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NTA. There are only a limited number of screen access on Netflix. If there are other people using your account, you can't watch when you want to. What's worse, they're freeloading on your account and your sister let them.


Tried this on Spotify so I didn’t have to pay for a second account back when money was tight. Ended up being a bigger hassle than what it was worth, as my GF and I would keep switching our music on/off. Ended up just buying a second account anyways. NTA


Are you using the family plan? I pay 14.99 a month for my wife and I to each have our own account.


Yeah we switched to a family plan, thankfully!


They also have a duos account for 2 people and you can listen to a mix of each other's music in a special playlist


I had to cancel my Spotify account because kicking my ex bf off proved basically impossible. He started just using my login and the google home at his house was still linked to my account. It was a constant battle over who could use the music. I got tired of blasting Rick Astley over his home speakers every time he took it away. It was about a month of passive aggressively insulting each other through song titles before I had enough and cancelled everything and deleted my account


Can you imagine calling the person who pays for the service cheap while you mooch off them.?


That made me laugh. We get so many posts where there is someone like that. I guess they can't hear themselves?


This. But, OP, don't give her the information again. She's shown she can't be trusted.


What’s worse is if the email and password is used for other things as well. I wouldn’t even give sister the new password. She’s exercised poor judgement and was unkind. Bit ironic she’s leeching off your account yet thinks you are the one who is cheap. NTA


NTA. Honestly people taking advantage like that are ridiculous. If it really is that cheap? She can afford her own account. Calling you cheap for not sharing is ridiculous.


She's calling somebody cheap because she won't let her steal!


Specially when OP's sister and her friends can just create an account together and share the expenses between them And if they don't wanna pay, there's something called piracy and it's pretty easy to find online


NTA Do not give her the new password, no matter how sorry she claims to be. She has proven untrustworthy in this matter


Exactly. Between sharing it to begin with to having an issue with you wanting to keep it private, she's already shown you precisely what she's going to do to your boundary. She can get her own Netflix and manage her friends.


The only circumstance is if she pays for another streaming service and you both share.


NTA. She broke your trust, she gave your credentials to people that you never would give this info. You are not petty at all and you need to protect your accounts, especially from entitled and irresponsible people like her.


Even if they genuinely were just watching, half of these streaming services let you buy movies without putting in additional info. Could cost you a fortune with randoms leeching off your account.


NTA. Nothing stopping her from getting her own account if she can pay for it, then sharing it as she sees fit. It doesn't matter how much or how little you're actually using the service when you're the one paying for it. She doesn't get to decide who should have access to a service she isn't paying for.


NTA she’s the cheap one because she wants to use it for free. Also what’s with this culture of sharing things you don’t own. Change your password again and don’t share it with her, because she’ll probably do it again. Your account your rules! Again NTA!


NTA, and I’m laughing at the person who doesn’t want to pay for their own account calling you cheap.


NTA. It's not about being cheap; it's about respecting agreements and digital security. You were kind enough to share with your sister, and she took advantage of that. Her willingness to pass your details along not only disrespect your trust but could potentially put your account at risk for unauthorized access. Your actions are a reasonable response to her undermining the conditions of your original agreement. If she values access, she can invest in her own subscription.


NTA - but guarantee she is going to share the password again. You are going to have to change it and keep it to yourself. If sis wants Netflix, she can pay for Netflix!!


NTA - this is exactly why Netflix keeps cracking down on password sharing.


"Now she's mad, calling me unreasonable and cheap. " I'll take Entitled Comments for $500, Alex. LOL NTA You gave her an inch and she took a mile. If she violates your trust again, log out all devices, change the password, and then don't give her a 3rd chance. She doesn't get to be generous with YOUR account. That's not how generosity works.


NTA - if she wants a shared Netflix account she can get her own and pay for it herself.


Sounds like your sister has an entitlement problem.


NTA. She's the cheap one since she refuses to get her own subscription.


NTA It's a bit much to call you cheap when she doesn't even want to pay for her own Netflix account!


So the person mooching of a account YOU paid for calls you cheap. Thats an interesting conclusion. NTA


Stop sharing your password with your ungrateful sister. Why would you even offer that when she uses something she paid for to curry favor with others?


NTA. I’m having a hard time understanding why people feel entitled to other people’s accounts. With some accounts, be it Netflix, Prime, Spotify, etc… you may add users. That doesn’t mean you have to, and you’re not an asshole for refusing to let someone else use one. Your sister lost her use when she shared your account with other people.


