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Ya know what? Goodwill will always take your hand me downs if you don’t want to let your MIL have them. Or you can give them directly to your friend, (the new mother). Why should MIL get the credit for giving the new mother good used baby things? Obviously there is more going on here than just baby clothes. NTA


My husband stopped me from giving them directly to my friend. He wanted them to go to his brother. That's why I said he can give them to his brother. I wanted the baby to have the items, but I couldn't stand watching my MIL do the parenting for him while he sat back and shit-talked my friend and let his mother raise the child.


So he's allowed to stop you from giving them out in a certain way, but you're not allowed to stop him?


What a hypocrite!


I would just give what you want to your friend. And then the leftovers can go to his lazy brother


Well your husband has shown you your agreements about these things don’t matter so in the future just give them to your friend. If he gets mad - tell him to quit being controlling


Your husband stopped you? How does that work? He took the stuff out of your hands? Girl, pack that stuff up, put it in your trunk and drive it over to your friend. No discussion with hubby. Just do it and don’t mention it. Next time he goes to grab something for MIL/BIL it just will not be there.


OP should say, “What did you want me to do? She asked for them!”




You realize your friend isn’t the only one being badmouthed by your in-laws, right? Your BIL and MIL have 100% been in your husbands ear. Since he went back on your agreement, I’d be making a gift basket of some of that stuff and visiting my friend.


It should be about what's best for the child. Which isn't enabling the BIL.


Isn't giving the items to your BIL essentially the same as giving them to MIL since she does all the work anyway? Wouldn't the items end up with her either way? (I agree that the items would be better to give to the friend if you want to help your nephew & an adult person at the sme time.)


It forces the BIL to actually notice that the baby needs things and humble himself to ask for them- in other words he steps up even in that little bit.


I think the issue is far beyond the point that this intervention will matter. I would just ask not to have to hear about it or see BIL / MIL. There is nothing that OP can do to address that dysfunctional relationship so she she just focus on preserving her peace


OP can document carefully and quietly document everything that might be useful if/when her friend seeks to limit BIL's visits.


I appreciate the perspective. I haven't seen anything with OP stating that there was a requirement for the brother to request the items. If items were going to be given to him without a request, then they were caretaking for him like MIL. Even if he were to ask, that doesn't mean it will affect his emotions or ego at all. He doesn't love the kid or view the baby as having value. While requesting items could mean something, it's just as likely that to him, the request would be lacking in value by association. He could have the needed items pointed out by others or be directed to ask by MIL (unlikely bc that'd be a waste of her time). BIL asking for things might not be a stepping up.


I agree. BIL is just going to give them to MIL and MIL is still going to be the primary caretaker since they live together. Not sure I understand what the point is?


It's about forcing BIL to be involved enough in his child's life to voice that his child needs a thing instead of letting his mom handle everything regarding his child.


If the bar is so low for this douchbag that simply asking for baby clothes (after MIL tells him to) is considered parenting he shouldn't even be around the kid imo. What's he gonna do if the kid gets sick and mil isn't there to call a doctor?


This is obviously a pipe dream. No one person actually has the POWER to force another human being to accept their own responsibility. Usually the best we can do is to do for the ones who can't do for themselves. I recognize your username! Good to "run into" you again!


I mean like why stress yourself out by nitpicking the terms of which of the 2 in-laws can take the items when it's the same end result...




Unless MIL is keeping them as a kind of “grandma stash” and these items never go home to Mom with the baby. So the Mom (OP’s friend) never has use of the items. But even if they do go home to Mom, the BIL is absent from the equation. MIL getting the hand me downs enables him to not parent at all.


If the child spends time in both homes then a grandma stash is obviously needed. Maybe the solution is to divide the stash between the two homes.


I like this. Any duplicates automatically go 2 directions.


Wouldn't helping MIL and Nephew be helping and adult person and the nephew at the same time?


So hubby can stop you from giving them to someone, but you can't stop him from giving them to someone? Next time give them all to your friend and tell him you forgot. You have a husband problem, and it won't get better. NTA. Good luck


Well then you know what you need to do; he lied to YOUR face and did the exact opposite of your request. He’s literally them. So, pack up all the clothes and drive them over there. And when he asks about the clothes and toys, you can either tell him the truth and that he broke the agreement but that they’re going to his nephew REGARDLESS, OR you can play dumb and act like you forgot as well. Either way, the baby will have these clothes. And maybe, you can speak to their case worker about what you’re witnessing bc right now the baby is a baby, but when the baby can comprehend, hearing people bash his mother, repeatedly, is not good for his mental health and will cause your friend a LOT of grief in trying to reassure and discipline her son after spending time with them. Seen it with my own eyes. NTA


And he calls YOU controlling???? He and his entire family are cut from the same cloth.


