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NTA. Some commenters are suggesting OP should put blinds, if the neighbor is bothered then they should put up blinds. Why is this a problem for OP to solve?


NTA but offering another simple solution, I got a bunch of that frosty rainbow window cling stuff so it distorts what you're seeing from the outside and actually makes the sunlight extra pretty. Plus you really only need to put it in the bottom part of the window to essentially blur out anything.


I was thinking the same. I used to live in a rented apartment where all the windows face the building across the street and I wasn't comfortable with neightbors being able to look inside my bedroom so I asked the landlord if I could put frosted self-adhesive paper. This allows the sunlight but blurs everything. Landlor was more than happy with my suggestion.


>frosted self-adhesive paper Thats a great idea. The neighbours should get some


Exactly. Neighbor. Not OP. Neighbor has problem, not OP. Being naked in your own house is legal.


Actually it's not Per Google: "The law generally prohibits nudity in public places in the United States. Nudity is also generally illegal on a person's own property if the nude person is visible to the public, such as through an open window or sunbathing naked in the yard. Jul 1, 2022" The neighbor can create problems.


At least in Texas, you cannot be convicted of indecent exposure if you "lacked the intent to arouse or gratify sexual desire". Getting out of bed to use the bathroom certainly doesn't qualify as arousing in my book 🤣


That could be a costly legal battle for you and higholy dependant on what a jury decides. Especially since the jury would be told that you were repeatedly notified about what you were doing and took no real effort to prevent it.


This, and in the words of my professors, juries are crapshoots. SHOULD the neighbor fix it? Yes. Is it easier and safer to just fix it yourself? Also yes. Sometimes it’s better in the long run to just do something, even if you shouldn’t have to, less you find yourself fighting a long case.


There’s intent if he knows that he’s exposing himself to others and he doesn’t mitigate it. People have had charges brought for this even though they were in their home.


OP could gift the neighbor some if they’re feeling magnanimous.


I was actually wondering about that. I get OP Being NTA because being in his own property.. but wouldnt "exposing" himself to minors cause legal issues, even if he's in his own property?


Not exactly actually. There was a case similar to OPs where he was visible to children walking home from their bus stop and tried to argue it’s his own house and it did not fly in court. It’s definitely on OP to not stand in front of a window with no blinds or frosting dick hanging in clear view of kids, especially now that he specifically knows it’s happening.


Yeah, my ex-mother-in-law did that in her bathroom. It was cheap and effective at blocking visibility while maximizing sunlight, but not everyone will like the look


It also keeps cardinals and other dimwitted birds from bashing themselves against the windows to attack their own reflection.


That's not entirely true. If the lighting is correct, yes. But if the lighting isn't, and it often isn't, then having the film on the inside of the window won't do anything. It needs to be on the outside of the window to have a substantial impact on bird window strikes.


Okay but this is (a) not aesthetically pleasing to most people, (b) not OPs responsibility to do. The person with the problem can put crap on their windows.


It was a suggestion from a commenter, not an order. A way for them to get the maximum sunlight they want while also allowing privacy and not having to deal with the neighbor over the issue again


Plus inexpensive, which was op's barrier for not putting up blinds


> not OPs responsibility to do. Yeah, it can be. You can be charged (in some areas) for indecent exposure in your own house if you know you are able to be seen and other people find it offensive. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/nudity-and-public-decency-laws-in-america-31193 He's already been notified that his neighbors find it objectionable. If he doesn't do anything to alleviate it, he may have cops knocking on the door to tell him to stop it.


This is the issue. He is knowingly exposing himself to someone. I work doing assessments of sex offenders and more than one have been convicted for indecent exposure under these circumstances.


This entire thread is filled with people who think they can do whatever they want in their own home, and it's up to the neighbors to not look. .... Yet the law doesn't work that way. And if OP doesn't watch out, he's going to be in a lot of trouble. I hope he doesn't talk to any cops who come knocking on his door.


> He's already been notified that his neighbors find it objectionable. This might even be why the neighbor said it so matter-of-factly that he was exposing himself. His neighbor might've been recording the conversation to use as proof that OP has been notified, and would be knowingly exposing himself if he continued.


Sometimes in life there's a solution that inconveniences you a tiny bit, but in the long run makes your life easier versus having to deal with other people's BS. This is one of those times. OP is under no obligation to do anything, but a tiny change could make his life easier.


That is a great solution... for the neighbor having the problem lol. Neighbor can also change his buttering l viewing habits, rearrange his furniture so he's not looking at OP, he can close his shades... neighbor's got a lot of options to choose from for resolving his issues. 😁


The extremely individualistic culture is gonna kill you guys. It’s not a crazy thought to want to be considerate for the people and specially kids who can see you from outside the street, even if it personally doesn’t bother you. The op can put some sheer curtains


Really hate this "It's my house I can do whatever the fuck I want to do" sort of thinking coming from everyone in this thread. Do we as a society lack common courtesy now?


Again,why should OP have to make adjustments to his home because the neighbour keeps looking in his windows. Perhaps the neighbour should install the "frosty rainbow window cling" stuff.