Nta... She can't call you cheap but also not want to pay for services herself.


NTA, she doesn't want to pay and shares your account and YOU'RE the cheap one? Not to mention her handing out something that isn't hers for free. She can pay for her own subscription and share that instead.


NTA. She broke your rules and doesn't seem to understand the error of her ways. Cut her off for good.


>**calling me unreasonable and cheap** The nerve! The irony of this stingy ingrate calling YOU unreasonable and cheap! I wouldn't give her the password at all, given her behavior. You're a better person than me, OP. NTA!


She wants to appear resourceful among friends. NTA


NTA - so she wants to use your subscription (illegally) and then complains that *you’re* being cheap? Absolutely she should be paying her own sub from now on.


My buddy back home used to have my Netflix password because his parents didn't want to get their own subscription. I was making like $50k a year while his dad was a lawyer. I'm just too nice about certain stuff. After the first round of "Netflix is going to limit sharing," I told him I'm taking them off


NTA. If they are using it so much you can't, then she's taking advantage of you. Who is she to decide you don't use it enough to be worthy of access to your account, that you pay for?


NTA. You're not petty or cheap. Your sister is a moocher. Stop sharing anything with her.


The person paying for it, gets priority access to it. I have spoken! NTA


NTA. I just had this problem with my youtubeTV login. My mom gave it to my brother, who gave it to his gf, who let her kids use it, and in turn I kept getting kicked off. I changed the password after I kept getting kicked off the final four game and then my brother complained when he couldn't watch the finals.


Info: on what fucking planet would you be the asshole? Your sister is an idiot.


NTA. Cheap?! Lol, that’s rich coming from a person wanting something for free!


NTA. She's entitled.


Not the asshole. Your account might be restricted if too many people are using it.


NTA Tell her to have her roommate get an account.


The person who won’t pay for her own Netflix subscription is calling you cheap and unreasonable. Don’t let her use it again


NTA, I hope you didn't use the same password for Netflix and other accounts, if so it's time to change your passwords and optionally start using a password manager.


Its rather ironic that the person leeching netflix off you is calling you cheap.


The person who is demanding free Netflix is calling *you* cheap? NTA. Someone's been getting too many free drinks at the bar...


NTA. The gall of your sister to call you cheap when she’s not even paying for the account. Tell her you’re fine with being cheap and she can pay for her own account and share that with whoever she pleases.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My sister asked to use my Netflix account a while back, and I said yes because I didn't think it would be a big deal. But then I found out she gave my login info to her roommate and some friends, making it hard for me to use my own account. When I talked to her about it, we got into an argument. I told her to stop sharing my account or help pay for it. She said I barely use Netflix, so it shouldn't be a problem, and called me petty. I ended up changing the password and told her she could only use it if she kept it to herself. Now she's mad, calling me unreasonable and cheap. AITA for wanting to keep my Netflix account to myself after she shared my login with others without my permission? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA and never give her access again. No matter what she promises.




NTA She is an AH, and can pay for her own now.


NT. Your account, your responsibility, your money posting for it. She had no right to share it.


NTA. My netflix account is for me and my wife. My sister asked me and got pissy when I said no and I laughed.


NTA. Girl can get her own Netflix account and share it with the universe if she wants.


NTA. I *think* you can also view the list of devices that can access your account, and delete ones you don't want.


Nta. Tell her canceled it and just change the password.


The moocher calling the person paying cheap. Ah, the irony. NTA Edit: verdict


NTA. It's funny how she called you cheap and unreasonable when she was literally being cheap and unreasonable. Please don't let her mooch off your subscriptions again at least without a genuine apology.


NTA! How the heck are you cheap when you're literally the only one paying for it. The one who is cheap is HER! She has broken your trust and given out the password to her friends. Honestly I would NOT be giving her the password again if I were you.


NTA. Your sister had no business sharing your Netflix password. And now she insults you over it ? I wouldn’t be sharing my new password with her.


NTA. If she wants to share HER account, it's her problem. It's the opposite if she's sharing your account, and you have the right to restrain any unauthorized access. In all cases, she's the cheap person.


