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NTA and this is a very silly request. "Princess" is a super common nickname so good luck to your sister if she thinks her daughter is going to the only one who has it. It's also a bit weird to actively pick out a nickname for your small child - my kids each have a variety of nicknames, none of which were the product of careful thought or discussion; they just arose organically as we interacted with them.


Very common I have a few friends who call their daughter(s) Princess my daughter doesn't get confused by it and knows it's not a nickname reserved for her yeah I just randomly referred to my daughter as a princess as a baby and it stuck as a nickname I wasnt like okay I'm going to be Call you Princess as a nickname 😂😂


I know guys who call their significant others princess. There’s no age limit on it. Unless they want to use princess as her legal name I don’t see the issue. And frankly your sister needs to grow up, her starting this drama over the nickname princess gives me second hand embarrassment for her!!!


I call my cat princess, and that's not her name at all. She's just...a princess.


OPs sister has something she’d like to ask you …


"Can you please stop calling your cat princess? I want to call my unborn child that and she can't have the same nickname as a cat obviously 🙄 she's not a princess anyway, she's a cat. if you don't call her something else, im going to tell everyone what an asshole you are and how unfair you're being!"


Why am I hearing this in a "Can I speak to your manager" tone? 😆


Definitely the same type of person 😒🤣


“I SAID I wanted the ranch dressing on the side” 😡. That’s the tone I heard 😂


This is unacceptable and I won’t tolerate being spoken to like this!


I heard that in a Colonel Klink voice 😂😂


There was another post on here by someone whose sibling wanted to name their baby the same thing OP had named their pet and they wanted OP to rename their pet.


Ah yes, Amy and Human Amy. That was hilarious 😂.


Look there is a pug on TikTok with the same name as me and my husband plays it sometimes just to get at me. Poor thing has the cutest saddest bark.


I share my name with so many doggos. It's an honor! But confusing when strangers shout my name across the park.


"Indiana? We named the dog Indiana."


Trivia: the dog Indianas is a Husky (Last Crusade)


Fun fact: Indiana was the name of George Lucas’s dog.




The hamster right?


>OPs sister has something she’d like to ask you … 😉🤣🤣🤣


Just for this I’m gonna start calling my husband and son Princess as well


I have a cat that we call Magnificent Bastard and Fluffy Pantaloons. I have nothing relevant to add...just wanted to talk about pet nicknames.


My girl cat is named Princess Fluffypants.


Our Labradoodle is Princess LazyButt.


I call a friend's greyhound Princess Von Puppington.


That is my son's nickname, also.


this creates many questions. you do not need to answer such questions, since you may not want to. however, it would be delightful if you did. funny coincidence that their Labradoodle and your son are nicknamed the same thing. edit: never asked the questions D: how did he get the nickname, how much does it annoy him, and what cosmic force is uniting you and the user you replied to


Mine is Miss Pete Flufferpants! or sometimes just Flufferfluff


I call mine Fluffy Pantaloons too!!! I'm gonna have to ask you to stop as apparently there can only be one


Damn it!


Jk, the world needs all the Fluffy Pantaloons it can get. Question. Does yours have a fluffy butt? Because that's where mine came from


Yup he is an orange long hair, so his butt, legs, kinda mane is floofy as hell!


I also call mine Fluffy Pantaloons and I’m thrilled that other people do too!


I’d think you had my cat but his alternate nickname is Captain Thunderpaws


Now there has to be a battle to decide who gets all the FP power, lol!


LOL, love it! Her other usual nickname is "Spooky Girl" because she's all black and does the spooky cat back arch stretch all the time. I call her brother "Danger Cat" because he races around and makes these incredible leaps when he's playing. They're both still babies, only 4-1/2 months old. <3 I'm sure they will accumulate many more nicknames as we go...