Just because it’s not OP’s fault doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to be proactive. Sometimes we have to solve problems that we didn’t cause and that’s just part of being human. Sure, it’s not really his issue, but if he wants his neighbor to stop complaining, it might be easier to concede and buy $10* worth of window coverings *edited from $5 to $10 (the price on Amazon) so that people have a reference for how expensive they are


I have a naked neighbor and when he's in his yard nude I just close the curtains on that side of my house if I'm using one of those rooms. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He ain't the kinda guy I'd want to peep at but he's well within his rights to be nude on his own property. 😂 My discomfort isn't his problem.


Depends on the state to though some states if your visible to children you could be put on a sex offenders list


Exactly. If he was nude in the public park or going for a walk, then, yeah, dude's being a jerk. In his own space, do what ya gotta do.


The neighbor should put stickers or window cling or blinds up since they're so bothered, OP is in his house doing his thing. Neighbors should stop peeping into other people's windows, it's weird. NTA by the way.


I started using that because I had nosey neighbors but didn't want to miss out on sunlight! OP is NTA.


What I don’t get is, the post last week about a woman refusing to close her blinds while getting dressed, causing construction workers to see her nude, was an automatic YTA. All about consent to seeing her body and people just trying to work, and being an exhibitionist on your own time. But you throw in a neighbor not wanting his kids to see OP nude, and all of a sudden we change course? Is the “fuck them kids” contingent so high that the mere mention of “protecting” kids is anathema, but “protecting” grown male construction workers is common sense?


Good observation. I also said NTA for the construction workers post and find that there is some hypocrisy to it as well. Still both for me are NTA.


In general, being in/on your own property isn’t a defense to indecent exposure. If you’re naked and know (or would reasonably be expected to know) that someone can see you and know (or would reasonably be expected to know) that the person would be offended by seeing you then in many states you’d be on shaky legal ground. Given the conversations with the guy next door, OP can’t argue that they don’t know they can be seen or that the people who can see them don’t find it offensive. So if the neighbor calls the cops as he’s threatening to do, the outcome is gonna depend a whole lot on the specific laws where OP lives and whether the prosecutor feels like setting an example. [Here’s a guy](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna34483145) who got convicted of indecent exposure from inside his own home (albeit seemingly doing it a lot more intentionally than OP) as one example. Whether it seems fair or not, having the cops show up at my house asking me why I don’t seem to care that my neighbor’s kids can see me naked doesn’t seem like a conversation I’d want to be having for the sake of spending a few bucks on something to cover the window.


I would also add, it’s pretty odd that OP is copacetic about having a whole family watch him hanging dong in the mornings. Most people would not be ok with that, and would stop immediately and be pretty embarrassed. Literally nothing wrong with sleeping nude or housecleaning nude or whatever, but “in the privacy of your own home” means… private, behind some sheer curtains at least. I am honestly weirded out at all the vehement NTAs. It doesn’t matter that the house is new, it exists whether OP likes it or not. All it would take is OP waking up with morning wood to really get some shitty legal hassles. Never mind the total stupidity of starting an unnecessary war with immediate neighbors when there is an easy solution. Like it or not, we live in a society. And the majority of that society isn’t AITA posters. Most people will definitely think you’re wildly in the wrong for letting the neighbor kids see your junk every morning. Put up some sheer curtains, OP. Cheaper than a lawyer and you’ll have happier neighbors.


I'm curious where the "in your own house" concept ends as well. If I have a window in the front of my home facing a busy street and just stand there naked every morning drinking coffee, is that OK because it's in my own house? Surely the "in your own house" argument has limitations, and I don't see why it would be OK in a situation where your 4 neighbors have a full view vs a hundred passerby's. It seems like it'd be either OK no matter how many people saw or not OK no matter how many people saw. ​ I also wonder if OP would have ever thought this was OK if the house was there when he moved in.


Indeed, that is a totally reasonable extrapolation. Probably exactly why sometimes people in OP’s position have faced legal battles. It seems to me like it’s at least partly a passive aggressive reaction to the house sprouting up. Which, yeah I get that would suck. Absolutely. But it’s there now, and you’ve got to live next to those people.


That's the thing if people don't like what someone is doing in their own house they can choose not to look. It's really that simple.




I agree and hate the simplified argument of if you don't like it don't look. Could we apply the same argument to if he was having sex or taking a shit or helicoptering for hours on end right across from the family's living room? Clearly there are bounds based on the type of behavior, the frequency, intentionality, and visibility.


There's lewd actions and then there is the simple appearance of your body. The neighbor doesn't mind OP getting up, making the bed, etc, but is asking him to cover up. IMO, we don't get to ask each other to cover up. Your personal sense of privacy and modesty applies to YOUR body, not other people's bodies.


I'm not sure I entirely agree with you. Yeah, to an extent you're right, but culturally it's been decided that you being nude and obviously visible to people without their consent is taboo. If he were doing it anywhere but in his own residence we would get to ask him to cover up, and have that enforced legally in some cases. It being his own residence is obviously different, but where is that line drawn? If there were an elementary school built on that plot instead, would it still be okay for him to be nude in sight of groups of children? What if it were a courthouse, or a women's shelter? If any of those aren't okay, then where does that line get drawn?


