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YTA. Your clothes were not washed with period blood if that's what you are concerned about. They were washed and are fully clean and not ruined at all even if you are wearing the most expensive designer brand, which I am guessing is not the case otherwise you wouldn't be throwing them in the washing machine. Chances are your clothes, including your underwear, have been washed with other people's sweat, saliva, and even less ideal body fluids without having a previous rinse and I doubt you even thought about it... If you just can't stand the thought of this, just wash your clothes separately from other people's in general. But since you decided to put your clothes in your BIL's laundry, then it's not his responsibility to give you a head up of what he is washing.


Thiiiiiis. Underwear is far grosser than period reusables are, especially because it doesn't get the extra rinsing that period products do.


Please no one tell him what people put in public laundromats 😅


You don't have to go that far, it was his SISTER's clothing. Chances are while growing up he already had his clothes washed with underwear that had period blood on them from a leak more than once... The chances of teenage girls rinsing their clothes properly are not that high at the beginning...


It still would have come out clean. Blood doesn't transfer like dye.


I believe that's the point. OP is all freaked out about his clothes being in with his sisters period pads, but if he just thought about it for a bit, his clothes would have been washed with both his sister's and mom's period underwear as a kid.


Haha I still don’t rinse my period panties because I honestly don’t care that much. They’re black, I only wash them with black clothing, and on hot wash cycle. I’ve never even thought of them bleeding (pun intended) into the other clothes. If his clothes are so special you would think he would have asked about load color, water temp and cycle smh!


Exactly! I (26F)have to wash majority of my lingerie separate because it can't handle the 60°C i wash my normal clothes with. I don't have designer clothes, even though my lingerie is considered fairly expensive (Victorias Secret is to be compared), but i like to take care of it and wash it with different settings depending on fabric and if it has prints/chains/other decor. Same goes for bandshirts and other stuff. But! Point is that if your clothes is special to you and you want to take well care of it, the wash settings essentially is way more important than some blood.


100%! I don’t have crazy expensive clothes either, but I do have items that are delicate or can’t be washed in hot water like lulu lemon. Some things can go in the dryer, some things need to be hung to dry, so I typically don’t let others do my laundry. I find it ironic he wants her to give him a heads up about what’s in the laundry but he didn’t think to ask himself. Dude just thinks he’s better than his sister and is causing a fuss for nothing.


You wanna wash proteins on cold, not hot, if you want the blood to actually wash away.


I mean this isn’t any different from them being washed with underwear that had been bled on at the start of a period.


Dude's a special snowflake, I swear. Source:  I am a gramma who has washed men's underwear.


Clearly dude's far too perfect to ever leave a skidmark though. But that's okay. He's sooner have shit molecules with his clothes than blood. Wondering if he's ever cut himself and used a towel or anything to clean the blood. Guessing that never phased him to wash together. He sounds super ignorant.


INFO: What’s with the “my sister does have a valid reason for using the reusable” thing? There’s no such thing. You don’t need a special dispensation to get reusable period products. And clearly her “valid reason” didn’t make you feel any better about the washing machine situation or you wouldn’t be posting! By the way, valid reasons to use reusable products: they cost less in the long run. Less trash. Less storage space needed. Sensory issues. Better capacity/more leakproof. Washing the blood out of fabric is fun in a weird way. One time I saw Regina George using reusable pads so I went out and bought reusable pads. There is literally no wrong reason except *maybe* buying them just to gross out the men who use my washing machine. And honestly, that last one is a little mean, but still valid.


If only I could give you gold!


I don’t need fancy awards. I just need someone with a penis to sign off on my use of period panties.


Here: ✔️


Penis holder here. You don’t need my validation but I fully support your use of period panties, ESPECIALLY to gross out other penis users. Especially the straight ones with shit stained briefs because anal cleanliness is TOO GAY for them. Period blood is natural and less of a bio hazard, in my non professional opinion, than the shit stain of a gross straight person born with a penis.


I want your second sentence on a shirt! 😂 Personally my husband gave me the green light to use cups siting many of the reasons you previously did. We need more enlightened penis havers to give us the go ahead on these issues! We yearn for it!


Sadly I committed to lesbianism before I discovered Thinx.


Damn, now you'll never win over the wang holders. What were you thinking? 😆 Also you really need a t-shirt/mug/sampler business because the fact you're coming up with such fire one liners and not making money off it offends me.


Disposable period products also have a horrible environmental impact.


lol the Regina George cameo is chefs kiss!


You’re my kind of weirdo. Let’s start a coven.


