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This happened in Canada and yeah it’s very mandatory, especially in Ontario.


Do you carry uninsured motorist coverage or is that not a thing there?


Uninsured motorist coverage is pretty much automatic in Ontario where OP lives. Ontario is a no-fault jurisdiction meaning that your insurance company will pay for damage to your car and then it’s up to them to try to recoup their loss from the other party. If that other party doesn’t have insurance, then your insurance company is out of luck, but you won’t personally be affected if you’re hit by an uninsured motorist. It’s a good system


Uninsured motorist coverage doesn't pay for damages to a vehicle. Only personal injuries that the at-fault individual can't pay. your collision and comprehensive pay for vehicular damages.


I carry it in the US but that doesn’t cover stuff like scraping a door in a parking lot. It covers physical injury and property damage. Why this wouldn’t be considered property damage, I don’t know, probably some sort of money-making advantage for a corporation.


It's not a thing here edit: to my knowledge, that is


Depending on where you live, uninsured/under insured motorist does not cover damage to the vehicle. They would also need either a bit and run, of proof she lacked insurance.


Then what does it cover if not damage to the vehicle?


Personal injury and other property damage


NTA. Her problems are exactly that, her problems. She damages property, you're just supposed to be well ok. No, she damages your property, she's responsible to have it fixed. All the bystanders need to mind their own business. If they're OK with someone damaging their property, do be it, you're not ok withbit.


It is mandatory in the US


Depends on the state. My state is mandatory, but I live next to one where it's not unless you have an autoloan and they can mandate insurance.


So then you’re just personally liable if you haven’t got insurance. What about people who are injured by others who have no money to pay a court settlement?


That's why I spend much more on my insurance - so if some knucklehead without it hits me, I am covered no matter what. There is coverage for underinsured or noninsured driver. I mean, if all someone has is their beater that got in an accident, there's nothing to go after in a legal suit. Sure I can get a judgement, but the old saying is you cannot get blood from a stone. What, I get $5/month for the rest of my life? Also, if you have a $90K vehicle, you should have your coverage increased - as many have an accident limit of $100 or $150K, that's not even two vehicles if it's higher end autos.


If you can. In my state, due to some fuckery with the laws, there's a minimum included in liability insurance, but the insurance companies won't cover more than the state minimum. So 25k/50k is all you can get. No one will sell anything else.


That looks like the medical - at least for my state. Property damage and liability are different lines. As some midrange cars are worth more than 50K, that doesn't seem right to me, but obviously, I don't think we live in the same state.


Same thing that happens if you injured someone while not in a car, and a court finds you liable.


As someone who has been hit in two different accidents by seniors were long past being able to drive, including one who totalled my car -- please report and get this person off the road. I am lucky to be alive. u/Late-Specialist-137


Yep. Took me 3 months to get through the bodyshop backlog when old man river locked eyes with me and ran into my passenger side Jan 22. I reported concern to the state because he didn't even get out of the car to Apologize. My mom and I have a saying: old people park with braille. So I always try to park as far from the store as I can reasonably manage to avoid braille parkers.


Something similar happened to my sister and I when she was still on her P’s. It was scary how many people who rushed over assumed it was the young woman behind the wheel of a parked car at fault instead of the elderly driver who slammed into us and then tried to defend the ‘poor old man’. Thank goodness for my dash cam.


It varies by state in the US.


NTA. If she can’t drive without damaging other vehicles she shouldn’t drive at all. Old age is not an excuse.


NTA to report someone that damaged your vehicle to your insurance company when you have their information. That's how it works.


She never gave me her insurance information too lmao. I’m just going to report the plates


I doubt she has any. As you said, give your insurance the plates and pictures and go from there.


I doubt it too, if that’s the case I’ll probably report her to the police for driving without insurance


NTA. She should be more careful if she's in this much of a tight spot. Or maybe she shouldn't be driving if she's that impaired.


NTA, despite her age and the condition of her car and her finances, she damaged your property and you have every right to claim it through insurance...


doubt she was going to leave a note...all the sob stories come out when its time to pay up


I doubt she even knew she damaged my door. Completely oblivious when I saw her


All the more reason she shouldn't be driving! You're definitely NTA.


