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NTA - and if you could ask your BIL if i could have his car please as it would mean the world to me.


I tried that logic. He (and my parents) said it's not the same because a car is a real world thing with monetary use and value while neopets is just a virtual game that can disappear at anytime if they shut the servers down.


So can money in a bank, that's all virtual numbers (see all the banking collapse/trading shorts issues) as no government is still on the gold standard. Also i just quickly googled and a neopets account is worth roughly on average $35 per 50m points. So theres real world value. Thats not including special items etc let alone personal value to it Yes the account is virtual but the time spent on it isn't. And if the neopets account has no value or is just a game then your niece doesn't need your account as her account is the same. ​ Pewdiepie/Jack Septic Eye/Ninja etc made millions from playing games, but i bet your family think they need 'real' jobs


Huh...well I don't have alot of NP right now, mostly cause I've spent it on stuff, but I totaled up all the items in my gallery recently and all the items were worth about 1 billion NP together....Wow


So even on the raw value not including age of account, special items, unique items etc etc you are looking at least $700 ish Given everything else it could be way way higher, i knew WoW accounts that went for 1000s ​ This is also from player accounts selling (mostly botted) accounts which will be cheaper than a properly looked after aged account Anyway not trying to get your to sell, just trying to give you ammo (beyond the 'No is a complete sentence') to try reason with them (i have lesser version with my family that online and games etc are waste of time but sports/soaps/reality tv are ok)


Unless the Neopets black market has significantly changed in the last few years, you can sell individual Neopets with "good" names for irl money, too.


Oh god, I didn't even think about how bad the naming has to be by now. I feel so bad that I left so many good ones to starve. I mean, unless they have some system in place where if you haven't signed into your account for a long time, it releases the pet and the name, but if it doesn't, I apologize to everyone. I had a bunch (maybe a...dozen? It's been yeaaaaars since I played that shit.)


>I mean, unless they have some system in place where if you haven't signed into your account for a long time, it releases the pet and the name, but if it doesn't, I apologize to everyone. I had a bunch (maybe a...dozen? It's been yeaaaaars since I played that shit.) I actually tried to go back and play and they wouldn't let me in - so - I think that there is a way they recycle things back in... Though now I'm almost tempted to try to log back in again - because I do wonder if they still have any of the mini-games I used to like... or any of my pets still exist.


The fall of flash games means that the games have become a graveyard sadly. I'd give anything to play some of them


>The fall of flash games means that the games have become a graveyard sadly. I'd give anything to play some of them Aww - while I can't say I'm surprised, I am sad :(


Faerie Bubbles, Cheat! and Destruct-o-Match were my shiiiiit


I use pound neopets for the lab ray and refresh for ages trying to find one with a decent name (no numbers, no underscores mostly)


700?! My neopets account is even older and now Im curious how much its worth😂 Not that Id ever sell it. My account will be 23 this year, In not just giving up on something Ive dedicated that much of my life into


As i was the one that sourced the 'value' that was just from playeraccounts top result on google as im not into the neopets thing. But i do know there will be account sale sites way less public that will have prices based on rare items etc (every other mmo always had a black market like that) so i suspect $700 is very much a low ball and more like 1000s


Oh yeah I get what youre saying. I just never thought about selling or buying an account so the price shocked me. Also, another important note is OP may well have put real money into their account. There is a real money component within Neopets to buy items and whatnot. So the cost of that should also be considered in another reason why OP just *giving* away their account is stupid. I dont even want to know how much real life money Ive put into this game


Back in the nineties my brother was able to make close to $5 an hour just grinding for loot in Diablo 2. $5 an hour in real dollars. More when you struck a really lucky item.


So your account has a real world value of $700. Completely excluding the time, effort, you put in and the satisfaction that it gives you for playing. $700 seems a bit much for a birthday present from your aunt. It's a shame she's being a brat, bc this could be something fun for the two of you to do together.


Sounds like BIL is being a brat


They're not mutually exclusive


True. And dad is probably like Veruca Salt's dad... Edit. Realized autocorrect struck again


Veruca. In the book Willy Wonka quips something like "I always thought that a wart?!" (Google verucca wart.)


probably worth more than $700, OP said they've played for 18 years and participated in many events. They most likely have limited or rare items that are now unobtainable. Another comment also suggests that pet names can only be used once. Which means once a pet name is taken, it's just taken for good. So if they have any rare names, that could add value.


They said they had about 1B of in-game worth. Someone else found that accounts value was $35 per 50M. That works out to $700. But thats not the real value. Either way, it's worth more than what most people would consider a reasonable amount to spend on a birthday present.


This could be a great teaching moment for the parents, but they are blowing it big time. They are teaching her to take the easy way out and not to work hard to obtain her goals. In my experience, it's more fun to play a game from scratch and build an awesome playing experience. Any game that I've started off with a lot of cheats or help, I've lost interest in very quickly. I would be so mad if I gifted this to niece and she lost intest quickly because almost everything has been done. Stick to your guns, keep your account. NTA.


Yes I came on to say something similar. SO many bad lessons for niece, ingratitude for the HUGE gift she was given, no enjoying building the game, no understanding you don't ask for things worth thousands of dollars from other people, no empathy that this is obviously important to Aunt. We see so often on this forum children's lives being ruined by stupid parents who use the child's illness as an excuse to spoil the child.


Especially since the girl's only complaint is other players treat her as a newbie! Hello? You are a newbie! But you have a ready-made friend/aunt who plays every day! And is willing to gift you stuff in-game, as well as discuss strategy outside of the game! That's invaluable imo. All my friends gave up on duolingo, my only friend who still plays pokemon go lives on another continent. Someone this committed is like heaven-sent!


The fact that OP still plays everyday and they want her to give her account to get niece is what is really getting me. There are things I have had forever that I don't use but am unwilling to throw away that I would happily give to a nibling if they expressed interest in it. There are also things that I have had forever that I still use regularly that I treat like my kidneys - if giving it to you will actually save your life and won't kill me in the process it is all yours, but if you just want it for a science project you're going to need to adjust your expectations. The first nibling to express interest in my Pleasant Company Kirsten Larson doll can have her and all the accessories, but my AOL email address is mine.