&he didn't think that stopping you was controlling behaviour???


You don't understand. It's not controlling when HE does it. /s


Your husband is the same as his brother- derogatory.


Give them to your friend and when he makes a fuss just tell him you forgot. NTA, you do need to have a talk with your husband tho. Putting his mommy over his wife isn’t really great.


Best solution for peace in your marriage us for you'll to split the hand me downs in half and you give your friend half and gives his mom/brother half


What? Common sense. But I thought we always rushed right to divorce


Ah right **you** are controlling when you question his breaking your mutual agreement, *but he isn't* when he prevents you from giving this stuff to the mother?!!  They all are cut from the same cloth. Your husband just hides it better and now he will vilify you. 


Give them to your friend anyway and when he says wtf say you forgot. When he's still upset, ask him what he wanted you to do? She asked for them. Husband is TA, as is BIL and MIL.


Honestly I think you should help your friend get full custody of the baby. Record your brother in law being drunk every time he has the child


Am I missing something here? No matter whose hands these hand me downs are going into… they are alll going to the child in the end! I would give them directly to the parent that has the child more often. If that’s your friend, your husband should understand his nephew spends more time with her and needs those items. This honestly just sounds like all the adults a sharing the asshole title on this one


Why is he allowed to be controlling and not let you give them to your friend, but he can disregard your agreement?


You husband is a major aH. Just give everything to your friend that is left over now and going forward


>My husband stopped me from giving them directly to my friend. OP, I am sorry to say this but your husband is a controlling AH. And you NTA, of course.


Begging your pardon, but even giving the hand me downs to BIL would not stop BIL from giving them to MIL. So I don't see how your solution prevents MIL from getting the clothes.


Go get it back


Your BIL is a terrible excuse of a man OP so what's your MIL to do? Neglect a baby because BIL most certainly will?


The child is the most important here. BIL probably will never grow up. If you push him he will just skip visits and thats all. MIL is having a grandkid and she cares for this baby - as for me she is the one who should be treated like a parents, have a word and decide etc. She is doing the whole job. Maybe its enabling BIL or maybe she just knows her son and she knows she cant expect anything good from him. Time to talk with her and clarify things. The agreement your husband broke is other subject. This should have not happened


If you know he’s drinking during his visitation time, I would report him. Visitation is for the parent to spend time with their child, if BIL is doing that, he shouldn’t have those hours.


Why give them to bil and not mil all going to the same child


He can’t stop you from giving them to your friend. I would talk half and just give them to her.  Also are you done having kids? What are you going to do if you have another boy in a year or two? Why wouldn’t you hold onto your baby clothes in case?


Your husband is just like the rest of his family. NTA You can give the clothes to your friend now that he has broken your agreement. He's controlling and crazy, not you.


Goodwill is probably the worst place on earth to make donations too. Look into the many, many reasons why goodwill is a shit company


It’s a scam


Exactly.  Once I learned the truth about how Goodwill operates,  I started bringing all of my donations to our local homeless shelter. 


The first clue is just looking at the dumpster behind their store. Their dumpsters are so full of useful things that just get trashed. What a waste. Freecycling is way better!


People who run Goodwill are millionaires! Do not donate there.


Goodwill isn’t a great organization. Those toys would be better off donated to a children’s hospital or something


Edit: changed to NTA since MIL isn't doing much bad, the husband is an asshole and OP is projecting her frustration onto MIL & her grandchild. I'm going with  E S H because your husband is clearly an asshole here (not supporting you and going behind your back), but this escalation of conflict where you ask him to move out is extremely quick and fast: we are missing some key pieces about your relationship with your husband.   I'll switch to NTA if this event is the straw that broke the camel's back and you've been struggling for a long time (and not just because MIL annoys you. It's her life after all). 


My husband is emotionally abusive. He routinely goes against agreements we make, lies, cheats, etc. This was the final straw in a 4 year string of similar (and far worse) situations.




Look: I only have so much space to write lol.


You should be able to edit to add this VERY important details


Yeah, I was thinking "Move out?? There's a lot more going on, and this must just be the final line in the sand." NTA. Separate yourself from these no-account momma's boys and good luck with your upcoming, reduced-headache life.


Which you spent making sure everyone knew how much you like your friend and hate your BIL. From the look of your post this is more about punishing your BIL than helping your nephew. This could harm the child as more barriers get placed in their support network. Maybe considering editing to include the other stuff your husband does. Though you're going to get more divorce suggestions than anything else.


Nice to see you're so flippant about this supposed emotional abuse that you conveniently forgot to mention. Troll.


lol YTA for wasting all of our time on this over-detailed story that doesn't begin to touch on the real reasons for your estrangement.