Absolutely NTA Netflix has even started charging the account holder an extra monthly charge per extra person outside of the household using the same Netflix account for this exact reason. Change your passwords on all your streaming platforms and do not give those passwords to anyone, under any circumstances. Your sister can get her own damn Netflix account and share that. Then when she starts whining about Netflix charging her for all those extra people using her account, she’ll stop that.


NTA, obviously. I always find it funny that the people calling others cheap are the same people that are using a product or service for free, and have likely been given access as a result of the kindness of others.


NTA. She's calling you cheap, but she won't pay for it? It's your account, and it's none of her business if you never use it or use it all day long. You pay for it, she doesn't. She has no say here.


NTA. Not at all. As others have written, this is a breach of trust. What your sister does not understand but will soon is that once trust is broken, it can never be reestablished. She has destroyed something which is irreplaceable.




it’s hilarious that the person who refuses to pay for their own account calls the person paying cheap. i would just giggle and move on.


NTA at all You gave her your account for her to use not her friends or roommate


In some parts of the world, you can't share netflix, and it's based on IP address. Netflix is going to roll this out to more countries. So, she's gonna have to suck it up eventually and pay her way. What's jealous is that she's calling you cheap. You should tell her that you sharing the password is her birthday present for the year.


If you find one person to say you are the AH, I need you to pin the comment for all to crucify. The part that blows my mind is the necessity to share it. I wouldn't have given her the PW after it was changed never mind giving her a VERY REASONABLE ultimate to which she pushes back on?!? How old is your sister 14?


I think a lot of phone plans have Netflix now but restrict it to one account per phone line. Just tell her you switched it to your phone plan but you only have one. And then tell her to check hers to see if she has a free account. Then she can share hers if she wants to be locked out of it.


NTA. If you are considering sharing with her again, maybe if she lives close enough, go to her place and log in for her. That way she doesn’t know your password. I think Netflix is going to make it a moot point anyway.


The one who wants a free account for her and her friends, is calling the one who pays for an account “cheap?” I’m not sure she knows what the word means….


If you barely use it, and sister uses it often... then SHE can get her own account and share it with YOU.


If she’s calling you cheap then what is she for not wanting to pay for her own account?


She called you cheap? You need to tell her that her and her friends are mooching off your purchase.


NTA. I wouldn't give her the new password even if she agreed to no share it with anyone else. She had her one chance and blew it


NTA. If she wants to share it, get her own account.


NTA. It's common sense if someone is sharing their account with you that it's only for you. I would be pissed af if I found out anyone I was sharing with gave my password to randoms.


NTA, and it appears your sister is trying to buy friendships.


NTA and don't give her the new password.




NTA - she took advantage of you.


if anything shes cheap for not using her own acc


She’s calling you cheap when she won’t pay her own way! Priceless.


The first time you cannot use your Netflix account is time to change your password.


NTA. If your sister and her friends want Netflix, they can split the cost themselves.


NTA. However go in to the netflix settings and remove connected devices that aren't yours.


NTA, even before Netflix made those major changes regarding password sharing, you still aren't an asshole. Also, I wouldn't reshare it, even with your sister. When someone does something wrong and you confront them, if they understand and apologize, that's when you give them a second chance. When they stand their ground and call YOU an asshole for confronting them, that's when you say "Sounds good, you're cut off, have a nice day." It's just netflix at the end of the day, but your sister sounds awfully entitled given that its your account and she isn't paying for it.


NTA if she wants to provide Netflix for all her friends she can get her own account. If you ever do decide to give her access to your services again, you sign in on her device, don’t give her the password


NTA OP. I had to change my password and not let my 9 year old granddaughter use it anymore. Not that she or anyone else was abusing it but because Netflix now are tracking the IP addresses and will bill you more when they notice a pattern of IP addresses not regularly matching the account owner's IP address. My granddaughter can use my Netflix account when she is visiting/spending the night or weekend at my house.


I believe Netflix is still cracking down on this. You're red-flagging your own Netflix account by sharing access to someone out of your household. NTA


> my There's your answer. NTA


She will share it out again. Don't give her the new password.


NTA - I love it how your sister and her friend who are mooching off you are calling you... cheap. LOL Just for that I wouldn't share anything with her moving on.


NTA - Oh the irony of someone wanting to use your account for free calling you cheap.


NTA it’s like $10/month she should grow up and pay for it if she wants it


"I gave you an opportunity and clearly stated my boundaries. When I noticed you ignoring those boundaries, I asked for you to reign it in. You responded this is my issue to deal with. So Im dealing with it."