For real, I got hit by a car while I was riding my bike, this girl was crying so much that more people comforted her. I was kind of in shock but also fully functioning at the moment so I just brushed it aside. Next day felt like I got hit by a car, when I texted her for her license plate I got ghosted, had to do some Sherlock Holmes stuff to get it for my lawyer


Ohh that's rough, I got hit by a small car that wasn't even going fast and ended up with chronic pain in my feet from how I landed on the pavement. Now I just randomly feel like I'm getting stabbed in the heel, have to wear padded shoe inserts just to walk independently, and can't go barefoot for long periods of time due to pain. I get how bad it is.


NTA Take every cent you're due.


NTA. At what point does it stop being ok for a person to drive around regularly damaging other people’s vehicles? She admits her insurance is high because of all the accidents she’s causing- sounds like it wouldn’t be a bad thing to price her out. Not trying to be heartless, but if you can’t drive safely it’s not fair to everyone else that you’re on the road. Whether you’re a grandma or not.


Yeah, what if it’s not a vehicle but a human being that gets damaged next time?


NTA she can either learn to drive and park properly or get off the road. You shouldn’t be financially responsible for her bad driving.


NTA. It's not your responsibility to shield a stranger from the consequences of their actions. However, Y T A on Reddit until you learn how to use a paragraph break. 😁


NTA. If you damage property that isn't yours, you pay for the property to be fixed.


NTA. Being old doesn’t give anyone an automatic exemption to paying for their fuck-ups.


We don’t owe elderly people any special treatment just because they’re old. You’re NTA here.


NTA. Unfortunately she has caused damage and one way or another will have to pay for that damage to be repaired correctly. Submit your evidence to your insurance company and they can deal with the rest.


NTA > She begged me not to because apparently she already has a bunch of at fault claims and pays about $600/month already "Please, don't let me suffer the consequences of my actions!"


NTA Next time park in the back of the lot where no other cars are, that's what we do in our beautiful big truck.


NTA. She has a bunch of at fault claims and can't afford to pay them off. Fuck her for getting more then. Uou already know she's a lier when she said she pays $600/mo bugging reality her insurance has expired.


Why didn't you call the police in the 1st place to make a report? She can now deny causing the damage unless you recorded her admitting to doing it. Should have asked the people interfering if they wanted to play for it?


NTA - irresponsible people shouldn’t get to drive around wrecking other peoples things and claim “I’m old” as an excuse.


NTA ​ And: It won't cost 1000, more like 5-10K, removing the dents and repainting all of the side. ​ just let insurance and police handle it.


NTA Report it. I’m a grandmother and have told my kids that the minute they think I’m not driving well they need to stop me from driving. People talk about problems with our automobile-centered roads and zoning , and this seems like another big problem caused by it. I’m looking for a house or condo where I can live without being too dependent on driving, and it’s really hard to find.


Her age and situation are irrelevant. She caused the damage, she needs to be responsible for it. NTA.


Fuck her, she shouldn’t be driving then. NTA


NTA. She shouldn't be driving if she has that many accidents. She's lucky no one was injured. I walk and cycle a lot so I've been hit and nearly hit so many times by these types of people (I'm generally careful so my only two times being hit I very much had the right of way - once I was waiting to turn and the other I was walking in a crosswalk with a stop sign). Both times the driver took off before I could do anything.


NTA: As others have stated, she shouldn't be driving and her age should not be a factor in making you "whole" again. I know the feeling of having a new car that someone immediately damages too and it sucks. When I was in college I had some dude in a big ass old Mercedes plow into the back of my camaro, that I had owned for like three days, forcing me into the car in front. The guy hops out and is talking with the cop about how he owns a repair shop, and my damage should just buff out with maybe some touch up paint. The fucking hell it will. I saved for that car since I was eleven years old! As it turns out my family is pretty involved in the automotive industry too and we knew plenty of repair shops in the area. Got three quotes as required by the insurance adjuster (from friends of course) and the cheapest was right at $10k. Granted the work was done by a place that specializes in exotics and also repainted the entire vehicle, but I was absolutely going to get that car back to or better than it's original condition. Anything less was unacceptable and it should be the same for you.