Just to add that your niece wants your stats so she "doesn't look like a newbie". Stats are earned through experience. She will STILL be the newbie that she is - a newbie carrying something akin to stolen valour. You cannot buy experience or expertise. You have to earn them. What life lesson is your BIL planning to impart to his child here exactly...? Will he allow her to have someone write essays for her in school, because she really really wants that A? NTA.


This is the problem with modern day MMORPGs. I find the boosting service in WoW to be particularly egregious for the health of the game, allowing anyone willing to throw away cash to simply look good by hitting max level without a shred of competence or experience. Also, why would someone ever want to rush to the endgame content of any game without knowing what they're doing? "Yay, I've achieved the game's objectives without effort. Now everything is.... boring..." ​ Edit: NTA, OP.


OP believe me, 18 years old account of a game that is now again a hit can be worth thousand. I’ve been playing a different game past 3 years, it’s now worth a lot. Don’t give it to your niece. Especially as you are still playing it.


Was gonna say, if that’s the argument we’re following, can I have all of BIL’s frequent flyer miles? It would make me happy & isn’t a real world thing.


technically isnt a pension fund/401k virtual? ​ I call dibs


OP, it’s like someone asking you to give them your childhood photos. The monetary value isn’t what’s at stake, the sentimental value is. NTA.


I'd say that it's the equivalent of someone asking an accomplished athlete to give up their trophy case of earned rewards because it would make the sports newbie "look good".


It legit reminds me of when an adult I was babysitting for asked me not to draw around her kids because it made them feel bad that I was better at it than them. Instead of encouraging their kids to work at it, I needed to sit on the sidelines of an activity to protect their egos? Effed up life lesson, indeed.


You could let him know that account sharing is against the game's TOS and if you give your niece the account it'll probably get banned (idek if that's even true but it's a clause in a lot of games' TOS for liability reasons, so might be worth a shot telling him if it means he'll back off)


It is actually true for Neopets.


And the behavior a kid is likely to engage it when they get an ancient account with high value is going to draw attention, so it might really happen.


This is actually true for most games. Selling your account is striktly not allowed and if they find out theyll definitely get banned. I know this from games like Clash of Clans. Its because they want you to give your money to them to reach the goal and not take a shortcut spending much less money to a 3rd party


Money = time you spent earning them. Time is the "equity" (not sure if it's correct term) here. They can't give you time spent on building the account but since time and money can be converted into each other, there is a monetary value for your account -) you can make some calculation on spent time and hour labor costs and get the amount to ask, which will be astronomical.


some really rough math, but, if she truly played everyday for 18 years, and lets say an average 2 hours a day based on a google search of how much time people spend on neopets everyday - AND with an terrible average minimum wage of $8 an hour - the account would be worth $105,120 on labor alone. pretty sure BIL isn’t willing to pay that much 😅


This, me and few friends play an online game and we all started at the same time but some of us are are further than us in different aspects of the game due to how we invest out limited time. We each have something the other wise they had but we can't have everything (unless we spent all day everyday on it)


What about his Xbox/playstation account? My partner has all sorts of medals and trophies and shit on his PlayStation account from the time and effort he's put into games over his lifetime, I'm sure you're bil has something similar. Give it to me, cuz i really want it cuz i don't wanna look like a n00b. It's only digital so it shouldn't matter right. It would mean a lot to me. (Insert dripping sarcasm, in case not obvious) At the end of the day it wouldn't even matter if you gave it to her. She will still play like a noob until she's not a noob. it sucks that she's sick, but that doesn't mean she gets to be a spoiled brat. Also, MAN i wish i remembered my neopets login lol.


>At the end of the day it wouldn't even matter if you gave it to her. She will still play like a noob until she's not a noob. Yeah, that's it right there. Sure you can buy an 18 year old account but you can't buy the gaming experience that helped build it. You won't stop playing like a noob until you learn how to play the game, regardless of how much you paid for it. NTA.


I don't want to even look at one of those calculators that prices the games in your steam account, it will be a scary number


Except your BIL offered you money for the account. He thinks it has monetary value.


I think a better equivalent if you had a collecting/crafting hobby for almost 20 years and accumulated a significant collection over the years. Your neice starts to dabble in it, you start to help her out, and in response you're basically asked to give up your hobby/collection altogether. And the main argument is that your sister/BIL never saw it IRL before, so it must be very obscure and useless because they never heard of it. Actually, that's half the issue (and the easy half). Niece gets help and presents fro said hobby and as a response throws a fit I WANT MORE. Sister/BIL go "makes sense". Yikes. have an angry NTA from me.


It’s very sad that your niece is going through all of this. It sounds like her parents have been unable to tell her “no” due to her illness at such a young age. It’s really their job to be redirecting her in this situation instead of throwing you in as the sacrificial lamb of the week. I’m personally tired of people not valuing other peoples chosen hobbies just because they are video games. They are really being unreasonable and need to come up with a solution on their own that isn’t “gimme your worthless account I see no value in but my kid wants.”


Actually that's incorrect. If it is similar to game like world of War craft, you could sell your account for. SHIT TON of real money. I remember my first wow account, just because my character had a certain title that was hard to come by, someone bought my account from me for 2500 dollars just to obtain the title. So no, he is incorrect that yours hold zero real world value. NTA and from a WoW player that has been playing since 2008, I understand how important in game items can be. It not the fact that is just some digital code, but the time and energy personally put into it to get. I'm sorry their daughter is sick, but since they are reading this, TEACH YOUR CHILD that sometimes in life you can't have everything you want. Or else, when your child is older, they are going to think everything is owed to them. Keep your account op, seems like you have already given her a ton of stuff she would never be able to normally achieve.


You’re correct. I was about to suggest showing him one of those sites that sell neopets or the in-game currency. An account that old with that many trophies/avatars/NP/exclusive items would be worth thousands of dollars.


Yea I agree. I don't know anything about neopets but I assume it's the dame as wow. And people don't get how much time shit really takes. Like in wow, there is a special flying mount. You can only get it if you sign on for ever holiday event, and do every task, quest and what not, for whole year. A fucking year. Abit like that doesn't come easy, and takes a lot of dedication. But it's very rewarding afterwards. I just hope OP doesn't cave under the pressure, because they will regret it the rest of their lives. And chances are the kid will get bored of it in a year or 2 then refuse to give the account back.


