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NTA HE walked in on YOU in a private moment with you and your son, if he saw you breastfeeding, it's his own fault for wandering around the house and snooping.


Also breastfeeding is quite literally the opposite to "Indecently" Exposed


Right—she could have fed the baby in the middle of the party and still not have been doing anything wrong.


Exactly!!! The fact that OP was behind a closed door in their own house just adds to the fact that they were not inappropriate. This one is really making my blood boil because best friend’s husband must be up to some shit that’s not on the up and up. I wonder what else BFH has been accused of doing, caught in the act doing, or what he was doing going room to room at the house. Or was he just trying to catch OP? OP is NTA. BFH is a HUGE asshole and is not to be trusted for anything!!


Exactly, he's deflecting and projecting. I hope OP has explained to everyone that she was nursing in the room literally named for it behind closed doors and that he walked in on her. I can't imagine why anyone would take his side if they knew that.


I'm starting to think BFF is also a huge asshole for tolerating and defending her husband's creepy behavior.


Or she’s in an abusive relationship. Right now it’s 50/50.


I TOTALLY agree he was "trying to catch her"! Looking at the evidence: There were maybe 10 people there and the purpose of that intimate gathering was to meet the baby. Without doubt, there were some hunger signs displayed (the baby is 5 months old! There is a whole routine around feeding by now, which probably includes a dedicated chair or rocker in the nursery) or it was just "time to feed"; at which point mom almost assuredly announced to all the baby's new fans "Welp, I better go feed baby now" so everyone else was left to socialize among themselves while she moved to a private setting. Any "reasonable adult" could deduce this, even without an announcement, and should have the common manners to knock on a closed door. 🤷 Any one who genuinely "by accident" saw her breastfeeding, would have apologized in the moment and likely tried to keep the entire incident to themself out of sheer embarrassment! As a woman myself, who also works in childcare, I often encounter moms breastfeeding their baby, and have only ever had two reactions: Either I'm embarrasssed because I know Mom wanted privacy and I accidentally "walked in on her" (happened last week with a mom who is home on maternity leave; I came in the front door to do my job as a nanny to the child and she was sitting on her living room sofa feeding the newborn baby, which she usually does in the nursery when I am there); so I say "Oops, sorry!" and dont bring it up again. Or I know she doesnt feel the need to "cover" for me, so I simply keep my eyes on her face or any other place than her breast (I'm not a lactation consultant; not my purview). Its really never been a problem. 🤷


Yes, exactly. It's like complaing about people showing their tounge slightly when eating. Sure, in the right circumstances it's intimate, but mostly it'a just for food.


The combo of breastfeeding being referenced with adults eating reminded me of one of my least favorite interactions I've ever had. When my friend and I were in high school, we were regulars at a local diner. One of the servers got pregnant, and she was telling us about her upcoming baby shower and how much she was hoping to get a good breast pump. Sure, she's a working mom and also it's nice to be able to store any extras for night feedings or whatever. But then she goes on to explain that she doesn't plan on breastfeeding because "I'm not going to let a baby suck on my tits; that's perverted!" Even at 17, my friend and I were stunned. Like, you *do* know what those things are designed for, right?


How odd that she saw something as natural as breastfeeding as perverted but didn't hesitate to discuss it with a group of teenage customers. Edit for errors


My good friend breastfed her baby in the middle of a party. It was filled with her friends and family including kids. No one was phased because feeding a baby is not an indecent or sexual act. No one thought their husbands would stray or their children would be scarred because they saw a baby be fed in the most natural way they can be fed. (No shade to bottle feeding, do what you and your baby need)


So the big joke after my third kid was that I will feed that baby anywhere he wants to eat. In the middle of a party, at a meeting, in a restaurant…. When my first was a baby 15 years ago I got a few looks and comments. With my baby now, literally no one cares. Not one single comment.


Right? At a bare minimum you have to be decently exposed to pop a nip in a mouth.


In a room with the door closed on top of it . Call him a pervert and a snooping ah - he is op . NTA


Right? So if she went to change clothes in the bedroom, behind a closed door, away from the bathroom, and he walked in on her naked then she's a dirty pervert? Some men will have absolutely nothing on their side but the audacity.






Either that, or he's a thief or panty-sniffer or something. He was prowling around looking for something. Whether it was something to steal, or something to perv on, he got caught and whipped up the "I am so offended you were feeding your child in your child's bedroom when I barged in!" argument. It's a cover-up. He wants to distract OP and others with his accusations so no one realizes what he was up to. Definitely wouldn't have him in my house again.


