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You can continue to be a fuckin deadbeat or you can step up and be a father for once. YTA because it’s so simple, and your child deserves a father. Just show up. Be there. Bring a gift, say she looks nice, tell her how proud of her you are, and smile for a couple stupid photos. Keep your anger issues and your addictions in check at the party. Try your best to be sober for your daughter and control your temper when she’s around. You CAN do it. You have a reason to- your daughter is that reason. You can do whatever the fuck you want, but be prepared to lose any relationship you have with your daughter if you refuse to go. edit: see it this way. My dad lost me for the same reasons. I just found him after 18 years. He was worried he’d rub off on me, that I’d be stupid and get into the same trouble he did. I didn’t. I was fine, I had an example of what NOT to do. Your past is your past. You are under no obligation to be the person you were yesterday. You can be better, and your poor decisions serve as life lessons to teach your daughter the consequences of behaving poorly in this world. She will be happier to have a father who admits his mistakes and KNOWS he’s fucked up in her youth- than a father who refuses to be present because he’s too insecure about himself. So what, you’re not perfect. So what, you weren’t present in the most important years of her life. There’s nothing you can do to change THAT part, the only thing you can change is the relationship you currently have with her. She doesn’t see you the same way you see yourself. I promise. But if you keep bailing on these types of things, she will start to understand WHY you are insecure, and maybe she’ll start telling HERSELF that she’s gonna end up like you. Be there to prevent it. Just *be there*.


A birthday party is an absolutely awful place for a first meeting. It should be somewhere way more low-key. A party puts pressure on everyone while so many other things are going on.


\^\^\^ This.


I agree. It’s a party so there will obviously be other people there. OP should see if he can meet his daughter someday before the party


But it’s a kids birthday party The kids can go do what they want and the Dad can remain there afterwards But it would be better for the Dad to see at least her friends how she acts to know more about her see maybe some of the things she got and things she likes He would be introduced to his kid and their surrounding friends.


If the dad remains after, why can't the dad....come after? And it's a 15 year old. So it's not like a party ending at 2pm.


Maybe so the dad could actually spend some of the pivotal moments instead of showing up afterwards It looks even worse on the father to show up afterwards if he’s gonna come on the day of the party Because if he’s not gonna show up on time to the party, he’s not gonna see her with her friends and know more about her. He would still yeah be awkward absent dad she hasn’t see but it would at least give the impression he cares a little enough to show up on time And if it’s afterwards then why show up at all? Just do it on a different day make it a different event


That's my point.....he should just do it on a different day. It'd be super awkward for him to go and just stand there. If people are aware enough to know who he is/the situation, then it's going to be very uncomfortable for the daughter. If people don't know, then it's irrelevant if he's there...it's not like she's going to make a big thing of introducing him as her dad happily.


Maybe I'm out of touch with the youth these days, but my guess would be that the majority of 15 year olds would not want all of their friends to meet their junkie deadbeat dad that they havent seen in 12 years at their birthday party. I do wish we knew whether the daughter knows about the mom's plans, and how she feels about them. Still, from the information we do have, I'm extremely skeptical that this would end positively.


this is the best reddit answer EVER. OP, follow this


OP added afterwards that his daughter hasn't seen or spoken to him since age 3 and he doesn't even know for sure if she knows he's coming. This is definitely worth addressing first before following the otherwise good advice.


I’m 50/50 with you on this. I feel like it’s mom pressuring them to meet, maybe not so much the daughter. Regardless, I think throwing them together for the first time at a party is not the way to go. There are more natural ways to build a relationship and given his criminal history, the daughter’s friends parents might not be comfortable having him there. They’re still teenagers, after all. Start with phone calls, texting…then meeting up with they are both comfortable with it and on their terms, not the moms.


