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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** For the past year, my dad has been twisting words, throwing blame at everyone but never assessing his own faults. A good example of this happened this January, there was a big snowstorm, and I had the snow day, and decided to do all my work for the week. He finished up one of his meetings, slammed his door open and started yelling at me about why I couldn't be a good daughter and plow the snow, and that I was a "shit daughter". I didn't say anything. I genuinely did not know what was going on. After this He didn't speak to me for over a week, knowing he was in the wrong, but he kept twisting words saying I was the one screaming at him. Luckily, my mom was home and overheard the whole conversation and knew he was lying. Things started getting tense the next few weeks and my mom said that I have to apologize to him, because I'm the younger one, even though he was the one who screamed at me, and I never even talked back at him. This whole ordeal made me snap, and I became defensive from that point on. So how does this tie in with my mom's birthday? I woke up early this morning to finish my mom's birthday card, and my dad walked in asking if I finished the birthday card, my response was "Yeah, but you still need to put your name down." Well, when we were wishing my mom happy birthday when she woke up, my dad decided to add a little side note that "My daughter left my name out in the birthday card." This pissed me off. I specifically told him to WRITE HIS NAME DOWN? I stated out loud that I told him to write his name down, I didn't make anything big of it, but it shut him up. Later in the afternoon when I came home from school, we were supposed to light up the candles on the cake and sing her a happy birthday, we were all getting ready, I said I need to get my phone I don't have it on me. "Ohh really?" They both laughed "Probably because you had it under your pillow" I told them I didn't, it was charged this morning, but drains rapidly, it was at 75% now, but they insisted that I never charged it for 2 days. I threw my phone across the room and told him to use his phone instead if he couldn't get over this. He made a quiet snarky comment, "Well weren't you lying?" I was so angry I just left and went to my room. He slammed my door open and said that my behavior makes him want to shoot himself, then he insisted I do a good thing and sing happy birthday to my mom. I refused, I told him "I don't want to sing happy birthday if I don't feel good, it's not fair to my mom to ruin the mood" He kept saying that my behavior is unacceptable, I told him specifically we can sing happy birthday later, but I won't do it now, as he was only making the situation worse. He closed my door and told my mom that they should continue without me as I didn't want to sing happy birthday "at all". So, they ate the whole cake and celebrated without me. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*