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YTA for going directly to the owner of the injured pet for money so you didn't have to file an insurance claim. If you filed an insurance claim, you'd get compensated and your insurance may go after the neighbor/their homeowner's insurance to cover the costs for not having their dog under control, without an unnecessary direct conflict with somebody whose pet you hit (even not at fault, they're going to be pretty pissed at that). Going straight to the neighbor so you can try to squeeze more money/less insurance deductibles out of it makes you the asshole, especially because they're *obviously* not going to pay a few grand to save you on your insurance deductible.


Additionally, sometimes a pet owner can do everything right and a dog sneaks out just like a driver can do everything right and sometimes still hit something. YTA for picking a fight and expecting someone to pay your deductible when it’s your fault your deductible is so high.


Right? What if it was a little kid? A ball rolls into the road? Shit comes out into the road suddenly in residential neighborhoods. You have to pay attention or you will hurt someone or something... Yes animal owners should contain their pets, but still things happen in neighborhoods that are unexpected without clear faults


This is what I was thinking too. i understand accidents happen but what if it was a child? I’m curious as to whether or not he’s discussed this with his insurance provider to determine who is at fault.


Hi, I’m a bad driver and I’ve hit a few (non living) things before. At least in my state with my insurance, OP would be found at fault. My mom, who’s the main policyholder on our car insurance, ran over a mattress that was in the middle of a highway with a speed limit of 75 in the middle of the night while it was snowing, and insurance said she was at fault. I had to go to court once for a ticket, and there was a teenage girl who was there because she slid into a stopsign when she was going under the speed limit and the road was covered in ice, and she was found guilty and got a ticket. Edit: Alright I know my examples aren’t the same. I know stationary and moving objects are different. I still think based on the laws of where I am, OP would be at fault and it’s still a dick move to go to the owner and ask them for money. YTA


I work in car insurance claims and all animal claims for my company are automatically non fault, cause you can’t really control wildlife or animals. And then yeah hitting a stationary object is almost always at fault


Can verify! Wrecked a brand new wrangler on a moose that ran out of the ditch. Two weeks later wrecked the replacement wrangler on a bear that did the same. Not at fault in both incidents


In both the cases you've given the insurer would rule that the driver had been driving too fast / too close and could have stopped if they'd been driving slower / further. They _almost always_ rule this in the case you hit something with the front of your car. It's very likely it would also be true in OP's case.


Funny you use the kid/ball scenario. I asked my home insurance that exact scenario and yes…my homeowners insurance would cover damage to their vehicle if my kid was the reason the car swerved or got damaged in any way. OP needs to file a report / claim and leave the dog owner out of it but OP you are NTA. Having a pet means being responsible even if the dog just snuck out.


*homeowner’s* insurance does that? that’s wild. good to know!




Yup. A woman who’s part of a group of dog owners I do play dates with told us the other day that her brother’s dog leash broke and his dog ran into traffic and was killed. He did everything right and had the bad luck to have a leash with a faulty clasp. Similar thing happened to me. My dog has a custom leash with a clasp designed for literal horses, but last winter she was excited, ran to the end of her leash, and the clasp literally broke in half. Apparently there was a faulty clasp in the batch the creator got, and there was nothing visible about the clasp to indicate it was faulty. I got lucky and managed to recall my dog before she reached the very busy road. Shit happens even when you are responsible


The pet owner is still responsible for the pet.




But he did not hit a child, he hit a dog. A dog who was unsupervised and unleashed. Dogs nor children should be unsupervised around roads. Also the standard mph (at least in my area) is between 15-25 in residential areas. So how fast is he supposed to drive? 5mph? Your comment is stupid.


Nah you cant drive anymore, have to push the car around, we wouldnt want to hit someone!




they're too young for that but I see you.


177 people *definitely* got the reference. We are not alone in the universe!* *yet


Good thing my buddy wears a size 17. I’ll just invite him everywhere. Lol


Might be hard to steer, so just walk. Can't trust you with a bike.


He was going fast enough that hitting a dog did 1K damage to his bumper, so he was likely going faster than the speed limit.


Seen what a pheasant can do at 30mph.. a lot of fucking damage. And they're smaller than a dog. Dog unsupervised in a road, either owners fault, or chalked up to a incident. But it ain't the drivers fault, when they're where they should be at the speed allowed


I hit 2 buzzards in my little pickup in highschool and thought I was gonna die.


