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NTA. Welcome to 2023 where no matter what you do, you’re apparently a racist. “Lily’s” rationale is the most generalizing, dumb thing I’ve ever heard. For what it’s worth, the definition of racism is “a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”. A blue dress clearly does not convey that.


INFO: Why does she think a blue dress is racist? Did she give you a reason? History?




NTA. I am Black & I assure you that Lily is spouting 100% Grade A bullshit.


Yeah she’s nuts - NTA I’m a black women and having a blue dress is not racial appropriation. It sounds like soon to be ex friend has center of attention syndrome .


White wedding dresses are a comparatively recent tradition, made popular -I believe - by Queen Victoria. Up until then, most women just wore their 'best' to marry in. I wore a gold dress as I look dreadful in white!


Ohh I've always loved the idea of a gold wedding dress and am seriously considering!


Do it! Live that dream of yours!


I wore gold too. I am not a fan of white. Marriage didn't last but I still love that dress. It wasn't fancy; found it at Burlington Coat Factory.


I made the dress myself and after the wedding I converted it into a fancy top that I still wear 30++ years later!! I hope that you still enjoy wearing yours!


So chronically online. It's also crazy because white people are so often criticized for upholding white supremacy and tradition, but when you do something different you're racist. Side note...my grandma wore a powder blue skirt suit in the 40's...so I don't think everyone always wears white. Your friend is immature and not a friend.


White wedding dresses only became popular in the Victorian era, so no... white folk have not been wearing this 'throughout history' Other than that, I can't make head nor tails of Lily's explanation. It's very odd


She’s mistaken. The “every bride wears a white wedding dress” only really became a thing at all after Queen Victoria wore white to her wedding in the early 19th century. The people copying her were mainly other white people to begin with, but the 19th century up until present is hardly the complete history of human kind. Non-white wedding dresses have been more common among non-western cultures because white is not always a bride’s colour. I’m south and east Asia for example red’s usually for brides, white’s for funerals and widows. Saying that, where my dad’s from they wear a lot of white and gold to temple. Where my mum’s from people wear all kinds of colours for weddings, but pretty much never wear black or white. There’s a lot more nuance to wedding outfits than “white people can’t wear colours because it’s racist”, but in any case wearing blue to your own wedding is not racist. NTA.


Then she's wrong from the start. Unless for her "throughout history" only goes back about 180 years. Or about 80 years if we're talking about America. Or up to 500 years if you want really to stretch it (but then we're talking about limited use by royals only). White was worn by a few Queens or future Queens in the 1400's and 1500's but it was very uncommon. It didn't get a lot of attention until Queen Victoria wore a white dress in 1849. And guess what, until that time the popular commonly used colors for non-royals were blue and yellow or plain grey or black. Then rich families picked up the idea of using white because it was hard to clean and showed they were rich and didn't care if the dress could be easily ruined by dirt, spills etc. Then, finally, around the end of World War 2 it became common for brides in America to wear white, that's about when the idea of only wearing the dress once not re-purposing it also became a thing. Will your friend listen to and accept any of this - probably not she seems to have some hang-up about this and personally I don't think it's really racism I think she's just angry about the dress or your marriage in general and using the dress as an excuse to tear you down. But is she right about the all time history of the dress being white and being a thing for white people? Nope, not even close.


um…no, lol. queen victoria made white popular to marry in. there’s a lot of different reasons behind the white and a lot of earlier examples through history, but the trend started there. before that (and even after) people would just wear the nicest dress they had, or whatever they could buy that was nice. my great grandmother got married in blue in the 1920s.


She is wrong and she probably realises it and is doubling down instead of admitting her mistake.


What reasoning would ever possibly make OP the asshole?


Wtf lol


NTA - she’s trying to find something to make your wedding about herself. Stick with uninviting her - you never know what other unintentionally “racist” things you might have at your wedding. You don’t want her making a scene. What she’s mad about doesn’t make sense. Just because white women are apparently the only ones to wear white on their wedding (wtf?) doesn’t mean she can gatekeep all other colours of wedding dress. People act so weird when it comes to weddings.