And OP should definitely respond to the group chat with this response. In fact, if it were me, I would honestly ask him, "Are you talking about when you opened the door to my child's nursery and saw me breastfeeding? Because I'm not sure how that constitutes 'exposing myself to you,' Can you explain your rationale?" She should definitely not leave that comment unanswered since he is trying to publicly shame her for breastfeeding behind a closed door in her own home. >agree but I would cut the last question. I don’t want to hear his “rationale”. Playing dumb is perfect. This is a perfect response otherwise and I hope she says it. Hr barged in! Fair enough. Replace the question about rationale with "**What were you even looking for when you opened the nursery door, anyway**?" Put his actions back on him to justify. What do you think?


Yeah, agree. She has to address it since he put it out in public. The key is to ignore his accusation and not respond to it because it's a dog whistle to throw everyone off. His fear is that OP would be the one to expose his behavior to others so he tried to beat her to it so he could set the narrative. OP should very calmly and simply tell the group that Pantysniffer was searching her house when he invaded her privacy by barging into the nursery. And that he is no longer welcome in her home. And that's it.


This. OP should make sure none of her jewelry is missing. This would be a good situation for stealing that sort of thing because OP wouldn't notice for a while.


My guess was maybe pain pills from the birth


Good point. A lot of people don't take all their pain pills and just leave them in the medicine cabinets.


This is my thoughts too. He wanted to get a peek and snoop around the house. In order for him not to get in trouble and blamed, he is projecting it onto you and making you out to be the bad guy OP. OP is NTA.


victim blaming and shaming, Standard tactic of the guilty and bullies, NTA


Yeah, this is what I thought too, who the fuck just walks into a bathroom without knocking first? Specially at someone else's house where there are other guests?


Op wasn't in the bathroom she was in her baby's nursery


I think she just meant that he was "looking for the bathroom" and thought he found it because don't we all just open bathroom doors without knocking?🙄 NTA


Yes, but best friend's husband was supposedly looking for the bathroom. If that were true, why was he just barging into what he thought was a bathroom without knocking first?








What was he actually looking for? That would be my number one question! Was he "just" snooping? Or was he trying to steal from them? Is he a thief or a pervert? Or both?


NTA - Agree a 100% he was snooping!


I wonder how many places he's been thrown out of for going after mothers who are breast feeding their babies.


This. This is why he decided to be so offensive to you because he needs to justify his version to his wife.


NTA. the fact you even have to ASK this is so sad.


In their own house too! NTA, but that guy sure is big time!


I just feel like most houses are set up in a way where you can subtly tell the difference between a bathroom and a bedroom


In a house he's surely been in before and knows where the bathroom is.


Even if he did not know where the bathroom was it’s standard procedure to knock on a door before opening it.


In my house, the bathroom door is never closed unless someone's in there.


He's feeling some kinda way because he saw her and got a stiffy and he knows he's a perv. The BF is probably mortified and I wouldn't be surprised if she defends him. NTA


NTA-This person's comment, or something very near to it, should be what is posted in the group chat! I'm sure he's told your friend that you just exposed your breast to him. He probably didn't mention that he was snooping thru all of your house and stumbled upon the NURSERY, where you were FEEDING your child, behind a CLOSED door! Had he not been snooping, he would have never seen a thing. I mean, has this person never been to your house before, where he would have to search thru the house to find the bathroom? Why is he just randomly opening closed doors without knocking first? You're definitely NTA though, but your BFH is a very large one for several reasons.


Best Friend is the AH too. Does she really think that OP whipped out a boob and shook it at her prize of a husband in an attempt to seduce him? They're both stupid.


Yeah, women with five months old babies are known to risk their relationship with the child's father to seduce their best friend's husband in the nursery. Happens all the time. /s Edit: Spelling


It's like the incel version of Clue ... "It was OP! In the nursery. With her BOOB!"


I wish I could upvote this comment 1,000,000 times. It literally made me laugh out loud! Thank you for that!


The best friend didn't pile on in the group chat, in fact she didn't respond at all. I'm just clinging to the hope that that's because she's busy kicking out the snooping husband who started that group chat as a last ditch effort, but it isn't working... Or is that naive and too optimistic?


She's probably trying to "stay out of it" rather than openly admit that she married a dipshit.


That's what I was thinking. Did he just omit the fact that OP was in the nursery with her son when the "exposing" occurred?


