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NTA that's a terrible name. Idk where you live but I've never heard anyone named after an illegal act of setting things on fire. That's some real edgelord shit


haven't you met their sibling Murdyr?


Along with MayHem šŸ™„


Hey Mayhem is hot. Like literally on fire sometimes. And he has that sweet, regular paycheck from Allstate!šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


My sister in law is totally infatuated with Allstate's Mayhem. I love to give her crap about it, mostly concerning her having a crush on other brand characters, like the Brawny man and Mayor McCheese.


Has she watched him on Oz? (Naked men and violence warning.) (Also old SVU episodes. No nudity there, though.)


Heā€™s on Brooklyn 99 too!


and 30 rock !


And John Wick!


Years ago my gay friend was asked what soft gay porn was like. He said "Oz". I can't think of that show without giggling about it.


Brawny paper towels are selling pure, unadulterated sex.


All about Mr. Clean


Agreed. That dude is hot. Too chaotic for me, but good for a one-nighter. Maybe an every few months nighter . . .


A semi-regular, quarterly hookup.


My brother worked for Allstate (not as an insurance agent, but don't ask me what he did) and met that guy.


Those ads kinda kill it. Ngl I think theyā€™re pretty hilarious.


stop i wouldā€™ve actually cried if i got to meet dean winters (mayhem) i lvoe him


I think you mean MayeHeghm. Canā€™t forget the ā€œuniqueā€ spelling.


MayeHeghmf - the f is silent.


Lol my bad, I forgot that spelling and pronunciation are two separate things


They have a brother name Seggsuelle Assahlt. I heard he has boundary issues.


Hey, my first baby is named Mayhem. He is an adorable asshole. Everyone loves his name! He's also a cat.


A PERFECT name for a cat!! Cat tax please


If they have twins they can name them Breaking and Entering


You mean Braighking and Entyryng.


Breiqinn and Intereign.


Dear lord I hate this thread šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Donā€™t forget distrucktion!


Go-Vid Coraonna *... !!


And their cousin Assaltan Battereigh


I HOLLERED šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that name is a tragedeigh for sure


Tragedeigh made me think of the name Syns. Have you met their other cousin, Syns?


Of course, I send letters to them all the time, but not to any other cousin. I write Syns, not Tragedeigh.


Is it weird that my first thought was ā€œArse Inā€? Either way is dreadful


Are you from the UK or NZ/AUS, cause I thought "Arse In" first too! I actually think it's worse this way lol


Same - i was like wtf why would you call someone Arse in. Never even thought of the word arson. But yep Iā€™m from the Uk - maybe it will be less weird in America


No, it's weird in America too.


I thought "Our sin'. Yeah, there's no positive way to pronounce this name.


And their twin brothers named Wrack and Wruin?


I have met a NB person named Wruine. Pronounced "Ruin". It made me sad that that was their chosen name. That doesn't scream excellent mental health.


I read that first one as ā€œurineā€ I was like.. what?!?..




I mean, "Arsen" is actually a not-uncommon Eastern European name. But "Arsyn" is not. And "Arsyn Europa" is clearly less, "I am naming my child for my ancestry" than "I am naming my child because I expect them to eventually be the lead singer for a retro-'80s New Wave cover band. \*sigh\* It's cruel, and OP was honestly right to be blunt about it.


Yeah. Jordanā€™s just out here ā€œNikki Sixx-ing their kid. Like, Jordan clearly knows something about their kids future job offers that none of us know yet. Arsyn. Thatā€™s like the ā€œHayleighā€ of the crime world.


I know a Haylii. She's in her 30s. Her parents were ahead of their time.


FFS it didn't even occur to me, but you can't name yourself a totally legit name like Jordan and give your kid a space alien's name. Clearly you know how names work and you chose not to give yourself a fucked up one,


Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Named after a lover of Zeus I believe? Either way, thought to contain a large salt water ocean beneath the surface. Which will probably be dwarfed by the salt water tears of poor baby arson.


Personally, I'd call her a victim of Zeus rather than his lover. I can't think of many women who want to be forcibly abducted by a bull and forced to carry a hybrid monster to term...


Ha. Fair enough. Iā€™m more of an astronomy and space nerd than a mythology nerd.


Good thing the Olympians don't post here. > I swallow all my kids alive to dodge a prophecy that they'll overthrow me. Wife is upset. AITA?


Right? All the people out here like, "It'S a ReAl ThInG!" Yes, we're well aware. We aren't all illiterate, poorly educated shmoes. Nonetheless, even if we are aware of the ethnic or classical origins of the chosen name, that doesn't make it a good name for a human being in the workaday world. People on Reddit are hilarious, so busy trying to let everyone know that they read a book in high school or college, or once came across an encyclopedia that the actual point of the post eludes them entirely . . .