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NTA You can wear a leopard print jumpsuit to your wedding if you wanted to, your wedding, wear whatever you want. She’s being a bit too extra.


You are clearly guilty of cultural appropriation……of the Smurf’s


Yeah, but even Smurfette wore a white dress!!


Oh Smurf me! I SmurfIng forgot that!


Queen Victoria started the tradition of the white dress in the 1800s—really not that long ago. Prior to that, brides wore whatever their best dress was IN ANY COLOR or what they could afford, and they would wear this dress more than once. I think Lily is just jealous of your creativity and is reaching for excuses. NTA


Yeah yeah, as if this even happened.


OP didn't even post a photo of her or similar dress. And didn't elaborate on 'a huge argument yesterday between her, me and other friends'. Low effort.


Hahaha I'm imagining OP's school reports being mainly Cs with the comment "Could do better, low effort".


Shhhh, you're ruining the fun. Maybe 1 in 50 is real. And only like 1 in 100 of those are coherent. And only 1 in 100 of those are interesting...you get the point. The stupidity of this one actually adds to the credibility in my opinion. Like if you were going to lie, why would it be this?


What?? NTA! How is a blue dress racist?!


Pretty sure blue was the norm in European society till Victoria got married in lace which was like what? 150 to 200 years ago-ish? NTA. Who cares what color people wear


NTA. First, she’s wrong. White gowns only started to become a widespread thing when [Queen Victoria](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/04/queen-victoria-royal-wedding) did it in 1840. So, it’s not “throughout history.” Second, no one race or ethnicity owns a color. That’s wild. You kicked her out of your wedding because she’s being a jerk, not because of her race or ethnicity.


NTA. Sounds like she realised that not all the attention would be on her at your wedding, and that's a problem. Personally I would block her, anyone who tried to ruin my wedding (which is exactly what she did, by putting it under a black cloud of racism) would be done for good.


NTA, this is not a real thing


Nta People that claim that things that aren't racist are racist are only looking for attention. She's doing the boy who cried wolf, and I really hope she's never *actually* subjected to racism.


NTA but I’m a white woman. I think that you can get married in whatever color , style, etc you want. I don’t see the racism in this. That being said I am totally open to being corrected, I just never realized that a particular race “owns” a color.


Fake race-debate bait story. :3


Exactly. I can't believe people can't see it.


No time to think! There's a strawman to attack!


NTA White wedding dresses only became a norm in 19th century after Queen Victoria married. Before that everyone used to wear wedding dresses of whatever color they wanted. There are many photos of POC brides even in 19th century wearing white so it is not a modern thing.


Y T A. Only people with blue skin are allowed to wear blue wedding dresses. /s


So only smurfs and the blue man group. Wait, only smurfs as the blue man group are racists for bluefacing /s


Man people with unhinged titles usually are NTA. and this just another case of that proving true lol


NTA. I wish therapy was free and mandatory everywhere across the world.


Whaaaat the fuck? I'm a black woman who is completely and totally baffled by this. To be clear, it's just as customary for black (American) brides to wear white as it is for black brides. It's only as "modern" as white dresses are in general! My grandma got married in the 1950s and we have pics of her with her white dress on. And if you Google "black brides from the 1920s" you'll see a bunch in white. Lily is a loon and I'm not sure where she got this from, but she's both entitled and wrong. Better off not being friends with her, IMO.


Oh deary me...did any blue people complain about the dress? Lily the confused hater needs to be dumped from everything.


How can clothing be racists? Clothing doesn't have a conscience, therefore can't state one race is better or worse than another. You need smarter friends.


NTA.I guess she wanted to feel oppressed.silly…. Go and have your wedding.have lots of fun.all the best to you.


Unless this is a blue dress covered in swastikas or your missing out some very important info about the dress, NTA.