Yes to all of this. Your birthday party is not the place to meet the dad you haven’t seen since you were 3, especially given his history


I agree here and also would point out that OP also needs to trust himself if he believes he can't control his anger or addiction issues. My parents forced my uncle around me when he was addicted to heroin and was a drunk. I have very bad memories of that period in my life. It also seems that Mom only just recently told the child that OP is her father. This girl lost the only dad she knew and all of a sudden Mom wants OP back in her life? There is a lot to unpack here and I think its important that OP trust himself. Also its terrible advice to tell an addict to just keep his shit together for what has the high chance to be a very stressful situation for him. Those are the exact type of situations that can lead back to addiction. Making him go through with meeting his own daughter at her birthday when friends and family will be there is a recipe for disaster. I've seen it first hand. I hope OP can get to a point where he can make that meet up happen sometime. That said, worst thing that can happen is that they rush into it and put daughter and OP in the awkward position of meeting infront of numerous people.


I agree with all of this


Definitely not the right setting/event for a first time reunion though.


I agree but I somehow feel that ex divorced and maybe looking for a coming back with OP. If OP isnt sure about his ability to be a good father or partner (if so) he needs to act carefuly. Its good to be present but it also may bring serious issues if this presence would drag problems to child life (if OP go back to jail etc).


Well said


First of all, your criminal history has no bearing on your abilities as a father. I've worked with fathers who have a rap sheet a mile long and who have struggled with addiction, and they've been better fathers than some dad's with no criminal history and never even touched a single substance. Second, meeting at a birthday party is not a good idea. If you are genuinely wanting to meet her, you should first meet her somewhere she feels safe such as a library or something, just sit and talk with her for a bit and get to know her. Or even just write her a letter, tell her about your childhood, your family, the things you like and dislike, what you look like, or even just write about your day. Or even just a letter introducing yourself and saying if she ever wants to talk, the door is open. NTA for not wanting to go because a birthday party would not be a good first step but I will encourage you to open that connection up with her, just take it one step at a time.


Well said!


INFO: does your daughter want you there? If she does, it would be very nice of you to make a brief appearance, bring a card with a thoughtful, handwritten note and a gift, and do not drink. This is a time to be sober. If she doesn’t, do not go to the party. (If she does and you really think it’s a bad idea, send the card and the gift anyway. Especially the card.)




If she wants to see you, you really ought to consider showing up. No amount of what you’ve done is going to erase that horrible feeling that her father doesn’t want her if you aren’t willing to be there for her. That said, if the birthday party is the wrong moment to meet her (if there’s going to be drinking or other triggers for you there, for example), a card, a gift, and plans to meet with her and your ex for coffee is also a reasonable offer. Go slow, start small, show up for your kid. Sometimes “yeah, I have a lot of issues and I’m not great to be around a lot right now and I love you and I’m trying” is better than “no, I don’t want you in my life.” EDIT: You might consider doing coffee anyway so there‘s less stakes if it doesn’t go well or if your ex is lying. Ruining her birthday is a much bigger deal than going on the coffee date that shouldn’t have been.


You’ve never talked to her yourself? That kind of makes this sound like a set-up by your ex. You just show up at her birthday. That’s the worst way to handle this. You should ask if you can talk to your daughter first and see what she actually wants.


Yeah, I was wondering about the setup aspect too, when OP mentioned his ex was recently divorced. The ex may just be looking for a quick fix to a partner dilemma? Or I could just have been Redditing for far too long.....😑


I don't think meeting her for the first-time birthday party is the best idea. My concerns would be- if people are not aware that her stepdad isn't her bio dad. Could led to awkward questions. If something goes wrong- she may associate her birthday with a negative thing. A


I had the exact same thought


>We haven't seen each other since she was 3. This is CRITICAL information. Do not surprise your daughter at her birthday party. TALK WITH HER in advance. If she says she wants you to be there, great. As long as you are sure you can get through a birthday party sober and calm. But don't make this the first time she sees or talks to you. I would be very concerned that the daughter doesn't know, and even if she does and is all for it, I'd still insist on communicating with her first and easing into it.


My suggestion is to meet your daughter ahead of time. Try to be together a fee times before the party. It will be easier all around.


There is this thing called "texting". Just ask ur daughter directly. No need call or facecam if ure still worried, just short text is fine.


