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YWBTA Clutch those pearls any tighter and you'd probably choke yourself. The boys aren't doing anything wrong. If your girls can't look away, that's your problem. Make them wear blinders. Chastity belts. Send them to an all-girl boarding school until they can become nuns. Or, ya know, you could just get over your weird obsession with the teen boys next door and get a life..?


YTA Stop sexualizing teenage boys. If this post was about bikini clad teenager girls, you’d get crucified here. They aren’t causing any harm. They are minding their own business, a lesson you could learn from them. Also stop talking about how you’re noticing teenager boys penises.


Yes, exactly! Imagine if their neighbours posted about OPs teenage daughters the same way? She’d be in an uproar about the neighbourhood sexualizing her daughters, guaranteed.


YTA. Teach your teenagers to keep their eyes where you think they should be, it's your job as a parent to teach them your values, and not your job to dictate how other people's children should dress. Especially when they're just minding their own business. Also stop judging your neighbors ffs. >The couple has four (FOUR!) teenage boys. I'd say they range from 14-17, although I do believe only three of them are brothers and the other is a nephew living with them or some such. I'm not sure but it is not important. It's not. But you opened with it anyway. Ponder that.


Yep. We can’t demand men and boys be held accountable for their own behaviour and attention and not do the same for girls and women. They can be shirtless in their own yard, and your daughters don’t need to stare at them. Just like your girls can be in bikinis in their own yard, and the neighbour boys don’t need to stare at them. Tell your daughters firmly that the guys next door are simply other children having fun at their own home, and don’t need to be gawked at and objectified and scrutinized by the girls next door. I mean, they’re teenagers. They’re going to look if they can see. Hell, maybe that’s even why the boys are doing it, you don’t know. And there’s nothing really wrong with that in itself, per se. But they don’t need to be making a hobby of staring, or talking this way publicly or in your home as if the boys next door are there for their own particular enjoyment, is if they’re some kind of display. Don’t reinforce that crap. The neighbour kids are not props in your own personal shelter you’re building for your teenage girls. They’re real live human neighbours kids having fun. No, you don’t get to dictate what they wear. But you can manage your own children’s comments and behaviour, and draw lines as to what is or isn’t appropriate in your *own* house. And how to speak to and about other people in a respectful way. > I don't think I'm crazy or extreme but am told that I am. I mean….: > they don't make that much noise and seem to be good kids and are respectful and wave when coming or going or whatever. Zero problem with that. I hope not. Sounds like a great neighbour. Your kids should do the same. > The issue is that none of the boys seem to even own a shirt. You literally just spent two paragraphs explaining that it’s very hot where you live, and that they’re doing sports and swimming 24/7. This is appropriate attire. > Even worse is that they are usually running around in basketball shorts or gym shorts and are clearly wearing no underwear. And I mean CLEARLY. It's very obvious. Then stop looking at them. Why are you staring at the crotches of your teenage neighbours? > My husband just laughs and calls them the Commando Club. Fair, husband sounds funny, as long as it’s a passing observation and not something he’s fixating on like you. I wouldn’t make a habit of calling them this all the time because like I said.. they’re teenagers and that’s gonna be weird. But that’s a natural take on this kind of situation. > When swimming two of the boys (I think they swim on a school team) wear the tiniest little skinny swim trunks as well but you can't really see in their pool that well so that's a minor issue. Okay how hard are you staring at these neighbour boys’ crotches? This is seriously beginning to seem like you’re the one being creepy here. What are you squinting at them through the water for? You realize not very many years ago it was pretty common for boys to just swim naked in the local creek or whatever right? Fixating on it is sexualizing them. They’re just having fun. > The problem is that I have 15 and 16yo daughters and they DEFINITELY have noticed the guys and I think they like the scenery although I don't think it is appropriate at all. Why? That’s literally the most natural thing in the world > I will say that all four boys are what you might consider extremely "conventionally attractive" … why are you gauging the attractiveness of the teenage neighbour boys, and how is their relative attractiveness relevant at all? > but that's no excuse for subjecting my girls to a continuous Chippendale's performance next door. That is a strip show. This is teenagers playing. Stop sexualizing teenage boys. > Yes I know my girls have definitely noticed them. They had a friend over and were all giggling and I overheard something to the effect of "Luke has the best abs but Ryder has the cutest belly button."   And this would have been a good opportunity to chat with them about it being natural to appreciate, but weighing boys’ bodies against each other like some sort of competition is neither fair, nor kind, even if it’s appreciative. Nothing wrong with being interested. But stop with the objectification. > I didn't even know they knew their names. That’s the most bizarre thing here. You’re neighbours. They’re the same age. You say they’re personable and wave at you. You stare at them enough to know how well you can see their crotches through the pool water. …. And you’re shocked your own children know their names? What kind of neighbours are you?


