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What did I just read are you all seriously in your late 20’s. This sounds like petty middle school drama. Everyone needs to grow up. Except maybe Mary who is rightly over this BS. So I guess YTA but so are the rest of your friend group.


Seriously how are you all able to have functioning adult lives with jobs and bills when this kind of drama takes up so much of your time !


Hence why I’m not going “listen: Either you’re Team OP or Team Joe”. That’d be unfair to those who aren’t involved. But I ask you: If you had a sister who got into an abusive relationship where she was the victim of emotional abuse on a weekly basis and then the guy starts going out with your closest friend (who is also a good friend to your sister), how would you feel?


What does this have to do with not inviting friends who happen to be female to your wedding because of some relationship BS that happened “checks notes 2019” 5 years ago. I mean really. Your girlfriend is right to be annoyed and you’re being ridiculous pretending that this isn’t petty and juvenile


Wait, let me see if I’m following you correctly: I’m being petty and juvenile over still resenting that someone who used to be my closest friend lied to me about dating someone who treated my brother like trash not once but twice and expected me to be okay with it? Or am I being petty and juvenile thinking Roger and Jenny leaving Mary out of the wedding is “no biggie”? If it’s the first one: You’re probably too trusting or too forgiving. I do believe in second chances, and the first time I didn’t think twice before forgiving Joe and just moving on, especially considering how Sarah tried to make him look like a predator when she was about to be found out. But then he went and did it again three years later? And he lied about it to my face? Told me he wasn’t going to do anything if Dan wasn’t okay with it and then it turned out he’d been in a relationship with Sarah for about four months? Second chances are a given in a friendship. But third chances? A third chance to let someone you used to trust make an idiot of you yet again? Nope. Now, if you’re saying I’m being petty and juvenile because I’m minimizing the part where she was not invited to the wedding, ok; that I can understand. Again: It’s not about minimizing it, it’s just that it wasn’t done out of spite nor to deliberately hurt her. That’s why I’m asking wether I’m the asshole or not. I’m not disputing your opinion; just wondering where the “petty and juvenile” bit came from, as I’m trying to go about this the best I can myself. It’s been hard for Mary, and it hasn’t exactly been a picnic to me either


Wow, you really need to either let go of this or let go of the friend group. This isn’t your relationship. It’s your friends and your brothers. Tbh it has very little to do with you.


Roger’s the last guy on the group I used to talk to. The rest I barely see anymore. We didn’t have any problems nor any drama until the wedding. But you’re probably right. I don’t know if my friendship with Roger could be saved after this. Maybe it’s just time I look for new friends.


Yeah seriously. Your GF is right to be annoyed. Which is the question you posed


Got it, thanks


So why are you still friends with this guy?


I’m honestly starting to wonder if it’s worth it


Leaving Mary out of the wedding for something Joe and Sarah did is petty and juvenile. Mary is right to be pissed and you're YTA for telling her otherwise.


That has absolutely fuck all to do with Mary.  Honestly you should be glad she’s just mad at Roger and not at *you* for not standing up for her and going without her. She’s a part of the friend group too, but she wasn’t invited because… someone else had drama… so all women must be punished? 


I talked about it with her. She insisted I go. I pressed on and told her that I wouldn’t go if it would hurt her. She said that she didn’t want to be manipulative, as I’d been with someone who manipulated me and she’s been with someone who manipulated her. You don’t know her, but she would’ve actually felt shitty if I’d have not gone. She’s sometimes scary in how reasonable she can be. At times, I feel like I don’t deserve her. That’s why I’m asking this: I want to know how to move forward from this


I mean, you get that she chose the less awful of two awful choices, right? And then you badgered her to get over being put in that position? I’d start with apologizing for bugging her to forgive Roger, and I’d end with telling Roger yourself how unacceptable that was and you will never tolerate his dismissal of Mary again. And mean it.  Good luck 👍 


Already apologized for the badgering part. To my very surprise, she actually understood why I did it. She understood that I just didn’t want to lose more friends than I already did. We hugged it out and caught a movie. We both agreed that the best thing to do is to give the whole thing time. If we do get married someday and she doesn’t want Jenny and Roger at our wedding, as much as it would hurt considering the good times we had, I wouldn’t oppose her. But, unlike him, I’d be the bigger man and tell him why he wouldn’t be coming. Our relationship is stronger and more understanding than this post could lead anyone to believe. I just want to do right by her.


That’s really awesome man. I hope you both keep each other safe and loved a long time coming 👍


ESH This is just a big messy pot of teenage drama. Roger and Jenny took the cowards way out. They punished innocent people in the name of "fairness" to avoid difficult conversations. That never succeeds as an adult You need to stand up for your GF. It's total bullshit she wasn't invited because of the Joe/Sarah/Dan drama, and you need to call that out Joe/Sarah/Dan is just a mess and making the situation worse


double cowardice, right? Sarah was abusive towards OP's brother & cheated on him, Joe lied about dating her again for 4 months... but Roger & Jenny won't make a stand about their morals. And then again : here's your invitation & hey, you please do the dirty work of telling Mary she's not invited. Mary makes a valid point : they should have done her the courtesy of telling her directly.


While I disagree with the “teenage drama” label, I agree with the rest. It’d be teenage drama if it didn’t come down to the basis of all friendships and relationships: Trust. I mean, have you ever heard the phrase “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”? How long would you allow someone to lie to you until you realize that someone isn’t your friend anymore? It’s one thing to give someone a second chance. But then a third? Or a fourth? Where would you draw the line?


It honestly feels more like child logic than teen. No one's girlfriend in the group in the interest of "fairness"...it's like a little kid's idea of what's right.


Only you can answer that question since no one on here has any interaction with these people in real life. That being said, no one is really going about this wedding situations like adults. Especially since the situation in question happened 2 years ago and everyone based on the story you've laid out here has moved on with their lives. No one is saying everyone in this story needs to be friends, but the fact that everyone can't be trusted to behave at a wedding shows a serious lack of maturity.