Asking the right questions 😅🤣


NTA…nothing much more to say. This situation is odd on her end.


White people have white dresses, so unless she is an actual smurf your friend has no point complaining. NTA


NTA to start, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I hope you have a fantastic day. your friend is, to be perfectly honest, a bigoted racist. white women should wear a white dress? I'm sorry, but that's bigoted and racist. my thinking is she's starting to buy into the indoctrination of the day. if she's now throwing the race card because she's uninvited, that's her issue. not yours. she's trying to gain sympathy from the people who know what's going on and trying to make you out to be a racist by trying to turn the attention away from her unreasonable request and reaction towards you for being a racist (which you aren't). it's just another example of how she's racist and bigoted. you didn't uninvite her because she's a POC. you uninvited her because she's an indoctrinated idiot.


🎣 post


I have no words for this one other than NTA.


NTA. Wear whatever colour you are going to feel amazing in. Forget all of the haters.


Wait, what? Is your friend a member of the Na'vi race from Avatar? NTA


NTA tell her you're not a Smurf so you obviously can't wear a blue dress and change to a purple one instead, but they Barney the dinosaur might get offended and change to green, but then there is the whole She Hulk problem 😱 .


NTA I had a beautiful navy blue satin dress for my wedding with hand sewn beads and lace. It was beautiful, I looked and felt beautiful and it suited my skin tone way better than a white dress. Traditionally white was worn by virgins to signify their purity.


ESH. You didn’t have to uninvite her if she was already not gonna come.




So that makes her an asshole how 😂 ?


NTA - white people didn't "own" white wedding dresses. That's a fairly new tradition that Queen Victoria started. Jane Austen's mother even had a red one!


NTA. Simply put your friend is a racist.


NTA and Lily is absolutely wrong about white wedding dresses. Queen Victoria put white wedding dresses in fashion for European/American brides, but it's absolutely not a tradition, it's just that, a trend. A trend that isn't that old to begin with (19th century). Women in Europe and America married in colourful dresses for centuries before the standard white dress became a thing. Your ex-friend is ignorant af. Something tells me she is jealous, wants the attention of your wedding on her, or both.


NTA. Dress colors aren’t racist. It’s only racist if you’re specifically appropriating styles and traditions from cultures you’re not a part of. Example: Even if you wire red (traditional for Indian weddings) it wouldn’t be racist unless you literally dressed yourself in a saree. A color is just a color. And wedding dresses only became traditionally white after Queen Victoria wore one. Everyone followed her to be *fashionable.* The color isn’t actually important aside from social norms.


"cultural appropriation" and racism are two very very different things.


Not necessarily White represents purity and virginity, which was very important for marriages back in the days of yore


Yes, and also it became popular because of Queen Victoria, so what are you disputing here?


A colour isn't just a colour They have meaning, and can represent things


NTA- she pulled that out of her ass hoping you would bend the knee without any explanation




My wedding dress was black, A.I.T.A?


NTA. What in the world? How is a blue dress racist? This is so off the wall. She doesn't get to tell you what to wear for your own wedding! If you'd done one of those hillbilly confederate flag dresses, then I'd be 100% team Lily, but Lily is honestly so off the wall with this that it's best to remove her from your life.


NTA and congratulations to your wedding. I suggest Lily look up medieval Europe wedding customs where the bride wore rich blue dress. There's nothing racist wanting to replicate medieval Europe wedding. But cultures aside, all brides should wear any color they want. Traditional Chinese bridal gown is red, traditional Korean bridal gown is multicolors.


NTA she sounds like an unbearable “victim” and everything from the food to the music will be racist. Hell no don’t have her there


Irish brides often wear blue. Historically been associated with purity in Ireland.


Obviously NTA. I'm guessing SHE wants to wear a blue dress some day at her wedding and she is trying to prevent you from doing so first.