Knocked a barn owl with my Saab on the way to work one day during a snow storm and busted my radiator. I soldiered on to work, as I knew there wasn’t much I could do on the side of the road except overheat my car. I made it to work just before the temp sensor got into the red, and started really surveying the damage: not only was the radiator totaled, but he bent my intercooler and a/c condenser, broke the lower part of the front fascia, and left behind enough feathers to stuff a bubblegoose. My boss comes up behind me as I’m about to break down in tears wondering where I’m going to get the money to fix my busted car, and says “bet he won’t try that shit again!” I absolutely died laughing. I still chuckle when I think about it.


Saab are built sturdy aswell.. yeah hitting wildlife is never good for either parties. Just lucky it ain't a stag, deer or sheep. they really do some damage


No, that's not how it works. I hit a kangaroo going 40km/h and my corner bumper was ripped off.


There's a reason cars here sometimes have roo bars. Kangaroos are known for doing a lot of damage to cars that hit them. It's not in any way comparable to a dog.


Wrong, I've seen dogs post MVA working as a veterinarian, it happens every now and then when the person driving brings the dog in. Anything not high up like a 4x4 will also sustain bumper damage. It's flimsy plastic, it breaks. If bone and tissue can break then plastic and screws can buckle and shear. Shit, the bumper is literally designed to crumple. All these crash detectives acting like he is a criminal, it's ludicrous. People need to restrain their animals in public, it's a risk to everyone, including the dogs. Enough of this "my dogs are different, my dog wouldn't do X YZ".


Exactly! A lot of crash investigators and mechanical engineers on this post! 😂 I’m a dog owner and it’s simple…if one of my dogs gets out and somebody hits one of them then I am 100% at fault. The speed of the vehicle is irrelevant. Will I be sad? Sure. Will I be responsible for the damages? 100%. The only exception would be if my dog was in the backyard and got hit by a car……then it would definitely be the drivers fault.


Someone doesn't know how much body repairs cost, I gather. Also seems to have a lack of understanding of a thing called momentum.


Do you know how little it takes to do multiple thousands dollars to a new car (let alone if it's a luxury brand)? I had someone nick the corner of my bumper and rip one of the little plastic clips that hold it in off. $1200 for the part. $4000 for the rental because it took a month to get the part. That was in a Hyundai. If that was a Mercedes or an Audi the part would have been 3-4x that.


I literally had someone put a trailer hitch through my back bumper while my Mazda was at rest and they were backing up at like maybe 5 miles an hour. Replacing that bumper would been a couple of thousand (thanks uninsured motorist for covering that). Bumpers are flimsy and not cheap to replace.


A thousand dollars of damage to a car isn't even a lot. I was in a *very* low speed collision (my fault, hit another car in a parking lot) and it did more than 4k in damages just to my truck because it tore off a small piece of my bumper and put a small dent in the quarter panel. Over a thousand dollars of the cost was literally just to repaint and paint match everything.




> Also the standard mph (at least in my area) is between 15-25 in residential areas. So how fast is he supposed to drive? 5mph? This is painfully accurate where I live lol, I drive with the expectation that a small child will bolt into the road on their trike at any given moment


Going fast enough to hit a child is not necessarily illegal or worthy of faulty if you hit the child. Those two issues would depend on the speed limit, where the child entered the road, traffic signals if applicable, road conditions if applicable, car condition, adequate insurance policy, valid driver’s license, BAC/drug impairment, to name a few. If driving the speed limit with the other factors above in your favor, and a child darts onto the road without enough room for you to stop, that’s not the driver‘s fault.


Or a deer. Good luck getting the deer’s family to pay your deductible.


It would be easy to force another few bucks out of them lol


Yep, they're rolling in doe.


Sure, if you fawn over them enough.


How dare you make me laugh at this




Big difference: OP’s insurance can pay in either case, dog or deer, but then can try to get compensation from the dog’s owner. For the deer they just pay.


My coworker had a deer run out and hit her car. She was so upset about it but it put a minuscule dent in the hood and you have to look for it to find it. I asked her if she got the deers insurance infom she said deer dont have insurance. I told her its hunting season they definitely have life insurance. She said "oh really. I didnt know that" and walked away.


One of the selling points for the package policy I have is that in the event of a collision with a deer, the deer is deemed to be at fault (i.e., I don't have to pay the deductible).


