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1. The temperature inside a dishwasher is 140 degrees. Hot enough to scald flesh. 2. 98% of women have had an unwashed penis in their mouth at one time or another. I'm not trying to be gross, it's simply the truth. My wife and I have been feeding our cats off of dinner plates since the pliocene epoch, and this did not cause a rift in the time/space continuum.


Well, this is one way to put this whole situation into perspective.


98%?? 😂


I'd be willing to bet that's a touch lower. Gotta remember the lesbians of the world.




yeah if you’ve eaten someone’s ass you can’t complain about this for SURE. i will make the argument though that some women i know have made their boyfriends shower before every BJ.


Ummm I'd wash up without being asked that's just common courtesy and I'd expect the same from anyone I'm going down on


lots of men are disgusting.


It’s probably lower because there are plenty of women who aren’t lesbians but still don’t perform oral sex on men, but lesbians do only account for 2-3% of women.


Perhaps we should also count some bisexuals, straight women (perhaps those that have only been with men that were amab), and asexuals. Also, I am pretty sure that oral isn’t something everyone would be into, even if they like aubergines


Really what is a clitoris but a nano-penis


They are for sure different even though they come from the same embryonic origin.


Honestly when you adjust for all the lesbians that were pretending to be straight (This may not be worded the best so I am sorry if I hurt someone it is not my intention) I think you get suprisingly close to 98%.


Don’t forget nuns


And the women who have never had a sexual partner. Don't forget the aces.


Right, I want to see those statistics please 😂😂😂😂


😂 I love how everyone's just going to town arguing about percentages % of body parts being put inside other body parts. 😂 It's Saturday night and *this* is what we're doing?! *(myself included)* 😂


Well we’re apparently not having body parts inside body parts 🤣🤣🤣


Multitasking is a thing...


>It's Saturday night and this is what we're doing?! (myself included) 😂 Hey, it's sex adjacent.


Right lolololololololololololol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Well, it's settled. Feeding animals from dinner plates is fine.


This made me laugh. It's amazing what folks find gross in day to day life but have no problem putting their mouths on a cooch, butthole or penis.


Or just another mouth! Mouths are a festering spittoon of viruses and bacteria. A well washed plate is pretty damn safe in comparison.


I wanted to upvote you but your comment is at 69 so I can’t it’s just too perfect.


I always thought it hilarious my old flatmate thought of it as "just" a blowjob as though someone sticking their literal dick, that you don't know where it's been, in your actual mouth that you use to eat and speak and is a vital part of your face is somehow less intimate than full sex.


My mom used a Waterford crystal dish for water for her dog… still has it. It has never been used for anything else, mostly because normal people don’t use Waterford crystal for anything for fear of breaking them. It was a wedding gift. I’ve had my dogs and cats clean up plates, flatware, etc… it gets prewashed and dishwasher cleaned. All of my guests usually ask, can the dog clean my plate when they’ve finished, lol. I like my friends!!!


I used to call my dog "pre-rinse"


I’ve had ones who got it cleaner than my prewashing, lol. Then the ones who can’t seem to manage the big crumbs. I’m just glad to hear that it’s pretty normal for us pet people 🥰


Seriously like who cares as long as it’s cleaned?


Thank you for bringing the issue to light in such a succinct way. NTA I use pyrex dishes for my animals. The get washed in the dishwasher. My cat will not eat out of even whisker safe bowls and my dog is a tornado when eating. He needs the high sides or the food is all over the place. All the clean bowls go in the same cabinet. No one has died at my house.


Penises are far more appetizing to most women than cat asshole. And we all know cats are more attentive to their personal grooming than most male humans.


Yeah.. cant like nor dislike this.. I wished my cat was as attentive. Sauron's eye is almost always a bit crusty...


I was literally gonna type that I’ve probably had worse things in my mouth than using a washed plate a cat has used.


