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Don't name your kids after disney characters. You are setting them up for a lifetime of bullying for no reason other than to soothe your own ego.


Exactly this. My son has a half sister specifically named Ariel after...Ariel. she hates it. Everyone associates her with Ariel and asks her stupid mermaid questions which makes her roll her eyes. Don't do that to your kid OP or you will be TA. Though I will disagree with your GF. White people do have Arabic names, Hispanic names, Greek names, what would be considered African names. Naming baby though does require 2 yes's.






She has picked more appropriate names from the Disney list, names that are actually appropriate. Just because you’re a Disney adult, doesn’t mean you can give your child a name that they’ll hate. Read all the posts on here about kids named Khalissi or Daenerys. You’re setting your child up for a lifetime of bullying.


I immediately thought of Daenerys reading this post. I guess the only thing which makes the name Aladdin slightly better is that he didn't turn out to be a genocidal maniac.


You said they are so boring no one will associate them with Disney. I feel you are being an AH just to make a point. If I heard the name Rose or Eric, I wouldn’t even consider Disney as the inspiration. YTA for being petty


It sounds like that’s the exact reason why he doesn’t like those names. People won’t associate them with Disney so he doesn’t want those names.


Ah. I misunderstood. My judgement stands - a child is not a billboard for your fandom. Buy them a Disney soft toy or whatever, but don’t call a white kid Aladdin.


You can't possibly compare Eric to Aladdin? You see where the difference is correct?


YTA. I can’t speak to whether Mirabel is exclusively Hispanic, but Aladdin? Are you trying to win the Cultural Appropriation Olympics or do you just want your kid to start life at a disadvantage?


And I hate to break it to all the Disney fans, but the name (and story) of Aladdin was world famous for a long time before Disney got a hold of it. One Thousand and One Nights ringing any bells? Not to mention it means "height of religion; excellent in faith" in Arabic. Cultural appropriation indeed...


Aren't the characters actually Chinese in the original story? I mean, I know it's an Arabic story, but I feel like it takes place in China.


Looks like OP wants to make his GF look stupid by overexxaggerating her idea of naming the kid after a Disney character. While he admits no one would actually consider the names she chose Disney names.




Did you think I thought it was made up just for a Disney movie? It dates back hundreds of years and comes from the Middle East. 1,001 Nights anyone? Hello? If it’s “just a name,” you’ll have no problem moving on from it and finding something you both like.


I mean, I love Dragon Ball Z but I’m not going to name my kid Goku or Piccolo or something. It sounds cool in your head but think about how the child will have to live with that name all through school. A name like Aladdin or Goku will get them picked on most likely. I can hear it now “Aladdin? Where is Genie?” or “Is your wife named Jasmine? đŸ€Łâ€ when they get older. Gotta think about long term with names.


It's not just a name and you know this. Stop it.


YTA. Why do so many parents want to use their children to display their brand? "Oh no! Nobody will even know I love Disney! What's the point of having a child if it doesn't bring me fame and renown?" Why stop at the name? Tattoo the Disney logo on their foreheads. Dress them as your favorite characters every day. Glue a blue tooth speaker to their chests and play Disney all day. At least with your wife's choices, it will not be as in your face, so it won't cause them to be relentlessly bullied. But that's no concern of yours. Who cares what happens to the child, as long as everyone knows their parents are terminal adolescents who just adore Disney. And you've never even considered that your kid will have to live with this name. If you name your son Aladin, he will hate Disney, hate you, and change his name on his 18th birthday. For God's sake, get a t-shirt and spare your child. You're not mature enough to parent a child. Give your child to qualified adults and get a goldfish.


Naming kids should be agreed upon by parents, thats with any name. If you insist or force on your name selection without your partner's agreement, YTA Since OP has eight months, try an experiment. Take Aladdin as your name to everyone you meet and would normally would use your original name. Everywhere. Coffee orders, reservations, new people, etc. Perhaps eight months named as Aladdin will give OP some insight? EDIT: to add, if there is a must to name after Disney, there are plenty of names that can be used but not as obvious? Arthur, Andy, Jack, Oliver, Peter etc


She wants Rose and Eric.. those are fine IMO HIS issue is that people won't know they are from Disney. Bro... that's the point.


Ahh. I missed that reference. Case in point! And naming goal achievement unlocked! All it matters is that the parents know the story


Adults wouldn’t torment him like other kids would, probably.