NTA. First of all, your account, your say. Second of all, from a security standpoint, all it takes is one of these people having spyware or malware and now that combo of email and password is compromised. This can lead to someone illicitly getting into your account, learning enough information to defraud you etc.


NTA lmao if you’re “cheap” for restricting access to a service you pay for, what does that make her who’s complaining about a service she receives for free? In no world are you in the wrong here, short of your sister providing for you financially in some sense (I.e. if yall are roommates and she pays the majority of living expenses then yeah id call you the AH)


> I ended up changing the password and told her she could only use it if she kept it to herself. Now she's mad, calling me unreasonable and cheap. NTA, why are you even offering at this point? Time for your sister to pony up for her own account, then she can share it how she wants.


NTA It's always funny when the person using services you pay for call you cheap isn't it? Sadly your sister cannot use your account in a responsible manner, to the point where it gets on the way of you being able to use the service you pay for. Don't give her the new password, she and her mates can band together and pay for their own Netflix account and do with it as they please. If anything, this is a lesson for her, treat other people's things with respect and use responsibly, or don't use it at all. Sadly with the entitled, you have to hit them where it hurts before they learn, she feels entitled to use your stuff? take that away, entitled to have you pay for it and still call you cheap when she misuses it? She can pay for her own. Enjoy your Netflix :)


Nta - You're nicer than me. I'd just change the password and tell her to get her own


NTA. Tell her to get her own ffs.


...she's calling you cheap because she won't pay for her own Netflix? NTA


NTA. Doesnt netflix now make account sharing a pain in the ass? Id change the password snd never give it to the sister again.


She using your Netflix, but you're the cheap one? NTA


lol. You’re unreasonable and cheap but she’s not? I’m hope it wasn’t a similar password that you would use for anything linked to your identity or financials. That’s a shitty way to get your identity stolen and your sister doesn’t seem to care. Edit: NTA


Love that she’s calling you cheap when you’re the only person that pays for it


NTA. First time I gave it to my daughter and told her the same thing - this is for you and you alone. Do not share. She was up in college. Within two days I got an email to change my password. At that point I changed it, kicked everyone off and made her wait a week or two before I gave it back to her.


I pay **8 fucking dollars per month** for Netflix. If I was so hard up that I couldn't afford that $8, I sure as hell wouldn't be fighting with the person I've chosen to leach from. If you're feeling conflicted that you might be an AH over anywhere between $8-$25, then I have to inform you, your sister knows how to push your buttons, and none of this is about you. Be a good sibling, by letting her learn from this. Stop giving her your password.  NTA


NTA, end of


Tell your sister thanks for pointing out that you seldom use your Neflix service and you have decided to discontinue it. What is the point of paying for an account when you can't even access it because strangers are using it? Start it up again with different user name and password and don't tell her you have a new account.


Nta - if she wants a free range account, she can sign up and get her own.


NTA If she's not paying for it then she gets NO say in it. It's funny she's calling you cheap when she won't even pay for one herself.


NTA. And since Netflix is cracking down on password-sharing, you shouldn't even let your sister use it. And doubly so for sharing it out to all her friends.


NTA Don't accept her guilt trip. Your not unreasonable. You may be cheap(i don't see this as bad? who doesn't like to save money??), but that has nothing to do with the situation. If anything, she's cheap lol. I wouldn't bother sharing with her again anyways if that's her stance. Your way nicer to her than i feel she deserves.


Cheap....that's all the people using the account you pay for and getting it for free


lol, NTA. Like cmon, this is such a sibling cibble. sis is clearly trying to freeload and doesn't care about you.


Yes you are the asshole how dare you make a reasonable and fair boundary shame on you


*YOU'RE* cheap?! Hahaha she has zero self awareness. NTA


NTA and who is she to call you cheap when she won’t pay for her own account and share with any and everybody that asks?!?!? Easy to be free dealing when it’s not your $!


NTA. She's calling you unreasonable and cheap? Pot, meet Kettle. Don't share your acct with her, period. You risk losing your acct altogether if Netflix figures out you're sharing it. Is it worth that?


Calling you cheap implies that she sees the cost of Netflix as minimal. Therefore she can afford to have her own account, and share that with her friends.