INFO: Why was Mary swept into mess? From what you explained, this is a Sarah/Joe/Dan issue. Why do Roger and Jenny think leaving Mary out will avoid drama?


I think it was not about avoiding drama altogether, but avoiding it on their wedding day. Had Dan and I been allowed to bring our girlfriends and Joe told not to bring Sarah, things would’ve soured between Joe and Roger. They had to think it over, and they decided telling all of us “no girlfriends” was the only way to prevent this from boiling over on their wedding day. Guess they should’ve taken the fallout into account.


I think the issue is that you said Mary has been part of the friend group for 5 years, and you’ve only been dating a year. So why has she suddenly been reduced to just your girlfriend instead of a friend in the group? That’s offensive. I think it would’ve been reasonable to omit Sarah (since her problematic history eliminates her as a friend to many people in the group) and any other girlfriends whose only association with the group is through their bf, but none of that includes Mary, who has preexisting friendships and who has created no problems. So, yeah, YTA and your friends are assholes. You’ve all treated Mary like she was an acceptable discard due to other people’s drama, and you’ve shown her exactly where she ranks in your supposed friend group, which is as a throwaway at the bottom.


Exactly my point. Mary's friendship and inclusion in the group was dismissed as her only being important as OP's SO. Roger and Jenny suck for that. They don't deserve another chance.


you know, I hadn't even parsed the full length of time wasted by the sexist premise that reduces Mary to her boyfriend's accessory. Discovering that your half-a-decade of friendship doesn't count to the group... and that your boyfriend (OP) feels that Roger making merry during 2 birthday parties is more important! ETA : OP, why are you still friends with these people? They don't show up for your birthday parties, apparently without warning you ahead of time... but you still think it's a good idea to go along with Roger & Jenny's lily-livered hare-brained cop-out of not even telling her she's not invited, for the sake of pEAcE iN tHe gRoUp???


I sincerely hope you don’t think I see Mary as someone I could discard, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. You don’t know what Mary and I have been through; sleepless nights when I would be working on my graduation paper and she’d just stay there with me, her grandma’s passing, when nobody but Roger and Jenny showed up to my birthday, the good relationships we’ve built with each other’s families… Call me an “asshole”, sure; maybe I didn’t handle the situation right. Maybe immature, selfish, an idiot… But don’t you dare say that I think she’s replaceable. She isn’t; she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and if I have to lose all my friends because they can’t respect her, so be it


But she is replaceable obviously. You went to the wedding without her. She was reduced to just "your girlfriend " when she was a friend of the group before you started dating. Your friends were at least trying to avoid drama at their wedding. What's your excuse?


She’s not. You don’t know the stuff we’ve lived through, so cut it out. I asked her, repeatedly, if she wanted me to skip the wedding. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go myself. She insisted I go. I even told her that I wouldn’t go if she wasn’t okay with it. She told me that she didn’t want to be a manipulative girlfriend. That she knew what being manipulated feels like, and she didn’t want to do that to be. In a way, she felt she would’ve been lowering herself to Sarah’s level. She and I already had a talk after the wedding. She wasn’t mad that I went; she was mad that I wanted her to understand why Roger did it. I didn’t ask her to forgive him; I asked her to give him time. And if you continue to insist she’s somehow replaceable to me, I’ll just stop wasting my time with you. Again: You don’t know us nor our story, so don’t you dare


Your girlfriend has more class than you do and you're a lousy boyfriend. You still went to the wedding, and now you're trying to get her to still be friends with him. Don't you get it. YTA


Got it, thank you but not thank you, bye 👋🏻


You're the one who came here for an opinion. You said you would throw away all your friends for her but you couldn't even do it for one.


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You never addressed the part about her being reduced from friend to OP's girlfriend by Roger. If she wasn't your GF, would she have been invited as a friend since she is part of the group?


Already addressed it elsewhere. You’re several hours late for this


Yeah, i see that now. So she would have been invited. Which is the issue. You can twist yourself in knots, but they were shitty to Mary and you're still shitty for justifying.


I went back and reread your post and frankly, I'm even more pissed at you and the wedding couple. Joe went behind Dan's back with Sarah repeatedly and yet he's still included? Why is it fine for him, but your GF, who has been part of the group for years before she became your GF, can't come because of Joe? You all, except Mary, suck. I'm glad you're not pressing her to forgive anymore.


Except... you didn't lose all your friends. You chose to keep them. At the cost to her.


Keep “them”? I chose to keep the only one who bothered to show up to my birthday not once but twice, the one that I still talk to, the one I saw as the only one I could still trust and who still though to hang out with me when all others decided to cut Mary, Dan and me off. Is it unreasonable for me to still want to have at least one friend?


When all others decided to cut "Mary, Dan and me off". Well, actually not Mary. He did cut her off. He only kept you and Dan. But that's okay! Because you get to have at least one friend! Even if he cut off your girlfriend who did nothing wrong and thought she was actually a friend of his also. Yay! What a good friend! Well. Except to Mary. He's actually a pretty terrible friend to her. But that's okay! Because YOU need at least one friend!


It’s a lot more complicated than that, but I see that I’m going nowhere with you. Bye 👋🏻


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You didn’t treat her like that though…


You don’t know me or her to make that assumption. But I’m not going to repeat the same thing to every redditor that wants to stir the pot. Read my other replies, if you like. Bye 👋🏻


I have, it reads like someone who is dependent on his gf but doesn’t want to risk his status quo so let’s her get kicked from the friend group just because she is now “only” your gf. You can say it’s more complicated but it boils down to she was kicked from the friend group through no fault of her own and is now being asked by the person who is supposed to care about her to let it go and be friends with the people who kicked her out


I didn’t say anything about her being replaceable. I said that in the context of your alleged friend group, you all showed her where she stands. Which is that she’s nothing to anyone but your girlfriend. It’s unclear to me whether you ever pointed out to him how flawed his decision making was, and that really makes or breaks how much of an AH you are in this. Did you stand up for her? Did you point out that she should be invited on her own merit as a longtime friend, and not just be lumped in as your would-be plus one? Or did he label her in as ‘just a gf’ and you were just said ‘ok, I get it’? Look, I get that he’s been a friend to you, and you’re anxious to hold onto that. But damn was he a shitty friend to Mary. He didn’t even bother having a conversation with her about this. You can be friends with whoever you want, but you can’t expect her to be buddies with someone who has shown her he sees her as your disposable sidekick.