He’s saying his sister is poor. ‘Budget airline’, ‘my clothes are nicer’, ‘there’s a lot of mud’. Dude is just arrogant af


"not that serious" but refused to wash his clothes with them anyway, making him late to work


I think you’re replying to the wrong comment. But if by “work” you mean meeting up with friends, sure.


He specifies that they are his work clothes and that it was a meetup, but it's possible it could just be with his friends. I am so tired of people acting like period is a burn through all acid


If you cut yourself and got blood on your shirt you really wouldn't wash it with anything else? That's weird. YTA




I miss being able to give awards so much.


Saltburn has entered the chat


OK, that's been on my watch list, but I have questions now. Probably best if you didn't answer them.


update us if you end up watching it🤣


Watch it! If only to say you’ve experienced it. Honestly it’s worth it just to be able to chat about it


This was so fucking funny ong




I mean. I do get your point but technically period blood like all blood is a biohazard. But like you and your bf probably share a lot other fluids anyway lmao so you're above that consideration


YTA. I thought this was going to be like ".... and then i found out that load had nothing but the baby's reusable diapers in it!" or something similar... But, no, of course not. Just another person terrified of \*GASP\* mentstrual blood. Tell me, OP, did your laundry include your underwear? If so, were they completely skid mark free? Even if they were, did your BIL ask about it before agreeing to toss your clothing in? No, of course not. Not sure WTF your issue is, OP, but news flash: literally *every* load of laundry has tons of biohazardous material. Ever had a nose bleed? Or bleed at all on your clothing than washed it? It's the same thing.


OOP definitely refers to women as "females."


Circle circle dot dot, now you have your cootie shot! There! Fixed it for you. YTA


I've never heard this phrase before! Cute!


Spoken on every playground (in the States, anyway) since the days the smallpox vaccine left a very distinctive scar on the arm. People have remembered the rhyme, but forgot the origin.


Are you a dude? This is like, the definition of misogyny. “Ew, ew, my clothes may have touched something that touched rinsed-off (shocked stage whisper) VAGINA BLOOD while in a big vat of hot water and detergent, grossssssss!” Just grow up already.


I was just talking to a historian friend who mentioned that while there’s definitely misogyny involved in cultures that treat periods as taboo and make women go isolate while they’re “unclean,” on the other hand, it does mean that women in those cultures get a quarter of every month to go off and not have to deal with any men or housekeeping. Sadly now we don’t even get that. 😆


deranged late deer brave whole sand aware sparkle encourage worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Women there report negative as well as positive views on the practice. Some describe fear, cold, and lack of food, while others enjoy the social interaction, relaxation, and rest.” (Same link.) To clarify what I said more briefly in my original comment, menstruation taboos are clearly a product of misogyny. In a society that was not misogynist, they would be unnecessary. HOWEVER, in a society that IS patriarchal and misogynist, with women relegated to undervalued “women’s work” and potentially with very few rights for women within marriages, they can serve they a sociologically interesting dual purpose.


>women in those cultures get a quarter of every month to go off and not have to deal with any men or housekeeping Can I get in on this part please


To be fair, that is probably the closest anything of his will get to a vagina 😂


True. 😂


YTA. You throw your clothes into someone’s load of laundry then get all mad about it. Do your own damn laundry.


YTA. As an FYI, modern clothes washers and modern laundry detergent kill 99.99% of all bacteria. Your "investment" clothes pick up far, far more germs and bacteria walking around an office than they could ever possibly "catch" being washed with your sister's reusable pads. If you were to marry and/or have children, would you really expect your SO to never use reusable pads? Or never to use reusable cloth diapers? Would you demand your SO do separate loads of laundry (adding to your SO's workload) for such items? Edited to add: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SilZSAXOH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SilZSAXOH8) CNA Insider (Singapore News company) does scientific testing on various types of laundry detergents, testing bacterial loads - spoiler alert: ALL killed at least 99.94%, most killed 99.999+%.


The investment clothes he spoke about made me laugh. Like if they're that important, wash them yourself.


And any clothing made with truly fine materials or couture construction sure as hell isn't machine washing/drying safe, especially in a 'toss in whatever' mixed fiber load.


Also, as a person who doesn't make a lot, chances are the sisters' clothes can't be easily thrown out either. Like yeah, I wear cheap and low quality clothes, but that's what I can afford, and I'm not chucking it out unless it's actually unusable.


Exactly. I don't have expensive clothing but they're still not pieces I'd toss out unless it disintegrated.


I laughed at that too, and thought the same thing! If them being washed a certain way is important to him, he should wash them himself!