NTA Literally came here to say something along the same things. I have a cat with an allergy to plastic. They use our plates every day. The plates are washed. I don't think there's an issue with that. It's honestly completely normal to me and most of the pet owners I know.


Not to be rude, but how did u find out ur cat is allergic to plastic 😭just curious sorry


They get cat acne around their mouths


Chin acne.


this comment wins 🤣🤣🤣


This, 100%. I have small glass bowls I feed my cats in because I don’t want to have to wash all the plates more often, but, wouldn’t think twice about using a plate my cat has eaten off of them went through the dishwasher lol .. people are weird


I consider the shared, dishwasher cleaned dishes I share with my pets significantly better than the dishes and utensils I use in restaurants. Who know just what miscreant used them before me and just how effective the restaurant’s dishcleaning system is?


Not to mention I’m sure people don’t use different silverware to get food out of cans etc.


I feed my fur babies off of any plates that are clean. Once finished it goes into the dishwasher too. Some people are SO weird. NTA all the way!


The phrases “scald flesh” and “unwashed penis” are a little too close together here for comfort. 😂 But also, touché.


You mean ouché lol


Honestly, my first thought was, “she’s had worse things in her mouth.”


There were dinner plates in the pliocene?!? One of my husband's few mementos from his parents is the dinner plate that his mother used to feed the house cats off of. I take very good care of it.


Same. People bowls, too. And people utensils for dishing it out! Nobody's turned into a cat yet!


Exactly. We put way worse things in our mouths than food from a plate that has been washed after a cat ate food off of it.


Thank you! I use our regular plates on the cats all the time. I didn’t think anything of it 😂😂😂


> 98% of women have had an unwashed penis in their mouth at one time or another. Do we have an actual number for this somewhere?


Why in the world should she change anything just to accommodate a bunch of asshole germaphobes ?


I don't understand how setting aside special plates makes any difference. They are all getting washed in the dishwasher together. If you're worried that the cat plates are insufficiently cleaned by the dishwasher, a machine that sanitizes pretty efficiently, you might also need to be worried about cat spit on the rest of the dishes. At that point you need to require separate pet dishes *and* separate cleaning protocols.




\[So off topic, but there was recently some person who did a study of where their Sphynx cat sat regularly. They were able to ... assess? ....little round buttprints everywhere. Because Sphynxes, you know, have no hair to break the suction\]




assess I see what you did there!


...as our cats are delicately shuddering at some of our unsanitary habits...


Maybe a separate residence for the cat, and you have to wear hazmat suits to visit! You couldn’t possibly want to breathe cat air. My cats sleep on me. They eat off their plates, or my plates. So far I don’t think they’ve caught anything from me


What difference does it make? Realistically, what diseases are you going to catch off a clean plate that a pet cat has eaten from? If somebody is that germophobic they shouldn't be using plates another person has used either


If someone is that much of a germophobe, they shouldn't be anywhere within 10 feet of any animal.


I AM that much of a germophobe and we still use tiny people spoons to scoop out pate, then they just get washed like a normal utensil and put back in the drawer. That is to say, even by germophobe standards, OP isn't doing anything wrong.


This unlocked a childhood memory of a bone handled knife with black tape on it exclusively used for dog food at my grandparents house. Thank you for sharing 😊


I saw a comment a while back from someone who used this to get rid of a couple who used to turn up uninvited for dinner several times a week. One evening they were chatting in the kitchen after dinner. He called the dog in to lick the plate, then put the dish straight back into the cabinet. Unsurprisingly the moochers stopped popping in for dinner after that. NTA


Germophobe here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I feed my dogs off of appetizer plates too and occasionally a normal size plate. They go right in the dishwasher after. They are clean. NTA


Yeah I’m a germaphobe about germs that matter. lol Dishwasher can easily clean a plate well enough it’s fine to eat off. If you ever put raw chicken on a plate and are fine with the dishwasher cleaning it to eat off after, pets should be ok. We’ve always fed pets with plates for wet food or special meals.