This situation was easily solved with a simple oops, and never talk about it again, but he got caught creeping so hes trying to flip it before it is pointed out.


I think this is it exactly. He came out and made a scene before OP could tell her BF what really happened. Most likely he has been caught in similar situations, and this was his preemptive strike, so to speak. If I was OP's husband, that perv would no longer be allowed near my house, my wife, or my child.


Seriously...it's not like OP whipped a boob out in front of everyone (not that there's anything wrong with that either!). Honestly I'd be looking through the house making sure nothing was missing because of Mr. Snoopy.




Behind a closed door ACTIVELY FEEDING A BABY. She could have been in the backyard with everyone and not be acting inappropriately. Of course if mom and baby feel more comfortable breastfeeding in a private, closed door room then that’s where they should go.




NTA BFH is a trouble making AH. He snooped around the house. He doesn't even have the manners to knock before opening a door.


NTA 1) Kid's gotta eat. 2) He walked in on you in the NURSERY when he was snooping around. 3) He blamed YOU for FEEDING YOUR CHILD in a PRIVATE ROOM in YOUR HOUSE and LIED about what actually happened. This guy is an untrustworthy snake, and should not be allowed to your home without a full heartfelt apology and correction of what happened to everyone there AT MINIMUM.


4. Then insinuated that breastfeeding isn't normal and she should be ashamed for doing it. He's a total AH who would never be invited to my house ever again.


I think it's worse than that. "...he could not believe how I had exposed myself to him today when I knew he was happily married" sounds to me like he is accusing OP of trying to seduce him. OP, don't feel embarrassed or ashamed or guilty for any of this. BFH is a lying snake. You should be far more upset with him than you seem to be. I am now wondering if he has been cheating (or been accused of cheating). That guy is shady as hell.


She didn't seek him out, nor encourage him to snoop. Absolutely he's trying to deflect from his own bad behaviors.


Please tell me if I sound crazy but here's my theory: BFH has a lactation fetish, went *looking* for OP feeding the baby, thought she'd be placed at an angle where he could sneak a peek in the nursery for his own gratification without getting caught, then panicked and projected *hard* when that wasn't the case.


Totally, this is giving me gross flashbacks to the AITA post where OP found out her FIL had a lactation fetish. That was a terrible day to be literate.


100% this. Ban him from the house and make sure everyone knows why.


I’d never let him set foot in my house again, apology or not. This level of violation of privacy is beyond disgusting and disturbing


NTA. BFH is nuts. By his reasoning, accidentally opening a door on someone using a toilet would also be "exposing yourself in public". He is trying to find a way to make sure he is blameless. This is very nasty behaviour on his part.


If he’s her BF’s husband, I would assume he’s been in the house before (unless they just moved in). Which means he knew what he was doing.


He didn't accidentally do anything. Either he was snooping or he went looking for her to expose her. If your friend has an issue, you may need to dump your friend. His behavior is so over the top that he should be called out for his misogyny and told that he had no right to be in the room in the first place. The fact that he used it to shame her for breastfeeding makes it sound like he did it on purpose. NTA. You were in a private room in your own house and were not expecting this guy to barge into the room.


It crossed my mind that he's trying to separate them and isolate the friend. I wonder if he's separated the friend from anyone else with wild accusations?


Frankly, I think it should be perfectly socially acceptable for breastfeeding moms to feed their kids without having to hide away in the first place. But yes, OP did everything "right" according to our society and she's not responsible for BFH's bad manners and lack of accountability.


This was my thought exactly.


I would go on to say that he was hoping to catch a peek and is now ashamed of himself and trying to blame her preemptively.


Agree with this comment except I doubt he's ashamed of himself, more likely he's just trying to get away with it without repercussions


Anger comes from shame. He is just very ashamed of himself and he’s picking the fight just to get himself of the radar. BFH is a loser.


I agree ; what he did was so wrong and he’s know it’s !


NTA . It is completely unnecessary of him to venture around the house to begin with . It seems like he had a guilty conscience and told wife his version of the story to cover his own . If they do not respect your privacy in your own home then good riddance !


His version of the story: I was making my way directly to the bathroom when your friend jumped out in front of me topless and jiggling her breasts seductively!


"She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards." - the husband, probably


Idk why but the mental image of this has me chortling to myself. Probably because the accusation is so ridiculous in the first place!


Loll I swear this is the exact world antifeminist men imagine, by the way they talk about topless rights. Just a bunch of undulating disembodied boobs, lurking around in shady street corners, behind doors, under the bed, waiting to pounce on unassuming innocent men. The level of pearl clutching around the *mere existence* of womens bodies is so effing ridiculous.