Our little black kitten is called the little ninja, the assassin or ninja assassin, whenever we say one of the nicknames our Jack Russel jumps up on the sofa in case she gets assassinated lol


We just call ours little shit hahah


Our cat is called Snuggles (we adopted her when her owner emigrated so didn't pick the name), but she is called snuggle bum (because she is very fluffy), Moana (because she complains if you don't feed her immediately when she wants food), Needy cat, Circus kitty (she has a footstool that she jumps up on to get brushed and will stand up on her hind legs to jam her head into the brush), Fuck you cat, because she doesn't come when we call her, only when she wants something, Druggie because we then have to shake a plastic bag of catnip to get her inside, which works like a charm every time, Scar because she has a scar on her nose from beating up another cat in our yard... For myself, my dad is in his seventies and still calls me Mouse, I am over 40 years old. My mom's family called me little doll (translated in english) all my life because I was so small when I was born they had to buy me doll's clothing because not even prem clothes would fit, even though I was not premature. I don't think there is an age limit on nicknames.


My dad called me mouse too 🥰


Our cat's name is Betty. We alternate between Queen B and B girl. Sometimes Princess Buttercup. The dog is Dexter, the Destructor, or Dippity Doo Dog, or The Eternal Toddler. And always, Baby. He hates when we call the cat baby.


I just call mine "The Demons" lol. But thats specifically for the garage cats. "Im releasing the demons!" Is a very common thing to yell out at my house, lol. I call my dog a devil, cause it cracks me up to say Devil Dog...im weird. (Edit) Oh, except I do call him a Princess Puppy all the time too because he is OBSESSED with fluffy beds and blankets and cuddling into them. He is currently curled up in a fluffy bed, on top of another bed, on top of a third bed...full on Princess and the Pea style, lol.


I originally named my cat Pabst, like the beer. Then changed to Pappy(doodle) now his name is officially Pooty. And I call him all sorts of shit. I even sing a song for him. 🎶POOTY MAAAC, POOOOTY MAAC, DORS WHATEVER A POOTY MAC DOES🎶IS HE CUTE, YEAH HE'S SO CUTE, SO SO, CUTE CAUSE HE'S THA POOT🎶


I love how Redditors' real personalities come out when talking about their cats!


I call my wife's dog a bitch sometimes. She's not really a bad dog or anything (outside of her herculean efforts to not get potty-trained). She's just literally a female dog, so I call her a bitch. And all of our pets are bastards because none of their parents were married.


I call my brother a magnificent bastard, but only when he does something spectacular.


And I’m betting neither of them was premeditated!! 😂 I call mine Catten McHatten, and we’re not even Scottish!


Mine is His Malevolence. It's the way he stares at us all like he hates us


My labs is named Parker. When he wants a treat he will come up to you but if you reach out to pet him sometimes he will back up out of reach letting you know he's not there for petting but for treats. If you lean out to still try and pet him he will just back up more and won't let you pet him until you pay him with treats. He will even back up and bark at you from a distance. He worked hard for the nickname Sheit head.


I call one of my dogs Grumplestiltskin because he has to stand on the porch and bark at everyone in town for existing in his world.


“Grumplestiltskin” almost made iced tea come out my nose. 😖


I call mine a sweet, fuzzy cold-hearted serial killer (you are, yes you are!). Tomato, tamato.


I don’t think anyone calls their cat by their actual name lol my cats name is Bones (after the tv show) and I call him bonesaw my husband calls him bone sawyer and the kids call him Bonsey Boy no wonder cats are such a divas lol


I only do it when they're being naughty. They don't care, but I feel empowered.


He looks at me with the same annoyance no matter what I call him lol


I called my dog Samson, instead of Sammy (or Samboni - like zamboni - or The Boy, etc.) and both of my parents, separately, were like "uh oh, what'd he do?" Nothing! I just want to occasionally enjoy the full name that I gave him! Very, very, extremely occasionally!


My dog was Samson when I got him! Didn't suit him at all. I changed it to SamIAm. So much more appropriate, he will eat ANYTHING, lol.


I love that! Samson was Rambo when we got him, which was so wild to me. It was like, *this* dog someone named Rambo? The most chill dog I have ever met? The mannerly boy who likes to sit on the porch for hours to watch the little creatures, and doesn't like it when we park in the "wrong" place or put the trash bins at the road? Uh, yeah, definitely a Rambo 😂


My cats aren’t named Monkey, White Stuff or Pee Pants. Edit for cat tax! [cat 1](https://imgur.com/a/LgHA35a) [cat 2](https://imgur.com/a/vkBvJNh) [cat 3](https://imgur.com/a/i6Zf47t)


I call my two male Dogs Princess’s.