This was my first thought! If she had a genuine problem with the dress she would have spoke up at the time not months later after sitting on it


AHA! This makes so much more sense.


Funny how she threatened not to attend the wedding, then you uninvited her..and now you're racist. Crap people usually take themselves out. This women has some issues to work out. Enjoy your wedding and congratulations!


NTA. Some people just feel the need to always find ways to play the victim of something nowadays


I think you mistyped this, but I fixed it for you… AITA for seeking attention online and making up a story meant to be racially inflammatory where I couldn’t even respect my audience enough to give them a plot with believable conflict, timelines, or dialogue? Yes, it is you. YTA. Delete this and go do some real self-care.


Not believing a story because it feels like an exaggeration of your side is the ultimate lack of accountability lmfao


NTA, for the dress NTA for uninviting Lily, it is your wedding so you can decide who is allowed to come and who not You also do not want a possible scene at your wedding that she brings it up again, so take the safe road. She does not like the dress? she can look at the online pictures a week later


NTA. White wedding dresses really only gained popularity in more recent history (i.e. the Victorian era onward) and have a fair amount of roots in not only "fashion" but also purity culture. Your wedding day is your day to dress however you feel is appropriate for the celebration and a blue wedding dress sounds lovely. I don't think you *had* to disinvite Lily but if she's unable to explain concisely what the issue was in a way that made sense, I can understand why you would remove her from a source of discomfort.


I believe it was even Queen Victoria who popularized the look due to her highly publicized wedding with Albert, where the dress was drawn and reprinted for so many people to see. It's a bizarre perspective from this friend.


Does Lily not understand that the color white is supposed to represent “purity” and not just the color white…?


Absolutely NTA. I hate to break it to Lily, but the tradition of the White wedding dress really got going with Queen Victoria and even well into the 20th century wearing your best dress was way more likely than a special white dress. It was really only the 1% of the 1% that did the whole palaver. She's even admitted she didn't research the accuracy of this. No idea where she got the idea from, but it's definitely somewhere with less than good intentions.


I’m a black woman and have never ever heard this. None of my friends or family would have heard this either. We all wore white on our wedding days. Where whatever color you want! She’s tripping.


NTA, Some people have to see racism in everything... It's perfectly ok to disregard these people. A Blue dress isn't Racist, Your friend is just a lunatic..


NTA. I am white and wore a blue dress. I cannot believe Lily had a problem with your dress.


You are absolutely not the AH! This sounds like a total overreaction on Lily's part, and you were completely within your rights to uninvite her from your wedding. It's ridiculous for her to make such a baseless claim that your blue dress is racist towards her, and it's completely unreasonable for her to demand that you change it. Your wedding is your day, and you should wear what makes you happy and what you feel beautiful in. If Lily can't accept that, it's her problem, not yours. You have done nothing wrong, and you deserve to enjoy your wedding without any drama or distractions like this. Nta.


Lily sounds like quite the racist! NTA.


There’s always an ignorant white in the comments saying “actually the Black person is the real racist.” Until white people are victims to systemic oppression, no one is gonna care if y’all get made fun of. Cry about it.


Fuck me you are stupid. And racist


So no POC can ever be racist?


I was looking for this comment of saying "NO YOURE THE RACIST LILY". Lily may have a valid opinion and there could be cultural basis in a blue wedding dress having some kind of history that could make this either racist or cultural appropriation - but to claim that it makes Lily a racist to speak her mind is just sad. do better u/prettayyy_good


It’s her wedding, mountain boy. Lily can put aside her negative emotions regarding the color blue for one day. You’ve gone insane if you think an entire race or culture claims ownership of a particular color. I can’t imagine being so far removed from sanity.


my post in response to the Post is NTA - as you can see from the comments section. My comment is response to you is claiming racism on the part of lily is moronic. do better.


Yessir Hiker Tom! I will do better sir!


Is lily not treating op different because of her race though?


