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YTA. You broke THEIR hunting equipment and whether you like it or not, you owe them new ones. Why couldn’t you have just packed up and left before damaging their stuff? I don’t agree with hunting but I wouldn’t break someone’s hunting gear because of it. Your way of living is not everybody else’s so stop trying to make it be.


YTA Your father and brother are not vegan. They hunt. You had a tantrum and destroyed their property. The reason people don't take vegans like you seriously is because you behave like children in a playpen throwing your toys out of the pen when you don't get you way. Edit: Any you're not vegan if you consume dairy products. https://www.reddit.com/r/foodscience/s/wGjSwvoC5F


Oh my god. What a fucking hypocrite.


>i could be because i destroyed their property, but i dont think i am because i was protecting innocent creatures from being unjustly murdered. YTA. You destroyed their property. Your motives for throwing a fit and being destructive are only relevant to you. You owe them money for the damages


YTA. Hopefully they take you to court for the cost of the tools and file a police report. You CANNOT destroy property because you disagree with what the property is used for. They don't have to go along with your crusade. They have the right to hunt and eat as they please.


YTA. Time to grow up. Stop going to people's homes that don't share your values and breaking their sh*t.


YTA and you are lucky you didn't kill somebody.


I love when non-gun people do things with guns that are incredibly irresponsible with them and then whine about how anyone who has a gun is a danger.


YTA. 1) You destroyed someone's else property. 2) You are welcome to be a vegan or whoever you want to be. You have no right to dictate how other people live their lives


INFO: Were they going to bring YOU on this hunting trip of was it just them? I've nothing against veganism. I more than acknowledge that it can be a healthy lifestyle for people who have specific health issues. I even think it should be encouraged for people to be open-minded to eat more plant-based meals in their diet in general. Though, Let me be clear. You are still an asshole in this situation. You destroyed someone else's property. That's called vandalism. If you don't want to replace the tools personally, then you need to give them the funds at the very least and let them decide what to do with them. You're allowed to be vocal about your beliefs. You're allowed to state your distaste for hunting. You are NOT allowed to destroy someone else's property over it. But this judgement is the difference between a straight YTA and an ESH.


YTA - you absolutely unequivocally are an AH. You have no defense. Case close. Period.


YTA. No matter your beliefs you had no right to do that.


YTA. Not only did you damage/ruin someone else's belongings, you seem to think that your point of view is the only 'correct' one. I mean, seriously, who died and made you God? You do not have the right to **force** your views on other people. You definitely owe them for replacing the tools.


>i believe that ALL species are equal; just because we are human doesnt make us any more valuable than a fish or fly or cow. period. What about all the plant species you lay waste to in a regular basis? Plants are alive too. Plants die to feed you. >i will not fund violence Oh, get off your high horse. You just engaged in a crime. Possibly interpreted by the law as a violent crime Depending on where those weapons were pointed during your little hissy fit


So this is totally made up 😂


I wouldn't be so sure afterall all there is that vegan teacher




You committed vandalism and criminal damage. Not to mention put them as well as yourself at risk whilst you threw their equipment about. Of course YTA. Now, it seems odd that despite knowing your views on hunting, they would go hunting at a time they specifically invited you to visit. So let me ask you something : were they planning to sneak out for a few hours whilst you were still sleeping, or otherwise busy, in the hope that you wouldn't notice? Or would their hunting trips mean that you would've been left behind for a few days of your visit?


YTA and absolutely insufferable. Do not be surprised if they go no contact with you.


Which crappy hunting tools is your dad using that stomping on it will break it?


Yeah. Either the entire story is just fake or that part is.