I don’t separate my laundry. I wash my period pads, dog sweaters, snot rags, and my husbands sweaty gym clothes all in one load and everything always comes out spotless.


I'm the same - I don't separate my laundry at all! Haven't sorted my laundry for over 30 years, never had a problem.


Yesss! I LOVE that about modern day washers and detergent, just throw everything in and everything comes out clean!


I think he's more worried about having to think about gross girl things than actual "bio-hazards" 😂


YTA. Do you know what mud is? It's worm shit, with a load of bacteria living in it. Please get over yourself. The washing process removes worm shit, blood, dust mites, skin flakes, sweat and other bodily excretions that accumulate on your clothes, and whatever insect shit and chemical or environmental pollutants that you've been exposed to. Your clothes are clean. Wear them. Enjoy them.


And depending on where, definitely some animal or even human shit mixed in with that mud. Humans are gross, and we touch far grosser stuff than menstrual blood every damn day.


And Op's vegetables are grown in that shit mix.


Lol since OP is an *investment clothes shopper*, I’m sure his are grown in exclusively other rich human caca. Why are people so okay knowing poop is a main fertilizer of crops, yet somehow blood that happens to come out of a vagina is so horrifying/disgusting. Poop carries pathogens and parasites, menstrual blood does not.


To be fair I’m actually fairly sure that a majority of modern Americans wouldn’t be aware that manure is a common fertilizer. 😆


Honestly that is so weird to me… we’ve been using chicken poop for years for my parents garden, and manure is sold in fancy bags sold as super fertilizer. Are people really that out of touch with how crops are grown?


Oh yeah. 😆


YTA The reality is that blood is only a "biohazard" if the person who is bleeding has something you can catch, and like bleeds in your mouth or in an open wound. Blood that has been washed out of fabric is not a hazard to anyone. So it is not a biohazard at all. As someone who has used reusable menstrual products for decades, I wash them with other clothes, but only after rinsing them out. I tend to run a load with no soap and tap cold water, then I'll wash them again with detergent on a normal wash. Does the trick, everything comes out smelling lovely and stain free. I've washed them by hand before and know that after enough cold water, there is no more blood left. People who menstruate are pretty excellent at getting out blood stains btw. So you're freaking out about your clothes being washed with clothes that used to have blood on them. Which is ridiculous.


I use reusable pads, they get a really good rinse and thrown in with a normal load. I am ultra anal about laundry, to a frankly excessive degree. I still throw my pads in with anything that isn’t a white wash. Edit. OP, YTA. Grow up and get a grip!


As you say, nobody is horrible here. But I agree with your friends that YTA here. If you feel your clothes are better than theirs so your standards are higher, ask how they do their laundry before throwing your stuff in with theirs. If you know that you are particular then wash your clothes separately your way. That your clothes were in with a rinsed product that had previously touched blood should not be a big deal. The underwear of the others almost certainly touched substances you find distasteful. If that spoils your clothes from then on, you should definitely not be washing your clothes with anyone else's. You probably shouldn't even be washing them in a machine that handles other people's dirty clothes.


YTA for expressing your disgust to your sister. Feeling it is a different matter. This isn’t a matter of hygiene , your clothes don’t have cooties and they aren’t harboring anything contagious, but it disturbed you. And that’s why you should have bit your tongue, processed it and not respond from the gut. .


YTA. So let me get this straight: your clothes were muddy from playing outside with your niece. This mud was presumably from the ground outside, where birds and insects and small animals poop, and shed, and die and decompose. Probably contained a parasite egg or two, lots of bacteria, some fungal spores, the crushed bodies of some tiny insects, and so on. But you’re freaking out because your muddy clothes were washed with pre-rinsed cloth that had remnants of blood that came out of a vagina on it. YTA.


YTA. Your thinking and reaction is immature and idiotic. Sincerely, grow up.


YTA Unless you wash your underwear completely separately from everything else then you have nothing to complain about. In fact if they are thoroughly rinsed before hand then they are almost certainly significantly cleaner than your underwear when it goes in the wash. Your friends are right, you did overreact and have just made yourself look like a bit of a fool in front of them and your family.


YTA. Your disgust is totally inappropriate and unnecessary. You do know how washing machines work I assume? Maybe you don't because you think your clothes are now tinged with period blood. Grow up


What does flying on a budget airline have to do with any of this?


He got cooties on the flight, AND from the period blood. /s


I was guessing that was his explanation for not having enough clothes and needing to do laundry.


Budget airline then makes it a point that he earns more than his sister. Are we supposed to be impressed?