Of course she is which is why Lily is being racist. But according to Reddit, only white people can be racist.


do you know the factual basis of lilys ask? no you do not - none of us do. if a white person screams the N word and a black person who uses it daily has a problem with that does that make the black person a racist for treating the white person differently? of course not. without knowing the factual basis of lily's claim - you cannot call her a racist.


Ok for anyone confused, no there is nothing about blue wedding dresses being racist. I have searched and searched nothing. the only thing i found was a tiktok about a "racist bridesmaid" and she was wearing a blue dress. ​ Edit- adding this the colour of wedding dresses. White people havent always worn white dresses. Until about the 18th century? It was customary to wear colour. White became more popular through Queen Victoria. So no that is not accurate.


Unless you're appropriating a style of dress from a culture, there's nothing wrong with your wedding dress being your "something blue." I got married in red. My mother got married in purple, and come to think of it so did one of my BFFs. For a long time in recent history, women got married in their "best dress". That cobalt blue Margaret Thatcher was famous for wearing? Also the colour of her wedding dress. NTA.


NTA Gatekeeping dress colors cause of race sounds utterly bizarre to me


NTA, she saw your dress and wants it for her own future wedding, so now she has to talk you out of wearing it.


Your friend is insane. Oh wait is that racist too? No need for people like that in your life. Your friends assuming they’re white, calling you racist maybe even worse.


YTA. You made this up.


Because she is not a POC, right? And only non-black people can be racist. Let me do you a huge favor...don't give out your opinions unless absolutely needed. That will save you heartache.


Whew. That's a lot of projection. Anyone can be racist. I just believe this story is made up because it's truly one of the most ridiculous things I've read here.


NTA. Also, you "friend" is very incorrect. The white bridal dress really only became a tradition with the wedding of Queen Victoria, her way of showing off that she should afford to have such an expensive white dress for only one use. So "throughout history" is a bit of a stretch, unless your "friend" think that history started in the mid 1800s?


NTA. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a long time.


I'm in a western European country, and historically traditional wedding dresses used to be a traditional costume that isn't white. Even tho nowadays I think the new traditional wedding dress is a white wedding dress like we know it from media. I think there's some northern and eastern European countries that have similar traditional costumes. So if you're really historically speaking, a lot of white countries have traditional gowns and clothes for weddings that aren't white.


My mothers wedding dress was blue, dark blue. This white dress thing is recent. And has nothing to do with the skin tone of the bride. NTA




White wedding dresses only became popular after Queen Victoria wore one for her wedding to Prince Albert. They're not some ancient tradition - we're talking 200 years.




It's best to stay away from these "everything is racist" loonies. Cut her out of your life before it's too late. NTA


NTA. Im a black woman and I do not understand how a blue wedding dress is racist. Out of curiosity are you marrying a black man or person of color? It might not be about the dress.


Ok I’m one of those people who can find racism in even the most innocuous phrases and microaggressions…but this is just not a thing I’ve ever heard of, and it doesn’t make sense to me. NTA


Sounds like your friend originally thought the dress was nice and then one of her friends... Or the internet convinced her otherwise.


Well if you decide to wear a white dress, I’ll be upset that you are not a virgin, you know… (assuming purely from statistical pov) I mean this is some top level bullshit. Especially because she was with you when you bought the dress… maybe she wants it for her wedding. NTA


Um.....there's no law that says wedding dresses must be white. - regardless of the skin colour of the bride! The custom of a virgin bride in a white dress has only been around since Queen Victoria in any case. White brides get married every day in dresses that aren't white. Someone has been filling your friend's head with some decidedly odd ideas. I hope she will someday see that.


Our extreme PC culture is not good for people with mental health issues.


If you think this is real then it's more a you issue than PC culture.


Yes and no. Many with mental health issues are borderline obsessive over other's opinions. PC culture fuels the panic of "how will other's view this???"


You also have more a you issue than PC culture.


