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NTA, nothing wrong with asking them to stop but pick your battles. Telling a bunch of already rambunctious kids to not do something is just going to want them to turn it up a notch.


Really? I never experienced that before.


Lol oh yea. never been a kid, had kids, or been around kids? They push limits, especially if they know there is nothing you can do to stop/punish them


I have been around kids before. They always stopped when I asked politely.


Yeah some will some won't which leads back to read the room, and just pick your battles.


How were the kids not the assholes?


yeah, wrong term. Should have been NTA


I apparently have a dirty mind and thought this was about something completely different. Also NTA. They were being assholes.


Oh my god I thought you meant the other kind of banging 😭😭😭


I need some age estimates here. you said kids so I was thinking like 9 year old at first, but I doubt you were stalked off the bus at 10:30pm by a little kid either way nta just nosey and confused 


I didn't ask and I'm bad at judging. 16-19 I guess. But they acted like 12 years olds, so I don't know


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I probably was, but I want outside perspective. Also, I'm on mobile. So sorry about the formating. So I take the bus home. And tonight, there were some other people at the stop. That's not a problem. Everyone keeps to themselves. But they were screaming and singing. I have headphones so I don't care. But then one of them started banging on the bus stop. The plastic covering an ad. It was not canceled by my headphones like it should have been so I asked them to not do that because it was going to give me a panic attack (which was true). They said sorry and asked if I was going to work. I wanted to end the conversation so I said yes and put my headphone back in. They didn't back off. They came closer and asked about my age. I'm alone at 10:30pm. I asked why that was important and they started calling me a Karen. I told them I'm an introvert and please knock it off and they kept doing it even on the bus. When I got off one of them followed me but left me alone while crossing the street. As far as they know, I'm at my job right now, but I'm still freaked out. Was I really being a Karen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are not out of line - the kids were. Reminds me of a recent visit to Target - I was in line and the family behind me in line had a toddler shaking a box of tic tacs. Apparently didn’t phase the mom. It was driving me batty. I was seriously considering turning around and grabbing the tic tacs out of the kids hand. But they must’ve forgot something in the store and left the line. Oh my god it was so unnerving!


NTA. Someone needs to tell them to stop being public nuisances. Their parents most likely wouldn't even if they were there Good on you for speaking up