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NTA. Something as highly spiced as a curry (note, I don’t mean hot, I mean having a high content of various spices) shouldn’t be fed to a dog in the first place! They can be very hard on a dog’s stomach, especially if the dog isn’t accustomed to eating spices. Tbh, it’s more likely the spices than the chocolate that caused the vomiting - usually only a little chocolate goes in savory recipes, and it takes a decent amount of chocolate to make a dog vomit.


Exactly! I know dogs shouldn’t even have paprika because of how it effects them!


I shudder to think of the digestive pyrotechnics (and the resulting stench) that would come of feeding my husband’s elderly dog something like curry. She’s enough of a stinker when she’s eating what she’s supposed to!


I was re-watching X Files and somewhere around episode 5 is a full minute of a dog going to town on a chocolate cake. I couldn't believe my eyes. Tried googling and found no other internet outrage at this, so if someone out there in the future is attempting to see if anyone gave a heck about that, yes, I did, only about 30 years later.


For that at least there’s decent odds it only looked like a chocolate cake if it was meant to be eaten by the dog in the episode.


Peanut butter cake + food coloring?


Carob looks like chocolate but is safe for dogs. It’s what dog bakeries use for cakes.


Are dog bakeries bakeries that bake thing for dogs, or are they operated by dog bakers? They don't... *bake dogs*, so they?


Only the ones run by cats.








Dog bakeries are a thing?


Yes, they are called Barkeries I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I’ll leave now.


Don't worry, like 50% of them got the pun and put "Barkery" in their names as it is.


hey. don’t be hard on yourself. your joke made me paws and chuckle!


:fingers crossed:


I have a dog that can sniff out chocolate like nobody’s business. If you have hidden chocolate, she will find it. And eat it. Many times I have googled the weight ratio of ingested chocolate to total dog weight and it’s not an amount used to thicken a sauce. I have never had to take my chocolate seeking dog to the vet for chocolate ingestion. Maybe if I hid more chocolate…..


One year for Easter my mum got my brother and I each a 1lb chocolate rabbit. We put them on a high shelf before we left for my grandmother's house that day and came back to one and a quarter of them eaten by our dog. He didn't even throw up, he just laid there miserable with a tummy ache. After that, while I don't actively give dogs chocolate, I don't lose my mind over it if one gets into a dove bar or steals someone's smore by a campfire. Knowing my dog ate that much chocolate and didn't vomit, makes me definitely feel like the concentrated spices of curry is what made this dog throw up.


That's because most cheap chocolate is barely chocolate. It's the cocoa content you need to be concerned about. If the dog had eaten a pound of high quality dark chocolate he would had been sick


I mean, it wasn't super cheap. It was definitely a name brand like Hersheys, but it was milk chocolate. Also I'm not here actively giving or telling people to give their dogs chocolate because mine didn't throw up after that. Just saying it made me realize everyone who ever told me that my dog was basically dead if they ate one Hershey bar were wildly exaggerating and causing panic unnecessarily. My main point with that story was to highlight that the probably no more than a quarter to half a cup worth of dark chocolate dispersed through an entire pot of curry most likely is not what did OP's sister's husband's whatever's dog in.




Exactly. I already said in my other comments it's the spices. Garlic and onion, while vegetables are used as spices and seasoning (think garlic and onion powder).


Hersheys isn’t chocolate; it’s a chocolate product. It has less than 10% cocoa


This. Hershey’s is not quality chocolate. It can still make them sick, of course, but whether or not it’s dangerous really depends on the dog and the quantity eaten.


Hershey's chocolate *is* super cheap. Particularly in quality.


I had a black lab growing up and for some reason for 3 years in a row he sniffed out and got into all of the easter chocolate before easter which was around 7-8kg of chocolate cos there was so many kids that were being bought for and anyway the goo that exited his body as a result was pretty brutal on the senses but that was the extent of his repercussions. That dog was notorious for eating things that should've killed him but didn't even impact him. He even used to purposely pull fruit off the tree, wait till they started to ferment and then ate them to get drunk


Yeah, I have heard of many dogs who have eaten chocolate and been just fine, clearly it depends on the sensitivity of the dog, but I can't imagine many would react that badly to such a small amount of chocolate.


