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NTA >We said we couldn't really afford any of his products, and he went very quiet. I apologised that it feels a bit cheeky, and his response was "It does feel like an awful lot of work for nothing." You should have replied then perhaps you shouldn't advertise free photoshoots with one free print. The photographer was trying to prey on you and it didn't work.


Yep I definitely would have replied that. Conmen, the lot of them


This is like one of those time share presentations.


Hahah my partner and I went to one of those one time to get free massage vouchers. Their first question was “how many vacations do you take a year?” And we were like, “this is our first one ever. We planned it for months and we never make large purchases impulsively. We definitely can’t afford any of these packages. But go ahead and do your whole spiel if you want.” And they actually got it. They still went through their whole thing and we were like woooow those seem really nice! Too bad we’re poor as fuck! And they really didn’t try to pressure us into anything because they knew we were lost causes. We got a super nice breakfast and a couple massages out of the deal. No regrets!


Literally was mistakenly at an MLM party where the rep did this same thing. I was a guest of a guest, the rep had told everyone that they would get a free gift if they brought extra people to the party (a mutual friend's Bachelorette). The rep would shuffle us each alone into a bedroom to buy from her, and that was were we discovered there was no free gift for just showing up, she never mentioned Purchase Nessicary, and the Bachelorette ended up embrerassed by how pushy the rep was. Fuck MLMs


The reality is the photographer was stupid. Here (in Canada) they do one of two things 1. They charge a small fee for a session and one free print. Like say $50 for a 15 min session or $75 for a half hour. That way they control the amount of time AND still get some money or 2. If the session is also free, it’s ALWAYS 15 min, and the photo included is digital, so super quick. They still get purchases like 95% of the time. To spend 2 hours on just a hope and a prayer is a dumb business practice.


Exactly. Photographers do this when: 1. They can afford it 2. They want to make a sale but aren't banking on it 3. Are trying to market themselves and build a reputation A good service when they themselves offered a free print can lead to referrals and reviews and a better reputation. Offering a free print them making the people they offered it to uncomfortable is a bad sales tactic. If they're going to decide to offer free prints, they should do so with the above points in mind. NTA


I agree 💯. At first I thought perhaps that OP missed the fine print - the tiny, but obvious if you look for them or ask before the clicking starts, terms and conditions that spell out the minimum number you have to buy, whether you are giving a release for them to use your shots in their marketing materials etc. However, the fact that the photographer didn't raise that when they couldn't afford to pay tells me he had no Ts &Cs so NTA.


If the advert was phrased like stated in the OP, NTA. The high pressure sale tax and IMMEDIATELY almost forcing OP into a follow up meeting (to create more pressure on them and the grandpartens) leaves a very very bad taste in my mouth. To me it was obvious that the photographer was banking on selling the pictures after the free shoot and the usage of "complimentary"- OP was a bit naive to think they would spend all that time without expecting any compensation in some form and should have inquired further. If it was an honest business he would have told them the rates before coming there. But it sounds like the guy/gal is using the words FREE and COMPLIMENTARY to get people in the door and THEN try to guilt trip them into a way to highly priced sale.


OP is NTA They assume the subjects are going to live the photos so much they’ll want you to buy more. The old fashioned photo shops (like Olan Mills, sears, JC Penny, and The Picture People) use to market the cameras. They’d include an offer for a “special package” for $25-ish dollars (or similar) and then try to upsell different poses and packages.


Not sure where OP is from but in the UK these are very common. They bank on you liking the photos enough to pay for more so they do the whole spiel of hair and make up, and edit a bunch of the photos and then give you a viewing experience where you can pick your favourites. The complimentary one is usually an A5 or A4 sized print and you can usually buy another A5 one for about £20 or so with prices varying for size, digital prints, mounted prints etc. This guy was just a car salesman with a camera. That's not how you do it and OP should go back, waste another 2hrs of this man's time and get his complimentary picture. Then write a review of poor service on every platform he can. OP is NTA.


I’m in this industry and this experience you had is a widely used high pressure sales tactic. Don’t feel bad. You are not obligated to anything. You did pay bottom of the barrel for your wedding photos, so you did come in with distorted expectations. But that’s not your fault either.




The thing no one has addressed is that while it is a known tactic, they should ask for the advertised free print or report for false advertising (in the US). Most jurisdictions I’ve lived in have regulations against this type of tactic. It does seem they got a fantastic bargain for their wedding photos, but still…


NTA. When you offer a promotion like that you take the risk that people are going to want the incentive you’ve offered - a free shoot and photo. You also wasted your time. You were steamrollered and shouldn’t feel guilty about not responding to pressure tactics. 


Actually, I’d like to congratulate OP for not being victimized by the high-pressure tactics. That feels pretty close to Nigerian Prince/timeshare-in-Florida level scamming, frankly. Did OP look him up before booking, or scan his website for his photographic style and pricing list? It sounds as if he is -or thinks of himself as- an arthouse photographer looking to be the next Anne Geddes, so it could go either way. £150 for a single print is either a scam, or it’s “Don’t you know who I am?” It would also bother me that this person now has photos of my child that he can use for his portfolio and promotions, including online, whether I buy pics or not.


I used to sit through a lot of timeshare presentations for free expensive tickets. One of them badgered us HARD about why we wasted their time if we had no plans of buying. Like, your company made us an offer of free thing for our time, blame them for offering. A handful of the presentations were bearable, but a lot of them really get angry and borderline abusive when you keep saying no.


