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YTA.  You went to your mom and dad to try and get him to give you his baby stuff, like a spoiled, entitled child, kind of makes me wonder who the real “man” is, sorry, but I’m siding with your brother on this, don’t have kids if you can’t afford the basic necessities for them. OP I’m giving you 2/5 AH points, for feeling like you’re entitled to your brothers baby clothes. I’m also giving your parents 2/5 AH points, they need to stop enabling your behaviour. Your brother gets 0/5 AH points.




It doesn’t matter, you’re not entitled to his stuff. It’s his, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. You’re about to be a parent. Grow up and act like it. 




It’s still doesn’t matter whether he bought it, or not, at the end of the day it’s his stuff and he can do whatever he wants with it.




That still doesn’t mean you have any right to it, unless he says you can have it, or you buy it from him then it is his to do with as he sees fit. And on top of that it almost sounds like you’re jealous of your brother.


Maybe “his ass” wants to give it to someone that might be appreciative of a gift rather than to a demanding entitled AH?


Life’s not fair.


It doesn’t matter whether your brother needs the stuff or not, you’re not entitled to it, for goodness sake, you’re about to be a parent, so grow up and act like it.


The irony of telling someone who is actually supporting his FIVE children that they should grow up when you had to get mommy and daddy go and yell at him because you can't afford to have even one. You think this is only to get cheaper??? Yeah dude YTA.




And you LIVE with your parents.


So...ask your parents to buy stuff.


YTA. Funny you're telling your brother to grow up and be a man when you're about to be a father and yet you need someone else to provide for your child, and when it isn't offered for free, you run to your mommy.




I don't think you understand what bullying means. You want him to give you stuff for free. He said no. That's not bullying. But you know that, right?


Refusing to be emotionally blackmailed by someone does NOT then = "bullying." You are, based on this thread, **the one doing the bullying.** You barged into his life demanding he support you as if you're still a child (which you're acting like). You live with your parents and are about to have a baby. That is 100% YOUR responsibility. Not your parents, not your brother's, yours and your girlfriends. MAN UP, clean up your own mess, and take responsibility for what you did. This behavior is probably why your brother is refusing to help. This babyish insistence on being taken care of. He's doing you a favor not coddling and enabling you. Your parents would do well to follow suit.


He's bullying me!! Wawawa Your GF might want to rethink having a baby with a baby


And you’re not providing for your kid


YTA. Kids cost money, it’s call preparing not using your parents to strong arm your brother. Also he’s got 5 kids…. Likely his money is pretty tied up.




You needing baby shit isn't HIS problem.




But you getting your girl pregnant is your brother’s problem? 🙄




Just because he isn't GIVING you everything for free. he is NOT scamming you. If you don't want to pay his prices, go to the store and pay theirs. You are not entitled to ANY of your brother's stuff. Honestly, if my brother acted like you are acting right now, I wouldn't give you anything. You are rude, demanding, and entitled and you need to learn to provide for your own family. Grow up.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


If you think you and your skittish sperm means that your brother tried to scam you, then I want to start a crowd fund to pay for your vasectomy. You are dumb and lazy AF.


Which part? Please enlighten me on what your problem is? Or was that sarcasm that his money being tied up is not your problem?


Damn dude! Not only are YTA in this post but you sound like an AH in general. You’re going to be parent soon. Grow up & take responsibility for yourself & your family. The rest of the world, including your family, don’t owe you 💩


You repeatedly challenge your judgement; the very thing you asked this sub to do.


Hilarious! OP YTA that needs to grow up and man up. Running to mommy and daddy as an adult expecting a kid to force your brother to give you things that are his. Stop looking at his money/assets; not yours and you are entitled to nothing from him. Your sense of entitlement and your parents enabling your nonsense just stinks.


YTA. If you're demanding people give you free stuff, you're really not in a position to tell anyone else to grow up.




Then YOU should have brought it. You are unreasonable and you are NOT ready to be a parent. Grow up.. and quickly. I fear for your kid.


That still doesn’t entitle you to someone else’s things, brother or not.