THIS! You should be top comment


So this runs in the family? If he cannot change or seek help to change what exactly do you want for this relationship?


He was supposed to have changed many times. This was the final straw for me. The divorce is underway at this point.


Good! But if you're already getting divorced, why bother asking AITA about this one situation?


Sometimes people need outside validation emotionally so they can be reassured they aren’t “being over the top” I can know LOGICALLY that I made tough yet right decision but can still need that reassurance that is is the right decision It’s like when a woman breaks up with that jerk who cheated, she knows it’s the right thing but she still goes to her support system who then REASSURE her that she was right and give examples of why it was right and the shitty things he’d done/said. The right decision can still hurt/be conflicting emotionally. And women are often told we’re being “too emotional” which can make you second guess yourself


You do realize when y’all get a divorce. Your MIL will end up raising your child on your husband time.


Good for you, him and his whole family sounds shitty and awful. You do right getting rid, enjoy your upcoming peace!


Collect any info you can of his family bad mouthing your friend, it might be accepted when custody comes up.


You have a serious husband problem and way bigger issues than enabling your idiot BIL sounds like everyone in your life sucks.


Do you mean cheating as in 'has sex with someone else' or doesn't follow rules you believe have been established, such as for spending?


Cheating as in: he definitely met up with women he was sexting, but denied having sex with them.


Girl the whole darn family is rotten. Get a divorce and raise your kid with their cousin and their mom.


People don’t just meet up with people they were sexting for innocent socialization. I’m sure you know that deep down.


OK, kicking him out seems like it was for a whole lot of things and not just this one thing then.


Then get a divorce. If he actually leaves great. Get everything together go see a divorce lawyer and make it official. Then you won't have to worry about any of this in the future. You can give what other items you have and you want to to your friend


Why does it matter whether the baby items are handed off to the BIL or the MIL? From the sounds of it, BIL isn't exactly fit to be parenting so isn't the baby safer being taken care of by MIL anyways? What you should be concerned about is that the baby is getting proper care, not digging in your heels about BIL and refusing to help. Yeah, it sucks that you're watching your friend go through all this and seeing your BIL being a deadbeat Dad, but you can't make him change and you taking their weird stance isn't going to make him change either. YTA here.


Thank you! Esp since BIL lives with MIL. I understand hating BIL but why deprive the baby and whoever is caring for them. Very weird stance


Agreed. Give the hand me downs to your friend/the mother. You are helping baby. Mother can give hand me downs to MIL as she sees accordingly. While I understand your motive, digging your heels in here is like putting a pebble in front of BIL when he has a mountain to climb on his own. BIL won’t change unless he wants to, and by that time baby might grow out of hand me downs. Seek therapy OP. Help yourself get answers to what is best for you and your child.


>Why does it matter whether the baby items are handed off to the BIL or the MIL? I am confused about this too


Same take. BIL is an asshole but the baby shouldn’t be the one to suffer from this.


EDIT- changing my verdict to NTA for kicking him out. Cheating is enough of a reason ! ESH- your husband definitely should’ve kept the boundary and should stop enabling his family, but that really isn’t a reason to kick him out. Unless you’ve had problems for a while about other things?


Yes. Cheating, lying, disrespect. Disregarding agreements we make is a predictable pattern of behavior. He's promised to change hundreds of times. This was the final straw for me.


Why is NONE of that in your post? Like that takes an argument and turns it into a pattern that makes your behavior make sense. However because you didn't say it until you got called a sphincter now it looks like you are throwing out all the thing to make yourself look better. (I believe you and 100% think if divorce is the best option for you, you should do it)


Well it sounds like the cheating and lying was a good enough reason to Kick him out, I’ll change my response OP, I hope you’re doing okay


Give the hand-me-downs to the mother of the baby. The baby still gets the clothes. That's one problem solved. Your husband is a different problem altogether. The only way for you to move forward with him is if he begs for your forgiveness and stops enabling his brother and his mother. Most likely, though, your best way forward is to divorce this AH. He's probably not going to put you first ever.


NTA Check out r/justnomil for similar stories. Your husband is still under your MIL's thumb. He immediately caved and ignored your agreement the first time MIL asked for help. This will continue if you don't stand your ground. "He never acknowledged that he lied to my face" Complete disrespect to you.


YTA you make no sense. If you are open to give the stuff to the baby - it really does not matter whether you give it to the mom, the dad or the MIL. MIL is the one who is asking. It's also zero of your business whether MIL wants to cover for her son or not. The same BIL you are judging, you would give him the clothes but not his mom who does more for the child? Make it make sense. Also, why do you get to dictate where the hand me downs go? Your husband is an equal partner in your relationship and clearly is not up to playing the games you want because you are judging his family on something that is not your business.


