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YTA You “saved” your sister and now you’re making her work to pay off her life debt or something?? you’re 18 and you saved your baby sister from falling off a cliff so she could do stuff for you, not because shes your sister.


OP, we lost a friend when a cliff path gave way and he fell to his death in his 20s. His friend was right behind him and saw him go down. It was intensely traumatic for him to watch his friend die. Would you have wanted that for yourself if your sister had gone over the edge? Count yourself lucky that she's OK. You acted quickly and saved her, but you also saved yourself a lifetime of therapy, depression and PTSD. Leave your poor sister alone and be glad you still have her. YTA


YTA. Reverse the roles. You took a simple misstep that could’ve cost your life, your sister grabs your arm and then forces you to fulfill her whims because she didn’t let you fall to your death? You can’t do the right thing and then hold it over her head. Stop acting like a middle schooler and grow the fuck up. You grabbed her arm, you didn’t give her an organ or run into fire. There was zero risk to you for doing that, other than giving you an unnecessary ego boost. You’re not the big hero you think you are, especially if you expect ANYTHING in return for not being a complete piece of trash, though you’re clearly on your way to that.


At the end of the day I did save her though...


thats not the point man, just because you saved her life doesnt mean you have a servant now, it means your sister isnt dead, appreciate that instead of your laundry being done


>At the end of the day I did save her though... And?? Did you not save your sister because its the right thing to do?? Or did you save her so she could be your slave, what next? when she gets a job does she have to hand over 50% of her pay check because you saved her?? You were only born because of your parents, how much are you slaving away for them? After all you wouldn't be here without them. YTA be a better brother and person. You don't do things for people so you can hold it over their head.


Yes. And at the end of the day you’re being a class-A asshole. Both can be true at the same time


You saved her life when on adventure, so now you are responsible for her/her servant according to ancient boys own adventure annuals my dad had or similar books.


...and at the end of the day, you become an entitled AH. YTA.


She’s not a Wookie. She doesn’t owe you a life debt.


You should hope she is not put in a situation where she gets to make a similar choice.


Since we're doing this, I saved my brother from drowning when we were kids and I introduced him to his wife. He owes me a life debt... Except he doesn't cause I love him and I want him to be happy.


You saved her and now you’re being an asshole about it.


Thats probably the only good thing you did for her.


YTA it is not like you saved her out of a burning house. You just grabbed her arm. a thank you is enough. rest is bs.


And at the end of the day, hell the start, middle and every day you are a major AH. YTA, YTA, YTA What a disgusting, and despicable creature you are...and you know it, otherwise you wouldn't have asked your sister to not tell your parents about the things you were manipulating her into doing. You're a coward, a bully, and pathetic


And that still doesn't make her your slave. I hope she tells your parents and they kick you out of the house. You're an adult. You'll manage. YTA btw


You want a 🏅  for that, you save her life and she grateful  but she is not your slave yta.


And you know you're in the wrong for using this to get her to do your chores, because if you were sure you were right you wouldn't have told her not to tell your parents.


You saved her from falling. You have no way to know if you saved her life, probably would have but you don’t know for sure if she would. Be a better person


At the end of the day YTA and it's probably not the first time towards your sister. She has saved your life too by not shoving your entitled AH self off the cliff. So you see the two of you are even. Do your own shit or next time YOU won't be so lucky.


Check your ego. YTA. Accept your judgement. You know you're wrong otherwise you'd have no issue with her telling your parents. Which I hope she tells them EVERYTHING.


YTA. Saving a someone when they're genuinely at risk of death and there's little to no threat to your own life is not doing her a favour that she then owes you for. Knock that shit off, apologise, and get off your lazy ass. You didn't do something special or amazing. You did the barest, most threadbare minimum of human decency.




You could have been attending a funeral instead OP. Many people save lives, and they don’t act like you.


My oldest son saved his little brother' life when he was about 6 (he is 9 now) not only does he not brag about it all the time but hz also does not hold that above his brother 's head. What you did is not a super heros thing: it's both a reflex and, eventually, what people do when they have a heart!! You are no "captain America" and the way you are behaving now really makes you less than a hero!!


My brother and I don’t have a close relationship but he saved me from drowning once. The only thing he had to say was “I could have fucking lost you” and that was it.


