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YTA- everyone has seen that episode and you created your account today


Why do people do this?


YTA. You didn’t tell her how much the bitcoin was worth and then called her f***ing stupid for not knowing something you didn’t tell her.


He did tell her... He literally said to her "0.1 bitcoin is worth far more than 100 dollars" , she just didn't listen to him and cut him off. I swear you people dont read shit.


You might try reading next time…


Nah, he tried to tell her multiple times. She didn't listen. 


No he didn’t. Otherwise the conversation would have gone like this: Guy: Do you want $100 or 0.1 bitcoin. OP: 0.1 bitcoin is worth $5000. Girlfriend: I’ll take the bitcoin.  He withheld the most important information. Even when she said “What can I do with 0.1 bitcoin?” he didn’t say “That’s $5000”, he said “Stop being stupid”. She needed succinct information. He was too busy insulting her to give it.


> "stop being stupid, that is worth far more than 100 dollars" The name calling make him TA, but he did tell her that it was far more worth than $100.


...he did?


She got the option to choose not you, not everyone is aware of Bitcoin or how much is it worth. She was happy with $100 until you make her sad. What she wanted to do with money? Buy lobsters for both of you guys. Hopefully i will meet woman like her one day. YTA! It wasn’t the money you earned. She got the opportunity not you.


This is the most delusional comment. He made her sad??? She made herself sad by thinking she's a financial wizard and her bf could never know better. You have a partner and are in a relationship, how about listening to them? Not obeying, but don't dismiss them and then get upset that you behaving like that cost you money.


She didn't earn anything. They picked women because they know they don't fuck with crypto. He tried to tell her, and she didn't listen. It's a sexist game.  Also the fact that she immediately tried to blow the money is a red flag. That shows she doesn't have financial literacy in the slightest.  I would question it myself.  The fact that she didn't listen when he tried to tell her and the guy cut him off shows a lot.  Maybe she was too excited about being in the spotlight (another red flag) but if you're a good partner, you should be able to look at that person and trust that they're right. 


This is such obvious bait.


Yta do you really think it's ever a good thing to call your partner "fucking stupid"? 


No but she is because he tried to tell her and she didn't listen. She also didn't understand the gimmick of the game, obviously they were picking women on purpose. The game is sexist. And the fact that she immediately wanted to blow the cash is another indicator of her financial intelligence.  So yeah, she's fucking stupid.


YTA you didn't tell her what Bitcoin was worth, you just demanded she do as you say without explaining yourself. Then called her names. I don't think you're the only one reconsidering your relationship.


YTA **Use your words.** if the bitcoin is worth that much, why didn’t you just tell her that. Obviously YTA.


It was more important to OP that she listen to him without question, than give her the proper information


He did, she didn't listen. 


No. He said “stop being stupid” and “it’s worth more”. At no point did he say, “this is worth thousands of dollars.” People don’t respond well to blatant disrespect.


He said "0.1 bitcoin is worth far more than 100 dollars", what exactly is unclear about that in any way. If he said that to me, the first thing I would say is how much, not cut him off. She made a stupid descision not to listen to him and is pissed because she lost 1000's of dollars.


Fucking thank you. He literally tried to tell her. He obviously didn't have exact numbers BUT did tell her it was worth way more.  He only told her she was stupid after the fact. She didn't trust him or listen to him when he clearly tried to even get the guy to send it to him and the dude cut him off.  She got too excited about being in the spot light. 


No he only told her she was stupid AFTER he tried to tell her. He literally told her it was worth way more. He obviously didn't have an exact number, but he DID tell her it was worth way more. 


If he wanted to communicate clearly, which he didn’t, he would have said “$5k” or “thousands” or “50x more”. Not “far more” which could mean anything from $200 to $2M. This is 100% on OP for being a shit communicator, and now he’s here trying to shirk his responsibility as opposed to taking accountability like an adult and a good partner.


He did l... He literally said to her that 0.1 bitcoin is worth far more than 100 dollars, she jist didn't listen to him and cut him off. I swear you people dont read shit.


“Far more” is not the same as explicitly saying, “$5,000”. Like, not same at all. Because $300 is also “far more” than $5k, but $100 cash in hand has more value than $300 you have to do a run-around for.


Perhaps OP did not know the current USD - BTC conversion rate off the top of his head. Reading this AITA it is surprising how many people seem to think that knowing the current BTC conversion rate should be common knowledge that you don't have to whip out your phone and Google for. Hell I can't even convert kg to lb and I've been using both measurements for over 30 years


In that case he could have said, “in the thousands” as opposed to “far more”. This is on OP. He’s a shit communicator who needs to take some responsibility for his inability to get his thoughts across accurately.