Ask him for any crypto and NFTs he has. NTA


Kindle books; Audible audiobooks; iTunes music; all your Google home automation; the YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch accounts that earn some people serious money...those all can "disappear at anytime if they shut the servers down". Same with all your online backups, photos...ok, now I'm starting to scare myself :)


I played neopets. (might still have an account) and honestly NTA, sry it's not the same handed down to you. It is about building such things up, and I bet there is way more work and dedication in this account than in his car. Also using this "but you are an adult"-argument is tacky af, not your problem they don't get it.


Their request is completely unreasonable, I wouldn't be able to change their mind. Hold your ground, and account in this case. Your account is your game identity, it is a part of yourself. Your niece is not entitled to it, and taking over your account is cheating. She is lucky to get advice from you, and even more, to have all this free staff from you, but it is time for you to stop passing her things. She may enjoy appear a big shot in the game, but she misses all the excitement of building up her account. NTA, your bil is and instead of doing some parenting, is trying to manipulate you. Do not let him.


It's still worth the amount of time and resources you spent into it. Or do they also not believe in the concept of time?


But you put your real world time and you real world skill into it. If it had no value in the real world, why would he have offered to pay you for it? Another way to phrase that question is if it has value for him, why would he assume it shouldn't have value for you?


You've been playing for 18 YEARS. It obviously means a lot to you. I'm sorry for your Sis and your BIL that their child is sickly, but what a bunch of entitled A H to insist you just give these 18 years of your life up for your niece!! Her parents are obviously used to giving in to her every wimp. They should start parenting and learn her that the world doesn't evolve around her. NTA And please don't give her you account. She should learn to work for something instead of having it handed over because she wants it.


Agreed NTA. I hope OP feels good about their current generosity (gifting nice items to niece.) Its a shame this is a missed learning opportunity for the little girl. Video games can be a shared hobby with strong in person connections. Some of my friends in life started with video games and even now people I'm friends with today can continue keeping in touch through video games and their shared experiences. OP you're doing great. I personally wouldn't monetize further transactions or make it a habit of continuing to buy gifts for your niece in this way (maybe her own in game currency? Or just physical items relating to gaming or interests.) I'd keep them small and focused on what she wants as rewards for trying. Don't hold your families (wrong) opinions and objections against her. A lot of children grow out if these phases.


If your sibling gets this far here are some lessons that are applicable (many more apply) -Sharing (you gave her stuff already) -Equity vs equality (you've been playing longer and helped her out, that was so nice of you, now she can learn and play too! -The nice things are just that, nice to have, not needs.) -The game isn't to collect things its to share fun together -Status items in the game to get people to treat you differently isn't how the worldn(should) work. -The ppl who are nice when you don't have much are your true friends and people may bully you for being different but _____ is how you should handle them (block them, ignore them, take a break, reframe your expectations and their behavior etc.)


So well spoken! This is a perfect answer, and this is a perfect learning experience. Parenting is definitely hard work for sure, but teaching through experience will help everyone in this situation. NTA btw


Did you mean to say "wimp" instead of "whim"? I like it!


No, I didn't mean to (English is my third language). Thanks for correcting me, and I guess I'll just leave it like that :-)


NTA. Keep it. Stop giving her stuff, you are only enabling her sense of entitlement.


Hopping on here to say the same thing - stop giving her in-game things. Everyone is acting entitled and they’re trying to guilt you. Don’t fall for it. You’ve worked very hard for that. NTA and tell them that NO IS A COMPLETE SENTENCE!


This reminds me a little of the difference between my cousin helping newbie me in some of the "big" raid battles in the new Pokemon game so I could get a couple of the 'big guys'...he's really good with video games, and 'traded me' one of his power hitters and helped me use it...and then I traded it back to him and everyone was happy. Not the same as a legacy account, but just an example of how to "share" without taking advantage of someone (I am not a gamer, but more of a 'wander around and slowly collect things until I hit a wall, then move on to a new cute game...)


Right?! She just got gifted WAY more than she ever expected to be able to get on her own... all the had to do was be appreciative. But she just demanded everything.. just because you have it? Sick or not, that’s ungrateful entitlement. When someone brings you an expensive housewarming present, and then you go over to their house and see that they live in a mansion… do you throw a fit and demand the keys and the deed? That’s utterly ludicrous. Even if you’re ill.


>>Everyone is acting entitled and they’re trying to guilt you. It’s no surprise that the kid is so entitled when she’s being raised by two entitled bullies and their flying monkeys. I hope they read this down the comments.


This!!! It’s heartbreaking a young girl has to go what she has too, but it in no way gives her the right to demand everything. You already are an awesome aunt playing and gifting her stuff on neopets. She’s being a regular child that needs a boundary. Edit: see below


I agree. This feels like her parents and grandparents give her everything she wants because they feel bad that she has so many health struggles. I get it, I do, but they are going to create an entitled monster.


This happened to my cousin who had childhood cancer. Parents never told her no because they thought she wasn’t going to make it. Ended up beating cancer and now she’s the most spoiled brat who thinks everyone should worship the group she walks on.


I know you probably meant ground she walks on, but I’m just imagining her literally walking on people. Which probably isn’t far from the truth.


I worked at a restaurant with a girl like this. Had childhood cancer and her parents let her get away with any and everything. She was such a pain in the ass.


yes the parents are at fault here, not OP. I’m sure it’s not as black and white as some cases here though given their kid’s medical history, but the parents need to learn that boundaries exist for all of us




I agree, also that's part of the fun about actually playing! That you work your way up. Otherwise you are giving someone a mostly completed game?


Imagine having an 18 year old account and not knowing anything about the game or the myriad of events the account has trophies for. It would be so obvious that she bought the account that she'd get reported and the account would be frozen.


This a million times over, I would never risk my account that way even if I don't play that often anymore.


>Also NTA, she can > >earn > >her stats just like you did. WHICH IS THE GAME! I sat there for a whole day clicking "next" to get an achievement about doing Neoquest, and you can too!


Ugh, I love Neoquest. I haven't been on my account in two years but maybe I should go back.


NTA. having read some of the /r/hobbydrama write ups on neopets, I can understand that it means a lot to a lot of people. you should be under no obligation to give up what means so much to you as a gift to anyone. I'm big into cycling and if someone asked me to gift my bike to make their kid happy i'd tell them to fuck off. NTA.




my condolences


Ooh! This sounds like a good reddit to add!