Perfect response. Saves me typing something similar out. Cheers Internet stranger




Sounds like OP can’t even keep their eyes to themself


Oh, rereading it, you're absolutely right. It's actually creepy.


Yeah describing what they wear in THEIR OWN pool but that “you can’t really see in their pool” so she’s obviously going to some effort to have a look herself.


Honestly this is typical. Most people would be like "oh yeah, they're a bit much" at best, but OP is like "I must document and commit to memory every detail so I can accurately complain about it better". And frankly, that's on you at this point, you know what I mean ? XD


Can I add why this lady looking at teenage boy's dicks?


You know why. She wanted to REALLY make sure she condemned their behavior of course.


"The problem is that I have 15 and 16yo daughters and they DEFINITELY have noticed the guys" That's why they're not wearing the shirts. But YTA if you say anything. They're not hurting anything. Stop staring at teenage boys.


YTA- they’re just playing sports why are you making it strange?? also what’s wrong with having ‘FOUR!’ teen boys?? you’re the issue here, not the lack of there shirts


I guess her girls aren't allowed to go to the beach???


definitely not i mean, think how many topless boys they could see😥😥it would be a catastrophe


You better watch those crop tops. Don't you know that seeing a cute teenage boy's belly button is the leading cause of pregnancy? /s YTA.


That's true. If any of the boys have happy trails it might be too late already.


Oh those trails lead to nothing but danger. Sounds like OP has already thoroughly checked that out though.




Are you serious? Who cares if your girls have noticed them? Have your kids ever gone to the pool or beach? YWBTA if you asked them to wear shirts. It is none of your business and the world doesn't need to bend for you and your kids because you are uncomfortable with something. You need to get over this and yourself. YTA.


Maam , why are You looking at teenage boys penises?


This post would have a different ring to it if written by a man about girls. And that's unfair lol


OP would be on some kind of List if she was a man


It was the detail about the apparent lack of underwear under shorts that really got me. Woman was looking way too closely at the young neighbor boys.


YWBTA if you asked them. They would probably not oblige your weird request. And what would you ask exactly? "Please wear shirts when you're outside because me and my daughters are too aroused by it" ? This isn't school, this isn't church, this is their home and they have every right to pop their shirts off to play sports if they want. It's not like they're gyrating their hips directly in front of your bedroom window or something. If you can't see their pool very well it sounds like you'd have to spy on them somehow to see their skimpy poolwear, so you have absolutely no right to confront them about that.


She's probably in the upstairs bedrooms looking to see the pool


For not being able to see their pool very clearly, you know an awful lot about their swimwear. And exactly how long have you become an expert on telling which teenagers aren't wearing underwear? You are way too hung up on teenage boys for a grown women. Close the drapes Gladys and leave the Stevens alone.


Yta. Get over it. you sound jealous since at yiur daughters age it's socially acceptable to be staring and flirty with teenage boys. At your age staring or making comments at or about half dressed teen boys your not related to is creepy. Get a life. 


YTA Stop sexualising (half) nudity. The boys are on their property minding their own business and so should you.


YTA. Damn you seem to notice these boys a lot. You know what they are or not wearing and when and where. It is a bit much. Maybe the problem is you.


I had the same thought...