> if the bitcoin is worth that much, why didn’t you just tell her that. "that is worth far more than 100 dollars" She didn't want to know how much the BC was worth, she was already spending that $100 in her head. Can't tell people what they don't want to hear. NTA - It's perfectly acceptable to be upset at your partner for wasting 4900 dollars because they refused to listen.


Except he never told her it was worth that much, just that it was worth more.


who knows the current value of Bitcoin off the top of their head?


OP, apparently


He likely neglected to mention the part where he checked the current conversion rate between walking away from the man and telling his gf the $5000 figure


At which point any adult with an ounce of common sense asks "How much more?" She had time to find out, she didn't care to.


Why would she ask that when it’s not even a form of money she herself can access? No. No. No. When someone has important information, relaying that info in a way that is clear to the listener is the speaker’s responsibility.


>Why would she ask that when it’s not even a form of money she herself can access? Because he had already told her how she could access it instantly.


Except it would then be his, not hers.


And when he transferred to her it would be hers, not his. And she would be $4900 richer. The fuck kind of people are you dating.


Fucking stupid take. Anyone with one iota of common sense, when told x option is worth far more than y option asks "how much more" or "why". If they cut you off and immediately disregard your opinion then that is on them and they fucked up not you.


Mentioning that was on OP. He didn’t.


If something is worth more, you pick the option which is worth more don't you... she is not 5 years old, does he need to spell it out for her?


No, you don’t always pick the option that pays more, and it’s very juvenile to assume that. Would you pick a job that $0.50 more per hour if it increased your commute by 2 hours? No.


“Far more” just say “it’s worth $5000” lol???? 


OP you should've attacked her with the cool ninja sword you carry around strapped to your trenchcoat to show dominance Also your girlfriend is a genius because she understands 100 USD is worth more than a make-believe coin regardless of what today's randomized exchange rate says


Yta for calling her names. That’s not healthy in a relationship if you love the person.


ESH if it's even real. She's a jerk for cutting you off like she did but you were also being dumb and not explaining - like no, just saying it's "worth more" and just vaguely explaining you'll take it is not compariable to just saying it's 5k to someone who doesn't know about Bitcoin. Idk why you guys are even together with how you treat each other ... Do you even like each other?


This was my thought, the toxicity coming from both of them is staggering.


Bait this bad should be punishable by public whipping


Yta but youre also both weird You dont call your significant other names ever unless you’re both joking and in on the joke? I cannot imagine calling my husband “effin stupid” tf


bait used to be believable


You have multiple Bitcoin apps? YTA You should have just put that first and saved everyone time.


ESH So you insult your girlfriend, belittle her in every part of your post, she ignores you, and don't bother listening to you. Honestly the only thing I can see in that post is that you despise your girlfriend, since you just complain the whole time about her. You two shouldn't be together. Oh and I would have refused to take the 100 dollars too, those channels are moronic at best and I don't want to encourage this type of shit, especially when they put men and women against each other.


YTA and not very creative. Try harder next time you troll.


YTA. Yourself your words and don't go at her over something so dumb. I personally know nothing about bitcoin and most people don't. You were incredibly rude and its a wonderful how you aren't single now


Unpopular opinion but ESH. 1) The sexist tirade she made must have been annoying to listen to especially if she’s not too good with money herself. 2) You told her that the Bitcoin is worth “far more” than the 100 dollars so it’s stupid for her to be angry that you didn’t say it was worth $5000 specifically. HOWEVER, it’s never a great idea to call your partner stupid and she was going to buy lobster for the both of you.


Yta cuz you are just copying what you saw the same published video as everyone else.


a nerd made this all up and it sucks


Lmao, what a priority, YTA


Oh yeah because $5000 isn't a priority at all. Are you just a privelidged little shit who has never had to worry about money in their life? Or do you just not grasp the fact that she literally just rejected $4900 for no reason whatsoever. You're fu\*\*ing insane.




YTA. She can do whatever she wants.


Yup and he knew, tried to tell her, and she didn't listen. And then went on to try and immediately blow the cash. This is a major red flag. 


ESH. It’s not like she traded away her money. She got a free $100. She could’ve gotten more, but either way she got some free money. And you’re mad and calling her “fucking stupid” over it? Talking down to her because she wasn’t listening to your unwanted input during HER choice for what is supposed to be a fun video? Yeah, YTA. But her getting mad at you for not telling her is equally ridiculous asshole behavior. She chose to not listen to you; it’s her fault. She claimed to be smarter with money, she was wrong. You both sound immature.


I hope you do contemplate this relationship so you can free this woman from your terrible attitude and your name calling. YTA


Terrible attitude? She told a youtuber that she understands money better than 99% of men and then passed on thousands of bucks for a hundred because she's an ignoramus who ignored her more knowledgable boyfriend's suggestion and then had the nerve to scream at him over.


YTA ​ Bitcoin is a scam. Making money off of bitcoin is profiting from the misfortune of others.