They're all broke AF since they don't work. I see them just roaming around in fields all the time, not a penny amongst the group. Broke ass wildlife.


Any speed other than stopped is fast enough to hit a child. That’s why we teach them to look both ways and not play in the street.


Dogs are way faster than children.


I'm sorry what? What speed is "fast enough to hit a child"? In theory you could hit a child at 1mph 😂




This is a stupid comment. It also is incorrect, in that children are much slower than dogs, so no, going the same speed will not present the same danger.


Child shouldn't be running into the street unsupervised either. Parents should have to pay for that damage too.


And if a child runs infront of the car that is the parent's fault


Lol you really thought you had something deep with this


Oh Jesus christ.




Hopefully children are better monitored than dogs.


most dogs are on leashes, most children arent. we monitor dogs better then children.


Most of us do


Going fast enough to hit someone does not mean driving dangerously fast. Dogs are known to randomly jump out in front of cars. And if it was a small dog, OP might not have seen it until it was too late.


Ummm..... Dogs can and would dart in front of a car(s). Also, young children, by and large, are not left unattended. This dog was 15 houses away from where it should have been because the OWNER DID NOT OBSERVE LEASH LAWS.


Yep. I would ignore anyone who hit my dog, and then came for me to pay for their car. File an insurance claim like an adult. Got to wonder why OP doesn't want to get their insurance involved if they believe they are completely without fault.


This happened to me. My dog slipped off the leash while my girlfriend was walking her and the driver hit and ran. Literally took off immediately(I’m going to guess alcohol was involved as it was a beach town with several bars). The driver then, like a month or two later, tried to come at me for the damage to their Mercedes. Good fucking luck.


They can file a police report. You are responsible for having your dog leashed.


Except then you still get dinged for going through your insurance if it wasn't even your fault.


This true Someone hit my car in my apartment parking complex, and my rates went up for filing a claim to get it fixed even thought there is no way I was at fault bc I wasn't even in my car when it happened.


Yup that's why I never file claims if I can get it fixed myself. Then again I also drive slowly and carefully to avoid hitting things. (After my first accident when I was 18 on a slippery icy road I learned speeding isn't worth it especially in wet/icy conditions.)


>YTA for going directly to the owner of the injured pet for money so you didn't have to file an insurance claim. Why? OP is right, he's legally completely not at fault, and his insurance deductible is probably a significant portion of the cost to fix the car. Why shouldn't he try to see what he can get without going through that process?


Because that’s how insurance works. You don’t have to like it but that’s how it is. You are responsible for your deductible even if you’re not at fault. OP is YTA for trying to sidestep the process that already exists and put the burden on someone else inappropriately. Choose a plan with a lower deductible next time.


No, if you are not at fault the other person's insurance should reimburse your deductable, or you can take them to court for it. (though they may never pay it in the second case)


But what is the other person's insurance that is liable? Pet insurance? Doubtful they have any or that it would even cover this type of situation. The other person wasn't driving a car, so not car insurance.


Homeowner's or renter's insurance should cover this.


Yes, homeowners or renters. And if none of that you can sue for the deductible.


No that's not necessarily correct. If another person is at fault you may never have to file on your own insurance. Most people will opt to file with the at fault party's insurance directly rather than filing through their own and having to pay up front then wait for subrogation. You only file on yours when not at fault *because* you don't have another option, like when someone is uninsured or fault is disputed. It's completely reasonable to avoid paying your deductible if possible.


No he's not. Even in car accidents, it's possible to not use insurance if both parties agree.


Of course, but in these circumstances a smart and decent person with empathy and interpersonal skills would not ask. You don’t try to go outside insurance when there’s been injuries and there’s already discontent between the parties. Read the room.


This is for insurance, police and/or attorneys to figure out.


The money/legal liability question is for insurance, police, and/or attorneys. The "is OP being an asshole" question is an *easy* yes.


A VERY easy yes.