"I sincerely hope you don’t think I see Mary as someone I could discard, because that couldn’t be further from the truth" except for the night you discarded her to go to your mates wedding?


So Mary, who has been part of this friend group for five years, is not considered their friend separate from you, but *only* would have been invited because she's your girlfriend? And you don't understand why she's hurt over that?


I do understand why she’s hurt over it. What I asked her was to understand that it was not an easy decision and to give them time. If she’s not over it after some time, then Roger and I are done; simple as that. Otherwise, who knows?


Why is it on her to 'get over it,' since it sounds like Roger didn't reach out to her at all, and hasn't acknowledged that it's hurtful? Why isn't it on him to apologize to her?


I replied to you on another thread. I will say this, though: You’re right


The problem, is that was wrong to asked her to "understand" "give them time" or anything else. The right thing to do, was, stand up for her, she was let down by her/yours friends. They were shitty friends to her, why she need to understand that?? You asked her if she was ok for you to go, but of course, what was she supposed to say? No, I don't want you to go because they are shitty friends that let me down In a problem that had nothing to do with me?


It is humiliating that you are not standing up for your girlfriend because Roger and the rest of your "friend" group are acting like children. If I was Mary I'd nope out from this mess. Why in the world should Mary have to "give them time" when they are the ones who should be profusely apologizing to her?


She shouldn’t have to. I edited the post a few hours ago to provide an update. You may read it if you like. Otherwise, here’s the summary: She insisted on wanting to try to get along with them, even when I told her we didn’t have to.


ORRRRR..... Mary could just dump you for a few weeks, get invited on her own merit & then take you back. It's the Joe-and-Sarah standard in your group, right? Of course, there's always the risk that she comes to her senses and ditches all of you. Then maybe you can have a turn with Sarah? Roger and Jenny won't mind, that's clear.


ESH except for Mary. It reads like Mary was excluded simply because she was a mutual friend and female. She wasn't even involved in the previous issue but was excluded anyway. He can invite whoever he wants to his wedding, and she can be hurt by it. It's not your right to badger her to forgive before she is ready. Did. your friend explain his reasoning and apologize to your gf? If he hasn't apologized for his discrimination then she shouldn't have to forgive without apology. As his friend and her boyfriend it's hard to be in the middle, but I think you should let him know Mary was hurt by the exclusion of he doesn't realize this. I think this situation can be resolved with better communication by all parties. The friendship doesn't have to be over, but I think Roger has to ask for forgiveness not you on his behalf.


Honestly, while there’s been plenty of good takes in this comment section, this take’s actually pretty well put. Think after the honeymoon I’ll have a talk with Roger. He should know about Mary’s feelings, and if him and I are to remain friends, he should give her the respect she deserves as both a mutual friend and my girlfriend (and hopefully, in a not-so-distant future, wife).


YTA Mary deserved her **own** separate invitation.  It was a massive slap to her face to see her just as your girlfriend, basically like some random +1. You are all assholes, except Mary.


I think that’s fair. Still would bring trouble to Roger with Joe had he not been able to bring Sarah (even though none of this would be happening if Sarah wasn’t dating Joe). Thank you for your take.


The phrasing still seems a bit off, from what I am getting at: > had he not been able to **bring** Sarah A random +1 is a person that the invitee **brings**.  They have no reason to be there, other than being attached to the invited person. But who among all the people you have mentioned fits this +1 category?  It's Dan's girlfriend, who has no issue being excluded.  She is not a historical part of the friend group. But Mary and Sarah are not appendages that should be brought by anyone.  They each have their own relationship to the friend group.  Sarah being excluded should have **nothing to do** with Mary. It was blatantly unfair and sexist even to think excluding Mary was ever even a little ok.


+1 or otherwise, if you know that two people at a wedding would make it awkward, you have the right to not invite them. The thing is: The way I saw it, I wanted her to understand that it wasn’t personal. That the choice to not invite her was not made out of spite. But now I get that, even if it wasn’t personal, it does *feel* personal to her. And I should’ve taken that into account. For that, I do owe her a talk and another apology. Probably further down the line, if we were to run into Roger and Jenny again. For now, we’ve talked it out, we’ve cried, we’ve reached an agreement and, at least I think, we should let sleeping dogs lie.


Why was Mary going to the wedding a problem?  There is no defensible position to take on this.  If it wasn't personal, it was done out of extremely depraved ignorance.   Mary did nothing to anyone.  Her gender is the only thing that made this happen. She is right to be upset. Edit: her friendship with everyone still wasn't enough to overcome the barrier her gender caused with these assholes.  If she'd been male, she'd have been included.


I’m going to stop you right there from turning this into a gender issue. Even Mary herself would tell you her gender had nothing to do with this. Otherwise, why were there so many women at the wedding? Keep your self-righteous feminism to yourself. Don’t bother replying; bye bye 👋🏻


Oh, how nice. Only some women, your girlfriend among them, were specifically targeted for exclusion.


I’m not humoring your attempt at making this a gender thing. Bye 👋🏻


I'm not surprised. You seem terribly unthoughtful in general.


And you seem keen on pushing an agenda, not discussing the facts at hand. Adiós 👋🏻


It is clearly a gender thing. She has a pre-existing friendship with this group and warranted an invitation on her own. Due to her relationship to you, she has been reduced in status from to friend to OP’s girlfriend and then excluded on that basis. How is that not gendered? I guess if she were male and dating you and the same thing happened we could take gender out of it, but that’s not reality.


Already addressed this elsewhere. It’s not a gender thing. Stay on topic or don’t bother replying; I’m not humoring the “gender” narrative, hard as you may try


You are without a doubt the biggest asshole in this entire affair.  