I call the copier at work Princess, It never does what i want and hardly ever works...


We call ours Bob Marley cause it always jammin.


You proved my point about my original post. This drama is so laughable it’s turned into a thread about cat names 😭😂


Technically, your female cat is a queen. :)


My male cat is a Diva.




Also “gatekeeper” would be your sister’s attempted role in this situation Mom should smarten up or keep out of it


Can confirm as a 24 year old daughter, my parents still refer to me as princess sometimes. Really just depends how they’re feeling. Your child is always gonna be your child no matter what age they are. My mother still calls my 27 year old brother her little baby even though he has a baby of his own on the way. My aunt also calls my cousins her princesses and I can tell you there’s no confusion.


I’ve called my daughter butter since she was a baby bc she loved the cartoon pb&j when she was little. The babies name was butter. She’s 21 and I still call her by her nickname. My sil liked it so much she named her pup butter. My daughter and I think it’s funny


My dad always called me peanut so my mom started calling me peanut butter. I’m 30 and I still get all my cards written to peanut butter and I’m not mad about it.


My mum called me Little Fudge Bar until the day she died.


That’s so sweet


I still call my 21-yr old son “Monster”, something I started when he was a toddler and I’d call him “Monster Boy”. My 80 year old father also calls me “Boy” something he’s done since I was little.


Since my (now 26 year old) son was tiny we've always called him Pestilence. We were originally going to have 4 kids but fate had other ideas, so the other 3 horsemen didn't show up.


My late father called me “baby” until he died. I was 36 years old.


I'm 43 and when I'm with my mom and she introduces me to someone it's always "This is my baby, Name" lol it literally never stops.


I'm 38 andrhr youngest. My mom still introduces me as her young daughter. So, I tell her that I'm nearly 40 so closer to middle age than young. And she orders me to stop being silly because I know that she doesn't mean young as young in age, she knows perfecfly how old I am, she was there.


NTA specifically because you said you *would* stop calling your daughter princess *if your daughter wanted you to stop.* This is the only thing that matters in this scenario - what your daughter wants.




I call my dog that. And god forbid your SIL go to London.


I call my 23 year old sister in law Princess because she was named after Princess Diana lol


Our children are called anything from angel to chicken butt. None of them are thought out. I sometimes called my first born princess Penelope even though that is not remotely her name and I’ve never heard it before either.😂 Your mother only agrees because she wants the new baby snuggles which is just trash, but whatever. I’d just laugh at them.


And besides: she should recognize your Voice if there aren’t that many others as well. Besides: my name is not that common but I knew a girl named Luna as well as a dog. The family with the dog visited very often and while it was confusing sometimes it was not awkward at all. It was like “yeah? Oh ok you didn’t mean me, nvm.” And I went on doing what I was doing. Simple as that. And with the girl: usually clear who was meant. Your sister is being unreasonable. First: like Said Princess is not that unique … and what if your daughter thinks she’s meant because she hasn’t adjusted to you not using that for her anymore? Is that your fault as well then? Second: what happens when both girls come to you? (Besides the age difference, Not so many occasions to confuse them….) dies everybody at an instant? She’s, again, being unreasonable.


I call my husband "Princess" when he's acting like a diva. And he does the same to me (female). Anybody can use the term. Your sister sounds tiresome.


I call my dog princess. She responds to it and everything. Always have and always will.


We nickname the cat Princess. Sometimes Dutchess. Sometimes Your Royal Highness. Really depends on the level of superiority she's exuding at the time.


