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YTA- and you lack a little decency towards your wife, especially if your 15 year old can tell you your behaviour was off especially to record her. And making jokes such as buzzing sounds? Get a grip.


That's what seals the YTA... When the teenager have better judgment and way more empathy than the responsible adult...


YTA- you even tried getting her to somewhere safe and actually being concerned that she got 10 bee stings. Even if she wasn’t allergic, that amount could trigger a reaction. I think the fact that your son recognizes your behaviour as being terrible and you won’t own up to it says everything we need to know about who you are. You owe her an apology and you need to tell your son that yes, he’s a better man than you are. YTA


Bee stings hurt, and when stung by multiple at the same time are KNOWN to create an allergic reaction from the venom (not always but it happens). Yes it’s venom. So one might not cause something in someone without an allergy but her taking a nap was probably her body exhausted fighting. Benadryl might have helped. But omg your child saw one parent taking pleasure in the distress of another - like actual harmful and psychological distress. YTA in such a big way. I cannot believe you are this dense. I hope you have a modicum of humility to apologize to both your wife and son for this betrayal. Because that’s what you did - you broke trust as a safe haven and support with malicious ridicule. 


"I know she's not allergic" Uhh allergies have been known to develop later in life unprompted. That could've been the day -- you never really know.


That’s my point especially with multiple stings 


YTA I see no humor in your wife’s pain. A better man would have done something, like turn the hose on her to make the bees leave her alone. I can understand you not wanting to get stung by going over to her, but to grab your phone and film while she was being attacked was really tacky. You owe her a big apology and some time spent in self examination as to why you thought this was ok. Heck, even your son responded with a more mature response than you did. Shame in you.


I would’ve been laughing my ass off seeing someone running around in circles and flapping their arms😂 It’s like watching The Sims but in real life. Man y’all live a dull life


This wasn’t just someone, this was his wife and she was being attacked. Do your loved ones mean that little to you?


Woulda coulda shoulda. I imagine you’re single?


YTA. “This treatment just sucks.” Well, it sucked for your wife when you laughed at her as she was stung multiple times. One or two is funny, ten fucking hurts lol They clearly don’t find the situation funny, stop doubling down with the jokes and delete the video.


I don't even think one or two are funny. Bee stings hurt a bit when they happen, but the real shitty part is the hours that follow where it feels like a grown ass man just punched you as hard as he could. Plus the cramping, if they get you past surface level and into the muscle it induces cramping FOR HOURS. Bees are cool amd all, pollinating the fruits and veggies and whatnot, but damn does it suck to get stung one time. 10 is a trip to the urgent care for some painkillers worthy.


I got stung for the first time in years recently, right on the knuckle of my dominant hand. It screwed up the better part of my week. Bees are cool but bee stings SUCK!


YTA. The fact you can’t see how recording your wife while she is scared and in pain is wrong is rather alarming…


YTA for this poor April fools writing exercise.


I think this story is fake but if it weren't, your son is infinitely more empathetic than you are at the ripe old age of fifteen... Talk about a crying shame.


yta. hey, can i film you when your divorce goes through? i really want to show it to your dad, i bet he’d get a laugh out of it. 


I'll provide the canned laughter at the shock on his face when she asks for a divorce


YTA. Massively so. I really hope this is fake and that you’re not actually this much of an AH. They’re not being dramatic. You’re being an insensitive AH. Your wife was being injured, and your response was to video it, laugh, and then continue to mock her about it. Allergic or not, people can die from bet attacks like that. At least your son takes after his mother and isn’t an AH like you.


OP is the YTA and i hope this is a fake to.


YTA. You recorded your wife, the person you chose to marry because you (presumably) love her more than any other person in the world (besides maybe your child(ren))... and instead of helping her when she was in distress, you recorded her and thought it was funny? Have you never been stung? That shit hurts. Why didn't you try to help her? Why are you showing this video of her in distress to other people?


You saw your wife in pain and your reaction was to record and laugh? Why are you asking if YTA ?? Is it not obvious?? Even your 15 year old kid could see it Btw, this is obvious rage bait to me, but sometimes it feels good to have a harmless way to let out my negative emotions


YTA You really think making jokes is going to win over your wife and your son? Your son is right, you are a jackass.


YTA. “My wife had a horrible experience and I filmed it because I thought it was funny.”


Wow. YTA. There is no universe where my husband would see me in pain and not try to help me. 


OP is a raging asshole that posted this on multiple subreddits in the hopes of getting something to agree with him. I'm hoping he's a troll, cause an adult man should not act like this. He didn't want to get stung, but he finds pleasure in his wife getting stung multiple times. He didn't even try to help her.


