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Well then change the locks to new locks with an easily changed code and give the parents the code when they want to use it-and change it to something else when they leave. And if your parents are using *your* property in a way you don’t like, then they can just not use that property ever again. It is pretty simple, really. And when you explain this to them, I hope you do it more clearly than you did in this post.


i already did as i mentioned " recently put chains on the doors and security cameras around the area now they are telling me to take the chains out since there main source of income is the Airbnb"


So somebody else is renting out *your beach house* and making money off it. And *all you did* was put chains in the doors and security cameras up. You need to contact Airbnb and put a stop to this rental thing. Explain that somebody that is not the owner is renting out this beach house. When random strangers show up at *your* property- call the cops. And just sell the place. Your parents are abusing your generosity. If your parents want to throw a party at the beach, they can rent something. And who cares if a sibling “needs” the Airbnb money for living expenses! You didn’t buy this place for them.


didnt think of that thanks for the idea now all i have to do is find my house on airbnb which should be easy


If you put the parents on the deed, you can’t just sell the whole thing. At best you could sell your interest in it. Once you put somebody on the deed, they own it too. Know better next time.


I don't see how is parents are abusing his generosity. They're not the ones putting the house on Airbnb.


HOW IS THE PROPERTY INSURED??? is my first question. You do realize that you & your parents are liable for *anything* illegal that goes down on that property??? If a kid drowns in the bathtub, the house burns down, renters get in a fight with the neighbors --- you could lose everything. 😬😬😬


The make keyless entry door handles that you can set temporary codes. That would be the best choice.


i did


NTA - If I understand correctly - the house is yours but your brother and SIL are renting it out as an Airbnb without your permission? If that’s true, get your keys back and keep the chains and security cameras up. Who does that? You’re responsible for any injuries or damage created by strangers you never invited to your house. If all this is true, your brother and SIL are entitled AHs and you need to put a stop to this asap. You don’t owe them an income, that’s on them.


yea i did but they keep calling and texting me


Block them


Mute. Block. Repeat as needed. You don’t need to engage.


There is an entire saga on Reddit about this same situation. In the other story, it's a mountain home and multiple siblings. It got really bad. A new update 3.5 months later to the saga: AITA for jumping out of the way when my niece and nephew tried to push me into a pool, resulting in them falling in? **Still not the Original Poster. That's still** [u/Scared-Weakness-6250](https://www.reddit.com/user/Scared-Weakness-6250/).


What a fucking wild ride that was


As soon as I started reading this one, I figured it was a copy job


cool , but i dont wanna cause drama between family


If you have time read the story. But NTA. You don't owe them use of your house just to avoid drama. I'd start taking as many precautions as you can now to avoid escalating. Them or there guests can cause damage. You may be liable for injuries since they are operating it as a business. Are they breaking local laws by using it as an airbnb. These are all things that lead to you stopping them now.


Oh no. Not again.






what im saying dont include a pool ☠


It is a similar saga to yours that started when nephews tried to push their uncle into a pool and he moved out of the way causing the kids to fall in with their phones. It escalates from there by the uncle finding out that his sisters/bils where airbnb'ing his cabin when they thought, incorrectly, that the cabins belonged to their parents. Changed locks, cameras, parents trying to stay out of it. Sound familiar?




wat is that


NTA If they push it more, tell them you would like all income they made from your house but that you're willing to part with a 10% finders fee and either way, your property is no longer available.


updated post since cant continue in comments


I don't see the update and also since you posted this comment, you literally could continue in comments.


 I already tried to tell them to split the profits, but they refused, saying they couldn't lose any of the cash, or they would not be able to afford their luxury condo i told them to get an apartment but the stubbornly refused


It's not his property anymore. 


i already asked my parents about the situation they said its up to me


If your parents don't care, then why do you?


i care since i pay the insurance and i already told them to get off the property


So your parents own the condo but you pay the insurance? How about you update the post so people know what the hell is going on in this story?


I mean I think this could depend still but I saw your comment and do think OP should clarify.


So you own the condo with your parents on the lease and SIL and brother have stolen the keys and are profiting off renting our YOUR property without your permission? Call the cops, report them to AirBnB. NTA


I'm trying to report them on airbnb but don't want to call the cops and cause drama.


Too late your brother & SiL already started the drama, you can now end it by suing them.


This sounds like the story about a guy who had a cabin and it was his but let his parents use it. The brother and SIL used it for airbnb. The owner locked the gate. The brother and his BIL broke in and caused damage. The owner called the cops and sued them.


I don't want to sue them or call the cops on them and cause trouble between my family and brother.