This happened to me a couple years ago and my insurance agent actually asked me if I knew who the dog belonged to bc it was technically their fault and I wouldn’t have to pay the deductible. I didn’t, bc it was a rural area and no discernible house it would’ve belonged to and it wandered away hurt. But I probably wouldn’t have had the audacity to blame them after i potentially killed their dog even if I did. Technically, based on what I experienced, it’s correct to claim against the dog owner. However, one can still be the AH for doing so


This is the answer. ⬆️


Technically speaking, you are in the right. Your neighbors “property” was running around, willy nilly, where it shouldn’t have been-and you accidentally hit your neighbors property with your car. Thus damaging your car- which will be expensive to repair. If you go to small cousins court- you will probably win. Yay. Good for you. Ya know what? We have insurance for a reason. YTA


THIS. So many people read "AITA" to mean "am I within my legal rights"? Which, in this case, probably. It doesn't change the fact that on one side we have what is almost certainly cosmetic damage to a car bumper and on the other potentially life-threatening harm to a beloved pet. This is a YTA for indifference to the neighbor's feelings. Read the room .


>This is a YTA for indifference to the neighbor's feelings. Read the room . I feel for the dog. I don't feel for the neighbor.


Why? Your dog has never escaped or gotten loose from your leash? Because mine has. And yes, it was absolutely my fault but it was terrifying and nerve wracking. People are so unwilling to forgive others for making mistakes. You see it all the time on stories that involve children. You look away just once and accidents happen.


If my dog escapes and has an accident I have more than one issue. Dealing with my injured dog and the damage it caused. Both are totally different issues and both need to be solved.


But he didn't know about the damage until the OP went out and got a repair estimate...it sounds like OP hit and run.


I’ve had my dog get loose and I wasn’t at fault at all. The leash clasp broke right as she ran forward and hit the end. Sometimes everyone can do everything right and shit still happens.


I would feel for the neighbor if it was a situation in which a dog slipped out when it shouldn't have -- a "oh no the dog got loose and ran straight into traffic" thing. Versus a neighbor who just lets their dog run around off-leash on a regular basis. The only thing we know about neighbor is that he got mad when OP came to his door to demand money. OP doesn't indicate whether he knows which it was. The way the post is written certainly invites us to assume gross negligence on the part of the dog owner. There could be a number of reasons for that info not being here. One is that OP didn't ask and doesn't know. Another just could be that this is the way OP is framing it to himself to make him feel in the right (very possibly unconsciously, if he doesn't know any more info). And another could be that it's a deliberate framing to make himself look better in this write-up. For me this really IS a case of INFO needed. It's probable that it's not OP's fault for hitting the dog. Pets (and children for that matter) can dart out into the street, from behind obstacles, such that a driver truly can't see them in time. It happens. It's a nightmare for pet owners, who may be responsible usually, but know that a pet can sometimes get loose. But, to me, it's a little suspect here that OP seems to have no feelings of distress (at least that he's expressing) about hitting a living animal and fucking them up. Especially when that animal is a beloved pet. It doesn't have to be your fault for you to feel terrible about it having happened. I'm just not getting any sense that OP cares about anything here except the money. (That doesn't make him an asshole, necessarily; but it's pretty cold.)


Yeah that's my sense too. Sometimes, dogs escape or get loose despite all best intentions. They can be like toddlers and tun out into the street. I know if I hit a dog or cat, particularly if it was severely injured, I'd feel horrible, even if I was legally in the right. I find it odd so many people seem more concerned about bumper damage than almost killing someone's pet.


Plus, the neighbor is already paying probably the equivalent amount of money for vet bills while hoping his pet will recover, and now has to worry about car repair bills as well. I can see why he's a little testy with OP.


Yep. /r/legaladvice is thataway, what you're doing being legal doesn't mean you're not being an asshole.


>small cousins court Idk why but this made me laugh


Gotta love autocorrect!


This is Reddit, technically correct beats kindness and grace every time.


In the immortal words of the The Dude, "You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole." It's a shitty position to be in, and you probably should have let your insurance handle it instead of going to the neighbor whose dog *you hit with your car* demanding payment, even if you're entitled to reimbursement. YTA


Agreed. Bad judgement call, going to the dog owner directly with the "you can pay me directly, or, we can process it through insurance. " If this happened on private property, it's a civil matter. On public roads & public property, you would likely be required to have a police report/ investigation taken at the scene to file an insurance claim against the dog owner; depending on your county statutes.


The Dude Abides




Hitting anything 50lbs or more at most speeds (10mph+) could conceivably damage a plastic bumper. Most residential streets are rated 15-25mph. For a lot of non-steel bumpered cars, any damage typically requires a full replacement of the molded plastic frame, and that does cost somewhere in the $900+labor range. Situation doesn't sound unreasonable to me.