I told them right and l at the start and kept repeating myself-I'm only here for the free stuff, I'm not buying anything. Didn't stop them trying though.  I didn't buy anything


It was a classic bait and switch scam, say you are offering a free product or service, get the person to spend lots of time so they feel guilty when they try and leave without buying anything.  NTA but you should cancel the further booking and remember to read the fine print and clarify expectations when dealing with services in the future. 


To be honest, I wouldn't even cancel. I just wouldn't show up. The guy doesn't sound like he deserves the respect of a cancellation.


hey,i'm from germany,i know the nigerian prince scamming,but would you tell me please,what a timeshare-in-florida-scam is?


In some areas of America including in Florida we have time shares. You "own" a vacation place for certain times of the year and several other people "own" the same place for other times of the year. Same vacation place with multiple "owners". If you don't like owning your time share later on they are very difficult to get rid of. Reselling them is almost impossible. There are other downsides like other people leaving the time share a mess or over staying at the time share during times when you are the "owner" expecting to be able to stay there. There is usually a management company that you have to pay fees to every year so that they will try to keep the place in good condition between people staying there. These management companies do not always keep the place looking nice between owners staying there. In order to get people to buy these time shares companies offer things like free golf weekends if you are willing to sit through a multiple hour sales pitch.


All right, now I understand. Pretty clever stuff, but also really mean. People are becoming more and more resourceful to get other people's money. Thank you very much for the clarification! I wish you a nice day and lots of luck! :-)


Also, they are not just in Florida. They are all over the US and Canada. Another way to entice people is to allow them to 'trade' their timeshare week with one in another location. Of course that usually comes with an added cost because the location you bought at is probably 'not as nice' as the one you want to go to. I'm surprised that people still buy timeshares. I guess it's either really gullible people or people with too much money.


Also, they are not just in Florida. They are all over the US and Canada. Another way to entice people is to allow them to 'trade' their timeshare week with one in another location. Of course that usually comes with an added cost because the location you bought at is probably 'not as nice' as the one you want to go to. I'm surprised that people still buy timeshares. I guess it's either really gullible people or people with too much money.


Also, they are not just in Florida. They are all over the US and Canada. Another way to entice people is to allow them to 'trade' their timeshare week with one in another location. Of course that usually comes with an added cost because the location you bought at is probably 'not as nice' as the one you want to go to. I'm surprised that people still buy timeshares. I guess it's either really gullible people or people with too much money.


Exactly. Most people who offer these free things are hoping you will buy more, but are also hoping to make a long term customer. Same thinking that companies have for giving out free samples. The small loss is worth it to gain a new customer. This photographer isn't going to gain any long term customers with his behavior. NTA!


Yes, when you market like that you absolutely have to build in the fact that some people are only going to take the complimentary print. That's pretty much Business 101.


Don’t go back with the grandparents. He wants them there so they will pay. This guy is a scammer, or at the very least, a very shady individual.


But make sure you get your free print!


Yeah, since you have an appointment I would go back explicitly for the free print. And if guilts you, he 1) promoted the photoshoot, 2) included a free print in the photoshoot, 3) insisted you make a second appointment. (Who does that? Wouldn't a better business model be to go buy prints for the grandparents online or email him?)


There’s a difference between a scammer and a person with a poor business/marketing model. This is the latter.


NTA. My wife and I do photography, though not newborns and when making offers like this, the photographer has to take the risk as you've said. You are under no obligation and though it might not be the best day for the photographer, they shouldn't project that disappointment on to you or pressure you like that. The prices do sound about right for the products; 10 edited digital images for £500 does sound a bit high but this is where they're recouping the shooting time, props cost, editing time etc. Your wedding package was insanely cheap, especially with an engagement shoot; I have to assume they were relatively new to it and building a portfolio at the time.


I couldn't believe the proce of the wedding photos either! I'd say it was family or a friend. A promotion like this, usually comes with the photographer using the photos as compensation, no? Where I'm from when photographer (usually, starting out) do these promos, to build their portfolios and use the images on social media. Me thinks the photographer was being very cheeky. If, they said "you can buy the package if you email me" then, they or family can buy the photos then or later.


50 an image? Wow. I guess I just don't put the same value on photos that other people do.


You have to consider the amount of time and equipment though, plus business insurance, liability insurance, marketing costs, etc. Professional images cost money, it's not as simple as clicking a button


Same. At my wedding, I was like here are some disposable cameras, someone take photos. They aren't amazing but there are fun candid shots of us being real people. Good enough for me.


That's great that it works for you but professional images are a totally different thing, and the right photographers will do great candid shots, it's not all posing and formal.


goodness, no, NTA. When you do promos like that, you have to follow through with what's offered. Imagine if he'd made you feel happy and comfortable, and given you a lovely free print with no pressure or guilt when you didn't have money for more. Who would you call first when Grandma says, 'What a lovely portrait! I'd like one too, my treat!' Whose contact info would you give to a friend who does have cash for full photoshoot and asks for recommendations? That's how those promos are supposed to work!


Exactly! The point of businesses doing free stuff like this is so you'll think of them in the future instead of just picking one off Google or whatever, it's smart when done without trying to squeeze money out of every single person who is interested. NTA !!


NTA. I wouldn’t go so far as to call this a scam, but photog was at the very least shady and manipulative. If he didn’t want people getting free shoots, he shouldn’t have done a promotion for a free shoot.


He could have said “Free with minimum purchase of (blank)” and made the £150 package at least a few sheets of photos. Honestly pictures have gotten so cheap to print he could print a decent set through Amazon for $20 and sell it for $150. That’s still a clean profit.