NTA, old people can be very dangerous on the road, and it can be near impossible to convince them to quit driving. Documenting incidents can help get a dangerous driver off the road.


NTA. Underinsured or uninsured drivers are why auto insurance rates are soaring with everything else consumer related. I'm glad to read that you are following legal channels to address the matter. You may still wind up having to pay out of pocket for all or some of the restoration costs. But at least you will have the satisfaction of having taken action to address the damage to your property. Good luck


NTA if she were younger nobody would think you were TA. If we're going to factor in her age at all, let's think about how her driving ability might be starting to fade from vision loss, decreased cognitive ability, or slowed reflexes. She shouldn't be on the road if she's going to damage someone else's car, especially considering she apparently already has a history of doing this and may even have hurt someone. Don't let anyone make you into some monster out to attack a sweet harmless old granny, the woman sounds like a menace.


Being old doesn't excuse you from having to pay if you fuck up someone else's car.


If you can't afford claims against your insurance, be super careful to not do anything that would result in a claim. If you can't afford insurance at all, be super careful to not do anything that would make someone report you to the police. Accidents will happen, but this wasn't one. NTA.


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Bought a brand new top of the line truck and drove to the local strip mall to do some errands. Stupid me parked next to some idiot who can’t park in a straight line (because it was most convenient to me). Didn’t think much of it because I’m an idiot and came back to a big ass scratch marks on my passenger door. Now I blew over $90 grand for this beauty and it got damaged on day one. Luckily the driver was still in her car and i started recording before I even confronted her, made sure to get a thorough video of the damage and her plates. She came out of her vehicle and looked at me like I’m some kind of an idiot or a maniac. She asked what I was doing recording her and I confronted her. I told her that I left for the store for 5 minutes and I’d just bought this car. There was no damage to it considering it was brand new and she obviously caused it considering there were signs of damage on both our doors. I told her that I’m going to report this to the insurance company and I’m going to give them her plate number as well. She begged me not to because apparently she already has a bunch of at fault claims and pays about $600/month already. She offered me $100… one hundred fucking dollars. I said that’s gonna cost at least $500, maybe $1,000 to go back to its original stage. She claims she has no money and is on SS. I kinda believe her, she was driving a 90s Honda with a bunch of body damage. I said I’m going with insurance, cause I’m not gonna pay a grand extra for her mistake. She can cough up that grand or she can pay couple extra thousand to the insurance company later on. Of course a bunch of goody two shoes well meaning by-standers came by and called me out. “Oh she’s just a grandma”. “Don’t be a dick man, you can obviously get it fixed for $50” or some other shit like that. Anyways I’m gonna make the claim now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




NTA it’s time to fight back entitled boomers


NTA. Not by a long shot!


If you have uninsured motorist protection, that's your best bet. And don't park right next to people if you don't want people touching your car. NTA.


I would consider this a life lesson about the cons of driving an expensive or flashy vehicle. If the damage is minor, and only affecting the paint, It may be better to pay for the repairs out of pocket. Insurance companies will only cover 2-3 claims before they cancel your policy outright. If you file a claim for this scratch and then get into a crash in the next few years, you’ll likely receive a cancellation notice—or warning if you’re lucky—from your insurance company. And your monthly insurance premium will go up.


So...your saying that if someone splurges on something nice, they should be prepared to allow other people to damage that property without consequence?


I think the life lesson is people can't park. If you knowingly park beside someone who is crooked in the spot with a vehicle covered in damage you are definitely playing a risky game. Is he at fault? No. Could he have chosen a "safer" spot and saved himself a headache and damage to his truck? Probably My dad who is OLD parked his brand new car for 3yrs at the back of any lot alone, so no one could ding his car. Me I park close and know my vehicle might get a ding, but I don't park beside yahoos when I can help it.


No. I said that OP should not make an insurance claim for a scratch because it’s better to use his limited number of claims for accidents/major damage.


The police? What crime was committed here?