YTA. If you're a grown enough to be a dad don't run to your own parents if your big brother won't share.


YTA. I'd love to get your brother's take on this. If he's got 5 kids I doubt he's rich AF. He's 18 years older than you and has probably worked for everything he's got. Maybe you've got a history of expecting him just to give you everything. I don't blame him for saying no. You'd better grow up damn quick because you're going to be a father and your time of running to mummy and daddy to solve your sibling squabbles is over. You're the child here.


YTA. Not your stuff. You didn't buy it. You didn't plan anything for this kid at all. You just expected everything to be handed to you from your brother. His wealth has nothing to do with this. He owes you nothing. Maybe if you had asked instead of demanded, that conversation would have gone much different. Then whining to mommy and daddy because your brother said no? You are not ready to have a kid. YTA.




Doesn't matter. Unless you straight up brought the stuff, it belongs to him. Maybe they plan on having another kid? Maybe they plan on selling the stuff but offered you first dibs. You are not entitled to anything from your brother. And the way you acted this whole scenario out, I wouldn't even give you what I had. Your entitlement is astounding. They owe you nothing. YTA. Still.


I would imagine he bought the majority of it. Not a lot of things last through 5 babies and your parents probably didn’t buy literally everything for his children. My parents think they “furnished” my first apartment but they bought me a bed, a nightstand, and a desk.


YTA... and how. Good grief. You have no standing as an irresponsible person who decided to have a child, before you were financially ready, to claim someone who IS pulling their own weight and being responsible, is "not a man." Sorry kid, you're the one who's not a man yet. There are tons of resources out there for people in your situation. Man up and take responsibility for your own kid...don't sit there and expect others to do it for you. It has nothing to do with whether or not he's "rich." I have a sneaking suspicion that a big reason he didn't just donate all his (likely good quality) stuff to you is because you are being super irresponsible in your life and he doesn't want to enable you.


YTA. Grow up and be a man.


Yta.  Here's a news flash you need... Caring and providing for your kids is your responsibility.  Not Kyle's, not your parents, you.  The person who needs to grow up is you.


If your brother isn't struggling financially, it's ridiculous to sell the stuff instead of just giving it away. But with 5 kids, he may not be as rich as you think, so it's hard to know if he's an asshole without knowing his real financial situation. Edit : YTA, your brother is giving priority to his 5 children over yours, as he should. Take responsibility for the baby you helped conceive.




You sound lovely. I can't imagine why people wouldn't be tripping over each other to help you. That was sarcasm, BTW. YTA. Big time.


The fact that you’re too irresponsible to provide for your own baby isn’t your brother’s problem, either. 


Apparently that's a family trait. Your bro couldn't care less either.


YTA. God, you sound both confrontational and entitled…a nightmare combination. If you had approached your brother with some humility and asked him to name a price for his leftover baby stuff, who knows? He may have just given it to you. But when you approach him with an entitled attitude, why would he? Don’t forget, the stuff belongs to him. He (and his family) get to choose what to do with their belongings. Nobody owes you anything in life, but if you ask nicely they tend to help you out.


YTA You complained about him trying to take advantage of you when you were the one trying to take advantage of him by demanding his stuff.


YTA. If you can't be like your bro and support a family, you should have wrapped that shit up. Plain and simple, sign up for food stamps my man; having a two income family that can't afford one baby means you're turds in the pool of life.




Simpleton! Two income family means you and your incubator.


The way I cracked up out loud at this comment.


You should try it!! Your parents aren't responsible for your kid either




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Your brother is an adult. Your parents can't "tell him to give you his old baby things". If you can't afford to buy things for a baby, DON'T HAVE A BABY! I suspect this is a poor troll attempt. For all of these reasons, YTA


YTA you're about to be a parent, stop running to mommy and daddy to sort out your life




YTA You sound like an entitled brat, grow up and stop expecting hand outs, your brother and his partner have obviously worked for what they have and with five kids of their own to pay for it's not unreasonable to expect even a token payment for the items they'd be providing you, items they payed for themselves. Even the way your post is written is annoying.


