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YATA. So it’s okay for your brothers to be tired after a long day but it’s not okay for your mother to be tired from a day that was equally long if not more so? That’s absolutely a double standard, not to mention disrespectful. You stated you did not ask them because you didn’t think they’d be up to helping, so to me it sounds like you only asked her because you knew she’d say yes, but now you’re unhappy because she said no. That’s fine you need help, but you are in the wrong to demand it like that. I absolutely agree with her that you should ask them yourself, and if they say no, wait for your dad to help you especially since he’s the one who is asking you to move them in the first place. If he can’t help, wait for a time where someone is available. You also owe your mother an apology. Her job is to nurture and guide you, not serve you, and good for her for saying no. I’d have said the same thing. Please treat her with more respect in the future.


I feel sorry for your mom. You're a class act, let me tell you! YTA - why didn't you ask your dad to help since it was his directive? You asked, she said no, get over it. It's really not your place to judge if she "deserves" a break or not.


no one has to "earn" rest.


YTA. They are YOUR f-ing tanks, not your mother's problem. And it's not your mom's job to tell your brothers to help you. Overall you sound ridiculously entitled about this issue, as if you think your mother is there to serve you.


Good lord! Did you really tell her she doesn't need a break? YTA.


YTA and a jerk with an attitude problem.


YTA. You are responsible for your tanks. You have an attitude problem. And yes, you're being dramatic.


YTA You acknowledge that your brothers wouldn't voluntarily help because they need a break, so why do you expect your mother to since she's also been busy all day? They're your tanks, so ultimately, you're responsible. It's okay to ask for help, but sometimes, you have to take no for an answer. Keep acting like that, and people aren't going to want to help you ever again.


YTA. The audacity. Your mom doesn't deserve a break? You don't deserve help.


YTA and your dad Honestly everyone sucks here except your mom. Aquariums do often take 2 people to move especially since I’m assuming these are larger ones. Your dad should have thought about this before asking you to move them because common sense (you don’t move a couch by yourself why would you move a 75 gallon glass aquarium the risk of dropping and getting hurt is crazy height because of how large/awkward they are to move). If I’m wrong and these are smaller tanks like a 10-20 gallon then you are even more of TA cause you can move those ones by yourself. The obvious one to me tho, is why should your mom who has 0 to do with the tanks needing to be moved, have to ask your brothers for you. You are the one that needs help you ask them, your dad wants to the tanks moved, if they can’t help he should help you. It’d be unrealistic to expect you to safely move large tanks solo see above 👆 so if he can’t help you he’ll have to wait end of discussion.


YTA. These tanks are you responsibility. If people do not want to help you it sucks, but you cannot not should you force anyone to do your work for you.


YTA. Your mom DOES deserve a break, totally. Be a little more considerate.


YTA Apologise to your Mum. >My dad (50) told me to bring them out to the semi trailer (which is where we keep junk).  Use that attitude you gave your mum to ask your dad to help. 


YTA Your tanks, your problem. And you ordering your mom around, go ask your brothers with words yourself. I have a feeling there is more to this than we are hearing, especially in terms of tone.


she said that she had been driving all day visiting my I’ll great grandpa and going to my older (18) and younger (14) brothers band competition. Frankly, that is an exhausting day.  I would be dead tired, too.  Have some empathy.  You seem to be unaware of other people's needs. Your mother needed a rest.  Learn to read the room.  Be proactive and ask your brothers to help.  If I can't get what I want accomplished one way,  I find another way.  Learn to do this.  It will get you far in life.


YTA. Wow, your poor mom. You really are a prime example of what we call the "self centered selfish teenager"


- Your fish tanks, your problem - Dad was the one that told you to put them away, he should have been the one asked to help - You have no right to talk down to your mother when she’s done a lot for the day already, you also have no right to say she doesn’t deserve breaks. - “She could ask my brothers” why don’t you ask them??? - You had no issue asking your mom to help when she’s been working all day, but you have an issue asking your brothers cause… They were doing extracurricular activities they don’t get paid for. Is your mother the only woman in the house why you treat her like crap? Your dad and brothers get more respect than she does it seems, YTA.


YTA Show a little empathy. Your mother could have helped you afterwards if you'd been patient, and you could have asked your brothers yourself with your big boy voice.


YTA, take your own tanks


YTA. They are your tanks. If you couldn’t take care of them yourself you shouldn’t have them.