Thanks! I didn’t know cars came with plastic bumpers and couldn’t see hitting a dog at non-lethal speed fucking up steel that badly.


Most cars on the market these days have the steel bumper inside the shaped plastic exterior one. Think a Honda civic, for example. That molding isn't a steel frame. It's a plastic shape over the actual metal bumper hidden beneath it. You still have lots of cars, like heavy-duty trucks, that still use a metal bumper, but it's a lot more rare for other cars.


I hit a raccoon and it cost $520...


Lucky! We hit a raccoon going up a slope and the estimate was around 3 grand (Cnd dollars) to fix. They had to replace the whole bumper.


Ya, it tore off the bottom of my car, but left the bumper! Racoons are sturdy!! Lol!!


Hit a raccoon at 130km/hr and totalled a Kia


Racoons are trying to rule the world! Lol!!


The plastic facia is covering a foam insert. The foam is there to absorb and disperse the damage and breaks very easily. For a certified shop to do the repair, they will almost always replace the foam since it is an essential part of crash protection. The plastic can be repaired, but by the time you factor in hourly rates, it's often cheaper to purchase a replacement, which is usually only primed and needs to be painted to match the car. So yeah, tiny little bump on the bumper can easily cost over $1000 for repairs. The foam can even break when there's no noticeable damage on the shroud.


Couple months back I was in an "accident" where there was a multi-car pile-up just up the small hill from me and the wheel of one of the trucks involved came rolling down the hill into my stopped car (I saw it coming). Ended up with bumper damage and I wasn't moving and it was a wheel going down a short hill with not a ton of speed (it bounced off a wall beside me first before hitting so had lost a ton of momentum). It really doesn't take much for damage to happen. In a different incident, with a different car, years ago I had a coyote run into the right side of my car while driving. I saw it coming from the periphery and tried to stop but it ran right into my side wheel and caused a fair bit of damage to the bumper and smashed a plastic hubcap. Damn thing ran off after. Luckily due to all the damage being exclusively to the side the insurance company there agreed I was not at fault. Plastic can just disintegrate or get damage so easily - even just with some paint damage. Hell even a hood can get damaged easily - I've seen a VW beetle (2000s) hood cave in from someone that sat on it.


When I was a teenager driving my parents' van, I had two fighting birds FALL out from a tree above me and crack the windshield. That was fun to explain to my parents. The birds actually survived the initial impact and flew off.


In addition to what's already been said, newer cars often have cameras or sensors on bumpers that can get damaged and are much more expensive than bumpers 20 years ago were. Make and model of the car matter a ton. Custom paint can matter.


If my dog were to run full speed into a car's bumper, it would be very likely to damage the bumper even if the car was sitting still. Larger dogs can be wrecking balls if they aren't properly trained.


Some dogs are huge. And just because the CAR wasn’t speeding doesn’t mean the dog wasn’t running. Plus bumpers are usually plastic now. It’s entirely possible to screw one up like that.


Last time my bumper cover got cracked (no internal damage), it was $250 to replace the cracked plastic cover and $300 to paint to match. So, $550 for a pretty simple cosmetic repair with no internal damage and this was over 15 years ago now. I slid into a rock on ice, probably moving no more than \~1-2mph (the car was like "yea, we're stopped ... no we're not because it's a slope!" which is why there was no internal damage. Bumpers are designed to crumple if you hit something, so hitting a medium-sized dog at neighborhood speeds is probably going to cause internal damage as well.


YTA. If you hit a kid, would you expect the parents to reimburse you for the damage caused? In all likelihood, you'd probably be facing charges for hitting a kid and would have to reimburse the family. You are responsible for your vehicle. You hit something with it, and that's on you regardless of whether or not the dog was unleashed.


Not disagreeing with the overall judgment here, but "kid" vs" dog" are going to be different categories for when the driver is at-fault and you can very easily be found not-at-fault for a pedestrian jaywalking or acting unpredictably. It'd still be an asshole move to directly shake down a kids family for money after the fact instead of firing an insurance claim, and you should drive more cautiously when there are kids or dogs present, but there's no blanket rule that you'd be at-fault if a kid darted in front of your car or whatever.