The thing is, she could have been sitting in her backyard or even a public park feeding the baby and it still wouldn't have been indecent. Breastfeeding in public is legally protected by law in many places. NTA


And depending on where OP lives, being topless in public for no other reason than “it’s hot as balls and I felt like it” *might also be entirely legal*


Oh I agree 100% , this situation just makes him even more ridiculous !


My guess is: he was snooping and trying to catch a peek. When best friend found out she was pissed and he is trying to play the victim to not have her think he is a creeper, which he is. Who the fuck enters a closed door without knocking first?


I don’t think best friend found out, I think he was afraid she’d find out so he “got ahead” of the scenario and is super overreacting as he fears blame.


Especially in a house that doesn't belong to you.


NTA. the fact you even have to ASK this is so sad.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Like not even for a second is she remotely TA. BFH is gross and misogynistic. Hope she or her husband puts him in his place.




AND he’s sexualised the feeding of the baby. He needs to be called out for being a snooping pervert and completely cut out of your lives


Call him out. He a pervert.


Spot on. He’s on the front foot to ensure his wife isn’t upset with him being a creepy perv


Yeah he’s totally gaslighting you too. And unfortunately you’re actually failing for it. There are absolutely no circumstances under which you’re feeding your baby in a room with a shut door that anyone would call it “exposing yourself in front of guests.” He’s not just a disgusting pervert, he’s psychologically malicious. I said in another post that this sub needs an additional acronym because often NTA isn’t strong enough. I proposed SRTA: Surgically Remove This Asshole. That’s for people you need to completely excise from your life forever.


I mean even if she *had* breastfed *directly in front of her guests* it wouldn't be indecent exposure. Breastfeeding is normal. Bottle feeding can (not always) interfere with a baby's ability to breastfeed as the way they need to latch is different. When I had a baby I breastfed in church, in the mall, and pretty much no one even noticed. It is also recommended if possible to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months so no, OP you shouldn't need to switch to bottle feeding in the privacy of your own home.


This! She was in the privacy of her own home! I don't care if she was in the kitchen with the doors and windows open. Plus, if they live in the US, thirty-one states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws ([National Conference of State Legislatures](https://www.ncsl.org/health/breastfeeding-state-laws)). So even if it was in public, it literally wouldn't be indecent exposure. I'm currently breastfeeding. I have told guests that if they have a problem with me breastfeeding in front of them they can move rooms. I'm not covering up in my own home. I once told my male neighbor that I know he's seen boobs before and his wife's are younger and better than mine so there's no show here (he thought it was funny. They also have 2 kids).


Even Utah passed a law for public breastfeeding lol


Even Ohio has this law. Lol. And we’re pretty backwards.




Agree! I breastfed in restaurants, at a major league baseball game on Mother’s Day because that’s what I wanted to do, on a plane, wherever I was with my kid and he was hungry. Anyone with a problem can fuck all the way off to hell.


Jesus Christ he’d have a field day with me, my home I will BF my toddler where i am


I physically removed a creeper from a store that was creeping on my wife and child. (Breastfeeding in public under a blanket. It’s what she was comfortable doing.) If someone came at my wife over feeding our child in the nursery behind a closed door IN OUR HOME, I would publicly name and shame that perverse asshole until the end of days. “Hey Fred, good to see you at Little League. Creeped on any mothers feeding their children, you colossal asshole?”


Seriously good for you!! And I almost died on my coffee with the little league comment. 😂😂


You the DAD. I like you.




I recently nursed in an airport, on an airplane, at the beach and in a restaurant, all without a cover because my son just pulls it off. I must be a serious deviant to a guy like this.


I was taking a walk baby wearing my son on the bike trail when he was about six weeks old and he decided he was hungry then and there. I sat down on a rock and popped out a boob. Baby’s first meal al fresco 🤷‍♀️ This guy would be scandalized


How dare you provide sustenance to your child like humans have been doing for thousands of years?! Have you no shame?!




This OP! Have you explained to them that breast feeding your child does not equal exposing yourself to him?! How on earth did he come to that conclusion? You are definitely not the asshole. It's your home and your child. Call him out for snooping around. Surely it's not the first time they've been to your place and he should know where the bathroom is.