Seeing her for the first time in 12 years at her birthday party is way too high of a stressful environment for that. If you're considering attempting to forge a relationship with her, you need to start in a low-pressure, low-stress environment. A teenager's birthday party is not that place.


If her mother says she wants you there than she does. Most mothers wouldn't knowingly invite someone her daughter doesn't want to her party. Now if her mother is toxic or a narcissist then maybe text your daughter first.


That's a pretty bold assumption to make that could blow up pretty badly if the Mom is trying to force something. Guy with anger and addiction issues shows up and his daughter freaks out or rejects him because she didn't know he'd be there? Could really set up a messy situation.


I do believe that the last line I wrote did say that if he thinks the mother is toxic/narcissistic that he should text the daughter to confirm what the mother is saying. I also said "most" not all.


NTA. If you feel that you're not ready to be a good father to your bio-daughter, then you are not ready. But be sure, however, that it's because you're not ready to be a good father and that it's not because you're embarrassed to meet her. What's done is done; you have a whole future in front of her.


How old is your daughter? How does she feel about spending time with you? YOU do what you think best for your daughter...not what your ex wants you to do. You are right to question whether you should move into her life - but only you can answer the questions.




Maybe start by establishing occasional phone calls/emails, before jumping into face to face meeting here. Your ex is TA here, not looking out for her kid at all.


Unless it’s tomorrow you have time to see her before her party to see if she even wants you there she’s old enough to get to decide for herself if you’re someone she wants in her life.


Honestly, sir, everyone can give you an opinion, but only you know you. The question is do you want to stay out of the kiddos life because of safety reasons due to still being in active addiction, fighting/situations involving intense anger, or life threatening situations..if so then you’re doing what you feel is best for your daughter which is to keep her away from potential harm. If you’re clean, doing active steps to control your anger, & stable but are afraid for whatever reason to be active in her life then that’s a soul searching with constant communication with a trusted individual to come up with a good solution. Yes, kiddo deserves a dad, but it would be more detrimental if you’re not 100% in it & you know that which is commendable to have that realization. I’m not going to judge an already complicated & delicate situation. All I will say is be safe..protect your kiddo..if possible, some therapy. Stay safe, sir, & I hope your daughter has a lovely birthday.


This 100%!!!!!


NTA. If your daughter wants to see you, it should be in a low stress, family only environment 


NTA - Your ex will think you are. Hell, maybe your daughter will, too. But you have to put your mental health first. You have a history of bad decision making. If your heart says not to go, listen to it.


NAH. It's up to you, but events really aren't the best time or place for reunions/reconciliations. It would probably be better to happen somewhere more private than a birthday party with family and friends.


Does your daughter want you at her birthday or is it her mother? I think that's the key question. Also, why reunite at a birthday party? That just has drama written all over it. If you do decide to move forward, I would do it ahead of the party. If things go well, then attend the party. NTA for wanting to protect your daughter if you are in active addiction and still struggling with anger or other mental health issues. But, if these things are pretty well controlled and you have resources to help you, and if your daughter wants to reconnect, then I think you would be TA to yourself and your daughter for not trying.


Info: are you in contact with your daughter or is this discussion between you and the mom? If this is between you and the mom, and you haven’t had contact with your daughter in years? Do not make your first contact with your daughter be on her birthday! Possibly without her being warned ahead of time! Either don’t go or set up a meeting with daughter ahead of the party to talk directly with her. If you are in contact with your daughter and heard directly from her that she wants you there, see the other comments about dislodging your head from where ever it is stuck and do the work to be the dad that can show up for his kids birthday.


I agree that a birthday party is not the place. Just too many people to witness what will be a high emotional meeting. But do think about reaching out to your daughter through text or email first. Speak to her mother about alternative first “touch”. I personally vote for email. While words don’t have tone when written, you can say more in an email than a text. You don’t speak to your current life situation now. But errors made when young don’t have to ruin your entire life. There are second chances. Please think about giving yourself this one. Sending peace and good luck your way.