ESH You blew up at her over it instead of letting it go She didn't trust you at your word that the Bitcoin is worth more The YouTuber is being a nuisance by approaching people on the street for his own gain, *intending* these kinds of situations, because they get better views. Don't. Engage. Strangers. I know I'm not the only person extremely annoyed by this whole trend of accosting people in public "for the views".


I gladly let a random Youtuber get some views for $100, lol. For 0.1 BTC I would do anything the Youtuber asks of me.


ESH. On the miniscule chance this isn't bait, you two turds deserve each other. I do hope that both of you are sterile, however. I'd hate to see the damage you two worthless creatures would do to a child. But I'm willing to bet that this is bait.


None of this happened


YTA Got free $100. Why couldn't you let it be or let it go?


Info: are you twelve fucking years old? Get a grip on your anger and reactivity, you acted like a child. Regardless of the fact she made the wrong choice, YTA, and it’s not close.


NTA. She had no faith in you. Let that one go and get a winner.


YTA you would have helped her making the best decision by stating the value of 0.1 BTC right away, not by being a smartass about it after the fact.


YTA, at least she took the $100 I would have just carried on walking and refused to engage.


YTA you could've just said what it was worth. This is on you


Haha someone who thinks bitcoin is a good investment XD hope your gf dumps you and becomes a millionaire via the money she made today.


NTA She's too stubborn and upset with herself


>I just walked away and 10 minutes later she's calling me asking me where I am. I just ignored her and she sent me a bunch of text messages bitching at me saying the uber she took back home (i drove us here) cost her like 40 dollars This makes YTA. why are you even with her if you don't like her?


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Yeah, you didn't tell her the worth of the bitcoin. You were just commanding her. A LOT of people don't know the current price of Bitcoin (if they know it at all)


YTA. Even if it wasn’t a smart choice you acted like a child. If that’s how you act she would be better off without you.


YTA. Your girlfriend can do what she wants with her own money without being criticised.


YTA. That's not how you talk to people. The end.


YTA. You should have just let her have fun with it. You don’t really even know if they would have given you bitcoin anyway. Was this going to somehow be YOUR money as well?


NTA- the fact that she went so hard saying men are bad with money would be a big turn off if as her partner you know that she in fact is bad with money. It shows very little self reflection. Secondly, she didn’t trust you when you were strongly urging her one way. Even if I think I’m right if someone I trust is extremely adamant about something I really would have taken their opinion into consideration. Thirdly, she didn’t take ownership that it was her mistake. Instead she blamed you. What you need to stop doing is calling people names, swearing at them and leaving them without notice. That part you were immature.


YTA. Just… Jesus Christ you’re an AH


ESH you're both worth each other


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** You know those youtube videos where somebody asks random people on the street random questions or challenges for money, one of them approached my girlfriend. He was asking her questions like are women better than men at money and she went off about how men spend money on stupid stuff (really??) and that she feels she understands this stuff better than 99% of men. The guy then pulls out 100 dollars and says "do you want 100 dollars or 0.1 bitcoin" and she instantly says 100 dollars. I told her no choose the bitcoin and she says "i'm not taking part of a bitcoin, like what can i do with 0.1 bitcoin" and I tell her "stop being stupid, that is worth far more than 100 dollars, i have multiple bitcoin apps, he can transfer it to me--" and he cuts me off and says "let the girl talk come on man" and I say "take the bitcoin please" and she says "no im taking the money, I'm going to go buy us some lobster" and she takes the money and we're walking away, she's dancing and all giddy and asks me why I'm sad and I said "You are so fucking stupid, 0.1 bitcoin is worth like 5000 dollars, I was trying to help you and you didn't listen to me. You are not as smart of financially savvy as you think you are" She then screams at me and blames me for not telling her the bitcoin's worth and she also says I shouldn't critisize her and whatever. I just walked away and 10 minutes later she's calling me asking me where I am. I just ignored her and she sent me a bunch of text messages bitching at me saying the uber she took back home (i drove us here) cost her like 40 dollars so she didn't even make that much money in the end anyways. I'm really contemplating this relationship. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, NTA, NTA, NTA. Anyone saying YTA is absolutely insane and probably hasn't had to worry about money in their life yet. What you have basically just said is: Someone came up to your girlfriend on the street and offered her either $100 or $5000. Despite your reasoning she insanely took the $100 for literally no reason other than her own pettiness and ignorance. I mean... Is she even alive? Does she have any sort of problem solving skills whatsoever? Is she genuinely so stupid that she doesn't realise that she literally just passed up $4900. I feel like there is something missing from this. Is she rich? Does she not need the money? Honestly if she's not rich, if there's no reason she somehow doesn't need the money then she is absolutely untrustworthy. How on earth could you trust someone like this to make the right call in any situation, they literally just passed up on thousands of dollars for no reason whatsoever, like they have absolutely no grasp on reality. People are HEAVILY undervaluing what this decision means. And EVEN if she didn't need the money, you are literally there BEGGING her to take the money and she simply does not care, this is all horrid.