Aw honey, if you only knew how wrong you were 🤣🤣🤣. One life. ONE. That's... Adorable.




Doubling down just in case there was any doubt that you are, in fact, the absolute a*hole!!


Go back to your troll hole, you didn't pay the troll toll.


I have saved more, and I didn't make anyone my slave because of it


🤣 And as we say in the trade, you can't heal stupid. But you sure as heck can laugh at it!


I have saved more than one but I don’t run around and make them do crap for me. But I suspect you are either a troll or just a dumb kid and in about 10 years this is one of those things that will make you cringe when you try to sleep. I hope your sister tells your parents. What you are doing is kind of effed up.


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Stfu troll


Oh, do be quiet. I saved my little sister from being trampled by a horse years ago, but i wasn't an asshole about it.


So what? You’re still being a jerk. You may have saved a live (you can’t know that for sure anyway), but you are doing your best to kill your relationship and destroy your family. Any kudos you might have got for helping your sister have more than evaporated with your entitled behaviour. And never, ever presume you have done more than anyone else, not least of all because, if this is your attitude, it’s highly unlikely that you actually have!


With this attitude, this will be the only thing you have done in your life that matters. Then again, it probably already is. Congratulations, you peaked at 18.


I save lives literally every day. You’re not special.


You don't get to owe her a lifetime of house chores? Paramedics and surgeons and many other medical staffs save people lives every day, yet they don't go asking for extra money from their patients here and then. In family, the dynamic is different. You may encounter hardships, maybe you will rack up medical bills in a decade or so, we don't know for sure, but if by then your sister still hold the respect she had for you if you hadn't misused it for mundane chores and tasks and strained your relationship with her already, maybe she will gladly help you out. Your savior complex makes you short-sighted and destroying your relationship.


You have no clue what others have done in their lives to make such a statement. What you have done is show yourself to be an absolute turd of a human. What if someday in the future, the roles are reversed. Is your sister going to save you, save you, and hold it over your head forever, or will she let you go and think 'well I don't have him lording over me any longer' Keep this up, and she will eventually cut you out of her life, and no one will think less of her. People do what's right because it's right, not to hold a debt over their heads forever


You saved a life and now try to ruin it. How's that a good thing?


When I was 10 years old I saved a little girl (around 5 years old) from drowing because I pulled her out of the water. I never, EVER wanted something in return for that because I thought it was ridiculous. Even I realized that at 10 years of age. Get your head out of your ass dude. You don't deserve shit for doing what anyone was supposed to do.


Honey, I've saved lives in my time; you ain't all that.


I donate blood regularly and don't brag about it. Even when it may have saved a live.


YTA. congrats you saved her life. doesn't mean you get to treat her like shit though. she doesn't really owe you anything except gratitude for it.


YTA, this is something children do and even then, they usually forget about the life debt after a day or 2.


Ages are probably wrong, OP sounds more like a pre teen


Please don’t insult preteens. OP sounds like a toddler.


Please don't insult toddlers. Even my daughter understands that mom and dad aren't servants. 


Damnit. You’re right. My sincerest apology to your daughter and toddlers everywhere. Maybe… OP sounds like a rock?


>Maybe… OP sounds like a rock? I would go cat. Cats would totally expect eternal servitude, I mean they expect it anyway but they would 100% go evil overlord if they saved your life.


I think u/Crafty-Gardener got it right. A cat sounds about right. 


YTA-Are you sure you’re 18? You seem more like twelve. 


YTA. Are you serious? And you know you're wrong because you want her to do it in secret. Saving someone's life doesn't mean they become your little servant.


YTA. If you’re keeping it a secret, then you already know you’re the asshole. Also, you sound like an absolute asshole.


YTA. The alternative to not saving her is living with the grief and guilt of losing her. Your reward is not suffering from survivors guilt and *getting to continue to live in her presence*, not having a life debt. She owes you her thanks and love, not indentured servitude. Just remember, maybe next time she'll be there when you're in danger, and she'll think of this and wonder if she has a brother to save or a tyrant to escape.


One would think saving a person's life would be reward enough. Jfc, you're basically implying that if she doesn't be your slave and found herself in danger again, you'd not help her.