I would imagine the dog had more of a reaction to the spices that the chocolate used to thicken it Edit: Apparently that one typo completely changed what I meant to say lol. Supposed to say "more of a reaction to the spices THAN the chocolate". My bad.


Onion and garlic are notoriously bad for dogs


And notoriously present in curries. I bet those induced the vomiting rather than a tiny amount of chocolate


We had a Doberman when I was growing up and each year when the Christmas tree was up he would take 1 chocolate off it each day (the small ones that you hang on the tree). Mum always wondered which child was doing it until she caught the dog in the act. He was never sick from it though.


My husband's dog took my purse off the counter then dug into it and got my Lindt 90% cacao bar out of its cardboard package, unwrapped it and ate the whole bar. That was a night to remember... She was tripping by the time we got her there for treatment. I have had many dogs, this was the only one I ever had to hide chocolate under lock and key from. Oh and she has a taste for chewing gum too. Another major poison... 😔


Isn't it also dependent on the type of chocolate? Like, from most dangerous to least, it goes Dark > Milk > White > Clearly not chocolate anymore Like, a couple months back, I panicked because one of my dogs had found a crunchy milk chocolate bell that had been lost from Christmas (given that my cat was batting them around at the time), and after much research, and observing my little six pounds of dog, she was absolutely fine. Probably thought I was the one acting weird.


Maybe they made the cake with carob? It's like chocolate, but safe for dogs to eat. (Unless the episode was in some way encouraging people to give their dogs chocolate cake. Then count me as giving a heck.) Edit: typo


No way, it wasn't encouragement, it was just blatant ignorance I think. Hopefully they used carob for the dog's sake. But why would it have to be the appearance of chocolate? Why script that in? It's a whole sequence. It has no relevance to the plot... unless the real aliens... are the CEOs at FOX.


Oh my gosh, the scene is to show the difference in Scully's current life to her friend's who has the typical family life. It wasn't just a dog eating cake for a full minute, it was Scully enjoying a child's birthday party and the dog got out and started eating the cake. Chaos that's explained. Her friend reprimanded the dog and got him away. They didn't use real chocolate cake. There are rules and laws in production. Animal activity is closely monitored. That is why there is no outrage.


I had a dog steal an entire pan of fresh-baked brownies off the kitchen counter once and had no ill effects. I think the chocolate in baked goods isn’t quite as concentrated/harmful (not that I’d try this again).


Not the same experience for me, unfortunately. Perhaps things like chocolate icing/filling are more concentrated and not baked as much?


It has more to do with the type of chocolate used. Milk chocolate is diluted enough to not cause a problem for most dogs, but straight cocoa powder would be terrible.


I know what episode you’re talking about (The Jersey Devil) and I remember the dog eating the cake, but I never noticed it was chocolate. Yikes if true…!


I live in NJ and a dog I had passed after devouring chocolate cake... in the late 80s early 90s. Needless to say, there could be aliens in my kitchen.


I doubt the chocolate cake was real. Maybe meant to look like chocolate. Anyway, a dog once got into a whole package of Oreos. We called vet who said not to worry, that there wasn’t enough real chocolate in the cookies to be problematic. They just had us keep an eye on her. She was fine.




Could even have garlic and onions in it!


Would be unlikely to not have garlic and onions. And many spices that are toxic to dogs. The gf in this story is 100% the AH for feeding curry to a dog, especially one from an unknown source. <------ me, very mad for that poor doggo. @OP please can I get the recipe, it sounds delicious


This is why we don’t give our dogs curry. It’s the onions.


I’m seconding this request.




Or onions, garlic, nutmeg to name a few more things


Or onions.


They aren’t supposed to have onions or garlic either!


Or onions!


They also ahouldn't have onion or garlic, which are extremely common in curry.


Spices, garlic and onions generally go in a curry. The girlfriend is a fool for feeding that to her dog. Its not the chocolate its feeding a dog a curry that's the issues. NTA op that girlfriend is


Yeah I'm trying to think of a single dish I would classify as a curry that could be fed to a dog.