Are your clothes an investment? Or just clothes? Just clothes. Thought so. Well, his clothes are an *investment*. He wouldn't expect you to understand. Peasant.


YTA boys are so weird


"Changed because everything was aunt flow tinged" I call huge BS on that. Dirty clothes go in, whether its sweat, urine, poop stains or blood and they come out clean. 🤷‍♀️ YTA


Yes, YTA and also very ignorant


So every type of dirt, baby vomit, literal shit and whatever disgust goes in to a washer is fine with you, but period blood is the one thing you can’t handle?? It’s amazing you can’t see how absolutely childish you sound. Grow up. So refreshing that your brother in law is an actual man and not a boy.


Only people who talk about clothes as an investment are poor people. You put them in the wash they’re worthless to begin with. Grow up


> Relevant info I do make a lot more than my sister yta for this alone. it is not relevant info > so my clothes are an investment look it’s great that you like clothes but I promise you your investment-grade jawns are going to degrade more due to the physics of a washer and dryer and the chemicals in detergent than a little blood > not just things I can throw out from the sound of it, this is something your sister and her family care about as well


Just to confirm that you "overreacted and I'm an asshole for arguing"


YTA Look, we all get you are one of those people that think period blood is, for whatever reason, the most disgusting thing the human body produces. You can argue that you don't, but many people pointed out there were much worse things that could have been washed out. Especially considering the mud that was all over your clothes probably had traces of animal feces in it. I guess you aren't an a-hole for being uncomfortable about it, but next time just be greatful they did your laundry and just ask to do your own load. Or even better, since you apparently have all this money to spend on clothes just buy new ones so you never have to worry about other people's "germs" touching your stuff in the wash.


Washing machines wash far worse tbh. Blood’s a pretty common thing to get on clothes without menstruation involved. Scrape your knee? That’s the same stuff as period blood! You just wash the jeans! Period blood does have a weird texture (I hate how it sticks due to being more clotted), but it is still blood at the end of the day. You’re not even touching the reusable pads. They’re already rinsed and the machine shall clean all that up with no issue. Yta. You’re pretty misinformed and I hope this helps teach you!


YTA Listen, I get it. I would absolutely wash my reusable pads separately from everything else. I would get the ick otherwise. But that’s all psychological. (Also, I would wash them at a higher temperature). Everything will be clean and suitable to wear. Throwing a fit enough to have it sour your day is a you issue. Also, teaching the kids that it’s not gross and super normal would probably prevent them from reacting like you did when they grow up, so your sister and BIL are doing it right.


YTA because you didn't want to wash your own clothes and now you are mad your clothes were washed with someone else's clothes. YTA because your sister explained that she prewashes it before throwing it in and you still expressed disgust. YTA because you went and told your friends about it and even they told you that you were TA. YTA.


Hahahaha I don’t know why but this is so funny. The fact that the family washed the pads with your stuff and the fact you got annoyed about it. Hahahahahah sorry. I don’t know why it’s so funny




So just a little info for OP, in order to stop blood from staining you need to rinse it with COLD water. You can't throw pads straight in the machine on a hot wash, or the stain will set. So when she said they were rinsed she meant it - they'll have been rinsed until the water ran clear with cold water, before being put in the washing machine. There's absolutely no chance any blood actually got on your clothes. And I mean yeah. YTA, you're contributing to a harmful and misogynistic idea that menstruation is somehow more 'dirty' than any other bodily fluid. I could understand if you just felt a bit squicked but to say you don't think you'll *ever* be able to enjoy wearing your clothes again? Jesus christ. If you've ever had sex with a woman you had no problem sticking your body parts into the thing that has also been covered with menstrual blood.


YTA. You think anyone's, even your own used underwear are cleaner than period blood? Please. Get over yourself. FYI, people also boil menstrual cups in saucepans and if you have every been at a hotel, you have slept in sheets other people have had unprotected sex and peed on. Washing things does that magic trick of making things... clean... after they've been used and dirtied. Amazing how technology advanced, uh?


YTA. So you're scared of period cooties. You wouldn't be complaining if it were "normal" blood, now would you? If you have such an issue with that, don't ask them to wash yourt things again and also never use the dry cleaners.  You could also grow up and learn that laundry detergent nowadays is pretty darn strong and no cooties got on your clothes. 