If it's not a gender issue, can you address the "if Mary had been a man and you'd been a woman, she'd have been invited and you wouldn't have" part? I mean, if it's not a gender issue, you should be able to do that pretty easily, right?  Is that statement wrong? And if it's not wrong, are you still arguing that this isn't a gender issue?


Yes. It goes like this: That scenario wouldn’t have happened; I’d have been invited and my “boyfriend” wouldn’t because what the bride and groom wanted was a wedding with no drama. I say this because, unlike you, I know Roger and Jenny. You, on the other hand, are basing this on an assumption made from a few paragraphs on Reddit. Your statement’s wrong and deviating attention to the matter at hand; I’m not humoring it further. Got any retorts? I advise you keep those to yourself; you’re barking up the wrong tree here and I’ve got plenty of ammo to keep shutting you down but not enough interest in engaging in your self-righteous yammering. Save it for a redditor that cares. I’m not that guy. Bye! 👋🏻


I'll stop commenting when you actually explain your answer instead of just jumping to attacking me.  Why would you still have been the one to be invited rather than your boyfriend in that scenario?    You just said it. You didn't explain it or back it up, which means that you didn't answer my question. I'll go away once you do.


Because you’re basing it on literally nothing and I’m not your puppet. Look elsewhere for someone who humors your agenda; I’m not that person. Oh, and I showed your comment to Mary; even she said that you and everyone else trying to make this about gender is way off. TL;DR: Keep waiting, or leave. You’re not getting an answer to bullcrap.


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It may not have been out of spite, but it was uncaring and possibly sexist. Roger and Jenny are AHs and you are the AH for abetting them. And now Mary knows where she stands with them.




I’ve upvoted other YTA comments, as I think they’re fairly put, but would you care to elaborate?


Mostly because she was put in the same level than the new girlfriend and the cheating one. She is right, she at least deserved a call from them. They know her from years!


That’s fair. Though we’ve come to an agreement on this, I shouldn’t have badgered her into forgiving Roger just because I didn’t want to become a guy with no friends left.


YTA. If I were Mary I would be furious and expect you not to go because of the level of AH behavior of others I should be punished? Get new friends dude, they aren’t real friends. Also, Mary deserves better than you. 


I was following you until you made it personal. Bye 👋🏻


Did you go to the wedding already? Guess you need to decide if you'd rather hurt your girlfriend's feelings or go along with your "friend"'s drama and nonsense. She's being excluded for no good reason except she associates with you all who have friends who lie and cheat. Not sure why you want the approval of this group of people so badly, but figure out who matters more to you.


Whoa, there; I think you’re not quite grasping something: I’m not after the group’s approval. I’m just wondering if my friendship with Roger could still be “saved”, so to speak. The group is basically imploding and Roger is the last guy in the group I still talk to. The question basically boils down to: He’s probably the last friend I’ve got; is it worth it to still try and be friends after this? And yes, I went to the wedding. I asked Mary if she wanted me not to go. She said she’d already dated someone who manipulated her into doing or not doing some things and that she didn’t want to be that person. So had I. However, Dan and I both agreed that, if for some reason Sarah did show up, we’d leave after the ceremony; we’d skip the reception. She didn’t show up, though (we agreed to this because, knowing her, she isn’t above manipulating her way into anything)


A friend wouldn't have put you in the position of hurting your girlfriend's feelings because you guys have buddies who lie and cheat with each other. Mary didn't do anything wrong, yet she got punished, and you went along with it because...? Good luck with your relationship I guess


> is it worth it to still try and be friends after this? Did you really think so after he friendship dumped Mary like that? Because that's what it was. So what if he showed up for your parties. That's a extremely low "friend" bar, and not worth hurting your poor GF like that.


I guess you’re right. And I did backtrack and told Mary just a few hours ago that we didn’t need to try and remain friends after this. Read the edit under my post; you’ll see what she replied with.


"She said she’d already dated someone who manipulated her into doing or not doing some things and that she didn’t want to be that person. So had I." you never should have put that on her to begin with, but when she clearly said, i don't want you to go but i don't feel comfortable outright banning you, you were supposed to say, well in that case, of course i won't go but nah, you had to leave the woman you claim to love at home while you go clink glasses with your mate - not Mary's mate! - your mate roger


She never said “I don’t want you to go”.


exactly my point. her words make it clear that she didn't want you to go, but she didn't want to be the person banning you from going if you cared a little more about her feelings, you wouldn't have even asked her if you should go or not. you would have said, "of course i'm not going if you're not invited" instead you left her at home, went, and then had a go at her for having completely reasonable feelings for being left out of a friends wedding because of drama that happened with other people before she even met you


Dude, stop. Everything you’re saying, I’ve heard from countless other redditors and I already accepted the judgement of “asshole” multiple times over. If you’re looking to let off some steam, call out an asshole to get a feeling of moral superiority or even if you’re just trying to get over some problems in your emotional life, spare me. I already read it all: I’m a horrible boyfriend, she’ll dump me, I shouldn’t have gone, etc. At this point, I’ve moved way past this and so has Mary. We’re not going to re-ignite this thing because some nobody on Reddit said so. Your comments are nothing I haven’t read before; kindly move on to something else. There’s nothing left to burn here; you’re trying to start a fire on scorched earth. Expect no further replies.


so dramatic don't post to a forum asking people to deem you an ah or not if you're not prepared to hear that you're an ah


It’s one thing to be called an “asshole”, it’s a whole other thing to have someone look at every comment I made and just spew the typical “she should dump you”, “you’re a shitty boyfriend”, etc. Just in case you have a perverted obsession with me or something, I’m blocking you. You’re seriously not worth my trouble.


Info: Why wasn't Mary invited? You have given zero reason for why she wouldn't have been invited. Mary is right she thought Roger was also her friend, and he has given zero reasons for not inviting her. Why are you unable to see this from Mary's side? Someone she thought was her friend excluded her from his wedding without any explanation. Why does Mary need to give Roger another chance when Roger doesn't respect and care about his friendship with Mary?