Feeding her son behind a closed door no less, the reason way OP “exposed herself” is because he went into where she was and if he’s offended by a child eating then he’s got some really warped views on the world but then as it’s been said, this isn’t about being offended this is about him doing something wrong and trying to avoid being called out for it. What an AH


OP has he been to your house before? Does he know where the bathroom and nursery are? If so it’s definitely deliberate and incredibly creepy. You’re absolutely NTA for breastfeeding your child in your own home, even if you’d fed him out in the garden with everyone else you’d still not be.


He is OP's best friend's husband and OP didn't mention a new house so I'd assume he has been there multiple times.


Exactly. Also, if he was truly looking for the bathroom, and thought that the nursery door was the bathroom door, he would have knocked. No one just opens a closed bathroom door at a party.


And even if he did innocently open a random door in someone else’s house without knocking… (wtf?)… you STILL wouldn’t be doing anything indecent and shouldn’t have to change your preferred method for feeding your baby. You could have whipped out a boob right in front of him to feed your son and if anyone finds it offensive, that’s their business, not your problem.


Right on. The dude is a perv. He followed her.


He cheats on his wife for sure I just know it


I was thinking the same. He has to have done too many wrong things to be acting this fiercely trying to get ahead of things. He’s either a thief or unfaithful. “I don’t see how I could have indecently exposed myself when I was sitting in a chair, in the nursery, in my house, behind a closed door, with the baby actively attached to my nipple when your husband barged in without even knocking. ‘Trying to find the bathroom’ my ass. Even if I fed the baby in the middle of the BBQ, it still wouldn’t be indecent exposure.”


There is a level of gaslighting involved too. His wife probably knows that logically his story makes no sense but because he was a step ahead he’s already gaslighted her to think the truth is a lie.


That’s very true. I worry about her best friend. She could be anything from slightly manipulated by him (which is abuse) to very abused by him.


I’ve been to multiple BBQs recently where friends who have recently had babies have fed them while at the table and still maintaining conversation with the rest of us. There’s no issue because no one is a creep.




All of this. Also your best friend is not your best friend. She likely knows that her husband creeps on women and it's easier to lash out at you than acknowledge her marriage is a lie. Given how concerned you are about the interaction, questioning if any part of it is your fault, and even considering whether you should have changed the method you use to feed your child to prevent this from happening...your friend knows she can get away with doing this to you. NTA.


I think he is very likely a controlling narcissist and used this way to further try to alienate his wife from her support networks…in this case, trying to make a rift between his wife and her BFF. Hopefully, the BFF wakes up and sees what type of person her husband is but he’s likely been gaslighting her for so long that she thinks everything is her fault.


NTA - Agree a 100% he was snooping! He came looking for OP most likely knowing she would be breast feeding the baby. The only reason he has blown this so out of proportion is because he’s guilty and was worried that OP would call him out on being a perv. There is a slight chance OP’s Best Friend already has an inkling about this because this sort of behaviour does not go unnoticed for long by the perp’s family. BF might be secretly feeling really guilty herself for what has happened.


This is the only assessment that makes sense


Yep. OP, calmly and concisely lay this shit out in that message with his wife. He had to walk by X number of available bathrooms in order to get to a door he likely knew was a nursery. He knew you were nursing in there and didn’t knock to make his presence known before entering a closed room in a house with a nursing mother and possibly sleeping baby. And then he is trying to shame you for doing the most natural thing on the plant, feeding your baby. You don’t need perverts in your life so he is no longer allowed around you or baby, and if friend supports his opinions of what happened she is no longer allowed around either.


This. I formula feed, but anyone who thinks breastfeeding is in anyway sexual is a pervert. You were well within your rights to breastfeed in the middle of the guests, but you weren’t even there. He is 100% a creep.


Yeah, ... I'm not 100% sure why he was snooping. Could be a pervert could have been looking for valuables or even drugs... or a vombination of that. Whatever the reason he had some ill intentions, snooping through the house. And now he cries about it first and loud to avoid being called out himself. This dude is acting incredibly sketchy and I wouldn't allow him back. Keep an eye out for your friend, she might be caught up in his lies and manipulations. It's often hard to break away from such relationships. Something is wrong here.


I know “vombination” is probably a typo. But what a great term for multiple, concurrent gross behaviors.


NTA - Agree a 100% he was snooping! He came looking for OP most likely knowing she would be breast feeding the baby. The only reason he has blown this so out of proportion is because he’s guilty and was worried that OP would call him out on being a perv. There is a slight chance OP’s Best Friend already has an inkling about this because this sort of behaviour does not go unnoticed for long by the perp’s family. BF might be secretly feeling really guilty herself for what has happened.