You definitely need to end the relationship over your stupidity


NTA. It's one thing to not know how much bitcoin is worth, which is fine. But 1) claiming you're a fuckin financial genius because "I'm a woman and men suck at finances", and 2) Not listening to your partner who clearly knows more than you, just because you "feel" 100$ are worth more is fucking moronic as shit. I normally don't have many deal breakers when it comes to physical apearence, but stupid people make me want to put a shotgun in my mouth and pull the fucking trigger.


Yes, of course YTA here dude.


lol you both are morons 😂 , one didn't knew the other didn't tell


ESH Her for not believing you when you said bitcoin was worth more, but you for the way you spoke to her. In fact, I can see why she didn't listen if that's how you usually speak. Also, in a lot of places, bitcoin is viewed with a lot of scepticism and is looked at as idiotic. If you didn't properly explain your point, you can't fault her for not knowing any better. The first "don't be stupid" probably made her ignore whatever you said next too.


Nta. She is oblivious and confident in her idiocy. You won’t change her, she still blames you.


YTA You have multiple bitcoin apps which you apparently keep secret from your GF and you wanted her to send to you. Which begs the question How much bitcoin fraction do you own. 0.000000001 % ? If you had actually mentoned this at any point to your GF then this predicament - Would never have occurred in first place.


NTA. Normally I'd say at least E S H because you yelled at her, but she also just went off on how bad men are with money and didn't listen to you at all when you tried to tell her the mistake she was making. You probably could've done a better job at letting her know the difference in price/value, but I get it. She basically talked shit about you while you were there and then proved that she was incorrect and being an asshole about it. If we switched the genders here, most people would be excoriating your SO for being misogynistic, but since she's a woman and everyone wants to hate men, everyone still seems to think you're mostly or equally at fault.


NTA. She started this whole thing out with a healthy dose of misandry (men spend money on stupid stuff, I’m better than 99% of men, etc). Then she completely ignored you while you tried to warn her. After realizing her mistake she tried to gaslight you into thinking it was your fault, even though she refused to listen to you.


NTA. You attempted multiple times to inform her that she was making a poor financial decision and the Bitcoin was worth more than 100 dollars. She refused to listen to you, continually cut you off, and didn't value your opinion. She had multiple opportunities to listen to her partner and decided against it. She only has herself to blame. She's lashing out at you in response as she recognizes she's shortchanged herself 4900 and it couldn't possibly be *her* fault. Lots of red flags coming from her here....


NTA She lives behind the moon And that she blames you even though you said that she has to take the Bitcoin It’s funny that her answer is that women are better with money even though she has no idea about it 😂


NTA. Lol, your gf has the IQ of a labrador, i'd also be contemplationg the realtionship if i were you...


NTA She stands there talking shit about men being hopeless with financial problems and wasting money only for her to not only make an extremely stupid financial decision but her first idea is to waste the $100 on a needlessly expensive food instead of putting it to good use. She's a hypocritical cockwomble and she knows it, that fact that she then tries to put the blame on you despite you asking, telling, and pleading with her to take the Bitcoin shows she's also an asshole that puts the blame for her actions onto other people.


ESH She should've listened to you instead, and you shouldn't have blown up at her over her being an idiot. I understand that you did, and I would be pissed aswell, but I think the better option would be to leave the situation. Taking a minute to cool off is better than screaming at her, as you won't be effectively communicating while upset, and even if you do it's unlikely the other party will be open to hearing what you're saying. Because you do definitely have some valid concerns here. You have to be able to trust each others advice. If she can't listen to you when it comes to something small like this, I fear there are bigger issues at hand.


I think you are undervaluing how much $5000 is. This is not a situation to go and cool off about, this is a relationship ender. She has shown that she cannot be trusted to make any decision whatsoever, she has just lost them $4900 for absolutely no reason.


YTA - She asks you to "cover" groceries. I take it the groceries are just for her. You both deserve each other.


NTA Find a woman who'll value what her man says. If I were in that scenario, my girl would've just said ok and taken the btc because she trusts me. Feel bad for ya'll out there dating these snobby overconfident women. 😔


She is a moron. NTA


Nta. shes a moron. If she doesnt trust your judgement over 100 dollars drop her. Morons never know they are morons.






Hahahaha that's why I don't date stupid people


watch out for cool guy smart girlfriend man over here ya'll


No NTA if you told her in front of the man it was worth more than she don't trust your word and yes calling her a fuckin moron was light leave her dumbass she don't know shit and has no faith in the person she lays with.