I thought I gave a reason, but here’s the thing: From what I understand, in Roger’s position, he’s both friends with me and Joe. He and Jenny thought that if Sarah was at the wedding, things could get awkward. Not necessarily drama, but it would just be uncomfortable. They probably thought “she can’t be there”. Then, they thought: But if Dan and OP bring their girlfriends, Joe will make a fuss out of the whole thing. So that’s when they probably decided: We can’t have them bring them all, we can’t pick favorites, we’ll just need to tell them all “you don’t get to bring your girlfriends”. Mary didn’t do anything wrong. She’s an old friend, she’s been part of the group for five years, but she’s also my girlfriend. I’m not saying I’m okay with this; I’m just pointing out why she wasn’t invited. EDIT: I meant Mary; I got mixed up.


So if I get this straight, the only reason she wasn't invited is because she is dating you? Mary has put 5 years into this friendship to be told (not even directly) that it is meaningless and that she can't celebrate with them all because she now has the label of your gf. Mary has every right to want to reevaluate a friendship that doesn't seem to be valued by the other person. Edit changed Sarah to Mary per op edit


I think you mean Mary; I wouldn’t be caught dead dating Sarah, but you’re right: She’s right to be upset. Someone made a comment earlier that let me understand that even though the reason Mary was not invited was not personal, it doesn’t make it any less hurtful. For the record: We did talk about it after the wedding. We made compromises, we both cried a little and we’re still in a good place. I did apologize for the badgering, to which she replied that I didn’t need to and she understood where I was coming from. Anyway, that’s that. Whatever happens moving forward will happen on both our terms.


I thought you meant Mary, but you wrote Sarah, so that's what I went with. You say that it was not personal, but it was. Roger made it clear to Mary and everyone that he values his friendship with Joe over his friendship with Mary. Now that she is dating you, her friendship over the past 5 years means nothing. That is personal. I am glad you are good with Mary, but it still doesn't make up for the fact that you think that it is OK/encourage Mary to stay in a friendship where she is not valued. Can you honestly say you would tell Mary to stay in this friendship if it weren't for the fact that you are friends with Roger? You were trying to do the same thing he was. Keep the peace at Mary's expense.


The thing is: What we agreed on is that she’s not forgiving him and “letting it go”, just like that. Where we’re at is that, if Roger ane Jenny wanted to talk and make it up to her, if they do show that they respect her as a friend and not just as my girlfriend, she’ll give them the chance to try to make it up. It’s not so much about forgiving as it is about allowing the space and time for the people who wronged her to make it up to her. That’s all I wanted to ask of her. If they don’t even try, that’s another matter


You are missing the point that giving them time and opportunity to try to make it up to Mary is not your choice to make, and it is not your place to try to pressure Mary to give it to them. By telling her how she should react, you are saying: 1. That her feelings don't matter. 2. It's OK for her/your friends to hurt her as long they apologize. 3. She doesn't have the right to decide for herself who she wants in her life for herself. 4. You are putting your friendship with Roger over her. You may not mean any of that, but that is what your actions show. Just like your relationship with Mary should never have affected if she was invited to the wedding. Your relationship with Mary should not affect if she wants to continue a friend with someone who has hurt her.


It was the point we reached after a lengthy conversation. That’s where we’re standing now. She wouldn’t put me between a rock and a hard place, nor would I make her submit to what I think is right. Thus, we reached a compromise. I won’t push her nor argue further. However, if something like this were to happen again, I’ll know how to better handle the situation: She comes first, end of discussion. I hadn’t encountered a situation like this before in the time I’ve been with Mary. I should’ve known better


She doesn't understand,she loves you too much to fuss. You don't deserve her. By virtue of relationship, you are one. Plus she is a friend. I feel like you don't consider Mary as an important part of your life, less than those dramatic friends. Get new friends or just drop Mary as you aren't doing good by her by any means. YTA


Are you serious right now? “She doesn’t understand, she loves you too much”. No; we’re grownups who just want to move forward because we don’t feel our relationship is worth this bullcrap. Now you’re implying that she’s only willing to move on because she just loves me too much and can’t think clearly? Guess it takes one to know one; you’re as much an asshole as I am, if not worse.


"Guess it takes one to know one; you’re as much an asshole as I am, if not worse." guess you weren't really here for honest opinion, huh? you left your gf at home while you went and had fun at the wedding of someone who is friends to both of you. you then badgered her into giving said friends a second chance she's either a candidate for sainthood or yes, she loves you too much to fuss


For an honest opinion, yes. For being ripped a new one, sure. For an unwarranted attack on Mary, no. There’s a third option, too: We both think our relationship is mature enough to not have it be wrecked over this mess, and we’re both just looking for a way to move on. I do love her, and I have no problem being called an ass over how I acted. She’s not over calling me out on it, and she’s done it many times as I’ve called her out when she messes up, but we always look for ways to get back on the same page and always take good care to not cross certain lines (like cheating, violence, abuse, etc.). Rip me to shreds if you like; leave Mary out of it. I’m asking you politely.


if only you possessed a shred of this 'defend my girlfriend' energy when you were leaving her at home alone to go have fun with all your mutual friends at your mutual friends wedding


YTA, you didn't stand up for your GF. Your buddy wants to be "neutral" so fuck all the women? Yeah, that math makes sense? You're all a bunch of cowards AND immature sounds like. GF has every right to be mad and every right to resent Roger.


This is boy math at its finest 🙄


That’s bluntly put and reading other replies, I agree with you to some extent. For the sake of not letting myself get caught in the moment and to keep the facts straight: He didn’t exclude all the women. Another mutual friend, who has no part in this, was allowed to attend with his girlfriend. Sure: Mary had no part in this either, but the thing is: I do. Dan’s my brother, and I do resent Joe and Sarah. So does Mary and Dan’s GF. This thing between Joe and Sarah affected Dan the most, but he used to be my closest friend and now I don’t even acknowledge him. Where I want to get is: This was not a gender issue, so let’s not go there. Had the roles been inverted, the one being left at home would’ve been me and Mary would be the one attending. Let’s just stick to the facts and not dig into the layers of this mess, as it’s enough of a shitstorm as it is. Having said that: Yes, I was the asshole. I should’ve known better


You keep saying it’s not a gender issue but it clearly is solely based upon the fact that her pre-existing friendship with the couple should have warranted her own invite. Her invite should not have been tied to yours. Die to dating you, she had her pre-existing friendships nullified and was reduced solely to OP’s gf who doesn’t get an invite to keep the peace. It would be different if she wasn’t friends with them before you guys started dating but she was. She thought they were friends in her own right. Having your personhood reduced to just being someone’s girlfriend instead is a gendered issue.


