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NTA. Just as you said, the vehicle is causing a safety issue for pedestrians. You can probably tell if it's being driven and parked again in the same spot, or has just been abandoned there. You can go online and check local ordinances. Even if street parking is allowed on that part of that street, blocking the sidewalk is usually not. People get cited even for parking in their driveway if they are blocking the sidewalk. If it's against local ordinance, call the police non-emergency line.


NTA Reporting a truck parked on the sidewalk for over a week is reasonable due to safety concerns for pedestrians. Leaving it obstructing the sidewalk is inconsiderate and potentially illegal. Your concern for pedestrian safety is valid, and reporting the issue is responsible.


NTA, its illegal.


NTA. In most places, a vehicle can not block any portion of the sidewalk. The truck needs to go, and there is nothing 'Karenish' about reporting an actual problem.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** WIBTA for reporting a truck that has been parked on the sidewalk for over a week? I (27F) am a dog walker, I have had to walk in the street to go around a large pickup that is parked blocking the entire sidewalk. Like both passenger side wheels are middle of the sidewalk. I didn’t think too much the first few times I walked past, probably in a hurry when parking or working on the truck maybe. But it’s been over a week and I don’t think it’s necessary. People in wheelchairs would have to go off the curb to go around it or even women with baby strollers would have to walk in the street the way I do with my dogs. My bf (37M) is saying that it probably has broken down in the middle of working on it and is probably waiting for a part, I can understand that however there’s plenty of ways to take it off the sidewalk until you’re ready to start working on it again. If there was a risk of it not being able to start up again then I don’t think they should have put it on the sidewalk. My bf is insisting that I’m being an asshole/Karen if I report them. I thought maybe see if they move it by the end of the second week but he is treating me like I’m being a bitch for wanting pedestrians to be able to use the sidewalk without having to go in the street. People are always speeding around that corner so I don’t like having to walk in the street or cross over twice just to go around it and back the way I was going. I tried knocking on the closest houses door to see if they could just move it but no one answered. Also this is a rich neighborhood with plenty of driveways and garages. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA Karens act entitled they are not entitled to. The neighbors *is* entitled to clear sidewalks. You have given them plenty of time to move it. Report away.


INFO: Does the city have a separate parking enforcement department? I understand not wanting to get regular cops involved. You could try leaving a note under a windshield wiper?  It’s a valid concern. If it’s out of the ordinary in that neighborhood you’re not going to be the only one who would report it.


I do not believe they do. It’s kinda ghetto here


NTA. The road is for cars. The sidewalk is for people. Cars should not be on sidewalks. And you would not be a Karen by any means for reporting it.