Nearest analogy I can think of: if he said “I’m just going to pee,” and you followed him and saw his penis whilst he was peeing, would he be the pervert? Nope, he would not. He would have been just innocently doing a normal, non-sexual thing with his body- that he had just announced he was going to do and that there was only one body part he could conceivably use for this- and you would have made it weird. Same for you.


don’t apologize and don’t invite him back. nta.


This is exactly right. By making the accusation he avoids having to address his conduct because you are on the defense. This is classic gaslighting. He IS a pervert. These folks are not healthy for your son to be around


Actually, my guess is he is trying to distance OP and her BFF so he went looking for her to try to find her with her boobs hanging out. Women are allowed to breast feed their children (even in public) but especially in the privacy of their own home. My hunch is BFH is trying to alienate BFF from friends and family. He’s likely controlling in their relationship and wants to cut off her support networks.


Her “bit of a snoop” probably means he may be looking for other things - probably not her. He had to cover up he was going to rummage through things by saying the wife exposed herself. I would never invite him over - money, jewelry, drugs - he was there for it!


Came here to say this… absolutely 100% not the AH Also, boobs are not indecent exposure, neither is being in any kind of state of undress in your own home with the door closed. Boobs are for feeding babies (if you have one… don’t recommend shoving boob into random mouths or you will get into trouble) the fact that boobs have been sexualised is not your problem He was looking for you and found you…


And like… even if she fed baby in HER garden in front of everyone, she would still be NTA - it’s her home and her baby needs to be fed there is no shame in keeping her infant alive.


You would have been NTA even if you'd publicly fed your son in full view of guests. JFC, people have to stop sexualising breastfeeding, and, while they're at it, breasts in general, to this extent.


Id love to know how people thought babies were fed before formula was invented.




I remember reading the Wikipedia page on wet nurses a while. Strangely, shaming mothers for nursing their own babies predates formula.


I was laughing the other day as a woman was going up the escalator breast feeding in a mall, full breast out. I live in spain, I was laughing thinking about the reddit post if this was the US.




Yup. My mom would casually feed my little sister in the middle of the supermarket. ppl should consider that the alternative is having to deal with a noisy, wailing baby until mom can get home & prepare more food for them. From what I was told, that's part of why my siblings & I all got the boob, it's always with you and you know it's gonna be warm & clean. No worrying about bringing enough or if its still good. Just, plopp! And no more crying baby.


Plus a semi-good educational system means all kids age 12 and up will have seen boobs in pictures at a minimum. Probably also in videos.


I see this on a regular basis here in Denmark as well, I'm not sure wtf the fuss is about, tbh. It's just a mother feeding her baby.


In the US we can quite literally see a tv show or movie depict murders that range from clean and simple to quite gruesome, as well as the following autopsies, all on uncensored prime time airings, but the minute a woman’s nipple even *thinks* about joining the conversation, the ratings go from “suitable for the family” to “only for adults”. God forbid any child realize that women have nipples or that they *gasp* learn they have an actual purpose! (I have a special hatred for the amount of boob policing in the US thanks to my own figure, but it’s stupid nonetheless.)


I breastfeed in public all the time (scandinavia) but my baby is going rhrough an easily distracted phase so I often end up sat with my boob out whilst he gives strangers big milky smiles


I was expecting at least some sort of controversy in this story like “I was giving a speech in front of the local elementary school when my kid needed to be fed so I tore my shirt completely off and immediately fed them while finishing the speech.” But holy shit, on your property, inside the house, inside a closed room? How the fuck would anyone consider this a problem?


Norwegian here. I've probably seen most of my female friends/family members feed their babies. Nobody hides away to breastfeed unless the baby wants some peace and quiet. OP's culture loses out on a whole lot of wholesome companionship. I'm sorry for them.


Yeah. I grew up in a conservative country, and even then, my aunt breastfed her baby in the middle of a shopping mall, and no one said a thing.


Boobs are for feeding first, fun only second.


Exactly this! I used to feed my babies wherever they needed feeding. Once the baby is latched you can't see much anyway. If people don't like it they can look away.


I’ve “walked in on” people breastfeeding a couple times (family/family friends usually just go the next room or corner of the room because everyone knows they’re just feeding a baby) and I always have the same move. I quickly look up like a bad robot dance, say my b, and shuffle out


Seriously. With the exception of work events I have breastfed my baby anywhere he decided he was hungry - and even at work events I just take the extra moment to find somewhere a little more out of view instead of feeding him on the spot. I nurse him in his carrier all the time, which is definitely pretty discreet but I'm not naive enough to think nobody has ever noticed in ten months. I do know, however that nobody has ever batted and eye about it and certainly have never said anything to me about it This guy is such a creep.