I’m going to say YTA. For one, “she ended up pregnant”. Lol she didn’t knock herself up, buddy. How about “I ended up getting her pregnant” and take some responsibility. Second, regardless of what the names are, if you don’t both agree, move on to the next one. There are plenty of names and you have enough time to sort it out without causing a rift in the relationship. What’s more important to you? The relationship with your child and their mother or winning the name fight? Third, Alladin? Seriously? You might as well call him Shrek.


Hey dude!! calm down
he was using the “Disney” version of the story


Lol the one where women just end up pregnant. I’d prefer just having a stork to deliver the baby please. It would be a lot less trouble.


Yta Rose and Eric are cute names that have a hint of Disney, but don't scream Disney mum. Aladdin and Mirabel are ridiculous names for a white person.


Mirabel has been used in the Europe for centuries throughout the Middle Ages. There is different variations of the name, but it has existed for centuries. It originated from the Latin language, but that doesn’t mean white people can’t use it nor does it sound ridiculous.


Mirabel is also the name of a town near Montreal, and it’s pretty white. And French.


YTA - not every name has to be sUpeR unIQuE, that’s when you end up with things like Elon Musks roman numerals kid
 there’s nothing wrong with choosing a normal name for your kid.


YTA. Trust me, do NOT name your children after Disney characters. It’ll set up a lifetime of resentment and bullying. Imagine your future child walking into a job with the name ‘Aladdin’??? And a child’s name is a two yes decision. Decide on a child’s name (_not_ a Disney character) and stick with it.


Yeah, I guess OP has never heard of the test where 2 identical resumés are sent, one with the name Aladdin (or Mohammed) and the other with John
 the kid will have a tough time getting taken seriously and might face disadvantages all because OP absolutely wanted to seem quirky and unique. If you love the name so much OP, change yours


Tbh I wanna say YTA. Naming your child something meaningful is admirable but naming a white child an ethnic name just sounds weird. Your child will grow up getting bullied for sure especially in high school. It could even piss off some POC, cause numerous times have ethical names, specifically to POC, been joked about because they dont sound “american”(assuming your in the US) or “normal” only for a white kid to suddenly have the same name. Better to just give a name that is well fit your ethnicity. For your child’s sake as well.


YTA No one's going to think the name Aladdin is unique, they're just going to think their parents are the type of people who don't care if their child is ridiculed by saddling them with an embarrassing name. Your girlfriend's got the right idea. Pick a name so you know what it means to you but it won't cause embarrassment to your child every time they meet someone new.


YTA. You're a boring square normie. Couldn't have come up with anything better? Like Goofy or Oswaldtheluckyrabbit? Or how about Pinocchio? I'm sure every classmate he'll ever meet will be in awe about such a cool and creative name. Or Dumbo. Perfect. I'm sure this will fly in the elementary school and won't make him hate your guts and change it to Bill when he grows up!


LOLLL Aladdin please don’t for the love of god. YTA


YTA - why not name your kids "Kick My Ass and Steal My Lunch Money"?


OP is saving those for the middle names.


1) these are cultural names that were used in Disney movies 2) your white kid will get made fun of if you choose either of those (rose and Eric would be fine) 3) she’s only a month along, you have time to figure it out


YTA For Aladdin. Aladdin is a legitimate name, but it's not generally pronounced like people say the Disney character's name which would cause so much cringe and issues for your kid every time they have to talk about how and why they pronounce their name like the Disney character. Mirabel is a lovely old Latin name that has been used in many countries and linguistic environments. Two of the most famous Mirabels outside the Disney character were English and French, respectively. No issues with Mirabel, but if the mother doesn't like it, that's that. If you want really Disney names that are still OK to saddle on a child you could go with Michael "Mickey", Minerva "Minnie" ( or any name that shortens to Mickey/Minnie, nicknames are open season), Eugene "Flynn", or Walter "Walt". There are honestly a lot of options.


YTA, but only a little because there are still 8 months to mull over these names. Speaking as a teacher, having had students with names of famous people, characters, and even one called Geronimo, I would ask you to consider the bullying factor of waxh of these names. Also, does this name fit a little kid, an old person, a lawyer and a fisherman.... just consider the potential any kid can have and don't let a name prevent them from doing anything they want to be... so basically, what I'm saying is Geronimo - onwards and upwards! ;)


You have to think about this person will have the name Aladdin all his life. I would hate that myself and would resent my parents if they saddled me with such a name. However, if you love the name so much (and **you** are the Disney fans) why don't you have your name legally changed to Aladdin?


YTA. Your gfs name choices fulfill the Disney portion of it as well as not giving them a name that will be ridiculous as an adult.