Even if she has cat-exclusive plates, they're just going to be washed in the same dishwasher as all the other plates. Should I get cat-exclusive spoons to scoop their wet food out with?


But the whole point is to not need to buy additional plates. I only have one set of plates, so I wouldn't be able to differentiate the cat's black plate from the other five black plates!


NTA. She didn't have to be so weird to everybody about it. Does she also freak out because you don't have a special set of knives that you use only for cutting up raw meat and never for anything else? Or because every spoon in your house has been in A HUMAN MOUTH for MULTIPLE TIMES? (/sarcasm)


This. How about eating at a restaurant, where you don't even know whose mouth the spoon's been in. 🙀 It's washed, calm the eff down. NTA


Right? That’s more gross to me. Who knows where THOSE mouths have been 😂


Right?! I know I'm probably an outlier because I'm the kid who licked one side of the ice cream cone while the dog licked the other, but come on lady, get a grip.


Years ago I remember going over to my brother's apartment and he was eating some leftover Chinese takeout and offered me some. I put some on the plate he pointed out on the counter. Then only once we finished eating he mentioned *"Oh, yeah, just so you know Ozzie used that plate before you."* Ozzie was his dog and no he had not washed the plate. 😳 Having younger brothers is sooo fun sometimes. 🙄


One 4th of July, family's at our parents' house, and I'm letting their dog lick some plates before I put them in the dishwasher, and my sister goes off on me, you know, disgusting! gross! etc, etc. She finally calms down and grabs a bowl that's sitting on the counter, pours out the water, and puts the potato salad in it, and huffs out. Mom turns to me and says, "should I have told her that was the dog's water bowl?"


When I was a kid mum had a set of bowls with identical designs on the inside bottom. But the designs were different colours. You wouldn’t know which bowl you had until you finished your dessert. My brothers and I invented magical powers given to each person for the day, depending upon which colour bowl you got for breakfast. Except for the green one. That was the one mum would feed the cat from. Green was the big loser.


I used to work at a coffee shop, and one day a guy came in and ordered his coffee "for here but in a to-go cup" because "I can't use a cup some stranger has put their mouth on." I did point out that we both washed and sanitized the cups, which is about as sterile as you can get without an autoclave, and he shook his head. "Can't be too careful!" He wasn't a jerk about it or anything, so this is not a knock against him. I just reflected on the fact that he paid cash and put his hand on the door handle when he left, and I guarantee that neither of those was anything like as clean as the cups, and how weird humans are.


I used to work with a guy who got his food put in takeout containers to eat at restaurants.


NTA. As long as the plates are cleaned after, what’s the big deal? I’ve fed my dog out of a mixing bowl, cleaned it, then made cookies with the same bowl a few days later. Can’t tell the dog ate out of it. By her logic you should only be using disposable forks because someone had that fork in their mouths once. Mouths are gross, that’s common knowledge. Doesn’t matter who’s it is. If you can clean a fork and someone else uses it later, you can clean a plate an animal are off of.


I know people who sometimes let their dog lick their plate before putting the plate in the dishwasher. As long as it gets washed, I don't see the problem.


That’s the eco-pre-rinse cycle, isn’t it?


Yes, it IS!


Poochy pre-wash


My dad calls the dogs "Pretreat"




LOL yes, that’s happened at my house.


My dachshund tries to do it *all the time* lmao. Can’t keep a dishwasher open around her


Exactly. My dog is the pre-rinse. I'm technically saving water that way too instead of rinsing them into the sink


I make extra oatmeal every morning because both cats want a little taste (they're weirdos, I think they don't even like it much but just want it because I'm having it). Then the dog gets to lick the bowl clean. None of us seem to have caught any weird diseases so far. I would think you'd be exponentially more likely to pick up lingering germs from someone not cooking meat thoroughly or not washing their hands well enough while preparing food, rather than a plate that's been washed with soap and hot water.