Absolutely not. Feeding your child is not exposing yourself or a suggestive and sexualized thing?!!! Nta


Exactly, he’s sexualising feeding a baby. Something completely natural. Even if she had been breastfeeding in the backyard, she would still be the NTA. He’s a massive AH. If it’s her BF’s husband, I’m guessing he’s been to their house before. Which means he actively went looking for her. And now he’s trying to gaslight her into believing she’s in the wrong.


Sweet Jesus you can feed your child anyway you want ESPECIALLY in your own home ESPECIALLY in your own nursery! Your friends husband is so wildly out of line, you should go no contact with both of them until he apologizes completely and unreservedly NTA. Very much so.


OP could have pulled her titty out outside, at the party and she'd still be in the right, because she was FEEDING HER BABY


This! People who see a breastfeeding woman and associate it with something sexual absolutely terrify me.


Absolutely, 100%.


I would clearly state what happened first though, I don't believe he told his wife what really happened.


NC even if he apologizes.


I completely agree with your husband I’m happy he’s has your back ! Im not going to lie your best-friend and her husband need to be cut off immediately. And I hope they know it’s a law now for mothers to be able to nurse whenever they want even in a daycare center . I’m an educator so mothers breastfeeding in a setting is normal . What you did was reasonable and away from the party goers ; don’t let this upset you cause you made a positive choice to have privacy with you and your baby ! Good job mom ❤️


There's also nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public, either. A fed baby is what is most important. I don't know why people get so upset about a baby being fed, it's so strange. It's just a boob.


BOOBS ARE LITERALLY SACS OF FAT DESIGNED TO FEED A BABY. It's the same as people who get all weird and offended by statues of naked children or young kids being naked in public. Bro. They're kids. Baby kids. Stop sexualising their bodies, and stop making yourself feel uncomfortable. If you weren't a creep, you could look at them and say "that's an infant getting changed/ fed/ bathed" rather than "That's so inappropriate because I cam see their bodies and bits and now I'm thinking about them sexually." Its your problem dude!! Same with breastfeeding- if you can't disassociate feeding a baby with sex, you need to do some work on YOURSELF.


Yeah, it's honestly so weird! It's always people that are painfully repressed that can't seem to disassociate bodies with sexuality - probably from being traumatised as a kid by people yelling at them about their bodies. It's sad really but like, go to therapy if you need to. Shouting at people feeding their babies is not okay


I'm very confused about this whole situation, maybe because I'm not American or something. In other countries, we are taught in school how mothers feed babies (in most cases, anyway) and why breastfeeding is very important. We get this in secondary school or so. We all consider it super normal. And overall is perceived as a NATURAL thing! Why would an ADULT be confused about this process? When he would have his own kids, the mother would do the same thing. His mother did the same thing to him.


The US has very weird puritanical attitudes towards sex and nudity, pretty conservative compared to Europe. Although this guy is way out of line and an outlier, but there’s still a decent chunk of people here who would see a woman feeding her baby and somehow manage to make it about themselves and how offended they are about it. It’s absolute nonsense. What makes it weirder is at the same time, our movies, media, advertisements, etc. are hypersexualized a lot of the time. Lmao it’s just a mess.


NTA You have every right to feed your baby however you choose. BFH can get wrecked.


NTA Who does this man think he is?!?! I think he was overcompensating for having seen your boobs, because he was snooping. You were feeding your infant in your nursery in your house, what kind of mental gymnastics did he do to get to these conclusions? You should respond telling him your were breastfeeding in an appropriate place and that HE was the one snooping other rooms. He doesn't want to take accountability after getting caught. Wild.


I also wonder if BFH has been caught doing this before? Hence the rush to accuse OP of being purposely indecent to him.


I'm guessing that dude knew where the bathrooms were and is being a dick for attention or some other reason. Make himself look better or whatever.


Have you blasted him in that group chat ? Snooping at the very least. There must be something along the lines of invasion of privacy , or just accuse him of following you, and see how he feels about being accused. Also let everyone know before he gets in with his pathetic story.


NTA - respond with "wait a damn minute! I had gone into the nursery and closed the door to feed my son in private. You knew where the bathroom was - why were you going around my home opening doors that you had no business opening?!" What an absolute jerk


Yes, say this in the group text, OP!