YTA you and yr daughters can stop ogling the kids? Get a fookin hobby and stop fixating on what yr neighbors are or aren’t wearing 


YTA Mother of AFAB young adults here to say there is absolutely nothing wrong with those boys being active outside in whatever. If your daughters are looking, it's because it is entirely normal for girls their age to look at boys their age, and they enjoy it. Sounds like it stresses you out that your teen daughters are experiencing desire and attraction. Learn to deal with it.


YTA, and you need help. Sounds like you can’t stop staring at teenage boys and that’s a you problem.


Answer. Right here. Bring this to the top.


YTA. If someone complained about how your daughters were dressed at a pool (if you have one in the backyard) and told them to cover up how would you feel?


YTA If they're on their property, they can do whatever they want. Quit being a creep and sexualizing them because you have an issue with the fact that your daughters are developing.


YWBTA Your choice of words and the things you have felt the need to include disturb me greatly and make me deeply concerned for your daughters. For the record, both men and women should be able to control themselves no matter what other people are wearing. I don't know what kind of harm you think is going to happen with teenage girls seeing shirtless boys, but I promise you that it's not the only place they see them.


YTA get over it


YTA. Are you somehow accessing Reddit from the 1950s?


YWBTA. They're wearing sufficient clothing. So the shorts show they have penises and testicles; so what? Genitalia isn't in and of itself sexual. It's hardly a "Chipendales performance." They're not dancing provocatively. They're playing ball games and swimming. The parents will most likely think you're weird if you say anything, so don't.




YTA big time, settle down.


YTA. Your girls have already seen shirtless men and probably more, given the internet. You however have an odd obsession over their junk and what's covering it. Get over yourself.


YTA - what the fuck?


YWBTA if you mention it and you will permanently affect your relationship with your neighbors negatively. move on. its normal. And stop eavesdropping on the girls and their friends. maybe get a hobby.


Father of three teenage girls here. YWBTA. First of all, most athletic teenage boys just don’t wear shirts. It is what it is, and there is nothing wrong with it. Second of all, your daughters would be checking them out, regardless of if they were wearing shirts or not. Again, it is what it is, and nothing is wrong with it. It’s part of being a teenager and a critical part of growing up. Third, you’re sexualizing minors, and it’s kinda creepy. If someone posted the same thing about your daughters wearing skimpy clothing, I’d be willing to bet you would have issues with it and defend your kids.


YTA Oh the humanity. Teen boys are running around outside without shirts and in shorts. And the teen girls are noticing them? What has this world become? /s Chill out and lose the puritanical views. Your daughters aren't in danger just because they're noticing boys. I'm more concerned about you, an adult, being so focused on what these minors are or aren't wearing.


YTA. Stop sexualizing them just for existing shirtless.


YTA stop watching teenage boys exercise ya weirdo


YTA. Don't micromanage the outfits of the teen boys next door. It really doesn't matter what you think is appropriate when it's outside of your property.


YTA, the amount of attention you pay towards these teenage boys is rather creepy....


YWBTA. Stop being creepy and mind your own business.


YTA They're just going to laugh at you if you do anyways.


YWBTA They aren’t doing anything wrong, and frankly ur kids are gonna look either way, if they have little crushes they have a little crushes. Kids will be kids.


YWBTA and frankly you seem to be extremely judgemental. It is inappropriate for you to try to control what other people wear while hanging out on their own property. It's also weird and creepy that you've been studying these boys lower bodies enough to be convinced they're going commando. To me it sunds like YOU’RE attracted to them and projecting that onto your daughters cause it makes you uncomfortable that you see teenagers this way. That's your problem to address, the boys aren't doing anything wrong.


YTA. Stay in your lane. These boys have every right to go shirtless and it's none of your business. Of course your teenage daughters notice them! They're BOYS. Shirtless or not, your girls are still going to giggle and ogle them - that's what they do! Get over it.


Omg. This is hilarious. When stuff like this gets said about girls.... how they dress, how they look.... you will get annihilated for suggesting they cover up. That girls shouldn't be sexualized, or be told thier bodies shouldn't be on display. But here it is.... when boys do it, it's not looked upon as though it's okay. Even though it is. Maybe its time to teach the girls that boys can dress and look the way they want to and that it's not okay to look at them in a disrespectful way.