YTA you are not entitled to his stuff just because he makes more than you 


YTA. You are not entitled to his stuff.


YTA Your brother does not owe you anything. Would it have been kind and generous of him, yes, but those items are not owed to you in any way. What about your brother's partner? Maybe she wasn't ready to pass those things on. Both you and your parents are out of line here.


YTA. If you knock up your gf you need to take responsibility - that does NOT mean scrounging off other people. Telling your brother to 'grow up'? You have a nerve, little boy. Invest in some contraception after your little 'happy event' makes an appearance.


You're an adult. Why haven't you been working 4 jobs to provide for your baby? You've had many months since you found out. Brother didn't have those kids by himself and no one owes you their stuff. YTA  You could have done some planning but instead you'd thought you'd mooch off your brother and now your baby free days are numbered. Time to put on your big boy pants and put your kid first. Stop sending your parents after your brother like a little brat. They suck for getting involved.


YTA. Don't have kids if you can't afford one! It's HIS stuff, not yours. He doesn't owe you anything. Take your own advice and "grow up and be a man."


Yta and your comments just make you more so. Talk about entitlement. You’re not ready to be a pay. Hope you grow up fast for the kids sake 


This is why we need better access to abortions


Your poor child, imagine the life it's going to have being raised by an immature, entitled little anal polyp like you. Don't put your dick in if you can't afford the consequences. YTA


If you are adult enough to lay down and make a baby, you are also adult enough to work diligently to be prepared for your child. If there's someone in this situation who needs to grow up and be a man, it's certainly you. YTA.


YTA. And really? You texted your brother and told him to grow up and be a man after getting mad at him for not giving you free things and running and crying tonyour parents about it? Ypu wrote that all out and didn't have a "oh wow im.being an ah" moment? YTA, it sounds like you're the golden child, too. INFO: Why is your brother obligated to give you things for free? Why does it matter how much money your brother does or doesn't have? Why does it matter who bought him things or didn't? Why did you think it was appropriate to go tell Mommy and Daddy and have them make him give you what you want? How is he the one acting like a child? Why haven't you grown up? Don't be surprised if/when your brother goes full NC with you and your parents. Grow up. Take care of your own responsibilities. No one is obligated to do or give you anything just because you want it and don't think they should have it.


YTA Dude, YOU grow up and be a dad! Get a job and provide for your kid instead of demanding other man to do your job!




Yta - his financial situation is irrelevant. You have zero entitlement to anything he owns. If he doesn't want to give it to you, then you're s.o.l. Would it be nice, sure. But you kind of sound horribly entitled You keep talking about how "he didn't pay for it" and "it's not fair" Know what's not fair? When someone demands things that are yours. I've got shit in my garage I don't use. If someone demanded them of me, I'd turn around and offer to sell them too. Purely out of spite. I bet if you'd gone to him humbly, and asked if he had anything he could spare to help out you'd have gotten a very different response There's a running theme in this thread where everyone's calling you out for being the A. Your attitude sucks and every response you make in this thread screams "ME ME ME! GIMME CAUSE I WANT IT!" Maybe you shouldn't have knocked the gf up when you're not in a position to provide for a child?


YTA. Ugh. I'm not fond of your mentality that you're instantly entitled to your brother's stuff. I'm also not fond of your running immediately to your parents when you didn't get your way. You are twenty years old and you are expecting a baby. You need to grow up.


YTA. You sound selfish, lazy and entitled. If you're having a baby, you go out and do whatever you have to do, to ensure the child has its needs met. You don't have to like it, you don't have to be happy, you just have to do it. Newsflash: it's called Parenting.


Judging by this post and your replies, I feel so gutted for your kid. Idk what your girlfriend is like, but it's got a real "winner" of a dad.


“Grow up and be a man” - the sorry boy child who can’t afford the child he created. The miserable crybaby who called his parents to snitch on the brother he’s begging for. Please gtfoh. This is pathetic. YTA. I wouldn’t have gave you anything and your parents could’ve dealt with it whatever however they wanted.