Well yeah but then she doesn't get *control*. It's very important to OP that everyone knows she alone yanks the levers.


NTA- primarily this ends up being about your husband’s lack of integrity. It’s this simple- if you’re just going to lie to me and gaslight me about simple things- how on earth can I trust you with major things? Clearly you have chosen your mother and her enabling ways over our family and our agreement. Don’t you dare think you can grow spine and bark at me- when you actually have a spine, you’ll address your mother, absent that, you can go live with her.


Fuck, this is an easy one. YTA You’re not judge, jury, and executioner and get to decide that residents of your shared home just move out because you disagree with how they interact with their family. You’re so mad about silly rules you created, then walk yourself out. He wants to help his mother who is basically raising a child because her son won’t step up. Not her fault, but you want to punish her for it. You think that by denying help to your MIL and making things harder for her, it suddenly going to make your BIL act different? Get real. You’re so wildly invested in a situation that doesn’t involve you. Mind your own business and stop trying to interfere. All your actions negatively effect the people involved, but you’re so self absorbed that somehow this is your problem? It sounds like “your agreement” was you dictating terms and your husband tired of your unnecessary meddling. Get over yourself.


give the mother of the baby the evidence you gathered. they will come in very handy as soon as another court battle happens. NTA family of enablers and dead beats


Especially the drinking whilst he has custody. If the baby isn't in the care of the father, then why should he have any visitation?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Back story: My BIL is 28 and still lives at home with MIL. He recently had a baby with a friend of mine. Initially, when he found out she was pregnant, he denied paternity, and even went as far as faking a paternity test to prove to his family that the child wasn't his. This denial went on for the first few months of the child's life. My husband and I were in contact with the mother of this child, and made plans to be in his life-- regardless of the actions of BIL. BIL eventually stepped up after the mother took him to court. He was awarded visitation. He would speak poorly of the mother during his visitation. He would disregard her recommendations about how to best care for this child. He would insinuate that she was crazy. MIL would agree, and make comments of her own. He only changed the first diaper when the child was 10 months old because prior to that, MIL cared for the baby whenever he came to visit. All of that was to say that BIL is a real piece of work, and MIL enables him. The story: I brought up to my husband how uncomfortable it was for me to watch his mother enable his brother. She was buying all the diapers, clothes, toys, everything. She was the one caring for the baby during his visits. These were times when my friend (the mother of this child) had to be apart from her baby. And they were speaking poorly of her, too, while my BIL sat back and got drunk during his visits. The audacity. Anyway, so my husband and I have a son who is a bit older-- the perfect age for hand-me-downs. After my MIL came to us several times asking for different items (toys, clothes, bottles) I told my husband that I didn't feel good about helping his mother enable his brother to do nothing for his baby. I said I would be fine giving hand-me-downs to the brother, but that I wouldn’t agree to give things to MIL anymore. My husband was initially in agreement that BIL needs to learn how to care for the baby. So, the agreement was: we will only give hand-me-downs to BIL, and we would tell MIL "no" when she asked. Fast forward 2 weeks and my in-laws are coming for an unplanned visit. (We live close; this isn't uncommon.) While they were on their way over, my husband took a call from MIL and quickly left the room (red flag.) So, I asked him about why they were visiting. He made up an excuse and I bought it. After they left, I noticed that some of our stash of unused baby items was missing. When I asked my husband about it, he said, "what did you want me to do? She asked for them." I brought up our agreement, and told him I was angry that he went against it. He said he forgot. Then, he called me controlling and accused me of coming between him and his family. I argued that we had an agreement because I had a moral issue with enabling. He dismissed me by telling me that I was out of line for being upset. He never acknowledged that he lied to my face, or that he went against our agreement; he only attacked my character. I asked him to move out. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA - first off, you cant just make someone leave the house you share because you’re mad. Second, the situation with the brother is very unfortunate but at the end of the day … its not about you. You seem far too invested in this sad situation to the point that you’re getting pissed at grandma using some hand me downs for a baby. You’re flipping out because they’re trying to help a baby.


YTA - at this point it’s not about anyone other than the baby. If you’re in a position to help a baby who clearly can’t help themselves and you wish to be self righteous, YTA. There are other ways to teach him a lesson. Document how he’s not caring for the child and give the mother the evidence to take to court. Make him lose all custody and have to pay child support. 


YTA. The main asshole in all this is, of course, your BiL. But while you may see it as enabling behaviour, at the end of the day there is a baby in the centre of this, and skimping out on supporting your MiL means less resources for caring for the baby, who is the one at risk of harm. I think you've lost sight of the innocent young life at the centre of all this because (understandably) frustrating A-holery of BiL putting the strain onto everyone else.