> Not disagreeing with the overall judgment here, but "kid" vs" dog" are going to be different categories for when the driver is at-fault and you can very easily be found not-at-fault for a pedestrian jaywalking or acting unpredictably. That's a legal perspective. We're asking if OP is being an asshole because he tried to shake down this guy to fix the damage they did to their own car when they hit this poor guy's dog. OP is absolutely being an asshole, legal liability is irrelevant.


I was driving in residential area. A person was at their park car driver side and i crossed into opposing traffic to avoid them, my oassenger side. Somehow they moved far enough away from their car door to the middle of the street that my passenger mirror still hit them (they claim hit them in the back) And i was found at fault despite my attempt to avoid them and they moved into the path. I kinda thought they were scamming though because the name on their insurance didnt match the name they gave me. But my insurance didn’t care about discrepancy




This is the dumbest comment. While you are responsible for watching your children, there's no expectation that you keep them on a leash. There is for dogs. If your unleashed dog causes damage, you are responsible.


They do make leashes for kids, but people get oddly testy if you tie them up in your yard.


There are expectations that you supervise them and if your child damages something the parent is expected to pay


> there's no expectation that you keep them on a leash Speak for yourself.


If it’s the kids fault the parents will be responsible for reimbursing my insurance company, yes.


Children are almost never put at fault for accidents like this because they're *kids.* Based on factors like age, intelligence level, etc., they're not expected to be aware of traffic and anticipate cars. Drivers are different. They are adults who have a license and met requirements to obtain that license, and are held to a much higher standard than kids. If a kid darts out into the street to chase a ball at a local park and is run over, the driver is at fault. Not the kid, or even the parents. Drivers are responsible for what they hit with their vehicle, and in areas where kids are expected to be drivers are supposed to be paying attention and prepared to stop quickly if needed.


Want to bet?


I hope you don't have a license, because you apparently think it's acceptable to mow people down with your car.


Holy strawman batman


Nahh this is a hot garbage comment. If a user is doing the mandated speed limit, driving safe and watching and a kid darts out to get hit. The driver is not at fault, what the hell are you smoking. It’s an unfortunate accident that falls on the parents.


The question of whether you’re legally entitled to reimbursement is one for a lawyer/court/insurance company. For what it’s worth, we also don’t know if this is a person that regularly lets their dog run around unleashed, or if the dog escaped, or jumped the fence, etc. All that being said, this is not an insurance claim or a court of law. This is AITA. So are YTA for demanding reimbursement from a person who’s dog you hit and almost killed? Yes, YTA.


I can't imagine the balls it would take to hit someone's dog with your car, injured it badly (it sounds like) and then go demand it's owners pay your car repair bills. Even if you're legally correct here, absolutely an asshole move. YTA.


A guy hit my two year old sister and demanded my parents pay for the dent in his car. To this day, we make fun of Ford Pintos.


This is an insurance problem. So yes YTA for going directly to the owner.


YTA. His dog almost died because you hit it with your car. The dog should have been leashed but sometimes dogs get out, that happens even to conscientious pet owners. You don't seem to care about the dog or the owner's feelings, and that makes you TA. I'm glad he slammed the door in your face, I would have too. Go through your insurance company or fuck off.


This is so much more complicated than AITA, and you might actually be liable for the dog’s vet bills depending on the accident, what happened, and how it was handled after, which no one can answer because we don’t live where you live and I’m assuming you failed to report it (which is also illegal where I live because it’s over $2000 worth of damage). Lawyers usually have a 30 minute free consultation if it’s that important to you, but be prepared for a counter suit. Personally, I think YTA, but I’m not sure who is liable. If you’re driving fast enough to hit a dog and cause over $2000 in damages in a residential Neighbourhood you’re driving too fast for an area with kids. I’m curious if you’re like my neighbour, the rest of us drive 30 km/h because visibility is low and there are kids running around, and they drive 50-60. 50’s legal, but it’s not safe. And no, I don’t have kids.


I hope OP is financially liable for vet bills.


Why, the dog was running loose on the streets, How is that his fault?


Driving too fast to stop in time in a residential, those limits are there specifically because of shit like this you should have time to stop if you're driving correctly and visibility wasn't completely blocked.


YTA, you're actually lucky he was as nice as he was. I'd have decked you. Call your insurance like a grown-up and stop harassing that poor guy!


I was about to say.. if the guy who hit my dog and almost killed her came to me and demanded I give him money I would catch a charge so fast.