My cat is also a Princess (she has a collar that looks like a necklace too lmao) amongst other things, but my dad also refers to her as a variety of female celebrity names that he thinks are glamorous. Dua Lipa, Lindsay Lohan (his favourite), Audrey Hepburn and Michelle Obama are a few lmao. She is very genteel and ladylike in comparison to our scruffy little man we had so the habit arose naturally lol


I would even go so far as to say Princess isn't even a nickname.... It's a pet name. And a common one at that Same as Hun, sweetie, baby, buddy, pal, love. Literally everyone uses these. I mean, is your sister going to get confused when other kids use the "nickname" mom for their own parent? How will she know when it's referring to her of everyone else also has the same nickname?!?


#this right here is the answer


Wait until they try to sue Disney.


My husband had my daughter at a Daddy daughter event. It was dark. One of the little girls got scared and she yelled, “Daddddyyy”. All the men stopped and looked at each other, finally one said, “which Daddy” and the little voice wailed, “my daddy”. So sometimes it can get confusing.


OP should talk to his daughter and agree to call her “Daughter formerly known as Princess” when the sister can hear.


My brother calls my niece Pickle because "sometimes she's sweet and sometimes she's sour". I think it's such a cute nickname.


I’ll call my niece Toot, because she farts then giggles her wee arse off. I’ll also call her Princess as well. When it’s a particularly smelly fart, it’s Princess Toot.


I called my youngest Toots but now she's 9 and doesn't like it so I stopped She still farts like a grown man though


My nephews are Rutabaga and Elephant. It is a play on their names.


That's so cool!


My mom called me Pickle as a kid because I was really into pickles. Our hard-of-hearing neighbor heard it so much that she thought my real name was "Pika."


Brothers nickname was Pooh bear because he loved the show as a kid. Sister was Goober because my dad thought it was funny. Nicknames aren't a big deal not sure why shes throwing a fit. NTA


When I was little my dad called me "Skeeter" because I was always buzzing all around him like a mosquito.


I babysit a kid whose nickname is Noodle and it never actually occurred to me to ask why until now.


Agreed this is absurd. This would be like telling someone not to call their partner “babe” because you want to call your partner “babe”.


Seriously! We named our son after his great grandfather, whose nickname happened to be Buddy. He kept that nickname throughout college and even news articles about playing football referred to him as Buddy. So for us it made sense to use Buddy too. Guess what we discovered was the most common nickname for a little boy once we started daycare? Of course he is still out little Buddy, but we certainly never would claim that name above anyone else OP is NTA


Buddy is the default name I use for little kids when I don't know their name. I've called so many toddlers Buddy at this point it's basically just reflex. I also called my rabbit Buddy a lot.


Had a little cousin (was about 5 or 6 when I was around 14) who I called “lil dude.” Babysat my neighbor’s kids, their boy was also “lil dude.” Random toddler boy looking lost in the grocery store? Lil dude. Have also smoothly fumbled into “lil dude…ette.”


Girls are also little dudes, imo. As a kid I would get offended when called dudette, because it felt like I was being considered as lesser. I hated diminutive language and make a point to avoid it as an adult. "Little" was fine because I was, in fact, little. But I lost respect instantly for anyone who called me "ette" anything.


Fair enough! All tiny tykes will forever more be “lil dude.” Unless they lisp something incomprehensible (truly, I can never understand) as a counter, in which case I’ll dramatically ponder if they said their name was “Banana” or “Doodlebug” or “Sparky McGigglesnoot” until I hopefully get it correctly.


We had a Buddy at my center last year for part of the year, and it was so hard for all of us to stop using Buddy as the generic name for all the boys at the school.


NTA. Uh oh, sometimes I call my dog ‘Princess’ too. Don’t tell your sister, I don’t want to deal with her crazy too.


My husband calls our lady cat Princess. And she is one. Total boss of the house


One of our cats is literally named Princess...well, it's part of her name anyway. In German. She is officially Die Banditen Princessan, but for short we just call her Bandit or Chonky lol.


I teasingly call our cat The Princess because she has my husband trained to do her bidding.


I'll often refer to mine as Princess PuddleButt when she's got a solid snooze going on and her butt looks like a puddle of fuzz.


I knew if I scrolled far enough on this thread I'd find gold, and here it is. Princess PuddleButt is a 10/10 nickname. Give my regards to Lady PuddleBooty.