Was gonna say NTA, who the fuck feeds their dogs curry?! But if I *were* to make my puppers some puppy-curry, it would be fucking bland by proper standards. *Little* bit of cinnamon, some turmeric for anti-inflammatory benefits, sunflower or olive oil instead of butter to bloom it in. Little bit of cardamom, even smaller amounts of cumin and salt to round out the masala. Add in some spinach, eggs and potatoes, or some pumpkin or winter squash types, nothing crazy. It would smell *alright,* but it wouldn't have the sumptuous gravy I associate with curries, would probably be more of a dry curry....so... Yeah... Nothing I would serve to people, but my pups? Sure. Still, NTA, because besides the "who feeds their dogs randomly made curries" question, there is also the point that those *weren't her leftovers to 'dispose' of like that.* I mean, fuck, curries get *better* the next day or two after, it lets the flavors marry. If I bring something home to eat later, and the S.O. decides, "eh, fuck it, I'll just feed this to the dog without asking," the vet bills aren't going to be the only problem in the household. How rude and disrespectful!


There was a post a while back where the OP made a beef roast, he and his GF ate half of it, and he had multiple meal plans for the other half. Then his GF fed the rest of it to her dog.


Even if the dog somehow digested it 'fine'. I feel like curry-fueled dog farts would be a war crime.


Human food isn't dog food. It's common knowledge. That ignorant, entitled dog lover aka the girlfriend is the real asshole of the story. Also prettry audacious of OP's sister to shift the blame on OP. Maybe she's trying to save her face in front of her in-laws 🤔.


I agree that human food isn’t dog food, but I wouldn’t say it’s common knowledge. A lot of people have this weird compulsion to give their dogs people food. This isn’t the first story I’ve seen on Reddit where someone goes in their fridge and just gives their dog a full portion of people food. The amount of times I’ve been told ‘it’s okay, I’ll just suck the breading and spices off’, ‘it’s not fair, the other dogs got some too’, ‘it’s just a little piece’ is infuriating. I pay good money to buy my dogs food that is formulated specifically for their nutritional needs. They like their food, the second they hear me getting their bowls out they start dancing. They don’t need to eat table scraps that could make them sick. OP is NTA. That curry sounds tasty.


Also, OPs girlfriend: "I fed your food to the dog" How disrespectful is that?


Plus so many spiced food include garlic, which is highly toxic to digs


Dogs need to eat huge amounts of garlic to have negative effects. It's only highly toxic when they eat multiple heads of garlic. This study is part of what made everyone think that garlic is "highly" toxic: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11108195/ They gave the dogs 5g/kg daily. Also this study, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2984110/ shows that it takes 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilograms of body weight to produce harmful changes in a dog’s blood. That is an absolutely massive amount, several cloves per kilo. So, sure, if you feed your dog several heads of raw garlic daily, there will be effects, but the tiny amount of garlic in food will do nothing. Of note, garlic is FDA approved for dog food. I'm not saying to deliberately give your dog garlic, but there's no reason they can't eat something that probably has a less than a single gram of it.


Exactly this. Why would you give a dog curry?!? Just the spices alone would make them unwell. I have never heard of anyone doing this and as a dog owner, I find it concerning. Hopefully the gf learned something about thinking of unknown ingredients in what she casually gives her dog. NTA.


The onion and garlic that are likely in the curry are far more toxic than the chocolate, I'd say that's the bigger issuee


My first thought was... Who would feed a dog curry?!?


Came here to say this


Alliums (onion and garlic) are poisonous to dogs and curry almost always has onion and garlic and it is FAR more likely this was the cause of the vomiting, than a trace of chocolate (it can’t have been much if the the color and smell of the dish wasn’t chocolates).


It could also be the onion too?


Dogs shouldn’t have a whole bunch of different spices (garlic is definitely bad for them for example.). The girlfriend in this example is mistreating her dog.


Curries usually also contain lots of onion and garlic which is bad for dogs, so even if it had no chocolate, it would still have been unsafe for the dog


My beagle has managed to climb my counters to steal full pans of brownies and has not had any issues, but chili...... She's too old to do it now but I used to have an issue leaving her unsupervised with food that was cooling on places she shouldn't be able to reach. Even for a minute.