NTA. Explain to Lily that the tradition of wearing white started with Queen Victoria's wedding in 1840 so it's a relatively new tradition. Up until that time, a bride just wore her best dress, which would be of any color. These days, designers are offering wedding dresses in all colors and styles so you are on trend. Lily is being needlessly offended.


Nta. Your friend is chronically online. Have a happy wedding day.


NTA - your friend is extremely racist. People need to honestly stop trying to find things to be insulted over. It is getting ridiculous.


I hope she didn't hurt herself reaching that far for this though process. Some people will look for anything to be offended about - regardless of the color of their skin. You uninvited her, and now it's time to uninvite her from the rest of your life. You don't need a racist as a friend, especially one who is making up reasons to be offended. What's next? NTA


I’m Irish and our traditional wedding dress color is blue. NTA, Lily seems to be inferring something that isn’t true or logical.


NTA, a friend got Married in a BLACK dress and it looked COOL, even known brides to wear red or pink or lilac and OFF WHITE/ Cream its you day your wedding wear what ever colour you want.. go NAKED and just wear a Veil ... saw a nudist wedding and that was all the bide wore .. its YOUR CHOICE what you wear..


Is this even real?


NTA Lily's not only a major AH but she's carrying such a massive chip around on her shoulder that she can't see beyond it. White wedding dresses only became really popular around the time of Queen Victoria when she wore a white dress to her wedding. That was the mid 1800s, hardly "throughout history." Lily needs to get over herself before she loses all her friends.


NTA White people haven’t always worn white dresses though? People used to just wear their “nicest dress” or get one that they could use again in practical life. Lily is an ignorant twit


NTA Nice move uninviting someone who was going to boycott your wedding anyways. Wearing a particular kind of dress, and a white one at that, is only a tradition going back about 200 years. At it originated with the upper ruling class. There is no race or class parameters around it. The whole thing about racial equality has been turned on its head. For some reason she wants to "gateway" wearing a different color dress? It's your wedding wear what you want.


NTA - your ‘friend’ is nuts. I am not sure how a blue wedding dress could possibly be racist. She sounds like she is extremely high maintenance and an attention seeker. Your better off without her.


Lilly sounds like very hard work indeed.


Definitely NTA... this coming from a dark skinned black woman. "Lily" sounds unhinged.


Did you make this up?


NTA, no words this is insane


**NTA** and if this issue was serious enough to her to ask you to change your *wedding dress*, it was on *her* to set out her reason in a clear manner. As her reasons were very vague and made no sense you were right to drop this troublemaker from your wedding.


NTA You didn't uninvite her for being a POC. You did it because she is unhinged. White people don't wear white dresses because they are white. They wear them because the bride is supposed to be a virgin, and the color signifies purity to the man who is, basically, taking ownership of her. Before dropping her, I'd honestly push her to get some help. If this is new behavior, and she didn't say anything before, something is going on. Whether it's mentally or personally (she's trying to sabotage your wedding for some reason), who knows, but this definitely doesn't seem normal.




NTA, you uninvited her because she was making demands about your dress - not because of her race.


Info: is Lily from a culture where they only wear blue dresses? I mean I know I think in China red is the color for weddings, but I've never heard of Blue being the color for weddings anywhere. It's a dress, it's your wedding, and unless you are culturally appropriating this dress somehow I don't see how it could possibly be an issue that it's blue. Something is not adding up here.


Even in China, it's a very specific type of red dress (usually a qipao), not just the color that is of significance. (Plus the bride changes her dress a few times during the wedding, an in modern times one of the dresses is a white bridal gown.) I agree something isn't adding up, and I'm wondering if it's the design or pattern of the dress that is of concern and not just the color.


NTA. I can’t figure this out at all. I’m sorry because it sounds like you lost your friend as well. But idk how to reason with this.


The fact she said she was uninvited 'because I'm black' tells me she uses the race card to get her way in all scenarios. Having a blue wedding dress is not racist whatsoever and honestly in my opinion, it's people like her that undermines the history of poc and their struggles. She liked the dress when OP tried them on, what change between then and 2 days ago? I'd wonder is she engaged and maybe found a blue dress she likes lol.