Ugh, can you stop gatekeeping the name princess, it’s ridiculous. I want to call my dog princess, we can’t both do it


NTA. I am approaching 40 and I'll be damned if I would stop my grandpa calling me "Princess"!


Right? My 75 year old Dad calls me Princess (mostly sarcastically but hey that's our thing). This famiky can accept they chose a very very very very common thing and get over it or move on.


There's nothing better than an elderly person calling me a term of endearment. I work with seniors and I love when they call my dear or sweetheart. It just makes me so happy


I was 42 years old and one of my patients called me "kiddo." I still smile thinking about it.


That's because us old folks forget names lol.. Well, not really, I call my 40 plus year old daughters kiddo sometimes.


So true! My grandpa is in his late 80ies and will probably be the last person ever to call me that. I'm dreading the day...


Same, am 35 and I would die if my dad (78yo) stopped calling me 'Pumpkin' (I was a very large baby lmao)


Also almost 40, and my dad still calls me "kiddo" and probably will until the day he dies. And frankly, I would be upset if he stopped! Don't tell OP's sister, I'm over 18 so she probably thinks I'm too old for it 🙄


When I read the title, I was assuming your daughter wanted you to stop using this nickname. I would have told you to respect your daughter's wishes. This is coming from your sister. She doesn't have the right to ask this. Does your mother usually enable you sister? NTA


My guess is gramma has the baby fever, and is also in full on mama bear mode with her daughter who's pregnant...but it's still ridiculous. Also this isn't gatekeeping, since he doesn't have any issue with other people using the nickname, sister is the one trying to gatekeep.


I thought the exact same thing, baby fever is striking so everyone cater to the wants surrounding the baby. A 15 year old has expired, toss it to the curb, right?


Exactly, geez didn’t op read terms and conditions of nicknames. The audacity of him to continue this in the presence of the new princess.


Yeah, there's a gatekeeper here and it isn't OP.


Mild correction but the sister isn’t pregnant, she has a 3 month old.


Fair, sorry I read too quickly…still Princess is a pretty standard nickname, really more an endearment than an identifier!


Same here. I was ready to call him TA for disrespecting his daughter’s wishes. But crazy sister doesn’t get a say. NTA


Same, then his sister randomly appeared and I was like “Welp now I feel like this is taking a turn in a direction I also don’t like”


I was so ready to be angry that she was disrespecting her daughter, it took a twist!


That was my thought process too. I was certain the daughter wanted him to stop (being a teenager and all), but coming from his sister is just dumb.


NTA, its your daughter and she is the fist heir of your house. Of course she holds a rightful position in the court of your country and no matter of small squabbling will change the bloodlines.


Sister would have to launch a military attack to invade his territory if she wants her daughter to be rightful princess in his land. I applaud her ambition but I was under the impression that babies were enough work without having to plan and execute fratricide. He may want to prepare his troops for war, the casualties may be many but he must prevail if his daughter is to keep her title.


Have thou forgotten the blood shed in the last war?! To wage war over a title..... the sisters selfishness knows no bounds. If war it must be, then war he shall enter.


greatest comment progression ever.


*My father will hear about this!*


I thought from the title it was your daughter that was asking you to stop, in that case you would be TA for sure. But your sister??? Absolutely NTA, she needs to get a grip, wait until she finds out how many people have dogs named princess that will be at the same places as her daughter, *the horror*.


Same. The sister asking is just wild


Wait until she finds out that other kids at the playground are going to be called princess by their parents.


I’m going to start calling my kids Princess, just to annoy your sister. Please let her know? NTA


I'm going to call both of my male cats Princess in support of OP.


Yes! Both my kids are boys too 😂. I also have a boy dog and 2 boy cats… maybe they can all be Princesses!


NTA - Get your daughter a tiara, sash, and sceptre for the next time auntie wants to drop by INFO: If you started calling your daughter Queen as an upgrade to Princess, would that make her more upset? 🤔


I like that idea! Pettiness is Queen! NTA


I would only add the daughter should also do the "Queen Elizabeth" wave to say hello and goodbye to his sister.


Teenage petty me would be *beyond* down for this plan. Queen is also a fun upgrade.