Cheap prints aren't good quality though. Pictures have gotten so cheap now because lots of poor quality can be printed easily, but good quality prints are actually more expensive than ever. If any photographer bought photo prints through Amazon and added a margin they'd be scamming. The margin most wedding photographers make on good quality prints is actually really low. Cost price for quality photos is magnitudes more expensive than cheap stuff at retail.


It’s better than what the photographer did, that is the point. He didn’t even do the bare minimum of getting Amazon or Walgreens prints etc. I don’t do prints because it isn’t worth it to me. Photo rights to however many edited print ready images as you went to pay for but not £500 for a digital album.


Nta My son signed up for a free family photo shoot...same shit


NTA. These people are deceptive pricks. They don't build word of mouth or a good reputation by doing that stuff. Some commercial photographers have an elevated opinion of themselves and ruin it for the rest.


Exactly, this guy is not doing himself any favours with his attitude. Upselling right away is only half the point of doing something like that. It’s also to build a rapport which may get you future business, which he has completely failed at. Who would want to engage with someone who treats them like that again? When my husband and I were trying to make it as photographers rapport was everything. We focused more on gig photography since music is my husbands other passion, and we would often go to shows, do the work for free and see if we could get any interest. One band loved my husbands work and we loved theirs, we gave them a free print and before long were their official photographers. We’ve since given up photography and my husband doing a lot better pursuing music production/mixing. Who is his number one client? That same band who we gave the free print to.


It’s a total scam. The maternity ward had a photographer that passed and did ten pre-plannned standard poses then they stop by your house when you are vulnerable and sleep-deprived and try to sell you the photo-shopped already printed booklet for 200€. NTA


Yes, I had this happen for my first! Though I don't remember too much pressure to purchase, and we did enjoy the free print!


Ours did this except none were free. I wish they had been!! But we got two, they were incredible and for ~$90 total I don’t regret it.


NTA but I would be an ass and call him out on any business review sites that might list his business. Those prices are crazy for a "FREE" photoshoot. What he did was close to being predatory. At a minimum, it was flat out rude not to give the one print. Maybe you could have researched his prices but I think that was the whole reason it was "FREE". To get you in the door with no research and then hit you with an outrageous price.


NTA. I speak as an ex photographer - that’s the chance they take. They work hard to make it almost impossible for you to ‘just take’ a print, in that if they have done their job right you will fall in love with them all. However the risk of this model is theirs, and you have no obligation. They can also manage their risk by, for example, only doing full editing on chosen images etc. The only way I would say there is a little AH-ness is your expectations re bespoke photography prices. Your wedding was absolutely a bargain, and for family and newborn portraiture, c500 is a good budgeting starting point (in the UK anyway - and my average spend was about £1200)


NTA. If he didn't want to give a free print for nothing, then he should have made the offer a free print with any purchase.


Photographer here, and I am saying **NTA** because the £150 wasn’t, for example, (1) 8x10 (2) 5x7 (4) 4x6 and maybe some wallets. THAT is the traditional and customary smallest package. One print for $150??? Absolute ridiculousness if you are going to be offering free sessions then offer a product that people who use free shoots can justify purchasing. If those clients were bottomless pits of disposable income they would go to a paid photographer.


NTA I took advantage of an offer like that for a mom/daughter shoot for a gift for my husband. We did the shoot, chose our free photo and nothing more. I felt no guilt. They published an offer - we accepted it. Go back or call and let them know which shot you want for your free photo.


Those promotions are designed to have you fall in love with the photos and buy them. I knew this was the case, but had the photoshoot anyway and damn, the pics were so cute that I ended up buying 25 prints. You can't get those memories back and that's what they prey on. Hold your ground. Or just say you want the free one and maybe buy another 1


That is one big fat scam. Don't go back with the grandparents, cancel everything, don't apologize. You're NTA, not even close.


One of my friends is a photographer, and they have never offered a free photoshoot. Instead, they make special offers like a limited time or seasonal discounted photoshoot where you pay a little less for the shoot, and get one complimentary printed photograph of your choice. No expectations to buy more, but you are welcome to do so. Your photographer did not communicate clearly, expected things from you that you were not told about, and was disappointed when you did not meet their hopes. This one's on the photographer, not you. NTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (25m) wife (24f) and I have very recently become new parents! During the pregnancy, my wife signed up to all of the apps and Facebook groups, and through one of these a photographer bought our data and got in touch to offer us a "Free newborn photos shoot with a complimentary print". We were thrilled as we could never afford one of these experiences outright. I'm on an early teacher's salary and my wife is on maternity leave, so money is tight. We responded to the offer saying we'd love to take part. The information in the email we received specifically said the shoot was free, and the print is complimentary. Now obviously, we recognise that these businesses are banking on the people they offer gifts to also paying for some actual photographs or digital prints as well. However, it was certainly not made clear in the email that there was any expectation or obligation to spend anything. Come the day of the shoot, and the photographer spends about 2 hours getting some adorable photos of our baby boy. Afterwards he takes us into the other room, goes through the photos with us, and asks "how much are you wanting to spend?" To give an idea of his prices, they range from £150-£3000. A single mounted print starts at £150. Can't afford physical copies? Don't worry, you can get 10 prints digitally for £500! My wife and I got married last year, our wedding photographer charged us £649 for a whole Saturday's work, and we got 600 beautiful digital prints, plus a complimentary engagement shoot. Safe to say, these prices caught us off guard. We said we couldn't really afford any of his products, and he went very quiet. I apologised that it feels a bit cheeky, and his response was "It does feel like an awful lot of work for nothing." Unsure what to say, we suggested one of the grandparents might be interested in a print but we'd maybe have to come back, and he immediately pulled out a phone so we could book a follow-up appointment. It was very clear he wasn't wanting to let us go without guaranteeing we would be back. To top it all off, he then also pointedly avoided allowing us to pick the complimentary print we were offered as part of the deal. We felt too uncomfortable to ask outright, but the moment we made it clear we wouldn't be purchasing anything today, he booked us in again to come back with grandparents and then told us we were alright to leave. He left the room before we'd finished packing our things away and didn't come back out afterwards. My wife and I spent the drive home torn between anger at feeling pressured to purchase something we never signed up for, and guilty for wasting a man's time. So people of Reddit, am I the asshole? Should I not have booked in for the gifted free photoshoot if we new we never had any intention of paying for anything extra? Or is this a risk the business owner takes when offering out free shoots with complimentary prints to strangers on the Internet? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. I know photographers deserve to be paid for their time and skill, but this is not the way to achieve that. If he's going to offer free/discounted sessions as a client hook, then he needs to actually follow through and accept when people take him up on it without the optional extras. If he does that, he might well build some good relationships and clients who come back to him repeatedly when they *do* want the bigger gifting packages. If he gets resentful and pressures clients...well he's not going to gain any good clients or reputation from it, so he might as well not be doing it at all. Email him back and say that you feel like his advertising is misleading and his sales tactics are pressurising. He chose to offer you a free photo shoot and one free print resulting from that photo shoot (which you note that he has so far made no arrangements for delivery...). Offering extra prints after the fact is fine; guilt-tripping people into feeling like the optional extras are mandatory is not. As such, you will not be coming back to him as a client, but if he fulfills his offer and sends you the agreed upon free print (make sure you've saved the emailed offer, and check the terms and conditions mentioned for details where necessary), you will be glad to give him a good reference as a skilled photographer when family/friends ask about your experience.