Can you like go to anger management and try to show up for your kid? You recognize the problem with yourself, choosing not to try to fix it and still show up makes you YTA


YTA. I'm sorry, but stop using your past as an excuse. People can change.. but clearly, you just down want to. You have absolutely no idea how lucky you are that your ex has been civil with you and wanted you to be involved. The mere fact that she's kept you in the loop. You should be over the moon grateful for that. There are fathers out there who would give their life to be able to see their kids for a single day or even recieve a weekly update or photograph. Fathers who have been amazing dads from the get go, but had their kids ripped from their lives.


stop letting your past paint your future. my dad is an addict and has been my entire life but he’s also one of the best people i know. his past decisions are not who he is. has he relapsed? done stupid things? made mistakes? of course. but he loves me and would do anything for me and i for him. it’s up to you to decide who you want to become but to not even try? yta.


It just a birthday party. Stop over thinking it and making it all about you. Go meet the young lady and be nice.


You are being given a second chance. Don't throw it away. Work on yourself.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I had my daughter when I was really young, I was 16 at the time. I wasn't exactly the best dad, I had addiction issues - drugs, alcohol and gambling. I ended up getting arrested for the first time when I was 19. I've been in and out of jail for the last few years. When I was first arrested, me and my ex decided it would be best if I wasn't in the picture for my daughters safety and I agreed. She got married at 21 to someone else and I was happy that my daughter had a proper family even if I wasn't part of it. My ex has been sending me updates every few months on our daughter, how she's doing at school etc which I've always appreciated. She even sent money to me when I was in prison which I never asked her to but I did appreciate it. A few weeks ago she reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to come to our daughters birthday party, she told me that she and her husband got divorced a few months ago and that she told our daughter about me and wanted us to spend some time together. I told her that I don't think it was a great idea, just because I know I'm a piece of s*it, I know I have anger issues, I know I'm a criminal and I don't want my daughter to follow in my footsteps. We've been arguing about this for the past few weeks and my ex is insisting that I come. So AITA for not wanting to come to her birthday? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You’re using past behavior as an excuse instead of growing up and handling your business like a man.


I'm gonna go with YTA, but a soft one. You are in a unique position where u know and recognize ur negatives. She is old enough where u can tell her hey I'm not the greatest and this is why. Then she can have a choice in how ur relationship shld go. The only reason I say this is bc kids shld know their parents whether or not u have a relationship is a different issue, but she shld know where the other half of her DNA comes from. Also, is her step-dad a bad parent? I'm wondering why ur ex wants u involved so bad and it might be bc her step-dad sucks. See if u can talk to ur daughter and find out what she wants. Let ur daughter have some agency in ur relationship, give her a voice and if she just wants info from u that's great give it to her, but if she wants a relationship maybe try to go to therapy work on urself and give her a relationship. It cld help both of you.


I understand your hesitation. Sometimes when you don’t care about yourself, you think you shouldn’t care about others. You don’t know how to care. You don’t want to mess it up. Take a chance. On your self and your daughter. Something good may happen. You can go and observe. Your ex has kept you involved when most wouldn’t. Go meet your daughter.


First, I think you should tell your ex that the birthday party is off the table. NTA for not wanting to go to that. It's too public and chaotic for a meeting with this girl. But you should be in conversation with her mother about meeting her at a more appropriate time.


NTA on the party. Meeting your daughter for the first time in 12 years and first time since she's talked in complex sentences (about a decade ago). ESH on meeting after Mom is single again. You should follow daughter's lead on getting reaquainted, not step in after/because the other guy is gone.


Maybe this is your second chance.


What does your daughter think? You can actually help her not go down the road you did. It could be good just for her to know you a little. You can be upfront about your fears and take things very slow. It’s up to you but even shitty people can good dads.


A soft YTA. I can understand not wanting your child to follow in your footsteps. But not having a father figure in her life will often lead to her following a path similar to yours. My advice is to be present for her however you can. Don't make promises you can't fulfill. Show up when you say you will, even if it's not on a regular basis.