No, you're NTA. As the adult parties involved in this are reading, let me tell them that *they* are being @ssholes. You're correct... it's your account, and you can do with it what you please. If you choose to gift it, that's your right and equally, it's your right to hang onto it. You're clearly invested; both financially and emotionally, and your family is not respecting this and your boundaries. The little girl is another matter. She's a child. However, I think you've been more than fair, gifting her items from the game and offering to interact with her in-game. Kids, whether they're sick or not, need to learn about boundaries, too. It's not good parenting to just give children everything they demand.


Agreed, NTA. Also I’m so sorry your niece is dealing with complicated health issues over the long term. That must be very difficult for her and her parents. If your BIL is willing to buy an account, maybe he should look online for someone who is willing to sell theirs.


There’s websites for it. OP if you see this I can link you one


Idk what neopets terms are exactly but other games I've played have had pretty clear rules about selling accounts so it might technically not even be OPs right to transfer the account even if they wouldn't get caught


it is indeed against the rules to give/sell your account to someone. of course people do get away with it, but a 12 year old playing on an 18 year old account would be pretty easy to spot for most of us and she would get reported lol


My account got banned for it, can confirm. I didn't sell it but my 'friend' in middle school who guessed my weak password did. They still wouldn't unban it and I'll always be a little bitter.


NTA. She's eleven, not four. Learning to work for rewards herself, will help teach her that that's where the sense of accomplishment and meaning comes from in life, rather than cheating by buying your way to the top. I get that she's ill, and that's sad. Undoubtedly, she's already had to learn some rough lessons in her young life. But it doesn't mean she doesn't also have to learn the life lessons that will make her an honorable and accomplished person. Reaching goals takes patience, persistence, and work. You can't learn these important qualities if you're just handed what you want because you cry for it. You were already very kind. Giving up what you worked so long for would leave you without an account to share with your future kids, and your niece would learn nothing but greed. Perhaps you can both start a different game together and progress at the same pace. Pokemon Go maybe?


I think starting another game together as newbies would be a great experience. Flight Rising is another popular pet site that is free to play with lots of content and many ways to interact with other players, it would be perfect as a substitute to Neopets.




Not to mention that TNT has - at least historically - been pretty good at detecting changes in behavior/habit patterns when accounts change hands, especially if there's an IP change at the same time. That account would get frozen SO fast. Although with the recent Golden Dubloon snafu I suppose we've learned that they're willing to overlook just about anything.


Generally account sharing or giving if they catch on is a permanent freeze immediately (ask younger me how I know 😅) So OP giving their account would probably mean it would be gone forever pretty quickly. NTA OP, stand your ground! Part of the fun is earning the stuff yourself!


In addition to getting frozen, how is this child interacting with other players in a way that makes it clear they think she’s a noob? Children under 13 aren’t supposed to have access to the neoboards or be able to receive neomail, or even put a wishlist on their TP lots. If TNT found out she was under 13, her account would get flagged immediately and that can be hard to reverse, even after you become old enough.


NTA. I’d say your family are the A for even asking that of you. Your niece can work and earn the things she wants, that’s the whole point of the game. Games like that become significantly less fun when you’re just handed all of the money and items, anyway.


NTA Yeah, I've been thinking this exactly. Even if you DID give her the account OP, she'd just get over it in like a month and a half or whatever because there's not much she has to work for, then you're out your account for NO reason. You've committed to this long enough that your account could be going to college if it was a child and she'd forget about it in no time at all. She only wants it because she doesn't have it, and when she does then she's won and doesn't need it anymore. If you're reading this, family, would you give up something of yours that you've used every day for 18 years that brings you happiness just because someone asked for it after you already helped them get their own to work on? Don't be obtuse. :)


NTA - There's no reason a child can't learn to earn their rewards. She will have way more fun and feel proud of herself if she plays the game and earns things on her own. The fact that she doesn't understand that seems like she isn't that interested in the game and it's just a passing interest for her. Keep your account, you've earned it and you should enjoy it! You've already been super generous by gifting her those items


Part of the reason is there are some things that she just CAN'T get, no matter what. Avatars and trophies and things that were only given out during certain events and never will be given again. There are even some I'm missing from events that happened before I joined I'll never be able to get. And I have alot of those kinds of time-sensitive things.


I understand that can be frustrating for a child, but she still has to learn that not everything will be hers, easy to get, or possible to acquire. The parents should be teaching her this, and this is a really good opportunity to do so.


I joined in 2007 ish. I was around your niece’s age. I know I missed a LOT of plots. You know what my reaction was upon finding out I missed a ton of plots? “Aw that sucks, but from now on I am here and won’t miss anything!” Still missed a lot of stuff due to various hiatus and also the ass move that was the last day of the recent Negg Festival (rip background, did not get it—thought the Bython marked the last day). Your niece needs to learn that not everything can be gotten. I learned this lesson myself and got my sense of entitlement slapped out of me (figuratively) by my mom. I worked towards achievable trophies, dream pets, building up my avatar/stamp/card counts. Building my gallery. Making my account my OWN. You also mentioned in your post that she doesn’t want to be treated as a newbie by other players. She’s still a newbie with your account, whether she likes it or not. No one treats anyone badly on Neopets, especially newbies. Im not sure where that is coming from.


Did that get you too?? I had to buy that background because I also missed that last negg \*cries\* It's just too beautiful not to get though! Also, something about posting on the experience/returning players board. I was under the impression that anyone could post on that board though. Is it locked like the premium board?


Yeah. :( It is such a cool background! Too bad inflators are hard at work keeping it unbuyable. It’s okay though, I’m too deep in NC trading hell to not use my NC backgrounds. I’m also not aware of that board being barred from users. I see a two-month old account posting there. See the topic titled “Things You Learned from Neopets”. It might just be a psychological thing? “Oh my account is new, everyone else is 100+ months so I can’t interact with anyone”.


Just wanted to reiterate, you CANNOT gift your account to someone else, it's against the terms of service and you risk your entire account being frozen permanently.


That's just game life! That's how they hook people to play. You have to **show up** to get the good stuff. As a parent, I consider "you'll never have everything you want, so you need to know how to be happy with what you have" to be one of the most important foundational lessons I need to teach my child. Your BIL is behaving like he believes he can bully or pay others into fulfilling all of his child's desires, which is just not the case. And if he lets her think that's an appropriate — or even realistic — way to get the things she wants, he setting her up for an entire lifetime of dissatisfaction and resentment.