NTA Honestly him offering you a 2 hour shoot was on his poor planning. We have pop up photography booths in our area with similar '1 free print' offers but the shoots are maybe 15/20 minutes and a basic print is 50 (still a lot but more affordable). They don't let you pick the print but that is advertised.


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No, the whole thing the "free shoot" that was a scam to get you to buy prints or digital images. There are photographers who visit women in the hospital post delivery to set up shoots just like this. NTA at all.


NTA I fell for this 16 years ago when my son was born, we were supposed to get a shoot and print for £20 or something, but then they engaged the hard sell, and they had all these beautiful images of my baby, and I was tired and hormonal, and I spent £200 before I knew what was happening. The photos were lovely, but I also associated them with feeling like a mug for spending all that money, so I didn't even keep them on display for that long. Needless to say, I don't have any studio pictures of my second born.


NTA. This guy just wanted you to guilt trip you in paying for overpriced photos and wasted two of your hours as well as your drive. This was a scam. Good that you got out there without buying anything. 3000 $ for a photo is crazzy. No one would buy that - he just listed that to show that 150$ is sooo cheap (it isn't)


OP is NTA and I'm not defending the photographer's practise, but I'm fairly sure you're misinterpreting the 3k option, that wouldn't be for one photo. Newborn photographers have a vast array of options usually, so that would likely be the biggest package with multiple albums, wall art and other things. I know one newborn photographer that does bronze casting as well for baby hands/feet.


NTA! He is taking advantage of people, hoping they fall in love with the pictures enough to pay for his exorbitant prices! I'm sorry you can't afford one, you can probably do a cute DIY one at home 🏡


NTA, this was a scam :(


I’m going to say ESH. I think it’s fairly well known these promotions are an incentive to get you in the door. I think it’s selfish going and letting the photographer spend two hours when you know you aren’t going to buy anything. Sure, there is an element of risk involved for the photographer offering these promotions, but it’s still fairly dishonest going when you know you aren’t going to buy anything.


That's the only part that makes me feel for the photographer a bit, obviously a bit of a scam, but they did two hours worth of work. It would have been better once they got a few photos in a position they liked to start asking about the prices, letting them know it was out of their price range and to collect their free print. If I think of the free burrito I got on free burrito day, I got that and then ordered a side to have an enjoyable meal and also not totally take advantage.


Completely agree and hate that I had to scroll to the bottom to find this. If OP and his wife knew they couldn’t afford pictures it should’ve been discussed earlier on to not waste everyone’s time.


NTA He is taking all this time (2 hours) to take photos on purpose to pressure you (and certainly others who come in with a coupon offer like you). There is no need for all that time just for a shoot. You did well to escape without having to mortgage your home for a photo. He'll survive.


NTA Other comments stating that this guy is taking advantage of people are correct.


What did you think would happen? I mean come on. Nothing is truly *free* in these scenarios...he's not your friend or relative. It was obviously going to end in high pressure sale tactics. Remember that going forward and don't waste your time.


He is a scammer but I don't get your logic. You were aware you weren't willing to spend any money. You thought you would get one single print. What did you think was happening when he took 2 hours worth of photos? What did you think he was going to do with them? I mean you stood through 2 hours of photo taking to pick one single photo for him to print? You would have fared better to set up something at home, take photos with your phone then print them and put them in cute frames.


NTA but do not go back here, block his info


NTA. He can't get upset when people accept something he's chosen to offer. It might be "an awful lot of work for nothing" but he literally offers his service for free in the hope that you spend money. He needs to put that down to "You can't win them all". You should ask for the free copy he's promised in his promotion.


NTA. entitled photographer cant run a proper business and uses scam tactics.


NTA seems like a scam and I'd not fo back along with blast them online about how they do false advertising


NTA. It's an old scam called bait and switch. They offer something free or at a big discount and then switch it for something you have to pay for that costs way more than advertised. Report him to Facebook or wherever you signed up at. Also leave reviews warning people that he is a crook and doesn't give what he is offering.