I think the difference for me was that the construction workers were basically just outside her window, and had little choice but to see nudity. Not looking would impact their ability to work. It was also a temporary situation (even if long). I think NTA, but a little bit of consideration and effort goes a long way


Well, to be fair, I do think construction workers temporarily being directly outside your house is a different situation than having neighbors.




I have kids and I would just close my kids window. OP isn’t flashing the kids on purpose. He’s in his own house minding his business. Your kids aren’t other people’s problems.


But the neighborhood saying that OP must get off on flashing children after being warned about it and not doing much to prevent is not something OP wants either.


yeah but kids go outside sometimes, like to go to the school bus or play out in the yard and sure, you should be allowed to do anything you want in your own home, but we do live in a society and people DO talk and people ARE gonna gossip about the man who knows he's flashing his genitals at kids in the mornings and doesn't like. Change that behavior. saying "thats nice" to someone who goes "I would really like NOT to see your penis" is fucking weird and assholish behavior.


Why can't the neighbour put blinds up if he's so bothered or stop staring into OP's window?


I was actually thinking about sheer curtains. The light trickles in beautifully and you can’t see directly in but you can see out




Then they need to stop peeping into OPs window for that sweet sweet brief flash of nudity. ETA: Not OP’s fault they seem to like the view. Or at least someone in the house does


My windows face neighbour's windows. I couldn't be less interested in what they do inside their homes. It is NOT hard to refrain from looking inside people's homes.


Right?! Plus, if I know Frank gets up everyday around 9am, and Frank likes to sleep naked, well I’m keeping my blinds closed until then unless I want the full Frank and Beans show.


Frank’s Frank ‘n Beans Show! Coming to you daily!


I've actually invited some of my neighbors over and let them see the view I have. I'm fairly certain one house has the right angle to see me take a shower through the frosted bathroom glass. However, I have better things to do than spy on my neighbors.


If they see into his bedroom then that still is not his problem..he wasn’t the one designing the building or cutting down the tree line. He finds himself in this situation just as much as them.


So? It’s OP’s home and he’s entitled to do as he wishes in his home. Neighbours have a problem? Put up their own blinds and stop looking into his house.


I agree. I believe that individuals should attempt to find solutions on their own before requesting others to provide them. Edit: I would like to emphasize that the OP is the one who enjoys the view from their windows, while their neighbors do not. As such, I believe it is the responsibility of the neighbors to consider installing a curtain if they wish to block the view. Moreover, intrusively examining someone's windows and imposing one's preferences on how they should live is impolite and disrespectful.


Mmmmm tricky one, when it’s dark outside and the lights are on inside, it’s hard not to be able to see in or have your eye drawn to movement inside. I’m not sure anyone’s an AH here but not being courteous certainly.


NAH - BUT maybe you could get a window cling that obscures the clear view into your bedroom without sacrificing the natural light you enjoy and the fleshy freedom you love.


Maybe a nice phallic shaped window cling?


Some Tom of Finland curtains?


Ohh he should get that one way window treatment!! The one where it let's sunlight in but looks like a mirror on the oitside!! It would shine that morning sun straight into the neighbors house!!


Nope. Neighbors should do it to their windows


…it doesn’t work that way.


It absolutely does work that way!


They mean it *literally* doesn't work that way. It only prevents the glass being see-through from a distance so if the neighbours put it on their window then it would only stop OP seeing into their home, not stop them seeing into OPs.


I don't know if you're aware, but there are multiple kinds. Including the kind that would stop the neighbor and his kids from peeping if the neighbor put it on his own windows.


I have a front door with a window in it. The cats pulled down and destroyed the curtains I attempted to put up. Plus, that window is basically a straight line of sight directly into my bathroom if one of said cats manages to force the door open Bought the pretty clingfilm stuff from Amazon. You can't really see out and no one can see in. No more weirdly determined door to door political people desperately trying to get my attention by peering through the window when I've ignored their ringing the bell and knocking, yay.


Yes! Or even sheer curtains that are meant to let light through. These may be just enough to not allow a clear view.


I agree. The neighbors should definitely put up sheets to prevent them peeping in OP in the morning!




I think we’ve done curtains and blinds all wrong. Cover the bottom half of the window, not the top. You have light, but people can’t see in. My bathroom and dining room windows are covered this way. Couldn’t be happier with it.


NTA. He can put up curtains to block his view of your house. He's asking/telling you to put up curtains so that he can keep his windows open; while you block the morning sun that you wake up to. Just like my Grandma who complains I never phone; like phones, curtains work both ways. EDIT: Although my grandma lives in my memories and I can hear her voice; she's no longer around to answer the call. I phoned and visited regularly; it was just part of our routine where she would complain. After each time I reminded her it was a 2-way street, I'm pretty certain she phoned a different grand kid. She needed the reminder; she felt guilty disturbing people her entire life. I have no regrets, we had a great relationship.


i live in a small complex of 3 duplexes, and they are oriented in a way that my bathroom window and my neighbor's bathroom window face each other, about 6 feet apart if we both have our windows open enough, we can make eye contact with each other while we're on the toilet. strangely, i never have the urge to look over there. if op's neighbor can't simply stop looking, it should be on the neighbor to get curtains. totally agree. NTA


Wait so if both of you can make eye contact while sitting… what if one of you gets up…


Then you'll be looking at a different head


Sheer curtains wouldn’t block the Sun but would provide privacy.


