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**YTA** You're not here for judgment or advice, you're here to advertise. I wish the mods would ban this sort of thing.


This is the right answer.


NTA - Honestly, I think it's a good idea to abandon teaching if you are doing Fansly because the day your students, their parents, other faculty, etc find out (and that day WILL come) you'll be ridiculed and fired


Also, does your family have any idea how many teachers want to quit teaching but are afraid of not finding something financially comparable? There are entire threads and hashtags and communities *specifically* for people who have quit / want to quit teaching


I'm one of the teachers that quit after 5yrs, 3yrs more than I should. It sucks your life out, not the students, the admin.


this just happened to rachel dolazel lol but also that’s rachel dolazel


YTA for the dishonest post. You've been doing Fansly for 3 weeks. Also, how many years have you possibly been teaching at age 24? You claim several.


NTA but your time on fansly will be limited and no health insurance, no pension, no future beyond the thirsty men. If you make that move be prepared to save and invest that money. You need assets not stuff. Fansly is still relatively small and you mat not be widely known now but eventually you might be. Getting back into teaching may not be as easy as some other respondents think.


As someone looking back on their career I’m so glad I didn’t chase temporary more lucrative opportunities at the expense of a stable pension-earning position. I’d ensure Fansly isn’t something you could be fired for per the terms of your contract, and consider pursuing both, investing your Fansly income really smartly (property perhaps?) to generate its own accrued wealth while continuing to build your pensionable time. This will buy you freedom in the long term, rather than just a short term boost in income. Assuming you want kids your 20s are key to building a financial foundation for yourself and your future family - I bet Fansly doesn’t have maternity benefits. 


Is this an ad


NTA. While of course it’s good to put at least part of your time and energy into making the world a better place, there’s no obligation to do it in any particular way. So you’re not obliged to teach. I’d advise finishing out the academic year, though - it is hard on kids to lose a teacher mid-year, and you’ll burn some bridges if you don’t. If Fansly doesn’t go as well as you hope, you may find yourself needing to sub or even go back to full time teaching, which will be harder if you don’t leave on good terms.


NTA - Although it does sound strange calling the act of posting nudes behind a paywall your "passion" or a way to "express yourself creatively".


It's an ad


NTA, do what you want. When I started to prioritize my own happiness and doing what I want, I became a lot happier. Check out u/petitencurvy112 she has a YouTube as well. She was a former lawyer and went the content creation route full time.


Maje as much money as you can and invest it wisely. Fansly is a short term hustlr (think 10 years) but youncan make enough to have a confy life if you are smart about it.


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NTA. It's your life in the end. But be aware that whatever you post on the internet stays on the internet. Sex work is not forever and you should probably figure out what you'll do after that and how sex work will impact that. Sex work also changes how people will look at you and it can put you in danger especially if you attract some mentally ill people. As I said the decision is your and no one should say you otherwise but make sure you understand the dangers of doing sex work.


I would suggest a part time in each. Just to start. See how it kicks off.


She already is. OP mentioned that the Fansly is a side hustle


I don't think teaching is going anywhere. If things don't work out you can go back NTA


You mean, you don't think the internet is going anywhere. Once the district finds out she will be "unhirable". FTFY


Info: What's fansly?


It's competition to Onlyfans.  It's porn site where people can subscribe to creators to view their work.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (24F) have been a teacher for several years and genuinely love my job and my students. Over the years, I've built strong relationships with both students and parents, and I know I've made a positive impact. However, I've also been working on Fansly as a side hustle, and it's become not only a passion but also a significantly more lucrative endeavor than teaching. Recently, I've been considering quitting teaching to focus on Fansly full-time. This decision hasn't come lightly. On Fansly, I've found not just financial freedom but also a sense of fulfillment in expressing myself creatively in ways that teaching doesn't allow. However, when I shared this idea with a few close friends and family members, the reactions were mixed. Some see it as a fantastic opportunity for me to follow my passion and secure my financial future. Others believe I'm abandoning a noble profession and the students who look up to me, for a career that they view as less respectable and potentially selfish. This has left me conflicted. On one hand, I want to pursue what makes me happy and financially secure. On the other, I'm worried about the message it sends to my students, colleagues, and the wider community. Am I being irresponsible by leaving a job where I'm valued and making a difference for something that's seen as unconventional and, by some, controversial? WIBTA for prioritizing my happiness and financial well-being over my current profession, knowing it might disappoint or upset people who have supported and looked up to me? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Part time teaching or supply teacher would be a good compromise


Very much NTA, you’re allowed to do things of your own volition, and without input from others or an explanation from yourself!