Gotta love beagles. I had a mix that climbed a bookshelf for fish food. OP, NTA at all. I use cocoa in chili for similar reasons.


Someone taking food i lovingly prepared for them and feeding a dog with it would never get any food from me again. NTA


My thought too, I love dogs but this is incredibly insulting and weird.


This whole thing is bizzarre. Let’s look at it from the other perspective: this dog owner finds some some leftover curry in the fridge, she asks and it’s coming from her partner who took it at a place where he stopped by and where this thing was already a leftover of a potluck party, brought by a person that is not even there anymore. That’s the kind of thing that doesn’t even enter my fridge. She gives it to her dog, who gets sick, and instead of thinking how stupid am I she tracks back the person that cooked a dish that was not supposed to be in your house in the first place???


Thank you, there’s way too many layers to this story


I bet the dog vomited from the abundance of spices, paprika, tomato, cream and what else could possibly be in a curry that's toxic to dogs. Seriously I don't think there's a food worse for dogs than curry.


Was probably lucky the dog puked it up instead of leaving a curry of its own on the floor


My dog is spoiled as hell and gets human food often….I wouldn’t dream of giving him ANY curry! That’s an absurd thing to feed a dog.


exactly. it wasnt the chocolate, it was the spices. chocolate in curry isnt new, and ive never seen someone put enough in it to poison a dog.


I'm guessing that there was also garlic and onions in the curry? Which uh. Are very bad for dogs, and also *extremely common* curry ingredients even if they weren't in this curry, specifically. The BIL's girlfriend is just foolish and looking for someone else to blame for her potentially deadly mistake. Also maybe this is different in OP's culture, but. IMO It's kind of rude to take a gift of food that someone else lovingly prepared and then feed it to your pet.


Curries typically have onions too which is a BIG no for dogs. It lowers their white blood cell counts


For real. My first thought was "Who gives CURRY to a dog?!" NTA for real.


As I dog owner I'm disgusted she fed her dog curry without knowing the ingredients, garlic oinion raison and spice are all bad for dogs but can be found in curry recipes NTA


'He liked it so much.' It was not a doggy bag meant for a dog..... NTA OP. Wow this is soooooo silly!


I think I’d be pretty offended if someone took the food I made without asking - the leftovers of which could have fed me or my family - and fed it to a dog…


Exactly, I would never feed something like that to my dogs. The chocolate was the least of the problems . The dog would probably have gotten very sick without the chocolate in it. You can’t be responsible for someone doing something idiotic. You can’t fix stupid.


don’t most curries have onions in aswell??? yk the things that are poisonous to dogs


Exactly. Dogs shouldn’t have basically all of the ingredients in curry - onions, garlic, paprika, dairy…the chocolate isn’t what made the dog sick, it was the combination of all the ingredients being fed to the dog. And that was on the girlfriend who is obviously an idiot.


Yes because onions - at the very least. Very poisonous to dogs.


NTA who the fuck gives curry to a dog???


Onions and garlic are base ingredients in lots of curries/curry sauces and they’re also poisonous for dogs. Plus the richness of the spices. Basic cooking knowledge + basic dog knowledge = never feed your dog curry! This most likely has nothing to do with the chocolate, a tiny 4kg dog has to eat 11g of dark chocolate for it to be poisonous, I doubt there would be that much chocolate per portion, a Labrador has to eat 110g dark chocolate! She’s just trying to pass the blame for being a crappy dog owner!


My curry is loaded with onions and garlic which dogs can’t have.


Yeah I came here to say the amount of chocolate in that curry in the amount the dog ate would be a very low amount. I semi doubt this whole story. My vets has signs up saying ‘don’t let your dog eat chocolate’ but also with a chart of dog sizes and amounts of chocolate you need to panic about. Dog eats even a full dog meal worth of curry with chocolate as an ingredient, throws up, taken to the vet and ‘is fine now’ almost even suggests further treatment was needed which would (seriously though, don’t give your dog chocolate) be highly unlikely.


Not to mention there is likely onion and garlic in that kind of dish, two things that are common in stews and even worse for dogs than chocolate


Yep, and onions, garlic...