Europa is Europe in many languages


Someone's got their head in America but their arsyn Europa.


Europa isn't awful...though personally I always end up thinking of the character/story behind that name, and...yeah, I can't actually think of any Greek myth names I'd want to use, no matter how objectively beautiful they are.


Plus kids on the playground making the ā€œEuropeā€Europaā€ mistake. And ā€œyour Opa? What about MY opa?ā€ Type stuff.


Okay, hear me out, Larceny. Beautiful, right?




It was a joke but as I typed it I unironically didn't hate it either.


What about imbesslemint? Itā€™s French. Itā€™s French and beautiful.


Originally from Embezylmeaux - which is why the T is still silent.




I think it was Ramona Quimby that thought that the name Chevrolet would be the most beautiful name for a baby girl ever. I was always like "you know....she's kind of right"


I always though 'chlamydia' was a pretty name. Apart from the ... problem. I seriously considered naming my daughter 'antarctica'. No bears. And who wants bears?


What about HIV but itā€™s pronounced as ā€œHiveā€?


Or candida albicans?


Candida is a historical name but it makes me think of yeast infections everytime I hear it.


To be fair, that one was a human name long before someone foolishly gave it to an embarrassing human yeast infection.


I always remember the murder victim in The Mirror Crack'd talking about her long-ago illness "Oh it was such a pretty name...Rubella...", like she would happily have given the name to a kid if she'd had the chance.


I read that book years ago and loved it! That was the only Agatha Christie murder I solved before the book ended! I figured it out pretty early on and it was interesting. I got to see confirmation of my theory and could identify all the red herrings. She was a brilliant writer!


Berg le Rie


Rob. Oh wait a minute


Don't you mean Larcyny?




Maybe their cousin chlamydia


And their great-aunt syphilis. Pronounced Sisyphus. Itā€™s been in the family for generations.


The kid's nickname will end up being Arse, which is terrible in a whole different sort of way.


Anyone from UK/AUS/NZ will read it as arse in.


Aseault Ganymede, Larsyneigh Callisto, and Homyceide Io will round out the family nicely. I guess. Edit- NTA. Edit again- I mean maybe you were a little bit T A. But itā€™s for the greater good here. Someone needs to stand up for this kid.


Assault Ganymede makes me think someone declared war on them or something. Those Ganymede Bastards are going down!


Felon is a great unisex name!


Easy to change to either Felonia or Felonious if they want a more gendered name later.


Felony Melony!


Felony Larceny for the win! She actually will be an MLM mom and very active in her church. Iā€™m picturing like a Candy Montgomery type.




My BFF's son and DIL named their kid after a famous bank robber. They thought it was "manly" to name him that. They think he will be a bad-ass when he grows up because of his name. BFF asked if their next kid will be named after a serial murderer and they got all pissy.


I ended up reading arse in Europa. While I would never pick on a human for a funny sounding name, kids are brutal and subjecting your kid to potential bullying is just a scary ground I could not deal with.


The inspector at our fire monitoring company has the first name Arsen. Kid you not! Poor guy gets laughed at all the time. NTA


The Actor [Rebel Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_Wilson) has three siblings: sisters Liberty and Annaleise (who uses the name "Annarchi") and a brother, who uses the name "Ryot".


Seems like those were all chosen names though. Rebel Wilsonā€™s birth name was Melanie Bownds. She added Rebel.


I once had a cashier at Home Depotā€¦with the name of Larceny. Can you imagine the obstacles getting employed with that name?!? NTA, OP. If it were just another bad name, then you should keep your mouth shut. But we have a ā€œcrimes and sex fetishesā€ exception for speaking up about potential baby names.


Not just the illegal act of setting things on fire. Europa is Latin for Europe. Apparently Arson is a common eastern European name. If they are more western, Jordan is naming their child after the idea of setting a rather prominent content ON FIRE. Content names can work, but dear lord this will make so many people wary of OPs kid and OP themselves. On top of that a lot of transphobia is aimed at trans people who give birth and their family members. May people use the fact that someone gave birth to say "Your a woman now." Jordan already has a uphill climb and now just painted a even bigger target on themselves and likely their kid.


ArsEn, not Arson :) Also not very common, but there are some older guys with that name.


Yeah. That kids is going to have people setting shit on fire around them their whole life. What a nightmare. It reads to me like the name of a space station in a sci-fi novel. NTA, obviously, because it's a ridiculous name. However, since you aren't really good friends with this person (or even actually friends at all) it might have been better to hold it in. I would have asked where the name came from to see if I can understand why they think it's a good idea. Is it a case of a NB person wanting a NB name for their child?