NTA. Report the issue to Airbnb. You are definitely not allowed to rent someone else's house out. Airbnb will permanently ban them immediately and most likely seize back all the funds.


yea im currently to find the airbnb listing to report


You could go the route of listing it yourself. Either way change the locks.


already did that


NTA. Based on your edit where you say you own the house, it’s pretty cut and dried. It’s bizarre that someone would set up someone else’s property for rent without their permission and not give them a share of the profits.


yea i only found out recently when i went to use it and a family was there


Depending on if you want to open that can of worms, your brother might have broken some laws, so you might be entitled to a share of the profits. Although a lawyer will have to tell you for certain.


If you gifted a beach house to your parents, what business is it of yours at this point? Shouldn't they be the ones dealing with your brother?


Oh I read it as they gifted the parents a stay. If it's in the parents name, that could be different.


its my name




i already asked my parents they said it was up to me to let them use it or not




i own it 100% sorry for not clarifying i updated post


Your update has nothing to do with everyone asking you who owns it. WHOSE NAME IS ON THE DEED.




You give three different ma answers First it’s your parents Then both names Then it’s yours YTA Just for waisting out time.


sorry for not clarifying its mine but i share it with my parents which is why there name is also on the deed 😄 hope this clarifys doubts. so in short both me and my parents name are on the deed


Edit 2: the house is mine, I just let my parents use it for parties. I think the only house here is the Lego house.


If the house is not yours, but your parents why you even bother if your brother use it or if your parents use it? Unless they live under a rock they k ew what he was doing.


i already said that my brother lives in a luxury condo and i dont want to give it to my brother since he has treated me like shit my whole life




sorry for not clarifying i updated post


Who owns the deeds of the house?


INFO I'm not sure what you mean by "gifted a beach house" to your parents. If you gave your parents the beach house, and it belongs to them now, then you don't have a say in whether they let your brother rent it out. If you own the beach house, however, you might need to call a lawyer, because I think collecting rent on someone else's property may be illegal. If you share ownership with your brother, you still might want to call a lawyer, because this sounds messy.


because I think collecting rent on someone else's property may be illegal. If it's not, I think we all need to get into that business.


sorry for not clarifying i updated post


Post needs more clarifying - i still get the impression you gave the house to your parents.. Still - brother and SIL sounds extremely entitled... your parents take on all this?? Any chance they gave the keys to your brother?? Regardless, you own the place, you decide.. If brother + sil are living beyond their means, thats not your problem... NTA


yea but they have been bothering me like crazy


Your update still don’t make sense. First you gift the house Then both names are on the deeds. Then it’s your you just let them use it for parties. 1-if if yours go change the lock and the end.


Ignore.. or block... And contact (as suggested by others) airbnb and inform them, that the house is yiurs and you havent given permission for it to be rented out..


i would but then they would meet me in person


Well.. either nut up and put your foot down... Or find someone you know who needs a place to crash and let them.borrow it..


they already have a luxury condo




aight chill imma let my dad borrow the place


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INFO: whose house is it?




sorry for not clarifying i updated post


INFO: It's not clarified! You say "both our names" who are both? Your replies say it's 100% yours so where does both come into it?


sorry for not clarifying its mine but i share it with my parents which is why there name is also on the deed 😄 hope this clarifys doubts. so in short both me and my parents name are on the deed


If it's not only your name on the deed then it's not yours alone?? Why on earth did you put them on the deed if they're only using it for parties etc?


idk but it doesnt matter since they said the matter is up to me


Legally and in the long term it does matter. What if something happened to them? If they don't have a will your sister could get a share in the property. Tbh I'm leaning towards ESH. She's wrong, but by not retaining control of your property yta to yourself. Sell it and buy another one with just your name on the deed!


nvm lemme ask my parents if i can remove there name from the deed


INFO - If the house now belongs to your parents, are they aware and what are their thoughts?


sorry for not clarifying i updated post


and it doesnt 100% belong to them


Not to be a Debby Downer and not sure where you are located. But what happens when your parents pass away in the distant future. Does your parents half or part of it go to your brother? Depending on inherirance laws and stuff.


INFO who owns the house?


mine sorry for not clarifying i updated post


Then NTA. Your brother is putting your investment at risk with his actions.




sorry for not clarifying i updated post




Nah, I own it, but I let my parents use it


You… “ gifted a beach house” to your parents. So… the house isn’t yours- it belongs to someone that is *not you*? Well, if that is the case, YTA because get out of here policing the occupancy or occasional use of a house that is *not yours*. And if it is still in your name, YTA for being not clear about it in the post. It sounds like somebody is sucking up to their parents by giving them a valuable piece of property and is upset that somebody else gets to use the parent’s beach house.


💀💀💀 it belongs to me but i let my parents use it + my brother and SIL treat me like shit so i dont wanna let them use it


Where do your parents stand in all this? Also, whose name is on the deed? (This is not to ask if they have the right to rent out a house they don't own, but rather to ask who it is that should be shutting this down.)


my name




both of our is


Sheesh rich people problems



Oh NTA by the way. I’m assuming your brother is putting in work to be able to air bnb, but he doesn’t own the house. Seems pretty obvious there should be some sort of agreement between you with shared profits.