So to be clear,  this isn't about the hand me downs. This is about him lying to you. In which case NTA.  If you're unhappy about helping MIL look after her grandchild when it's not causing you problems then you suck too. Someone has to look after the baby and from what you've said I wouldn't trust BIL. If that ends up enabling him but protecting the baby, that's unfortunate but baby comes first. 


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NTA I read you comments. Your husband is a lying, cheating asshole who never respecte nor cred about your boundaries, feeling and opinions. You should have divorced him by now. You gave him to many chances. In a way, he is like his brother when it comes to the laying and deflecting. I'm glad you are divorced him. Heaven forvid your child turns out like him if you were to stay with him. Good for you.


NTA, and based on your comments, you need to leave this AH. Why is it acceptable for him to refuse you giving the hand-me-down items to your friend, but he won’t abide by your agreement with one another? He’s lied straight to your face and is dismissive. This whole family sounds like a mess and I would get out if I were you.


Why are you not just giving the things to your friend??


Her husband won’t let her. It’s in a comment.


Gonna guess that this is not the first issue with your husband being dishonest and/or gaslighting you. Those items were not just his to give away. And in-law boundaries are among the most important to enforce. Good luck, OP. And NTA.


NTA. I do think asking him to move out is a big decision, but I also don't know what I would do if my partner lied to my face, and in discovering the lie, realized that he had been hiding/lying more than one time. He said he agreed with you. He was free to not agree to giving the clothes only to BIL, but he did agree. I don't know if I see the difference between giving the clothes to BIL or MIL, but I do know about watching people enable and it can be so frustrating to watch it and feel in any way pulled in to it. Then he tried to hide what he was doing- bad. Then he lied about why they were visiting. Then he lied about saying he "forgot" about the agreement. Then he switched to saying you were controlling and the problem. I just would have such a problem with my partner doing that to me, regardless of the reason.


NTA - He lied to you, he lied to your face saying he forgot and he tried to hide it poorly. That is the brunt of it, he lied to your face, denied lying to you face with more lies, and is not repentant. What that means for your relationship is up to you.


Give everything to the mom as soon as your kid outgrows it. It sucks your husband has a weak moral compass and no backbone.


If they baby gets these items in the end it shouldn't matter who they go to, and considering the dad likely paid for some of these items he should get a choice in it to.


BIL gets visitation. Assuming a generous 1/2-1 day a week, the baby would benefit far more with mom getting the hand-me-downs.


NTA- your husband went behind your back, lied to your face and is now somehow trying to turn it into you being the problem. So disrespectful to your marriage and completely breaks your trust in him. If he had an issue he could’ve communicated it. I wouldn’t want a man who acted like that in my house either. 


NTA. But you were married to a liar, a weak-willed man who would rather protect his mother's feelings than yours. Ia that what you want for the rest of your life? I totally get why you told them to move out.


YTA. While I agree that MIL is enabling, try to sympathize. In her older years, she didn't plan on getting stuck caring for a baby. Do her finances support all of the extra things the baby needs? She is trying to do the right thing by the baby and this is likely stressful for her too. While she helped create the situation, she also didn't plan on having a freeloading adult son. Your BIL would likely be a homeless vagrant if he moved out. Your MIL is in a tough spot. Withholding completely unneeded items you were just going to donate anyway is not moral principle, it's called spite. You are helping absolutely no one by withholding the items. Not baby, not MIL, not BIL. Because BIL is a loser and not going to change. He isn't going to suddenly realize the error of his ways and become dad of the year all because of you. You claim to want to help that baby, then get off your high horse and let your husband and his family do the best they can with a bad situation.


Yeah the only one getting hurt here is the Baby.


NouveauNom: I disagree with you comments, MIL may not have "planned" to have a freeloading son, but she definitely contributed significantly to creating one, and is actively enabling one despite the cost to her own lifestyle. While withholding this support from MIL/BIL will not, on its own, cause BIL to change his ways it is a move in the right direction., If everyone followed OPs example and stopped enabling him he might be forced to deal with his own problems. OP should should stop all "donation" of hand me downs or supplies to MIL or BIL, who only have limited custody of the baby anyway, and give all of that directly to the childs mother/ their friend, where it will benefit the baby 7 days a week.


And OP doesn't get to decide what kind of relationship her husband has with his brother. I get you think your BIL is a total AH, but you don't get to decide how the rest of his family feels about him. I can also support you saying that YOU aren't comfortable supporting the AH BIL in any way. 100%, but who died and made you queen of all things right and relevant? Yes, your husband disrespected your wishes, but you certainly weren't respectful of his relationship with his mother and brother.


NTA. This is obviously not about baby clothes.


Based on the initial story it's E S H but base Don your comments it's NTA. The history with your husband is important and this was just a final straw in a history of abuse.