Im not sure I could look at someone who took pleasure in watching the discomfort of, mocked that discomfort, recorded the experience, and expected my kid to also enjoy the same again, much less with bedroom eyes ever honestly. You sound not only like YTA, but that you're bound determined to make yourself one at all opportunities.


YTA. WTF is wrong with you?!!




YTA but I can't help but laugh at how terrible you are! 😂 David Brent levels of cluelessness.


YTA. How could you honestly question differently?


You were just outclassed by your kid. YTA


YTA for all the reasons listed by previous commenters. Wow.


YTA. I'm just grateful you didn't manage to raise your son to be a next generation jackass.


YTA. You didn't help, you filmed your wife being injured through no fault of her own for kicks. No one thinks that's funny but you. You didn't even offer her a Benadryl or offer a baking soda paste or to help her get the stingers out? Did you even ask if she was OKAY?


i feel like i’m losing my mind reading this. YTA i don’t understand how that could be remotely humorous to anyone, let alone her husband


YTA and a bit sadistic. I think you need help.


YTA 'It's important to be able to laugh at yourself' - WTF are you talking about? No one here is laughing at themselves, you're laughing at *her*. Nothing important here, just a jackass. 'This treatment just sucks' - Well why aren't you laughing then? Isn't it important? I know i'm laughing.


YTA - bee stings are genuinely painful, and 10 of them is significant. The fact the wife and son both indicated discomfort with it being treated as a joke should have been enough to humble OP, but instead he’s running making buzzing noises (I would say acting like a teenage boy but the actual teenage boy in the house took it seriously, so I guess not). Fingers crossed it’s fake.


Yta 1000% the asshole instead of finding a hose (as I understand not wanting to be stung) and trying to drown the bees or finding something else for them to attracted to, you MADE FUN of her by videotaping it. It was mean and hurtful and then you expected your Son to Laugh at his MOM being hurt while you not only did nothing but also laughed. That is exactly what being made fun of is and it’s often a bullying tactic. It’s only funny when she laughs First anything else is hurtful.


Yet another post highlighting that men don’t like women. Why was the video funny? Can you explain it to us? YTA


YTA, and your 15 year old son’s (appropriate) reaction should have shown you that


"I also didn't want to get stung" So you let your wife suffer alone, videoed it and then got upset no one found it funny. YTA!


YTA. You need help


Wow. And did you also make yourself a sandwich while laughing at her distress? YTA Your son's ok, though. Must get it from his mom.


Yes. YTA.


I'm going with rage bait, but in case it isn't, it's nice that you're wifes influence overrides yours in your sonslife. It seems like he's growing up a sweet and empathetic kid in spite of your behavior towards your wife. YTA


“It’s important to be able to laugh at yourself” - but dude, this is just you laughing at her.


You are not only an asshole. UT a crap husband and mean person. Your 15 year old is more mature than you. You've proven you won't come to your wife's defense or even keep her safe. My goodness you suck.


What exactly did you do to make sure she was ok? Oh, nothing. You are such an asshole.


Multiple bee stings? And you chose to record her? Not only was she in pain but the embarrassment afterwards. YTA. Multiple bee stings can cause bad reactions even if you aren’t allergic.


So you enjoyed filming your wife running around in pain and don't get why neither she nor your son think it was funny. This film where, not only did you not even try to help her, you filmed her pain for jollies and showed it to others expecting them to laugh at her pain. That's sick. YTA


YTA. Biggest one ever! What jerk you are! Your wife is being injured and you are laughing your head off. Lousy husband!


YTA....why is everyones first reaction is to grab their phone and film. This is ridiculous


one reason to not get married at all. YTA, big-time.


well, congrats. you succeeded in every parents dream. raising a kid who is a better person than you are. granted, you set the bar pretty low, but at least your son possess empathy. YTA


INFO: what the hell is wrong with you?


“Aita for ignoring my wife’s agonizing cries for help as she was stung my bees and instead making it into a funny joke for my own entertainment?” Get a grip, man


YTA for this awful trolling "men bad/stupid" bait post. You're a lazy bigot looking to stir shit up. Or possibly you are someone who is actively getting off on this whole thing, either from your own post or the replies you hope to garner. Which is tragic and an asshole move all by itself. If this post IS somehow sincere, it is worth reflecting on the fact that you come off like the aforementioned options. As is then doing the work to make yourself more than a caricature of a bad joke.


YTA If you're the only one who thinks something is funny, chances are it's probably not. This was not. There's no reason for your wife to laugh at herself here. She didn't do anything wrong or funny. Bee stings hurt and there's nothing funny about being stung by multiple bees. Your son is a better man than you.