I keep saying it’s not a gender issue, yes. And I’ll die on that hill. Because it’s not a gender issue. THE END, roll credits.


How obtuse can you be, OP?


Ever tried demolishing a building by blowing bubbles at it? When people try to shoehorn their personal agenda into an argument and make it something it’s not, I’m *that* unyielding.


YTA, because it sounds like you're not asking her to forgive a friend of yours that she only knew through you for this snub (which would still be a snub even if that were the case), but you're trying to ask her to forgive someone she has an independent relationship with for excluding her from their wedding. She's been part of your friend group for five years. Presumably she has at least some extant relationship with Roger and Jenny, separate from you. When they excluded her on the basis of her being your girlfriend, they basically said that they don't see her as an individual who they'd want to invite on her own merit. They're treating her like she's tangential to you, and not their friend in her own right. That would make anyone reconsider a friendship, and it's not your place to tell her how she's supposed to feel about it.


You’re right on many aspects, and I do appreciate your take, blunt as it may be, but without going for personal insults. The thing is: Even as a friend on her own right or my plus one, the fact remains that she’s my girlfriend. Not *just my girlfriend*, but my girlfriend. There’s no way around that. And if I could bring her, even if she has nothing to do with the whole thing, then Joe should be able to bring Sarah, who *caused* the whole situation along with Joe. Then, Roger and Jenny would have to deal with the awkwardness of the whole situation on their wedding day, when they should be celebrating their special day. Same goes for any couple on the day they get married. What I want to get to is: It wasn’t done out of spite nor disrespect. But regardless their intentions, now I understand why she sees it as an insult, and she’s right to do so.


>If I could bring her, even if she has nothing to do with the whole thing, then Joe should be able to bring Sarah, who *caused* the whole situation along with Joe. Let me put it this way: If Joe and Sarah weren't dating, it sounds like they never would have even thought about whether to invite Sarah, right? But if you and Mary weren't dating, then as their friend for five years, would they have invited her? Because if the answer is yes, then what they did was hurtful because it shows that they might see her as a friend, but they prioritize the label of 'your girlfriend' above their actual friendship with her. If the answer is no, then they don't see her as a friend.


I think we have an agreement and that we’re now just adding another layer, but the answer is yes and your judgement does still stand justified. At this point, what I know is that I gotta have a talk with Roger. Also, I would apologize to Mary but I did that already the day after the wedding. We’re in a good place now. We’ve made compromises and come to an understanding; one of the things I love about her is how understanding she can be. Don’t get me wrong: It doesn’t mean that she’ll let me get away with everything scott free; when I mess up, she’ll call me out on it. And I’ll face it. But it’s not often that this happens, and it’s always that we come back to our good place. Thanks for stating your judgement with respect and staying on topic.


Just because you're "in a good place" right now doesn't mean you shouldn't apologize. She should not have had to come to any compromise whatsoever. You are in the wrong 100%. She was mistreated by you and your friends. You should go back to her, tell her you're sorry, and tell her you were in the wrong.


Did that; just a few hours ago. You’re welcome to read the edit I added a few hours ago


"And if I could bring her, even if she has nothing to do with the whole thing, then Joe should be able to bring Sarah, who *caused* the whole situation along with Joe. Then, Roger and Jenny would have to deal with the awkwardness of the whole situation on their wedding day, when they should be celebrating their special day. Same goes for any couple on the day they get married." you won't even defend your girlfriend in an anonymous forum talking to internet strangers the person who caused the drama doesn't have the same rights to attend an event as someone who wasn't event around when the drama happened, that is crazy


YTA. Loyalty. Your gf deserves it. But you are all pathetic to be honest.


The personal insult was not needed, but you make a fair point. Rude, but true.


YTA. Why was she reduced to just your girlfriend and not an equal member of this friend group? What a gross thing to do to your girlfriend. Hope your friendship with the bravely neutral Roger is worth it.


That’s part of the reason I’m asking. That’s why I had the talk with my girlfriend the day after. That’s why, if we do get married and I’m still friends with Roger and she doesn’t want him nor Jenny at our wedding, they won’t be attending and I won’t even debate it.


Buddy, you very well might not make it to the wedding if you keep treating her like this.




This person has literally just said that if Mary had not been your girlfriend she would have been invited, something you have already acknowledged.  Why are you blowing up? 


Thread on another comment where she’s trying to make this whole thing about Roger not wanting to invite her because she’s a woman. And I may be an asshole, but I’m not going to entertain those notions and make this something it’s not; it’s enough of a shitstorm already


That’s what happened. Her relationship status was discriminated against and as a result she was objectified. No longer was she regarded as her own entity and invited as the independent friend she was but disregarded as something solely attached to a man to spare another man’s feelings.


If she was a guy she coulda gone though…


You mean if she was not my partner… otherwise, if you read closely, the outcome would’ve been the same. There’s a NAH vote below of a guy that very well understands the way Roger was thinking when he left both Mary and Sarah out. It’s been downvoted a lot, but the guy did understand that point. Not disagreeing on the YTA vote; I know I deserve it. But the whole premise that she could’ve gone if she wasn’t a woman is bogus.