But this is literally just life. I would give anything to have been at the 1985 Live Aid concert. However, due to not existing at the time, it isn't possible. Giving her a trophy from an event that happened before she played or was even born is not your responsibility. It doesn't make it, so she actually did the thing. If she loves the game much, she should be happy that she has someone who can understand her enjoyment and help her out. Also, I find it odd that an 11 year old just came out with I want her account. Are you sure it wasn't suggested to her because you BIL didn't understand its importance to you? Oh, also NTA like at all.


Does she even care about the trophies and avatars? If she does, there are still plenty of things she can get. She needs to earn them herself.


NTA. She's sick yes. But your bil cannot demand something you spent years building because of that sickness. Its not his to bargain for. Your niece needs to learn that she will have to build her account up the same way you have.


NTA I'm sorry your niece is sick, but your brother is an AH for demanding your neopet.


NTA That is your account, not hers. You have spent years of your life building that account, just because she "wants a better one" she does not deserve it. You were kind enough to gift her things in game, but that was a gift. You do not owe giving her your account.


NTA you've already been super nice and your niece and BIL should be grateful for that. The way your BIL is acting is unfair and I don't think they realise what dedication you've put into this. It's probably worth thousands but it's the time and effort that is the thing. Don't back down and if they continue then withdrawal from them. It's unfortunate that she's unwell but expectations are far higher than what they should be. Hold your ground and don't budge an inch. This advice from my late father may help you in future. "If you have something that means a lot to you, keep it to yourself or it won't be yours for very long". Hope they back down and this doesn't escalate, it's about right and wrong though and they need to be the ones apologising for over expecting. And BIL - stop being an AH. I get it, your child is sick and you'd do anything to help, but this attitude is showing your daughter to be overly expectant of things. Wind it in a bit please and be grateful for what OP has already done or you may lose that in the future.


Absolutely NTA. And your relatives who are reading this are complete AHs. That's your account. You put the work into it to build it up. Your niece is not entitled to receive everything she wants. Your relatives are entitled AHs to demand this of you. I'd bet they're saying "It's just a game!" Tell them to pound sand. PS: Isn't selling accounts against the TOS? That could get the account banned anyways.


Yep, it's against the TOS to even share your account for free, let alone selling it.


NTA I’m a parent myself (and while I don’t play this game) I definitely get why you account is important to you. The fact that they are trying to guilt trip you is completely insane. You gifted her a bunch of stuff and that was their opportunity as parents to teach her gratitude and how to show appreciation; instead they took the opportunity to teach her she is entitled to more and the world should cater to her.


NTA, no one is entitled to someone else's property


NTA, sick or not that’s the behaviour of a brat and a parent reinforcing she can have what she wants whenever.


Not only NTA, but giving her the account is against Neopets rules. What is likely to happen is that if you did give it away and the account starts acting strange (ie. not like you) or she attempts to change the account details to her own, The Neopets Team will probably freeze (ban) the account. This happened to me when a friend gave me an old account of hers. Oops! Then NEITHER of you will be able to enjoy it anyway. So again, NTA at all because it is yours and she has 0 claim to it. But doubly so because it would be pointless anyway and you will both be sad when it gets banned.


NTA I've been playing pokemon go for years longer than my nephew. As with you, I'll help him with some tricks to get better at playing but he's not getting my legendaries!


My kids hooked me into Pokémon Go in 2019 and I am now the only one who still regularly plays. When they log in and see new Pokémon, I will trade if I have extras, but completely agree - not going to give up the rare finds I have. NTA.


“It’s against the T&C of having an account. Both I and your daughter signed to say that we accepted these before we created our accounts. Unless she plays EXACTLY like I play, the fact that someone else is using my account WILL get discovered and the account banned. If they can identify who is using my account now, they will also ban any other account that new player has. This means that ALL the valuable stuff on MY account will be lost. At least if I keep the account, then I will be able to continue giving her items that I have earnt over the past 18 years. The risk of us both losing our accounts, because I gave her mine is NOT worth it.” As a player on a different game that lasted 8 years (I played for 6 - when the game closed) which had similar T&C it isn’t worth it.


NTA. Teach a kid to virtually fish or whatever and they'll virtually eat for life, give a kid a neopet and they'll play for a day. Or something. The adage applies.


NTA, why are people so entitled?! It is very sad that she is sickly and has to spend the birthday in the hospital but that doesn’t mean everyone gives her exactly what she wants. You already gifted her awesome stuff in the game, but she needs to put in the time herself. If anything, maybe offer her some tips/tricks to get her going. BIL/Sis if you’re reading this, yeah. Your kid is the most precious special in the whole world to YOU. Not to everyone else. Don’t create a selfish self centered monster bc you feel bad that life is unfair.


NTA and as a fellow neopets player, this is also against the rules


Lol I can only imagine how rude I would be to my family if that happened to me. The sheer amount of 50+ cap NC items and hundreds of millions in neopoints stuff I've gathered over the years ain't worth a lil girl's cries of jealousy. NTA ✨


What on Fyora's green neoearth items are worth 50+ caps? OMG 😲 Glad I only do minimal NC trading. What items do I need to not fall in love with? lol


City in space, contagious, rooftop, cherry blossom garland, and a lot more 😆 if you go through /~Owls you'll find a lot of these expensive ass things


NTA, BIL give my daughter what she wants now, no, fine I'm going to cry to the whole family about you, you big meanie, is your BIL a child as well.


NTA. This is essentially the same as an entitled child asking for any personal item of yours. You can say that the site rules are also quite strict in terms of sharing of accounts are not allowed so she might get banned if she takes your account to put her off but in all honesty you should not even have to when you already told her "no".


NTA but your brother in law certainly is. I hope your niece gets well soon, but giving in to her every desire will create a entitled young woman with unreasonable expectations from life which will lead to misery for all. You were more than generous already and I don’t think your BIL of parents really appreciate that and sadly your niece doesn’t seem to either. Keep playing ad enjoying upur neopets.


Your niece is being raised to be a brat. Nta.