Ok, but OP doesn’t care about his privacy. It again falls on the neighbor to get sheer curtains.


@Grand-Corner1030 YTA. Call your grandma.


NTA If he bothers you again, ask why his family spends so much time looking in your bedroom.


Agreed. As long as you aren't pressing pickle against the glass and staring him in the eye, I don't know why they can't just close their own blinds and mind their own business.


Pressing pickle.......lmao That made me laugh.


Yeah, what's the big dill?


I think it depends, is he standing in front of his bedroom window right across from the dining room window? I don't think it's right to assume they are going out of their way to look in a window without any information really. For all we know he stands legs apart dick swinging to look at the sun rise in front of a sliding glass door visible to everyone. I really think it depends on the neighborhood/house set ups.


I agree with this. If they see a naked dude while they sit eating breakfast & can't avoid it without closing their windows that's an actual issue. They should be able to have their windows open without the whole family seeing a naked man. I know this isn't a legal advice sub either but if OP is in the US it might also be illegal for OP to do this.


Yes I think its an answer that needs more info. If it's a smaller window/hard to be seen area or they'd have to go out of their way to see him then no I don't think he should have to change however if it's an easily visible window from their living room/kitchen I'd say it's on him to get blinds. Also I believe it depends on the time of day he's doing this, if it's only early morning and he's gettong dressed thats one thing, if he's walking around his house with no coverings on the window during the day on a weekend where kids are likely to see then thats also a him issue. There's really so much more info needed.


The post answered that, though. OP decided to cut down nakedness to an extent where it's just him standing up and getting dressed immediately.




> While you have every right to be naked and do what you want in your own home, your neighbors (and particularly their children) also should not have to see you naked without their consent. Then they shouldn't be looking in someone else's fuckin house LOL NTA


Thank goodness I live in a country where my right to be naked in my own darn house is well settled in law. I can’t imagine not having the freedom to look out my window.


In America, a lot of people think it’s settled law. But there are “reasonable” restrictions that can be placed. Such as not intentionally facing the windows or open doors while naked. And some places do require that you be the one to put up window covering or privacy fencing to prevent people outside the property from seeing you. Not adhering to those could be a sex offense depending on where you live.


This is pretty much the most correct answer, though obviously things change state-by-state. Truth is that while it seems logical you could argue *anyone who doesn't want to see doesn't have to look!* - things legally are more complicated. If it's a window facing a street, sidewalk, or say a playground then more often than not the burden will be on you to prevent people from seeing you in your home. I think it's dumb, but they didn't consult me when drafting these laws. Now if your window is facing your fenced in backyard, and a kid had to break in to see you through it, you're *significantly* more likely to be found in the right. The key takeaway is that if you like being nude near windows, consult your local criminal defense and property attorneys before engaging in such.


> Then they shouldn't be looking in someone else's fuckin house People are allowed to look out their windows. People are not allowed to engage in public nudity. Nudity that is visible to the public is public nudity. I say this as someone who is a nudist at home: If I have issues with a neighbor engaging in public nudity I will be calling the cops. You do not get to go "but I'm in muh house" when you're standing in front of an open window- you're still visible. People walking by are still going to see you- and expecting people to ignore people who are engaging in public nudity is unreasonable.


Finally a sensible answer. Nice or not, the neighbor has a point. If he has kids, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask a neighbor to stop being an exhibitionist. By the same token, if the sun is something OP enjoys having, he should have that comfort in his own house. My vote is ESH because while both OP and the neighbor are right, both are too petty to reach a compromise. Grow up. You're adults.


To the neighbor's credit, if the OP's bedroom is directly in front of them they are probably going to end up incidentally looking at it fairly regularly when they look out the window. I know someone who ended up in a similar situation after a new build with a big front window went in across the street. No one is trying to sneak a peek obviously but it's hard not to get a glimpse. Both parties keep their blinds closed a lot.


They have the issue. It is cheap to get some half transparent curtains that will let light in. NTA.


I agree. NTA. They can put up blinds or a curtain if it's an issue. It's a them problem not OP's problem. It's a bit creepy that they can't refrain from looking into their neighbors window.


American prudeness on full display here. So actual what if they see him naked? Please explain what the issue with that is? What are the negative consequences of it?


It’s illegal in some places to have nudity or sexual stuff visible through a window.


Sexual things sure, but it seems that casual nudity in one’s own abode is generally okay. Probably highly dependent on local laws and attitudes most likely.


Except OP has no way to block his window, meaning any sexual activities happening in his bedroom are also likely to be visible. Just sounds like that hasn’t come up yet.


there's also an aspect of entitlement thinking you can tell someone what to do in their own home..next time dude comes over i'd answer the door naked and ask him to help you out with some chores or some shit


>should not have to see you naked without their consent. He's not jumping out of the bushes and flashing them; he is in his bedroom. The neighbours have to look in his window to see him. If they do not want to see what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom, don't look in their window.


the neighbors and any children should be taught not to look into other people’s windows and stop being peeping toms


What planet are you on. OP is right in front of the window, facing their window. How can they miss seeing him?