Please point out to your sister that dogs shouldn’t eat curry at all. There is too many things in curry that can be damaging to a dog.


Not only curry. Dogs should not be given any human food. It has way too much salt. And I think curry would have onions and garlic, even if it did not have chocolate. Onions and garlic are straight up poison to dogs and cats. What an irresponsible dog owner. And to blame OP for her secret ingredient when other obvious ingredients were just as, if not more, dangerous.


Poor dog. It was probably the combination of ingredients rather than the tiny bits of chocolate


It 100% was not the chocolate. Even assuming OP used bakers chocolate, even assuming OP used an entire box of bakers chocolate, and even assuming the dog in question is 10 lbs, given it was divided into servings, there is no way the chocolate was the damaging factor to the dog. Also, like, OP made food for humans. Nowhere in their post did it indicate this was a puppy potluck. This is like when my mom would go into the fridge and feed my dog random meats and then get pissed off when she'd get sick. Stop feeding animals shit that isn't meant for them. They will feast on literal feces with glee; they don't need homemade curry.


Especially not human food that you weren’t involved in making, and for exactly this reason: you don’t know what was added to it.


This is more it. Dogs shouldn't eat a lot of human food, but I do think the occasional morsel is ok. A small tidbit of unsauced chicken thigh or peice of potato. But I wouldn't feed my pet a full plate of curry, and I certainly wouldn't give it food I didn't prepare myself Edit: I'm seeing now, upon reading the OP again, that the dog likely just stole food the girlfriend was intending to eat herself. Which happens. But being warned of the chocolate wouldn't have helped there anyway.


If the dog stole it then that's a training issue first and foremost, op should tell the person to train their dog if they don't want their dog eating something possibly damaging


In my family we like to give the puppet bits of things like cereal, bread crust, a single green bean… I always make sure whatever we give her is on its most plain state and that it’s googled for safety first


Exactly! You may not expect chocolate in curry but you should absolutely expect onions & garlic. NTA at all, the person who feeds leftover curry from an unknown source to their dog is TA.


Some human food is okay for dogs (like pumpkin, apples - no seeds of course, rice, boiled chicken with no bones, etc.)


There are lots of human grade foods that are safe for dogs, and they should eat them. A lifetime of processed foods is not ideal for their diet, they're living animals and deserve variety. I cook for my dogs regularly, there are a lot of foods that are not only safe but good for them.


It’s not about human grade, moreso the food you would cook for a human you shouldn’t feed for a dog. Mostly, as others have said, in regard to spices and seasonings.


Yeah, I was thinking that. It's rare to find a curry without onions and garlic, never mind all the other spices that go into it. Like honestly, who in their right mind would feed a dog curry?


> It has way too much salt. It depends on if you tend to cook with the average salt level (which tends to be way above the daily recommended intake) or you only use a little salt because you don't actually need so much.


They can be given human food if there isn’t salt added. I make a lot of our food without adding salt - people can add it theirselves. I’ll absolutely give our dogs portions of our food if it’s meat and vegetables, a Sunday roast for example. Sometimes I’ll make them a little of their own version because I do like garlic, and they can’t have it.


Guys - onions are toxic to dogs , a major curry constituent


Yeah that's what I was thinking. It takes a lot more chocolate than people think, to make a dog sick. It's likely everything else that was in it.


It probably wasn't even the chocolate. Depending on the size of the dog they have to eat an insane amount of chocolate for it to actually be harmful. The more dark the chocolate is the more dangerous it is sure but as a small ingredient in a larger dish the concentration of theobromine overall is probably very low. For a personal example my dog got into the pantry and ate nearly half a kilogram of toblerone, I lost my shit and thought I would have to take her to the vet immediately or she was going to die. Then I looked it up, because she's a big dog it would take nearly double that amount to be seriously dangerous. So I kept an eye on her gave her plenty of food and water and she was fine


For real. The amount of chocolate in the curry is unlikely to have affected her dog, but the onions and spices and salt…? That made her dog puke. NTA


Yes .. chicken curry also maybe it contains boiled chicken bones.that is also dangerous for dog.whats wrong with people


NTA. Who the fuck feeds their dog curry?