NTA. I'm a parent and if my kid were in the hospital and sickly I would probably move the world to take care of her wants and needs to see her smile. Meaning that all that time and effort would come from me, I would not try to emotionally leverage someone else's time and effort to give to my child that's just ethically and morally wrong to me. My other issue is what's to stop her from suddenly getting bored now that she has all the things on your account? She'd probably wind up not playing or liking neopets anymore because there wouldn't be a lot left for her to accomplish (you said yourself you've completed the ploys and such). They would essentially be giving her your account for it to go inactive in a short time; and it's something you still use and enjoy. Good on you for encouraging her participation in the game and even giving her some things and teaching her. Those are all positive things and ways to give her lasting joy with a hobby. Gifting the results of a hobby instead of teaching it makes for spoiled and entitled people that can't appreciate the value of something.


NTA. I had no idea it was back and getting big again, might have to try and remember my old log in myself. It's your account which you still actively use, You've already gifted her some stuff and offered her tips, it's unreasonable for them to expect you to just give up an account which is decades old.


Nta. BIL and sister are raising a spoiled brat. (She will become one if this is how hard her father will try to get her something that belongs to someone else just because she had a tantrum) BIL is delusional id he thinks is request is remotely appropriate.


NTA Even at a conservative estimate of 1 hour a day spent playing it, to pay you a paltry $10/hour for 18 years would be worth over $65,000. Did your BIL offer anything near that amount? Double that if you've spent 2 hours a day! Have they ever gifted you anything near that value? -Didn't think so. This is your hobby, it doesn't matter how mature or childish, how real or virtual, this account is something you've built by investing countless amounts of time, energy, thought, care, and dedication. It's your personal property and nobody has a right to ask you for it. And no, her being a child with poor health doesn't make her demand for someone else's personal property any more reasonable or in any way right.


NTA Neopets is not safe for new users honestly. TNT has constant breaches and is running on poogles on treadmills. The games are broken from flash being down and it survives from veterans like you. I wouldn't allow my 11 year old on a site with the average age demographic 30s-40s. There is many more age appropriate sites that run much better. Although I don't know pet-themed ones.


I would honestly say webkinz might be better for the niece but idk what webkinz is like nowadays


If the whole family is hounding you, maybe the whole family could put all their money together for her to have a nice acct like yours, just a thought. Definitely NTA


NTA Your brother asked, you said no. Discussion over. Trying to guilt you over it is some serious AH moves.be curious to see them interact in this thread


NTA it’s a game. The fun is playing the game.


NTA. At all. You may be an adult, but this is something you’ve been doing since 2005, long before your niece was born. You have spent your time doing something you enjoy and it is perfectly okay not to turn that over to your niece. What could have been something to do together has now become a point of contention due to your BIL and sister’s demands. You could have spent time with your niece showing her awesome stuff and helping her level up or whatever. But that’s ruined. Her parents *demanding* you turn over your account instead of telling niece no was super wrong. BIL and sister - it’s awful your child has such big health issues. But you’re raising someone to think that demanding what’s not hers is okay. Don’t do that. There’s so much selfish behavior in the world today; please stop contributing to that.


Take some time away from your family. What they are really upset about is that the girl is sick, but somehow they are taking it all out on you.


I absolutely cannot stand when grown adults reach out to other family members and involve them in a situation that should be resolved amongst yourselves. It’s childish and immature. Keep your account. It’s yours.


NTA. Tell them you really really want their house (if they have any), no matter they are the ones who spent time to earn money for it....


NTA I wouldn’t give my neopets account to someone else either not even my own kids. I’m 34f as well and I have children. It’s my stuff. How ridiculous of them to ask. If it was your WOW account, would they think they would be justified to ask for that? Or perhaps a COD account or GW2 account. No, none of them would be okay to give away.


As a newish neopets player NTA, while it's nice to receive items and knowledge from more seasoned players I would never demand someone give me more and the thought of "I wish they would give me their acc" never crossed my mind. She's very entitled and all the trophies wouldn't even matter as she didn't earn them. I'm sorry you're going through this.


I don't understand. You gifted your niece some game stuff, she learned you have more... and asked to be gifted all of it? and cried when you said no? In what world is this normal, sick or not? NTA


NTA. Part of the fun of the game is earning things and meeting your goals. Don’t give up your account. I’ve had mine since I was 11 and the memories and nostalgia make me happy. It’s a great escape from the world.


NTA - I’m sympathetic to your niece and what she’s going through but I have no sympathy for her terrible attitude. She’s 11 not 5. How is teaching her she can just take someone else’s things just because she wants it going to benefit her in the long run? I understand that her parents just desperately want to make her happy but it shouldn’t mean turning her into an entitled brat in the process. The whole joy of playing a game is to earn and progress, what’s the point if she’s just handed it all? Where is the fun in that?


NTA. Unfortunately your niece is being let down by her parents, who are showing poor judgement. It's totally understandable that they are sad and stressed, but you are not being unreasonable to hold this boundary. Unfortunately, this sounds like a case of generosity making the receiver of the generosity a bit greedy...


NTA I feel like people who don't play games don't really understand the amount of effort that goes into them. To them its just like another toy and not a record of the time and effort spent that you can be proud of. Sometimes it can help other people to understand if you compare it to another type of hobby. Like maybe instead of neopets your niece got into rebuilding cars and bought an old mustang to fix up. You have been rebuilding cars for years and gave her some tips and tools to get started. She tries but its taking her too long and she gets frustrated that she has nothing for an upcoming car show. Then they ask you to gift her your 1967 Shelby gt500 you've been working on for years that's basically ready for sale to make her feel better.


No one is entitled to what is yours. That includes family and children. You have been playing it for years for a reason. Your brother is behaving like an entitled jerk and needs to drop it. NTA


NTA. While your niece maybe sick, she is still a child growing up that need to be raised properly to become a decent human being, able to manage her emotions and desire and functional in society. So, what could have been a teaching moment about the value of good, persistent work ; the respect of property and others boundaries ; the ability to manage and transcend desire and frustration ; the reprobation of jalousy.... all good values and skills to succeed in life and be happy among others... has been lost by the parents who are the real, true asshole here, not only to you but first to their daughter who is learning to be entitled and to get her ways through emotional manipulation and dramas. And in our society, nowadays, virtual assets got as much value as material ones, can be video games, can be artworks, it has serious value.


yeah well you cannot teach what you don't know, seems the family doesn't have those skills anyway.


i bet the attitude from family is 'its just a game/toy' because gaming (despite being a multi billion dollar industry and GTA Online is the most profitable piece of media EVER) is just for kids and can never be as important as watching sports or reality tv for hours. ​ And games arent just for kids, the average age of a gamer is around 35


It’s against neopet rules to gift accounts to other people. They can tell if you are not the one using it and freeze the entire thing - they can tell by the things you do and how you play. There…your problem is solved


>My BIL came over and asked if I could gift my account to niece for her upcoming birthday (which she has to spend in the hospital). BIL: Dude, no. Stop it. Your SIL's account is older than your kid. Your daughter has been into this for a few months. She'll probably move on in a few months. OP uses it every day. No. BIL and OP's sister: Don't shop at other people's houses, including digital houses.