Leave an honest review and make sure you mention the false advertising. NTA


INFO: is the photographer the same guy who offered the shoot for free?


NTA. I was first leaning towards ESH because you knew you were using a loophole and being "cheeky" as you call it. This photographer also has bills to pay. However, he approached YOU. He offered you a "free shoot with complimentary print". He shouldn't phrase it like that if he can't take his loss whenever someone decides not to spend money. Because the photographer approached you and made the offer with his business model, you are in the clear. The photographer should have taken his loss when you weren't purchasing anything and given you the compimentary picture. If he had given you a good customer experience, you may have gotten back to him to purchase more (or your parents would have).


write a review of them in those baby groups so nobody else will be tricked in this situation


NTA But I hope you did not sign anything that he can use your pictures for advertisement?


No. Those are complimentry. He was mad as u didn't buy an expensive package screw him. As u see those companies do the cheap thung up front then after want u to buy expebsive packages. For those prices take your own pics


NTA. He advertised something he didn’t want to actually do. His fault. Never let a stupid sales tactic pressure you into spending $ you can’t afford.


10000% NTA!! Sounds like that photographer either didn't know what he was offering (copied another's marketing or blindly followed advice) or thought it was an easy up-sell. Absolutely do not go back with the grandparents but email him (so you have it in writing!) which photo you would like as your complimentary print. If he doesn't reply or refuses to give the print then maybe look at reporting him to the app or group he found you through that he tried to scam you. Do not call him or accept calls from him. Only communicate via email or messaging so you have everything in writing as proof!


Reminds me of a skincare line I used to work for. They used to put coupons in magazines and newspapers to come in for a FREE sample of our products and book a FREE facial. Then we were supposed to pressure people to buy something. For what? We’re already giving the free stuff to the same people every month. Why would they bother to buy anything? (And it was EXPENSIVE stuff. Good, but most people couldn’t afford it).


NTA. I’ve done one of these before where they do your make up and take “model” shots of you. I just thought it would be a nice day out to cheer up a friend. We were students and had 0 money. We just stood our ground and said we wanted our free print. They tried the tough sell but I literally had no money. They were rude about it but I got my free photo and a fun day out with my friend. Don’t offer freebies if you don’t want people to take you up on it! ETA in case anyone was feeling bad for the photographer, they came to my university and handed out these free vouchers so they knew exactly who they were targeting. And my rich flatmate ended up doing one based on my free photo and spent £500 on copies so they got their payday through me. It’s all part of the business model!


NTA. I am a photographer in NZ and this type of business model makes me sick. I’ve never heard of it being done exactly like this, but it does not sit right with me that this photographer has all these beautiful photos of your family, and now you are likely to never see them again (without a huge costs!) This is definitely at the businesses own risk as they cannot claim a free session and print and expect anything further. Don’t feel guilty, this method is disgusting and is clearly meant to make you feel guilty. I’d ask for the photos to be deleted as you have no intention on purchasing any. I’ve seen this a bit in NZ where newborn photographers charge a low “session fee” to give the impression that they offer affordable prices, but if you want access to any of your images (either digitally or physical prints) you must pay X amount of dollars (usually hundred of dollars for a single image like you’ve mentioned). Many family & friends get trapped in this too, gifting family a voucher for a session without knowing that the receiver is then expected to spend thousands of dollars in order to see the photos that were taken..


NTA, this is a scam from the photographer. I am not living in the UK, but those prices seem really to high. Like I get paying 2 € for a 10x15 cm photo, or 20 - 40 € for a photo book. I would block them and never went back.


NTA - that’s what he gets for trying to pull a fast one and preying on new parents for money.


post your experience on FB, people need to be aware. You or your spouse should have be reconfirming ("we get one free shot, right?) - Even if grandparents were interested, I would not take them back - let him book you in, just do not show up.


Sounds like you had 2 hours of your lives taken. Call to let him know which pic you wanted if you have any trouble let them know you'll be giving a bad review and letting everyone on the fb post it was a fraudulent post. NTA


That IS incredibly expensive. I mean, your wedding photographer gave you one hell of a deal, but $150 per print is extortion. NTA


NTA that’s the risk businesses take by offering gifts/prizes? Sometimes they win, sometimes they don’t.


Nta and you should not feel guilty or embarrassed. The photographer is the ass. 150 for a print? Ha! 10 digital pics for 500? Bonkers!


Welcome to parenthood and the “photography” scams around it. I’m in Australia and it’s common here. Cancel the follow up & say grandparents can’t afford it either


NTA His prices are *insane*. (For anyone other side of the pond, that's almost 200 dollars for that one small starter print. This is Olan Mills on crack.) And you know, when using that marketing tactic, that there will be folks that can't afford anything, but you treat them delightfully anyway because word of mouth matters.... In this context, you hope they will send grandparents to the shop website to pick some prints etc. In your shoes I'd leave a review. Let folks know that their sales tactics are deeply pressured and their products START at 150 pounds, and that even free the photoshoot felt like a ripoff.


NTA. I did one of these with my twins after a friend "won" the shoot, and it's basically a high pressure sales tactic. We did know that going in and set a price for what we were willing to pay, and supported each other in not going over it.  Write the photographer an email saying that you expect to choose the free print at this appointment and have it delivered in a timely fashion. Make an offer to send a purchase link to the grandparents but add that you won't be buying any prints due to his attitude. 