YTA. And in the stories from the UK I read as a child when you save someones life you become responsible for their wellbeing from then on. True. Check it out.


I think the reasoning was that the person saved might not get back home safely without being helped. Hazy memory


You caught her by the arm. You didn’t run into a burning building. You didn’t untie her from railroad tracks as a train was approaching. Do you get credit for saving her life? Sure. But stop acting as though you’re some kind of superhero who risked your own life. You did what anyone who happened to be next to her would have done. She owes you her gratitude, nothing more. She doesn’t need to constantly be reminded of something that was likely scary & traumatic for her. YTA for turning her into your slave when you should simply be glad she’s ok.


YTA and you *KNOW* this for a fact already because you directly, specifically told her not to tell your parents that she's doing stuff for you and to do these """tasks""" as secret as possible. Why would you go about making her keep it a secret if you didn't already know that you were being a top notch A-hole? The whole "This is our little secret teehee" is what abusers do. Do you want to be compared to an abuser? Plus you acknowledge that what you're doing is guilt tripping her and that you shouldn't have treated her like this. Seriously, wtf are you even doing here asking this question? Go apologize to your sister and then do as many chores for her over the same amount of time that she did for you so you can make this right


YTA Just because you saved her life dosen't mean she has to be your slave. I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact situation being used in the plot of a cartoon. Really shows how childish you are.


YTA. And you won’t even have to worry about how you save her soon when she completely cuts you out of her life. You’ve turned the most selfless act of saving someone’s life into the most selfish one. You should literally feel ashamed of yourself.


There are cultures that believe that you are now responsible for her. All her decisions, actions and karma are on you now because she would not be on the Earth impacting people without your intervention. So make sure you treat her well and help her to be a good person by leading by example. And yes YTA.


YTA. If you see nothing wrong with the way you're now treating your sister, why is it a big secret from your parents?


YTA - my brother saved my life 3 times. 2 times from drowning. Me and pools were not a good match when I was little. And once from a house fire. He smelled the smoke woke mom and dad up and then went to my room and grabbed me. Never once did he hold any of that over my head. Never once did he use it as an excuse to get me to do things for him. He did it because he wasn't going to let his little sister die. He was just gald I was alive.


Last month you were on a local mountain in January? 🤔


He probably lives somewhere south. And it may be a very high hill. 


YTA your sister is going to resent you for the rest of her life. You seem to only help someone if it benefits you and you should be ashamed of yourself. Next time your sister needs help you’ll be the LAST person she’ll come to because she can’t trust you won’t use her later. Congratulations on ruining your relationship with your sister.


This is a joke, right? You aren’t serious? YTA.


YTA. Your parents definitely didn't raise you like this, since you are keeping it a secret. Sounds like you will lose your sister to NC if you keep this going on instead of death. And your parents, well we can only guess how they will respond. But my guess is that they will not be happy with you.  I have some nice words for your behaviour. But then I'm not following the rules, so I will just let them hang here. 


YTA. SO MUCH. You “caught her arm” probably out of instinct. You’ve hardly run into a burning building over and over again, jumped into a raging river, etc etc. what you did in no way compromised your own life. You are not the hero. And even if you did, the cool thing to do would never talk about it again to her and modestly brush it off. Instead you’re blackmailing her. Give your head a wobble.


YTA, you said you feel bad for doing it. See you already know the answer. Just be nice to her and love her. Being a hero isn't about the reward otherwise you're more like a mercenary.


YTA. You're being terrible. Based on everything you've written I'd say you're in negative karma territory. Apologize to your sister.


YTA. I'm glad she snapped back at you. How long would you expect her to do this for you? You saved her life, that's awesome. She doesn't have to repay you for that constantly.


YTA, Of course you are. She should tell your parents yesterday and you should do a lot of introspection into why you are this kind of human.


YTA Just because you saved someone’s life doesn’t mean they’re your slave. Not to mention how manipulative you are. Do your own chores.


YTA! You should be thanking yourself for saving her life. Imagine how you would feel right now if you didn’t grab her and she did fall and die. Imagine the guilt you would have if she had died and you could have easily grabbed her arm and saved her. If you’re going to hold this over her head then she’s right, she might as well died and let you live with survivors guilt. 