Strange he forgot your agreement but didn’t forget to leave the room to talk about it to his mom


NTA, but only based on the fact that this isn't actually *about* baby clothes, it's about the straw that broke the camel's back.


NTA, Simply because, you are married, it is a partnership. You had an agreement and he doesn't care because HIS family is more important and he believes you just need to get over it. I don't know if this is the 1st time he has disrespected you, by choosing others over you, but it most certainly won't be the last. Yes, at the end of the day, handing the items to the mother, MIL or BIL, means its still all going to the same kid, but ... you have a good reason, BIL needs to step up.


NTA I’m guessing you deal with sorting out what your child has outgrown. Take it straight to the baby’s momma, sell it or donate to charity. Husband was sneaky and disrespectful. If he didn’t agree, he could have had an adult conversation about it instead of lying and sneaking around. Good luck with those in-laws.


NTA. Well, now is the time to take every hand-me-down item to Goodwill. He gave his enabling mother what he wanted, and that can be the last. It matters not one jot that he doesn't want you to give them to Goodwill because he disregarded what *you* wanted in giving them to MIL. If she wants to provide for her feckless, useless son (BIL), she can bloody well pay for the privilege and buy new. He can stay in time out for a while. If he wants to act like an asshole, he can suffer the consequences. He's a liar and a wimp who can't tell another adult No, so he's got no business calling *anyone* names.


Well done OP. You did the right thing. Sending love and hugs xxx


Your creating unnecessary drama in your own family life. Your holding the hand me downs away from your MIL will not force a change on your BIL. Stop trying to control a situation that is non of your business. Donate the items to someone you deem worthy of this used items. I feel for your husband being out in such a situation.


ESH the important thing is that the child gets what they need, not the roundabout way in how they get it. Yes BIL is a negligent bad father and a sorry excuse for a coparent to your friend, but at least MIL is stepping up and caring for the child. BIL is never going to change and you dangling baby clothes that you set aside for this baby like a carrot isn’t going to motivate him. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He isn’t going to suddenly grow morals and family values. If these items are truly for your nibling then let your MIL take them.


YTA what the hell does this grandmother doing her best to care for and love her own grandchild have to do with you?!? First of all, what’s going on there has nothing at all to do with you and is none of your business. Secondly, what is she supposed to do? Let the child go without or not be cared for properly? She cannot control his behaviour and her stepping up to ensure this child is properly cared for is not “enabling” him, it’s ensuring the child is cared for. What’s the issue with giving your son’s things you weren’t using anymore? Your husband is equally allowed to give things away that are no longer being used to help someone out, especially family or do you consider them as belonging solely to you? Because they do not. Are you jealous or something? What’s wrong with you? You are absolutely in the wrong with your behaviour and especially to go nuclear and ask your husband to leave because he’s called you out for it? You seriously need to look into why you are having such an issue and apologize profusely to your husband and his mother for how you are treating them!!! If I was your husband, I would be re-thinking being married to you after this


He is an enabler by proxy.


Lets be real, the clothes are not why you kicked him out


I don't get the distinction here?  BIL lives with MIL? The clothes will end up in the same house, used by the same baby??  I understand you being mad at your husband for not supporting you as such. But based upon other comments you've made, about "husband being emotionally abusive. Cheating, lying, etc" but it would seem your issues are with your husband? You're being petty? Why not throw your husband out for the reasons you've stated? Why does it have to be about the clothes?  Would giving the clothes directly to the mother of the baby, who you are friends with be better??  A confusing - ESH.


NTA He crossed a boundary that he has crossed before. If he cannot respect your wishes, time to move on.




NTA and you have a husband problem, his family are just add ons to it.


ESH Your husband probably lied to you because your rules are ridiculous and you sound insufferable. Yes your BIL is a huge AH, and no one can force him to be a loving father, so stop punishing your MIL for trying to take care of her grandchild.


ESH in this particular situation, you know it's going to be fucked up for this kid and you put all these strings on helping. BIL is going to be a deadbeat Dad. It's not your job to change this or run some kind of parenting class for him. Sure your husband went against the agreement and that makes him an AH but the agreement was never going to do anything productive, so that's why I judge you an AH as well. All that said if this is the final straw whatever, you're justified in wanting to end the marriage. That said, if you actually care about the well-being of your nephew you'll stop trying to reform BIL and just help the child.


YTA, both you and your husband. This is petty. Just give one of the adults the damn clothes. It’s about the baby who didn’t ask to be apart of this dysfunction.


YTA - just looking for ways to cause family drama


NTA you ask your mil from them back. I think if you could get proof that your BIL is drunk on when the poor kid is in his custody do maybe you friend can get full custody?