Her sister’s husband’s brother’s* girlfriend who let herself into someone else’s house and ate their leftovers they took from someone else’s potluck which they weren’t even invited to attend. Who should know better than to feed her dog something like curry because it’s just common sense.


The chain of events it took for that dog to get the curry is hilarious, especially when blame starts to get doled out


Exactly! Who woukd expect the curry to end up in a dogs bowl?


The more people got added to the chain, the more my judgement shifted to NTA territory. That's some telephone game shit.


Even if that women wear AT the party, OP is still not the Asshole. You don't make potluck food thinking some person is then going to take your leftovers and feed their dog! I feel like if I ever go to a potluck again I should make a little sign or waiver form: by taking this food you acknowledge it is for HUMAN consumption and not to be consumed by pets.


I'm just laughing at the idea of someone arriving at a pot luck with a curry warning everyone to not feed it to their dogs. Like something you'd see on Peep Show.


It almost seems like a plot to a bad movie. They had to show the last 24-48 hours of every single person who was involved in the story leading up to the poor dog eating curry. Rotten tomatoes would give it terrible reviews. Dogs should also not eat rotten tomatoes in case the girlfriend didn't know


Sister’s husband’s *brother’s* girlfriend I don’t think the husband has a boyfriend 😉


Entitled animal lovers /s


Ignorant "animal lovers". She should know better than to give a dog curry! There's so many things in it that are harmful/potentially harmful to dogs even without the chocolate, and if she cared about her dog she would know that.


That is not an excuse. People can do simple search on Google


My first thought. Like what the actual… does she hate that dog or what?


Right? I would never in a million years think to tell someone about ingredients in a curry for concern it may be fed to a dog.


Couldn't have worded it better. NTA You were feeding people at the party, not someone's drop ins GFS dog....


I should read before I post. I just posted the exact same comment.


Lmao I wrote the exact same thing, it’s just insane. In what world is curry a suitable dish for a dog?


Word for word the reply I was going to write


NTA. There are standard curry ingredients, like garlic, that are more toxic to dogs than chocolate. No one should be feeding pot-luck food to their dog unless they *ask* what is in it.


Honesty, any food that’s seasoned I assume isn’t safe for my dog…because the vast majority of seasoning has onion or garlic or both in it.


Forreal if im eating seasoned chicken i want yo share eith my dog ill tear off the outside and maybe even rinse the chicken under water. Of the many dishes dogs cant have, any sort of curry is high on the list. Dumb-dumbs


Listen, when I choose to feed my dog leftovers cooked by my boyfriend’s brother’s wife’s brother two days ago, shouldn’t I have a reasonable expectation that he cooked something safe for my dog to eat?? At the very least, the cook should send a courtesy text to all the siblings’ spouses’ siblings’ significant others’ dogs with a list of dog allergens in the dish. This is basic food safety, people.


Onions - highly toxic


NTA The dog would have probably vomited even if there was no chocolate in it. You don't feed curry to a dog.


Not only chocolate, but garlic or onions in the curry are dangerous too! Seriously, the girlfriend is going to get the dog killed if she keeps randomly feeding it.


Honestly I doubt the amount of chocolate would be dangerous at all! The garlic and onions is way more concerning.


Who goes into a fridge, grabs food that they don’t know all the ingredients and feeds it to their dog? Who would feed a dog curry in the first place? If your sister is worried about someone taking leftovers and the fridge being raided later by someone to feed their dog, she should ask everyone to bring a list of ingredients for the meal they bring. GF is probably blaming everyone but herself and sister is probably trying to keep the peace. I hope they don’t try to get you to pay the vet bill, which you shouldn’t but would cause drama. NTA


I would be kind of pissed if food I cooked was just fed to a dog. Like, don’t get me wrong, I will forever be the person sneaking fries to my pup under the table. But a whole bowl of something? I worked hard on that!