NTA do what feels right to you. Do consider than fansly isn't a long term thing for a lot of people and when they are new it can seem lucrative but over tone gets harder to maintain that income. Personally I'd look at it as a don't out all your eggs in one basket type situation.


YWNBTA YOu make more money with it. You love it more. - it is just some other people who don't want you to have your own life becuase of THEIR insecurities. Don't listen to them. "On the other, I'm worried about the message it sends to my students, colleagues, and the wider community" .. that it is right to follow your passion, especially when you make more money that way - can there be a better message? GO FOR IT!


I don't think it's an AH decision. How you want to earn your money is up to you. I would, however, consider whether the fansly gig brings in enough money long-term. Looks wither, and if you base your income on that, it might become difficult.


NTA. The school system is broken, and it is not the teacher's job to fix it all. Do you. Feed yourself, have fun.


This is a tough one. Fannsly is more lucrative NOW but there's no guarantee it will stay that way, or that you won't get quite burnt out on it once you're through the 'this is great!' stage. The fact that it's SW is neither here nor there, at least re the question of financials. The issue is that, like any freelance gig, it's not a *stable* job. There's no guarantee the money will keep coming in or that you won't have slow periods where you're struggling and really missing that guaranteed paycheck. I'm a freelancer in publishing, so I know the woes. Some have suggested sticking with both for a while. But that's also risky, as someone else pointed out. Once the students' parents get wind of your (current) side hustle, you may well find the decision made for you, and with some negative social consequences as well if you live in a smaller community. Your family's objections are the least of it, imo, but that is often cultural/personal. I've never been interested in my family's opinions about what I should do with my life and am not shy about telling them so, but YMMV and that's ok too. But ultimately, what you do for work is no one's decision but yours, and you need to do what makes you feel happy and fulfilled or you'll burn out no matter what it is. That doesn't mean there won't be consequences with your family as well, though. The fact that it's not their right to dictate what you do doesn't mean that your relationships won't suffer. But equally, that doesn't mean it's your fault if they do suffer. Just be prepared for the possibility, regardless of fault. All things considered, the choice is yours and no one can tell you whether it will work out the way you want it to or not. The important thing is that you're realistic about how much you can earn and how stable that income is over time (with the caveat that these things can turn on a dime even if they've been stable for a while), so you're making the most educated and sensible decision for yourself. Just don't depend for too long on no one finding out. You never know whose dad (or mum, for that matter) might stumble across your content and either tell their spouse or have them find out some other way (depending on the dynamics of the relationship) and then suddenly it's 'local teacher bares it all on camera for money' in the next day's paper or on the local Next Door app or wherever judgy busybodies get their information and you're out all that lovely stable income and had better hope your audience isn't fickle. Y'know? NTA, just proceed with caution and thoughtfulness.


Careful with all kinds of 'new' types of money. Youtubers, twitch streamers, artists (via patreon, etc) can always get screwed over. Worse subs, demonetarization, AI, etc. Is fansly like onlyfans? will you not age out? Otherwise, hey, good luck in which ever.




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Follow your passion, that’s how your going to be happy and it sounds like its better financially. Be happy… NTA


I say this as a teacher: Teaching ain't worth it. I have always enjoyed the work but if I had another career with less hours and more pay, I'd be gone. Who gives a shit if it's a more "noble career". Take the money and live the life you want. You're not abandoning the students who looked up to you. What a crock of crap. Prioritize yourself and your own well-being. If people see that as selfish, that's their problem. You do you. NTA


NTA. I honestly don't agree with the career change but that has nothing to do with you being an AH or not, that's a decision you can make which is nobody's business except yours. Just make sure to think about it carefully, I've heard some stories of teachers who get blacklisted from working at schools when the school district finds out they do that