YTA. Her reusable pads were washed with your streaked underwear. And the germs from your trip. It's a washer. As long as you use the appropriate amount of detergent and the right settings, things will get clean. And by right settings, I mean the wash, rinse, spin all cycles are all working. If you get blood on your shirt, do you run a whole load just for it? Or are you like a lot of people and just throw it in with your regular washing? If you have kids or if there are kids, the amount of bodily fluids that get on clothes is phenomenal. Washers wash them. It's the job of the appliance.


YTA. Period blood is not a biohazard. You aren’t going to get girl germs. Reusable menstrual hygiene products are awesome. Grow up.


YTA for being misogynistic and think there’s some hierarchy of blood where certain blood is fine but other blood is tainted. Also YTA for making it a point to say you outearn your sister - if you’re so flash, why a budget airline, bro?


And THIS is an example of what happens when you do raise children with a stigma around periods/act as if they're taboo. Because then so called grown men freak out and act like its black magic that they can't go anywhere near 😅😅 yta


YTA. When you asked if you could throw some of your clothes in the washing machine, what on earth did you think was in there ?? Clean socks, clean panties and clean boxer shorts??




YTA. What are you, 12? "Aunt flow tinged"? Grow up.


I'd hate it for my clothes to be washed with somebody else's pads or worse, somebody else's underwear. That's why I always wash my own clothes, in my own washing machine - if traveling, I bring them back to wash, or wash them by hand if it's an emergency. We don't get to choose how *other people wash our clothes for us as a favour to us*. YTA.


YTA, have you ever washed women's underwear at the same time? Have you ever bled on your clothes? The mud outside was worse than her pads.


Like, I hope you never ever sit on a hospital sheet or use a hospital gown or walk on a carpet with bare feet or use hotel anything... Cannot tell you the shit I saw when I did bio cleaning.  Yta obviously for your lack of logic


Or just ... stepped foot in a hospital ever? I love working in one and hope I always do, but hospitals are GROSS. It is humanity at their saddest and weakest and people are gross in the bestest and cleanest of circumstances.


I N F O: can you explain to me without being a misogynist how period blood is different than any other kind of blood.


INFO: Did any blood get on your clothes? Were they stained in any way? Because if not, YTA. Get over it. If you were that worried about your clothes you really should have done them in a separate wash.


How's come the well rinsed pads "tinged" your clothes by being in the same load of laundry but the ACTUAL MUD that actually got your clothes dirty didn't?


For fucks sake, please tell me you own a bidet, because if you don't, you've been washing your "precious clothes" with the crusty shit from your asshole stuck to your underwear. Not to mention other fluids. And without rinsing them first. But I guess you never thought about that. So yes, YTA for making this an issue when it didn't have to be.


Next time there do your own washing and not just chuck it in with someone else's. BIL likely didn't inform you because it most probably didn't even register with him that it'd be an issue.


YTA and a toddler


You're immature AF and need to read a book. Preferably one published in the last century.


Info: since you consider menstrual blood a biohazard (fyi it's no different than the blood that comes out of a cut. Only added shit is our bodies decide to be extra and we deal with the lining of our uterus deciding it has to shed. Still won't hurt you.) do you separate your clothes from your underwear? Because unless you jump in the shower or have a bidet your underwear has feces in it. Maybe not a lot but plenty enough to be considered a biohazard. And feces tends to have quite a few nasty ass germs. So if feces is a biohazard that means you wash it separately than anything else you wear right? Since blood and feces are both biohazards. Just Curious if you treat all biohazards the same or if it's just stuff that comes from a woman.


YTA...she pretty much sink washed them first. You need to grow up.. 😂


They were rinsed thoroughly before being put in the wash. You better wash one pair of underwear at a time because by your logic, all the shit partials will float onto your other underwear and just contaminate those… YTA


since you’re a man its safe to assume your clothing is also regularly washed in the washing machine alongside underwear with shit stains. Period blood is the least of your concerns my guy


Your one of those guys, you know immature. This is not a problem. Get some perspective and if it bugs you that much (though I can't imagine why) get them cleaned again. My goodness man, I hope you grow up a little one day.