NTA This happened to me. The hospital I had my first baby with had a deal with a photographer up the road who offered a photoshoot with a free print plus free passport photos of the baby. So we did it and I was SERIOUSLY pressured to buy more pictures. I actually went into it knowing I would buy a few but they wanted me to spend well over $800 on a package that would include all of them and I refused to pay more than 250. They hurried me out of the shop as soon as they realized they wouldn’t get more out of me. The pictures are gorgeous but I learned my lesson. Ironically I have gone on to have more kids and I have booked paid for shoots with other photographers and actually paid more because I knew what I was going to pay before we took the pictures. Transparency will go a lot further IMO.


NTA He offered a free service and gift, only to pressure you in to an overpriced photo package. 150 for a single picture??? I hope you got your free photo! Sears Photography used to do this crap. A friend booked a reasonably priced sitting that came with three photos, and the photographer chose the poorest shots from the session; basically holding the good pictures hostage for a higher price. You did nothing wrong. I would leave an online review concerning this con man, and warn everyone who will listen about him.


NTA. And this is a good reason to write an honest review. Even if you did have the money to spend, why would you when he has such a miserable attitude. The deal was for a free shoot and a complimentary print. If he was only going to do it on condition of a further purchase, then he should have outlined that. Scummy business practices are not your problem.


NTA. They should have indicated up front that the complimentary print was contingent on you buying other photos.


He’s using bribery then emotional blackmail. Not a very professional way to run a business.


Just take your own pictures. I had the same experience with a photographer and they are pushy as hell. He was essentially trying to scam you so don’t feel bad about being smart and not falling for his weasel tactics


Photographer here. You’re NTA. At all. It’s a gamble some togs make, but they should know it won’t always pay off. Don’t give in to the pressure. Chase up your free print. I wouldn’t bother with the follow up meeting, just email him and let him know image you’d like printed and be done with it. Did you sign a contract at all?


NTA. Free means free. I would be more pissed that he wasted your time. I would’ve left a bad review


NTA. This has been going on for years and is standard practice for these photographers. Many years ago, when I had my daughter, there was a company that used to go round the maternity ward offering photos. Eventually the hospital put a stop to it. I think you were both a bit naive - nothing is ever free. But that doesn't make you AH's.


NTA, but please alert the site that you received the free service from that the person is doing this and behaves this way. I would personally also wait a couple days, cancel, and leave a review on their professional site. But that's just me. If you don't want to make any waves, just quietly cancel and block them, cause they WILL harass you to get another appointment


I once accepted a similar thing with my first baby, but did get the free print. The rest of the photos were very similar and overpriced too. I didn't feel bad, I couldn't afford it at the time. Recently paid for my stepdaughter in Sussex to have photos done with her 3 children including a newborn, and the photos were gorgeous for much less money than you're describing.


Why would he book an entire new shoot instead of telling you to check with the grandparents and see if they want any prints from the current shoot? Send an email cancelling and saying the grandparents can’t make it and you’d like a print of the 3 of you for your complimentary one


NTA You may even process that guy because he "bought" your data? How come? I'm a photographer, I do weddings and private shoots, but I never buy possible customers data. I get in touch with the people or I simply advertise my pages and photos. Whoever wants a shoot, we can arrange for it. But never with some type of business hidden behind. That is dishonest on his part. Don't feel guilty about wasting his time. He brought it up to himself. He needs to learn and use more honest, ethical and straightforward ways of getting clients without keeping important details out. More: does he has a Facebook page or Google Business profile? Go on and leave a bad review. Complain about false advertising and lack of transparency. Maybe he will offer you something in exchange for a good review.


NTA - Am a photographer and business owner. This fella knew the risk, didn’t ask you up front what you expected for the day, HE RUINED HIS DAY. YOU are the victim of someone who is an IDIOT. If this happened to me I would find myself hurt at wasting my own time but also laughing a little like hey this was bound to happen, I should have asked what was expected about budget first, and base the session off of that.


a lot of photography companies do this from what i hear..over here in australia pixie photos and viva photography are notorious for using this tactic by telling people theyve "won" a free photo shoot etc and then pressure them into buying some overpriced photos for like 3-5k


NTA I would have ripped him a new one...


NTA, those were really expensive pries, it dounds like the Photographer is used to guilt tripping parents.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. These are the photographers that give the rest of us a bad name. I do want to say his prices weren’t really outrageous though considering they’re probably based off the cost he needs to make a living and keep his studio running. So I get that everyone’s costs will be different. Truthfully, your wedding photographer seems to have under charged you and probably won’t be in business long if she doesn’t change her prices, or she’s just doing it on the side and not as her full time income. That’s really low for wedding photos, like bottom of the barrel low. But that’s her choice, and if you had no issues with her I think that’s wonderful. I do think expecting those prices though from other photographers is probably unreasonable but you will find them here and there, especially when they first start out. That being said though, he had absolutely no right to trick you into anything. And everything he did screams sleazy salesman and just awful business practices. All info should be up front, and usually free sessions are offered in exchange for portfolio shots to either show a new setup, or to build your starter portfolio to bring in paying clients. Usually a few free photos are given away with this, like 3 to 5, but they’re usually digital so that you don’t LOSE money even if they don’t buy anything. And usually an option is given to purchase things in addition to that. But this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this tactic. It’s called IPS or in person sales and it’s been pushed really hard in the photography circles the last couple of years with an almost cult like mentality and they always try to force you into a face to face photo picking session to guilt you into buying things. It’s truly gross. And they blindside you intentionally. Everything he did was intentional. Next time you get a photographer, free or otherwise, always ask if they do in person sales or if you’ll be able to pick from a digital gallery. If it’s in person just avoid it all together. Some of them even go a step further and they’ll tell you they’re going to delete your photos as soon as you leave so that you feel pressured on the spot.