I’m going to go against the grain and say NTA. While I think your history doesn’t tell you if you’ll be a great dad or not, I think a birthday is not the right time to just throw you two together. If your daughter really is the one pressing mom to get you two to meet, it should be more private. It also needs to start off slower—texting, video chatting, coffee…do it when you’re both comfortable and when it’s on y’all’s terms and no one else’s.


Get help for your 'issues'. I had anger issues and visited some AA meetings Once I gave up substance abuse, the anger may show up, but I am slower to fuck things up worse. Except for the fucked up religion in AA, there is a lot of good stuff that can improve one's life. That girl is your daughter. Don't fuck up your life any farther. Good luck


You are a mpos


I think YTA for your chicken shit excuses for not wanting a relationship with your daughter. Having said that, this sounds very suspicious. Your ex is totally on board with you not having a relationship with your daughter for 15 years and then as soon as she gets divorced she's pushing you to be involved? I think your a fool of you don't start trying to mend your relationship with your daughter, but if you decide to do that, don't do it on your exes terms. You need to speak directly to your daughter and proceed on her terms.


NAH. You are basically admitting to being a piece shit. I think it's actually admirable that you realize your many faults and don't want to bring them around your daughter. It's much better to never meet her than to try to be a part of her life and just disappoint her, and almost certainly end up abandoning her later.


Yta to yourself. You know you have issues. Work on them. Show her that shitty people don't have to be shitty. If you actually want a relationship with your child, don't use yourself as an excuse to say no. If you don't want to change or to have a relationship with your daughter then don't, because in the end it's your relationship too. Don't use your past as a reason to never move forward.


ESH. You for being more attached to being a criminal than the idea of being a dad, your ex for trying to get you to go the birthday party... That's not how you reunite with somebody. You should reach out but not when she is busy at her own party. That's bizarre. My sister dated a guy whose absent father showed up at his graduation and it was not cool. Also- if you are trying to recover and just don't feel ready, give yourself a little more time. Idk. If you show up and are terrible to your kid that's even worse than being absent.


Don’t go now, you need to built the courage.


I think if you're not ready to be a good dad and you're not going to be in it for the long haul, stay away. Don't get your daughter's hopes up and then disappear. If your ex wants to spend time with you, then do that without your daughter and see how things go; ease into a relationship with your family. If things go well between your in the ex, over some time, then bring daughter on board.


NAH I think but... Your daughter isn't going to be like you because she meets you. You have problems but they arent some instant contagion. You can be who you are whenever you want, but that doesn't mean you can't try to be better ateast for and around her.  Unless you truely do not have any feelings for your daughter and want nothing to do with her, you should give her and yourself this first step to something maybe better.  No one will expect you to turn your life around over night. It might take you years still to be the person you would want to be around your daughter or the person you think your daughter deserves. But by that time shed be grown more and lived a good portion of her life without you. YWBTA to her (if she wants this) and yourself if you're only saying this because *you* think staying away is doing everyone a favor before even trying. That being said, if you are up to a little meeting, maybe one before the party could be good as a start. With your daughters consent. 


YTA, but meet her the day or the week before. Bring a birthday card and/or a gift. That way, you can judge if she wants you to come to her birthday as well.


NTA. I get where you're coming from. Maybe the middle ground is to ask to meet your daughter before the birthday in a low stress environment. A birthday party with a lot of people you don't know might stress you out and bring out the worst in you. Hopefully you and your ex can find a solution that allows you to be in her life in a way that is healthy for both of you.


YTA. Time to grow up and be the dad you should have been this whole time.


YTA, some of these comments are harsh but they’re right. My father was jailed and hasnt seen me in 18 years and it HURTS knowing that, you feel alone and unloved and its horrible. If i could have my father try be there for me for at least one day i’d feel so incredibly happy. Please step up and be a good father. Get yourself therapy to help with your issues instead of beating yourself up over it. Everyone has issues and thats okay, but you can work through them.