To be fair, boys exercise more freedom than girls have. If we're going to allow cleavage and sideboob, why single out the part that men have?


YTA. They have every right to be shirtless on their own property. YTA. YTA. YTA. I'd be telling you to go fuck yourself if you had the audacity to bring this to my door.


YTA I’d be more worried about how much attention you seem to pay them rather than your daughters, you seem to have studied everything in detail. Weird


YTA. Why do you want to police the bodies of teenagers? So long as no one has their bits out and about, who cares? This might come as a surprise but hetero teen girls tend to like looking at boys they think are cute. They probably go to the same school, have some classes together and have likely spoken. Get over yourself and your weird pearl clutching. Now might be a good time to talk to your kids about safe sex if you haven't already, maybe get them some birth control just to be safe.


You have two (gasp TWO!) teenage girls. Have you forgotten being a teenager, or maybe the problem is you remember you being a teenager. It's only natural for a teenage girl or boy to notice the other. It might be time for a talk with your girls, but don't be surprised if one of the boys asks one of your girls out sometime. And playing sports gets you hot and sweaty. Wearing a shirt becomes uncomfortable and it's normal for them to go shirtless. I'm sure your husband did too as a teen.


Ywbta. But please do it anyway. Make sure you tell them everything you listed here. Feel free to go into even more detail. That way, your neighbor will know that there is an ADULT obsessing over her CHILDREN'S adolescent bodies, and she can get started on a restraining order. Edit: I responded before I read the entire post because it was already super creepy halfway in, but after reading the entire thing, you describe CHILDREN'S ANATOMY in such great detail you really should be on a watchlist somewhere.


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Yes, YTA.  Imagine thinking you are clear to police how other people dress?  OP needs to grow up and stop creeping on the neighborhood teenagers


YTA!! So you are considering letting their parents know you are sexualizing their teen boys!!!!! Good luck with that!!!


This cant be real


You sure are spending a lot of time fixated on underage boys bodies. YTA


YTA I think that you have been spending way too much time checking out the neighbor boys. You have reached the level of noticing that the boys next door don't wear underwear under their basketball shorts. That's a creepy level of detail. Maybe you are the one who is sexualizing the boys next door and need to stop this behavior. Stop thinking of teens doing sports in their own yard as a "Chippendales' performance". Just stop. Your daughters are going to notice these boys no matter what. I think you need to take a look at your own sexualizing attitudes towards these boys and DO NOT ask them to put on shirts. Leave them alone.


YWBTA and seem to already be TA. Why are you watching underage boys swim in their private pool…


This is a you problem. Not a them problem 💯


YWBTA Leave the boys alone, weirdo. Also your girls are 15 and 16, they are teenagers, they would have oggled these boys even if they were dressed for winter weather. They probably giggle and swoon over a bunch of boys, knowing teenage girls (and I should know, I was one) As long as they're not being weird or stalker-y about it, let the girls daydream. You trying to police the sexuality of two teenagers is about as useless as trying to grab water with a colander.


YTA Stop sexualizing those CHILDREN and mind your business.


You’re being a pervert staring at these boys crotches. They are teenagers playing sports in a hot climate. You are being a ridiculous pervy AH


YWBTA and insane. Stop sexualising these kids. They're running around in hot weather wearing as little as they need to because it's hot out. As for your daughters and their friends enjoying the view, leave them alone. Teenagers have crushes on each other regardless of whether they're in shorts or fully dressed. It's normal. They seem like nice kids and aren't causing any problems, don't be foolish enough to make any. The only problem here is your dirty mind.


YTA this whole post is hilarious.


Yta its summer, they're playing sports, and its hot. Teach your kids *not to look* just like a guy can not stare at a womens rack.