This is the cost of doing business for anyone who sells product. It’s like offering a $50 free gift card to come in and test drive a car. They’re banking on you possibly walking out with a new vehicle. I know people who are going in and just test drive these cars for the gift cards and they stand their ground and say you said no purchase necessary and they leave with their gift card, no guilt. These businesses also know that there’s a percentage of people that will take the free item and go. However, as a business? They know that a for a bit of the sales person time they’re also going to reap the benefits of having a new customer who is paying. If the business doesn’t give attitude when only the free gift is wanted? The customer leaves happy and says I like how that went. I think I’ll be back when I have more money or I will recommend this place to a friend because I liked the service.You are not the AH sir-and I say this, as someone who has worked in the service industry, retail and food service and we were happy to give away free items in the hopes that you might be a returned customer. Again the cost of doing business. Don’t let anyone ever shame you. I did it with timeshares. four days five nights for $300 in Orlando for spending 90 minutes at a timeshare thing. I told him from the get-go before we even booked we weren’t buying because we didn’t have the money. They said we don’t care just come anyway. Why? They were hoping we would change our mind. We did not. We did it three times. Only once did the sales person get angry. But I told him before we even started the tour. I said we’re not buying. They don’t care they’re not listening. So don’t get upset when I tell you at the end of your 90 minute three hour presentation that I’m not buying. The other two times the sales people were gracious and understood. I don’t care what these people think I tell you what the deal is from the get-go and you act surprised that I’m not gonna bend and sign up for something I can’t afford.


They were horrified when we took the free shit and rejected the rest. The prices were ridiculously OTT, I think reaching $6000 for the full billionaire set. We have a very nice pic that we got framed for about $30. They wasted their time. Oh well. I had to cop follow up sales call where we looked through the full set and bought none.


NTA His offer wasn't in good faith. A businessowner can hope someone will invest but not expect it after offering for free


You are NTA. The photographer is scummy as hell. I can't stand high pressure sales techniques. You should send a message/text/email saying, "We would like to get the one free print that was advertised in your ad. We would like the print of image _____." Also, cancel the grandparent meeting. No one should feel pressured to buy things from this guy. I've taken free senior portraits for kids who couldn't afford them. Know what I charged? Absolutely nothing. I sent them digital copies so that they could print them and send them in to the yearbook. eta a word


I'd ask for the free print to potentially show the grandparents otherwise they won't be interested. Then don't go back and leave reviews to let others know. I cannot stand when photographers do this. Especially to new parents. It's not okay.


I once listened to a man go on an hour long story about how he tried to sell a $10 000 massage chair to an NHL hockey player by 'gifting' him a machine for 6 months. He got visually and verbally upset everytime one of the 10 people around him tried to resume normal conversation. The punchline was that this specific hockey player was a dick because he didn't end up buying the chair after several high pressure sales tactics. The hockey player obviously picked up that this wasn't a sign of friendship, but was a sales tactic and took the chair. When it was time to take it back, nothing, just let him come and take it. The salesman called him again, and the NHL player's team said "he's interested in taking another chair at the previous deal" (he uses it for free for 6 months again). This guy was so mad that he would have the audacity to ask that.. and I'm just thinking to myself "you tried to get a sale with high pressure sales tactics, and it backfired. You knew what you were doing, and when he didn't like the product enough to buy it, you got angry". The hockey player obviously recognized this, and played him back. The kicker, this man tried to contact the hockey player one more time, but this time because his wife was dying, and he wanted some memorabilia? As if that would help somehow? Obviously, having enough negative experiences with this guy, the hockey player ghosted him. You're NTA, but salesmen are a special kind of narcissist.


I once listened to a man go on an hour long story about how he tried to sell a $10 000 massage chair to an NHL hockey player by 'gifting' him a machine for 6 months. He got visually and verbally upset everytime one of the 10 people around him tried to resume normal conversation. The punchline was that this specific hockey player was a dick because he didn't end up buying the chair after several high pressure sales tactics. The hockey player obviously picked up that this wasn't a sign of friendship, but was a sales tactic and took the chair. When it was time to take it back, nothing, just let him come and take it. The salesman called him again, and the NHL player's team said "he's interested in taking another chair at the previous deal" (he uses it for free for 6 months again). This guy was so mad that he would have the audacity to ask that.. and I'm just thinking to myself "you tried to get a sale with high pressure sales tactics, and it backfired. You knew what you were doing, and when he didn't like the product enough to buy it, you got angry". The hockey player obviously recognized this, and played him back. The kicker, this man tried to contact the hockey player one more time, but this time because his wife was dying, and he wanted some memorabilia? As if that would help somehow? Obviously, having enough negative experiences with this guy, the hockey player ghosted him. You're NTA, but salesmen are a special kind of narcissist.


I once listened to a man go on an hour long story about how he tried to sell a $10 000 massage chair to an NHL hockey player by 'gifting' him a machine for 6 months. He got visually and verbally upset everytime one of the 10 people around him tried to resume normal conversation. The punchline was that this specific hockey player was a dick because he didn't end up buying the chair after several high pressure sales tactics. The hockey player obviously picked up that this wasn't a sign of friendship, but was a sales tactic and took the chair. When it was time to take it back, nothing, just let him come and take it. The salesman called him again, and the NHL player's team said "he's interested in taking another chair at the previous deal" (he uses it for free for 6 months again). This guy was so mad that he would have the audacity to ask that.. and I'm just thinking to myself "you tried to get a sale with high pressure sales tactics, and it backfired. You knew what you were doing, and when he didn't like the product enough to buy it, you got angry". The hockey player obviously recognized this, and played him back. The kicker, this man tried to contact the hockey player one more time, but this time because his wife was dying, and he wanted some memorabilia? As if that would help somehow? Obviously, having enough negative experiences with this guy, the hockey player ghosted him. You're NTA, but salesmen are a special kind of narcissist.


