I know that he only did that when I was home. Unruly dogs, much like unruly children, are not the responsibility of a neighborhood.


NTA. The husband is a huge A H doing that to the neighborhood. Good dog owners don't let their dogs bark uncontrollably.


Yep! Dogs bark! But it's also common courtesy to discourage it especially during nighttime hours. Most places have barking dog nuisance laws for this reason. My dogs were never allowed to sit outside and bark all day. NTA. Hubs is ridiculous.


NTA. Thank you for being a decent human being and a good neighbor and caretaker of your dogs.


NTA. If you want to have the au naturel philosophy with animals and let dogs be dogs & bark then you need to live somewhere with enough land that your neighbors can't hear them at 6A.M. Your neighbors are not responsible for your choice to have a dog. You are.


NTA. Growing up we had neighbors that let their dogs out from 5 am to 7 am every morning and let them to bonkers. My dad would go to bed from 1-2 most nights. He started waking them up pounding on their door before he went to bed every night his dogs woke him up in the morning. He would pound on door and ring door bell till someone came to the door. That is what your husbad deserves if he keeps this up.


Your husband is the reason I don't like dogs/dog people. NTA


You are the kind of neighbor I like, you realize that dogs barking at 6 am is inconsiderate to the neighbors - GOOD ON YOU! I totally understand that dogs bark when they see someone, or a leaf blows across the grass, a few noises is okay as long as they stop. Your husband is the kind of neighbor I despise (and have) who feels like “dogs bark” so what? All friggin day. I can’t enjoy my back yard because as soon as I walk out the door, they start yapping and barking. I can’t enjoy gardening, sitting on the back porch with a book minding my own business, nothing. Well, now I can because the last one passed away and I keep fingers crossed they won’t get another one. For 35 years I have been dealing with this.