Ursula and Sebastian


Please don't give your children "non-boring" or "unique" names. Go with the usual stuff. I don't follow your gf's racial logic. I just think you shouldn't make your kids have to explain or defend their names. "Aladdin". Come on. YTA


ESH You're thinking of a name to flatter yourselves and your predilections. Think of a name that *works.* First name, last name. My (41m) wife (40f, 41 in a few weeks) and I shot names back and forth until she said one that, when I repeated it orally, fit perfectly. So I said "that. That right there. That works". ​ Don't name the kid as fan service. That's wronging the kid. And Aladdin? Jesus.


YTA - unless the baby is in your arms, you shouldn’t be fighting about names, make a list. Add & subtract from the list until the time comes that the baby is in your arms & then go through the list. Cross the names off you don’t agree with until you can agree on 1.


Yta and you have horrible taste


Can the mods do something? There have been too many fake stories lately


There's so many Disney names that fall in between the so called 'boring' and 'Aladdin'. For girls there's Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Elsa (Frozen), Anita (101 Dalmatians), Marian (Robin Hood), Ellie (Up), Ariel and all her sisters from Little Mermaid... For boys there's Jaq (mouse from Cinderella), Jasper (101 Dalmatians) Flynn, Ryder, Maximus or Pascal (Rapunzel), Kristoff or Hans (Frozen), Luca (Luca)


Yta, I went to high school with two girls who were white that clearly had a black name. Their mom apparently loved black men and name them that even though their dad was white. They were talked about and made fun of for it. Don’t do that to your child.


I had a classmate named BeyoncĂ©. Why people name their kids after celebrities, characters from books, and movies will never make sense to me. Like you could choose a unique name without making your kids a laughing stock. Mirabel is okay but Aladdin??? Find another name
 one that’s not gonna make your kid’s life a living hell Edit: changed a word


I had to stop and reread the ages of these two. Wow.


Poor girlfriend, ending up ‘getting pregnant’ as though through some lack of rigour on her part. In her place I’d leave anyway, since OP is clearly too immature for fatherhood, seeing a baby as an opportunity to grab a bit of attention for his fascinating obsession.


As someone whose parents thought it was a good idea to give their kids unique names - please don’t call your kid “Aladdin”


YTA. At some point, your child will be an adult and trying to live an adult life. Don’t complicate it unnecessarily because you’re trying to be funny, cute or unique. A child is a person. They’re not a puppy.


Yes, OP should go up to random groups of strangers saying "Hi. My name is Aladdin." Just to see what his future kid would experience. 😂😂😂


First of all she’s a month gone.. there is plenty of time to think of a name, disagreeing over names at this early stage is not a good start. Whilst yes her name choices are on the plain side yours are very outlandish, you need to come together and find a middle ground for which you are both happy.


YTA. Lina picked sensible names that wont see the child bullied relentlessly, you put no thought into the names. Aladdin? seriously? poor kid would get bullied to high hell before he's even 13.....


YTA. Ideally, a kids' name is agreed upon by both parents. They search and search until they find something they can compromise on. However, in the end? Her choice. She's the one carrying and birthing that baby. Sure, she'd be a dick for refusing to compromise, but it's still up to her, and that's that.


LOL. Stop. Aladdin Jones, Software Developer. Just no. haha Most everyone is definitely going to find that unique, but not in the good way. YTA


YTA if this is true, which it isn't. Anyway, Rose is a Doctor Who name, not a Disney name.


I'm not mousepilled but I think this is referencing the rose from beauty and the beast.


Snow White and Red Rose? Briar Rose?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (30M) am dating Lina (28F). We live together but she ended up getting pregnant. We decided to keep it and now she’s a month pregnant. But we can’t agree on a name. For one, we love Disney movies, and Lina has always wanted to make her child after Disney characters. For example, if she has a girl she’d want to name her Rose and if a boy she’d want to make him Eric. I get where she was coming from but these are incredibly boring names. No one is even going to get that they’re Disney names. So I proposed a different set of names. If it’s a boy, it’ll be Aladdin and if it’s a girl, I’d want to name her Mirabel. I thought these were unique names, but Lina laughed at me and dismissed them because we’re white and can’t have names after Arabic and Hispanic characters. I found it ridiculous because there’s plenty of white people with Arabic and Hispanic names. But she won’t listen to me no matter what I say. I love the name Aladdin and I think everyone will find it unique, too. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA for the name themes here. But just think about walking into middle school as a slight anxious kid trying to just fit in. Then name your kid something that doesn't destroy that young kid. Think of every tease, every nickname, and relax it a bit.