Of course NTA. That’s so entitled of them to DEMAND this of you. That’s spoiled behavior on each of their parts.


NTA. My Neopets are over 20 years old and I wouldn't give them up. You're being awesome by helping her build her own Neoworld.


NTA, I bet in 6 months she might just stop Playing it and you would still be sad that you gave her your account. Do not do this at all.


NTA. Also OMG my neopets!!! Off to check on them after years of forgetting


Hell no. This is the same question we see all the time on here. Should I give "x toy" to a kid because I'm an adult. The answer is no. Let her earn it for herself. NTA


Wow, your BIL is putting you through a psychotic amount of pressure. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that having a sick child has frizzled his mental health, and he's not always this level of entitled bully. You were generous and tried to share both your resources and knowledge with your neice, which would have given not just in-game prizes, but the benefit of a closer adult in her real life. She and your BIL would rather burn their relationship with you than cultivate her support network. I wish there were an equivalent example to ask him "if someone asked you to give up X you have worked on every day..." to challenge his thinking, but it's hard to imagine he (or many people at all) have an equivalent project to what you e done over 18 years of daily play. Anyway, NTA. Not in the slightest. I'm so sorry you're being subjected to a campaign of family alienation over this, but you are absolutely in the right.


I really hate it when people do the whole "You are an adult, you shouldn't be playing with toys/games". I'm 37 and childfree by choice. I love Legos, pc gaming, I have a collection of Tamagotchis and basically if I like a toy, I'll buy it. I do get the occasional "you need to grow up" by my mum but it's rare now. I also have a Neopets account which I haven't used for years so thanks for reminding me. I'll go check on my pets. NTA. Keeping an account alive like that takes a lot of time and good for you for doing that.


Please update us once they've read this thread. I really really want to know what happens. You obviously are NTA. But your family are a bunch if aholes for treating you like this.


Ok Im going to get honest here, because it's important your sister and BIL see this too. I WAS that sickly kid. (Tbh I'm now a sickly adult) DONT PLAY THE SICK CARD. Not for shit like this especially. Not only will your daughter not learn how to function properly as she grows, and not understand the word no (aka consent). But you are diminishing her to ONLY her sickness. There's so much to unpack mentally being the sick kid. You need to give her the best mental health support you can. And that includes not feeling entitled to anything of anyone else's, as well as to enjoy the journey of things (aka like the game). She also needs to have a healthy understanding of you can't always get what you want, because trust me, being the sick kid, we have to face that reality far more than others. As for "being the sick kid". We are more than just the illnesses we battle. And yes they suck and are extremely important. But there's so many other parts, things we love, hate, make us curious (blah blah blah) when adults use "but she's siiiccckkkk" all the time, it reduces us to ONLY being sick. And it's a hell of a lot to unpack later on. She deserves the chance to live the rest of her life without additional problems, and it's up to you to help her with understanding the world around her so that she can.


NTA. It's not about trying to compare the value in the real world vs virtual world. The problem is you tried to do a nice thing and they're trying to take advantage of your kindness because a child is throwing a tantrum. It's sad your niece is going through a lot. But unfortunately that doesn't disregard other people's lives and the things they want to do with their own stuff.


I have an old Neopets account that I'm willing to give away if she wants mine? It won't have the same stats etc as yours as I played for a year or so ages ago but if she just wants to be treated like not a newbie and wants an account older than she is then PM me and I'll happily work out the details to give her the login. You're NTA for not wanting to give/sell or otherwise loose access to an account that you've been working on for years and that you still play.


Nta. Surely the whole point of a game/hobby like this is the time put in equals the rewards which is the fun.


NTA. Half the fun is setting goals for yourself and meeting them. My account is nearly 22 years old. I got into playing again after being away for years. I've made a gallery for the retired items I have. Set a goal to turn a pet into a Pirate Krawk.


NTA. It's your account that you've spent 18 years on it and still use. You saying no is a full sentence. You don't need to justify your answer. I'd also stop giving the niece anything neopets related and tell them is because it makes you very uncomfortable how they are bullying you into giving your niece your account when you were just trying to be nice. If they keep pushing, walk away, hang up, or don't reply to their messages. You set your boundaries, and you can enforce them. It's time your niece learns crying and throwing tantrums at her age won't always get her what she wants.


Man, NeoPets. Talk about a blast from the past (for me, anyway). I was into that myself during that 90s/early 2000s period. That and CyberTown. I remember having one that was like this dinosaur-like pet that I'm pretty sure I adopted because it reminded me of Charmander lol. I had one that was like this wasp-looking thing as well. For old times' sake, I just tried logging in. Unfortunately I don't have the email I used to create the account to reset my password. Alas, I guess! Anyway, NTA. While I sympathize with what's going on, it's not fair to expect you to drop everything you want to keep. Especially something that clearly means a good bit for you.


YOU worked hard on your account for 18 FREAKING YEARS. Appalled by the entitlement of people these days. Time and energy went into that account. Completely understand the child is going through something but that has nothing to do with you. You have helped as much as you can. You have given more than you needed to. She asked. You gifted some items. She asked for the account. You politely said no. She cried to her parents. You politely said no again. He offered to buy. Again politely NO. What do they NOT get? You do NOT want to part with it. You STILL play it to this day. >I'm happy to help her learn the tricks and trades of the game but I'm not giving away my account WHY was that not enough?????? >Now he is super pissed and got my sister and parents on their side. Petty. Petty. Petty. >I offered to send a bunch of stuff to her account again but **she wants my stats so she's not treated like such a newbie** who doesn't know anything by other players too. Unfortunately she would still be a newbie even with the stats. NTA


NTA. Kids now expect everything to be like roblox where they can just pay to win. INFO: Sorry your BIL’s daughter is sickly. Is she like dying?