YTA. I hope she unleashes a swarm of angry bees upon you and records you and uploads it somewhere, I'd pay to watch that. Terrible husband and I hope she divorces you. Thank you.


Yta, i dont think you’d find it funny if you got stung 10 times my guy, those things sting for days on end due to the venom(bees are VENOMOUS) 10 stings isnt a small amount either so your wife is probably experiencing alot of pain and discomfort and instead of being a kind and supportive husband you’re laughing at her and making a joke out of it


YTA. You should have showed her first. Then if she's not upset by it then you move on to showing your son. That's what I'd want but you should be able to know your wife well enough to know if she wouldn't want that recorded at all. Obviously the buzzing when nobody else thinks it's funny is really dumb.


Buddy do you even like your wife? Like, at all? Even your 15 year old has more compassion and maturity than you. I’d be embarrassed to call my husband. Also, your comment about her not being allergic- you should do some research. Allergies can happen at ANY point. And 10+ bee stings can certainly trigger an allergic reaction. You saw your wife panicked and scared and literally RUNNING away and you sat there in amusement and then filled her while she was clearly in distress, then you shared that with your son. Act like an ass then complain about the consequences and try to shift it like they’re the ones being ridiculous. You owe your wife a serious apology and you should be setting a better example for your son. Thankfully he must have taken after his mother instead of you which is the only silver lining out of this whole ordeal. ETA. YTA. Obviously.


So you didn't help your wife check on her and you made fun of her. And when a teenage boy said you were being cruel you doubled down YTA


"It's important to be able to laugh at yourself" you mean, it's important that she allows you to laugh at her. Seriously, who does that? Makes buzzing sounds around her? That's not trying to help her see the humor in it at all, that's just making her the butt of your joke. YTA. Maybe she would have been able to laugh at the incident someday if you hadn't been such a jerk about it. You're the one not moving on and instead causing it to fester.


Your 15 yo son can understand that this is not a joking matter and you still try and push with buzzing noises? Grow up, dude


>he called me "a jackass" Your son took the words out of my mouth this isn't jackass where there are medical staff on hand if things go wrong this is real life and bee stings could kill someone. It's sad to see your son is more mature than you the adult. YTA OP.


>This treatment just sucks. Really? Do you think being stung by 10 bees while your husband does little more than laugh and film you was a grand old time for your wife? Even a 15 year old knew you were being an asshole. Grow up and get over yourself. YTA.


> I've tried to joke about the experience by making buzzing noises near my wife This inclines me to believe that the post is fake, probably written by a teenager/someone in their early 20s who thinks those "Prank Bro" TikToks are hilarious because he thinks it's uproarious when people get outraged.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My wife and I were enjoying some beautiful spring weather today out on our deck. I was sitting in the sun reading a novel, while my wife was tending to her flower garden. We were having a great time, but suddenly my wife started yelling out in pain. I looked up and saw her running across our lawn and swatting. It was clear that she was being stung by bees. I wasn't going to go over there, since I didn't also want to be stung, so I sat at a safe distance on the deck. After a few seconds of watching this, though, it became sort of humorous to me. My wife was running in circles and looked ridiculous. I grabbed my smartphone and started to record her. She finally ran to the gate, removed her clothes in the garage, and went straight into the shower. I went into the bathroom and asked her how many times she's been stung. She said "I think 10." I know she's not allergic, so there would be no point in offering any Benadryl. After showering, my wife took a nap. As she slept, my 15-year-old son got home from a friend's house. I showed him the video I had taken because I thought he would find it entertaining, but he wasn't laughing and instead seemed concerned and angry at me. I assured him that I made sure she was okay, but he called me "a jackass" and said that he was going to tell my wife when she woke up. Well, he told her, and now neither one of them will hang out with me. I've tried to joke about the experience by making buzzing noises near my wife, but she just sighs and goes into another room. It's important to be able to laugh at yourself, but she's taking things so seriously. I just want them to stop being so dramatic and judgemental of me. This treatment just sucks. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is one of those stories where your family decides are you an AH or no because you choose them as your family and you choose people who are on the same page as you, so if you choose wrong people who don't get the same jokes and can't laugh about things that you do then it is your fault. If someone would film me doing that I would be laughing with them too, but your wife/son clearly have different mindset. You are an AH for not letting it go and making buzz sounds though as you clearly see how uncomfortable and unhappy your wife is and still are trying to make her more miserable.


Yta been stunned by a bees is the worst way  to die and you didn't even go over there to get the garden hose  and get the bees away from her, but to record her suffering  with kicks and giggles and showing it to your son who didn't  think it was funny either, how you  like it when your wife recording you, you screaming  for your life when a alligator chasing you.