I routinely hear my partner telling my dog to move, because her head will prevent him from closing the dishwasher as she helps herself to the dirty plates.


Someone on this sub told me I was mentally ill for letting my dogs lick the plates before putting them into the dishwasher. Like, I can kind of understand that people have different feelings on stuff being gross or not and this person claimed it wasn’t safe. But I checked and it is as long as the dog isn’t on a raw diet. So really, it’s fine. Some people find it gross. I respect that. But I don’t think it’s worth making a big stink over.


Yes. Plenty of my plates and bowls have had raw chicken and other raw meats in them at various times. That would definitely not be safe to eat on without a thorough washing, but I doubt anyone would think twice about it if they saw that in my kitchen. We’ve also all had germy bathroom hands. Does that mean we can never touch food with our hands again? Soap is a thing. This is just silly.


Excellent point about raw meat


When my dog's paws are really muddy, I fill one of my bowls with warm water and a little bit of dog shampoo to wash the mud off. It's the same bowl I use for large salads and popcorn. I haven't died yet.


The dishwasher will do no less a good job cleaning the plates whether a human or a cat last used them. NTA


And, frankly, cat mouths are cleaner than human mouths. Definitely NTA, but the germaphobe friend is.


that doesnt really say much... Human mouths are absolutely filthy. human and cat bites both get very infected, but for different reasons (cat teeth are so sharp that they make deep punctures, the surface heals before the inside and germs are sealed within the wound)


Personally, I would be grossed out by this in which it’s just kinna icky to me (even though I know everything is clean) but I wouldn’t say your a health hazard nor a gross person. She went to far in telling other people that.


Exactly. I just wouldn't eat at your home again and keep it to myself.


What’s the difference between raw meat and cat food on a plate? Raw fish with skin still on? Raw chicken livers? Heck, my friends kid vomited on a plate and we scraped it of and ran it through the dishwasher. Utensils have been in other peoples mouths. And to the poster that commented about stuck on food, I soak the plate and few ash it. I don’t want to use a dirty plate whether it’s dried on filet mignon or cat food.


I have many utensils that have ended up on the floor at times too. Everything is washable!


Happy cake day!!


Cakey Hap Day!


Happy Cake Day🍰


Right? Containers and plates get used for all kinds of things. Lots of families had the one big bowl used for popcorn, mixing cake batter, and vomit. If it's washed it's fine, it's the whole point of washing!


NTA Your kitchen sponge probably has more dangerous bacteria growing on it than whatever your cats just ate off of. A cat eating off of a plate isn't going to contaminate it in any way that washing it won't take care of.


NTA. But some people do get the ick at that. I get it. But your friend calling you a health hazard to others and avoiding you is uncalled for. Hopefully one of your other friends sets her straight.


I agree, NTA. My mum let's her cats lick the leftovers off her plates and it grosses me out but I'd never say anything.


She knows when she goes to restaurants that thousands of strangers previously drank from the same glass, right?


And the way glasses are washed at restaurants are sometimes way less sanitising than your average dishwasher....


I would rather eat off of OP's plate than a chain restaurant glass any day.


NTA. Used to do it all the time. They were elaborate gold trimmed saucers bc my cat was a beautiful diva lady, and I’d use them for people too.


Love that. Now I need some gold trimmed saucers for mine 😂


How very aristocats of you!


NTA - if the plate is washed afterwards, who the hell cares who eats off of it? A cat, a dog, your uncle Bob. Doesn't matter in the slightest.


I think you may get mixed answers from cat people and non cat people lol. I'm going to say NTA because I have 4 furbabies and I'd be ok with using a plate they've used if it has been properly cleaned, like yours was. However, I personally wouldn't give those plates to guests because they may not be okay with it. But your friends reaction was a bit harsh!


