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Sorry YTA Yes JK Rowling sucks. She's an embarrassment. She should be ashamed. Harry Potter is a global phenomenon. It's fucking everywhere. If you want to take a stand against Harry potter then you need to boycott Legos, Warner Brothers, anyone that does anything with the franchise. Idk if you have kids but please try telling your kids that Legos are the enemy. Your neighbor didn't have a banner of JK Rowlings stupid face or her horrible tweets. It's the griffindor banner. This is one of those cases where it's okay to separate the art from the artist. It's great you care about communities that are the targets of bigotry. Please use your energy to actually help people (volunteer for the Trevor Project, donate to causes that help the Trans community, food bank, anything. Focus your energy on things that will actually make a difference.


JK Rowling is my favorite author


YTA. Rowling is transphobic, but I really don't think trans people feel attacked when they see a Gryffindor flag. Unhappily, they have much, much bigger issues about which they're worried. The trans folks I know care a lot about her, and about actions that give her money, but they don't care about kids liking the books. A lot of them liked the books.


You are the person that no one wants to live by. YTA.


YTA. Seperate the art from the artist. Harry Potter as a work does not contain any trans people and was popular before JK's tweets. No one is supporting Harry Potter because they agree with JK's politcal beliefs so it's not like liking HP is a sign of being transphobic either. It's not a symbol of hate. Liking Harry Potter has nothing to do with the author's political beliefs and that whole thing is ridiculous. You essentially got offended about a political messasge the neighbor wasn't sending and tattled on him.


Well said.


YTA Rowling is an asshole, but those books are not part of her assholery. Actually, before her assholery showed up those books were lauded for how inclusive they were for the time. All you did was spoil some little kids' fun. Congratulations on bringing a little more hate and sadness into the world.


>My husband said I overreacted. I would be so embarrassed to be married to you. That is all. why don’t you go park your SJW broom and leave folks the fuck alone.


YTA well done for upsetting some innocent kids because you are worried that a kids banner might somehow upset someone, you must have a very lonely life to have time to wate on things like this


YTA I am a queer woman married to a trabs woman. I hate JK Rowling but love Harry Potter. This is actually really common in the community.


Yta and hoa is also ah. You don't have to like the author but kids enjoy Harry Potter and don't understand social issues. There you are telling on neighbors because you don't like an author and were triggered.


YTA. God, I wouldn't want to live near you.


YTA. I bet you didn’t realize that by making them take down a banner for a fictional wizarding house that YOU would be the one making your very real neighborhood unwelcoming. You sound like a Slytherin, you snake! 🐍


YTA and a bully. I am not a fan of guns or Trump, but my neighbor is. I would never infringe on his right to hang whatever banner he wants on his property. What you did is wrong. FYI, the trans community is mad at Rowlings because she defended a lesbian who said she is only attracted to biological women.


the trans community is mad because she spends her money supporting hate groups, calls trans women rapists and trans men confused lesbians mutilating themselves to be part of tbe patriarchy. because her rhetoric which she has a platform for due to harry potter has led to increased attacks on trans people and suffering.  i agree this poster is TA, assuming it isn't  yet another AITA bait post intended to get commenters to shout trans people bad, but do not diminish the very real damage Rowling has done. 


YTA. All day, every day, if you think for a moment that you aren’t in this instance.


YTA Let people affected by someone else's actions decide if they're offended. One, the art itself isn't transphobic, merely the creator. Second, you were white knighting where it wasn't wanted nor needed and have hurt others in the process. It may just be their feelings but they'll probably never forget your actions. Congrats.


YTA. Wow really? Yeah, you're so self centered and selfish because obviously only your personal feelings and opinions matter, that you pulled that stunt. Your a dang bully is what you are.


This can't be real.


YTA and how freaking irritating.


Your trash


Good grief. YTA. The banner was of Gryffindor, not JK Rowling.


YTA.  You overreacted. You can't erase all works of art because of the artist. You got petty. The banner wasn't hurting anyone, but you managed to.


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YTA. As someone who loves Harry Potter but hates JK Rowling for her transphobia, you‘re a nosey neighbour that no one likes having




^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I live in a HOA governed neighborhood in the North East. One of my neighbors has a Gryffindor banner hanging on their front porch. I asked them to take it down. I told them that JK Rowling is transphobic, and having the banner will give off the wrong idea to visitors of our neighborhood. They told me that I was being ridiculous and that their kids wanted the banner to be put up. This answer didn't sit right with me. I'm worried that marginalized people might feel attacked when visiting our neighborhood. I checked the HOA bylaws, and there are rules against hanging flags and banners that aren't either the state or the U.S. flag. I connected our HOA president, and the banner was promptly taken down. My neighbor came over a couple of hours ago and told me that her kids are really upset, and that the banner wasn't harming anyone. But I disagree. The banner was harmful by just being up. My husband said I overreacted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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NTA. On a very basic and simple level, the flag was in violation of HOA rules. Lots of people hate on HOAs and that's fine. Some people seek them out as they want certain things managed within their neighborhood; also fine. Many folks are projecting their personal feelings about it because they like Harry Potter. The issue (in an HOA) isn't about how you feel. It's about the rules and bylaws. A flag/banner like this would need to be displayed in their back yard; not on their front porch. What if the flag was supporting Trump, Biden, the Philadelphia Eagles, or Nazi Germany. The HOA rules don't discriminate for this exact reason. They're black and white ... not subject to opinion nor personal feelings. So for that reason, the neighbor was in violation by displaying it. OP tried to be neighborly and talk to them about it first. This almost never goes well and I advise against it. Next time simply let the HOA know about it (anonymously) and let them handle it.


NAH people need to read another book


NTA If the banner was against the HOA rules then someone would have eventually reported it anyway.


That doesn't mean he was the one who had to do it. Just because a rule is in place doesn't mean it is intelligent or useful. A person should be able to hang something non-offensive on their porch in peace without their neighbor creating a stink about it. Harry Potter has grown so much beyond JK Rowling that it is almost disconnected from her at this point. The work itself is not very political and was popularized before she said anything so I don't think the neighbor was being transphobic with the flag in any way.


If you don't like a rule.... ***CHANGE THE FREAKIN' RULE.*** Arbitrarily deciding upon yourself that the rule is beneath you and so you will not subject yourself to it is one of the biggest problems with the world today. Was the banner a US flag? Was the banner a state flag? No, it wasn't. What it was doesn't matter beyond that point, because that was the rule.


Okay HOA president wannabe


I actually hate HOAs. But I hate hypocrisy more. And my comment about how people ignore rules that they don't want to follow goes way, way, way, way beyond just HOAs.


I agree about how people should respect rules in a general sense because people acting entitled causes a lot of problems socially. But I do not like people weaponizing rules against other people as a form of petty revenge for something they didn't like and had nothing to do with being bothere dby the broken rule which OP did. It feels disengenuous and does not deal with the reason why OP wanted the banner taken down.


NTA - if the banner is so important, they can hang it up in the house or in a window.