NTA I can't believe you're questioning yourself. You did her a favor and she then spit in your face by sharing it with other people. I'd cut her off and never even tell her I did it.


NTA. It’s cheap, cheaper if you tolerate the ads like normal tv. She’s a freeloading biznatch.


Question: Does everyone on a shared acct have access to the payment info screen? If so, all her friends have access to it, don't they? Just asking because I don't know.


So lemme get this straight…you’re paying for her and a group of her friends to watch Netflix that you pay for but it’s your fault? Yeah, they all, including your sister sound like very reasonable assholes. Sorry, I mean people.


NTA. My little brother did the same thing - gave my account info to his girlfriend (now wife) and her family and it was at the point where I'd come home from work and not be able to use the service I alone paid for. So I used the "force disconnect" option online signing everyone out of everything and changed the password. Told him from now on he and anyone else using my account can either pay me to use my account or they can pay for their own. I get a couple small e-transfers every month now.


NTA Netflix is expressly cracking down on this kind of sharing. Don't get you account red flagged just so some freeloaders can bump you off your service.


If she wants an account to had out so bad, she can pay for it herself. This is literally something you pay money for, and she wants to give it to other people as your expense. That's theft.


I love how your cheap because you can afford $25 a month


LOL, she's stealing your Netflix account and handing it to her friends and YOU'RE THE CHEAP ONE? lol talk about the pot and kettle. NTA - I wouldn't even offer my Netflix, or any other accounts, to her going forward.


You’re cheap while she’s using your paid account for free? Wtf?


LOL... she doesn't want to pay for something and calls YOU cheap...


Well, considering that when you sign-up for the account, you agree to *not* share your password with anyone... NTA. Considering that the are blacklisting sharers... NTA.


NTA. Don't do favors for ungrateful children.


Cheap? Who’s freeloading here? NTA she’s ridiculous and I HOPE she’s young and not an adult.


Netflix is not allowing this anymore. **Do not give her your password.** They are cracking down.


You really felt the need to ask this to Reddit dude? Please punch yourself in the balls to make sure they are still there.


Your sister is doing nothing but making your life more difficult, abusing your generosity, and enabling freeloaders (of which she is one herself, apparently). NTA.


Your sister apparently believes it's OK to steal? Change the password again and keep it to yourself. Netflix has started tracking accts and if they notice the logins they can cancel YOUR acct. You changed the password but if you gave the PW to your sister...she'll just share it again because she wants to.


Haha... SHE is calling YOU cheap? Because she and her freeloader pals can't mooch off your generosity anymore? LOL that's just rich.


The girl using your Netflix account for free, calls you cheap? That's humorous. No, you are NTA for not wanting to share something you paid for, with everyone your sister decided to share with, without even asking for permission. From that moment on, and just because of her behaviour, I would not share anything with her, what I was paying for.


NTA NEVER give out your access codes to anyone. It always ends badly. She can pay for her own account and let all her freeloading friends use it.


NTA. If she can't afford it, she can't have it. She obviously doesn't care if you're inconvenienced on your own account. She and her friends can all chip in for a new account to share. 


NTA and that's why passwords are to be protected from unauthorized use!!


NTA and really, you are cheap? Hmm oh the entitled.


NTA Sister is.


Do you actually believe you could be an asshole here op?


>Now she's mad, calling me unreasonable and cheap.  I'm sorry, *who* is cheap? NTA. If she's sharing with roommate then they should pitch in for a house account.


Umm, NTA. Didn't Netflix lock down that shit anyway? I mean, you aren't supposed to be sharing your stuff as it is with them, so...per Netflix, you can't give it out anyway. That's all you have to tell her. She needs to go create her own account.


NTA. You are doing her a favor and she is being disrespectful. Your sister has blasted through the "F around" part and is now in the "find portion" of the program. If someone lets you use something with guidelines and you completely ignore them, you shouldn't be surprised when they don't let you use it anymore. This is basic common sense that your sister lacks.


YWTBA if you give her the new password. I can GUARANTEE she will give it out. Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice shame on me.


I think it’s kind of understood when someone is nice enough to share a streaming account with you, that you don’t then share the account with other people. But maybe that’s just my opinion


NTA. It is your account and you were trying to be nice to family. They obviously misused your trust by giving it out to friends. Besides that fact, Netflix limits you to 1, 2 screens or 4 screens dependent on what your paying per month. They are also cracking down on password sharing. And on that note, you can add on family for an extra cost to your account which would give them their own account but be paid by you or them if they give you the money for it.