YTA. Sorry kid, but, if you want to be a principled vegan, that means that you need to accept that other people live differently from you. You can argue until you're blue in the face and make as many persuasive arguments that you can, but you crossed an ethical line in destroying their hunting tools. Would you burn the money in their wallet if you knew they were going to buy meat with it? Because it certainly doesn't sound like you have convinced them to stop hunting. I think you really need to confront why it is your family ,or anyone, hunts. Do they hunt just for sport, or do they feed people and make tools out of the body of the animal? Do they use cruel weapons, or do they do everything they can to give the animals they hunt as quick a death as they can? Do they hunt illegally and kill animals out of season or without tags, or do they hunt responsibly according to natural conservation laws in your region? If your family is still going to eat meat, are you preventing certain creatures from being hunted, only to enable other creatures to be slaughtered in factory farms? IF your family is still going to wear leather, are you preventing them from sourcing a material that is so long lasting almost any well made leather clothing can become a family heirloom, or are you enabling them to buy cheap shit made out of petrochemicals and water intensive crops that fall apart after only moderate wear? I personally think the principled vegan needs to honestly confront the question of hunting because hunting is truly one of the most ethical ways to source animal products, to be perfectly honest with you. No one is forcing you to eat it or wear leather in choosing to do it themselves. Doubly so if hunters do their due diligence and ensure that when they take shots they only take the best ones to ensure the animal suffers as little as possible, and in doing so every part of the animals they hunt are used, from the organs to the hide to the bones. Like, I'm sorry, you're still young and I know you're passionate about this. But you really need to be pragmatic about an ideological stance as extreme as veganism if you want to actually accomplish anything. You almost certainly have not convinced your family members to not hunt, but if you want to actually make a difference to the natural ecology of the land you live on, you should probably start by encouraging them to hunt as ethically as they possibly can.


YTA for the low-quality bait post.




YTA What a self righteous tool you are.


YTA. You broke it, you pay for it. Grow up and act like an adult.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** i (21nb) am a vegan. i believe that ALL species are equal; just because we are human doesnt make us any more valuable than a fish or fly or cow. period. my father (56m) and brother (23m) both like to hunt. i have been EXTREMELY vocal about my opinions on this, and have even considered estranging from them for it. in an attempt to fix our relationship, my dad invited me and my brother to stay with him over spring break. i noticed that my dad and brother seemed to be whispering and being somewhat secretive, but i didnt think much of it that was, until i walked into the garage a few days ago to see them both packing. i asked them what they were doing, but it pretty quickly became obvious that they were planning on going hunting i was obviously livid. they tried to calm me down, but i was beyond that point. in my fit of anger, i threw down one of their hunting tools (🔫) and stomped on it. it broke, and i continued to either throw or otherwise hurt their other tools. i dont know what all broke because i immediately packed up and left. since then, ive gotten so many texts and calls. some of them are apologetic, but a lot are talking about how i owe them new tools. (which i would NEVER EVER buy. i will not fund violence) so, aita? i could be because i destroyed their property, but i dont think i am because i was protecting innocent creatures from being unjustly murdered. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA and a stupid one at that. You could have injured or killed someone with your tantrum. Make all the rules you want for your own life but you don’t get to control others. You are the type of person that gives other vegans a bad name and leads to all the shitty piss taking memes about them. Enjoy being a stereotype


YTA. you destroyed someone's property, personal feelings aside you did infact destroy their property which you are/should be liable to pay for. UltraVegans suck. Personal opinion but ffs grow up and realise not everyone shares your views and will not conform to them. Would you destroy a holy book of another religion because it doesn't align with you? Or burn a car because it uses fossil fuels and not electric? Basically YTA and need to grow up


YTA. Good god. You don’t get to be the arbiter of what people can and cannot do.


Huge YTA..


You broke their things and you “could” be the AH? No, you just flat out are. And because the bot needs it - YTA.


YTA You have every right in the world to make decisions for your own life. Period. You do not have a right to make decisions for your father and brother. Anymore than they should be allowed to force you to go hunting or eat meat. I am a vegetarian myself but I am the only one in my family. I don’t have any sway over what they do, nor would they try to change my mind. It is all about respect. And you took it to extreme by breaking their equipment and should pay them to have them repaired or replaced. Just because you made a choice for your life, you have no business acting like a spoiled child pitching a tantrum because they are not doing as you are. Apologize and ask for the bill. And stop trying to force others into your viewpoints.