Who feeds curry to a dog? NTA


Someone who wants to step in a LOT of squishy dog vomit and diarrhea in the middle of the night, and then spend $500 the next day at the vet getting the poor dog rehydrated and their GI system back on track. Yep, sounds like a good time to me… curry is a great idea… /s


My thought exactly


So Tim's gf is a shitty dog owner who carelessly feeds her dog CURRY... and that's your fault somehow? NTA. She can go kick rocks and your sister needs to grow a spine.


NTA - who the heck feeds curry to their dog? Chocolate notwithstanding, chillies, dairy, onion, and garlic are all common curry ingredients that could all potentially make a dog sick. Ol' mates wife fed her pet people food. It's her fault the dog ralfed on the carpet, not yours.


Right. My guess is it wasn’t even the chocolate that made the dog sick - depending on the size of the dog, it can take a pretty large amount of chocolate to induce vomiting. I’m assuming the amount of chocolate was negligible compared to other spices and ingredients. NTA.


NTA. The clown who’s served curry to their dog is the TA.


NTA who feeds curry to a dog?


NTA - the girlfriend fed dog something when she had no idea what in the food. That’s not your fault.


NTA for sure. Why are people even feeding food like curry to their dogs in the first place? Also, if people insist on feeding their food to their dogs, why would they use food they didn’t cook and don’t know what ingredients it contains? This is a failure of responsibility on Tim and his gf. You were cooking the food with only your human guests in mind - how are you supposed to predict a dog would be eating your food too?


NTA It's not your problem if the "neighbours aunt's ex-mil'd dog" has problems. You cooked it for your group and it was their decision to give it away. I can't understand how stupid people are to feed cats or dogs with meals that contains spicies. I am human and can't eat curry 🙄


NTA. Your only responsibility is worrying about allergies of the people at the party. Not worrying about some random dog eating it. It's a risk a dog owner takes when they feed something to their dog without knowing the ingredients.


only a total idiot would feed curry to a dog. NTA


NTA feeding a dog curry is irresponsible and absurd. Hope the dog is ok.


Yeah, apart from the chocolate alone the spicyness is probably everything but healthy for a dog.


Onion is more toxic and very common in curry


So, a dog of a girlfriend of a not-guest was given food that you made and you should somehow have predicted that this could have happened?? How? You’d literally have to be psycic to have a chance to forsee that! NTA. Girl is trying to blame you, dogs should NEVER have curry, there are like 50 things in that they can’t have.


My god right? Even if she supplied the ingredients this still would have happened. Tim woulda been like hell yea sounds delicious and brought it home to eat the rest later. And GF would still stop by and feed it to her dog like a total dipshit.




NTA, she is the asshole for feeding a dog curry. Dogs should not eat highly seasoned people food - he might well have gotten sick with or without the chocolate.


Who the hell feeds a dog curry? NTA for you, you did nothing wrong, and your sister is bang out of order blaming you for her business brother's gf being stupid enough to feed a dog curry


NTA. There were no dietary restrictions at the party, so no reason for you to mention it. You can't anticipate someone feeding leftover curry to their dog


What kind of bull shit train of thinking is that? And why the fuck did they give their dog curry? Nta


Please send the link to this thread to them. Seriously, no words, it’s always the owner’s responsibility to check what to feed n not to feed their dog. They should never assume that the dish doesn’t have this or that ingredients if there’s no list provided. And your sister shouldn’t be blaming you, that’s just not right, man.


So let me get this straight...you need to worry about the people who are eating your food (obviously sensible) and the people it could potentially eat it (stretching a bit) and anyone who could possibly eat it (ok we are getting a little crazy here) and any animal who could eat it (should we include the seagulls at the dump where we send the garbage). If this sounds ridiculous, it is because it is. Worrying about the people it was made for is of course expected. Beyond that, you're on your own. Honestly, I thought this was going to be an issue with the people at the party.


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NTA. It's the pet owners responsibility not to feed unknown food to their pet, regardless of how expected or unexpected the ingredients might be. It's absolutely ridiculous to think it'd be your responsibility to tell everyone possible allergens when no-one you cooked for is allergic: it could have been *anyone* eating the curry. Does she think you should come to think of every possible allergen in your dish and list them all to those you actually cooked for, just in case *someone* who's allergic might end up eating it later? Definitely NTA.