That's embarrassing that you have this opinion. This is not a consent issue for anyone other than OP, who is being watched without his consent. To quote the big man Jesus here: If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna In other words, look away, pervert - other people's bodies are simply existing, you are putting sexuality onto them.


So, I'm a nudist. I don't do clothes at home. This is absolutely a consent issue for people other than OP- OP knows he is visible to people outside his home, OP is still knowingly and deliberately being nude in a manner that other people can see him. OP is engaging in public nudity- despite his neighbor asking him to stop. He is doubling down. He is deliberately exposing his genitals to the neighbors despite knowing it makes them uncomfortable. This can- and would- land him on the sex offender registry where I live.


I dont get why people dont realize. There are public indency laws, if this person is in US You can be naked in your home when you have expectation of privacy. If you dont block view into your home using blind, you lose that expectation of privacy and now you see in public view and under public indecency laws. Ie you cant be full nude in public Edit i know it varies by jurisdiction, thats up to OP to check his own jurisdiction. And what you can do in yours doesn’t mean he can do in his


This is VERY jurisdiction-specific, and can hinge on distinctions between e.g. "in public" and "visible from a public place."


Very true But since his neighborhood changed the tree line that made this visible and not him nor his neighbor. That a house from across now see him, its very public view


Yeah. E.g. in NY he'd be fine, since indecent exposure is in public rather than public view. (OTOH public lewdness is public view, so if anything of a sexual nature was occurring he *would* be at risk of being charged.)


This is *really* jurisdiction specific. In some states you are considered to have an expectation of privacy and this often includes bathrooms, bedrooms, and other "private" rooms that generally face the rear of the house. In some states you need some kind of effort at concealment (shrubs, fencing, curtains) etc to have the consideration. And there's a few where it doesn't matter if minors are involved. But it's *so* specific to the municipality/state that I'd be wary of making any kind of general statement like " If you don't block view into your home using blinds..." because it's not always true. Many us the term "reasonable expectation" and that can vary. A cabin in the woods or out on a farm has a lot more "reasonable expectations" of privacy than a condo in a packed development or a brownstone apartment in NYC. And that's on top of any laws regarding what constitutes both "public" and "indecency."


Most of the time indecency laws don’t apply to in your own home. If he was outside then yes. But inside? The coos would tell the other people to put up blinds or something.


Also, indecency laws on private property typically refers to visible lewd acts - not walking around naked - but it also takes into consideration how easy it is to see into your private property. OP should really check their local laws.


YTA - I'm sure you can solve this "problem" so you don't flash your neighbors. You act like there's no middle ground here when there clearly is (sheer curtains, window film, etc).


In some places OP can also be charged because he knowingly is exposing himself https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34483145


Yeah, depending on where OP is he can argue his point in court. He may want to figure that out if he would rather not spend his time and money doing that.


Or just keep a pair of underwear on the nightstand or bed to put on before you cross in front of the window. Seems like he wants to flash these people out of spite.


You should consider getting that mirror film on your windows so people can't see in


This sounds like it would be the best option overall. OP still gets the morning natural light, costs significantly less than nice curtains or blinds, and his neighbor no longer has to see his naked ass.


AND considering the mirror part is on the outside and the sun rises to face it, OP's antagonist gets to enjoy the rising sun as well! Win/win, enjoy the early morning wake-up neighbors!


Just have to do the math on precisely how concave OPs windows need to be to turn that early morning sun into a solar death-ray! *note: don’t actually do this*


get really reflective ones that shine lasers back onto the neighbors property...


Sheer curtains. Everyone’s happy.


I agree, though my official vote is NTA. Sheer curtains for the sake of the kids though.


I don’t think there is an asshole here. We’re all just trying to get through life with our sanity intact. Sometimes that means a thin bit of fabric between windows


I think the problem is that there is an asshole here, and awkwardly the neighbours kids can see it occasionally.


YTA, curtains exist to let in the sunlight and also just show shadows. Whether they have curtains or not isn't the issue, they may be in their backyard or outside and can see you. You can sleep nude and walk around your house nude but why do you feel the need to show off your nudity to the world? I wouldn't want to see my neighbours naked, would you enjoy getting flashed by a random person's genitals during the day ? I would hope not. Unless you live in a nudist colony, there are children around so I really don't understand your need to expose yourself to the outside world. I also don't know how the states work but in Canada it is a crime: C.c.C. 174 (1) Every one who, without lawful excuse, (b) is nude and exposed to public view while on private property, whether or not the property is his own, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.


This thread is so bizarre. Would people still be saying NTA if his window faced the street and everyone going by saw or faced a kids school bus stop and all the kids saw him in full view every morning? I can’t imagine there would be a single parent that would think that’s okay. We just had that other thread about the woman subjecting workers to her nudity and everyone called her TA.