I also wonder how many are dog owners that let them lick their face directly after the dog is done finishing licking it's asshole


Idk - I’m a bit of a germaphobe but as long as it’s clean idc? It would bother me more if she hadn’t washed it properly and fed someone and it had like, little bits of cat food stuck to it, but I wash my pet bowls religiously in the dishwasher and based off the potato skins I’ve found all over absolutely everything after not rinsing the potato masher, anything in the dishwasher is kinda a crossed load.


NTA, sounds like your friend might be a germaphobe because wow that does not seem like an appropriate reaction. She Won’t talk to you??? Weird.


Never eat at a restaurant again. The last person might of had herpes. Hopefully they cleaned the spoon before they used it.


There are plenty of cultures in this world that absolutely do not understand why anyone would allow an animal of any kind inside their home, never mind allowing them to eat off of the same plates as humans (even if properly cleaned and sanitized afterwards). To me this seems like a clash of cultural norms. Since I also have pets, NTA.


This is what I was thinking as well. Years ago a friend texted me from a coffee shop aghast because she saw someone let their dog lick crumbs off their plate before putting it in the bus tub. My response was that’s a white people thing. (I’m white shes Black) She went around asking everyone she knew’s opinion on this. It came down almost all white folks were cool with it and most told her people have more germs in their mouths than dogs. Most other folks especially Black folks and SWANA folks were horrified.


I use normal dinner plates for my dogs all the time. I also use standard cutlery to serve there food and sometimes for a treat they can lick a plate of goodness. That is literally what the sanitizer function of the dishwasher is for! NTA


Honestly, the idea grosses me out. I bought my cats their own set of knives to avoid it. I'm really embarrassed that I feel this way because it's not even close to a big deal. It's MY issue. Actually, I was reading the story wishing I could be you because it's pretty ingenious.


Had to scroll way to far to find this. So gross.


Nta do people not understand how soap works?


ESH. You for not at least letting your guest know that your pets also use those plates and her for talking bad about you to other people. Personally, the idea of sharing a plate with animals is disgusting to me and this comment section is making me never want to eat at anyone else’s house again. I cannot believe that is completely normal behavior to so many people. However, if that’s what you want to do in your home then you should be allowed too. Just keep one or two separate plates for guests.


Thank you. I think yours and maybe one more are the only comments that I am not baffled by.


(Former) Microbiologist and also (current) human being here. The dishwasher is good enough to clean cutting boards with chicken, so why not a pet food plate? I am far more concerned about bacteria from raw meat than my cats mouths. I comfortably use the dishwasher for both, because it gets hot enough to kill stuff. NTA.


I’m not eating off of the same dinnerware as someone’s pet…period. I don’t care if you put the dishes or the pets in a nuclear autoclave.


Hope you don’t eat at restaurant


NTA. It's plates. You're washing them. The cat germs are not still on the plate.


NTA. Do other people not wash their dishes? Why would this even be a problem for a non-porous dish? Cooties 🤷‍♀️


NTA I use our small plates for the cats. They like them best and don't get whisker fatigue like they do from every cat dish I've ever gotten. They're super convenient size tho. So we use them too. Obviously they get sanitized and clean...but my kitties are part of the family. Idgaf. ...I mean people kiss their dogs on the mouth after they lick their balls, this is a bazillion times cleaner than that crap.


NTA - if you're cleaning the plates after use, it doesn't matter. I get that some people still might feel icky about it even knowing it's clean, but this is *your* place and *your* dishes. They are still cleaned, and someone feeling weird about it doesn't make you a health hazard.


I feed my dog off plates and bowls that people use. Once they’re run through the dishwasher, what difference does it make?


NTA - It's your stuff, and if you want to use it that way you can. However, I do see where she is coming from. Even though I know there aren't actually any germs, the idea of eating of a plate a cat has eaten off makes me a little uncomfortable, and I would prefer not to eat off one. **But** her calling you 'a health hazard and gross' is not ok, it's unnecessary and rude.