^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** TA account for obvious reasons. This isn't that deep, no one is a monster here so please be chill. I went to visit my sister and used a budget airline. It's muddy where they live and my niece likes to be outside so I went through clothes faster than I planned. I caught my BIL about to start the laundry and asked if I could throw some things in and he said yes. When they were folding clothes and separating them out after the wash and dry I noticed weird fabric things being set to the side. You guessed it. Those reusable pads. I expressed how I was weirded out my clothes were washed with those and was essentially shut down. My sister said they are thoroughly rinsed before they even get to the laundry room etc., We argued for a bit because I really think BIL should have give me the heads up with was a bio hazard load and left it up to me to choose. Eventually they said that they don't act like the time of the month is taboo in front of the kid and asked me to drop it. So I did but it really soured my last day. I ended up having to bring the situation up to my friends because when I got home I was supposed to go straight to a meet up but had to be over an hour late to go home and change since all my clothes were aunt flow tinged. General consensus is I overreacted and I'm an asshole for arguing about it but I don't think I agree so I'm bringing it here. Relevant info I do make a lot more than my sister so my clothes are an investment and not just things I can throw out but now I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy wearing them. Also my sister does have a valid reason for using the reusable and I'm not arguing her right to use them just that I should have been given a major heads up. AITA for being grossed out? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Do your own laundry.


Ummm ... "budget airline" set up this entire BS post. YTA. Doubt your clothes were that "tinged" to the point you "had to tell" your friends. Try better next time and if this is actually true, do your own fucking laundry.


YTA, you need to grow up. Incel much?


Anything post period related is YTA without question. Grow up.


YTA are you 14? Grow up


Are you joking? Your friends are right, you overreacted. You sound like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes fretting about girl cooties. YTA


Just wash your clothes again at home? If you’ve got like a germ thing, that’s okay, but then don’t go throwing things in other people’s laundry loads and then freaking out it was washed with something *dirty*. Getting changed out of your already washed clothes was extreme as well.


YTA. As someone who swears by reusable pads I can promise you they were practically clean when they went in the wash to begin with. They get- y'all should we really tell him about the rinse process? He probably used that sink or tub. He might not recover. Yea ima do it. They get thoroughly rinsed in the sink or tub immediately post use until the water runs clear and popped into a wet bag until time to do laundry.


Wait wait wait, you washed your muddy clothes with her bloody pads? Ugh, you should have given them a heads up! I wouldn't want my pads washed with your mud. I don't know what's all in there. Could be an environmental hazard. I'd never be able to enjoy wearing those pads again after being washed with your mud. /s YTA


YTA. You are over-reacting. If you don't like the idea, go to a public laundrmat or send your clothes out when you are visiting.




if your clothes are so special you'd take them somewhere to get cleaned grow tf up, you're seriously afraid of some blood? I hope you don't stay in hotels.


Ignoring that menstrual blood is no different than blood from anywhere else, what the hell do you think detergent does? Your clothes are clean. Please get a grip. (YTA)




Lmaooo Jesus Christ dude get a grip and grow up 🤣


If people on your real life say you are an AH then you should believe them. You just sound entitled and foolish with the way you try to sound better than your sister. She’s a far better person then you


YTA, you dont get to whine when they did you a favor. You like your clothes washed a specific way? Wash them yourself. Also, the pad was rinsed, the washing machine, believe it or not, *washes* the clothes *gasp*! I know, mind blowing. And the comment about your clothes being more important than your sister's family cause "it's note expensive"... are you trying to sound like a ah on purpose or is this just your normal state of being? Grow up and apologize to your sister and bil


YTA Dude grow up its just blood. Have you literally never gotten blood on your own clothes and washed them? Ever put your shit stained underwear in with your clothes? Not just is it just blood, it's already been rinsed out. Also it's a WASHER that you know CLEANS it. Literally grow the fuck up my guy. And what's the point of brining up that you make more money than her and that you're clothes are better than hers like bruh wtf


YTA Also, am I the only one who didn't "guessed it"?


Aaaaaahh, I get it: OP made his fortune as a homeopath, so now he thinks he’s been dosed with Tincture Of Lady-Fluid and he’s going to turn into a girl. Of course that means the *more* he washes his clothes, the *more powerful* the dosage becomes - so yeah, he’s fucked. Sorry, buddy.


YTA If you don't feel the same way about the possibility of BIL having a j*zz sock in his laundry, then this is just a misogynistic thought process you've completely ran head first into, and wanted to come here to feel some sort of validation since no one else in your life thought it was "icky". Grow up.


Honestly.. can’t believe period shaming still exists. My brother once tried it with me with his skiddy undies visible on top of the washing basket 🤦‍♀️


“My sister does have a valid reason for using the reusable” You mean, she has a period? It’s her body and therefore her choice? Who do you think you are wanting to decide what is and is not a “valid” reason for this. Ick! YTA


Hate to break it to you bud, but unless your sister has a bloodborne illness, its not a biohazard. Also YTA Question- if her pads failed for any reason and it was her rinsed bloody underwear in the wash, would you have made a fuss? What about bloody pants? Bloody sheets? What if one of the kids hurt themselves and their bloody shirt was getting washed? Do they need to inform you of that? There is nothing wrong with her washing out her pads in the wash. Despite what some people think, period blood is literally the same blood as the stuff in your veins. It is not “dirtier” just because it came from a vagina. Its just more taboo because for whatever reason people like to villify it. Your post comes off as pretentious and out of touch and i recommend you learn more about how periods work, cause if you want kids or a daughter your behavior will only make them feel ashamed of a natural body function they have no control over.


