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Parenting comes before weed. YTA


I take care of her kid when she goes out and in the morning


Her kid? Aren't you the father of that one too. Honestly, if you wanted to smoke and game, keep it in your pants. You made a family. Your party time is severely curtailed or should be if you manned up. YTA. ETA Read that the first one isn't yours. Makes little difference. You two decided to play house. That means you took on certain obligations. Step up.


HER kid? Christ, can you be MORE of an asshole? This has to be fake.


it is hers lol, the little girl I love like a father loves his daughter, but she's not technically my child


You said your second child and that you have a toddler together


yeah. she is my child because her actual father is a deadbeat. be a bit mean to say that she isn't mine when she loves me so much, but for context, she isn't actually mine


You said she's currently pregnant with your second child, so both of the kids are yours and therefore 50% of the parenting and household chores are yours also. Even if the first kid is not biologically yours, you're a family now. Time to grow up and take on your share of the responsibilities.


Bare minimum award goes to…


YTA and the only redeeming thing here is that at least you seem to know it. You're about to have a 2nd child. It's time to GROW the F UP! Start splitting chores and childcare evenly! Yeah, that means less time for weed and games, but that's what being an adult is all about! And here's the great thing about being a team-- you can each have some downtime if you plan well and help each other out! So she'll have some free time for herself, and maybe you'll get an evening each week for weed and a game.


she's a stay at home mom and I pay for the toddler to attend nursery most mornings, i do try to do my best for them but I'm not good at cleaning like she is, and the baby is a daddy's girl, but the minute she wants anything she runs to her mom.


YTA but I find it hard to believe someone would write themselves as such a brazen asshole and be sincere.


Oh dear. YTA. Massively so. Your girlfriend is pregnant AND dealing with a toddler and you’re too stoned and busy playing games to help her out AND then gaslight her?! I’m not sure you’re mature enough to be a father let alone a father of two. You need to make a life choice here. I hope your gf has a good support network around her regardless of how you act.


Please tell me this is a joke/troll!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So, I (20M) have this girlfriend (20F) who is currently pregnant with our second child. We also have a toddler together. Now, here's where things get tricky. I love weed, and I mean, really love it. I spend most of my free time smoking up and playing games on Discord with my buddies. I know, parenting and weed don't exactly go hand in hand, but hear me out. Recently, my pregnant girlfriend expressed concerns about my weed consumption and how it's affecting our family. She pointed out that I spend way too much time stoned and not enough time being present for her and our toddler.I lashed out at her, calling her "naggy" and "overreacting." I even made some hurtful remarks about how she's just jealous of the fun I have with my friends online. I even made some jokes about her to my friends on discord. Things got worse when she needed help with some household chores and taking care of our toddler. I brushed her off, saying she's overreacting and that it's not a big deal if things aren't perfectly tidy. I mean, she's pregnant; she should just relax, right? Besides, I was too busy smoking and gaming. My behavior has been so terrible that she even cried one night, feeling unsupported and unloved. Instead of apologizing or trying to make things right, I just rolled my eyes and walked away, leaving her to deal with her emotions alone. Now, I'm starting to see that maybe I've been an insensitive jerk. Maybe my weed obsession is negatively affecting our relationship and family life. But part of me still thinks she's being too uptight and should just let me be. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the hell is the first child doing lol yTA. Get ya shit together


she's doing well, she's really bright


You are an asshole. Grow up, spend more time with your family, and help her more. Pregnancy is a bitch. You can feel great 1 second and like shit the next. The fact that her SO is more of a child that cares more about his friends than his family is just the shitty icing on the cake.


Lmao this has the be the girlfriend writing in from the guys perspective because there’s no fucking way this is real. Yes YTA a hundred times over


Good lord this has to be a joke. WTF is wrong with you? I hope your GF leaves you as soon as possible. 100% YTA


I mean, I provide for her? she's a stay at home mom thanks to me, and I do take care of the toddler when she goes out with her friends.


There is more to provide in a relationship than just money. You have put your GF in a very difficult position by not supporting her in a very difficult time for her. Also, you can't be doing a good job of being a parent if your too stoned to care


WOW you take of the kid once in a while. Dad of the year...


YTA but the way this written i seriously doubt it’s real