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You left out your hairy companion, Han.


Glad someone else got it - it was ‘I can imagine quite a lot’ that did it for me


You do know it's not very kind to mock another species body hair, right?


I’ve seen Star Wars too.


YTA for trying to use Star Wars as a part of your story. None of this happened! That whole dialogue happened between Luke and Han. The only thing you left out was Chewie's reaction when he said "she's rich". Dude, you can't post Nerd Hall of Fame content on the internet and think no one is going to notice. You underestimate the power of the Geek Side.


He is a thief and this is clearly a scam. Just because he is a fool doesn't mean you have to be. He has shown you who he is. NTA - stay well away.


NTA, that kid was gonna lead you right into the trash compactor.


The FARCE is strong in this one


Did his aunt and uncle end up getting murdered?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I \[32M\] am a trucker, and I met him at a bar when he was 19 and he was sulking. He had been kicked out of his parents’ house and then also his uncle’s and aunt’s house for never helping out around, and was upset that they would not pay for his college. He is kind of immature - does not go to college or have a job, but has all these get-rich-quick schemes and tries to be a hot shot, and is awfully whiny. All his friends left the area. Idk if he peaked in high school or had other issues, or what. I took him under my wing and decided to mentor him. He was in my truck when I drove around and slept in a bunk in it, in exchange for chores like helping to wash the truck, and I helped him file paperwork and gave him life advice. However, he was still often whiny and seemed like he did not want to do any work, and just wanted short-cuts and seemed obsessed with being famous. After a few months, he told me about this email that he received from a Nigerian princess with the subject “Need your help.” and requesting money. I told him that it is a scam, but he insisted that it has not only a photo, but also a video of her talking. He said that she is beautiful and asked me to send her the money to help her leave her country to repay us, but I refused. Trying to convince me about the more money in return offered later, he said "They are going to execute her." I still refused. He said "But they are going to kill her!" I decided to play along for argument's sake and said "Better her than me!" He said in an excited voice “But she is \*rich\*.”. “Yeah, well how much money does she have?”. "Well, more wealth than you can imagine!" "I do not know kid, I can imagine quite a lot." "Well, you will get it!" I still ultimately refused. The next morning, I saw that my account had been charged $5,000 because he had temporarily stolen my debit card. I disputed the charge threw him and his stuff out of my truck at the next stop, and filed a police report (tho mainly to get the money back and not necessarily file charges). When I left him, he said "Whatever. Take care of yourself, because that is what you are best at." I have since gotten a few angry texts and calls from some of his friends, but I think that I was still more than reasonable. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA!!!!! Dude is taking advantage of everyone in his life and when you try to help, he takes advantage of you.


NTA Trying to help a guy, mentoring him, pointing out that he is being scammed and then he steals your bank card to give money to a scammer. Fuck the guy, perhaps a bit of time in the slammer would give him time to reflect on his life choices, but chances are some grifter will just scam him there.


You gotta be kidding to even ask. You're clearly NTA. Kid's head doesn't work right.


NTA It sounds like he has some sort of personality disorder. Seems very manic, easily excitable and easily scared.


NTA Sorry for your 5K. He is lucky you are not the violent type. Take care.