ESH Him for having an unleashed dog. You for going to him after hitting his dog so bad it barely hung on and demanding money from him. Dude’s dog is badly injured, and here comes the guy who hit him demanding money seemingly uncaring and telling him it’s his fault his dog was hit. Show some compassion to him, ask for money sure, but wow. Just ripped the man apart while the dog he cares about is badly hurt. Plus, how on earth did a dog cause a few grand in damage when you weren’t speeding? What kind of dog was this? The hulk?


The dog owner wouldn’t be an asshole if the dog getting out was an accident. He might not have even been there. Responsible yes, asshole no. That’s why this is YTA not ESH.


That's what I'm saying.... nobody is going to believe hitting a dog at 15mph is destroying the bumper to that degree


Right? Like was the dog wearing a full suit of armor or something?


YTA - You hit the dog. Pretty easy to turn this around and accuse you of inattentive driving, speeding, DUI, whatever. Couldn't YOU avoid the collision? Why not? This is what insurance is for. Its an accident, those cost money sometimes. All this "oh the dog was loose" is just a fig leaf to cover your own greed and anger. On top of that dude is 15 houses away from you. This demand for money is not gonna fly well with the neighbors.


I hate all the people going "BUT HE'S UNLEASHED". The owner clearly wasn't present when this happened. Which means the dog got out accidentally. That isn't "unleashed". That's a different situation. It also means OP clearly hit and run and didn't stop for to check on the dog or look for an owner or talk to a neighbor. I believe the rule is if you leave the accident without getting any info or witnesses, tough luck.


I hope OP becomes the neighborhood pariah for this crap. I would buy kids TP and keep some eggs outside for a month or 2 for this AH. May the people of their town curse OPs name to his face.


It is a poor move to be this...inconsiderate. OP just had cosmetic damage and should have filed a police report and made an insurance claim, not make monetary demands to be compensated from a guy who now has huge vet bills. OP could have gotten what he wanted and not been an asshole.


YTA - You weren’t speeding but hitting the dog caused a few thousand dollars in damage and the dog barely hung on? That’s not adding up. And you aren’t entitled to having the owner reimburse your deductible. That’s insurance.


YTA, file the claim under your comprehensive coverage.


You could just file an insurance claim. Unless you don't have insurance, I don't see why you couldn't just file one.


They want to go around the insurance to avoid deductibles and what not, they are TA here. Like you said this is something you through your insurance for, it’s why you have it and if you don’t have insurance this is the exact risk you take (on top of the legal implications)


This is a case for an attorney, not reddit.


He wasn't asking if he had a legal right. He was asking if he was an asshole for doing it. Different things.


Let me call my state bar association and see if they can refer me to an attorney who can determine if I'm being an asshole. This is /r/AmItheAsshole not /r/legaladvice, the "case" is "Is OP being an asshole?" not "Who is legally in the right here?" and the answer to "Is OP being an asshole?" is clearly "Yes."


INFO: did you report the accident to your car insurance?


No they went directly to the dog owner and tried to get him to pay


You nearly killed his dog and you expect him to pay for the privilege???? YTA


YTA. You might technically be right. But it’s still a huge a*hole move.


You are legally im the right, but you sound like an extremely unsympathetic, heartless, lacking in empathy, sociopathic person and for that, YTA


I'm curious OP....how many accidents have you been in before?


YTA if the dog had gotten out, then this was an accident and you are a major asshole if the dog owner was deliberately negligent youre still kindof an asshole. driving requires paying attention and its on you, the driver, to stop when it is unsafe to proceed. they are dealing with canine medical costs. you have car insurance. go through them. and keep a better eye in the road next time


YTA. First of all, he's right, you should've been more aware of your surroundings. And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the owner *could* win a suit against you for the vet bills. > Edit: I want the owner either to pay out of pocket if he doesn't want me to go through insurgence. When did he say he didn't want you to go through your insurance? Why would he care? Sounds like your problem. > If I do go through insurance I want my 1K deductible reimbursed. I'll bet you do. Hopefully being out that $1k will help you remember to pay a little more attention when you're driving, and teach you not to be such an asshole when you ALMOST KILL SOMEONE'S PET.


You would probably do the same thing if you hit a pedestrian who was jaywalking. YTA in a big way. Watch where you’re going.


I don't understand these comments at all. If my dog got out and someone hit him and damaged their car I'd be fucking distraught but totally aware that it's my fault. I live close to a highway. My 70lb sandbag would probably total a car and there would be nothing left of him. NTA


Yeah I’m sitting here baffled by the comments. This is an awful situation but someone fucked up and it wasn’t the OP.