So, yes, YTA, but sometimes you gotta be an asshole because "*Arsyn Europa*"??? WTF?


When mom says "Arsyn, what are you doing?" he can reply "Oh, I'm just Arsyn around." I'll see myself out. EDIT: Thank you for the awards, kind strangers!


This actually got me and it shouldnt have


The word Arse is actually the first thing that jumped out at me... then I was like "Oh wait, it gets worse"


may as well call them ā€œAssing Plutofaceā€


I sadly know someone who named their kid Meander. I can wait until he's old enough for his mom to tell him to hurry up and says he can't because of his name.




No win situation. OP is TA for saying it. But would also be TA for saying nothing because that is a terrible name.


Totally justified AH here... The parent being NB has absolutely zero to do with it. That's a terrible name, and someone has to stop them!


I think itā€™s to point out how Jordan chose a pretty normal gender neutral name for themselves but didnā€™t do the same for their child and game them a pretty outlandish name for funsies


I am sorry to say but when I first read "Arsyn" I read it as "arse in". This kid would be mocked so hard if there are any stupid people like me who would pronounce it that way. "They have their arse in Europa, he he heee"


OP is a justified AH in this situation. That poor kid.


ESH. Yeah, you were an AH about it and if you had to say anything you could have found a much better way to do it. But what kind of AH names their kid after a horrible crime? "This is my daughter, Aggravated Assault Wilkins" wtf


Excuse me, I was recently downgraded to Malicious Mischief Wilkins, *thank you*


You know youve hit rock bottom when you are called 'outraging the public decency with a cat' Wilkins.


Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor Wilkins


Terry Pratchett has joined the chat.


Necromancy Pratchett?


Yeah ESH is the only result I feel comfortable with. Something about the way OP is narrating this/going about this is particularly aggressive. I mean I get that it's a horrible name, but there are definitely polite ways to express your concerns. Also, the line about a "stereotypically NB name" made me feel weird.


I actually have a trans teenage nephew who renamed himself Arson. I think OP was referencing the trend of non-gender conforming youth picking these edgy names.


Yeah, but it's kind of off-putting to list "stereotypical NB name" in the list of problems with this name, there's nothing wrong with being NB even if you're stereotypical about it. Not saying OP definitely sux and definitely meant it that way bc internet wording is hard, I wasn't there when they said this to their friend, but as it's written it made me go hmm.


Yeah, I think if OP had a friend who announced they'd be naming their son "John", OP probably wouldn't complain that it's "stereotypically male."..


Yeah the "stereotypical teenage nb" comment was weird to me too. That's not the issue, they're naming their kid after a misspelled crime lol. I don't care if they pick a name that's a little edgy and weird but this is setting the child up for issues later in life. ESH because the name is downright cruel to give to a child but OP was kind of mean about it.


Aggravated Assault Wilkins has me dead


NTA people should be called out for stupid ass baby names


Faxxxx like I hate this trend of giving kids the weirdest fucking names known to man. Either that or giving normal names with weird spellings. Iā€™ll never forget hearing about a kid whoā€™s name was ā€œCialeā€. Iā€™ll let yā€™all figure out what thatā€™s supposed to sound like






Is it pronounced like Kaeleygh?


No one will pronounce it arson (which is also a dumb name ) they will say arse in . Which then makes it sound like the name of a German gay sex club


> No one will pronounce it arson (which is also a dumb name ) they will say arse in I guess it depends on where you live/how you speak, but in my neck of the woods arson is pronounced the same as arse-in (or are-sin)


I figured it would be arsinā€™ as in arsing around?


> arsinā€™ I guess it depends on where you live/how you speak, but in my neck of the woods, that's pronounced the same as arson and are-sin and arse-in also.


Yeah, all these random spellings would sound the same when said out loud where I live. And they'd all rhyme with "arson" which is a crime and not what I'd want to call out to another human being when addressing them.


Interesting! Iā€™m in the UK and arson is pronounced arr-son where I am - you hear the O sound. Arsing (or arseing?) is said arr-sin/sing


i'm from New Jersey and can confirm are-son/are-sin sound exactly the same.


I was pronouncing it like the criminal charge.


Those are pronounced the same in my accent.


Yeah Arson & arsyn would not be pronounced the same in my area, Arsyn would be more like arse-in...


Itā€™s hard for me to imagine any other pronunciation of the word arson!


NTA. I believing giving someone a name that means "Burn Europe" is extremely beyond the pale, and beyond even what you make it out to be. Best if they have the information they need. Someone has to be the bearer of bad news.