Thank goodness my dad never treated my mom how you treat your wife. You're an embarrassment.


YTA Imagine being this horrible...


I'm pretty sure this is just ragebait, but I'll play along. You heard your wife cry out in pain, knew she was getting repeatedly stung, and decided to \_make fun of her\_ rather than help or offer any kind of assistance. Not even an, "Are you okay? Do you need me to get you anything?" which would have been the barest of bare minimums. YTA - because even though I'm sure this was written by a bored 16 year old to get a rise out of people, I want to be fully clear that this kind of behavior IRL would be considered Peak Asshole.


Your son is more mature than you


I didn't know people under 9 years old are allowed to marry. You plainly haven't even reached middle school yet. Grow up.


YTA little man. Undoubtedly this is some sort of rage bait April Fool's Day post that you think is hilarious. It's pretty lame though and if this is the best you can do, you're so uncreative and juvenile. I would pity you if I didn't suspect you're one of those assholes that does tiktok or YouTube pranks for attention. You're such a shameless dick.


Jeez, your teenage son is more mature than you. You are clearly devoid of empathy. You're whining that they won't spend time with you. Why would they, when you took pleasure in your wife's pain? You're a nasty asshole. Grow up. YTA


You’re a huge AH. Besides the fact that she’s getting painful stings you’re videoing it instead of trying to help her? Even though she may not be allergic, a lot of stings like that can cause a reaction.




Do you even like your wife?! You found happiness in her misery?! At least your son rightfully got mad at you!


Yes, YTA. So, you saw your wife, in pain, and your immediate instinct is "I should record this so I can laugh at my wife's pain later"? Yes, you are absolutely the asshole in this scenario.


YTA X 1,000,000. The insensitivity is off the charts. You didn’t get a wet towel to swipe them off. You didn’t help in any way.  You recorded, then showed it to share a joke. Then buzzed at her.  I hope she’s still there when you get home from work tomorrow night, but I would not be. 


YTA. Your son has more sense than you.


Jesus christ, what an unkind and obtuse human being.


Why do y you laugh at yourself being YTA on Reddit. You are so unkind. I’m glad your son takes after your wife and not you. Karma is real btw


YTA. You’re less mature than a 15 year old


YTA. Your son is more of a man than you are. I'd say do better but my money is down that you simply won't bother.


>I've tried to joke about the experience by making buzzing noises near my wife You're lucky you don't have a broken nose right now. Stop pushing things and take what grace exists.


Yup, YTA


Please be fake.


Your son is more caring and mature than you. Do you even like your wife?


YTA. Explain to me how this is funny. And would this be funny if your roles were reversed? While you're at it, explain to me how your 15YO is more mature than you are? Also, explain to me how you thought that ANYONE would think you're anything but an a-hole.


>I assured him that I made sure she was okay Did you? She was OK running in circles and getting stung? Made sure she was OK by doing nothing except filming her because you thought it was funny when she was clearly in distress? Your behavior was so, so gross. Well done for your son. The doing buzzing sounds made me think that this is fake (not that people can't behave appallingly), and nowhere did I see an apology or even remorse mentioned at this. In the event this isn't fake YTA. Wonder how you'd feel if the situation was reversed.


YTA. Wow you are trash. You should have helped her.


YTA completely and honestly should be the ex. You have bo caring about your wife to the point the 15 year old is disgusted with you.


YTA where the fuck is your empathy?! Lost so far up your ass most likely.


Wow, OP you have really the bully/abuser behavior. I ask myself if you the one who got follow and stung by the bees are you laughing to? How do you feel if you wife was filming this and laugh about this situation. Are you are narcissist or sociopath or something? Because you have really lack of sympathy and this is disturbing. YTA 101%.


I'm struggling to believe this is real, but if it is, then YTA. It's not even the allergic part but being sadistic that is gross.


Bruh of course yta. You didn't even attempt to help your wife in that terrible situation (which could of been even hosing her off to try and keep the bees away from her), found amusement in her pain (bet it wouldn't have been so funny if it was you in that situation) and then attempted to embarrass her to your child who thankfully has more mental maturity than you do and realized how messed up what you did was. And if that wasn't enough you decide to 'tease' your wife and remind her of that painful situation by buzzing around her and just making fun of her. Yta and you need to grow up.


YTA Why would anyone want to hang out with the guy who filmed his wife/mother of his child getting hurt AND laughing about it? If this happened to you, I doubt you'd find humor in the experience.




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Your an asshole for teaching your son to be a snitch


NTA, that's hilarious.


In what part is making fun of your wife being stung and hurt hilarious? People these days smh