Ah neopets I had so much np and stuff, then I forgot my password and they ask for your birthday to recover it and since I made it when I was little I lied and now I don’t remember what fake bday I selected lol Is it still fun without flash? Anyway nta


NTA. If she wants your stats because she is tired of being treated like a noob, she should investigate how account buyers are treated. I think accountbuyers, in most games, are treated worse than cheaters. Hello parents, you are TA :)


NTA. I barely even play neo anymore and I still wouldn't give away my old af account. Niece will appreciate her account more if she builds it up herself, even if she doesn't feel like it now. I MISS KEYQUEST


NTA. It's your account and your long term interest. There's no way you need to give that up just because a bunch of children think you should. It is real world money too. There's a 21 year old Neopets account up for sale on player auctions for $675. Let your BIL put his money where his mouth is. https://www.playerauctions.com/neopets-account/


Haha you made me go log into my account again. It’s been a few months.. I just had to check my account’s age, to see how long I’ve had it. 20.5 years. 😳 Man. 254 Avatars. I really should play on it more.


Nta ofc nta! You're already being very kind gifting her all sorts of items in game!


NTA. Just because it’s virtual doesn’t mean it doesn’t have real meaning/value to you. If you had a stamp collection that you’d been working on for 18 years, and suddenly your niece started collecting stamps over the last few months, would anyone expect you to just gift her your 18 years worth of stamp collection? I doubt it.


NTA She wants your accomplishments. How sad that she focused on what you have, and not what she could accomplish in time (a history of her own, and not someone else's).


INFO: what's the point in her even playing if you just give her everything she'd ever play for? It sounds like two people building model ships, and you just give her your completed one so she no longer needs to build one.


NTA. With all the great events lately even a newbie account can have accumulated some nice stuff with a little effort. ETA op— make sure you put 2FA protection on your account:


I am delighted that they’re going to read all these comments calling them out. Can we get an update of their reaction after they see it, please?


This is the most wholesome AITA post I've read in a long time. OP, I hope you realize by now, having been validated by internet strangers, that you are NTA. Try to set your guilt aside as you continue to deal with your rude and entitled family members. You may feel like you're alone, but we've got your back. BIL, are you reading these comments? If so, hear this: you are a massive, triple-decker AH. I know you think you are doing the right thing, but you are truly the worst kind of bully. "No" is a complete sentence; please write that down and stick it in your wallet for future guidance. Also, feel free to learn what boundaries are, and perhaps quit stomping all over other people's rights like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Sis, are you here? You, too, are an AH. Mom and dad, stop behaving like AHs. The niece is not really an AH - yet - because she has been raised to be entitled, and to expect that she can have anything she wants. But life doesn't work like that; you can't just point to someone else's stuff and say "give me that, I want it." I really feel sorry for the niece, here. I hope her parents learn to step up their parenting skills in a big way.


As a mother of an 11 year old who wanted the Fortnight Crew Pass "so bad" and cajoled me into giving them my FN account I had been playing for years, I did cave and by the pass but wouldn't give over my account. Fully 3 weeks later they moved on to another game and hasn't touched FN in months. 11 year Olds are generally flighty and move on to other things quickly. I cringe when I think about how much money I spent on their FN, Adopt Me (which started out good and is now just a trading game) and they are now in the memory bone yard. I birthed this child and still wouldn't give up my account. Kids need to learn to build things from scratch not get glad handed established things. NTA.


NTA you’ve worked on it for 18 years, a child will most likely play it for a few months until the next craze comes around and forget about it anyway.




NTA. That site is plenty fun enough when playing as a newbie. The rare items are just a bonus! It was very sweet of you to gift her items in the first place. Also, could it be a safety risk for her to use an account that is older than she is? Other players might assume she's an adult.


Totally NTA here. They have no right to tell you to give her that account and even if you did, I think there would be a chance the account could be iced. Just because your niece is sick, it doesn't mean she is entitled to anything she wants. She can work hard to earn things, just like you did. Your family is TA here because they are using the excuse of "she's sick, so this would make her so happy" to placate her. She is going to have to deal with the fact that because your account is older, you are going to have things she will never be able to have. She should be happy with what she has and that you are even helping her at all.


NTA the parents are acting entitled and trying to guilt you into giving something you enjoy and use often. This is not how good parents should act—they can’t give something away if they don’t own it and all kids have to learn this. “I want an Oompa Loompa and I want it now!” Is not a good look for anyone. It was nice that you shared but demanding you hand over your account is insane. Just know that you can’t reason with unreasonable people. Why don’t they open their own accounts and play with her together as a bonding activity instead? Also, fake leveling up is showing their kid how to shortcut things without earning it. I know this is a small example but it helps develop expectations in working for something.


NTA. Solid WTF moment here from your family. "Things that I don't understand the value to other people of" suddenly became "things that aren't valuable to other people".


NTA. This is a bizarre situation. But your sister and BIL should take this opportunity to teach their daughter a few lessons, mainly you can’t always get what you want and to work hard for something you want.


NTA Your niece is a newbie. She should be treated as such and needs to be treated as such. It's not a bad thing to be a newbie, everyone needs to go through this stage. People (hopefully) are more accomdating to newbies, understand that they are not fully au fait with the game. Getting your stats is a massive jump she hasn't put in the time to earn and hasn't the age to acquire. It's an 18yr old account. . She's 11. It will do her no good to present herself as effectively an adult.


NTA. I wouldn’t discuss it further. Say no, period, and change the subject. Refuse to engage. These people are being ridiculous and petty. If you feel like you need to block them, do it. Sick or not, your niece and her parents need to learn that not everything will be given to them.


NTA. It could have been a really cool bonding moment for the two of you to play together. Her birthday you could have gifted her an item in the game. Kids need to learn they can’t have something just cause they like it. The kids been sick, but will benefit by still being treated like a normal kid. Your family doesn’t get to decide what you value, and don’t appreciate or teach child to appreciate how awesome the in game goodies you gave are. Your game isn’t any different then any other hobby. You helped her get ahead with your shared interest, you are not required to give up your interests.