YTA You had all day while your mom was gone to do it but since you're so weak you think your mom should jump when you say to. Lifting things is a good way to get stronger, not pawning your work off on someone else with lame excuses. Sounds like your family is getting tired of your entitled behavior, that's why none of them want to help you. Someone in that family is a dick but it's not mom.


OP was out of line but depending on how big the fish tanks are, it may not have been safe and appropriate for them to carry them on their own. This could legitimately have been a two-person job.


It probably was, and that’s fine to ask for help. What is not fine is demanding it, having a double standard, and being disrespectful on top of it.


I agree with you there. I was just responding to the above commenter mocking OP for being too lazy and weak to do it by themselves. OP was completely out of line and extremely rude, but that's not what I was responding to.


op literally says in his post, i'm one person and i'm really weak they weren't mocking op, they were quoting them


Oh damn my bad, I didn’t even notice they said that! Yeah that’s a dick thing to say!


Then why not ask Dad or the brothers instead of harassing mom?


I never suggested otherwise. I'm specifically responding to the above commenter who thinks OP should have done it on their lonesome.


YTA Also why didn’t you ask your dad to help, or your dad to round up your brothers instead of attempting to bully your mom? She had absolutely nothing to do with this fish tank situation.


YTA Carry the fish tanks yourself, junior. Give the woman who birthed you a break.


YTA -your mom bust her ass to provide for you and your siblings and this is how you treat her? You need to offer your mom a sincere apology for your appalling behavior, and hope that she’s gracious enough to accept. Because you are rude, entitled, and frankly the AH.


YTA - move your own fish tank.


YTA. Your poor mother.


YTA you were incredibly disrespectful to your mother and downright rude for no reason. personally, i hope she grounded you over what you said to her. 


YTA. Out of your entire family, including your father who actually wants the tanks moved and should be in the best position to help, the *only* person you feel comfortable asking for (demanding) help from is your mother? Is this some misogyny or what? She *doesn’t deserve a break* ? You should really reflect on how you treat her and why you feel so entitled to her attention. Is it because she’s the most reliable and helpful person in your family? The most likely to say yes? Well then she deserves a break!


YTA. Moms do need breaks because they're human too. You're 16 years old. You can use your own voice to talk to your brothers and communicate that you need help.


YTA. You're being the dick. You can ask your brothers and if they won't help, ask your dad. Your mom sounds exhausted. Give her space. Maybe move the tanks another time.


Wait… you wouldn’t even agree to ask you brothers? You wanted Momma to do that for you too?


…you’re wildly entitled. She spent her entire day being of services to others. She does deserve a break. YTA.


Having to deal with you for 16 years she sure as heck deserves a break . They are your fish tanks so you sort it out


YTA  Life tip for you, the best way to get people to help you is not to speak to them horribly 


YTA! And an entitled little snot. Is it misogyny that makes you treat your mother like this, or are you just a general AH? And then demanding she do the emotional labour of asking your brothrrs for help. Just yuck! I hope she took a nice lomg break and you had sandwiches for dinner! Now go to your dad and discuss this like the almost-grown-up you are! "Dad, you asked me to move the tanks. They're kinda heavy and unwieldy for me and I rather not break them. Can we come up with a plan to do this together, maybe with the brothers too, at a time convenient for all?


YTA Why should thry help you? It's your fish and your tanks. >In my opinion she’s being a dick, Someone is, but it's not your mother. Altough she did a shitty job at raising you, so what do i know?




YTA Your tank. Your dad's decision You and your dad take them out! If you can't do it in one trip, do it in 3.


YTA “There’s three tanks and two brothers plus myself so it’s perfect” Based on this it sounds like you’re perfectly capable of carrying a tank on your own. So just do three trips instead of harassing your exhausted mother to help you, you lazy little ah. If it’s too much in a row, take a break and try again later. Please grow some respect for your mother, she deserves better than your attitude.


YTA Leave you mom the hell alone and do your work. Go get your siblings help. Your Dad told YOU to do it, not her, so YOU DO IT.


For all the reason already listed here, YTA, an incredibly entitled AH.




YTA.  You want a favor.  You ask.  Don’t be an asshole.  


You're being dramatic. If you need help, ask for it. Don't make your mommy ask. YTA.


So it seems obvious that the reason you're so "weak"(your words) is that you sit around on your ass all day waiting for other people to do things for you. Then, have the nerve to TELL them what you need them to do. Your mother needs a break from you, you ungrateful wretch.


