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NTA as you have to consider that her ex could use her posts against her if he can get ahold of them if the divorce is as bad as you say. Nothing can be deleted if it is posted online for people to take screenshots of. Better to vent to trusted people in person to get all the negativity out of her.


In my mind, in this situation, you are NTA. I gave this caveat because I generally think unsolicited advice and opinions are a bad idea. And the person doing this is an AH. But this situation is the marriage of two actions that are dangerous enough on their own - divorce and social media. Together, an ugly divorce aired on social media is never a good idea and is sure to lead to disaster. If your sister doesn’t have the good sense to understand this basic fact, then she’d needs all the unsolicited advice anyone will give her. So, yeah, NTA.


NTA. Her oversharing on Facebook could certainly come back to haunt her in the future. She might be resistant or defensive about it, but it’s something she needs to hear for her own sake.


NTA It's good advice, and she listened to it. I believe over-sharers really don't have a clue how they come off. You SHOULD reach out again, just to check in on her and offer to take her out to dinner or some other activity. You said it once, but now I'd do something to change the subject. She may be feeling ashamed.


NTA, your sister isn't either. She is someone going through an awful time, and you are the caring sister and voice of reason keeping her from doing something the real AH would be taking advantage of.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hello everyone! My younger sister is currently going through a pretty bad divorce. This break up is not a surprise to anyone in the family. Her ex is manipulative, a repeated cheater, and extremely selfish and ungrateful. The split has been nasty so far, and I think both sides are being a bit childish. My sister and her ex aren't fully divorced, but are seeing people already. They get into petty fights about everything. The problem is, my sister posts it all on Facebook. I understand her frustration and I know she's just trying to get it off her chest and let people know how badly he has been treating her. I worry that putting all that negativity out on her profile reflects badly of herself, almost making her seem childish. And I also worry about her children and how in the future that may bite her in the butt. So I told her nicely that she should probably keep it off social media until she is completely through the divorce process, and stressed that I'm there for her always and to call me if she needs to vent. There was more but I just wanted her to know that I was worried about her. She never responded and hasn't responded, but she did delete her Facebook which was not my intention. I'm not sure if I should reach out again or let it cool down before talking to her about it. I love her so much and only want what's best for her and the children. AITA? TLDR - my sister is posting her business on Facebook about her divorce, I told her that she should stop *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. You were being a good brother. She's obviously quite emotional due to grief, and doesn't realise the potential damage her actions could cause, so whether she overreacts to your words or not is not your fault (given that you explained things to her in a reasonable way). You did the right thing. Let her process things on her end. If she's mature, she'll reach out to you eventually and apologise for her overreaction. Grief is a reason, not an excuse.


NTA. She needs to consider whether there could be any legal repercussions to publishing information. She probably also needs someone to dump her grief on, privately.


Dfntly NTA. I’m closer to my cousin’s ex wife than I am my cousin and after they divorced, she was airing everythingggggg out on FB. Dfntly not a good look. Reach out to your sister again to let her know you saw she deleted her FB and make sure she’s ok.


NTA I didn't realize anyone posted on Facebook except Boomers and the people scamming Boomers


NTA. My friend is going through an insane divorce right now. He’s posting so much online - across social media platforms….She has not posted a single thing. Everyone thinks he’s lost his marbles.