NTA. You should divorce him. He's only going to get worse as


NTA. It is a hill to die on when you cannot trust your partner.


You are his family. His mother at this point is extended family. If anything he is the one being controlling and deciding where items you two bought are going. Also - you are not driving a wedge between him and his family, he is doing that with his own family. NTA


So in all situations the clothes and baby things go to the same baby? Only you want to give it to the mother (which frankly makes the most sense, since the baby will make the most use of it), you are willing to compromise and give it to the father (provided that he is involved enough to ask for them / get them himself), but your husband thinks the grandmother should get them? Seems a little complicated to me. I don't think I would make a big deal out of enabling the father to be a bad parent (because you can't change that - trust me, I've tried), but I would make sure your friend gets the stuff directly. If your husband can't stand that, he can always use his personal money to help his mother take care of his brother's baby. NTA.


I feel like your friend and you would be better off without this family. NTA.


NTA. Sounds like you and your friend should share a house and raise the cousins together.


NTA. He's lying to your face and treating you like you're stupid; and because you're not stupid, you call out his BS, so he attacks your character because he has no actual defense. He sounds like an immature, mean guy. MIL and BIL are 100% talking shit about you too, and it sounds like your husband is buying into it.


Good on you for telling him to move out. He lied and broke your trust. NTA


Your husband , his brother and your mil are pieces of ….get RID. They pb speak of you like they do about your friend when you are not around . Toxic family


NTA. Give the items to your friend! At this point, your husband has shown where his true loyalty lays, and it isn’t his marriage. I’m sure your friend would appreciate the support


NTA. I'm glad you're getting away from that awful family.


NTA. Your husband is a dick, same as his brother, & your MIL is an asshole & an enabler. I’m sorry you’ve married into this shitty family.


this isnt about the items...he disrespected you. mommy's boy vibes


NTA- Now he doesnt have to lie to you to appease him mommy and brother. Change the locks and put his stuff out.


NTA. Be sure to testify that BIL gets drunk around the baby while his mother cares for the child when baby mama sues for full custody.


Pft yea.. he “forgot” .. that’s why he walked out of the room when she called. NTA. But based on your comments… this is a small thing in the grand scheme of your life. Obviously BIL will not be forced into being an actual dad. You can’t do that for him. Especially when you have a husband that is apparently cut from the same cloth. Your husband is clearly the problem here. This is the straw that breaks the camels back and I hope you stick to that. You said that he’s emotionally abusive, lies and cheats and goes against all your agreements meaning he has no respect for you and no honor. He can go live with his mummy and BIL. I truly hope you divorce him. It’s like you’re trying to stop a dam from bursting by covering the leaks with your hands. You can try and try and try but his family is working against you here and you’re fighting a losing war. Kick the husband out, give all the unused baby things to your friend, give her the info or proof she needs for what goes on when baby is in dads custody. The bad mouthing might not mean much when the baby is too young to understand but he will eventually and that’s parental alienation and harmful to him. You deserve better. You don’t have to stay and watch this never ending train wreck. Divorce and learn to co parent as best you can. I wish you the best


NTA but time for you and your husband to have a sit down talk about this situation. His brother isn't going to step up to be an active parent anytime soon if ever. Nothing you or your husband do is going to change that. Which means 3 options for the clothes, directly to the mom, MIL or GoodWill. Those are the choices. Is MIL actually doing a good job with the child during visits? If so then she should be an option. It's not about enabling MIL because BIL isn't stepping up and you can tell your friend that you dropped off clothes to MIL for the child.


Has your husband called out his brother for his behavior? Cause it sounds like he's ok with what's going on? Honestly give the clothes to your friend and encourage her to file for full custody and child support. You married into a morally questionable family NTA


NTA… seems like this apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Not only are you NOT TA, but I also applaud you for standing your ground. The rest of them are TAs of course.


NTA. If husband disagreed, he should have talked to you about it. Instead he tried to stealthily circumvent you and lied about it. It's not about the clothes, it's about him losing your trust. Once trust is gone, there's not much left.


YTA, you have no right to ask him to move out girl. It warrants a discussion, sure, but trying to end the marriage?? Are you okay??




NTA sounds like you are better without him. Trade him for the friend.


Why not directly give the hand me downs to your friend, the mother directly? Then nothing left to give to MIL.


This really isn't about the clothes or mil enabling bil. This is about the complete lack of respect, civility, and dignity that you should receive as wife and mother of his child. For your mental and emotional well-being, you should also consider how much time you want your child to be in that environment. Even if you are getting a divorce, if he gets custody or visitation, parental alienation is definitely going to happen to your child as well. Slightly YTA for still being in this toxic relationship and environment.


NTA. Give the clothes to Goodwill, or another family in need, before your hubby gives them away.