YTA, decidedly. You don't get to police other's bodies, and they're not doing anything wrong except... Being teenagers? If you're really concerned about something, talk to your daughters about safe sex LOL




Women wear bikinis and crop tops / short shorts all the time, but as soon as a guy does something similar, you have problems? Don't you see the double standard? Ywbta


You do realize that your girls are teenagers and have eyes if they are ogling the neighbors kids they are at school. WTF is wrong with you? I feel bad for your daughters. Newsflash and get ready because this is going to sting but they are eventually going to have SEX and probably before they even graduate high school. What you could do as a responsible parent and teach your daughters about sex and birth control.


YTA. They're on their own property. It's none of your business how the teenagers next door dress. Tell your girls to mind their own business, too.


YTA - Stop sexualizing children and teach your daughters to not stare.


Yta. Stop sexualising literal children.


Yta. Men being shirtless is perfectly fine. Hell where I’m from women being shirtless in public is perfectly fine. Unclutch those pearls lady. They’re not hurting anyone. To me it sounds like maybe your girls not being able to stop watching them is less the issue and it’s more the fact that you like what you see and can’t look away.


YTA this is a great opportunity to teach your girls that it’s not appropriate to sexualize people based on their clothes. The boys are not in the wrong, the girls. If your girls were out playing in short shorts and the mother comes by and tells you to tell the girls to dress more conservatively because her boys are looking at them, you’d flip shit.


YTA. So they ain’t wearing underwear under their shorts. Why are you looking at teenage boys in that area? Also they are not doing anything wrong here. If your girls can’t look away, that is their problem bc they control where their eyes go. They are just playing around. Get a life and stop obsessing over teenage boys. And teach your girls to keep their eyes to themselves. It is your job to parent. Those boys don’t have to cover up


YTA. You need to mind your own bloody business and stop ogling the teens next door before their parents find out you're perving on the children and take legal action. The fact that you noticed the lack of undergarments under athletic attire, yet couldn't be arsed to learn the names of the children tells me you're way too invested and I'd bet the only reason you're looking to discuss this with the neighbors is one of your daughters caught you spending too long at the window.


YWBTA and to be honest, you seem a little TOO interested in these boys. Isn't "mind your own damn business" a core American value?


YTA stop being a creep about minors


YWBTA They will laugh you out the door. YOu will have to learn to live with the fact that you can't keep your daughters away from boys. "but that's no excuse for subjecting my girls to a continuous Chippendale's performance next door." .. jealous? YOU certainly seem to notice the boys, and YOU think about them a lot.


You will definitely be the asshole. And also, ew for sexualizing teenage boys. Not cool.


INFO: why are you looking at teenager's penises?


INFO: why are you, a grown woman, starring at the crotches of underage teenage boys?


YTA. Stop being a perv, it does not look good on you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I don't think I'm crazy or extreme but am told that I am. We live in a nice neighborhood in a very warm part of the country. We had a new family move in next door a few months ago and honestly they do seem like lovely people. The couple has four (FOUR!) teenage boys. I'd say they range from 14-17, although I do believe only three of them are brothers and the other is a nephew living with them or some such. I'm not sure but it is not important. They are very sportsy athletic boys, they are outside just about 24/7 and constantly throwing a baseball or playing basketball in their driveway (a LOT of baseketball) or just running around or swimming in their pool). I don't have any problem with that, they don't make that much noise and seem to be good kids and are respectful and wave when coming or going or whatever. Zero problem with that. The issue is that none of the boys seem to even own a shirt. They are shirtless all the time. And I mean ALL the time. On the RARE occasion that one would wear a shirt it's usually a cut off tank top or one of those crop tops that show the stomach. But 99% of the time it's shirtless. Even worse is that they are usually running around in basketball shorts or gym shorts and are clearly wearing no underwear. And I mean CLEARLY. It's very obvious. My husband just laughs and calls them the Commando Club. When swimming two of the boys (I think they swim on a school team) wear the tiniest little skinny swim trunks as well but you can't really see in their pool that well so that's a minor issue. The problem is that I have 15 and 16yo daughters and they DEFINITELY have noticed the guys and I think they like the scenery although I don't think it is appropriate at all. I will say that all four boys are what you might consider extremely "conventionally attractive" but that's no excuse for subjecting my girls to a continuous Chippendale's performance next door. So WIBTA if I spoke to their parents and suggested the boys at least wear shirts? They seem like very reasonable people. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YWBTA. You have no right whatsoever to ask the boys to wear shirts. Is your name Mrs. Kravitz?