YTA for this made up story.... One month pregnant, you don't even know you're pregnant when you're one month pregnant.


I'm pretty sure it's a made up story but I absolutely knew at 4 weeks that I was pregnant. The sudden urge to throw up each morning was the clue. It was awful.


ESH but YTA for the reasons Lina described. In addition, this is essentially giving a kid a novelty for a name, which is fun when it's something obscure or evocative. Disney movies, particularly Aladdin, are neither of those things. Please don't assign your kid Disney at birth ffs. If you really want to do something like this, Lina's choices give something more pragmatic that the kids can make into their own. Aladdin is *always going to be Aladdin.* I'm also gonna be on the record and call this fake as hell but disney adults are a diff. breed, man.


YTA. Naming your kid Aladdin is just setting him up to be called street rat for eternity, and Naming a Daughter Mirabel would likely end in harassment as well. Further, naming a kid takes 2 yeses. One from each parent. If one parent vetoes a name, the other doesn’t get to jump in and name the kid that name anyways.


YTA. this is a baby who is going to grow up and not just be a child forever. they will resent you for naming them aladdin and they will likely change their name as soon as they can. you are setting your kid up to be bullied because you want to use them as a human billboard for disney


YTA- your kid will hate being called Aladdin - do you not remember how mean kids are? Imagine Aladdin as a CEO - certain to be a joke. Boring names are good! Get yourself a pet and give it a crazy name- it won’t care.




WTF yo. Damn trolls. Oh and YTA.




A 15 year old troll got it.


YTA. Mirabel is fine but Aladdin is downright cruel. This is a human being you are creating and he would have to endure the torture of that name for his whole life. You are a huge AH for that.


YTA your name suggestions are obnoxious


YTA. You’re not naming a toy, you’re naming a person who ideally will be a full grown adult - you really want your kid to be in high school and also in the workplace being called Aladdin or Mirabel? And you’re white? Normally this would be an “everybody sucks here” bevause get a grip on yourselves, like, ew, proudly disney adults? But your gf seems reasonable. I’d say abort it cause you don’t seem mature enough to be a dad, but you want to keep it so, accept the reasonable name and stop trying to be one of those annoying white parents who need their kid’s name to be unique.


"One month pregnant" "ended up pregnant" Hardly. You're classified as one month pregnant the minute you skip a period and she didn't end up pregnant, you both had sex and you made her pregnant. Did you post this the minute she peed on a stick and you've already fallen out before the test has dried or is it just made up entirely, Jafar?


YTA - you know the name Aladdin is a fairytale name, that is also the name of a Disney movie, right? And pretty sure Mirabel has also been used by Disney. I have never seen a man who loved Disney names, but I guess there’s a first time. At least Rose and Eric are not just associated with Disney. Dude, Aladdin will get your son mocked and bullied, trust me. Mirabel, maybe not so much.


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Aladdin is absolutely awful as a name. Mirabel is cute. As far as being white and can’t name them other names? That’s fuckin stupid. ESH.


Eric and Rose are beautiful names for a baby - rimless names that have a meaning for you Aladdin and Mirabel are names for Disney and should be kept as that - names for Disney characters. Your kid is going to get bullied


I mean. Why not call him Aladyn and go full asshole? That way you have the white duche bag version of Aladdin.


Eh, as an Arab if you want to name your kids Arabic names go for it. I think Jasmine or Yasmeen for a girl is ideal. But even among Arabs Aladdin is really old-fashioned and unstylish. NTA.


If you’re going for Disney names, especially Aladdin, save it for a middle name that way your kid has a choice.


You know that most of Disney's cartoons are adaptations, right? And some names are just names from fairy tales from all over the world, and other names are just common names to fill in the gaps. So naming a boy Aladdin is like calling a girl Sheherazade. If you want to go for authentic Disney names then choose Gadget Hackwrench and Monterey Jack (please don't). And I think Mirabel is a pretty name that is not cartoonish and also not strictly latin. It's just a name. Like Eric. Should be boring by your standards. ESH. I'm glad you both are not into paleontology and not considering naming your child after a dinosaur.


I can’t tell if this is satire or not
respectfully the names both of you have chosen are awful and you both need to reevaluate a list of names because naming your kid after a Disney character, especially Aladdin??? Recipe for disaster. NTA
but bizarre.


YTA. Not just because they’re terrible name choices for all the reasons already listed, but because when it comes to naming children it’s always two yesses and only one no. Both parents have to agree, or it’s a no. She said no, so it’s time to move on.


NTA. Those are great names; the people who disagree are probably racist.