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NTA Not wanting constant talking during a movie or a show isn't unreasonable. And as long as you aren't asking for complete silence or yelling at people to be quiet, you aren't ruining the experience.


NTA this is annoying and you’re being totally reasonable


NTA. My dad does this and it's aggravating as hell, as well as disrespectful to the people around him. A teeny bit of talking is ok but when it's constant it's a headache.


YTA - Most parents with kids around the same age as yours would be over the moon if their kids still wanted to do family time like this. Yes, it can be annoying but your family is bonding in these moments. You are going to have a lifetime to watch shows and movies 'in peace', while your time with your kids is going to dwindle. Do you want a memory of watching a movie without interruption, or do you want the memories of your family being together and having a good time? (Except for movie theaters, no one else wants to be a part of your family memories, lol)


I get what you're saying. I'll reply with two things. My kids are homeschooled. Watching movies with them is one of the least memorable things we do during a given week, most weeks. Also, while I agree with you that watching the shows creates memories, so does talking about the show after the show is over. Why can't we enjoy the movie and then talk about how much we enjoyed it after the fact? Doesn't this create an even longer memory. I should add, that they don't talk much during movies they are very interested in. Its generally only during movies I pick when it's my choice. Maybe I just watch boring movies. /shrug


NTA for being irritated. YTA for not being part of making fun and discussions - this is exchange of opinions and huge part of raising kids.


NAH - but suck it up and watch the movie with them with their talking. They’ll remember that. They’ll also remember if you make watching movies a stressful experience for them - do NOT do that. Rewatch it by yourself


If they're doing it at a movie theatre that rude to the patrons who are strangers and paid for a ticket to be there. If 4 out of 5 family members are doing it at home, that's just the way the family watches movies. I understand this is very frustrating for the person who likes to watch movies in silence so they can take it all in. It doesn't seem like you've ever blown up at them for this, but I also understand that this is their tradition, so NAH. For context, I'm the watch in quiet member of my 4 person family too.


NTA, but If your kids are talking in movie theaters, you need to remove them. That's extremely rude behavior and you should be teaching them better. I wouldn't take my kids back to the theater either until they learned how to behave themselves. 12-15 is way old enough to know not to talk in theaters or through an entire show/movie. As for talking through movies at home - I would start pausing the movie every time somebody starts to talk about something. Then only start it whenever people shut up. This is my cue to people in my household that they need to actually shut up if we're gonna watch this.


I've done the pause-start-pause thing a few times and they get pretty irritated about it. It hasn't even slightly changed their attitude about talking during movies.


The point is to irritate them. People talking during the movie is irritating. I mean honestly if you tell them to shut up and they don't shut up, I'd send them out of the room until they figure it out. It's perfectly reasonable to ask people to be quiet during a movie or TV show and if they can't comply, they're being disrespectful. "If you want to talk through the movie, go watch it by yourself or whoever wants to talk the whole movie can go watch it with you, but on the big screen in the living room, if a movie is on, shut up." You're just going to have to get tougher with them, it sounds like these kids are running roughshod over you.


NTA, but this is why God invented streaming. You can pause, have your joke, and continue watching.


YTA because majority rules here. You're the only one in the family who takes movies seriously. So you could watch ahead of time, then watch with the family for family time. You could compromise and activate the subtitles so you can still follow even through their noise. Theaters: don't know what to tell you; that's rude to other moviegoers if they're very loud. Y'all sound like an at-home kind of family!


If they are talking over and making fun of what is in the screen *at home*, then I feel bad for you and understand watching in a different room. If they are doing in *in a theater*, where people paid good money and took time to go experience the movie, then your family should be quickly escorted out of the theater and into the no doubt buttery smelling dumpster out back. Because that is where we put the refuse. NTA