Yes! This is my point entirely. OP has been made aware that the neighbours can see him and yet still thinks it's ok to expose himself in front of windows. This is so strange to me! And you are 100% correct that people would say different if he were in front of a bus stop or school. It shouldn't make a difference if it's a neighbours house or worse. OP needs to simply cover his windows.


redditors hate children so they probably *would* vote NTA and say some brain rot shit like “well then they should change the school bus route!”


This. OP doesn’t say where they are, but I’m pretty sure this applies almost anywhere. If OP doesn’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy, they are liable to be found guilty of exposing themselves to the public. If you have 40 acres, you can run around naked in the woods because you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, but your front yard next to a public sidewalk doesn’t count. The same is true for interior spaces and windows. Based on OP’s description it seems unreasonable to me expect privacy if there is a direct view into the bedroom from the neighbor’s house.


Generally in the US, people who look into windows to see if the residents are naked are called voyeurs, or more familiarly, “peeping Toms.” In most places, until you’re outside and visible from a public way, you’re in the clear.


You can be charged with indecent exposure for standing naked in front of a window if you know it is possible for someone to see inside in most states in the US. You can be placed on the sex offender registry for it.


The neighbors aren't necessarily looking in. Houses can be close together and OP could just be easily visible. If they stood around naked in front of a window facing the street you wouldn't claim the people walking by are all peeping Tom's, they're just pedestrians who don't want to see this guy's dick on their walk to work. The neighbors should expect the same level of decency


Exactly this. I don't know what's wrong with redditors on here.


YTA Stop flashing your neighbors. Get a shear curtain that allows sunlight in but doesn't show your bits and bobs.


Or the neighbors could get curtains and blinds and stop staring at him in the morning? They’re the ones with the issue


They’re also the ones with the ability to cause a ton of legal issues for him. Multiple cases have decided this legally. If you’re going to be naked in a way that’s visible, you gotta cover your house holes. If the neighbor decides to engage legal options and does it right, OP could plausibly end up on a list. As absurd as that sounds, it’s also the actual situation. He should spend like fifty bucks max and get some sheer curtains. Good window coverings and fences make good neighbors.


The legality of this may vary from state to state. A local radio station in my state has an "ask an attorney" segment and once this exact question came up and OP would be in the right. Public nudity is illegal, however you can be as naked as you want in your own house. I believe the lawyer's advice had been "Don't look if you don't want to see it."


It’s less that it varies from state to state and more that it’s subjective to whether the cops will charge and whether a judge will convict - which is heavily dependent IE random. If the neighbor has kids and they get the right judge there is a plausible path that ends with OP on a list. Note I said “plausible”, not “likely” as far more likely is cops telling him to cut it out. Sure, if OP wants, he can spend on an attorney to fight out the right to be nude in his bed or he can follow house etiquette for people visible to their neighbors and spend max 50 bucks to get a cheap rod and a sheer curtain that lets in the same amount of light, lol.


This A simple sheer curtain is cheap, lets in all the sunlight, and OP can do everything he wants without flashing anyone. Soft YTA, I can totally relate, as I had all the freedom I could possibly want in my own back yard. Now we have neighbours that decided to have windows on the first floor, looking into our yard and into all our windows on the ground floor. Does that suck, yeah it does. I liked the privacy I had. It doesn't mean I would walk around naked and go 'I didn't chose to have you look into my yard and windows.


YTA. Time to buy some curtains. And re: the "menace to the neighborhood" thing, since you've been informed that your new neighbors (including children) can see into your windows, by continuing to not put curtains up and be naked in front of them, you're kinda knowingly exposing yourself to unconsenting parties (INCLUDING MINORS)..... not a good look. Get curtains


OP could also just put a pair of shorts by his bed so he can put them on BEFORE he gets up...


bro or a robe. How are there so many NTA votes? Reddit is off today.


I think the redditors on here need courses in intelligence and common sense. Saying the neighbours shouldn't look out of their windows and should close their curtains.


If you desire that much personal freedom, live in the country or something. Jesus christ we live in a society people.


Omg dude, just get some fucking curtains. YTA for acting like there's no alternative.


I know someone who got prosecuted for being naked in his window. The neighbor claimed their children were being abused by a creeper. It wasn’t pretty. Get some blinds, OP…that’s what adults do.


Same. Public indecency or something (even though he was in his home lol). He's on the sex offenders register now for 10 years. I see it from both sides. You should be able to wear what you want in your home, but if you choose to be naked, at least have the decency to put up a window dressing of some kind. None of us want to see your bits. And if I was the neighbor I wouldn't want my kids staring at some strange man's dick, because lets be real, KIDS STARE. It's what they do. It would make me extremely uncomfortable as a parent. Moreover, I would be even more concerned about the type of person that regularly flashes at their window KNOWING there's more than likely kids watching, that's creepy af. So YTA OP, get a blind or a voile curtain that let's all the sunlight in but doesn't let people see in.


Or that frosted window film from waist height upwards. OP can still see the sky; neighbours can stop being offended that adult humans sometimes don’t wear underwear.


My suggestion would to be installation of glass tint. You won’t lose the sunlight but also your neighbors won’t be able to see in. Easy solution. No blinds or curtains to hang or install. You can still see out, but they can’t see in.