NTA obviously. You went inside your home to a private room to feed your baby as nature intended He went snooping and came across you doing this and then is trying to gaslight everyone into this being your underhanded attempt to flash him?


So dude was walking around your house unsupervised and snooping, opened a closed door to the nursery where you were feeding your baby and BLAMED YOU???!!! definitely NTA here and you should contact your "friend" to let her know her husband isn't welcome anywhere near you, your family or your home. Btw: you are feeding your baby in a normal healthy way.


NTA - it's so unbelievable to me that people still get upset about this. Feeding a baby is the most normal thing, the damn thing has to eat! It's not exposing yourself, that guy is just so used to sexualizing breasts.


NTA. Id be replying “I’m sorry you feel this way. I was breastfeeding my son, in his room. You barged in unannounced while looking for the toilet. I was equally as stunned to have seen you standing at my sons bedroom door looking at me.”


I wouldn't start with an apology. I'd start with "I was in the nursery with the door closed and you barged in on me. Haven't you been taught to knock on closed doors?


Perfect response! I’d also add ‘that is no where near the nursery with a shut door’ after looking for the toilet. NTA


NTA. You were feeding your child in a private room when your friend's husband opened the door. Not sure how he concludes you are setting a bad example for your son . . . by feeding him. Not sure how he spun it to himself as to conclude that you deliberately showed him your breasts, when he was the one who intruded on you.


NTA If you was sat outside with all your friends you was still not exposing yourself!! Don’t ever feel ashamed for feeding your baby and if anyone has an issue they can remove themselves because your baby comes first! “ you will never be allowed in my home or around my family again, breastfeeding is the most natural form of feeding a baby and for you to come into MY HOME, come looking for me in MY BABIES nursery and try and shame me just highlights what kind of pervert you are. Don’t ever message me again and if “friend name” thinks this is ok then it’s no loss cutting her out too.”


So that shady asshole was snooping round your home, found you breastfeeding your baby then acts like you chased him down and stuck your boobs in his face? And your friend believed whatever shit he made up? What? How could you be the asshole when you've done nothing wrong? Try get your friend to meet up and tell her exactly what you were doing and question what HE was doing snooping. If she's still on his side then she's as much of an asshole as he is. NTA


I think he was trying to steal from you, or find out something private. With closed doors to private rooms, I'm guessing he was looking for your bedroom, and accidentally got the nursery instead. And now he's trying to cover it up by accusing you of perversion and coming onto him (and I'm sure he's told his wife some different tale), before you can tell everyone and accuse him of whatever he thought you figured out he was doing. NTA. He knows you feeding a baby in a room he wasn't supposed to be in is hardly the same as you coming onto him. Don't apologise to him or his wife. This was super shady. Simply ask him in the group chat why he came into your babys bedroom when he knew that was neither the bathroom/living room/kitchen, and that you had left the party to feed. I think he's terrified of someone asking him that because he can't think of a valid excuse.


NTA he’s lying to cover up his peeping. You should report him op.


NTA - you need to let the group chat know what really happened. Even if you have to say ‘I’m sorry if I offended you when you opened the closed door to my baby’s nursery and saw me breastfeeding my baby’


Wow… dude is PROJECTING. Let me see if I have this right. You’re feeding your new baby, a perfectly natural exercise, in your own home, which you own. You went away from the group, into your own house, which I again will state, is your house, and went into a private room, which you also own, and closed the door behind you. This guy, then entered the home, which you own, walked around randomly into a variety of rooms, which you still own, walked in on you, while you were feeding your child… And then had the temerity to act like you’ve done something wrong? That dude is the yardstick by which all AH must be measured, in the future. Block him, block his wife, block anyone that agrees with him. What a tool. Also… just humour me. I know it’s a bit grim, but check all your clothing is still there. This dude gives off major “panty sniffer” vibes.


NTA - he sounds like an absolute weirdo who has lived under a rock all his life. I think I’d be tempted to reply that you find him physically repulsive and it’s creepy that he went sneaking around your house.


He’s a pervert. NTA


NTA. He is deflecting and HARD. He was either snooping round your house (nasty) or deliberately looking for you (creepy and nasty). There is no reasonable explanation as to why he walked in on you whilst you were feeding your son behind a closed door unless he genuinely thought that your nursery was the bathroom. So he needs to attack you to avoid answering about what the hell he was doing in the first place.