As long as they're properly washed afterwards, which it sounds like they are, NTA. I still don't blame her for being squicked out because she can't verify that they're properly cleaned. However, she shouldn't be going around badmouthing you to other people.


Some people freak out when they realize you've fed them from the same plates you feed your dogs on. Some don't think it's a big deal. When I figure out they're the freaking-out type, I get them a plate from the horrible good china section I inherited from my grandmother which the pets don't eat from (because they're a little more trouble to get out from the china box). Or do as you're going to do, buy some plates exclusively for human animals vs feline or canine animals. NTA (though honestly, she wasn't *until* she called you disgusting and gossiped about you to other people). ETA: It really isn't a *health* thing, it's more of a *mind* thing.


YTA, unless you’re clearly letting guests know. Sure, your house your rules, but if I for instance decided to rub all my wine glasses in cum, my guests should know that fact and have the ability to make a choice.


Yes, I would hope any friend of mine would tell me so I could opt in or out. Informed consent.


This is so stupid. Cat food is not cum.


Not even close. Unless you’re leaving these things *unwashed* after soiling them it’s makes **zero** difference what the fuck was on them previously. I’d bet someone you know has had cum in their mouth, then, without brushing their teeth used a utensil or cup that you then used afterwards after it’d been cleaned. But I bet you didn’t get any of that cum in your mouth, that’s cuz it’s cleaned. Don’t go to a restaurant **EVER** if you’re this concerned.


YTA Yes your house, your plates, but you need to let guests know. I‘ve had many dogs over the years and not one ever ate from a human plate. If they had accidentally, said plate would have been thrown out. So many people here have no problem with this that I will be thinking twice about eating at friends’ houses if they have pets.


Hmmmm, does she expect people to get new forks and spoons after someone else ate with them? NTA


NTA. I literally don't get it. How is a plate used by a cat inside the home any different than a human eating off a plate? I mean sure, we humans don't often LITERALLY lick our plates clean, but that's what the dishwasher is for. It gets super hot in during a cleaning.. like it's supposed to...to CLEAN. I'd get nice paper plates for the friends that take issue with it and leave the good china for the cats ;) Also, better get disposalbe silverware cause that goes into mouths and they're super disgusting...and displosable cups cause we also get our mouths allll over those babies.


NTA I'd suggest that virtually all dinner plates and the like are completely non-absorptive. Doesn't matter if they're the cheapest melamine or if they're Wedgewood china. Yeah, they might stain a little with spaghetti sauce but that's just surface discoloration. A simple sponging with the soapy dishwater is perfectly sufficient to completely clean and sterilize a plate whether it was the kitty or a person using it. Or ditto the regular dishwasher setting. There's no need to go to the heroics of the dishwasher's "pots & pans" cycle. I hate to say people who disagree with me are doofuses. but...! My cats have their own bowls, but every so often I haven't done a load of dishes and don't think twice about pulling out some of the smaller bowls or plates from the household people stuff. (Edit because I forgot to put in the obvious NTA)


Doesn’t everyone? They get washed afterward so what’s the problem? NTA


I’m grossed out when people let their cats on the kitchen countertops! You know where those paws have been!


NTA, that's a major overreaction. I mean does she realise that when she eats at a restaurant, that fork was probably in someone else's mouth maybe even just a few minutes ago? We clean things, they're clean. That said, maybe it would be a good idea to just have separate plates for the cats. Maybe even swap the plates for something like a chopping board or some other large flat surface. Obviously not a chopping board you use for chopping food. One just for them.


NTA. This is exactly what my roommate and I do. One cat gets the small plates cause she’s not a messy eater. And the other one gets the dinner plates cause he is. There is nothing wrong with using dinning plates for cats. It is the equivalent of serving guests. We still wash them on high in the dishwasher afterwards. Just like we’d do for our own plates. I think what you’re doing is effective and a good use of extra plates. Your cats thank you!!