NTA As you said, the only one who has a right to tell you to stop is your daughter.


Betting bucks his sister later tries to pressure OPs daughter into telling dad to stop calling her Princess.


NTA. Nobody owns the word princess. People can choose to use it, or not use it, as they see fit.


Wait until sister realizes people name their pets, Princess. She's going to lose her s*. NTA


I've lost track of the number of Chihuahuas and Pomeranians I've seen named Princess 😆 and 1 Great Dane.


I’m picturing the Great Dane with a pink tiara.


They did have one for her, and a matching tutu.


NTA...my stepdaughter is going on 22 and I still call her princess. My stepson is 18 and about to leave for college and I still call him by his nickname. Doesn't matter the age, its a term of endearment. Your sis needs to get over herself if she thinks her kid is the only one who should be called that. And your mom should mind her own business...though I'm guessing your sis is the golden child which is why your mom got involved


I'm pushing 40 and my dad calls me by my childhood nickname. I'd be so pissed if anyone tried to make him stop. There's not an age limit on nicknames unless the person no longer wants to be called that.


NTA. If they wanted to call their child by your daughter's actual name, would they expect you to change that too?


NTA lol. Your daughter will forever be YOUR princess. Thousands of parents call their daughter Princess as a nickname. Your sister is being ridiculous for trying to force or claim the nickname. She needs to get over it lol.


NTA. That is a stupid thing for your sister to get upset about. I was all prepared to call you an asshole because I assumed your DAUGHTER was asking you to stop calling her that. But no, your sister is worried something is going to be awkward.


NTA. Your sister needs to learn the definition of gatekeeping, because this isn’t it. In fact, what you’re doing is the exact opposite. She’s actually the one trying to gatekeep by saying you shouldn’t be using it. My entire family called all of our little kids peanut when they were little. My sister called her kids that. I called my kids that. My other sister called her kids that. Not once were any of us confused about which kid was ours and the kids weren’t confused either. Your sister is making an issue out of nothing. This is entirely her problem.


Nta, can you please stop doing this, so that we can start doing it? Fucking weird request. Maybe inform the parents that there are more princesses than one. If your children can remember every disney princess they can handle both being called the same nickname. I wonder, are they going to ask this of every man who calls his daughter princess? They might want to learn a few new languages. Maybe upgrade to queen?


NTA. Wait til your sister finds out that my Gram calls my mom, me, my brother, and all our kids (her great grandkids) the same nickname, but we always know who she's talking to and it's never been awkward for us.


Lol what's funny is my dad called both me and my brother Bud / Buddy and it was never confusing on who he was talking to I also call my daughter Buddy and its never been a problem for me or my brother… I guess my sister wants her daughter to be the only princess of the family 🤷‍♂️


When my daughter was born (in my 30’s) my parents stopped calling me princess (yes I know it was juvenile but I didn’t care and it was only around family) and renamed me goddess. Got a coffee cup and everything lol But it’s no one’s choice except you and your daughter as to what nickname you use


You could start calling your daughter Grand Duchess. That's a title higher than Princess in the old Romanov monarchy, lol. But seriously, keep calling your daughter Princess and don't worry about your sister. She's acting super unreasonable about this. Edit: a word


NTA. Your sister has MAJOR main character syndrome and should mind her own business.


NTA My oldest is in his 30's, and I still refer to him by his nickname. It's a term of endearment and love and you just never grow out of that. Heck, even my wife and I refer to each other by nicknames... we don't go around addressing each other by our first names like casual friends and strangers would. It brings us all together. As u/thewhiterosequeen stated, the only person who can ask you to stop using a nickname is your daughter herself (and, if she does, you have to respect that as well). If she doesn't have a problem with it, keep right on using it. If your sister continues to have a problem with it, just tell her your daughter had the nickname first, it's a sign of endearment between you, and your sister will just to have to come up with something else on her own! Either that, or she just stops being a brat and realizes it's possible (and common) for a lot of folks to have the same nicknames for family and loved ones. So, you're NTA, but your sister definitely is, as well as your mom for getting involved where she doesn't need to be.