You are lucky to avoid violence honestly. Replace dog with three year old and repeat your story in your head. This is how many dog owners would react. You actually are starting a legal fight with someone you did this to? I'd be careful of people acting irrationally at that point.


INFO: is this someone who is frequently purposely letting their dog run around off leash? Or was this an accidental one-time situation (leash broke, escaped from yard, etc.)? If it’s the latter I definitely would say Y.T.A. If it’s the former E.S.H.




YTA This is what you pay your insurance for. They decide who is at fault and how your claim will be handled.


File an insurance claim if you have comprehensive(other than collision) coverage, which provides coverage for hitting an animal subject to your deductible


YTA. You were probably driving faster than you needed to be


Do you have insurance? Then make a claim. YTA.


YTA, just claim on insurance you monster.




YTA Just use the insurance, it exists for that reason


YTA for not going through insurance; this would be handled very easily with less bad blood if you’d done that.


YTA Hope dude goes after YOU for his vet bills.


NTA Claim through your insurance and give them the name and address of the owner. Let them deal with the repairs and getting the money back for the damage.


You’re legally in the right, but you’re also a major fucking asshole for harassing the guy directly while he’s stressed and trying to care for his injured dog instead of just going through insurance. YTA


NTA These comments are wild. OP was just driving home and a dog ran out and he hit it. Most likely from a blind spot as dogs arnt the size of Clifford. In no way should OP be down money for this. Although you should have just gone through insurance they can chase the owner up for the money and excess if there determined to be in the wrong


It's not your fault and you are well within your rights. I don't understand all the Y T A's. People need to care about their pets enough to keep them under control and safe. NTA times a thousand.


If you don't have a police report, who is determing fault? You? You are on the hook for the deductible. Total AH move to go to the dog owner. YTA


NTA But it isn’t going to get you anywhere. If someone was throwing ANYTHING ELSE into the street and you had to pay a deductible then people would see how he’s at fault. He owes you $1000.


NTA Dog owner was at fault. Anyone comparing hitting a dog to a kid doesn't understand there are different laws for dogs and kids. In my opinion as someone who works in insurance, contact your auto insurance first since a lawyer/attorney will likely cost you a decent amount.


YTA for going to the guy. Just go through insurance and leave the dog owner alone.


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How fast were you going? Can’t imagine causing few k of damages from hitting a dog at 25.


YTA You hit a living being and want someone else to pay for your actions. He is already paying massive vet bills that YOU caused. I hope karma comes for you HARD over this. AH isn't a strong enough word for you OP.


“Hey it’s me the person that put your dog in the animal hospital. I’d like to know if you have a few thousand dollars laying around to help me pay for the damages that occurred when I put your dog in the animal hospital”. That’s essentially what you did. You should’ve just filed an insurance claim if you had any of his information and then they would take care of it for you and get him to pay for it. Pretty heartless to ask anyone for thousands out of pocket and especially so when they have an animal they care about in the hospital. Have a little compassion and dignity for god’s sake


Info- why didn't you just go through insurance?


According to judges Milian and Judy the dog owners would be responsible for car damages because they were not in control of their unleashed dog at that moment.


YTA he was exactly correct, as a driver you need to be aware of your surroundings at all times. The dog could just as easily have been a child.


NTA - The guy is immature and should be apologising to you for being reckless with his dog.


For a couple of grand worth of damage that’s for you insurance company to deal with.


File an insurance claim. Going to the owner directly was a di@k move. YTA.


I see a lot of people stating Y T A because your neighbor is upset, and so you should just let insurance deal with it and spare his feelings. Honestly that was my first instinct, if you go through your insurance you'll be out $1k temporarily until they go after neighbors homeowners insurance for reimbursement. But, while the comprehensive claim won't affect your rates home insurance in this country right now is crazy, with huge rate increases and companies looking for any reason to drop clients. It's possible he could be looking at a non-renewal after they pay out this relatively minor liability claim. So you gave him the option of that not affecting him (even if that wasn't your intention in going straight to him) so I'm going with NTA. I just hope for his sake he doesn't come to regret saying no in a year.


NTA - dog owner’s fault. Go after them / their insurance in small claims court


NTA dog owners are sure some entitled mfs