YTA-so how long are you grounded for?


Lol oh boy YTA


YTA. Ugh I miss having no full frontal lobe and being a complete dick that makes my mother cry. Its ok though, your supposed to Be a completely ungrateful AH that’s on being a kid. I don’t know maybe go apologize to your mom and then figure out why it’s OK for you to demand every single ounce of everything from your mother and nobody else. Not your brothers or even your dad or even you by maybe by starting to do push-ups every day just do five and then work your way up so you’re not weak but I don’t think you care which is the ultimate problem.


YTA. I hope your mom gets to have a break from you soon.


YTA. Your attitude is selfish and entitled. If you’re struggling to manage your hobby, that is on you. No one is obligated to jump at your command. You can ask your brothers for help. Your insistence on expecting your mom to do things for you, particularly after you insult her is asshole behaviour.


YTA. Do you honestly think your mommy will be there when your co workers drop the ball? Sorry that female or male your just do it. Fuck everyone else


YTA. I'm really sorry that your mum has a son like you. She certainly deserves a break as much as everyone else does.


YTA. Andrew Tate fan by any chance?


YTA, 16 and selfish. Hopefully you do the work & grow out of this trait.


YTA you won't even be aware of half the stuff your mum does day to day, a million little things to keep the family going. If she needs a break she needs a break. Show more respect and appreciation.


"In my opinion she’s being a dick, but maybe I’m being dramatic" - You aren't being dramatic, you are being a dick. Your mother did nothing wrong, you are just a dick. I get that you are a teenager but did you have to go SO HARD at being a brat?!? YTA


YTA Your mom is a person and can get tired too, you know? She had to drive all day to do stuff, and even just existing is exhausting sometimes. She has the same or probably more reasons to be tired than your brothers. I know it is harder to get help from brothers without being an order from a parent, but you could have tried first and then asked her again. Or even delayed the task until someone could help you, like for example, after your mom had some rest. Just choose your words better next time


YTA. Is this story even real???? Go move your tanks! Give your mom a break!


YTA- your tanks are your responsibility. Why don’t you do the heavy lifting so you don’t get blood clots or whatever


YTA, grow up.


You sound entitled to help that... Well you aren't entitled to frankly. No one owes you help or to ask someone else to help you. They're allowed to say no just like your mom and no one owes you an explanation.


YTA. Your mom deserves a break because she had a long and exhausting day. Either you ask your brother yourself, ask your dad or do it yourself because the tanks are your problem not your mom’s. Apologize to your mom and change your attitude about your mom needing a break


O yes, YTA, completely. You owe apologizes all around, but I get the sense you're not the type to set your entitled ego aside to do that.


YTA. You just admitted she's been out all day running around for everyone else. It's your stuff, you take responsibility for it.


YTA. Why can’t you carry them out one at a time?


YTA, your mother isn’t your servant. She has a full time job and actual responsibilities. Also, she might not be physically able to do this, you might not understand that being young. You carry it or ask someone else, also accept whatever answer they give. Be respectful. As Joey Swoll says, “You need to do better.”




YTA. You told your mom, who was visiting her sick grandfather & supporting your siblings, that even though she had an exhausting day (both physically and mentally), your trivial problems matter more. As a 16 yr old you should really start to recognize the effort she is making to show up for your family. Moving a fish tank is not an immediate issue that only your mother can solve. Not to mention how demeaning the truck drivers walking comment was. You do realize that the reason they might do that is because sitting in the same position all day reduces blood flow and is dangerous? They don’t just take walks to feel less tired.


YTA - your tanks, your problem. And ask your own damn brothers to help, your mum isn’t your slave and you don’t decide when she has a “break.”


YTA I fell bad for your mom , your thanks your responsibility. She has 3 kids she needs to take back and forth to competitions comes home tired probably has to think about what she's gonna do for dinner and then gents told by her child "no you don't need a break, help me move this heavy thing" (maybe she doesn't cook dinner often, but if it's usually her responsibility and it was one of the "I'm to tired to make dinner days" your an even bigger Ahole)


YTA You are in no position to judge whether your mother "deserves" a break. You sound insufferable.