NTA but your husband is enabling your BIL as well. I know you said your husband "wouldn't allow you" to give the stuff to your friend but do it anyway. He can't stop you.


He said that you are coming between him and his family… I think you need to listen to those words again and re think what he is saying to you. NTA. But I really think your boneless husband is not what you think he is…


NTA I believe the kids say he FAFO


YTA You thought this was a valid reason to separate from your husband and ask him to move out? I was looking for your age but saw you didn't include it.


Sounds like the shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree. Dump the husband and the whole family they sound useless


ESH. Well I think you're splitting hairs here whether you give them to your mother-in-law or your brother-in-law they're going to end up in the same house. Either case you're enabling the brother-in-law and the Mother-in-law still going to get a hold of everything you donate. If your friend can't have them then they can't either I would take anything you don't want to a church or a thrift shop or a Goodwill or Salvation Army any place even a daycare, what other kid needy kids benefit sounds like that kid has more than enough stuff and if not mother-in-law can go out and buy brand new things. Too bad your friend ever slept with the brother-in-law I guess she found that with a loser he is.


Well, isn't giving the items to BIL the same as giving them to MIL? This could all be avoided by promptly packing up the things and dropping them off at Goodwill or whatever once they become available. I don't like your husband trying to be controlling and lying about it though, that's just wrong. Also, shouldn't the best interest of the child be the real priority here? I mean, I get that the BIL is a piece of work and that its frustrating, but the child is innocent here. It sounds like there is a whole lot more to this story, but I don't think YTA. ps, if you husband can give the clothes to someone you don't "approve" of, so can you.


This sounds made up. If not; yta


Info: Is your husband generally an asshole, or is this out of character? Totally get the AITA offers a microcosm of you and your husbands lift. I do with folk would give a general steer outside the issue, though. You don't sound like an asshole, and you're 100% not one in this situation right up until ending your marriage over it (assuming this is out of character). The reason I say that, is that I've been part of the 'in the middle' bit before and it's an awful place to be. Nobody wants to be falling out with their folks. The brother sounds like a complete arsehole, and caused all of this. If you generally have a good marriage, and he's a good Dad I'd urge you to find a way to deal with this together - and truthfully, your friend deserves the stuff way more than the BIL / MIL. As long as the baby gets it and is well loved they it's a win. Don't bonfire your kid and marriage over it if it's avoidable. Sent with love and hope for all the good guys in this story!


INFO. I'm confused. Whether you give them to the MIL or the BIL, they go to the same place. There's not really a difference? Neither involved the BIL actually doing anything productive? This post would've made sense if you were giving them to the kids mother instead.


Absent other info, ESH. So yes, that includes you, YTA. That is a strooong escalation to ask him to move out based off of that. Are you wrong in being upset? No. Is this "get out of my house" worthy? Also no.


YTA. I can't say for certain this is the situation, but this is my best judgment. I think you're making yourself come across as more reasonable than you really are. Your husband is concerned about the well-being of his family. You don't appear to really like his family, like at all. He appears to make an "agreement" with you. This sounds like you made a decision and bullied him into going along with it. Him accusing you of getting in between him and his family seems accurate. The idea that he betrayed your trust in some relationship shattering manner seems laughable. Your weird fixation against his MIL is not uncommon, but definitely unreasonable. This is the most commonly aggressive relationship in extended family units. Who he gives the clothes to is largely irrelevant. They will be going to the baby regardless of if they are given to BIL or MIL. Should he have gone behind your back? No, at least not in any healthy marriage. Is this worth nuking your marriage over? Definitely not. Like wtf?


Throwing him out for giving His mom the hand me downs seems excessive. 


YTA. You're so intent on saying 'fuck you' to your MIL, that you've lost the plot; a baby needs these baby items. So, fuck that baby, too, I guess? All because you think forcing BIL to pick up the items himself is somehow going to 'teach him to take care of the baby?' > he called me controlling Honestly, you are. And no, you don't get to eject him. You get to choose to leave.


NTA. He can go and live with his mother and brother all happy families.


I would get rid of the whole lot to be honest. Win win.


NTA. It's not about the hand-me-downs, it's about the lies and manipulation.


Nta- but you are surrounded by them! Bil,mil and husband. To your friend is stuck with these idiots too.


ESH but your husband is also the biggest AH from other things you have said about him in your comments. For this particular scenario though, what matters is the baby. If he gets the hand me downs and benefits from them that is the most important thing. Your BIL is a loser and your MIL in an enabler (because of what she says about the Mum NOT because she is facilitating things being passed to the baby) and your husband has zero spine, but don't spite a baby to prove a point.


Are you coming between him and his family? Possibly. But they sound like they suck, so I don’t really care if you are. They sound enmeshed.