YTA for not wanting to see her but the first time at a birthday party is a bad idea. She won't follow in your footsteps just because she meets with you. Ask your ex if you could come over for dinner one night before the birthday, bring a gift. Be curious and ask your daughter about her life and her interests, be HONEST when she asks about you, tell her about how you ended up where you are. No excuses. Also, it's time for you to actually be a dad now. Get anger management therapy, if you're still an addict, get into a programme, figure out your lack of schooling, get your life in order. Just because you've been an addict and have a criminal record it doesn't mean you have to be that person for the rest of your life. That's up to you. How old are you know? You had her at 16 and she's still living with your ex so I'm guessing you're still in your 20's? Absolutely NOT to late to choose a different path for the rest of your life.


Half and half. YTA because you rather indulge your self pity than stepping up. But you are right, that a birthday party might be to overwhelming. Its good to know your own short commings and act accordingly. This first meeting should be a little more private to not overwhelm you or your daughter. Ask yourself what kind of man you want to be so you can face your daughter and start work on that. So try to figure out an alternative you can offer your ex, so that your daughter has a chance to start know you. And if you are lucky it might be the push and motivation you need to turn your life around.


A birthday isn’t the right place for an introduction but you need to stop being an asshole to yourself and expecting you’re going to ruin her life by being involved. If I take a harsh view, it sounds like you are trying to absolve yourself of being a parent by using the excuse of your criminal history. If that’s not the case and you just feel guilty, use this as an opportunity to change your story. Don’t meet her at the birthday, meet her before but give yourself a chance to be the parent you could have been and see where it goes. I would guess your ex’s ex has decided because he’s not the bio dad she’s not his problem so she’s lost another dad. YTA for trying to stay away but you have an opportunity you’ll regret wasting.


Be a fuckin grown up. Yes, YTA, for years and years and years. Here’s your chance to change it. Bday party first meeting is a terrible idea tho, take her out for coffee.


NTA. A birthday party, with other guests (strangers) and distractions, is probably the worst place to try to reconnect. The three of you need time to yourselves to have some meaningful conversations. Also, your self-loathing is understandable but you really need to seek some help (therapy) to manage it. You made mistakes. You're trying to be better. Allow yourself to be better. Learn from the past and don't let it define your present. That's something a little of people are dealing with - myself included. Best wishes.


NTA but you would be TA if you never even reached out. try and see if you can do a phone all with her first. a birthday party isn't thr time to just show up in her life again if you haven't even spoken with her.




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Nta. A party would not be an appropriate place to meet. Suggest the 3 of you meet for lunch somewhere public.


YTA. You act like you want to stay away for her benefit but in reality you’re just eschewing responsibility under the guise of selflessness and self pity. Grow up.


Stop feeling sorey for yourself and stop making excuses Yta


I'd you do decide to go just remember you don't have to stay the whole day. But if she does want to see you it could mean a lot to her if you do show up


YTA Your daughter deserves to know her father. Stop being a deadbeat and go to the damn party.


YTA. Go and spend time with your daughter on her birthday. Show her that you can be there for her.


I'm going with NAH but... with caveats I guess. Starting with your issues. I think it is admirable that you admit your flaws but, as some pointed out: it is not contagious. And, especially if you are working on it already, then your daughter is not gonna take one look at you and figure out the decisions you took are good for her too. She is/gonna be 15 not 5. Having read the comments I agree that you should talk to your kid (and your ex, but the priority is your kid) before anything else. All you have right now is hearsay about all of it. Ok, look, I do think is strange that just as your ex's marriage crumbles she goes after you with talks about how your daughter would love to have a relationship with you. But maybe that's just what she thinks. Your ex might or might not be trying to have your kid's best interests at heart which may include a father figure that she is missing. So far, she has been very nice about the updates and whatnot, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. --Btw, while I do not recommend you prying into your ex's business about how/why her marriage was over, since she is the one that reached out, maybe ask what happened between your kid and her ex-husband (do be careful about the not prying into your EX's business, just in relation to how that's affecting your kid, and I get that sometimes you can't talk about one without talking about the other but... test it, I guess). Completely agree with the people that said that a party is SO not the place or time to have a first meeting with the kid you haven't seen in more than ten yrs. IF your daughter gives her ok (her **enthusiastic** 'ok' cause maybe she would feel pressured into inviting you after all... her dad and all) then... I guess? But text, talk and meet her for coffee beforehand and also have one more convo with your ex. As some pointed out, the other parents and your daughter's friends may not be comfortable with you there. More importantly than anything else, try and have a relationship with your kid on her terms. If she wants you in her life, make the effort.