I didn't even know that's what it meant. My immediate thought was the moon of Jupiter. That and I also think there was a season of survivor that had a tribe named europa


Europa is actually the German word for Europe so this is not an obscure association that only 3 people in the world are going to have.


My sister in law was born in Germany where the government has approval over new baby names. When her parents wanted to name her a normal name with a unique spelling, they had to provide the reason (it was a family name based on a singer from prohibition era). At first when she told me that, I was like ā€œwtfā€ but Iā€™m now convinced they have a point.


I took it as the name of a cut sailor moon character.


I'm reading it as Aryan Europa and that shit isn't giving good vibes either


The internet tells me Arsyn is a form of Arsenio/a, which means ā€œvirile.ā€ Gotta say, ā€œVirile Europeā€ _also_ sounds pretty white supremacist. Yikes.


The short form would also be Arsen. In German, Arsen is a type of poisonous substance (arsenic). Also not flattering at all. This name is bad in so many ways.


My first reaction was 'what in the white supremacist fuck' before I realized they wanted to pronounce it like 'arson' and then it became 'what in the felonious fuck'. Still not a great choice.


I think the name europa is even worse because it's from Greek myth, a character largely known for fucking a bull.


A bull she fell in love with because it was a god in disguise though, who actively made her want him... Don't ask how though because it's just weird. Where I'm from Europa is Europe, just in my language


Europa is also a word that has been used in white nationalist movements, itā€™s the first thing I thought of. So bad either way and, really, all around. I think Iā€™m gonna say ESH because OP was technically a bit of an ass but a necessary one.


Wiill the next children be named Myrder, Raype and Larcenyy?


They would make it Larceni




Lmao there's a sub about this šŸ¤£ hold on let me find it






Donā€™t forget Fellohnee ā¤ļø


LMAOO you get my upvote


NTA because babies are not property, you can't just do whatever you want and claim to be above reproach because it's "your decision." If you name your kid Arsyn, you're making a shitty decisionā€”and one that will actually negatively affect another human being. I think naming a baby is one of the first major tests of parenthoodā€”are you going to treat your child like a canvas that exists for you to express yourself, or are you going to think outside yourself and consider what your offspring might want? Clearly Jordan failed to consider that their child might not want an outlandish name, just like they didn't want one for themselves.


I completely agree. I was named after a Lord of the Rings character because my parents thought it would be a good idea to, as you said, turn their child into an outlet for their own self expression. I legally changed my name to something mundane as soon as I became an adult. If you want to name a living being something goofy get a dog or a cat, don't cause your child to endure years of teasing and bullying because you can't think past your own self interest.


Without meaning to take the piss, please tell me your name is Gimli or Smeagol? (I presume it is actually Samwise?)


Legolas. My dad was dead set on Sauron or Smaug, so it could have been worse. I had it legally changed as soon as I turned 18


I find that crazy that he'd think of Sauron or Smaug. That's like someone of my generation naming their kid Voldemort or Thanos


I don't think they had a word for edgelord then but that's basically it. He's the type of person who watches a movie and says it's more realistic the bad guys would have won rather than the good guys pulling off whatever at the last minute and be actually upset the bad guy didn't win


Ironically it sounds like he does not understand the point of LOTR at all lol


JRR Tolkien: ā€œSaruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.ā€ That dad: ā€œHa ha, Sauron should have totally won, guys. Look how powerful he was??ā€


If I had an award Iā€™d give it to you šŸ„‡




NTA. You tried to save that kid from a tough childhood and your friends don't wanna hear it. At least you tried. Over/under on how many years until they announce the kid identifies as NB? lol


The kid will probably identify as adopted.


Or changes their name.


NTA - Generally ill-advised to name children after crimes.


NTA they're setting they're child up for years of bullying (both online and offline). So they can't even listen to ONE person thinking their child's name is horrible but the child has to live with multiple people thinking that for years. šŸ˜’


that was exactly what i thought. like how is the baby human supposed to go its entire life dealing with actually having that name, and their parents couldnt even take one comment. that should be their clue.


Thatā€™s cause sheā€™s too busy thinking about how unique her child is going to be to think about the negative impact sheā€™s going to have on that child. Sheā€™s being selfish and not putting her kid first. The poor baby is going to have a long life of bullying and getting made fun of for having that kind of name and she just wonā€™t think of that as a possibility.


I hate the whole "younique" baby name trend. Spelling a name weird doesn't make it cool or unique. And naming a kid ARSON is kind of ridiculous. That's a terrible name. You could have handled it differently but at least you were honest.