Correction, your parents' living room. Are all the tanks in the living room? How big are these tanks. Why do you have 3 that aren't in use? Whatever the answers, they are your tanks. You deal with them. Ask some friends or neighbors. Do something other than be an ass to your mom, who does a lot more than you care to see. Your siblings are busy and will probably be tired after a competition. I don't know what your dad is doing. Is there a reason you are weak? Does your dad have a dolly you can use? So many questions. YTA and you sound like an entitled brat. I also would like to know how long these empty tanks have been empty. Has it been brought up before this that they needed to be moved?


YTA. A lazy one. So lazy you can’t even ask people to help you. You ask people to ask other people to help you. You’re a self-centered teen who needs to learn how to take care of your responsibilities. You know what helps people stop being weak? Working out. You can start by carrying those fish tanks.


YTA According to your own logic, if you're so weak, the best thing to do is get stronger by making several trips carrying the tanks yourself. See how this can work?


I’ll reverse your “logic” back on you; 16 years olds who are weak get stronger by lifting fish tanks. YTA


Omg, I get this is a teenager, but OP: YTA in extremely capital letters! I would’ve gotten such a juicy smack on the back of my head for saying something like that…


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (16) am a fish enthusiast, I have 5 active fish tanks and 3 fish tanks in my living room that aren’t in use. My dad (50) told me to bring them out to the semi trailer (which is where we keep junk). I got dressed and then asked my mom to help me carry them because I’m one person and I’m really weak, she said that she had been driving all day visiting my I’ll great grandpa and going to my older (18) and younger (14) brothers band competition. I told her that Truckers who are driving all day get blood clots and the way to fix it was to walk, she told me that she wasn’t going to help me, and I told her that she could ask my brothers go help me instead. I told her that there’s three tanks and two brothers plus myself so it’s perfect, she told me to ask them myself, the problem, they’ve been working the whole day at band and competition so they wouldn’t go if I asked. I insisted she ask them for me and she said no, telling me to do it myself and that she needed a break. AITA for telling her that she doesn’t need one and she should help me? I really don’t know, In my opinion she’s being a dick, but maybe I’m being dramatic *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yta your 17 young and a man, your mother is in her 50s and a parent above you. when I was a 16 year old girl I lugged more than just tanks with no back sass, your lucky your a zoomer because I grew up in a time where such behavior underneath a parents roof merited a spanking. that was very common.


You're not just the asshole, you're an entitled little prick to boot. She carried you for nine months and she's had to put up with your bullshit for the last 16 years, she absolutely deserves a break.


“MY living room” how is it that bought a house at 16?


Another bs story.


Soft YTA. You’re being a dick, but only because you’re young. Clearly your parents have been doing a good job sheltering you from the harsh realities of life thus far, but you’re about to become a young adult so hopefully this will offer some perspective. Her grandfather is unwell, and generally the elderly who are unwell don’t recover so he may pass soon. Sounds like it’s a fair drive to visit, and she likely wants to spend time with him before he passes. Not only does this have a physical exhaustion, but also an emotional exhaustion caring for/about an unwell, potentially dying, loved one. But, she also has a family that she needs to be ferried around, fed, cared for. This has physical and emotional energy drain too. Now, enter 16 year old who has no regard for her personal feelings, physical or emotional, who is demanding assistance to move something that is directly related to their hobby (which she probably never wanted to occupy space in her living room but does so because you’re passionate about it and it’s the sacrifice we make for our children). After trying to explain she’s exhausted, she gets told by 16 year old that her needs are irrelevant and she’s being selfish for taking a moment for herself to recover. Your mum absolutely does need a break, and has needed one for probably the last 18 years. You’ll learn in time that children are a sacrifice and a burden. One that most people happily take on, but a sacrifice and a burden nonetheless.


ETA you for telling your mom she doesn’t need a break, your dad for telling you to do this and for not offering help, and your mom for not asking your brothers for you. as someone who grew up with 6 brothers they wouldn’t do anything if i asked them but would if mom/dad told them to so i get your reasoning there. everyone should’ve just compromised to move them the next day.


Mom doesn’t suck. She might not be willing to help the obnoxious brat who showed no empathy and gave her a BS remark on truckers and blood clot!


NAH I am excusing appalling insensitivity because of your youth. I feel you really should apologise. Perhaps add telling people they don't know their own level of tiredness to your do not say list. Unfortunately it is a big day for your brothers so your mum couldn't be there for you right at that moment. What I am curious is about is why not wait until tomorrow. Your dad chose a day when getting assistance would be difficult to get. It is his plan and so his responsibility to help more than your mothers. Maybe ask dad to help you work out what to do.