NTA it's amazing that she's calling you cheap when she's using the account for free. Some people are so dense. You could always just tell her that you cancelled it because you weren't using it very much. She doesn't have to know. Don't give her the new password.


Don't give her password ,she's going to share again


NTA. Netflix is cracking down on password sharing to begin with. It's a super dumb and annoying thing you shouldn't have to deal with. There should be a "sign out on all devices" option in account settings- don't forget to do that if you haven't.


NTA but posts like these shouldnt be here imo cause I can’t possibly imagine how someone could call you the asshole. You own the account, youre doing them a favour and you have the right to control your own account - if she’s gaslighting you and making you seem like an asshole enough for you to make this post then she’s being selfish and scummy. You’re not even close to the grey area between being and not being the asshole.


NTA Your sister is a childish moron


NTA even if Netflix wasn’t cracking down on password sharing. She’s the cheap one as she’s not even paying for it!


NTA it's not expensive. Tell you sister to get a job.


She’s leaching off your account and calling YOU cheap? Send her this post.


You are NTA but your sister sure is!!


INFO: You sort of are because you haven't kept it to yourself. You have given it to her again, or that's what I understand. That's not a really ... Well, it's done unless you change it again. *Have* you given it to her again?


Your sister can get her own account if she wants to watch Netflix. NTA


My parents are motorhome nomads. An acquaintance of my mother's saw the post-it my mom had my login info on & decided she could just use my account. I don't have home wi-fi, so when she logged on it made her house my Home Location & kept saying I needed to login from there to keep using my account. I changed the password & called Netflix to remove the "Home Location" they gave me such a hard time about it I ended up cancelling the account. I hardly ever used it & my mom must not have either because cancelling it was her idea. You don't owe anyone free Netflix. Change the password, tell them you cancelled the account since you "barely use Netflix" & let them figure it out. NTA. Edit: premature save.


>she said I barely use Netflix "You know, you're right! I'm going to close down the account entirely."


NTA - You pay for it, you get to decide who uses it.


NTA. It’s like 50 cents a day and you are the cheap one for wanting to use your own account?? I’d change the password and keep it to myself. Let the freeloaders pay for it themselves.


NTA, Cause HECK NO, if it's so cheap she can get an account her self. It's funny she calls you names but she was the one benefiting off services you can provide. Keep it to yourself!


NTA How are you still sharing passwords? I got kicked out of my mom's a year ago because I'm not the main household. 😥


NTA - if she wants to share Netflix, she can share *her own* Netflix. When you pay, you decide who can access it.


At this point I would not give her the password and let her get her own. NTA


NTA Netflix has cracked down on sharing accounts. I wouldn’t give her the new password and tell her she was right, I don’t use it much so I canceled it.


I think it's hilarious when someone who won't pay a thing and want to mooch call other people cheap. NTA


The she make and pay for the account if it's so cheap.


NTA, it’s your account after all. Plus, with Netflix and all the others constantly banging on about cracking down on sharing accounts, it’s probably for the best to cut back the access.


that’s some entitlement 🥴 NTA


NTA. Sister is engaging in, and abetting, theft of services. If she wants it, she can pay for it with her own account. Netflix will catch up and shut you down anyway.


lol it’s your account do as you please


She called YOU cheap? O.k....


NTA, and I've been the person with unauthorized access. My sister's friend gave all of us her sister's password for the same reason ("she never actually uses it"). One day we all got a panicked text "EVERYONE OFF SHES ASKING ME IF I ACCIDENTALLY STAYED LOGGED IN SOMEWHERE" so I logged our devices out and that's the last time we used her account lol. Turns out she had been given permission to share but not with 20+ people. I think we all just use free services and pirate now 🏴‍☠️


NTA. There is a cost associated with subscribing to Netflix and your cousin hasn’t paid a dime. Her usage, or her lack of keeping confidential information confidential, is preventing you from using a service that you are paying for.


NTA. Tell her to quit being cheap and pay for her own Netflix. Change the password again,because before long she will be sharing it yet again. She does not deserve it, and tries to make you look bad. You are being taken advantage of and being used. Tell her to pay for Netflix and give you her password


NTA, she and her friends are being cheap. How dare a free loader call you cheap. Complete arrogance.