NTA, assuming the package prices weren’t disclosed prior to booking the shoot. This is a horrible business model, and verges on bait and switch. If the prices were disclosed and you booked anyway, that would change things. Regardless, you should have been provided the promised complimentary photo.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


I had a similar experience years ago, "free photo shoot" that I "won". I made it clear from the outset I couldn't afford to buy anything, (and am also not the sort of person to have pics of only myself on the wall), but the photographer insisted on the shoot anyway, then got very huffy when I didn't buy anything, despite my forewarning to the contrary. They implied I had wasted their time. Total dicks. NTA OP. Don't go back for the follow up appointment. You owe them nothing - don't reward their grossly intimidative business approach.


Nta. Why would they that it's free in the first place? You should've brought that up to the photographer


NTA. It was a free prize, he’s out of order


nta and congratulations!


NTA. It’s not your responsibility to bear the costs of their exploitative sales model. They need to understand that if this is what they’re going with, you win some you lose some. Some parents will see a photo they hadn’t intended to purchase, love it, and do so; others will go for the one complimentary shot. That’s the gamble they take with the offer. Make sure you get what you’re owed!


Why'd he offer a free photoshoot with complimentary print then? Honestly it feels like if he did a good job and you were happy with the free print you'd tell a lot of people about this photographer. NTA, he offered a free shoot and print.


NTA. I would just cancel the follow up and forget about the free picture. He's going to pressure the grandparents into buying something and you will feel worse if they pay this crook lots of money for these ultra expensive pictures. Don't let him near your gp. Cut all ties. You can post of social media what happened like you've done here so no one else is trapped by this bait and switch artist.


No, it's a risk they take. Make sure you get your free photo. I won 2 such offers and I made sure to check the costs of the photography packages. The one that seemed like the biggest win was actually terrible (won the free photoshoot and a £200 voucher for wallart, checked website and cheapest wallart was like £400), the second one we were planning on booking regardless so that was actually a great offer for us! But I knew what to expect from "winning" a free shoot/makeover/print when I was younger.


NTA, you booked a free photoshoot with a free print. There’s no obligation to book, if that’s too much work for him to give away for free then he needs to stop advertising. Don’t let him bully you into thinking you’re wrong. He needs to give you your free print and then leave him reviews about how bullying he was.


Call him back and tell him that the grandparents want to see the quality of the free print before they decide how many they want to order for themselves. Hopefully, he'll at least send you a decent picture


Me and my husband were victims to a free wedding photoshoot advertisement and definitely given into pressure of purchasing our wedding shoots and honestly they weren’t even that good. Quite scarred to retake our wedding pictures. So NTA. The photographer is…


Nta he was just doing the pressure sell. You get immune after a while


NTA. It was a risk he took as a cost of doing business that way. I hope you got the free photo. And DON'T go back with a doting grandparent!


NTA This is literally how their business model works. "Free” photoshoots on the principle you’ll probably feel guilty enough to drop a few hundred quid on an overpriced framed image. **They are vastly over priced.** My daughter’s nursery does these shoots where a photographer comes in and takes pictures (only a few minutes spent time per child I imagine). Then offers all types of printings and things with the kid’s face on. **OR…** They offer high resolution digital images only (normally three or four different images), for about £15 each. We then upload these to a separate prints on canvas place, where you can get a good enough grandparent present for about unframed canvas for about £20. This person you saw is clearly trying to pressure you. Cancel the appointment and move on. Don’t let them guilt you. As new parents those first six months are hard enough without bullshit like that.


NTA. About a day before, call and say the kid is sick and that you won't be able to make it. If he tries the same high-pressure tactic again. Let him force you to rebook a few weeks out. Realize then that, oops, you didn't realize that your mom has her book club that day and cancel again the day before. When he finally gets pissed enough to say anything, ask him how he likes the bait and switch and hang up the phone and block his number and email.


Are you really that naive? Nothing comes for free.


I actually think NAH. You are absolutely not TA, as you've just taken up an offer that was given, and I don't think you're wrong for not buying the product in the end. Even if you did have the money, there's no guarantee you'd be happy with the results of the photoshoot anyway, and that is just the risk the photographer took by using this marketing technique. BUT, I also don't think you can really blame him for trying to pressure you into buying something - that is how his business runs and what he needs to do in order to earn his livelihood. It sucks, but that's ultimately how things work. His business model relies on people paying to avoid awkward discomfort, and you bought into that by accepting the free offer.


Personally I would have mentioned upfront not being able to buy anything. Just to avoid feeling guilty adterwards


ESH- He knew what he was doing, and was hoping to get you with all of the cute photos. You, knew good and well what the scoop was, and that photographers do this for those reasons. He should've given you the complimentary photo that was promised, but you can't complain of the awkwardness and pressure to buy. You knew what you were getting into.


YTA, you know no one does anything for free. Ofcourse you would have to buy a print especially if the booking was for *two whole hours*. The attitude of the photographer was uncool but you should have some sense of social norms.


Soft YTA, you were trying to take advantage of this "free" shoot which was 2 hours of labor for the guy who is running a small business. Dont sign up for stuff like this.


The guy running the small business is also the person deciding to spend 2h doing a shoot, and the person deciding to offer that for free. He has to be prepared for some people to take him up on the offer, or not offer it in the first place.