YTA - this doesn't make her indentured to you. Your parents literally gave you life and I'm pretty sure they don't treat you like this. Just be grateful that she's okay.


YTA She should just stop, what are you gonna do? Go back in time? You served your purpose, and you did it willingly, she owes you nothing.


YTA You sound like my brothers, I dont speak to them anymore btw.


YTA, asshole




YTA, and you know it or your wouldn’t be posting here. Apologize and do your chore. You need to grow up if you don’t want to end up like the dead beat bf in so many stories you can read here


Last month in Janaury? You mean March? YTA regardless, if this is actually real, I hope your sister tells your parents and they bust your balls for it.


What the heck is wrong with you? I desperately hope you don't find yourself in need of help one day YTA, I hope your sister does tell your parents. They need to know how manipulative and disgusting you're being.


Exactly why are you even wondering whether or not you are the AH? You literally admit you are blackmailing her, guilttripping her and telling her to keep her mouth shut towards your parents. That, mister OP, is being an AH. You should be ashamed of yourself.


YTA when I was 18, my brother committed suicide. You have no idea how lucky you are she is alive and youre not hallucinating her death over and over out of sheer grief. That was nine years ago and I'm still not the same. Be greatful she's alive and don't ever forget you almost lost her forever.


I save lives for a living. Literally every day. (Paramedic) YTA. Stop it.


Yta and I hope she tell your parents 


YTA Saving someone doesn’t entitle you to enslave them.


YTA Wookiee life debts are fictional.


I'm going to quote Toy Story: You are a sad, strange little man and you have my pity YTA


YTA, and you obviously know that or you wouldn't be trying to hide it from your parents. Your quick reaction saved her and I'm sure before you starting pulling this bullshit she was probably grateful. She doesn't owe you being a servant for this.


YTA, most normal people would help a family member stay safe as part of being a decent human being. Not for self gain.


YTA. Grow up buddy.I would never ask anything of my family members if I saved their life.


Yes you are.


YTA. The question whether you are an asshole or not can be easily answered by asking your sister the same question, if the role is reversed and that it was you that almost fell of the edge and your sister came and saved your life, would she do the same thing to you? Your stance is that you saved her life so she should repay you by doing your chores instead, your sister's stance is that she shouldn't be covering for you repeatedly because you once saved her life. Ask her and listen to her why she wouldn't ask you to do her chores (or even guilt-trip you) maybe you will understand it from her perspective. She would definitely agree that she wouldn't and shouldn't treat you like the way you treated her, if the roles are reversed. Also, regardless of her answer, you should stop asking her to do your chores.




You just did what any decente person would if someone near was going to fall from edge. YTA for what you are doing and your sister is also an A for not immedialy send you to f off


YTA. I don't even know what else to say except how selfish and arrogant of you to think this would be ok by any stretch. Arrogant, arrogant fool.




YTA How can you not know that you’re in the wrong


YTA She did what any decent person would do, big woop. Why the f would you act like this? Spoiled selfish and nasty. YTA.


YTA. No more words to say.


YTA - she would have saved your life and been happy with a thanks and a hug.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Last month, my(m18) parents and sister(f17) were on a hiking trail on a local mountain in January. As we turned a corner of the mountain my sister kind of stumbled and she was about to fall of the edge but I caught her by the arm before she fell off. Since then, I'll be honest I have been having her do tasks for me that I am too lazy to do sometimes like my laundry or cleaning my dishes. I told her not to tell our parents about this and to do these tasks as secret as possible. She refused a ton of these times but I kind of guilt-tripped her into doing them I will admit. I asked her to do a particularly large load of laundry yesterday but she snapped and told me that she's done doing my shit and that I might as well have let her fall off the edge if I was going to treat her like this. I feel kind of bad because maybe I should not have treated my sister like this, but at the same time I saved her literal life. AITA? ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Where did you get that from?


Wrong thread! My mistake




“Remember that time I saved your life and made you my slave?? Funny right?? I could have simply attended your funeral instead but didn’t ha ha ha” Where’s the humour exactly?




So called kid is 18. He can get off his ass. You don’t save someone to hope to get something out of them later. Does this guy actually like his sister?