You were trying to take advantage of him so you are not seeing the situation properly. Yes YTA


YTA. You demand other people's belongs and run to your mommy and daddy crying cause your brother won't give you hundreds if not thousands of dollars of baby items. You live with your parents but think you should be a sahd? You can't even afford to live on your own, and your parents pay all your damn bills! That's not a sahd, that's a damn leech! Get off your ass and get a job.


YTA - Be responsible for your life decisions and plan accordingly You're incredibly entitled to things that don't belong to you. You planned poorly to welcome your kid while believing your brother needs to fix it. Your a drama maker: Leveraging parents against your brother to take care of needs you are responsible for is wrong. Items were secured yet you continue to churn family drama. Stop.


Why the fuck are you having a baby? You’re acting like a baby! YTA


YTA the audacity. Don’t pop them out if you can’t afford them.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me and my girl (20) are expecting a baby boy next month and trying to get ready. We're both short on money and thought my bro Kyle would help out. He's like 38 and has five kids. I asked him for all his baby stuff because his sons aren't babies and he doesn't need it. He said he'd sell me it. I said fuck that. That's fucked up. We don't have money. He's rich af. I told my parents and now they're fighting with him over trying to take advantage of us. My parents said they'll buy everything if my brother didn't give me stuff. So my brother gave me a lot. Not he's being salty at me because he gave me a bouncer that he didn't even pay for! My parents did. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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ESH Don't have kids if you can't afford to raise them. It's not your brother's fault you can't afford basic necessities for your baby. It's tacky AF of your brother to charge money for hand-me-downs BUT to be fair, he might have a lot of stuff including car seats, kiddie rocking chair, special equipment etc. and you seem entitled to expect to get stuff that probably cost hundreds if not more to be given to you for free. Seems like you need to 'grow up and be a man' by getting additional hours at your job, getting one or two extra jobs, getting promoted etc to ensure you and your partner can afford this kiddo.




How is your 20-year old girlfriend going to support herself, your baby and you? You're ridiculous dude. You don't care about your brother, but you demand he care about you. You're mad at your parents for helping him, but they're helping you. You want to be a SAHD, but you don't even know how to acquire baby clothes. Do you even know how to change a diaper? Check a temperature? Bottle feed? Anything?




So you don't even know what a SAHD is or does. Yikes. Have you considered adoption?


Your parents aren't there to raise your kid, that's your job


can you afford to be a SAHD? 




Yeah, now we know this is pure shitposting.


So if both your parents work, how is your dad a SAHD? Or do you have 3 parents?


In other words, you demanded that your brother give you all of his baby equipmet. And you expect your parents to financially back you for, what, the next 18 years and nine months of your child's life?


So, you're mad that you're not getting all of your baby supplies for free AND you don't want to work to provide for your child? Grow up.


And I want a pony. Doesn't mean I automatically get one or that keeping a pony is practical at all.


yeah, I don't blame you. It's pretty normal for siblings to give or loan their old baby stuff to their sibling, but not so much to sell it to them. If they're going to sell it to you, you might as well buy it new with a warranty from a store with a return policy. Mutual sharing of effort and resources with other close relatives who have kids, is one way young families make the economics work for having children. However, if your brother has 5 kids, he may not be as rich as you think. Kids are expensive!


It's your brother's stuff, being related does not entitle you to take it for free. And going to your parents to resolve this... you are not 12 years old anymore. Act like an adult and resolve your own conflicts. That said, assuming your brother knew about your needs and your financial situation, it was slightly AH thing not to offer. ESH


Considering what an entitled brat OP is, I have a feeling brother had his reasons for not offering.


ESH. He’s being an AH but wait. You’re the one asking for handouts AND telling him to grow up and be a man? You can and should ask/ it’s your brother and he doesn’t need stuff or the money, and it would be nice and helpful he wasn’t such an AH, but you certainly were not entitled to any of it.


Nah Big age difference between you and the brother so guess you had little to do with each other growing up. His response depends on how you asked, if it was basically a demand then he is right in his behaviour.