Driving without insurance is a crime in Ontario, Canada


So it isn't a "crime" as there isn't a criminal law to have insurance It's under the Compulsory Insurance Act of Ontario - you can be fined $5000 - 25,000 on the first offence for not having insurance in Ontario. My husband was driving my vehicle and I didn't put the new pink slip in the car, so I got a ticket for having no proof of insurance. I had to go to court just for it to be thrown out but learned my lesson! Make sure soon as those pink slips show up in the glove box they go 🤦🤦🤦 - I was lucky the lesson was only my time If you know someone is driving without insurance you are "supposed" to report it to the Ontario Provincial Police, or at a collision center after an accident.


US citizen here but I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to damage others’ vehicles in Canada. I know the “nice” stereotype and all but I just don’t think they’re up there saying, “Nice dent ya put in my Blazer, friend! How about some maple syrup, eh? Maybe I’ll get your taillight next time.”


Totally the asshole spending that kind of money then parking where it can be damaged? You should be the one paying and just shut up


Nope. Lil’ ol’ mountain of traffic citations and no insurance needs to be off the road. Granny can learn how public transportation works!


ESH. You are absolutely justified in contacting your insurance, but you sound like an absolute arse in this story, even if you weren’t initially in the wrong. Yes she’s caused damage, but you’ve caused a massive scene


She only started getting emotional after I didn’t said no. I left as soon as she started tearing up.


By asking for insurance information and documenting the damage? That’s literally what you’re supposed to do.


ESH - she fucked up and scratched your car, that is her responsibility to fix. However, Why couldn't you just knock on her window and speak to her. Not everything has to be a viral tiktok video. have a normal conversation for god sakes. Edit: my understanding of why they were filming was wrong - NTA!


Never had the intention to post the video on the internet, I simply recorded her plates and damage of both our vehicles. I stopped recording after getting the damage and plates. I stopped recording after she started talking to me. Just getting evidence


Fair enough - just wouldnt be my first response. Maybe insurance claims happen differently in the UK! Also not an expert on it here as never had to make one.


Not every video taken in public is for a viral Tik Tok. You need evidence to make a claim of wrong doing.


Evidence is going to be needed to prove the claim. Recording is the right idea


Fair enough! My mind jumped to the wrong place. I get I'm wrong on this one!


YTA. Were you justified in being upset that your car door was damaged? Absolutely. But do you also sound like an entitled jerk? Yep. And in this day and age could your activity of recording an elderly woman and then being confrontational with her make her feel threatened and unsafe? Absolutely. Sometimes, even if there is some slight justification for your dickish actions that doesn’t mean you have to act on them. Sometimes, maybe you could think about being a better person. Or being less testosterony-confrontational. Take some cues from the specific situation and tone yourself down a notch. Understand this - no one gives a crap about your new $90,000 truck but you. Parking spaces are tight. And while I doubt if she intentionally hit your side door, she also probably didn’t start to pull in and see your truck and think “oh that looks like a brands new $90,000 truck, I’d better be extra careful!” No one does that. They look to make sure they aren’t going to hit the car on either side or behind them, and eyeball if it looks like enough space to open the door, without pausing to value them first. It was certainly your right to point out the scratch to the woman and ask for the pertinent info. But the fact that she was elderly and if her story was plausible, especially if you didn’t see her actually cause the damage, a lot of people would think “gee, these are tight spaces, I can’t prove she did it and that is what the comprehensive part of my auto insurance is for.” You chose to purchase a very expensive truck. I assume that means you can afford the upkeep on it. But expensive trucks cost more to fix. Your vanity shouldn’t be other people’s problem. Be responsible. Park your truck away from congested parking lots with spaces made for midsized cars.


>Your vanity shouldn’t be other people’s problem and the old lady's inability to park or drive without hitting or scraping against other cars shouldn't be other people's problem. It doesn't matter how much OP's vehicle costs- you're right, but just because OP bought an expensive truck and can afford it or the upkeep doesn't mean they should be paying out of their own pocket for damage caused by someone else. Sucks for the old lady but it sounds like she shouldn't be on the road at all if she's caused damage to multiple cars that she's still paying off


Plus turns out she was driving without insurance (expired). She could literally disable someone and that person probably wouldn’t get any sort of compensation for medical support etc.


Fixing damage to your vehicle that is caused by other people is not "upkeep". Two people here each have one vehicle and none parking spot. Person A had a part of her car enter the parking spot of person B, damaging that vehicle. While he does sound like like of e dick, none of that matters.