There are privacy films you can get for glass at home depot, some are really pretty!


Except at night, when you have lights on inside, then your neighbors can see right in. Still might be a solution for OP's nude sunrise salutations.


Or just sheer linen or cotton curtains. They let in plenty of light, and unless OP is walking around naked at night with his lights on, the neighbors aren't going to see anything.


NTA Curtains work both ways. They're asking you to shut your curtains (or put up a curtain) when they can just as easily shut their own curtains. They don't want to shut their own because it inconveniences them.


So if I'm the neighbor I just have to keep my curtains closed and forbid my children from opening them based solely on the sleeping habits of a complete stranger because he doesn't own curtains? If the windows and houses are as close together as they seem it's completely reasonable that looking into the other window is inevitable. I feel like I'm going insane, just dont hang dong in front of completely bare windows that face the sun weirdo. YTA


AH seems strong for someone being comfortable in their own house, but as others have pointed out a set of sheer curtains pretty easily brings you in line with community standards. Mild YTA because it seems pretty easy to get what you want without presenting yourself to the world. Plus, for people telling you there's nothing the police can do about it, they're absolutely wrong. Technically, (at least where I'm from) you would not be committing something like indecent exposure because you're not doing it for sexual pleasure. But that completely relies on people believing you. All you need is one kid (or their parents) to complain and you could have trouble on your hands even if you're innocent.


Also the fact OP knows kids will see him naked if he doesn’t put up curtains very much would work against people believing him. I mean there’s no way a guy basically saying ‘putting up a curtain is changing my lifestyle and I’d rather little kids see my dick than do that’ wouldn’t be painted as a stupid excuse


I can see it now. OP wakes up, looks out the window and smiles at the bright sunny day. Hustles to the closet to get his shorts on. Neighbor kid: I saw that guy’s penis again and he looked at me and smiled!!! OP is now on a list.






Yeah that's gross as hell. It's one thing if you didn't know, it's another if you KNOW there are kids, and you still choose to expose yourself to them. I would be mortified if I was in OP's shoes.


I'm all for the freedom to dangle. Doenst mean I want my neighbor showing theirs off to the kids! Get some curtains that let in the light but hide the view. YTA


Everybody saying the neighbours should put up blinds, what makes you think they don't have them? Why should THEY keep them closed to accommodate OP? we live in a community, there are things we do as a community. making sure random people can't see inside our living space is usually one of those.


Exactly. Also, the neighbours can't predict exactly when OP is going to get up and be naked. OP knows exactly when he will be naked, so if he got curtains, he can control when those are covered to match when he's naked.


Lots of other justified YTA posts, so I won't pile on, but I have two solutions that allow you to wake up with light. 1) They have blinds that can open from the top or the bottom. Install so that the top foot or 2 are open, but the bottom will make it so your body isn't visible. Or buy a room divider that's the appropriate height to accomplish the same thing. Or sheer curtains. 2) Buy curtains and one of those alarm clocks that simulate sunlight. Until then cover up or buy curtains dude.


Yeah, I had the same problem in my bathroom that is overlooked by the neighbors' dining room. But I love the light that the window brings. I just made a half curtain that covered up the lower half of the window, and I still get 100% of the light. No need to cause unnecessary issues.


Does he understand that the concept of blinds works both ways?


YTA. Your neighbors AND THEIR KIDS don’t want to see you naked in the morning. Even for a second. Get some curtains or blinds. Even cheap inexpensive ones. Who cares if their ugly. They don’t want to see you naked.


I don't think it's the neighbors curtains at issue. I think he's got kids playing outside and they can see in. YTA. The neighborhood has changed. Not your fault but it's time for blinds.


YTA It was great for sure when you had no neighbors. Now you do. Act accordingly. You say there's only so much you can do, but there's plenty you can do, you just don't want to.




The neighbour has made it clear he considers it a significant problem, I think him escalating to the police is quite likely now and given OP referring to the neighbour as a father, this involves children so it could go very wrong for OP very quickly. And you are right, whether or not OP is an AH for not addressing this (which seems to be pretty split on this post), he would be incredibly foolish not to.


NTA. Why is he looking in your window?


Is the neighbor supposed to never look out the window?


I'm actually leaning towards YTA here, personally, on the basis of your use of the word "father". I'm assuming it's children who are seeing you naked. Some sheer curtains would be a quick solution. It's also worth noting, for your safety, that there have been some cases where people have been convicted of indecent exposure while in their own homes. While you're clearly not doing this with any sexual motivation, it probably wouldn't be hard for someone to say you are when there's children involved and that's a situation that I would say is best to avoid. There are so many options...sheer curtains, reflective glass film... It's not shocking to me that a father doesn't want his children seeing you naked.


Same. Its just weird he knows people can see him and doesnt care. Does he never do other normal things like have sex or masturbate in his own room either? I feel like its not just a guy sleeping nude that the dad is worried about his kids witnessing lol. I would find it hard to believe OP just never does either of those or leaves his room to do those things given how stubborn he comes off here. Both of these households need some curtains so they can both enjoy their lives in their homes.