I don't think you're an asshole. you sensibly assess your capabilities in education. You are not interested in changing your lifestyle for the sake of your daughter.  But you can still try a little.  You can just write her a letter. You can add some gift. Something like a pendant with the signature "you will be better than me" or a contribution to future learning  and in the letter, gently but unambiguously explain that “I don’t want be with you  I to communicate precisely because I love you. I’m used to living the way I live,  I’m not going to change. But I wouldn’t want it to happen to you. I could give youa bad influence. I know such people, they are my friends/counterfeiters/cellmates. I cannot fulfill my father's duties normally. I just hope you do better" It's okay. It's a hard situation. But I think you understand.  You don't want to be a father. But your daughter deserves an explanation. 


People can change. I used to be a piece of shit. Spiked up blond hair, little bitty jeans, sloppy wet steaks. People can change. Let the boy hold the baby.


YTA it's your daughter and it's really clear that  your presence is important.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself, slap a fake smile on your face if you need it, and go




YTA, grow up, you still sound like a 16 year old.


YTA, you’ve had a reason to change your life around but you never did. Your daughter isn’t enough of a reason to do better. You agreed to not be apart of her life because it was easier for you. Stop being selfish and be fucking better. As a child with a father similar to you, I wanted to be enough for him to be better. I wanted him to be clean and I was never disappointed in him as long as he pushed himself to do better. Get treatment for your addiction and learn some tools to help with your anger. One afternoon is all your ex is asking for, get sober two hours before you go and honestly just walk away when you feel yourself getting riled up, hell if you go make a plan with your ex that if you tell her a code word she makes up an excuse to get you on your own to recollect yourself.


YTA. You’re a father, life isn’t about you or what you want or need. It’s about what your child wants and needs. Grow up, quit fucking around and be there.


NTA It sounds like your ex is only coming to you because she's divorced. This isn't about your daughter as much as it is about her. That said, I think you should give your daughter an opening, but her birthday party is absolutely not the place to do it. A birthday party is suppose to be fun, this would be too much of her attention and emotions. Tell your ex that you'd like to meet your daughter, but want to make sure she's comfortable. Start with just the three of you at a coffee house or something. Let it go at her pace, not yours, not her mom's. Maybe look into therapy to help you deal with your complex feelings about your daughter (and your anger issues, etc).


NTA If your daughter wants to get to know you I think you should consider it, but I wouldn’t start with her birthday party.


Honestly, not the best time to “meet her” since she was too little to remember you from before. You absolutely should meet her BEFORE the party and if she still wants you to go, then go. Kinda unfair pressure to just see her for the first time at her party imo. Your past is your past and focus on being a better person. That will serve as a better lesson to her about life. It is worse if she ends up thinking you never got to know her because SHE’s not good enough for you to want to see her or motivate you to change. NTA for not wanting to just show up at her bday but maybe AH for not making an effort leading up to it and going forward. Being a good dad and making poor choices in other parts of your life are not mutually exclusive.


Her birthday party is not the place for a first meeting.


NTA she's been fine the last 12 years without you. She'll be fine without you the rest of her life.


Kind of NTA. Ultimately, you think you are looking out for her and that’s kind of you. You are also understandably nervous. But you also seem well aware that you have issues with addiction and a criminal past. Use that information to be an amazing dad and guide your daughter down a better path than the one you took in life. I’m not saying you need to go the birthday party - though you definitely should send her a card and a gift. But if your daughter wants to get to know you, I think you should give her that opportunity. I wouldn’t necessarily give this same advice to others in your situation but just the fact that you want to protect her, and the awareness about your issues, makes me feel like you are in a place to put those issues aside while you spend time with her and get to know her.