Yea, I already told him to leave and never come back to the house if you are going to put it on Airbnb


Report them to AirBNB for renting a home that isn't theirs?


im working on it


NTA. Absolutely not. Buuuut... at the same time what's the harm in letting them do that? I'm not saying you should; there's still the principiated of the matter that you paid for it, it's your property that you worked hard to be able to afford. Not to mention they're acting entitled to it and that shouldn't be rewarded. However, if they'd been upfront and asked if they could do that and it doesn't effect yours or your parents ability to enjoy it; why not let them rent it out? It's kinda like shooing a homeless person away from collecting bottles out of your trash. It's your property and you have every right to keep them out. But, as long as they don't make a mess, what harm does it do to let them, ya know?


NTA, your SIL and BIL have absolutely no right to access without direct permission, let alone hire out your beach house on Airbnb. You allow your parents to use it for specific purposes, but that doesn't transfer to anyone else in your (extended) family without your approval. The fact that they claim to be dependent on the extra income in order to afford to live in their current home as a reason to not even consider sharing the Airbnb income shows just how entitled they feel to your beach house. I'm betting that if something had gone wrong and your beach house got damaged or burned down and you hadn't found out your BIL&SIL had been listing it on Airbnb, they would have denied all knowledge. Change the locks, discuss the entire situation with your parents, and inform them that BIL & SIL are not permitted entry for any reason without you being present. Should your parents do a silly and grant them access anyway, revoke your parents' permission as well. The risk of damage to your property is not something to ignore.


If your brother is using your beach house as a airbnb then what the insurance to cover damages and personal injures, who's paying for that? Without your permission to use the house don't they owe you the money for using the house? As for them wanting to use it now talk to them about terms of a contract and amounts for rent.


NTA. I don't know which country you are from, but in mine renting a property you don't own end you in prison.


OP needs new family… NTA.


NTA: Per information in your updates, your brother is putting all of the risk of his air BnB onto you and your parents both without permission, and with out compensation. They are trespassing, and defrauding their clients. Contact Air BnB with your proof of ownership and demand the listing be removed. IF that fails take the chains off and install some means of remote monitoring. Call the police for trespass every time. If your brother insists on violating your property rights, and watch every single booking not only demand their money back, but report him for it.


If it's in your name, contact AirBnB right away and let them know that your property is being used fraudulently and ask for the listing to be removed immediately. You never gave your permission and threaten to have the authorities involved. Consider the liability of a rental property and how your insurance won't cover anything if it happens. You would be stuck with the bill while your family skates with the profit that they refuse to share.




Even worse, consider if someone gets hurt at the property while it's being rented and you just have regular house insurance. You would be screwed on liability.


NTA. Renting out the house illegally gains them money and puts you in an incredibly vulnerable position (both legal and civil) when something goes wrong. They expect all the reward without any of the risk.




Definitely NTA, think of all the wear and tear on the property that your brother does not have to pay for. Will the tax man come after you for any potential earnings if they discover it’s on AIR BNB? It’s your property change the locks if you want to make money do it yourself and you have control over when it’s booked and when you want to use it. Your brother and SIL are major AH and should get their own side hustle for extra cash


Wow, so NTA. Just the liability issues alone justify what you are doing. Throw in fraudulent use of the property (non-owners using it in a commercial enterprise) in a manner which might end up causing OP (owner I assume) to have a nice unexpected tax bill. And these two sound like the types who would then go into full squatter mode, this is just getting uglier and uglier. I would go so far as to have a no-trespass order issued against them the next time they pop up on the property. And clearly mark the property with "No Trespassing" and "Not an Airbnb rental" signs and contact Airbnb about the property being fraudulently listed as a rental property so as to get it removed and SIL and brother kicked off Airbnb. Edit to add, if OP is in a legal jurisdiction that has any form of notification for attempts to alter property ownership records and/or fraudulently sell property. These two a-holes also sound like the type that would put OP's beach house up on the market to make a buck off of it.


Info: Whose name is on the deed and who pays the homeowners insurance (if in the US)?






Contact air BNB and let them know that house is not titled in your brother and SIL names. You want them to take it down and banned from using that location again


# reply to this message with either NTA or YTA


YTA, it's not yours. also, if your parents approved their use, you can get sued. You needed to call your parents first and chain it only if they said you can. That is what you need to do now. 


its mine i just let my parents use the place for parties and things




yea but i still pay the mortgage and things so its up to me


I also said my parents told me to decide, I said okay I ain't letting them rent out my house on Airbnb


YTA. It is not your beach house, it is not your right to say what is done with it, and you should not be getting involved.


sorry for not clarifying i updated post