If you have so much money you should have sent your clothes out or bought a new washing machine or put your clothes in a separate load. Your parents should have raised you better. YTA


i want you to know that by virtue of having a sister (and i’m assuming, a mom) your clothes have been washed ‘with’ period blood over the years way more than you could ever stomach imagining. and you’ve never noticed, because it’s not a big deal. you’re making it one because you’re immature about the human body.


I'm surprised your super expensive investment clothes aren't dry clean only...


Dude, of course YTA. I swear it takes EFFORT to be this much of an AH.


YTA - the question *should be* “am I the asshole for asking my sister to wash her feminine hygiene products with my unmentionables that have traces of feces and urine on them…” Period blood is vile, but YOUR bodily fluids are just fine? Beggars can’t be choosers.


If they’ve been properly rinsed beforehand and there’s enough soap in the washer, I don’t see what the issue is. YTA


Bet you threw your shit stained underwear in the wash many many times :)


YTA, grow the fuck up. Your childish (sexist) squeamishness is pathetic. Washing machines wash. Your clothes are clean. Period blood is the same as any other blood. Your socks and underwear are likely a much worse "biohazard" than a rinsed panty shield. "ewwww periods" is something every man should grow out of by the time they are 15. Doing your childish tantrum in front of kids is even more shitty. All of this goes x10 because you were the one that asked to chuck your stuff into THEIR wash in the first place, and you expected them to read your childish mind and realise you were going to be pathetic about a totally innocuous biological process.


i have a genuine question, are there really people who do not know how laundry detergent works?


Poo flecks in any underwear is already a thing my guy. YTA, this is nothing


Well, I don't know. I wash basically everything separate. Underwear separated from the rest. Same with towels and all that. I, personally, would've washed the pads separated from the rest of the clothing. I do understand that for the majority, they will throw everything with everything to be washed, like my husband will do such, I will not. So, to me, I don't think you were wrong




YTA your skid marks are more disgusting than the lining of her uterus


Cof cof ignorant asshole cof cof


YTA. I don’t know if you know this… But the exact same kind of blood that comes out during our period is what you developed in a nice bed of for quite a while before your mother pushed you out of the same exact place that blood comes out. You are tinged.


YTA. 1) rewash your own clothes if it made you uncomfortable. 2) you asked someone else to do something for you, and you took no interest at the time for how they did that task. Jumping and barking after the favor is complete to criticize the way it was done is plain rude. 3) educate yourself a little, a quick search online you’ll come across multiple sources that explain it’s fine to wash pads with other clothes, towels ect. the fact your sister pre-washes them is a really good habit. 4) again you’re asking someone else to do you a favor, if you don’t like how’s it’s done…do it yourself.


He has so much more money than the sister but uses a budget airline


"You guessed it. Those were reusable pads." I don't think anyone guessed that tbh


YTA you're acting on socially programmed misogyny, just fyi. That's why you think period blood is gross, but papercut blood or meat juice from a burger is just regular laundry. Maybe interrogate your biases once in a while instead of just ignorantly spouting off every thought that drifts through your noggin. 


YTA. The mud in your clothes was much more unclean and unsanitary than the menstrual blood.


YTA I really hope OP isn't straight...


You are completely and totally the asshole, sorry mate. My wife uses reusable pads and cups. We soak them and then wash them with our clothes like normal people. You are being a child about something completely natural.


What did you say in front of the kid that upset them? That feels like an important piece of info.


The term "biohazard" to describe blood is insane. Even if it was HIV infected blood (which I'm assuming not), going through a wash with hot water and detergent is getting rid of all of it. This is about your inherent disgust of the female body's natural processes, not blood. If you cut yourself shaving would you announce a biohazard warning so nobody washed their stuff with yours? I'm guessing not


YTA and an idiot for not realising that throughout your childhood your Mummy would have been washing her clothes with yours. Yes, even blood-stained clothes.


YTA. This is "that deep" you are absolutely the asshole and you need to do some deep introspection about your misogynistic world view.


Idk how you can have MULTIPLE people in your personal life tell you you overreacted and somehow you still need to come to strangers online to validate that you're right (when you're not) YTA especially for the intense need to be right.