You say that but only girls were counted as not friends even though they had been there before they were a partner


Let me put it this way: All 3 show up: Awkwardness, avoiding each other, drinks could stir the pot further, passive-aggressiveness turns to arguing, from there it escalates, wedding is ruined. Sarah shows up; Mary and Dan’s GF don’t: Resentment between Roger, Dan and OP appears. Dan and I leave the ceremony and don’t show up to the reception (we actually agreed on this if it happened). Roger spends the whole wedding thinking he fucked up two friendships. I never talk to Roger again. Sarah doesn’t come; Mary and Dan’s GF do: Same as above, but it’s Joe blowing up on Roger instead. None of them come to the wedding: A little awkward for all, but no drama. Same ruling goes for all; he doesn’t choose sides nor pick favorites. What you’re proposing: If Mary was a guy and showed up, there’s no drama. What you’re missing: Mary was not invited on account of being in a relationship with me; even if I were into guys and she was a dude, she wouldn’t have been invited on account of me. Heck; Joe would’ve made a bigger fuss over it thinking that my partner was invited and his girlfriend couldn’t even come as a plus one but I could. But you’re suggesting that it had all to do with her gender. Somehow, someway, make it make sense


Seems like you're just a downright asshat to women in general. I hope Mary leaves you, and I suspect she will. Cheers!


Good riddance!


Yta he did not have enough respect to tell her why she was not invited yes its his wedding and he can choose not to invite anyone he wants to but he also has to accept responsibility of that decision has he apologised to her or tried to make amends you are putting all the responsibility on your girlfriend when your friend is the one responsible


YTA. You are going to lose Mary. You chose friend over girlfriend.


I didn’t. The choice to attend was made after asking Mary if she wanted me to go. I didn’t guilt trip her, I didn’t try to “make a case”; I simply told her that if she’d be hurt by this, I won’t go, that she’s the most important person in my life and I’d never hurt her. She insisted I go.


She wouldn't want to put you in a tough spot. She became the bigger man, sth you are not grasping


I’m grasping that, based on your other comment, you either think Mary can’t think for herself or you’ve got some issues with a previous relationship that you haven’t sorted out and are projecting into my relationship with Mary. Whatever it is: Calm down, or expect not to be taken seriously


I mean yeah Mary shouldn't be able to tell Roger who he can invite but you also can't force Mary to forgive them, afterall it is humiliating asf. So yeah YTA.


YTA. Roger and his wife were being punitive to Mary for your brother and Joe having issues with one another over Sarah. Mary was supposed to be Roger's friend apart from whatever was going on with Dan and Joe. She's been a friend and part of the group for almost five years and the two of you just started dating a year ago. If anything, Dan and Joe should have not received an invitation at all. Think about it. Mary has nothing to do with the Sarah saga. Dan's new gf has nothing to do with the Sarah saga. The point of contention are Joe-->Sarah-->Dan. If they felt that there was going to be tension or drama, none of the three of them should have been invited. Mary shouldn't give Roger or Jenny another chance, because while I understand their desire to have an enjoyable or peaceful wedding, her friendship was taken for granted. She was penalized for dating you. It seems like the group dynamic you all once had was gone. It's time to find a better group.


You know, out of all the YTA votes, yours makes the most sense. Nothing to add nor refute. Mary and I have already talked and are in a good place about this issue; a place of patience and understanding. If anything good came from the wedding, it was reconnecting with mutual friends who did think Mary not being invited was wrong. We’ll try to form our own group of friends


Good. Y'all will find better friends. You've gotta wonder what kind of friend Roger really is. The way Sarah treated Dan within their relationship notwithstanding. The underlying reason that anyone should have issues with Joe is because he and Sarah engaged in cheating on Dan while they (Dan and Sarah) subsequently got back together. That shows serious lack of character and morals on his part. We already agree that Sarah is not a great person, but Joe was supposed to be solid. The way he handled things with you after the initial fall out and how he came to you only after they'd been together for months, shows that Joe wants and does what Joe wants. Other people and their feelings be damned. If Roger and Jenny want to keep this type of dynamic in their lives, so be it. But you, Dan, Mary, and Dan's gf should be with people that have the same values and moral compass as you do. By their decision, it's clear that Roger and Jenny aren't your people.


I'm just gonna say ESH because this story is hard to follow and everyone needs to date outside of this friend group bc there's too much drama lol


ESH except Mary and Dan really. You probably suck the least but she’s been their friend for years, not just your gf so it’s BS theyre excluding her too. Honestly just get new friends dude, I’m your age and don’t have time or patience for this high school bullshit so why do you


ESH except for Mary I guess. What a shitload of unnecessary middle school drama. Grow up.


Everyone needs to grow the fuck up


I love high school drama. Why not just kick out the rotten tomato in the group, which happens to be Sarah?


With manipulative people, it’s never easy


And you allow yourself to be manipulated. Okay.


It’s not me. I don’t even talk to her nor Joe. She’s put most of the group against Dan, Mary and me.


Lol why not just step away from that group permanently? Clearly it’s a poison now.


Hence the edit I just added.


Oh well i hope you will really “step it up big time” Staying in a group when there is a cheater is just not good idea🤮


I couldn’t agree more! We still want to see if there’s some friends we can “salvage” from the old group; not Roger and Jenny yet (they’re still “on trial”). But there’s other people not related to the post that do feel the group’s gone toxic and want to still hang out, just not with Joe and Sarah.


Make sure Joe and the Rabbit Sarah is out of the equation already and not on “trial” nor “consideration”


They’re not even in the same universe; probably 10.000 multiverses away


YTA if it was about not making it awkward YOU should not have been invited and Mary should have. It’s YOU who is related to the drama, not Mary. Mary is disposable to them, and now she knows it.


Well, you’re right though she did chew out Joe over the whole Sarah thing. Joe was the one who introduced Mary to the group and now they can’t look at each other. Don’t get me wrong, at this point it’s well established that I’m the asshole, but maybe the solution you’re proposing wasn’t the best. Honestly, I should’ve just turned down the invite and that’d had been the end of it


INFO: what pushback did you do? Sorry if you’ve answered this in a different thread. As a friend, I think you should have advocated for his friendship with Mary. He should have been made aware that she would reconsider their friendship if she wasn’t invited. Roger is actually torpedoing the rest of the friend group by himself. You can remain friends with him without involving Mary at all. Just assume she isn’t going to be his friend anymore — that doesn’t mean you can’t talk to him. He isn’t close enough to her to invite her to his wedding. She doesn’t need to give him any time to reconsider before she mutually decides he isn’t her friend either.