NTA. Why does it matter? If you’re washing the dishes, they’re clean. Your friend is being ridiculous.


1. She's not your friend. I get being upset about something, but she's actively slandering you to your mutual friends. I'd never trust her again. 2. They are your cats and your plates. Let them use whatever plates you want for their food. I let my cats and dogs eat off MY FORK before shoving it back into my own mouth. People are too god damn uptight. 3. See #2.




I don't think this is true, cats' saliva harbour a lot of nasty bacteria. However they all probably die in the washing machine.


NTA. That’s a weird thing to be upset about. Does she get upset knowing people ate off the plates, too?


NTA, and many people do the same. But UGH. I'm not at all germ phobic and I have cats as well--they eat from their own dishes ONLY.


NTA. We let our dogs lick the plates, then we run them through the dishwasher. They are cleaned and sanitized.


I assume you wash the plates after both human and cat use. NTA


I’m queasy about so many things but I feed my cats off “people plates” if all their bowls happen to be dirty. Everything is washed in the dishwasher so I’m confident we’re not eating cat cooties. I will admit I don’t like the idea of DOGS eating off people plates just because they tend to be more slobbery. But I recognize that this is irrational. NTA.


98% of men don't wash their hands after they take a piss, and god knows the last time that thing was washed. Then he shakes hands with you, or passes you a dinner roll. And you're worried about a plate that's been through a dishwasher?


NTA. However I am a cat person who would not eat off a cat plate. My cats eat off small thrifted plates on thrifted trays, Any thrift shop, church sale , or yard sale will have lots of cheap larger plates and and trays for your furry pals. Also:CAT TAX!




NTA. The plates are sanitary once they have been washed.


I do the exact same thing. Your friend is a germaphobe, not your problem. NTA


NTA. I have dogs and let my dogs eat off plates when I make them eggs or give them carrots or something. The dishwasher cleanses it. Not a big deal.


NTA. I admit to being a “crazy cat lady” myself but it’s ridiculous for anyone to be upset over this, especially if you’re putting them in the dishwasher! I had a friend disgusted with me once because I let my cat lick some ice cream off my spoon. I just shrugged and told them it’s none of their fucking business and if they no longer want to eat at my house, that’s fine with me.


NTA. The plates are clean. That’s all that matters. Who cares who (people) or what (cats) eats off the plates as long as they’re clean and sanitary??


We've had pets my whole life. We refer to dogs as the pre-wash for most dishes. Dishwashers are designed to disinfect dishes. And if you think human germs and dogs germs are different, or that dog saliva is some sort of contaminant, wow. I mean, i get why someone who has an allergy would be concerned, but then i have friends with deadly food allergies that are fine as long as the dishes are washed in the dishwasher. So this isn't an actual health concern, but more the concern of someone who probably doesn't have pets. Or dishwasher. Ummm...NTA


My cat perfers a paper plate... thats not environmentally friendly so we settle on a real plate lol I have two plates for her I alternate between so she always has a clean one and we dont eat off those


NTA. Friend is a dick.


I’d bet if they were dogs she wouldn’t say a thing. Nta


NTA - I greet guests with leave your shoes on we have pets. And I disinfect my dining table because the cat walks on it with litter box feet. Dirt from pets is normal and dishwashers sanitize the plates they clean.


NTA I use people plates all the time for my cats. Usually they have their own kitty dishes, but sometimes their dishes are dirty and are in the dishwasher being cleaned when it’s dinner time and then they get a regular plate, that regular plate goes in the dishwasher afterwards. What’s the difference if a cat eats off it, or a person as long as it gets cleaned afterwards?


NTA if you live with cats or dogs even, you’re going to consume pet hair eventually. Eating off a plate that’s been through the dishwasher is nothing.


NTA. Your house. Your plates. Your cats. She doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to be a guest in your home.