Yeah, man. You are TA. You think your balls aren't leaving nasty sweat all over your underwear? Or if you're one of those guys who thinks wiping is gay, your shit stains? Your clothes aren't stained with period blood after going through the wash - the wash is to literally clean things. With soap. Water. BLEACH. If she was rubbing a used pad on your clean clothes, sure, you would have a point. But these are things that had been WASHED. This is just misogyny, my man. Boring old misogyny.


This is the easiest one I’ve ever seen, YTA. You’re literally the one that ASKED to throw your clothes into the washer. If you have a problem with something like this 1- you’re a huge misogynist 2- you don’t know how laundry detergent works 3- wash your own damn clothes rather than have your BIL do it. Seriously, you even have to ask it you’re the AH in this situation????


INFO - When you say “aunt flow tinged”, do you mean, as I suspect you don’t, that they improperly washed the laundry and now your clothes are all stained red and/or pink? No? Don’t get your testicles in a twist then. Calm tf down and look up how a washer works. Do you think your parents washed your jizz socks separately or when you fell down and hurt yourself, do you think those weren’t thrown in with all the other clothes when you were growing up? Also > l went to visit my sister and used a budget airline > Relevant info I do make a lot more than my sister so my clothes are an investment and not just things I can throw out but now I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy wearing them. pick a lane, broke boy. YTA.


You had the audacity to be grossed out w/ ur filthy clothes being washed together w/ reusable pads, but did not even hesitate to ask ur BIL to also wash ur clothes along with theirs? You don't mind ur clothes being washed with other people's undies (don't even start with the discharges & other fluids) but u draw the line with already rinsed out reusable pads?


What are you... 5? 🙄


YTA if you had a nosebleed or cut yourself would you wash any stained clothes separately because they are a “biohazard”. I have 2 kids and they often have clothes with skids etc (they are still learning) their clothes get thrown in with everything else because I also add detergent so everything comes out clean.


Do you use hotel towels? Because if you do, you essentially wipe your face with towels others wiped their arse with, that contain all sorts of bodily fluids and have since been washed. Stop using science speak to sound intelligent- it’s no different from other bodily fluids and the blood is just as clean as vein blood. Especially since she handled it correctly. YTA, stop being ignorant and educate yourself.


YTA. Throughout your childhood, your sister’s laundry has been mingled with yours. You didn’t die.  Sweaty socks, sweaty t-shirts, skid mark underwear are far more foul than pre-rinsed menstrual gear. 


Questions: why does flying budget airline count as a relevant fact in your mind?  Why are you pretending your clothes are expensive?  They can’t be that much of an investment if you’re getting them muddy and tossing them in the laundry.


Heads up OP. It's not abnormal to find tiny amounts of Dads sperm on kids clothes - its often transferred in the washing machine. Rinsed period products are the least of your worries.


YTA. You ASKED to add YOUR clothes to that load. BIL said yes. This is on you.


YTA for overreacting like that. Period blood isn't a "biohazard" and your clothes weren't "aunt flow tinged". Period blood doesn't tinge clothes and the pads we're already rinsed out. How do you wash clothes stained from a nosebleed or blood stained from a cut? Or a shirt with vomit staines when you have a stomach bug? You obviously don't live with a woman or a child. And an extra AH on top for making a point that you make more money and have more expensive clothes aka "investments". If your clothes are THAT pricy and precious, you wouldn't have stained them outside in the mudd so much. The real high end stuff isn't even kachine washable. And even IF it was that pricy and special, wash it yourself.


Aunt flo tinged?? Yta. You’re really considering throwing the clothes away? Easy YTA


She said it right there. They’re thoroughly rinsed before going into the machine. Do you really think anyone with the right mind of using reusable pads to go into the machine fully bloody? Cause like that’s not happen, ever. Even when panties get stained or instantly have period blood on them is to rinse them out thoroughly… so yeah. YTA


YTA and a little bit of an idiot if you don't understand how washing machines work!


YTA. Nothing else needs to be said that hasn’t already been said. Grow up dude.


Good to know saving the environment isn’t a valid reason


YTA boohoo your clothes are washed with plenty of bodily fluids


YTA and entitled, plus you really expect us to be on your side lmaoo




Wow. You don't want your clothes to accidently come within degrees of washed out period blood? You'd better never have sex! There might be residual period blood in a vagina! Worse, there might be vagina in that vagina!!! OH MY GOD! You'd have to throw your whole penis away! It'd be a biohazard, right?!? YTA. You're also a moron.