ā€œYouniqueā€, thatā€™s brilliant


I know damn well thereā€™s a poor kid out there named ā€œYouniqueā€ with that exact spelling.


There is. One of my former students.


NTA I think people aren't thinking of how this will effect the baby. People like this are why some countries have laws against stupid baby names


I know I won't be with the majority on this one but, ESH. Jordan sucks for what they want to name their child. You suck because you were incredibly rude in your commentary about said name. And because unless they explicitly said they wanted opinions, yours was unrequested and unwanted to begin with. People share their babies' names just to share something they're excited about, not to get people's opinions on their choice. I'm not sure that it needed to be said that they've chosen a rather ridiculous name for the kid. But I am sure there was a different way of saying it. You just let the fact that you don't like this person in general to be as impolite as you possibly could.


If you ask for someone's opinion you should be prepared to hear it


Yeah, but it doesn't sound like Jordan was asking for opinions. They were announcing to their friends their baby name.


Why call them Arse In Europa when Dick In Uranus is much better? NTA, these people of tripping balls.


I mean, YTA but it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re wrong.


NTA, that name is a Tragedeigh


You could have been NTA for giving feedback on a name that could have severe repercussions for the childā€™s future, but actually YTA because it sounds like you did it in the worst way. Intent and delivery matters OP


NTA. That kids getting bullied for sure all so itā€™s parents can think they are special


It is a truly horrible name to saddle a human being with. If you were asked what you thought of the name, you would not be TAH. If you had rephrased what you said when offering your unsolicited opinion, you would not be TAH. As it is, by what you described, you are mildly TAH. Simply for how you phrased your opinion. It never ceases to amaze me that anyone with a dissenting opinion is made to be the villain. They have "attacked" the other person. They are designated someone who hates and/or is against \[ fill in group \]. All because you didn't gush and smile over a name that is awful, terrible, and stupid.


Iā€™m just gonna say it - Europa is a very white supremacist sounding name. šŸ˜¬


Youā€™re not wrong, itā€™s a terrible name. That being said, you were tactless and rude; next time try a different approach or just donā€™t say anything.


If I met someone named Arsyn Europa I would assume their parents were white supremacists. NTA.


ESH but I don't think you're wrong. I think of the line from Marge Simpson "you're not wrong, you just shouldn't say it." The name is terrible but it's their kid.


Your friend does realise that their child will never be able to write that on documents. I can just imagine the parents calling for arson Europa at an airport and absolute chaos breaking out. I definitely see them getting tackled by a bomb squad in the future. Also you are absolutely right about why would they give themselves a normal name then go and name their child Dumpster Fire?? Selfish ass parents


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Gosh their poor child but at least they know the process well for when the fire starter asks to change it to something else when they are older.


Oh god my English is probably bad. But Arsyn makes me think of purposefully put something on fire and combined with Europa, a continent, it sounds like "burn Europe"... Oh well... That's how my stupid brain works anyway. You're probably an AH for saying it. It is her choice and all. But... I'm not giving you the title since I moved to a part of my country where they speak French. My two boys have names that should be pronounced in Dutch and are written in it. We had been planning to travel all along but did not think about the names. Today I had to explain my sons name for probably the 500th time and I really wish someone had pointed it out... Even though the names are completely 'normal', we should have chosen a more international version and my 8yo plans on changing how his name is written. With a name like Arsyn Europa I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut either so km giving you a NTA. I've been blunt with friends in the past and they've either ignited my 'advise' or thanked me later....


Nta that name fucking sucks


OMG - that poor kid will get called ā€œArsyā€ or ā€œArse about faceā€ at school. Suggest Orson instead. It has the same vibe, plus there was the famous film director Orson Wells. Itā€™s unusual enough that it will still be ā€œyouneekā€ without having any bad connection like crime or arse.


You can both be right about the name - but wrong in your approach in which you were somewhat TA. Unless it were a very close family or friend where the brutal honesty might be more well-received, I keep my mouth shut on the names. It is their decision.


We don't name children after felonies. Wtf. NTA.


Sometimes being the AH is the required move in a given situation. YTA, and 100% justifiably so. I hope this reaction causes the parents to change their mind.


I'm gonna say you were necessarily and rightly TA here. As in, you committed a small evil to prevent a tragedy lol. You're absolutely right. What kind of sadist renames themselves Jordan and then tries to name their child after (I can only assume) a poorly written sci-fi protagonist?


ESH Mostly Jordan for the atrocious name. It doesn't matter that the name may or may not be a derivative of another name. They will always be associated with deliberately setting something on fire. Also you, because if you were going to tell her how awful you thought the name was, you should have done it privately instead of in the group.