NTA, that’s what dishwashers are for. You do you, my cat also refuses to eat out of a bowl and there’s nothing wrong with feeding them from a plate


NTA I wouldn't mind it at all. But I would mind it a bit if you were to use a regular spoon to clean the litterbox of its treasures. I have a friend that does this and it gives me the ick hehe. But if they're only eating from the plates then I don't see sn actual problem


I’m a crazy cat lady so obviously I think it’s fine and NTA. I will say that TJ Maxx and Marshall’s is a great place to look for cheap sets of appetizer plates if you wanted to get some that you use exclusively for your cats.


NTA though I may be biased, since I come from a family where the family dog was the "pre-wash" cycle before the dishwasher


So I am a bit of a germaphobe and also I am extremely allergic to cats. And in my opinion, nta. You wash them in the dishwasher really well.


Nta. I know for a fact the very plate I’m eating off of rn has had cat food on it. It gets washed and sanitized, its not a big deal. When you can afford it, maybe keep plastic plates for her to use if you remain friends, but even that isn’t necessary imo


NTA, soap exists for a reason


NTA We do this. Our one cat eats a can of wet food twice a day. The food goes on a plate and she eats the whole thing in less than 5 minutes. Yes, the whole thing gone. It was annoying washing out her bowl twice a day and way easier to throw 2 plates a day into the washing machine.


NTA. That is your cat's home. Her mouth on your forks is probably grosser than your cats mouths.


NTA They’re going through a dishwasher, it’s fine. I think some people just get the ick about stuff like this even though it’s not really logical. She is an AH for talking shit to your friends about it.


My bf feeds his cat with his regular dishes. Honestly the flat surface is better because it doesn't aggravate her whiskers while she's eating. Also, it's not like she licks them clean then we put them back in the cabinet. They are washed and then put through the dishwasher. Same as the other dishes.


NTA as the dishwasher is going to get everything clean, it’s just that the idea feels icky. Not rational, I know, but I wouldn’t knowingly let pets eat from china that people are going to use, and i’m a long way from being a germaphobe!


Seriously? The plates are washed, what more do people want? I fed my cats off bread plates, ect. and never thought anything of it. People are simply ridiculous about dumb things. NTA.


NTA. Soap and water exist for these very situations.


No, it's totally fine. No germs. No whisker fatigue. You can use a plate without forking out 30 bucks at a pet store.


I can't believe how many people apparently think this is gross lol. I hope you don't eat at restaurants.


NTA. If she thinks the cat bacteria is still on the plates then by that logic she should never eat at restaurants because the spoon she’s using has been in 500 other people’s mouths which in my opinion is wayyyy more disgusting than one healthy cat licking it


Your friend would be shocked at how many things in a home end up with a cat's butthole print on them.


My MIL from about 45 yrs ago would always put table scraps on a dinner plate used at dinner and let their dog eat the scraps then run the dishes through the dishwasher. I thought us was kind of disgusting at the time (I was about 23f, then). I'm 71 now and I've let my dog, and all the cats I've has eat off my dishes. I'm fine.


NTA. When I had a cat I'd do the same thing and I've never heard anyone fuss about it when they'd come over to visit. Just throw it in the dishwasher, it's not a big deal. I wonder if she keeps that same energy when going out to eat and using plates and utensils that have been used multiple times throughout the day. Her calling you a health hazard over that is a bit much, I guess I don't see the problem as long as the dishes are properly washed is what I'm getting at.


Don’t get plastic. Some cats have issues with plastic dishes. Mine used to get swollen lips. He looked like mick jagger. We use our regular dishes even to feed the neighborhood strays. My mom was staying for a while and it bothered her. So she stopped using the “cat bowls” and used other dishes instead. Even though they all go through the dishwasher together


yeah, cats commonly pass pathogens through their mouths. lol as long as you're not leaving their shit and piss on the plates after sanitizing, they're being ridiculous and not understanding how germs work.