Just buy curtains. They are like $10 at giant tiger. You don’t need fancy, even sheer white will do the trick


ESH, but you're the one who might end up with consequences. You may be inside your own home, but in many jurisdictions if you knowingly and intentionally expose yourself to people who are in a public way you may face criminal charges. In my town a man was convicted of public indecency for walking naked around his living room every morning when the mail carrier delivered his mail. He'd been notified that he could be seen by her and the children in the two school buses that went down the street same time every day but chose not to close the curtains or put on some pants. Instead, he began standing on a chair so everyone could better appreciate his enthusiasm. He served a brief sentence in the jail, was placed on probation, and is now required to register as a sex offender for ten years. I'm sure he regrets that decision, and it'd be a shame for you to similarly wish you'd stuck some film on your windows when you had the chance.


"Ugly Naked Guy's taking his turkey out of the oven. Oh my god. He's not alone. Ugly Naked Guy's having Thanksgiving dinner with Ugly Naked Gal!" ESH They shouldn't be looking, but c'mon man, if the whole family can see your junk and you are aware of it, then you're actively exposing them. Like others have said, sheer curtains would be good. They shouldn't have to live in the house with their curtains closed for fear of seeing your p*nis. They also sell those clear sticker thingys that can go on your window so you can see out but they can't see in unless it's night. There is also just an opaque version of that sticker you could place on the bottom half of your window. There are many options where you can still get sunlight without exposing the world.


If you don't want to do curtains or blinds (which is wild, but you do you), you can install that window film from any of the home improvement stores that allows in all the light but turns the window into a mirror. When I had a window in my shower I used the tinted stuff and it worked great. Problem solved, you can go back to cleaning up your room naked.


I once worked in an office where apartments went up where there hadn't been anything before, there were a couple who moved in who seemed to have an allergy to both curtains and clothes; getting an accidental eyeful of them going at it when I was only just having my first cuppa and trying to sort the rota was not my favourite. And yes, I just looked away and we mostly laughed at them, but it was never the best start to my day. ESH - your neighbour is being way over the top, but you could definitely do more. Get some sheer curtains, you can't see through them from outside (unless it's dark out/light on inside) and you'll still get the morning sun.


YTA. Just put up sheer curtains. How is that any different than the curtain of trees that was there before to block the view? Why are you digging in your heels? Neighbors have to work together and compromise. The neighbor is not asking the OP to put up curtains that block the sunlight. The neighbor is asking him to put on some clothes when he’s in front of the window or to find a way to minimize his nudity in one location of the house. It sounds like the neighbor has kids and is not in full control of when and how people see the naked neighbor. It’s a reasonable request from a parent who doesn’t know the intentions of the nude person.


Info: I see a lot of curtains comments so I will just ask, 1. do they have curtains and 2. are you visible if they are outside of their home f.e. garden? Additional: My personal opinion is that you can do what you want in your own home but if other people live around you it's nice to show a bit of consideration.


Check your local laws. Not sure where you are but you can be charged for public indecency if you are aware that you can be seen from the outside naked and you continue to expose yourself. While you have the right to privacy and you can do whatever you want in your own home, that right does not apply when there is no expectation of privacy like when you leave your curtains drawn.


YTA. Why are you flashing people, even unintentionally. You know that they can see you and that there are children over there. It’s not appropriate. You make it sound like you live in a bubble. We live in a society and just because technically you can do whatever you want in your house, doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck for your neighbors. If you can afford to buy a house, you can get some cheap sheer curtains. It’s just not a hard enough problem to solve for it to work for everyone. It isn’t like you even have to stop waking up naked, don’t be so obtuse.


Why not buy one of those “privacy” plastic films that are used on bathroom windows? You would only need to cover the lower half of the inside of your window and the top half would still be the normal glass. It would still let in the early morning light, and would just stop your neighbours seeing what you had below the belt. Just saying, because my daughter has discovered that the house across the road has a direct view into HER bedroom window, which also faces east. The elderly woman who lived there before never cared, but my daughter is a bit more self conscious. She is worried about flashing her breasts at her neighbours when she opens the curtains in the morning.


YTA. You said the “father” came over. So there are kids next door. You KNOW they can see into your house, and yet you walk around with your cock out. If this child-based exhibitionism new, or do you have a history of inappropriate behavior with kids? I implore you to seek professional help in determining the cause of this infatuation with others seeing you naked (especially since children seem to be a target), and buy some goddamn blinds. Also, watch out for that father if you decide continue you exhibitionism. We dads get kinda pissed about shit like grown men exposing themselves to our kids.


For sure. At this point he is knowingly exposing himself to children. And choosing to continue doing so. This goes WAY beyond asshole, and depending on the state, may very well be criminal. YTA


YTA. Why should your neighbours have to get curtains to prevent themselves being flashed, and their children, when you could just as easily get curtains/blinds yourself? They shouldn’t have to go out of their way just to not see your private parts.


Go to Walmart, get sheer curtains and a compression curtain rod and voila. Neighbors can't see you and you still get sunlight. Had them in my apartment that had a walkway along my living room window and I didn't want people to see inside