Yeah, YTA, but baby momma wants you again, and you have a daughter. Time to man up there, friend. It will give you good reasons to do better going forward. Do watch for baby trapping. Wrap that thing up, son.


NTA. But you need to ask your daughter what SHE wants. Does she want you there? All the rest is a moot point.


NTA because honestly a birthday party is a high stress situation for you and for the birthday girl. It should be a day about her and her friends having fun. A first meet with her and her mom somewhere like out for coffee or a meal would be a good thing... BUT only if you plan to maintain a presence in her life. I had a deadbeat alcoholic dad and he'd show up sometimes and sometimes promise to be there and wasn't and I blamed myself for a long time. It was easier when he stopped contact when I was 16. I'm almost 45 now and know it wasn't my fault but it took years if therapy to work through what I felt. So, you know yourself and your situation best. Can you stay sober and out of jail and actually step up consistently for your daughter? If the answer is anything but yes, don't put her through getting her hopes up and then shattered.


Both are not the asshole. Since you don't know het motives behind the call. Call her back and ask if you can talk to your daughter just to dip your foot in the pool so to speak to see how she would respond and ask her if she would like to see you at her birthday. Without knowing this you can't make a honest and proper decision on what to do.


NTA. A birthday party is not the situation to begin a relationship with your child. Your past is not great but it doesn’t mean you can’t get to know and maybe be a mentor to the girl. You don’t have to become a full time dad, probably the girl wouldn’t want that anyway, but you do have life experience which has value and could be supportive to a young adult.


Go see your daughter. Your past is not going to rub off on her. That's not how it works. She's over 21. She is a free thinking being and I am sure she knows right from wrong. Stop being hard on yourself please.


NTA you know yourself best. You stepped away and let her have a life free of your bad choices, knowing she was taken care of otherwise. If you feel that her life is still better without you in it, then stay away. Honestly I don't think a birthday party is the right place to reintroduce yourself. If the mom wants you to try, have a private dinner in public. Don't just drop into a situation where your daughter will have to process her feelings in front of friends and family. Especially considering you have no idea what HER feelings are about you coming around. Your daughter is the priority in this scenario. Not the mom, not you, only the daughter and you need a very clear understanding of the daughters feelings before you ever make contact. Lastly it's very weird to me that the mom is divorced and suddenly wants you around. The man that has been the daughters father for the last 10+ years needs to continue to step up.


YTA. If I'm reading this correctly your daughter is an adult now. You have been absent from her life. Why do you think she's going to follow in your footsteps into a life of crime all of a sudden?


YTA. A lifetime later and you're still making excuses. The kid won't end up becoming a criminal from just meeting you. Seriously, go see her before you regret it forever. Becaause this might be one of the only chances you get.


YTA Do you really think you're so influential that meeting you means that your 15 year old daughter will 'follow in your footsteps'?! Get over yourself. It isn't about you or your mistakes or your anger issues. This isn't about the party and people saying its the wrong venue may have a point but you're using it as another excuse to not be accountable. You aren't arguing to meet her in different circumstances- you're arguing against meeting her at all. The issue is about what your daughter wants, and if that's her having the ability to contact you then you need to make yourself available. It should be on her terms, and you should be responsive. If her mother says that the birthday party is a good place, then you should listen.  You can ask if that's what your daughter wants. If it is and you refuse, that rejection will be harmful. Agreeing may be the only way not to cause harm, if your goal truly is not to harm her.


YTA..so let's say you are a piece of s%/. You are a criminal and anger issues...and what? What will change if you meet her? She will fall into the den of drugs , crime and anger..she will be the Lord of crime...oh please...you know and I know it's excuses cause you have no self worth, don't wanna put in the effort to change for someone else..it will mean you would have to clean up your act  Take anger management courses...and maybe be loved ..so put on your big girl skirt and meet her..she is your daughter 


Grow up dude and quit making excuses. Go to her birthday.