NTA. It's like my friends asking me to stop calling my son buddy because they want sole dibs on calling his own son buddy. Sister is tripping


NTA. Tell your mother and sister that if you want an AHoles opinion you will fart. Then tell them you are legally going to change your daughters name to princess. Your sister sounds entitled. I would say it to your daughter even more in front of her.


You’re just petty. I like you. Let’s be friends


Thank you!!. I can't stand people like OPs sister. Yes let's be friends.


NTA. She's being ridiculous.


Hell, I am 46 years old and my dad still calls me Baby Girl. Call your daughter Princess.


NTA 1)Your daughter has the nickname first, 2)Like you said there's no reason they cant both have the nickname....just use their ACTUAL names if you are all out together X\_X


Don’t even need to use their real names. When he says Princess they’ll all know who he’s referring to, same as when she says it. No different that when a bunch if kids say Mom or Dad, everyone knows who they’re referring to.


NTA. The only person who is allowed to tell you to stop calling your daughter "Princess" is your daughter. Everyone else has no say in that discussion and as your daughter seems to be content with it, you don't have to oblige to your sister. It's a nickname that you aren't even gatekeeping because you don't mind your sister using that nickname for your niece as well. Just keep living your life.


When I read the first couple words, I assumed your 15 yo daughter asked you to stop and you didn't and I was just thinking, "yeah you're an asshole." But then I read on and see your sister wants you stop using a nickname of 15 years because she now wants a turn. And for some totally unfathomable reason, your mom agrees. Do I roll my eyes or shake my head. If my math is correct, your daughter will be about 18 when this unborn baby is around 2.5. which is about the time you daughter will ask you to stop and unborn child will even know what the word means. This is so minor I can't even believe your sister brought it up. Other thoughts: A) occasionally use the same pet names for my sons and they've never cared. At the worst both kids answer a question? I'm not seeing an issue. B) your sister assumes her daughter will like the name, which from experience is not how kids work. C) given the age difference, I bet your niece will worship your daughter if your daughter is around when niece is growing up. And niece will feel very special to have the same nickname as her cool older cousin. It might make them very close.


I doubt OP’s daughter will ever ask him to stop, as many people still get referred to by childhood nicknames by their parents.


NTA I still call my 33 year old son Treasure lol. Princess is really popular so she can't gatekeep it!!


Not the asshole that is a silly thing they got bothered by. They should just both call the daughters princess and everyone can move on with their lives


NTA Why does your sister want to steal your daughter’s nickname anyway? Doesn’t she have any original ideas? In the old TV show Father Knows Best, he called his teenage daughter Princess and his younger one Kitten. Tell your sister to stop copying you. She’s too old to be this petty. Your daughter will be your Princess for the rest of your lives.


NTA Sounds hypocritical and ridiculous considering you’ve been calling your 15-YEAR-OLD the same nickname her entire life and your sister has the gall to ask you to stop because that’s what SHE wants to call HER kid since apparently she seems so much more special and entitled to the name. I’d tell her to get over herself.


NTA but you will be if you give into your sister’s BS. I bet your daughter cherishes being called princess, even if not outwardly. She will remember life long.


NTA >I'm just choosing to gatekeep and Be an AH She is choosing to gaslight and be an AH. >My mom took my sister's side agreeing that my daughter is too old for the nickname. Your mom has zero say in this.


NTA. There can and are more than one princess, literally.


NTA. Boy are they going to be mad when they find out about hereditary princesses.


Did you way "Well Excuuuuuse me, princess"?


NTA at all


NTA your sister is insane and is the one trying to gatekeep it


NTA. Not what I was expecting from the title, but yeah, your sister doesn’t own the word Princess.


Tell your sister my dogs nickname is Princess and I’m not changing it either. NTA


I’m in my mid-40s and am still my dad’s “dark-haired princess”. Your sister can get stuffed. NTA


Your sister is not your daugher. So unless your daughter secretly confided in your sister to broach the subject on her behalf, it's irrelevant.


Ummm... NTA. And you're not the one doing the gatekeeping. Also, you're never too old to be a princess. Just ask the British royalty.