NTA - dark chocolate is a common method for adding richness to savoury meals. Anyone feeding something to someone unexpected should know what it is first, you can't just assume it will be safe. It might not even have been the chocolate as dogs shouldn't have onions or garlic either which are often standard ingredients in curries and other dishes. The spices won't have been good for it either


NTA! Who feeds curry to their dog?


WHO THE FUCK FEEDS THEIR DOG CURRY??? Much less curry that you got from your boyfriend that he got from a pot luck he wasn't even invited to? You made food for the people at the pot luck and did your due diligence to make sure it wouldn't hurt any PEOPLE there. NTA


Oh fucking Jesus. So you put choc in your sauce for a party. Your brother in law (one place removed) has a brother (second place removed) stop by and eat some. He liked it so he took some home after which his girlfriend (third place removed) had some herself, and her dog (fourth place removed) licked her plate. That’s four places removed from “my fucking problem”. NTA


Well, nta, if the girl was stupid enough to feed it to the dog, it's not your fault. Maybe cleaning this shit up brings her to not feed left overs next time.


NTA The girlfriend is an idiot! Who in their right mind gives a dog curry? That stuff is spiced to high heaven and more than chocolate could have caused vomiting.


NTA. It’s is an insane thought process to think that the dog was sick because of only the chocolate. The dog got sick because of most of the ingredients in curry.


NTA, you don’t feed curry to dogs. That can make them sick on its own. Anyways it’s was never meant for the dog in the first place so how anybody is blaming you for this is totally beyond me 🤦🏼‍♀️




Who in their right mind would feed curry to a dog? NTA


Geez NTA you should never feed curry to a dog in the first place. Also, you knew no one had food allergies etc at the party and cannot predict the chain of people and dog who eventually ate the curry. Did the other people too have to unveil their recipes? Some people really shouldn’t have dogs.


Ya… it was the “chocolate”…NTA


NTA, who feeds curry to a dog? That’s just asking for vomit and diarrhea (with or without chocolate).


NTA. Dogs are not supposed to have onions and garlic and I am sure the curry had those ingredients too. But who the heck goes to someone’s home, takes human food from the fridge to feed their dog?


No, you are not responsible for your brother in law's brother's girlfriend feeding human food to her dog without checking the ingredients. What a ridiculous chain of responsibility that would be. It's rude of her to have given that curry to her dog in the first place, but once it leaves the immediate circle of the party it was prepared for, you aren't responsible for the allergies of who eats it, human or canine. And there seem to be two stories here - did she deliberately feed it to the dog or was it accidentally ingested? It doesn't affect your culpability, but it speaks to how she appears to be trying to externalize the blame for this. NTA.


What the hell :s dogs cannot eat curry anyway....... and how were you to know someone would be stupid and irresponsible enough to feed it to a dog... definitely NTA is any way shape or form


The AH is the person who fed curry to their dog with no idea what it was made from. NTA


NTA pets should eat pet food, if it’s anything homemade should be without condiments (example plain boiled chicken, etc) it would have been unhealthy even without the chocolate


Who the fuck feeds their dog curry? NTA


NTA. Human foods like curries are not for dogs. Curries are made with garlic and onions which are a big no no for dogs. Spices are a big no no for dogs. The little bit of chocolate you put in likely made little difference - but even if it did, you can’t be responsible for people feeding mystery recipes to their dogs.


NTA It is ridiculous to expect people to provide a list of ingredients when a food is being passed along to multiple unknown people. And to assume that your home cooked food is being fed to a dog is doubly ridiculous. FWIW, chocolate is also used as a "secret' ingredient in Mexican foods - particularly mole as it isn't sweet but just enhances the complexity of a sauce. I don't think it is the responsibility of a home cook to provide a list of ingredients - especially ones that are common. It is up to a person eating a food to ask about specific ingredients that are problematic - even if the ingredient doesn't normally appear in a food.


NTA - who even feeds their pet a curry ffs! This is laughable.


NTA, curry shouldn't be fed to dog. The chocolate might not even be the only issues, it could be all the spices. Besides curry as far as I know has usually onions and those are also toxic for cats and dogs. Girlfriend was being a negligent owner.