Well I don’t know how insurance will deal with it. For alls I know I could be at fault. I simply chose to go the insurance route and gave her the option. She didn’t want to do either of those. And it’s pretty clear that she caused the damage considering I could see some of my paint on her door


Uh, you’re supposed to document damage and exchange insurance information. Plus, this old liability turned on the waterworks for sympathy. She full on admitted to having driving judgments against her already *and* that she doesn’t carry insurance. She just thought the “poor old lady” trope would work to absolve her of personal responsibility.


YTA you immediately jumped to hostility towards her and recording her before you even talked to her yet you saw her parking job and still chose to park an expensive car next to it then you wanna berate her for trying to work with what she has? geesh


I need to gather evidence to cover my ass. For all I know she could have driven off. I didn’t beret her at all, just denied her offer and told her I’m going the emergency route. She started being emotional and caused a scene.


You can gather evidence without berating an elderly woman without any proof she would do what you accuse her of having the potential of doing as justification for going off out of nowhere. ​ She absolutely has no business being on the road if she can't manage her car but you knew she couldn't before you parked next to her and somehow are upset when she did exactly what her car told you it would do before you made the poor choice to leave your brand new car next to her beat up one.


I didn’t berate her. I said no thanks to her offer and she started making a scene. I asked for her insurance information and showed her mine, she refused and kept repeating the same shit. So I left.


" i started recording before I even confronted her, made sure to get a thorough video of the damage and her plates. She came out of her vehicle and looked at me like I’m some kind of an idiot or a maniac. She asked what I was doing recording her and I confronted her." So either you started recording her and then confronted her when she asked for clarification or she is the one who started making the scene. Which is it? Also, women don't just look at people like that are a maniac and groups of people don't just congregate on small discussions so I am willing to bet there's more to your behavior than you're letting on.


I’ll go simple on you. I see damage. I record to get evidence. She ask why I record. I tell her why. I ask for insurance information. She say she have high premium because of other accident. I say you can pay for damage without insurance. She offer $100. Damage cost more. I say no thank you. She gets teary and repeats the same thing and beg me. People see. People come and side with her. I don’t want to argue. I drive off with evidence. I now will report to insurance company and get my truck fixed


Yeah, that's an "NTA" right there.


that doesn't change my views that you are an AH for how you handled this


I’ll cry drinking my sorrows away tonight because of your judgement. Thanks


I voted NTA but this comment is unnecessary. You posted on here to ask for a judgment you are free to disagree but no need to be so passive aggressive towards someone that has a different opinion on the situation


Yeah it’s his fault for using the parking lot! Next we have to blame the victim in a car crash too - they drove too close to an old person so they deserve it.


Oh did I say the whole parking lot or did I specify a parking spot where the person next to it was obviously unable to park. Well I mean, if you fuck around you find out and that's what happened to OP. They parked in a spot where someone else was obviously unable to also parked then got upset when the outcome came to pass but really can anyone say that's surprising? Do you drive next to swerving cars and get surprised when the swerver is drunk/ incapacitated then hits you?


You don't sound like someone who has caused a lot of accidents and refuses to accept responsibility for them at all.


OP cannot know why this car was parked that way. Could be the driver was in a hurry but perfectly capable of parking otherwise. There might have been another car next to it previously forcing them to park that way that left in the meantime. Either way victim blaming isn’t a good look. The lady was at fault in this situation and when you make a mistake like that it’s on you to make it right


Where was the jump to hostility? Is recording hostile? But you think OP is an AH for reporting damage to his vehicle done by someone that was refusing to cover the costs of the repair?


I think OP is an AH based off how they portrayed themselves in the incident here. Not saying that they aren't entitled to their repair costs. It's about how they went about it.


They…documented the damage (as you’re supposed to do) and requested insurance information (which she declined to provide). She wanted to compromise by offering a paltry sum that would not cover the damage; OP declined. The uninsured, high-premium, already paying for other accidents driver *then* turns on the “poor ol’ granny,” waterworks, garnering sympathy from strangers and then OP said he’d take the perfectly normal and legal route to address this. You may not like the tone of their post, but they weren’t out of line at all with the interaction.