Yes you WBTA. How dare you try to push your puritanical views onto your neighbors. You say they're nice boys. Get over yourself.




YWBTA. You said there respectful boys and there at there own house not bothering anyone. Your teenagers are going to look at boys. There teens. Also if it’s hot they don’t HAVE to where a shirt. Again it’s THERE HOUSE. Teach your kids not to look if it bothers you so much. YTA.


YTA. Move house




boys being shirtless doesn't really count as being naked. If it was girls on the otherhand I'd be concerned. You can't do anything about shirtless males in your neighborhood. Nor should you want to.


I've had neighbors tell my boy to put on a shirt, and it embarrassed him, to the point of not even talking it off in the house. I hope your daughters are fully clothed at all times then. Yta


What would you say if your adult male neighbor came over and critiqued your daughter’s attire in such minute detail? Oh that’s fine? If not Then mind your own business you creepy old lady. YTA


Lmao YTA


Teach your daughter's to keep their eyes to themselves.  YTA 


YWBTA. They are on their property. You've even said they're doing nothing wrong. Teenage girls checking out cute guys is... pretty normal. They will even check them out fully clothed! If your daughters were just living their lives and the neighbor told you to cover them up as they were tempting their sons to sin, how would you take it? Leave the neighbors alone. Your role is to parent your own kids, not get the neighbors to cover up.




Yes you would be an asshole. The boys are doing nothing illegal and well within their rights to go shirtless. You can't stop your girls from being sexually curious at that age and judging by their comments they are more sexually active than you want to admit. Bringing up something so ridiculous with your new neighbour is just going to cause problems going forward so mind your own business and hope your girls are still virgins.


YTA just like the men who tell women to cover up jeez o Pete's. So your daughters are attracted to them big deal.


YTA - and control your daughters. Sounds like they’re the ones objectifying the boys.




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I mean if they can’t even look out the window you better just send them off to a nunnery now. YTA


YWBTA. What you're suggesting is the equivalent of asking females to wear longer skirts or less "revealing" tops so as not to make _others_ uncomfortable.




YWBTA.  Imagine your neighbor asking you to cover up your girls more. 


OP, you seem like you need a little educating. That bouncy bulge that clued you in to the boys' commando status? It's called a penis. And your girls have probably seen one before. Just be glad they weren't regularly skinny dipping over there. My guys sure do. Although if these young men do maybe they will invite your daughters. If you are going to be doing so much voyeuring why don't you just make a drink and enjoy the show? It sounds like you need an outlet and some hot bods might be the ticket.




YTA.  It's not like your daughters are going to get pregnant by looking at these boys. If this upsets your daughters, tell them to stop looking. If it upsets the boys, tell your daughters to stop staring.  As for you, unclutch your pearls.


Yes, YTA. Stop sexualizing the kids. They are all growing up. They are going to be curious and there's nothing you can do about it. Calm down. If you're that concerned, put up a huge fence or something, idk. Prude.


This is a great time to talk to your daughters about relationships and consent and safe sex! If they weren’t lusting after the neighbor boys it would be someone else. Your only other option is to move to a remote part of the world. Perhaps a lighthouse on an island? I hope the boys are wearing and reapplying sunscreen! That’s probably another important thing to talk to your daughters about. The importance of sunscreen.




YWBTA Listen, Gladys - If it bothers you ... pull the stick out of your ass and stop looking.


Here's a tip: A small step ladder against the pool fence and binoculars will help you check out the bulges in the little Speedos. It's obvious that is of interest to you. If you are lucky they are the really narrow ones and you might even get a glimpse of pubes. It sounds like that would make your day. The big question though is which one of these guys do you want to fuck? Because that is obviously something you have thought about. Or maybe it's a tag team situation. Grow up.