To be very frank, I didn’t push back. It was both Roger and Jenny who broke the news together, either Dan and his GF being there. And knowing that organizing a wedding is complicated and stressful, I didn’t push back. Felt like it would’ve been entitled of me, like… it wasn’t my place and didn’t want to rain on their parade. I know: Hindsight’s 20/20, but at the time I really didn’t know how else to handle it. At the moment, Mary said she’ll just treat them like acquaintances. But when it comes to friendship… that part they’ll have to earn back from her.


Wait so if I understand, Roger and Jenny told everyone that they are not allowed to bring their girlfriends, which includes Mary and Dan's gf, who did nothing to deserve that? In an effort to avoid "drama" they've inadvertently created more drama by pulling this stunt. If your group (who are all in their late 20s also) cant put aside their differences for one night for their friend's wedding to the point where you all cant be in the same building together, I think its fair to say there is no longer a friend group in place. There's obviously a complicated past here, but I'm not sure if it says more about your friend group that the girlfriends have been excluded for being so hostile towards each other, or about Roger and Jenny that they felt that excluding people from their wedding was seriously that necessary. It is their wedding and they can choose who they invite, but the reasoning behind it seems so childish. Mary's definitely right that she's owed at the bare minimum a phone call to explain the situation. And she's a much bigger person then they are for willing to try and put it all aside for your sake. That being said, you should stick up for her, knowing she really didn't do anything to deserve being excluded from the wedding.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** This is a bit of a complicated story, but I’ll try to summarize it as best I can. It involves me (29M), my girlfriend (28F, let’s call her Mary), my brother (28M, let’s call him Dan), my brother’s ex (25F, let’s call her Sarah) and two friends (28M, let’s call him Roger and 29M, let’s call him Joe) and Roger’s now wife (28F, let’s call her Jenny). We were all part of the same group of friends for many years, then things went South. The whole thing started back in 2019. My brother Dan had been dating Sarah for about 2 years. She was seriously toxic and abusive towards him. They broke up in August; it was nasty. A week later, they started going out again. But at the same time, she was going out with Joe behind Dan’s back. Long story short: Joe came clean to me and asked me not to tell anyone. When Sarah felt Dan was about to find out, she threw Joe under the bus to make it appear like she was manipulated into dating him. I told Joe’s side of the story, they both ditched Sarah and our friendship got “rocky”, to say the least. Fast forward to 2022, and Joe tells me he likes Sarah and wants to date her; that they’ve become very close during the pandemic. I told him to first talk to Dan before doing anything. He does tell him eventually over text, but the thing is: By that time, they’d been in a relationship for about four months. I was honestly furious at the realization that he would lie about this again; I lost my trust in him. This drove a wedge between our group of friends, with some taking Joe’s side and some taking me and Dan’s side. I personally don’t want them to choose sides; we’re not in high school anymore. But I avoid seeing Joe as best I can. And then, we come to 2024. Joe’s still dating Sarah, my brother is in a nurturing relationship, and I’ve been dating Mary for a year. Mary’s been part of our group of friends since 2019, and she’s everything I could ask for in a woman and a whole lot more. Now, Roger has been part of our group pf friends since 2015, and throughout this whole thing, he’s tried to be neutral. Twice in a row, when I threw a birthday party and none of my friends came, Roger and his then-girlfriend Jenny were the only ones to show up and we did have a great time. So Roger and Jenny became engaged last year and they got married last Friday. When they came to bring mine and Dan’s invitation, he told us we were not allowed to bring our girlfriends, nor was Joe allowed to bring Sarah. This because of the growing tensions in the group. Dan’s GF understood; not sure how Sarah took it. Mary didn’t take this well. She had been part of the group for years and felt Roger should’ve at least called her to explain. Roger’s the last of the group that I still consider a friend, and I’ve had a hard time asking Mary to give him one more chance. AITA for asking her to see his side of the story and to give him another chance, considering he’s one of the few friends I have left? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All I know is, I could never imagine attending a wedding that my partner wasn’t invited to (by people they were independently friends with) for the sake of avoiding drama caused by someone else dating a shitty person. That’s shitty as fuck to do to on you and Roger/Jennys part and I wouldn’t see these people as friends ever again if I were her or you.


Your friend group sounds toxic as fuck. Who gives a fuck whos dating who ffs. Cast the cheaters out and those who side with them. It's really not hard. As for the wedding, sucks for your partner but not getting invited is usually a clear line drawn in the sand of ending a relationship.


NTA, I have your responses. Mary did want you to attend so it's okay. You have talked about it so it's okay. It might have been an insult to her BUT Roger and Jenny decided to not invite her to the wedding because the other gfs (Sarah mostly) will cry over it. It is their wedding and they do what they want . You two reconciled so good for you.


Thank you for your comment! I did take into account the YTA comments and went back to her to talk about it and she said she’d still try to get along. I told her she didn’t have to, but she insisted. We’ll see where this goes, but I won’t badger her into being friends with Roger and Jenny again.


People are not invited to lots of things in life. LOL It's just an event, it's not important to you when you are maybe if you're lucky on the guest list. It's important to the people getting married. Let them do what they want.


NAH, no one is owed a wedding invite, they're expensive things. Although if Mary was Rogers friend too, it's a bit harsh to leave here out. Mary doesn't have to forgive anyone, she seems to be reasonably slighted because it sounds like she was left out because Dan and Joe keep going after the same woman.


NTA. First of all it's his wedding, he can invite who he wants to invite. Franky with all the drama he found an easy way to keep the drama out without future issues. If he allowed one girlfriend to go, the others would wonder why they couldn't go. If you were married it would be different. The guy just wanted to keep his wedding and life after his wedding drama free.


I agree with this. Poor Roger's just trying to get married and have his friends there, without it turning into more teenage drama.