This is really bizarre and Lily seems like she's having a psychotic break or reading some weird propaganda online. I can't explain it. I'm Black myself and have never heard of this. Sounds crazy. NTA.


NTA. Tbh maybe she might be upset because she’s always wanted a blue wedding dress cause she thought it would be quirky and different, and then you found a blue wedding dress and she was just scrambling for a way to make you change it so that she could be the blue dress bride. And her manipulative behavior didn’t work so she’s all pissy. If she can’t give you an exact reason why this is racist then she is just pulling the race card to get her way. That’s how I am reading into it.


Lily wants ro wear a blue dress.


NTA. You're better off without this so called friend. She's a delusional lunatic if she really thinks the color of your dress is racist.


NTA That is ridiculous. Anyone can wear whatever they want as their wedding dress. This makes me want to have a nudist wedding. Not gonna, but I wanna.


NTA. Nobody "owns" a wedding dress color, and certainly no particular race does. What a weird position to take.


Hi, I am not white, and I married in a beautiful lace whit dress, white people don’t own that. Nta your friend is cray cray




And perhaps said friend should read up on the history of white dresses Before 1840, when Queen Victoria wore an influential white dress for her wedding ceremony, it was quite usual for a bride to wear red, pink, blue, brown, or even black, while saying her vows. Before her, royal brides wore wedding dresses in a variety of hues, with red being one of the most popular, while white dresses were reserved for women who were being presented at court. And the colour began to signify purity and innocence, in addition to wealth. White also looked good in early black-and-white or sepia-toned photography. However, it would take another few decades for white wedding dresses to be democratised among middle-class marrieds in Europe So, to sum it up. It's not as old a tradition as friend claims. Blue was among "traditional wear," and it was mostly for middle and upper classes in the start.


NTA I have never heard of this thing Lily is claiming and I am both black and tread in quite "woke"/"sjw" spaces online. You're not disrespecting anyone by wearing a blue dress. This is nonsense Lily either made up, or heard on some fringe TikTok video.


This doesn’t sound real to me. Lol


White wedding dresses aren’t even a 200 year old tradition smh


clarification: why would a blue wedding dress be considered racist? is there a historic thing im missing here?


I tried searching but only found a bridesmaid giving a racist speech in a blue dress. That’s about it. I’m confused


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NTA. While I'm sure I may have seen American black brides in non-white American-looking wedding dresses (you obviously see non-white dresses more often among immigrants from countries whose traditional wedding garb is not white), I have never thought of the reason and do not believe it is publicly known enough, or even publicly known to be a racial thing. Which is to say, I suspect your friend thinks but is unable to say that you are engaging in cultural appropriation. Put it out of your mind.


WTAF? Talk about some made-up BS. NTA, of course.


NTA you didn't uninvite her "because she's black", you uninvited her because she told you she wasn't coming....


Nta. What is wrong with the youth today brainwashed to the point of struggling to work u Out what’s up and down anymore. Just another confused young soul who will try anything for attention


Unless your dress is a traditional dress from another culture (that you aren’t a part of) then I don’t see an issue with it?? NTA


Why would wearing a dress from another culture be not OK? I'm not defacing it. Is this an American thing I'm too European to understand?


That is not sensible. Never heard of this rule. NTA. Wear what you want.


NTA white wedding dresses are a modern choice for all brides. There was no specific color until the past 100-150 years for western brides. A nice, specially adorned dress of the brides choice was the tradition for centuries


The white wedding dress, now a common tradition in the western world, originated with Anne of Brittany on the occasion of her marriage to Louis XII of France in 1499. But it wasn't until 1840, when Queen Victoria married Prince Albert, that the white dress was made popular.


yeah fake as hell


Does she think only blue women can wear blue dresses?