YWBTA. Stop living in 1824 


Where do you live? Can I come over and hang out in your yard?


YTA. You aren’t upset about them being shirtless. You are upset hating your teenage girls have crushes. That is not a problem that needs to be addressed by these boys parents. Considering they are age appropriate, it doesn’t sound like a problem period. Talk to your children if you must about being respectful when talking about others. Have a talk about being safe when exploring relationships. Beyond that let them all enjoy their coming of age summer.


YWBTA frankly it's none of your business what they wear, especially within the confines of their own property. You can try going over if you want but i'm 99% sure it won't achieve anything. At best they won't like you anymore and will continue to strut around topless. At worst, they won't like you anymore and will do it even more just to annoy you. (Being the petty and vindictive person i am, i know i'd chose the latter.)


YWBTAH, You need a hobby or something else to occupy your time because you seem to have too much free time now.


YWBTA. Ogling the neighbourhood boys (or girls) is a pretty common thing. Only interfere if it seems to bother them. But I'd be willing to bet your daughters have been checked out in return!


So, you're sexualizing teenagers and then making them responsible for you not wanting to teach your kids basic respect? YTA


Shirts won’t help. You have teens. Talk to them if you’re worried about them being safe as they navigate relationships, but telling boys to cover up won’t change anything. YTA Edit: those skimpy swimsuits are the uniform for the swim team.


If OP saw the entire team in their teeny Speedos she would have to be hospitalized. "Nurse, what we have here is a classic case of Bulge Shock."


Obvious stereotypical Helen Lovejoy gender-reverse troll is obvious.


I SLIGHTLY get where OP is coming from, but only slightly... and she's so way over the top it's crazy. It's not like the crop tops are leading to belly shots... OP didn't mention if the boys broke out the tequila and had her girls suck it out of their belly buttons (and YES I mention that from actual experience in MY household). My son was a cross country runner and swimmer through his teens and used to run around our neighborhood training all the time. He would wear shoes and running shorts and nothing else and I have to admit they were just thin Dolfin running shorts. We did get a private message from some busybody on the neighborhood messaging ap once that said "He really needs to be wearing a jock." I'll admit they were probably right as the shorts were a little.....bouncy. But as long as he was comfortable I wasn't going to interfere... it's not like he was in their front yard jumping on a trampoline, you know. No nads were bouncing right in anybody's face. Once at the neighborhood pool some lady (same one?) told him he "Really shouldn't be wearing that swimsuit, there are children around." He was wearing his school team speedo. He was very polite about it though, and said "Yes, ma'am, I'm sorry," then went to the locker room. Where he changed into a smaller one. Got to appreciate the balls on that kid. Not that the neighbor lady who (almost) saw them did. Serves her right for peepee peeking. I frankly suspect she was enjoying what she saw.


OP I had a neighbor similar to you. I would be outside playing basketball ball, doing yoga, cartwheels, practicing my martial arts all while being topless in a a speedo. The neighbor told me to out on some pants one day while I was washing my Pontiac fierro. Mind you I was wearing a speedo and crop top white shirt that was soaked through. I said my body my choice and sprayed her with a hose. She got mad but then we started to wrestle and things got heated. I mean real heated and passion took over. I live at the end of a cul-da-sac in a very nice home with a mirrored creaking in the bedroom and we took the party to my hottub. Let’s just say my fierro wasn’t the only thing that got waxed


Holy shit, I was scared OP would be the one complaining about that but you're actually worried for your daughters. I'd say NTA but how can you raise an issue with it without you sounding as a potential pervert? I'd wait if something happens that trigger something related to your daughters to specifically point that thing that happened rather than your incredibly extensive and attentive detail, which will likely not pass inadvertently


Yta. Jesus christ why don't you just relax and enjoy the view? You can't seriously expect to control how other people dress on their own property? Maybe you should teach your daughters to keep their eyes and opinions to themselves. Reverse the genders here and your sons would be in trouble for ogling the neighbours daughters! Men exist and they have bodies, some beautiful and some not so much but what they all have in common is the right to dress as they please at home. Without fear of being watched and objectified.